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Chapter 13
The Chromosomal
Basis of Inheritance,
and Human Genetics
Thirteenth Edition
Raven, Johnson, Mason, Losos,

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Lecture Outline

13.1 Sex Linkage and the

Chromosomal Theory
of Inheritance
13.2 Exceptions to
Mendelian Inheritance
13.3 Genetic Mapping
13.4 Human Genetics
13.5 Human Genetic
Mapping and
Association Studies

Adrian T Sumner/Science Source

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Chromosomal Theory of Inheritance

Carl Correns – 1900

• First suggests central role for chromosomes
• Authored one of the scientific papers announcing
rediscovery of Mendel’s work
Walter Sutton – 1902
• Chromosomal theory of inheritance
• Based on observations that similar chromosomes paired
with one another during meiosis

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Inheritance of eye color in fruit flies

Photo Researchers/Science Source

T.H. Morgan – 1910

• Working with fruit fly, Drosophila melanogaster
• Discovered a mutant male fly with white eyes instead of red
• Crossed the mutant male to a normal red-eyed female
• All F1 progeny red eyed = dominant trait

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The eye color gene resides on the X chromosome

Morgan crossed F1 females × F1 males

F2 generation contained red and white- eyed flies

• But all white-eyed flies were male

Testcross of a F1 female with a white-eyed male showed the

viability of white-eyed females
Morgan concluded that the eye color gene resides on the
female X chromosome
Traits determined by sex chromosome genes are sex-linked

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Sex chromosomes

Sex chromosomes are a pair of dissimilar chromosomes that

still pair during meiosis and mitosis
Sex determination in Drosophila is based on the number of X
• 2 X chromosomes = female
• 1 X and 1 Y chromosome = male

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Chromosomal basis of X linkage Figure 13.2 (1)

X chromosome
has allele for
white eyes.

Y chromosome
Both X chromosomes is shorter then
have allele for red the X.

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Chromosomal basis of X linkage Figure 13.2 (2)

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Chromosomal basis of X linkage Figure 13.2 (3)

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Sex determination

Sex determination varies across organisms:

Is based on presence of a Y chromosome in humans
• 2 X chromosomes = female
• Having a Y chromosome (XY) = male

In birds, the male has two Z chromosomes and females are

Some insects are either XX (female) or XO (O indicating
absence of a chromosome) in males

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Table 13.1

TABLE 13.1 Sex Determination in Some Organisms

Femal Male
Humans, Drosophila XX XY

Birds ZW ZZ

Grasshoppers XX XO

Honeybees Diploid Haploi

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Sex chromosomes in humans

Biophoto Associates/Science Source

Humans have 46 total chromosomes

• 22 pairs are autosomes, non-sex chromosomes
• 1 pair of sex chromosomes
• Y chromosome highly condensed
• Recessive alleles on male’s X have no active counterpart on Y
• “Default” for humans is female.
• Requires SRY gene on Y for “maleness”
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Sex Linkage

In organisms with XY sex-determination (like humans) few

genes from Y chromosome are expressed
Result is that recessive alleles on X chromosome have no
active partner on Y, therefore, a single recessive sex-linked
gene can produce recessive phenotype
Certain genetic diseases affect males to a greater degree
than females as a result
X-linked recessive alleles:
• Red-green color blindness
• Hemophilia

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Dosage compensation

Ensures equal expression of genes from sex chromosomes

even though number of chromosomes is different between
In mammalian female cells, 1 X chromosome is randomly
inactivated and is highly condensed into a Barr body
Females heterozygous for genes on the X chromosome are
genetic mosaics
• Example: Calico cat

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A calico cat

Kenneth Mason

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Chromosome theory exceptions

• Mitochondria and chloroplasts contain genes

• Traits controlled by these genes do not follow the
chromosomal theory of inheritance
• Genes from mitochondria and chloroplasts are often
passed to the offspring by only one parent, often the
mother, called maternal inheritance
• In plants, chloroplasts are also often inherited from the
mother, although this is species dependent

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Genomic imprinting

In genomic imprinting, the phenotype exhibited by a mutant

allele depends on which parent contributed the allele to the
Specific partial deletion of chromosome 15 in humans results
• Angelman syndrome if from the mother
• Prader-Willi syndrome if the chromosome is from the

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The mouse igf 2 gene

insulin-like growth factor 2

(igf 2)

Encodes a growth factor

critical for prenatal
development and growth

Only paternal allele is

• Phenotypes of
heterozygotes depend on
which parent contributes
the mutant allele

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Imprinting is an example of epigenetics

