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permission of the author
FOUNDATION ……………………………..82
TOTAL RECOVERY……………………….98
The book deliverance from foundational pollution part II is a prayer
pamphlet for personal, Family, Group use. It is a Church prayer book that
will help you to come out from all form of Foundational problems.
Deliverance is extrication from dangers or a state of getting freedom from
spiritual bondage.
Foundation is that part of the building that is not physically seen after
building but it holds the house firmly to the ground without shaking. But if
the foundation is not good or not properly done the building cannot last
before it collapse. Psalm11:3 if the foundation be destroyed what shall the
righteous do. Isaiah 54:11, 58:12. God has given you grace and authority
to lay a new foundation in Christ.
Whatsoever has affected your foundation God has given you the
promise of new foundation. If you were dedicated to the devil or you
inherited evil from your father house, evil blood covenant, witchcraft
parents, marine covenant, Ezra3:11d. Then this prayer of deliverance is for
you and your entire family. The book is not in detail but a light message
on each of the prayer topic that will provoke you into prayer. And the
prayer points are inspired to give you total deliverance from any power or
kingdom that troubles your life and family. As it was said the kingdom of
God suffers violent and the violent ones take it by force. For you to enjoy
the Part two of this book, you have to go for the part one. As you do so may
God Bless you In Jesus Name.
1Thes. 4v7, Josh. 3v3-5, 1 Sam. 7v3-4

Spiritual Cleansing is a process of removing dirt, Toxins and any things that
is not good in the eyes of God and Man from your system. Ezekiel 36v25-
God does not work with sin, for the people of Israel to be Sanctified and
work with God, the Bible said God promise the people of Israel that He will
Sprinkle Clean water upon them, so that they can be clean again from all
their filthiness and from all their Idols. He also promise to give them a new
heart and a new Spirit, and take away their heart of stone and give them a
heart of fresh.
This signifies that for you to obtain anything from God you must be clean,
God does not walk with a dirty heart.
The bible clearly states in Obadiah 1v 17 “but upon mount Zion shall be
deliverance and they shall possess their possessions.”
The above scripture teaches us that there is deliverance in the church and
holiness, before you posses your possession, so if you must, first of all give
your life to Christ in total repentance and always be in the church where
total deliverance will take place in your life. Secondly you must continue in
holiness as it is our major obligations before God who give deliverance.
What are those things we need to clean ourselves from?
SIN: known and unknown
Idol worship of our fathers. Lam. 5v7-10
Ancestral pollution.
Occult practices.
Satanic covenant that we entered either through our parents or self-imposed.
Demonic dream pollutions
Sexual contamination through dreams or through Contact with a wrong
Contaminations through witchcraft attack or deposit
Spiritual spouse deposits and manipulations.
Satanic contamination through eating in the dreams.
Contamination through occult practices of our fathers or you as a person.
Form involvement in false Religious activities.
Because they will hinder you from full Salvation or they will stand as a
barrier to your total repentance.
They will hinder your Spiritual flow.
They will stand as a barrier to your destiny manifestations.
They will act as a spiritual blockage to your revelations.
They will make sure that you are spiritually blind in order not to notice their
evil activities on their victims. Col. 1v
They cause limitation to your life and destiny. 1Sam. 7v3-4
They will not allow you to be prayerful, so you will not be hot or cold.
They will initiate habits that will stand as a barriers to your heavenly focus.
They will cause you to be hated/rejected.
2timothy 2v21
“If a man therefore purge himself from these, He shall be a vessel unto
honor, sanctified and meet for the master’s use, and prepared unto every
good work.
The Scripture Above Gave Us Four Benefit Of Spiritual Cleansing. If You
He shall be a vessel unto honor.
He will be sanctified.
Meet for the masters use.
Prepared unto every good work.
God has not made man into uncleanliness but to cleanliness and unto
holiness 1thess4v7. So another reason is that it is not part of God’s plan for
man to live in unclealiness but to be clean.
When we are clean it will attract God’s eyes unto us and also open his ear to
listen to us 1pet.3v11-14, Isaiah 59v1.

Cleanliness is a simple key to get into God’s kingdom blessings. Who is he
that ascends into the throne of God He who has a clean hands and a pure
heart. Psalm24v3-4
I beseech you brethren that you present yourself a living sacrifice, holy and
acceptable unto God. Which is your reasonable service? And be not
conformed to the world but be ye transformed by the renewing of your
mind, that ye may prove, what is that good and acceptable and perfect will
of God.
Oh Lord my God wash me with your hysopp in Jesus Name.
I wash myself with the blood of Jesus.
Every sin in my family line that refuse to let me go receive the blood of
Oh God deliver me from every demonic pollution that has followed me
from my family line in Jesus Name.
Oh God of favour have mercy upon me and deliver me from ancestral
pollutions in Jesus Name.
Oh God deliver me from Idol of my fathers house.
Oh lord deliver me from the Idol of my mothers house in Jesus Name.
Oh lord deliver me from every false religion that I was involved in before
Oh lord deliver me from the false religion of my parents.
Oh lord deliver me from the false religion of my ancesstor in Jesus name.
Every sin in my life that I find difficult to overcome oh God release your
blood upon me to clean me up in Jesus name.
Every habit I have find very difficult to stop oh God of fire help me in jesus
Oh lord my God deliver me from every occultic practises.
Every covenant I have entered with the occult group known and unknown
to me, loose your grip over me in Jesus name.
Every sacrifice before a tree in my village working against my life be
broken in Jesus name.
Oh you power of evil sacrifice against my destiny expire by fire in Jesus
Every evil sacrifice at the forest, grave yard against my destiny expire and
be rendered useless in Jesus name.
Every unfriendly friends pushing me into sin separate from me in Jesus
Every problems easy panders magnifying my fault before my helpers expire
by fire.
Every evil pursuers of my life through sin be destroyed in Jesus name.
Every picture of dead relatives tormenting my dream expire by fire in Jesus
Every satanic pollution from spiritual husband/wife in my dream, stop by
fire in Jesus name.
Every ancestral masquerades manipulated against me in the dream catch
five in Jesus name.
Oh lord my God anything evil planted into my life in my dream working
against me evacuate out of me now.
I vomit anything that is not good in my body in Jesus name.
Oh God perfect anything that is lacking in my body.
Oh lord, make me perfect into good work in Jesus name.
Oh lord, deliver me from every incision or mark in my body through
demonic native doctor.
Oh lord purge me from every satanic concoctions from demonic alter in
Jesus name.
Every evil hand laid on me, oh lord deliver me in Jesus name.
Every satanic effect of evil hand laid on me expire by fire in Jesus name.
Power of evil prophets, loose me in Jesus name.
To Dedicate is to set apart for a deity or for religious purpose. To set apart
for religious use
To commit oneself to a particular course of thought or action.
Dedication is the act of dedicating or the state of being dedicated.
My definition of dedication according to these subjects is the act of
dedicating someone or a child into the hand of a deity for protection or care.
This is what our parent use to do in those days even now we are still doing
Dedication can be Godly or ungodly. It becomes Godly when it concern
man and Devils. Immediately one is dedicated to a thing you are serving
that thing.
John the Baptist naming and dedication, Luke1v59-60.
Jesus naming/dedication at the temple, Luke2v22-29
Samuel’s naming/dedication. 1sam.1v24-28
Issac’s naming/dedication. Gen. 21v3-8.
The above named Bible characters were born, named and dedicated to God
in their time.
They all lived Godly life, non of them struggled with sin, neither did they
have anything to do with other gods, why because they were God’s own
property. They were like their father , God. Where they dedicate you
matters so much. And who also dedicate you matters much about your
future and your destiny fulfillment. If you were dedicated to God
Almighty, your life is secured in him, He takes possession of you and your
entire life. He controls your affairs of life. But in the other way round if
you were dedicates to Idol or any related gods, your life is in danger
because you are like them, you become spiritually blind and dance to their
pattern of life, Sin is controlled by the devil and whoever worships and
belongs to them is in total enmity with God. Exodus 20v3-5, Deut.5v7-9,
Matt 6v24, Isaiah 6v10.
Any one born, named and dedicated to gods is already in enmity with God
according to the above Bible passage. The Bible said the gods has mouth
but cannot speak, they have ear but cannot hear, so those who worship them
are like them. Rom.6v16
The devil does not give up on his victim easily, it require battle to be
free from them.


