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Toes yyy G@a/as) 00 sads “G/N Adee ayrods (0,) 4 “dusor ing (Lu/NyA) anssos ROE es sas GUPD SArrm ayroads_ (9,) 4 dues vag (tin) aznsas Soyge) Wess wo You 2 BYIP £90 91 210m fo &y20d0> yoy auras -ssow Ky 70 109 10d 62 sou fo sskpou a8os2240d a1 (0 no fo sous ous (4 1009 fo sso ays (0 oumuarire wonsnqua i2fia 40f poanbox toys fo sooxa mt swan sod 2281 Gdns a yp peo 0d dod "ys ‘tua sad ua ‘ao aad §“ua8oqphy ‘jus0 42d 9 “wogurd :esow A uotysoduio) 0 t04 joa9 >ur S¥lP nnn c TEMO 021/128 ~ NOVEMBER 2018 MAIN EXAMINATIONS Semester 2/2018: Main Examinations ‘SUBJECT AND LEVEL | THERMODYNAMICS II ‘SAPSE CODE = TEMO 021 + TEMO 128 DATE NOVEMBER 2018 (MAIN) eee NUMBER OF PAGES MERE. ESE (including the front page) | © TIME (09:00-12:00 | DURATION 3 hours FULL MARKS 100 "| TOTAL MARKS 105 EXAMINER(S) MRR. GAYAPERSHAD BSc.Eng. MSAIMechE [UDW} MODERATOR(S) MR Z.M ZONDI B.Tech{DUT} FACULTY ENGINEERING AND THE BUILT ENVIRONMENT DEPARTMENT MECHANICAL ENGINEERING COURSE NATIONAL DIPLOMA: MECHANICAL ENGINEERING ‘Attempt ALL 4 Questions. Use the Formulae sheet attached INSTRUCTIONS Question 4 must be answered on the special sheet provided. Marks will be deducted for incorrect or missing UNITS. CALCULATORS & SCRIPTS REQUIREMENTS ‘STEAM TABLES & STEAM CHARTS PLEASE DO NOT TURN OVER UNTIL PERMISSION IS GRANTED L TEMO 024/128 - NOVEMBER 2018 MAIN EXAMINATIONS QUESTION 4 [28 marks} 1.4 The specific heat capacities of a gas are given as follows: c= 0,217 ki/kg.K and oy = 0,172 Ki/kek. Determine the density of this gas at a pressure of 1MPa and at a temperature of 600°C. © 1.2 Derive, from first principles, an expression for the work done during the polytropic expansion of a gas. 6) 1.3 An engine has a volumetric compression ratio of 14: 1. The bore and stroke of the cylinder are 250 mm and 300 mm respectively. Air in the oylinder at the beginning of compression has a pressure of 96 kPa and temperature of 93 °C. The air is compressed for the full stroke according to the law PV32 = C, f lled P-V diagram, determine, for the compression process: 1.3.1 the mass of air; a 4.3.2 the work transfer; 6) 1.3.3 the heat transfer. 6) [For the air, take y= 1.4 and c= 1,006 ki/gK | ‘QUESTION T23 marks] 2.4 Determine using steam tables/charts: 2.4.4 the specific enthalpy of steam at a pressure of 1,4 bar and dryness fraction, x=0.9: 2) 2.4.2. the specific volume of dry saturated steam at a pressure of 476 kPa. (2) 2.1.3 the specific enthalpy of superheated steam at a pressure of 950 kPa and 335 °C. 4) 2.2 Superheated steam at a pressure of 4 MPa and with a temperature of 375 °C enters a desuperheater at the rate of 5,04 tonne/n, Hot