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Chapters 5 - Critical Thinking and Discussion Questions






1. While the surface of the Earth has grown warmer in recent years, temperatures in

the upper atmosphere have actually gotten cooler. Some people say this means that the

global warning is a myth. What would you say?

No, global warming is not a myth. Contrary to popular belief, global warming does

not necessarily imply rising temperatures in other locations. Instead, the phrase is used in

reference to the rising earth’s temperature(Shaftel, 2022). Therefore, the earth can get warmer

while temperatures in the upper atmosphere reduce.

2. Do you think your carbon footprint has increased or decreased in the last year or so,

and why?

I believe that my carbon footprint has increased in the last year or so. In general, last

year saw the resumption of normal activities following the covid-19 pandemic, which has

increased the number of flights I have taken, car mileage, and monthly oil and gas bills. This

leads to an increase in the number of greenhouse gases emission and, consequently, an

increase in the carbon footprint.

3. Which do you think is a more effective strategy for lowering carbon dioxide

emissions: a carbon tax on emissions, a tax on gasoline, or an incentive such as a tax

credit for renewable energy alternatives, or some combination? Why?

The best method of reducing carbon dioxide emissions is an incentive for renewable

energy alternatives. While the other options are viable, they would not be as effective, mainly

due to the projected increase in the global population. Introducing taxes on emissions and

gasoline can only be effective on a short-term basis since the cumulative carbon dioxide

emissions would increase with an increase in population. On the contrary, renewable energy

replaces fossil fuels entirely, which can be significant in reducing carbon dioxide emissions

(Tierney & Bird, 2020).


4. Can a vegetarian diet have a lower climate change impact than a beef-based diet?


A vegetarian diet can have a lower impact on climate change than a beef-based diet if

the individuals on a vegetarian diet are substantially more than those on the beef-based diet.

This is based on the assumption that more people on a vegetarian diet can imply a threat to

the global vegetation cover, which would, in turn, lead to an increase in atmospheric carbon


5. What do you think conditions might be like in the area you live if the average

temperature increases 6 to 7 degrees? how will crops,, water supply, and building

design change? You may be able to find a region at a lower latitude than yours where

those conditions exist now to use as a guide.

I think an increase in the temperature by 6 or 7 degrees would lead to radical changes. Most

of the crops grown in the area would no longer be viable, precipitation would increase, water

supply would reduce while buildings would be changed to accommodate the increased heat

and possible flooding.

6. Please comment on Biochar.

Biochar refers to a charcoal-like substance prdocuced from plant material like like frass and

afrocualtural residues decomposed at high temperatures on limited oxygen supply. Scientist

assert that Biochar can improve the quality of soil, ability to hold moisture, and capacpty to

catch and store carbon (US Biochar Initiative, 2022).



Shaftel, H. (2022). Overview: Weather, Global Warming and Climate Change. Climate

Change: Vital Signs of the Planet. Retrieved 5 October 2022, from


Tierney, S., & Bird, L. (2020). Setting the Record Straight About Renewable Energy. World

Resources Institute. Retrieved 5 October 2022, from



US Biochar Initiative. (2022). Soil & Water Benefits of Biochar | US Biochar Initiative. Retrieved 5 October 2022, from


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