Human being
Properties, Cars, Houses, Businesses e.t.c
In every dedication there is a sacrifice, most especially the sacrifice of
animals to seal up the dedication which stands as a covenant to keep the
relationship with the deity.
Some people are dedicated to demonic powers even before birth through
vow made by parents before the unborn baby. 1sam 1v11
Some are dedicated to family or community gods (Shrine) by presenting
them to a Shrine wither in the womb or after seven days of birth during
naming ceremonies. The baby, during naming ceremonies will be dedicated
to a tree with baby’s head turned upside down. The implication of these is
that the child’s life or destiny is turn upside down, so the child has to
struggle to make it in life.
Some dedicated their house (Building) to family gods through blood
sacrifice made during foundation laying stage.
One can also be dedicated to Idols through things given to them by their
parents when coming to marriage, such as native chalk from family shrine,
white or red cloth from family shrine.
One can also dedicate his business to Idols by bringing family shrine to
your business places or by making charm to move your businesses.
One can also be dedicated to Idol through eating the food sacrifice to Idol
during festival time.
One can receive dedication through community festival for example (a)
Using cane during Community Festivals on Youths. After the cane has
touched blood through the injuries sustained, they will return the cane with
blood back to the shrine. So the blood of such victim is now dedicated to
the evil alter. (b) Through dancing and singing immoral songs during
festival like Onicha-Ukwuani “Ise” and Ikwese festival, Nduku Ogume,
Ukwuata Abbi, Eze-mmor utagba-ogbe e.t.c
After the dance and the floggings of canes the spirit in charge of immorality
will possess the victims.
One can also be dedicated by going to native doctors, false prophets, white
garment churches to bath for favor or to charm your spouse for love.
Making sacrifice in the grave yard and sleeping in the grave yard.
Being involved in occult practices dedicates you to occult powers.
Masturbation, Lesbianism, Homosexuals can dedicate you to spiritual
Those who are involved in cultural dances.
Going to the river to make sacrifice or eating of items thrown to the rivers.
Some persons are also dedicated to the devil by going to fetish doctors to
seek for charm for favor and protection or in search of the fruit of the
Some people are also dedicated by molding images to represent spiritual
spouse either male or female and also any marine worship like Igbe.
One can also be dedicated to the gods of the land through placenta burial
because your placenta contains your blood.
Some community bury the placenta of a baby with a tree in the family
compound. That child has been handed over to the ancestral powers.
Traditional female circumcision is also another way of evil dedication
Hair Shaving by woman when their husband dies and tying of twisted black
cloth on the neck of the children that lost their father is another way of evil
Some dedicate their cars, properties to family gods by tying things like red
cloth or charms on their cars and business place or house.
One can be dedicated to spirit of Jezebel when you wear, Leg chains, waist
bead, wearing rings on your toes, or those who worshipped and served
Ogbanje and any other juju (deity).
One can be dedicated to Idol through incantations, or the name you bear
like Ossai, Igba, Isusu, Oshimili in Delta State.
Dancing masquerade dance or being a member of the masquerade is another
way of evil dedication.
The films you watch also can dedicate you to evil powers like blue films,
homosexual, lesbianism, masturbation films.
Always seeing yourself carrying your community masquerade or dancing
with them in your dream.
Always seeing yourselves dancing cultural dance or your community
cultural dance.
Those dedicated will always see them self having another home or carrying
children or carrying pregnancies in the dream.
The victims will always be seeing a man appearing to them in the dream
claiming to be their husband or see a woman claiming to be a wife in your
Having sexual affair in your dream or releasing sperm before you wake-up
in your dream.
Always seeing yourself posed as a king or queen in the middle of the river
or being worshiped by others.
Seeing yourself always swimming in your dream.
Seeing yourself always playing with snakes or some animals worshipped by
your community such tortoise, Iguana, Alligator, Monkey, Python,
Crocodile etc in some part of Nigeria.
Always receiving strange visitation by some sacred animals or snakes in
the physical such as monkey, python, alligator, tortoise, lion etc.
Evil dedication makes someone to feel the presence of somebody around
you, while alone.
Evil dedication makes the victim to be afraid of crossing river, they are
afraid of water.
Evil dedication is capable of delaying one’s marriage or causing confusion
in marriage of their victims it can even make them to loose interest in
Evil dedication to marine (Ogbanje) makes victim to always want to live in
Isolation from people (always want to be alone).
It causes some people to be talking alone.
It causes unhappiness in marriage.
It brings hardship in marriage.
There is a promise in Isaiah10v27… “And it shall come to pass in that day,
that his burden shall be taken away from off thy shoulder, and his yoke
from off thy neck, and the yoke shall be destroyed because of the anointing”
The anointing that break yoke must fall upon you as you follow this prayer
bulletin in Jesus name.
The Bible said a day will come that the burden will be off your
shoulder and the yoke off your neck and the yoke is broken because of the
Repent from known and unknown sin and re-dedicate yourself to God.
Engage yourself with prayer in a true bible believing church.
Luke 18v1, 1John1v9.
Attend deliverance class for proper teaching and deliverance prayer from an
anointed man of God. Obadiah1v17, Luke1v18.
Remain in constant fellowship to avoid weakness.
Praise/Worship for 10mins.
Confess your sin before God and the sin of your fathers.
Cover yourself with blood of Jesus (5mins)
Stand against every monitoring demon following you up and down to
hinder your prayer in Jesus name.
Every satanic alter of dedication claiming my ownership be destroyed in
Jesus name.
Every of my family properties placed in the altar of darkness working
against my family backfire your owner in Jesus name.
Oh lord my father any alter they wrote my name for destruction catch fire in
Jesus name.
Oh lord my father every satanic tree where they dedicate me during naming
ceremony dry up and burn to ashes.
You evil trees they planted my placenta I command you to release my
destiny in Jesus name.
Power working against me through my father’s ancestral alter catch fire and
burn to ashes.
Any alter claiming to be my spouse as a result of dedication be destroy now
in Jesus name.
Oh God my father every foundational pollution due to evil dedication be
destroyed in Jesus name.
I restore my destiny from every wrong dedication.
Oh God whatever my parent did when I was in the womb that connected me
to demonic power break in Jesus name.
Oh God every wrong foundation laid with blood affecting my life through
the house I am staying loose me and let me go.
Every wrong marriage foundation be change to good in Jesus name.
Oh God my father every Idol claiming my ownership you are a liar catch
fire and burn to ashes in Jesus name.
Oh God every wrong prayer against my marriage be destroyed in Jesus
My father my father every charm of favor done in my past for favor release
me now.
Every grave yard sacrifice, your yoke is broken by fire in Jesus name.
Oh God my father every charm of favor that I made before that is fighting
my favor expire now in Jesus name.
Expel from my body every food I ate from the table of the devil in Jesus
Oh God my father every avenue of eating and drinking in the table of the
devil close for ever in Jesus name.
Oh God my father I break every covenant I entered into in the altar of
darkness through cultural dances
In the name of Jesus I break every covenant I entered into through dancing
in my community festival.
I break the yoke of my community alter over my life in Jesus name.
Every alter claiming to be my spouse catch fire and burn to ashes in Jesus
I render impotent every man embarrassing my life in my dream in Jesus
Every river in my community chasing after me as a result of evil sacrifice
of the past dry up out my life in Jesus name.
Every demonic position I occupy in the water kingdom I renounce and
denounce in Jesus name you.
I disassociate myself from every satanic exalted position in the witchcraft
Oh God of fire burn to ashes every occult owner claiming my ownership.
Oh God of Elijah every satanic fear induced into me body by evil powers
vanish and return to sender in Jesus name.
Oh God of mercy every wrong fetish doctor I ever visited before my
repentance fighting my destiny expire in Jesus name.
Every image representing me in any alter of darkness be burnt to ashes and
backfire the evil priest in charge.
Oh you Ogbanje spirit chasing after my life be burnt to ashes.
Every spirit of confusion in my life get out in Jesus name.
You demon in-charge of trouble in my marriage, die.
You power of failure in marriage you are a liar in Jesus name.
Every spirit of poverty following me as a result of evil dedication I reject
now in Jesus name.
Oh God deliver my placenta from the alter of darkness in Jesus name.
Any tree controlling my life as a result of my placenta connection dry up
and die.
I restore everything that I lost due to evil dedication in Jesus name.
I claim my peace, joy in my marriage and my finances back from the alter
of evil dedication in Jesus name.