H20 at a temperature of 75,9 °C is sprayed into the superheated steam as it passes through the desuperheater to produce a combined mixture of output steam at a pressure of 4 MPa and with a dryness fraction of 0,96. Determine: 2.2.1 the mass of the output steam in tonne/h; (10) 2.2.2 the internal diameter of the steam pipe required to transport the output steam if the steam velocity is 23 mys. 6) ‘QUESTIONS T27 marks] The following data was recorded from a test on a steam boiler during a plant visit: ‘Steam Pressure Ti bar Caloric Value of fuel ol 75,5 MIKE Feed water temperature exiting economizer] SLB“ ‘Steam temperature 350°C Hot well temperature BEC Dryness fraction after evaporator 035 Steam generation ‘Stonne.h= TEMO 021/128 - NOVEMBER 2018 MAIN EXAMINATIONS 3.1 Drawa fully labelled diagram showing the layout of the steam plant. (4) Determine the: 3.2 mass of the fuel oil consumed in kg.h* if the thermal efficiency is 70%; (7) 3.3 heat powers absorbed by the economizer, evaporator and superheater units. (10) 3.4 Equivalent Evaporation from and at 100 °C. 3) 3.5 List 3 ways to improve the plant efficiency other than adding an economizer. (3) QUESTION 4 ~ [27 marks] USE THE SPECIAL ANSWER SHEET PROVIDED TO ANSWER THIS QUESTION. 4.1 Provide one term/word that completely describes each of the following: 4.1.1 The collective name for fuels such as coals, oils and natural gas. (1) 4.1.2. An inert gas that does not take part in a combustion reaction. (a) 4.1.3 The minimum mass of oxygen required to burn 1 kg of a fuel. (a 4.1.4 Anatural gas which is piped to domestic and industrial users. (y 4.1.5. The air supplied to a fuel beyond that required for complete combustion. (a 4.2 Determine the stoichiometric mass of air required to completely burn 1 kg of paraffin, CoH. (5) 4.3 Asample of anthracite coal has the following composition by mass: Carbon 90% Hydrogen ‘Oxygen Sulphur Nitrogen Incombustibles RELATIVE ATOMIC MASSES (RAM's) ARE: Had =i2 N=i4 ‘S=32 Assume that air contains 23 % oxygen by mass and 77 % Nitrogen by mass. 4.3.1 Determine the stoichiometric mass of air required for complete combustion of 1 kilogram of this fuel and the stoichiometric Air: Fuel ratio. @ 4.3.2. If 16 kg air is supplied, determine the percentage excess air. (2) 4.3.3 Determine the masses of the constituents of the wet flue gases/kg fuel burnt for 4.3.2 above. (8) END OF PAPER... TOTAL =405 ( bonus=5) 3 TEMO 021/128 ~ NOVEMBER 2018 MAIN EXAMINATIONS SURNAME & INITIALS. REG.#. QUESTION 4 [25 marks] AAA 4.1.2 4.13 414 4.1.5. 