• Epigenetic inheritance
• A mitotically and/or meiotically stable change in gene function that
does not involve a change in DNA sequence

• Mechanisms:
• DNA methylation and histone modification

• Non-coding RNAs

• Nuclear organization

• Alterations to proteins involved in chromosome structure

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Genetic Mapping

• Early geneticists realized that they could obtain

information about the distance between genes on a
• Distance estimates based on patterns of genetic
recombination (crossing over) between genes
• If crossover occurs, parental alleles are recombined
producing recombinant gametes

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Crossing over exchanges alleles

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The Creighton and McClintock experiment: Hypothesis

• Hypothesis: Crossing
over involves a physical
exchange of genetic
• Prediction:
Recombination of visible
differences in a
chromosome should
correlate with genetic
recombination of alleles

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The Creighton and McClintock experiment: Test

Two visible chromosome

• Yellow extension marker
• Green knob marker
combined with two genetic
• Kernel color
• Kernel texture

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The Creighton and McClintock experiment: Results

• Result:
• Genetically recombinant progeny also have physically
recombinant chromosomes
• Conclusion:
• A physical exchange of genetic material accompanied
genetic recombination

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Recombination is the basis for genetic maps

Alfred Sturtevant
• Undergraduate in T.H. Morgan’s lab
• Put Morgan’s observation that recombinant progeny
reflected relevant location of genes in quantitative terms
• As physical distance on a chromosome increases, so does
the probability of recombination (crossover) occurring
between the gene loci

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Constructing maps

The distance between genes is proportional to the

frequency of recombination events

recombinant progency
recombination frequency 
total progeny

1% recombination = 1 map unit (m.u.)

1 map unit = 1 centimorgan (cM)
Perform testcross with doubly heterozygous individuals;
count progeny

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Two-point cross to map genes

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Multiple crossovers

If homologues undergo two crossovers between loci, then

the parental combination is restored
Leads to an underestimate of the true genetic distance
• Odd numbers of crossover events (1, 3, etc.) produce
recombinant gametes
• No crossover or even numbers of crossovers (0, 2, 4, etc.)
produce parental gametes
Relationship between true distance on a chromosome and
the recombination frequency is not linear

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Relationship between true distance and recombination

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Three-point testcross

• Uses three loci instead of two to construct maps

• Middle gene allows tracking of recombination events on
either side
• In any three-point cross, the class of offspring with two
crossovers is the least frequent class
• In practice, geneticists use three-point crosses to
determine the order of genes, then use data from the
closest two-point crosses to determine distances

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A three-point cross to order genes

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Some human traits exhibit dominant/recessive

Some human traits are controlled by a single gene

• Some of these exhibit dominant and recessive inheritance

Pedigree analysis is used to track inheritance patterns in

Dominant pedigree example – juvenile glaucoma
Recessive pedigree example - albinism

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Dominant pedigree for hereditary juvenile glaucoma

• Disease causes
degeneration of optic
nerve leading to

• Dominant trait appears

in every generation

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Recessive pedigree for albinism

• Condition in which the

pigment melanin is not
• Form of albinism due to
a nonfunctional allele of
the enzyme tyrosinase
• Males and females
affected equally
• Most affected
individuals have
unaffected parents
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Sex-linked human genetic disorders

Some genetic disorders affect males more than females (that

is sex-linked)
Hemophilia is a disease that affects a single protein in a
cascade involved in formation of blood clots
Form of hemophilia is caused by an X-linked recessive allele
• Heterozygous females are asymptomatic carriers

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Human genetic disorder causes

A single amino acid change

in a single protein can result
in clinical syndrome

Example: Sickle cell anemia

• First human disease
shown to be the result of
a mutation in a protein
• Caused by a defect in the
oxygen carrier molecule,
Jackie Lewin, Royal Free Hospital/Science Source

• Leads to impaired oxygen

delivery to tissues

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Sickle cell anemia

Homozygotes for sickle cell allele exhibit intermittent illness

and reduced life span
Heterozygotes appear normal
• Do have hemoglobin with reduced ability

Sickle cell allele is particularly prevalent in people of African

• Proportion of heterozygotes higher than expected
• Confers resistance to blood-borne parasite that causes
malaria, explains higher proportion of allele

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Some important genetic disorders
TABLE 13.2 Some Important Genetic Disorders
Disorder Symptom Defect Dominant/Recessive Frequency Among
Human Births

Cystic fibrosis Mucus clogs lungs, liver, Failure of chloride ion Recessive 1/2500 (Caucasians)
and pancreas. transport mechanism