Yoke is the chain that bind the neck or legs of the victim from freedom or
Inheritance is that which is passing of biological attribute from ancestors
to their offspring. That which a person is entitled to inherit by law or
Inheritance is to receive something from somebody who has died,
predecessor e.g. Children from parents.
It is well known and believed in Nigeria or Africa that when parent pass on
their children will continue from where they stopped. Mostly when the
parents are wealthy! They leave inheritance for their children, Money,
Houses, Clothes, Cars, etc. Even so, children also inherit the problems that
their parents also left behind like curses, evil covenants, poverty,
barrenness, sicknesses, marriage problems, hardship, ill luck, bad names
Breaking the yoke of evil inheritance is a prayer pattern to disorganize the
activities of the wicked power that bind your ancestors to your present life.
To break the binding forces that follow you from your ancestors till now.
Gen.12v13-19 Abraham Lied Gen.26v7,9 Isaac also lied, the same pattern
Examples of evil inheritance NOTE………from the page
Abraham and Isaac tells the lies to save their head from being killed
because of their wives in Gen.12v13,19 Abraham tell lies to pharaoh in
Egypt to save his life also in Gen.26v7,9.
Isaac also tell the lies to save his life from Abimelech the king of Philistine.
These are two people of the same bloodline, father and son. When Abraham
told his own lie, Isaac was not born but the gene was inside him, so He
grew up to do the same thing.
What is that character that is in your father or mother that is also in you?
That is not godly. There is a story of man who a drunk and died inside the
street gutter, the first son also grew up to continue in drinking until one day
he got drunk and worked into a moving vehicle and he died also. And all
the male children of the man are still drunkards, to stop it is a big problem
for them until one of them come for prayer and he was delivered.
Let us take another example from Abraham, Isaac and Jacob in Gen.11v30,
Gen25v21, Gen29v31 Sarah the wife of Abraham was barren before she
gave birth to Isaac. Isaac’s wife also became barren for some years until
Isaac cried to God for his wife before she gave birth to Esau and Jacob.
Jacob’s heart loved wife Rachael also was barren for some years before, she
gave birth to Joseph and Benjamin.
There are cases where someone’s mother suffered barrenness for so many
years before she gave birth to one child and the child also give birth to one.
What is that thing that your parents suffered that you are suffering too,
Jesus is the answer. Jer.11v28 “come unto me all you that labor and I will
give you rest”
Pray these prayer with me, Oh my father everything that my parent suffered
I will not suffer them in Jesus name.
Isaac took the place of Ishmael. Gen21v12-13
Jacob took also the place of Esau. Gen27v37
Ephraim took the place of Manasseh. Gen48v14-15.
Check the above write up, the exchange started from great grandfather up to
the third generation and more because even in the time of David, He was
the last born of Jesus but he was chosen instead of his elder brother.
1sam16v11-13 and among his own children Solomon took the place of
Absalom and Adonija. 1king4v30……
Are you an eldest in your family that has become the youngest as a result of
conditions of life. May God restore you back in Jesus name.
Evil Inheritance of sickness 2king5v27……
Looking at the above scripture, you find out that the children unborn from
the lineage of Ghazi will suffer leprosy they never bargained for. Are you
having any sickness that your parent died from like T.B, Leprosy, ulcer etc?
The God of deliverance will deliver you today in Jesus name.
Ruben who was the first born was nothing to talk about but Judah and
Joseph took the Leadership of Jacob’s children.
Joseph’s children Ephraim and Manasseh was also exchanged by their
father Jacob the lustful life of Judah was inherited by Samson who was the
great grandson of Judah. John the Baptist inherited the evil pronouncement
of Jezebel against Elijah the curse of Leprosy on Ghazi followed the seed
after him. 2kings5v27.
What type of life did your parent live. Did your mother pursue someone
out of marriage and took over the marriage, it might be the reason why
your own marriage is not working.
Is your father a womanizer, check your life, how many men did your
mother bear children for that maybe the reason your home is not settled.
The Devil wants you to inherit such life from your mother. Think, Did your
grandmother scatter people home that may be the reason why your mother
home is scattered. what kind of sickness is in your paternal and maternal
linage? Ask them and deal with it. What you know cannot kill you but what
you don’t know will Ignorance is a spiritual bullet for Satan. He does not
care if you know, that is why it is another great weapon of the Devil. The
problem you know cannot kill you if you fight it. The problem you fail to
confront will discomfort you.
If your grandfather or any of your parent back to four (4) generation was a
thief, now your children has started picking your money. You don’t need to
take it for granted. It will get worse than that if nothing is done.
Did you start having children with your husband before dowry is paid.
Now your children is also going the same way, why not take it up in fasting
and prayer, before it will be too late. Gen 11v20, 22-24, gen11v26-28, 30,
Gen15v2-3, Gen21v5-6, Gen25v20-21, 25, Gen30v1.
Some other way one can contact evil inheritance.
1. By inheriting house built with blood money.
2. By inheriting property of an occult person.
3. By inheriting property of someone who died indebted
without paying the debt.
4. By inheriting a stolen property.
5. By inheriting the property of a great Idol worshipper or
witch doctor.

