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CSE1200 - Introduction to Computing II

Assignment 1 - Presentation & Discussion
(WEIGHT: 20%)
Group of 4 - 6


● This assessment must be completed and submitted in groups of up to six (6) members.
Submissions are only required to be made by the group leader.
Any group issues must be resolved at a group level and should only reach the lecturer(s)
if the situation becomes uncontrollable. Lack of communication, cooperation, etc. will
NOT be considered valid excuses for missing the deadline.

● Any plagiarised work will automatically be awarded zero for the entire assessment. You
MUST reference ALL work and examples used from the internet and GPT / language

● The deadline for this assessment is Wednesday, February 28th 2024, at 14:00 (which is
also the presentation date).
● Any late submissions will not be assessed.
● Any difficulty submitting should be emailed as soon as they occur. Emails sent after the
deadline regarding submission issues will not be addressed.
● Your submission MUST include the names and USIs of ALL group members along with
a group contribution sheet.
● Your submission via Moodle should include ONE ZIP file which should contain your
presentation slides AND a PDF of group members' contributions.

1. Research, discuss in your group and prepare a presentation (slide/ppt) of your findings
based on the topic you were assigned. Your presentation should include:
a. A brief introduction to your topic area
b. Answers to the questions that were posed
c. Use of examples, visual aids, etc
d. At the end of your presentation, you are required to ask at least three discussion
questions to engage with your classmates.
2. You will be graded on the
a. Research:
i. Relevance of Background Information
ii. Quality of Research Conducted
iii. Quality of Organisation
iv. Use of Examples/Other Aids/Prototypes/Evidence
v. All Questions were Addressed
b. Delivery:
i. Stage Presence - Command of Audience Attention
ii. Quality of Oration e.g. Enunciation, Clarity, Mastery of Topic
iii. Abstained from Slide-Reading (Able to Explain your Research)
iv. Slides were Readable - Good Grammar, Spelling, Layout
v. Depicted Appropriate Level of Detail
vi. Quality of Time Management
vii. Questions & Engagement with the Audience
3. Presentation duration: 6 minutes + 2 minutes for QA.
The presentation schedule will be posted soon, but the scheduled date is Wednesday,
February 28th, 2024, from 14:15 to 16:10.

Group # Topic Assigned

1 1.1: The Ethical Implications of BCI Technology

2 1.2: BCS & ACM Code of Conduct

3 2.1: Prosecuting Transnational Crime

4 2.2: Deepfakes and Politics

5 3.1: Cyber-Attacks

6 3.2: Social Engineering Attacks

7 4.1: Identify Risks in an Organisation

8 4.2: AI Risks

9 1.1: The Ethical Implications of BCI Technology

10 1.2: BCS & ACM Code of Conduct

11 2.1: Prosecuting Transnational Crime

12 2.2: Deepfakes and Politics

13 3.1: Cyber-Attacks

14 3.2: Social Engineering Attacks

15 4.1: Identify Risks in an Organisation

16 4.2: AI Risks

17 1.1: The Ethical Implications of BCI Technology

18 1.2: BCS & ACM Code of Conduct

19 2.1: Prosecuting Transnational Crime

20 2.2: Deepfakes and Politics

21 3.1: Cyber-Attacks

22 3.2: Social Engineering Attacks

23 4.1: Identify Risks in an Organisation

24 4.2: AI Risks

Topic 1.1: The Ethical Implications of BCI Technology
Many of the practical design decisions are driven by ethical ideas and principles. One such
technology is the Brain Computer Interface (BCI).

Brain-computer interfaces (BCIs) gather brain signals, analyse them, and translate them into
commands that are communicated to output devices that execute the desired actions. BCIs do not
use normal neuromuscular output pathways. The main goal of a BCI is to replace or restore
useful function to people disabled by neuromuscular disorders. While this is a positive moral
good, technical choices can affect the ability of users to act in a certain way and thereby impede
their autonomy.

Discuss the ethical considerations surrounding the development and implementation of

Brain-Computer Interfaces (BCIs). Explore alternative design approaches for BCIs that uphold
ethical principles while ensuring user autonomy.

Topic 1.2: BCS & ACM Code of Conduct

You are part of a development team working on a cutting-edge project for a medical research
institute. The project involves collecting and analysing sensitive patient data to advance research
in a critical health-related field. As the project progresses, you become aware that certain data
privacy and security measures outlined in the ACM and BCS Code of Conduct are being
overlooked by the team.

What ethical dilemmas arise concerning the handling of sensitive patient data, and how do they
align with the ACM and BCS Code of Conduct?
Identify specific principles from the ACM and BCS Code of Conduct that may be violated by
neglecting data privacy and security measures. How do these violations impact the ethical
standing of the project?

Topic 2.1: Prosecuting Transnational Crime

The ubiquity of computing devices and internetworking means that crimes can be committed
across geographical borders.
A cybercrime occurs in one country, but the perpetrator uses computing devices in another
country. Discuss the legal challenges, jurisdictional issues, and international cooperation needed
for successful prosecution.

Topic 2.2: Deepfakes and Politics
You’re part of a political campaign as the technology advisor to a political party candidate.
Advise and discuss the potential ethical uses of deepfakes in political campaigns. How can this
technology be leveraged to enhance communication without resorting to misinformation?
Explore safeguards and regulations to prevent misuse.

Topic 3.1: Cyber-Attacks

Research, brainstorm and categorise motives for cyber-attacks. Present some recent real-world
examples. Discuss how these motives influence the tactics and targets chosen by attackers.

Topic 3.2: Social Engineering Attacks

Identify and explain what are social engineering attacks.
In the context of Guyana, what cultural and regional factors might influence the success of social
engineering attacks, and how can professionals tailor cybersecurity strategies to address these
specific challenges within the local landscape?

Topic 4.1: Identify Risks in an Organisation

Choose one organisation that operates in either the public or private sector. By brainstorming,
identify at least ten Information Security risks that are relevant to the chosen organisation.
Discuss their potential impact, prioritise risks and propose mitigation strategies.

Topic 4.2: AI Risks

Examine how Artificial Intelligence may introduce new information security risks. Discuss
adaptive risk management strategies for organisations to address these evolving challenges.
How can cultivating a security-conscious culture contribute to effective risk management in a
growing organisation?

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