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Intelligent Assist Electronic Health Record System



Submitted by

Adwaith D Arun– E0122039

In partial fulfilment for the award of the degree of




(Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning)

Sri Ramachandra Faculty of Engineering and Technology

Sri Ramachandra Institute of Higher Education and Research, Porur, Chennai -


JULY, 2023

Certified that this project report “Intelligent Assist Electronic Health Record System ” is the

bonafide record of work done by “ADWAITH D ARUN–E0122039” who carried out the

internship work under my supervision.

Signature of the Supervisor Signature of Programme


Name of Supervisor Dr. V.Vanitha

Assistant Professor, Associate Professor,

Department of Artificial Intelligence and Data Department of Artificial Intelligence and Machine
Machine Learning, Learning,

Sri Ramachandra Faculty of Engineering and Sri Ramachandra Faculty of Engineering and
Technology, Technology,

SRIHER, Porur, Chennai-600 116. SRIHER, Porur, Chennai-600 116.

Evaluation Date: 10th July 2023


I express my sincere gratitude to our Programme Coordinator Dr.

V.Vanitha. for their support and for providing the required facilities for

carrying out this study.

I wish to thank my faculty supervisor(s), ,

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, Sri Ramachandra faculty of

Engineering and Technology and RESHMA RAJ, HR MANAGER for

extending help and encouragement throughout the project. Without his/her

continuous guidance and persistent help, this project would not have been a

success for me.

I am grateful to all the members of Sri Ramachandra Faculty of

Engineering and Technology, my beloved parents and friends for extending

the support, who helped us to overcome obstacles in the study.





1.2 Techniques Involved 2

1.2.1 Layers 3




Appendix-1: Code – Technical detail 55

Appendix-2: Screenshots 60



I was fortunate to have the opportunity to intern at Next Gen SM during the
summer of 2023. Next Gen SM is a software development company that
specializes in the healthcare industry. The company's main project is an EHR
system, which is a software application that stores and manages patient
health information.

One of the most exciting projects I worked on was a predictive patient

monitoring system. This system used machine learning to identify patients
who were at risk of developing complications. This information could then be
used to intervene early and prevent serious health problems.

I also worked on a project that developed personalized treatment

recommendations for patients. This system used natural language processing
to analyse patient medical records and identify patterns that could be used to
predict which treatments would be most effective.

Digital healthcare ecosystems are driven around Electronic Health Record

systems. These systems facilitate the electronic storage of clinical
information, but is not limited to data from medical imaging, screening tests,
diagnostic tests, physician notes and provider payment records.

EHR systems are becoming increasingly viable in many countries because of

the easy availability of enormous amounts of patient health information.

The internship also gave me the opportunity to learn about the challenges of
AI in healthcare. One of the biggest challenges is data privacy. Healthcare
data is very sensitive, and it is important to ensure that it is protected. Another
challenge is algorithmic bias. AI algorithms can be biased if they are trained
on data that is not representative of the population.

Despite these challenges, I believe that AI has the potential to revolutionize

healthcare. AI-integrated EHR systems can improve the efficiency and
accuracy of medical documentation, reduce administrative burden, and
increase patient engagement.

This can lead to improved healthcare outcomes for patients and the overall
healthcare ecosystem.
Product Overview

The IA EHR system plugs in different modules that connect and work
together for better, timely patient-centric care. This allows the care
practitioner to build a customised care plan for patients based on their
individual condition. This care plan can change across settings of care and
time. The system is designed with AI & NLP Integrated early predictions,
clinical decision support systems and automated coding systems. The
product includes

This component is the ideal real-time assistant for clinicians. It acts as a

listener, reader, detector, evaluator, modeller, translator and writer to retrieve
and project data on a 3D representation of the patient in the system.

• As a writer, it writes documents/notes/diagnosis reports and suggests

treatment plans based on the history of the patient and current situation.
• As a listener, reader and detector, it listens in on the conversation between
clinicians and patients. It then retrieves the patient’s previous
diagnosis/clinical notes that are relevant, based on this conversation. • As a
modeler, translator and writer, it models the data and presents it on the
patient’s 3D avatar. It interprets the conversation between the clinician and
patient as a diagnostic report and provides automation on documentation,
prescription and treatment plans. It then presents this information on the
digital display unit. It also represent information on the digital display unit.

• As a modeler, translator and writer, it models the data and presents it on the
patient’s 3D avatar. It interprets the conversation between the clinician and
patient as a diagnostic report and provides automation on documentation,
prescription and treatment plans. It then presents this information on the
digital display unit. It also represents the diagnosis as
an image on the diagnosis report.