The symptom to know that one is under the influence of evil

Untold hardship
Mystical problems
Having the some sickness that any of your parents suffered.
Living a retarded life
Marital failure or constant marital disappointment.
Living in indebtedness despite every effort to be free.
Periodical problem that you cannot understand.
Lack of permanent relationship with helper of destiny.
Barrenness, some cases secondly barrenness .
Serious gynecological cases.
Stagnations unexplained.
How to overcome evil inheritance
Surrender your life fully to Christ by presenting yourself as a living
sacrifice to him Rom.12v1-2
Seek for deliverance in a geniuses deliverance ministry and pray fervently
Be constant in fellowship, as faith can only come by hearing God’s word.
Live a life of sacrifice (giving).
You can do self deliverance program with this prayer deliverance bulletin
use the Volume 1 of this book before you continue with this, then you will
completely be free from evil foundation for ever in Jesus name.

Praise/worship God for 5mins.
Ask for mercy and forgiveness.
Cover yourself with the blood of Jesus.
God give me divine direction for the proper place of deliverance
God give me grace to serve you in spirit and truth.
Every yoke of evil inheritance holding me and my family down, be broken
into pieces in Jesus name.
I break every ancestral yoke in Jesus name.
Spirit of the living God help me to fight every evil inherited from my
Spirit of the living God help me to fight every evil inherited from my father.
I reject every demon in-charge of monitoring those evil over my life.
Power that destroy my mother or father chasing me to destroy me be
destroyed in Jesus name.
Every satanic habit inherited from my biological parents expire in Jesus
Every evil trace of problem that followed me from the womb, expire by
I decree and declare that whatever I inherited from my parent that is evil be
destroyed in Jesus name.
Every physical and spiritual barrenness that followed me from the womb
attacking my life be completely destroyed in Jesus name.
I refuse to suffer what my parent suffered in Jesus name.
Oh God arise in your anger and destroy any satanic agent monitoring the
evil in your fathers house to follow you.
I refuse to die for the sin of my parents in Jesus name.
Every sickness that followed me from my parents, I reject you in Jesus
Oh God any property I inherited causing problem in my life burn to ashes in
Jesus name.
I set fire on any alter of evil inheritance in Jesus name.
I renounce and I denounce every curse that followed my family as a result
of evil altar.
I sanctify any property I inherited that is evil in Jesus name.
Every curse of Idol worship in my foundation be broken.
I bind the activities of the strongman in activities.
Every curse that follows the sin of my ancestors following me be broken.
Every power of untold hardship in my life be destroy.
Any witchcraft power fighting my family as a result of inheritance be
expose and disgraced in Jesus name.
I break the yoke of environmental inheritance in Jesus name.
Let there, be trouble in any alter chasing my breakthrough in Jesus name.
Let there be total darkness in the mist of my enemies in Jesus name
Every inherited marriage problems expire in Jesus name.
I refuse to suffer what my mother suffer in marriage in Jesus name.
I release my self from inherited spirit of poverty and backwardness.
I refuse to be destroy by the same power or spirit that destroy my parent.
You power of rising and falling in my family be broken in Jesus name.
You demon in-charge of pre-mature death in my family loose me now in
Jesus name.
Every inherited family confusion or disunity be destroyed completely.
Every inherited stubbornness in my family expire in Jesus name.
I refuse to live my father’s life in Jesus name.
Thank God for prayer answered
Yoke is a binding force that hinders someone from moving forward.
Covenant is an agreement between two or more people who agree to do or
not to do a thing with an oath to keep the terms of agreement.
Blood covenant is the agreement or the oath that was bound through
shrines or licking of blood together by the people concerned. For example:
when a young boy and young girl bind themselves together by an oath
through sucking each other’s blood to keep their love together without
departing from each other. This type of covenant is evil blood covenant
because it can lead to the death or madness of any of them if they fail to
comply to the terms of the covenant.
There was a story of one boy and girl that took this type of oath. The boy
compelled this girl to cut his finger with blade and the girl’s finger also with
blade and the boy put both blood in a cup of wine and added bitter cola and
asked the girl to drink the wine and swear that if she leaves the boy to have
sex with any other person in life except (him) the boy, that when she takes
in or get pregnant that she will go mad. Unfortunately the boy deceived her
to drink it with both their eyes closed. The girl taught that as she drank the
concoction the boy also drank from it but later she found out that the boy
did not drink from it but threw it away when they closed their eyes. After
sometime the boy started misbehaving and nothing was happening to him
and so the girl got angry and left believing that nothing has happened to the
boy that nothing also will also happen to her, So she left and went to have
an affair with another man who promised her marriage, the day she realized
that she was pregnant she became mad. She was brought to us in (Peculiar
Believer Assembly) for prayer and God revealed the case and the boy was
called, the covenant was broken and the girl got healed, but the fiancé had
already run away in fear. What a dangerous blood covenant.
There are also some cases were lovers used their sperm and semen to seal
their covenant of love. Any mistake to depart from each other, the binding
oath will speak out and problem will start. If you have ever taken such oath
with anybody in your life, your destiny is in danger you need Jesus now for
deliverance and safety.
There are also cases where employer compel employee to take oath with
blood of each other not to steal or embezzle anything in their business, it is
dangerous and evil in the sight of God.
There are so many ways of entering into evil blood covenant.
Through sacrifice of animals to a diety and eating the food, you have
automatically enter into a covenant with the spirit behind that alter of
Through sharing of innocent blood like the case of Cain and Abel. Gen4,
Which brought permanent curse to Cain’s lineage Any innocent blood
shared in a land is a problem to that community either by physical murder
or abortion or by witchcraft manipulation.
The easiest way to enter into blood covenant is sex, rape and any kind of
sexual sin, lead to blood covenant, because it involves blood, sperm is
blood that form a child in the womb, so it is blood.
1corin6v16-17, Matt19v6, Eph5v31.
Evil blood covenant can be entered through incision cut in the body. Each
incision carries 365 demons, meaning in every day there is a monitoring
demonic angel assigned to monitor you. No wonder you find it difficult to
be delivered or get strong in serving God instead you are not hot you are not
Abortion, once abortion is carried out, blood is shared and Satan, take

