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General Education Reflection Spring24 Page|1

Patrick Musoy March 15th, 2024

EE 494 Portfolio
Spring 2024
Leah Eilers & Tina Prouty, Professors


As an electrical engineering student at Iowa State University, I have come to appreciate

the indispensable value of general education courses in shaping my academic journey and my

interconnected development as a future engineer. While the core of my curriculum focuses on

learning and mastering technical skills and principles within electrical engineering power &

energy systems, it is through the diverse exhibition of general education courses that I have

developed a more comprehensive perspective, honed essential skills, and developed connections

between my engineering discipline and the world at immense.

One of the fundamental aspects of general education at Iowa State University is its

emphasis on fostering interdisciplinary thinking. As an electrical engineering student, I have

reached deep into circuits, systems, and electronics. Yet, through courses in disciplines such as

literature, history, economics, religion, or sociology, I have learned to approach problems from

multiple angles or different perspectives, pulling upon understandings from diverse fields to

develop innovative solutions. This interdisciplinary perspective has not only enriched my

academic experience. Still, it has also equipped me with the adaptability and creativity necessary

to dive into complex engineering challenges in a rapidly effectively evolving world.

Moreover, general education courses have played a pivotal role in improving my

communication skills. Engineering prowess is only sufficient if one can effectively share ideas,
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collaborate with colleagues, or engage with stakeholders. Through writing-intensive courses, oral

presentations, and class discussions, I have learned to articulate complex technical concepts

clearly and compellingly, making me a more effective communicator within and beyond


Another critical aspect of general education is its focus on ethics and society awareness.

Engineering is not only about building machines, resolving complex problems, or designing

circuits; it is also about using technology to improve lives and address demanding community

needs. As an engineering student, general education offers numerous advantages beyond the

traditional technical curriculum that allow me to understand and acquire such as

• Enhanced communication skills are valuable in the increasingly globalized world because

effective communication is essential for engineers, whether collaborating with

international colleagues, presenting technical concepts to diverse audiences, or working

on projects with multinational teams.

• Cultural competence can provide insights into different belief systems, traditions, and

cultural practices. Understanding diverse cultures and worldviews fosters empathy,

respect, and appreciation for cultural diversity. This cultural competence is invaluable for

engineers who work on projects that span different countries or involve interactions with

diverse communities.

• Ethical Considerations: Taking religion and ethics courses prompts reflection on moral

values, ethical principles, and social justice issues. Engineering projects can have

significant ethical implications, such as privacy concerns, environmental impact, or

societal inequalities. Understanding different ethical frameworks and considering the

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broader societal implications of technology is essential for responsible engineering


• Global Awareness: Taking general education allows me to foster global awareness and

understanding of geopolitical dynamics. As an engineer, having or being knowledgeable

about global issues is better equipped to navigate international markets, engage with

diverse stakeholders, and address global challenges such as climate change, public health,

or sustainable development.

• Personal Growth: Beyond the professional advantages, those courses can boost personal

growth and development. General education encourages critical thinking, self-reflection,

and open-mindedness, nurturing qualities valuable in engineering and life in general.

Courses in philosophy, ethics, and social sciences have prompted me to grapple with ethical

dilemmas, consider the broader implications of technological advancements, and reflect on my

responsibilities as an engineer. By fostering a deeper understanding of the societal impacts of

technology, general education has instilled in me a commitment to ethical engineering practices

and social responsibility.

I'm a transfer student at Iowa State University. I mostly took my general education in

college, where my curriculum covered various subjects, including religion, microeconomics,

music, American history, and culture. At the same time, these courses may not seem directly

related to electrical engineering. However, they offer valuable insights and skills that can

complete and improve an engineer's education in several ways.

Studying religion provided me with a deeper understanding of cultural diversity, ethics,

and human behavior. This knowledge is valuable for me as an engineering student who can work

in diverse teams, collaborate with people from different backgrounds, or engage in projects with
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ethical considerations. Additionally, understanding religious perspectives can be crucial to my

background as an electrical engineer when designing technology that interacts with or impacts

religious communities.

The Economic (Microeconomic: ECON 101) course introduced me to principles of

supply and demand, resource allocation, and market behavior. As a future engineer, I will often

work in industries where economic factors, such as manufacturing, energy, or technology, play a

significant role. Understanding microeconomics can help engineers make informed decisions

regarding project feasibility, cost-effectiveness, and market trends.

While music may seem unrelated to engineering, it fosters creativity, critical thinking,

and problem-solving skills. I believe these skills are essential for engineers who design

innovative solutions or tackle complex technical challenges. A much better understanding of the

physics of sound and acoustics can be particularly relevant for electrical engineers involved in

audio engineering, signal processing, or telecommunications.

Studying American history and culture provides me, as someone from a different

background, with insights into the social, political, and economic factors that have shaped the

nation and its institutions. This knowledge helps me to contextualize my work within broader

societal trends and understand the historical roots of contemporary issues, such as infrastructure

development, environmental policy, or technological innovation.

In conclusion, while general education courses may not directly teach engineering

principles, but offer valuable skills, perspectives, and knowledge that complement engineers'

technical training and contribute to their professional development. It plays a vital role in

shaping well-rounded engineers equipped to navigate the complexities of the modern world.

While technical proficiency is essential, general education courses provide me with

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interdisciplinary perspectives, communication skills, cultural competence, ethical considerations,

global awareness, and personal growth opportunities. With engagement in subjects outside of our

core discipline, general education provides a better understanding of societal issues, develops

critical thinking skills, and cultivates empathy and respect for diverse perspectives.

Through general education courses, I have gained interdisciplinary insights, refined

communication skills, grappled with ethical dilemmas, and cultivated cultural competence,

which are indispensable qualities for success as a modern engineer. As I continue my journey as

an electrical engineer in power & energy systems, I am grateful for the transformative impact of

general education in shaping me into a more well-rounded, conscientious, and effective


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