4.2 [ Constituent | Mass of constituent Balanced — Combustion | Oz required (ke/kg fuel) Equation (ke/kg fuel) Total theoretical O2 required = Therefore stoichiometric mass of air = 4.3.1 stoichiometric A/F ratio= 4.3.2. % excess air = 4.3.3 TOTAL PRODUCTS OF COMBUSTION [per kg fuel Excess 02 = Total No in products PRODUCTS PRODUCT MASS [k@/kg fuel] TOTAL QUESTION 4 TEMO 021/128 4.4.1 fossils fuels V 4.1.2. Nitrogen, No ¥ 4.1.3. Stoichiometric mass Y 4.4.4 Methane gas (CHa) ¥ 4.1.5. Excess air V 4.2 Balanced combustion eqn: 2CcHis +19 02 = 12 C02 +14 H20 WV Proportion by mass: 2 (12x6 + 14x1] + 19x32 = 12 x[ 12 +2x16] + 14 x [2x1 + 16) V 2x 86+ 608= 12x 44+ 14x18 NOVEMBER 2018 MAIN EXAMINATIONS 172+ 608 = 528 +252 [27 marks] [1x5=5)] Divide through by 172: 1 +3,535= 1kg CoHia requires 3.535 kg O2 v © stoichiometric mass of air = 3.535/0.23~ 15.37 ke/kg fuel. [ANS] V 5] 43 Constituent | Mass of constituent] Combustion Equation | 02 required (ke/kg fuel) _| (ke/kg fuel) c 0.50 C02 3002 32/2 x0,902,400 V H 0,035 2Ha + 02 3240 32/4x0,08 0 0,030 0,030 v 3 0,005 S¥ 02 D502 32/32X 0,005"0,005 V Total theoretical O2 required 2,655 ke/kg fuel V Stoichiometric mass of air= 2,655/0,23 11,543 kg alt/kg fuel V 4.3.1 Therefore stoichiometric A/F ratio= 11,54 :1 V (71 4.3.2. If 16 kg air supplied, % excess air = [16-11,543]/11,543 x100%= 38,61%. VV [2] 4.3.3 TOTAL PRODUCTS OF COMBUSTION [ per kg fuel] Excess O2 = ,23 x (16-11,54) = 1,026 ke/ke fuel_V Total Nz in products = 0,01 + 77/100 x 16 = 12,33 kg/kg fuel_V PRODUCTS PRODUCT MASS [ke/kg fuel] [C02 447 12x0.50=3,300 V F20 S02 Excess O2 Total Ne TOTAL 16,98 ke/kgtuel V (8) BI [264 P= loco kr T= 664243 = 843K “THER Mo IT - Nov 2o1z_ Main Bean .MEMQ uy © p= O29 kT KBE KT as om kn byt kt Re Sp-Cv = 9214-0192 = o,045 kT hy! FRom Py = mRT Py =aT @ Mov CO and prt Ci = 25,4 by eh & 12 Ne, WD = 2 PY) Ve = Jy Pav | Now PY"2c o fee." . ntl - “ ¢ [4 eh os oH yy — [we a = Cv - CM —n4+{ = Re -fy, ne 4 Wir RM “RM f RT ~N —_> LS Mo. 14 Ve i Tis 934243 = 200K p 7 p | Wich / Wee Vi-Vee E 928*x03 HLL, m3] = 0,014 426 nd Bub Vie 14Ve £13Va2 0,044 5 Ve 000118502! Vi= 0,015859 m4 M1 =_s,cisesi x" (7) L310 Flom = Pv, = mRT B= LP 21,4 = look fey PM 7 “ we WS RT v 1 v= ©, FSG Tg Ke = ALX O01 SB SR oo oats eRe Op-dy = oe 45 ky V@S) = Leb ON18b 1 = O28F krkgl ks "3-2 WD eee EVI Vs EMA RVe 7 1a Qwe-? Qr- Uses Woe fo2 By? -ev RP (% 43 AU = mote-T)/ = % (ey TT [Ne not ' Ss) Te NY, 4 = 246 4g KR, 3lé Sata) ec “ Wez = dx oisesq ws obo) Te= 807, 33K TTR APS HOpon8s YEN OE ASS Laat 2. AUeee = 6,13 kr 4G) — > Age ko T hb - LST 6,0148%6, fess (Bc163- HK) Awso- 152 kr az [23] Zhi P= '4o ky %= 6,42 he he + xhey = ase oar Yoon y Qh vee? = 251,44 ko kg ———» y= * P= 496 kta By ENTER ouTION: =’ Ho IZ AA ©, I4-0, 3972 4% ~ 4¥o Ng 63972 = & Io, 643 ic Z48, Pte) | Yoo a hsu= . Aso