The evil effect of evil blood covenant

You will be under the control of Satan because he is the initiator of evil
blood covenant.
When innocent blood is shared, there is a curse that follows it, like the case
of Abel crying against Cain that led to Cain’s vagabond spirit
The case of taking oath with blood by lovers to keep relationship can lead
to some many miseries e.g.
Delayed marriage
Pre-mature death and so on.
Spiritual retardation
Hell at last
Total repentance, confessing your sins and cleansing!
Get born again.
Go for proper deliverance, if possible go with your partner to break the
Continue in fellowship to keep yourself hot at all time.
Read the bible daily
Praise/Worship God 5mins.
Confess your sin to God
Jesus I plead for your blood upon my life in Jesus name.
My father I use your blood to silent every evil blood covenant speaking
against my life in the name of Jesus Christ.
My father, my Savior, redeem me from every blood I spilled consciously
and unconsciously speaking against me in the name of Jesus Christ.
I drink the blood of Jesus (repeat this 21times)
Let the blood of Jesus in my system begin to nullify all shrine food, food
from deities, food from demonic altar of sacrifice fighting my deliverance
right now in Jesus name.
I use the blood of Jesus to silent every innocent blood my fathers and my
mothers spilled back to ten generations speaking against me in Jesus name.
I use the blood of Jesus to silent every innocent blood I spilled in my past
through abortions speaking against me in Jesus name.
I use the blood of Jesus to break every evil blood covenant I entered
through sex, rape and any kind of sexual sin in the name of Jesus.
I use the blood of Jesus to break every evil blood I entered through incision
out in my body in the name of Jesus.
I break out from control of Satan due to evil blood covenant in Jesus name.
I break out from the foundation of every evil covenant in my life and family
in the name of Jesus Christ.
I break out from all powers initiating problems and afflictions into my life
due to evil blood covenant in the name of Jesus.
I break out from every curse following me from evil blood covenants.
I take dominion over all problems, afflictions, setbacks following me as a
result of evil blood covenants.
You power keeping record of evil blood covenant in my family from
generation to generation I bind you and send you to the abyss by the power
in the blood of Jesus.
I break every oath I entered through evil blood covenants in the name of
I denounce every oath I made to enter any evil blood covenant in Jesus
My father, let your blood shield me from all repercussions of breaking evil
blood covenant
I break out from: (a) The spirit of madness (b) Barrenness (c) Delayed
marriage (d) Pre-mature death (e) Spiritual retardation (f) Hell and death
following me due to evil blood covenant in the name of Jesus.
I restore all the good things I lost due to evil blood covenants.
I disassociate myself from all initiations emanating from evil blood
I release myself from all bondage of evil blood covenant in Jesus name.
Blood of Jesus renew my destiny, my marriage, my finance, my ministry
from all the attacks emanating from evil blood covenant.
I break all evil blood covenants I entered through sex with the wrong person
in the name of Jesus.
I use the fire of God to dry up my sperm/Semen in the altar where it is used
to renew all evil blood covenant against me in Jesus name.
Fire of God, burn inside me all demonic sperm/semen inside used as a point
of contact by the enemies in the name of Jesus Christ.
Oh God of fire burn to ashes every altar of evil blood covenants where my
name is called in Jesus name.
I receive complete deliverance from all effect of evil blood covenant in my
life in the name of Jesus Christ.
I decree today that I am a covenant child of God through the blood of Jesus.
Thank God for answers to prayers.
Your Foundation is your place of beginning, is your place of birth. Is the
womb that you came out from and the family you were born into.
Witchcraft are power which manipulate victims, through sorcery or
magical power. They dominate the victim. They are power that sucks blood,
or kill destinies. They are life destroyers. They are fulltime killers. They
are future exchangers. Matt2v1-8
King Herod is an example of a wizard. They never wanted anyone to be
bigger than them, they can do anything to eradicate their victim. In hearing
of the birth of savior (JESUS) He was troubled, He gathered all the Chief
priest to take counsel against Jesus, He ordered the wise men to give Him
report of where Jesus was born, so that he can go and kill Jesus
witches/wizard Destiny manipulators, Destroyer of life, matt2v13-16.
Herod went ahead to kill all male children from two years below which
means if God did not intervene in the case of Jesus, Herod would have
killed him in his child hood. Any strongman in your father’s house who is
doing everything to eradicate you, shall die your death in Jesus name.
Herod had to die for Jesus to fulfill His purpose on earth: every Herod in
your home must die in Jesus name.
Pray before you continue:
Every star gazers in my family or community monitoring my star die in
Jesus name.
Any one urging to stop my destiny must die my death in Jesus name.
Oh God give me revelation that will help me to escape my enemies trap in
Jesus name.
So many persons are living an unaccounted life, due to the witchcraft in
their foundation. See Herod and Jesus from the same covenant lineage but
Herod never wanted any other person to come up in the community even
when it was God’s order for it to be so. He stood to work against God’s
purpose upon Jesus, Anyone that says over his/her dead body will he see
you fulfill your God’s purpose (mandate) must die in Jesus name.
They turn their victims to drunkard.
They manipulate young boys/girls into fornication against God plan in
order to kill their vision/dreams on earth.
They turn their victim in pool betting or naira bet as the name implies.
They manipulate some men/women into Adultery to offend God.
They turn some of their victim into vagabonds, for examples so many
lawyers are walking in the street without destination, sleeping under the
bridges. Doctors working as gate men or secretary in a small firm and
engineers riding (okada) motor-cycle in other to eat, what nonsense. That is
not God’s plan for man according. Jere29v11
I know of a family somewhere in Delta State where they have two
Barristers (qualified) and a medical Doctor specialist, one of the barrister
live in Lagos with his wife and children and the other barrister in Port-
Harcourt. While the Doctor lives in Ibadan. They all came to their Village
to join their aged mother to celebrate Xmas, and they went back to their
different places. For no reason all packed their load and came back home to
play draft forgetting their offices and all their businesses schedules, and
their wives and children. Anybody telling them to go back became their
enemy until finally they lost everything they had except one who the wife
stood for prayer knowing that what was happening was not ordinary, she
said I knew this is a battle and needs to face it. She came to us in Peculiar
Believers Assembly, myself and my prayer team followed her to the family
house in the Village where their great men where busy playing draft and
dying in (ogogoro) alcohol, after the family Libration somebody confessed
in the father’s family that he was responsible for their predicament,
because their mother was boosting with them. The eyes of all opened, like
a scale fell out of their eyes and they started weeping like babies. That is
the work of witchcraft/wizards in the household. Gen6v6-8 (KJV) “And it
repented the LORD that he had made man on the earth, and it grieved him
at his heart, Genesis 6:7And the LORD said, I will destroy man whom I
have created from the face of the earth; both man, and beast, and the
creeping thing, and the fowls of the air; for it repenteth me that I have made
them. Genesis 6:8 But Noah found grace in the eyes of the LORD”. Man’s
heart is very wicked what you cannot destroy will destroy you. Don’t joke
with witchcraft foundation. They are dangerous.
They can kill you when life is about to be sweet. A woman’s only daughter
was about to get married a week to the wedding the mother died, but the
marriage still held because the younger sister to the woman insisted that the
marriage must hold, people thought she was talking in favor of the girl
because she loved her, not knowing that she killed her sister, in order to take
her place as mother during the marriage, because she had no daughter of her
own. What a wicked soul.
They can manipulate children’s eyes out of their mother, after training.
They can scatter visions/dreams. There are so many ways they manipulate
their victims but this write –up is not enough to explain more on it.