Natural language processing (NLP) is a type of artificial intelligence that

allows computers to understand and process human language. This is useful
in a variety of applications, including electronic health records (EHRs).

EHRs contain a lot of patient information, including free-text notes written by

healthcare providers. However, this information can be difficult to extract and
analyze because it is unstructured. NLP can help to solve this problem by
extracting relevant information from clinical notes and structuring it in a more
organized way.

There are many different applications of NLP in EHRs. For example, NLP
can be used to:

 Identify and extract patient demographics, medical conditions,

medications, procedures, and lab results.
 Automate the coding process for medical diagnoses and procedures.
 Provide clinical decision support by analyzing patient data and
providing relevant information to healthcare providers.
 Aid in research and population health studies by mining large amounts
of EHR data.
 Analyze the sentiment expressed in patient notes or other textual data.

Overall, NLP is a powerful tool that can improve the efficiency, accuracy, and
usability of EHR systems. By enabling the extraction, interpretation, and
analysis of valuable information from unstructured clinical text, NLP can help
to improve patient care and outcomes.

Here are some specific examples of how NLP can be used in EHRs:

 A patient comes into the doctor's office with a cough. The doctor can
use NLP to extract the patient's symptoms from the clinical notes and
identify potential diagnoses.
 A healthcare provider is coding a patient's medical record. NLP can be
used to suggest appropriate diagnostic and procedural codes, which can
save time and reduce errors.
 A researcher is studying the prevalence of a particular disease. NLP can
be used to mine EHR data to identify patients with the disease and track
their progress over time.
NLP is a rapidly developing field, and new applications of NLP in EHRs are
being developed all the time. As NLP technology continues to improve, it is
likely that NLP will play an even greater role in the future of EHRs.

2.1 Layers
Anatomical layers – skin layer, muscular layer, skeletal layer, organ layer and
body systems
• Prediction layer
• Genome Layer
• Diagnosis code level representation layer
• Visit level representation – populated by episodes of care-containing
information about all health-relevant events that have taken place in the
individual’s life.
• The model can be rotated, tilted and zoomed.
• Voice recognition and Natural Language Processing (NLP) technologies that
can do medical entity recognition and extract structured information based
on semantic tags like cell, cell structure, findings, disorders, body structures,
procedures, event, environment etc.


During my internship, I worked on a variety of tasks related to the

development of the EHR system. I was responsible for:

 Learning about the company's projects

 Developing a PowerPoint presentation on the advancements of artificial
 Developing a PowerPoint presentation on augmented job trainings
 Participating in a session with the project code base
 Developing a Python program for text and image extraction

Learning about the company's projects

 As instructed, I thoroughly researched and familiarized myself with the

ongoing projects within the company. I reviewed the project
documentation, attended team meetings, and discussed the projects
with relevant team members. This allowed me to gain a comprehensive
understanding of the objectives, scope, and challenges associated with
each project.

PowerPoint Presentation on Advancement of AI

 I was tasked with creating a PowerPoint presentation for a general

meeting, focusing on the advancements of artificial intelligence. I
conducted in-depth research, gathered relevant information, and
organized it into a well-structured presentation. The slides covered
various topics, including the impact of AI on industries, current trends,
and future prospects. I will be presenting it when the opportunity is

PowerPoint Presentation on Augmented Job Training

 Additionally, I was assigned to develop a PowerPoint presentation on

Augmented Job Training. This presentation aimed to highlight the
benefits and applications of augmented reality in employee training and
development. I gathered relevant data, incorporated engaging visuals,
and delivered a comprehensive overview of the subject matter.

Session with the Project Code Base

 To enhance my technical skills and better understand the company's

code base, I participated in a session led by the AI Development team.
During the session, I gained insights into the architecture, design
principles, and coding standards followed in our projects. This hands-
on experience allowed me to familiarize myself with the project code
base, enabling me to contribute more effectively in future development

Python Program for Text and Image Extraction

 In response to a task assigned by the AI Department Head, I developed

a Python program to extract text and images from a given file.
Leveraging appropriate Python libraries, such as pytesseract for Optical
Character Recognition (OCR) and PIL for image processing, I
successfully implemented the required functionality. The program can
accurately extract text and images, providing a valuable tool for content
analysis and data extraction.