Sickle cell anemia Blood circulation is poor. Abnormal hemoglobin Recessive 1/600 (African
molecules Americans)

Tay–Sachs disease Central nervous system Defective enzyme Recessive 1/3500 (Ashkenazi
deteriorates in infancy. (hexosaminidase A) Jews)

Phenylketonuria Brain fails to develop in Defective enzyme Recessive 1/12,000

infancy; treatable with (phenylalanine
dietary restriction. hydroxylase)

Hemophilia Blood fails to clot. Defective blood-clotting X-linked recessive 1/10,000 (Caucasian
factor VIII males)

Huntington disease Brain tissue gradually Production of an inhibitor Dominant 1/24,000

deteriorates in middle of brain cell metabolism

Muscular dystrophy Muscles waste away. Degradation of myelin X-linked recessive 1/3700 (males)
(Duchenne) coating of nerves
stimulating muscles

Hypercholesterolemia Excessive cholesterol Abnormal form of Dominant 1/500

levels in blood lead to cholesterol cell surface
heart disease. receptor

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Nondisjunction changes chromosome number

Nondisjunction is the failure of homologues or sister

chromatids to separate properly during meiosis
Aneuploidy – gain or loss of a chromosome, the result of
• Monosomy – loss
• Trisomy – gain
• In all but a few cases, do not survive

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Nondisjunction of autosomes

Human embryos trisomic for five of the smallest autosomes

can survive birth
• Autosomes 13, 15, 18, 21 and 22
• 13, 15, 18 – severe defects, die within a few months
• 21 and 22 – can survive to adulthood
• Down syndrome – trisomy 21
• May be a full, third 21st chromosome

• May be a translocation of a part of chromosome 21

• Mother’s age influences risk

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Trisomy of chromosome 21

L. Willatt, East Anglian Regional Genetics Service/Science Source

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Correlation between maternal age and incidence of
Down syndrome

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Nondisjunction of sex chromosomes

• Do not generally experience severe developmental

• Individuals have somewhat abnormal features, but often
reach maturity and in some cases may be fertile
• XXX – triple-X females
• XXY – males (Klinefelter syndrome)
• XO – females (Turner syndrome)
• OY – nonviable zygotes
• XYY – males (Jacob syndrome)

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Nondisjunction and sex chromosomes

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Some genetic defects can be detected early in

Genetic counseling can help identify parents carrying

disease alleles and asses genetic state of early embryos:
• Pedigree analysis used to determine the probability of
genetic disorders in the offspring
• Amniocentesis collects fetal cells from the amniotic fluid
for examination
• Chorionic villi sampling (CVS) collects cells from the
placenta for examination

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Chorionic villus sampling

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Human genome maps

Cannot use techniques from model systems (for example

inducing and tracking mutations) to create human genome
Can use data derived from historical pedigrees
Difficult analysis
• Number of markers was not dense enough for mapping up
to 1980s
• Disease-causing (that is tracible) alleles are rare
Situation changed with the development of anonymous
• Detected using molecular techniques
• No detectable phenotype
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Molecular markers

Alternative to mutant/disease alleles, some molecular

markers are identifiable via modern genetic techniques and
do not alter phenotype
• Short tandem repeats (STR) are short repeats of 2-4
bases that can differ in repeat number between individuals
• Single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) affect a single
base of a gene locus
• More than 600 million SNPs identified in human genome
• Used in forensic analysis to ID suspects or for paternity testing

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The human X-chromosome gene map

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Genetic maps and genetic disorders

Human genetic maps can be constructed using common

genetic markers
• Data from related individuals is used instead of data from
controlled crosses as in model organisms
• Analysis requires complex statistical analysis and large
amounts of data
Tracking the segregation of possible causal alleles with a
disorder phenotype across multiple families can localize the
disorder alleles on the genome
• Examples: cystic fibrosis (recessive allele), Huntington
disease (dominant allele)

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Phenotype-to-genotype association studies

Many common diseases are quantitative traits, affected by

many genes, that require different techniques to discover
underlying genes
Genome-wide association study (GWAS) looks for SNPs
associated with a disease phenotype as likely regions of
genome where candidate genes are located
• Requires large amounts of population-level data and is
computationally intensive
Thousands of variants have been identified that impact
complex traits (for example height, coronary artery disease)
but association of a variant does not mean causality

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Genotype-to-phenotype association studies

Phenotype-wide association study (PheWAS) uses known

genetic variants to find association with phenotypes
• Dependent on large databases of detailed phenotype and
genotype data at population level
• Recently developed method based on use of electronic
health records (EMR) with standardized phenotypic data
Early results indicate high levels of pleiotropy

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