The sources of witchcraft foundation

I describe witchcraft foundation as the covenant which our ancestors
entered with Satan, which manifest through their negative laws, evil vow,
oaths, spiritual marriages which serves as a punishment to their prey
(offspring), it serves as a judgment to the lineage at any time. If nothing is
Depression, oppression and suppression in life.
Seeing cow or any other animal pursing you in the dream.
Constant eating in the dream.
Having sex in the dream.
Lost of Hair or teeth in the dream.
Being pursued by mad people in the dream.
Inability to remember your dream.
Deep sleep and slumber. Etc.
Source of witchcraft foundation
The source of witchcraft foundation is a product of ancestors. They have
stronghold over their victim, they have stronghold over you whether you
know it or not, the power of the father’s house has a strong influence over
you. There is a strong umbilical cord power attaching everyone to their
ancestors, ignorance to these is not an excuse. If your mother or father was
a witches/wizard before he/she died, And they had sucked the blood of
people, definitely the children will suffer the emblements except something
is done spiritually to stop it or change your life. The life of many people
are ruled by the wicked powers of their lineage.
How do will overcome witchcraft foundation
By accepting Jesus as your Lord and personal Savior.
By continuing steadfastly in the Apostles Doctrine and fellowship.
You must continue in one accord in prayer and supplication with.
Jeri1v10, Gal5v10, psalm24.
Confess known and unknown sin. James5v16
Confess the sin of your ancestors
Cover yourself with the blood of Jesus
Cover your geographical area with the blood of Jesus
Cover your environment with the blood of Jesus
Ask for the grace to pray and pray through
Drinkers of blood you must drink your own blood now
Eaters of flesh eat your own flesh in Jesus name
Witchcraft blood in my blood dry up now in Jesus name
Any house hold witchcraft troubling my life bear your judgment now in
Jesus name.
Every witch/wizard pursing me run mad and die: in Jesus name
Whatever I have eaten from the altar of witch/wizards conscious or
unconscious troubles evacuate in Jesus name.
I reverse every witchcraft judgment against me in Jesus name.
Every evil seed planted by the witches in my life known and unknown to
me be flushed by the blood of Jesus
Every battle disturbing my life from witchcraft coven I over come you
through the fire of the Holy-Ghost in Jesus name
Where ever they submitted my case in any coven I overcome by fire.
Every prison the lock up my carrier I destroy by fire in Jesus name.
Any sacrifice performed on any altar of witchcraft it shall not work by fire.
I return every arrow thrown to my life by witchcraft in Jesus name.
Every Avenue of eating and drinking in the coven in the dream be destroyed
in Jesus name.
Every witchcraft authority speaking evil against me, confess and be
exposed and disgraced in Jesus name.
Let every witchcraft foundation be destroyed in Jesus name.
Let every witchcraft foundation collapse in Jesus name.
Whatever property of mine stolen by the witches to destroy catch fire and
burn to ashes in Jesus name.
Let the witches supervising my life die in Jesus name.
Oh lord let the rain of affliction fall on their covens in Jesus name.
Every power harboring enchantment against me, vomit them.
Oh moon, sun, star, rain vomit every enchantment against me in Jesus.
I break every witchcraft curse against me in Jesus name.
Every coven using my money to trade catch fire in Jesus
Every witch/wizard in my father’s house fighting my progress be destroyed
by fire in Jesus name.
I disentangle myself and family from all witchcraft bondage and prison in
Jesus name.
You witchcraft foundation in my life be dismantle in Jesus name.
Any witch/wizard or herbalist holding my womb or marriage releases them
now in Jesus name.
Every witchcraft evil-decision against my life: back to sender in Jesus
Every witchcraft curse in my foundation, drink Blood of Jesus.
Every communication system of witches and wizard: be destroyed
completely in Jesus.
Every gadget of discussion be completely destroyed in Jesus.
Oh God of fire burn every altar of witchcraft in Jesus name.
All witchcraft banks harboring my money and my good health vomit it by
Every demon backing witchcraft to fight me, die: in Jesus name.
I speak destruction to any root of infirmity in Jesus name.
Let all the eye of the house hold witchcraft monitoring me be blind in Jesus
Any bird flying to coven for my sake fall down and die in Jesus name.
I receive my answer through the blood of Jesus.
Thank God for answers to prayer.