Research on Product’s Market size and growth

 The global market for EHR systems that integrate AI is expected to

grow from $1.6 billion in 2022 to $10.5 billion by 2029, at a CAGR of
22.5%. This growth is being driven by the increasing adoption of AI in
healthcare, the growing demand for personalized healthcare, and the
need to improve the efficiency and accuracy of EHR systems.

Client-customer preferences
 Clients and customers of EHR systems that integrate AI are looking for
solutions that can help them improve the following:

Patient care:
 AI-powered EHR systems can help providers improve patient care by
providing clinical decision support, identifying potential risks, and
tracking patient outcomes.


 AI-powered EHR systems can help providers save time and improve
efficiency by automating tasks such as coding and billing.


 AI-powered EHR systems can help providers improve the accuracy of

their data by identifying errors and inconsistencies.


 The major competitors in the market for EHR systems that integrate AI


 Epic is a leading provider of EHR systems, and they have recently

released an AI-powered version of their product.


 Cerner is another leading provider of EHR systems, and they are also
developing an AI-powered version of their product.

IBM Watson Health:

 IBM Watson Health is a leading provider of AI-powered healthcare

solutions, and they offer a variety of products that can be integrated
with EHR systems.

Google Health:

 Google Health is a leading provider of health data and analytics

solutions, and they are developing an AI-powered EHR system.

 The market for EHR systems that integrate AI is growing rapidly, and
there are a number of leading competitors in the market. Clients and
customers are looking for solutions that can help them improve patient
care, efficiency, and accuracy.
 Here are some additional considerations for businesses that are
considering developing or implementing an EHR system that integrates
 The cost of AI-powered EHR systems can be higher than traditional
EHR systems.
 The implementation of AI-powered EHR systems can be complex and
 There is still some uncertainty about the long-term benefits of AI-
powered EHR systems.
 However, the potential benefits of AI-powered EHR systems are
significant, and businesses that are able to successfully implement these
systems are likely to see a number of advantages, including:
 Improved patient care
 Increased efficiency
 Reduced costs
 Improved decision-making
 Enhanced compliance
Day Date Task Done
Day 1 08/05/2023 Introductory Week
Day 2 15/05/2023 Research on the company’s detail file paper
Day 3 15/05/2023 Research on the company’s detail file paper
Day 4 16/05/2023 Research on the company’s detail file paper
Day 5 17/05/2023 Meeting with company officials
Day 6 18/05/2021 Present my research analysis to the company team
Day 7 19/05/2021 Present my research analysis to the company team
Day 8 22/05/2021 Developed a well-structured PowerPoint
presentation on the advancements of artificial
Day 9 23/05/2021 Took Part in a knowledge sharing session
Day 10 24/05/2021 Participated in a knowledge sharing session
Day 11 25/05/2021 Presented a power point presentation in Board
Day 12 26/05/2021 Nil
Day 13 29/01/2021 Insights into the architecture, design principles, and
coding standards followed in the company's projects
Day 14 30/01/2021 Research into the architecture, design principles, and
coding standards followed in the company's projects
Day 15 31/05/2023 Research into the architecture, design principles, and
coding standards followed in the company's projects
Day 16 01/06/2023 Research into the architecture, design principles, and
coding standards followed in the company's projects
Day 17 02/06/2023 Presenting the research to the AI head
Day 18 05/06/2023 Conduct product testing and provide detailed
feedback on usability and functionality.
Day 19 06/06/2023 Conduct product testing and provide detailed
feedback on usability and functionality
Day 20 07/06/2023 Participate in brainstorming sessions and contribute
creative ideas for marketing campaigns.
Day 21 10/06/2023 Participate in brainstorming sessions and contribute
creative ideas for marketing campaign
Day 22 11/06/2023 Hardware visit to a sister company
Day 23 12/06/2023 Hardware visit to a sister company
Day 24 13/06/2023 Hardware visit to a sister company
Day 25 14/06/2023 Submitting observations on the sister company
15/06/2023 -Leave-
Day 26 20/06/2023 Assist in the development of software prototypes and
proof-of-concept projects.
Day 27 21/06/2023 Assist in the development of software prototypes and
proof-of-concept projects.
Day 28 22/06/2023 Given a task to create a python programme to extract
text from a document or image
Day 29 23/06/2023 Python Project
Day 30 26/06/2023 Python Project
27th to 29th -Medical Leave-
Day 31 30/06/2023 College report preparation
Day 32 03/07/2023 College report preparation
Day 33 04/07/2023 Provide constructive feedback to improve code
Day 34 05/07/2023 Experience sharing session with other new interns
and employees
Day 35 06/07/2023 Nil


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