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The patient complains of pain in throat during swallowing.

During the examination,

the doctor diagnosed the redness of the soft palate and palatine uvula. What is
isthmus of fauces (isthmus faucium)?

e. The space between the two palatoglossal and palatopharyngeal arches.

The dentist detected an inflammation of the papillae on the border of the middle
and posterior third of the back of the tongue during the examination of the cavity
of the mouth. Inflammation of which papillae was detected?

e. Papillae vallatae.

The mother of a child of 8 years came to doctor with complaints of violation of

swallowing of her child, an increase in body temperature. The doctor found swelling
and hyperemia of the lymphoid tissue in the area of the tonsils during the
examination. Which of the tonsils is normally in this place?

b. Tonsilla palatina.

As a result of eating very hot food in the patient got reddening, swelling, and
small bubbles and severe pain in the area of the anterior part of hard palate
appeared. On the mucous membrane of the hard palate there is:

a. Raphe palati, plicae palatinae transversae.

A patient has a hematoma in the area of the cheek after an injury. The outflow from
which salivary gland is blocked by hematoma?

a. Parotid gland.

During the act of swallowing the food falls into the nasal part of the pharynx in
the patient with a trauma of the facial skull. The function of which muscle is

d. M. levator veli palatini.

There is a drop of milk into the nasal cavity of a newborn when he/she takes a
meal. Please indicate the possible cause of this violation.

a. Cleft palate.

A patient of 45 years old casually drank acetic acid. The burns of which
departments of the digestive system will occur first of all?

a. Cavity of the mouth, oropharynx.

The milk began to flow out of the nasal cavity during the first feeding of the
newborn. What developmental defect does the infant have?

b. Wolf's mouth (cleft palate).

A newborn has a defect in the form of median cleft of the mandible. Non-
assimilation of which processes leads to such anomalies of development?

b. Mandibular.
The patient can not move the tongue forward and downward because of an injury.
Which one of the listed muscles has suffered?

a. Genioglossus muscle.

A patient of 25 years has a fresh longitudinal cut wound with a length of 4 cm and
a depth of 1 cm in the area of the right cheek, which significantly bleeds. After
performing anesthesia and hemostasis, the surgeon began to put the stitches on the
wound. What anatomical structures demand special attention to be paid to?

a. The duct of the parotid gland.

A patient with a tumor of encephalon trunk has a difficulty in raising the tongue.
The function of which muscle of the tongue suffered?

d. Genioglossus.

A pregnant woman of 30 years old received an increased dose of radiation. As a

result, the process of prenatal development of the fetus has been violated. There
was no assimilation of the lateral nasal and maxillary processes during the
formation of the cavity of the mouth. What kind of anomaly is expected to occur?

c. Cleft lip.

A dentist inserts a cotton swab into the lumen between the cheek and the alveolar
process of the maxilla. The outlet hole of which gland does it close?

a. Parotid.

A child of 6 years has penetrating injury to the right cheek, obtained as a result
of careless handling of the sharp object. What muscles form the basis of cheeks?

M. masseter, m. buccinator.

A patient has an inflammation of the sublingual caruncle. From which salivary

glands will it be difficult to secrete saliva?

Sublingual and submandibular.

The doctor found a small ulcer on the anterior left palatinal arch during the
examination of the oral cavity. Which muscle, that lies in the arch, may
inflammation spread to?

M. palatoglossus.

The patient complains of severe pain in throat during swallowing and of fever.
Redness of the arches and palatine tonsils, the accumulation of white plaque on
them was revealed during the examination. The doctor diagnosed follicular angina.
Where are tonsillar fossulae located?

c. Between anterior and posterior arches of fauces.

The patient of 35 years old came to the reception room with complaints of pain and
swelling in the area of the oral cavity. The inflammatory process of the area of
the inferior duct of the submandibular salivary gland is diagnosed after
examination. Where does this duct open?
c. Caruncula sublingualis.

A 8-year-old patient complains of swelling in the posterior part of the cheek, an

increase in pain during eating. the Doctor found redness of the mucous membrane of
the cheek of vestibule in front of the second molar and suspected inflammation of
the salivary gland. What salivary gland opens in this place?

c. Glandula parotidea.

The patient has a dysfunction of sense of taste. The general sensitivity is

maintained. Which tongue nipples are not damaged?

d. Filiform papillae.

The patient come to cosmetologist with a complaint about the frequent oblation and
shelling of the skin of the lips. By which parts is the lip formed?

d. Skin, vermilion, mucosa.

A child has the congenital cleft of the upper lip and the anterior part of the
palate. The absence of assimilation of which processes caused this defect?

c. Nasal, palatine.

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