Isaiah 27v1, Ezekeil29v1-3, Isaiah49v24-26

Seventy percent of demonic power operating in this world comes from the
water. These demons live in the water but carry-out their operations on
earth. Marine evil spirits have their major negative operations on mankind.
The whole earth is saturated with water and these demonic powers have
their abode under water. So many marital challenges of human being is
being controlled from water or by marine spirit agent that appear in form
man but they are evil.
Job26v6 “The dead thing are formed under the water and the inhabitants
Marine spirit is the most wicked spirit, they are more dangerous than
witches. Because they operate from waters and nobody can survive without
water, hence so many people become their victims. They are highly
organized and more cooperative than any other evil powers on any earth,
Air and any other kingdom.
Every community and town has some particular evil spirit that troubles,
sometimes these evil, marine spirit appear in form of human being to
trouble people on earth some appear in the dream to disorganize the
destinies of people.
Some of the activities of evil marine powers are as follows:
They are mostly the major causes of marriage problems like crisis in
marriage divorce in marriage, strife, nagging, hardship and barrenness in
marriage, miscarriage, etc.
They are also responsible for some unexplainable sickness like fibroid,
ovarian cyst pains, (P.I.D) pelvic inflammatory disease, staphylococcus,
blocking of fallopian tube and stubborn infections
They can cause accident for their victims.
They cause some unnecessary shortage of blood, living a life of
indebtedness irregular menstrual flow, unusual lost of money, business
failure, pre-mature death, delay marriage either by male or female.


Through the high influence of spiritual husband and wife! They are evil
marine spirit agent which comes out of water inform of human being but
they are spirit. They appear to their victim in the dream and embarrass
them with unusual sexual act. And immediately this is done so many evil
powers will be deposited in the victim’s life which may lead to any kind of
problem in life depending on what the spirit desire to afflict their victim
As human being have sexual act and deposit sperm which may form child,
so also spiritual marine spouse pregnant their victim and give birth to
spiritual children. The uniform child after sexual sin in the dream can
become fibroid or ovarian cyst in a woman but to a man, such act will lead
to chronic infection or so many other misfortunes in life like hardship or
chronic bachelor hood, it can lead a man into masturbation and being


Having sex in the dream constantly
Always seeing you swimming in the dream.
Eating and drinking in the dream
Fear of water (river) when crossing.
Always feel the presence of snakes when alone and playing with them.
Excessive pride!
Wake-up in the morning and get angry or look sad without any offence from
Personal disappearance of effect!
Excessive stubbornness
Wearing of ornament whose sources you don’t know
Always having the thought of death!
Unnecessary fear of accident!
Excessive anger. Always want to destroy something before the anger will
get down
It makes some of their victim to tell a lot of lies without feeling guilty.
They have serpentine tongue .


Through Idol worship!
Through parental dedication to Idol or deities
Through sacrifice to water(river)
Through evil inheritance from parent from the womb!
Through having sex with their victim either physically with their agent or
through dream with the evil spiritual spouse, adulatory, fornication,
lesbianism, masturbation, bestiality incest and other
Through initiation from food, money, sex exchange of dress with the victim
Through visiting witch doctor for help!
Through transference of spirit by laying of hand of their agent as a prophet
at marine based churches who are working for Satan.
Through entering into an evil covenant with the devil! This can happen
when one looks for charms for favor, protection and fame from their agent
(Demonic native doctors.
Through cultural dances in the village where they visit shrines for power
and influence!
By partaking in marine festival like Ogbanje worship, Igbe worship.!


Praise and worship (10mins)
Confess all your sins to God and plead for His mercy.
Sing welfare songs for (5mins)
I cover myself with the blood of Jesus.
Oh God my father release your fire upon every marine altar where my life
is monitored in Jesus name.
I destroy all marine powers causing marital crisis in my life in Jesus name.
Oh God by your power I destroy all marine powers causing hardship,
barrenness, miscarriage, struggles, failures, rejection in my life in the name
of Jesus Christ.
I drink the blood of Jesus (repeat this for 21times)
Let the blood of Jesus in my system begin to wash off and nullify all marine
deposits inside me now in the name of Jesus.
Let the blood of Jesus begin to nullify all spiritual spouse deposits inside
me now in the name of Jesus. (Cough out, spit out, sneeze now, if you feel
like it).
Fire of God come inside me and burn off anything that is not of God now in
the name of Jesus!
(Pray this for sometime) (You may fall under the anointing of God)
You unexplainable sickness/infirmities inside me as a result of marine
deposits, I use the blood of Jesus against you, die out of me now in the
name of Jesus.
I take dominion over indebtedness now in the name of Jesus
You marine power fighting my health I destroy your works over my life
through the blood of Jesus in Jesus name
You marine power causing failure in my business, marriage, career, I
destroy your works over my life now, in the name of Jesus
You marine man/woman that call yourself my spiritual husband/wife, die in
the name Jesus.
You marine power causing delay setback, rejection, sorrow, lack, barrenness
in my marriage receive fire now by the authority in the name of Jesus.
I release myself from every marine bondage now in the of Jesus
I release myself from all spiritual slavery in the name of Jesus.
I receive dominion over all marine powers fighting my life in the name of
I set on fire every of my belonging used against me in the marine altar in
the name of Jesus Christ.
You man/woman coming to have sex with me in the dream die now in Jesus
You demonic caterer coming to feed me from the marine kingdom, die now
in the name of Jesus.
You dream manipulator manipulating my dream die now in the name of
You spirit of fear, pack your load out of my life now in the name of Jesus.
I disassociate myself from all evil marine entanglements by the authority in
the name of Jesus.
You marine power causing: Anger, Depression, Pride, Arrogance, Fear and
Delay in my life die out of me now in the name of Jesus.
I take authority through the blood of Jesus over all marine oppressions in
the name of Jesus
I destroy all marine ornaments, accessories, clothes, gifts or items in my
possession in the name of Jesus.
You serpentine spirit inside me, come out now by fire in Jesus name.
You spirit of deception, lying, evil thoughts and imaginations loose me and
let me go now in the name of Jesus.
I break out from all evil dedications in the name of Jesus.
I break out from all evil inheritance in the name of Jesus.
You power of idolatry fighting my destiny, die now in the name of Jesus.
I receive complete deliverance from all initiations from food, money, sex,
exchange dress in the name of Jesus.
I receive complete deliverance from all initiations form my involvement in
cultural dances, masquerade dances, visitation of shrine in the name of
I receive complete deliverance from all initiations through marine festival.
I receive complete deliverance from all initiations through Ogbanje worship
and Igbe worship in the name of Jesus.
You evil spirit transferred into me through laying of evil or contaminated
hands, get out of me now with all your loads in the name of Jesus.
You demonic charm for favor, wealth and protection fighting me be
destroyed now in the name of Jesus.
My body, spirit and soul receive the fire of Holy Ghost to maintain this
deliverance in the name of Jesus.
Oh God of fire build an edge of fire around me now in the name of Jesus
I decree today that I am free from all marine oppressions and manipulations
in the name of Jesus.
I recover all that I lost to marine powers seventy times seventy in the name
of Jesus.
Thank God for answers to prayers.

Meaning of Recovering All
Recovering all means to get back all that were lost or to regain everything
stolen by the enemies physically or spiritually! It means to get back in
totality. Nothing left un -restored. Joel2v24-26, 1sam30v1-3
The life of David is a good example of someone who suffered or who has
gone through a lot of trouble in life. He lost his sit of kingship after
anointing but God helped him to overtake and recover all that he lost to the
David joined the Philistine to fight the people of Israel, his own people.
REASON: (a) because they gave him refuge as he was running away from
Saul. HE prepared for the war against his own will and against God’s will
so God used one of the prince of Philistine army to pursue him back after
identifying him.
(b) Another reason why he has with the Philistine is because he had no
option, than to follow, He was under their bondage/ slavery.
© If he had refused, to the Philistine would have suspected him of being a
rebel. What he feared captured him.
What is that condition that you find yourself that has kept you in bondage
or slavery in your enemy’s camp, God will set you free today in Jesus
Thing that happened to David in the Land of Philistine (Ziegler) that can
happen to any man under such condition: (1) Living in the camp of your
enemies and He was under their control 1sam28v1-2 (2) He was discovered
by the prince of the Philistine and was driven back in sorrow. (3) Before He
return all his properties and the properties of His followers had been burnt
and His wives and children was also captured. What a terrible situation. (4)
He cried with all his people until they had no more strength to cry. (5) They
conspired to stone him but David encourage himself and inquired of the
lord i.e David asked God for divine direction “shall I pursue this troop shall
I overtake”. God gave him assurance of overtaking and recovering all. I
prophesy to you as you follow this prayer bulletin you will pursue, overtake
your enemies and recover all in Jesus name.
David removed his trust in God and placed his trust on men.
He was living in fear instead of faith.
He did not ask God or pray for divine direction; instead he was depending
on his own strength in the Initial stage. 1sam30v13-15, 18-19
God made a way for David to locate their wives and properties. God
afflicted one of the servants of the Amalikites with sickness and was
abandoned on the way until David and his troop met him. He became the
helper who directed David and his armies to where their properties were
and they recovered all even their enemies’ properties were also taken. It
was to the extent that they become distributors of food, silver and gold to all
their neighbors. They were no longer lacking any thing, I prophecy to you:
God will locate your helper that will take you to the next level in Jesus
Another man who recovered all after all series of attack was Job.
Job1v1-3, 13-22, 42v10-12.
Job lost everything under the sun, and was left with pain and agony, but
with God in his life everything he lost was restored back in sevenfold, He
recovered all. I see you recover everything you lost to the devil in Jesus
Return to God Mal3v7, Zech1v3-7, Act7v51-53
Ask God for divine directions. 1sam30v8
Follow God’s instruction and not devil’s instruction and know that it’s all
about God and not you. Heb12v2, Isaiah42v17
You show love to people mostly those God has deposited as helpers.
You must give sacrificially. 2King4v8-17
Conclusively: God is the God of restoration, as many that trust; on him He
will never put to shame or cast out. Upon mount Zion there is deliverance
and holiness and the people of God will posses their possessions, I declare
that as you follow these prayer series you will recover all you have lost all
through your life in Jesus name.
Confess this scripture: Jeol2v21-27
. Joel 2:21 “Fear not, O land; be glad and rejoice: for the LORD will do
great things”.
Joel 2:22 “Be not afraid, ye beasts of the field: for the pastures of the
wilderness do spring, for the tree beareth her fruit, the fig tree and the vine
do yield their strength”.
Joel 2:23 “Be glad then, ye children of Zion, and rejoice in the LORD your
God: for he hath given you the former rain moderately, and he will cause to
come down for you the rain, the former rain, and the latter rain in the first
Joel 2:24 “And the floors shall be full of wheat, and the fats shall overflow
with wine and oil”.
Joel 2:25 “And I will restore to you the years that the locust hath eaten, the
cankerworm, and the caterpillar, and the palmerworm, my great army
which I sent among you”
, Joel 2:26 “And ye shall eat in plenty, and be satisfied, and praise the
name of the LORD your God that hath dealt wondrously with you: and my
people shall never be ashamed”.
Joel 2:27 “And ye shall know that I [am] in the midst of Israel, and [that] I
[am] the LORD your God, and none else: and my people shall never be


Praise/worship God
Confess your fault to God: James5
Cover yourself with the blood of Jesus
Oh God don’t allow me to be a slave in the hand of my enemies in Jesus
Lord deliver me from any strongman pursuing me away from my place of
Every strongman that never allows me to enjoy my God giving position:
expire and die in Jesus name.
Every arrow of poverty fired into my destiny: come out with all your roots
in Jesus name.
Every witchcraft covenant standing on my way of success: expire and die
Every frustration program into my endeavor to pull me down return to
sender in Jesus name
Anything placed in my life to disgrace me come out now in Jesus name.
Oh God place my divine helpers before me in Jesus name.
Oh God give me divine direction that will take me to my divine helpers in
Jesus name.
I refuse to lock my doers of blessing in Jesus name.
I curse the spirit of failure and backwardness in Jesus name.
I release myself from: bondage of poverty.
I refuse to be caged by my enemies in Jesus
I refuse to work for my enemies.
Let my helpers appear and let my hindrances disappear in Jesus name.
I refuse to be a foot match for my enemies in Jesus name.
I receive all my benefits hanging in the air in Jesus name.
I receive my divine benefit from the hand of my enemies.
Oh God give me revelation for my divine lifting in Jesus name.
I reject stagnation programmed into my career in Jesus name.
I reject stagnation in my Ministry and business in Jesus name.
I receive the grace to identify my divine helpers in Jesus name.
Every delay and denial of miracle expire by fire in Jesus name.
I reject and renounce every backward spirit in Jesus name.
I break every stronghold of failure in Jesus name
I reject every self made failure at the edge of miracle in Jesus name
I refused to be a victim of circumstance in Jesus name.
I receive the grace to recover all in Jesus name.
For making out time to read through! I hope this book has been a blessing
to you.
Please, if you have any suggestion for our next edition, contact me at
You may also contact me for prayers and counseling.

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