lo, hsu2 P- 950 kPa Se o Nsw 53,5 Ue wsis hs 30530 lo SS ah = 9,39252 M/k Ma = 039252 M/k kta) SO = 3 Beo,—3ed 35-3 50, 32g 3D / - : Vv ’ su BAT 8S (ons) ; OY + on TEA Hoe the IF = 604x107 ky Superheated © | fog} lo Bes Abean. rly Mee OS my = 4 kis 4-600 kPa DESUPERHEAIER 345t Aocok, mg 2? (tome /i)x Bua % Coumnbsy oF swsS flo: my + tig = tig ~—__p but mye U4 Ils 2 4+ a= wi 4 ¢2) er ia = mig ~1,4 (8) Powe Ente SYSTEX = POWER ouTAT FRem SYstEm 10 ri hy + mzhe = Mghs —_ 74 GD + (3) iN (4) gueo - Z bay + (nig x04 Jha = sighs” , ws chy, /A(31S4)4(01-U4 ) WA = 3(2%31, 48) SoLviNG Gues rig = 164 Rls Kae hsw-3094 = 395-35 =_ 542 tome/h | “SURF QQ Sy — 2 Nsw = 3094+ 20x eh = 3154 kr kg! hy = he @ ¥69% So = Big kr ko hs = hes + xzhb&s © Looe Ks = 108 T+ 0,96x 1 F135 2 2431, 49 kekyt/ yy Vg> Az Cy Be eH, WG at 4ecokh = 0 04 TFS mP/k, INR O9Cx 00499 — = ©,0o4FF6 wR 6 pAg = M3 2 M4 S x0, 796 G 23. #4} =o, cos Fat day. 66 ‘on as) (os /ASmag) @3 [oa] 3a Ms = Soe iy = 2,5 bls Ve = mis (he ah) 4 me. EY 6-7 = 2, 25 (hah) / tag x 45 Sto | Reqe hy aadhg, | BB (A) 5b om Ales a : hy = 200 TERFELATOS: 47,5 4 ss : = EATERS: 47,5 2 ‘ et asl 414 445] 24 Shys ot tx TE I = 2035 Kr igey hs, @oste P| he= te=30%4 - — 4cco Acco _| “Bote-3014 7Eeae = 40K Atco | ah, 1o0 = — 24X tee) See | 30% 2 309,60 Kr hel “, 0/F = 25 (30,6 - 2635), mp x 45 5@ CD mp = 0, 2264 Kis = 8161 kh. : — SS 33 Qecae fg ahs shgCha-hy =2,S(385-203,5)i~ ha e@aquse = A53 7s kw a = 385 kr kg-t Q evap = ms(ah) = tisha ~he) hs = Nes + hy hes € Aico ke, 1095 + 9493» IFos\y~ Z680,65 kT kg 1 Qevap = 2,5 C 2680, Se) = 573418 kw v Gah = tigal'= sig(he-bs) pe = 25( 30,6- 280,06) . = 1014, 83 kw) ado 34 tisChe- hy mp x 2256, qe — = Vee (30%, 6 — 263, sy Blb,| « 22564 7 . = I4 iI [egez] eS ky fuel. BSS Fncreae mamber of tubes sn dupechenke— 3.5 9 Ente thet plant Prepedly sndulabed to mune heat loyey. a 3-$3. Reduce Amoke from chemi tack, leant 44 seRilarty macntaea! 3.54 — Endwe thet te p And derviced on time be borfer “Ongenesrd » ,* Q Ary 3 TEMO 021/126 - NOVEMBER 2018 MAIN EXAMINATIONS QUESTION 4 [27 marks] fossils fuels. 1.2 Nitrogen, No ¥ 4.1.3. Stoichiometric mass V 4.1.4 Methane gas (CHa) V¥ 4.1.5 Excess air V (1x5=5] 4.2 Balanced combustion eqn: 2CéH1a + 1902 = 12 CO +14 H20 VV Proportion by mass: 2 [12x6 + 14x21} + 19x32 = 12 x [12 +2x16] + 14x [2x1 + 16] (2x 86+ 605 12x444+14x18 172 +608 = 528 +252 Divide through by 172: 1 +3.535= 1 kg Cosa requires 3.535 kg Oo v © stoichiometric mass of air = 3.535/0,23= 15.37 kg/kg fuel. [ANS]_V (5) 43 [ Constituent | Mass of constituent — | Combustion Equation | Op required (k@/kg fuel) (ke/kg fuel) Cc 0.90 C+ 02 SCO2 32/12 x0,90=2,400 H 0,035 (2H2 + 02 32H20 32/4 x 0,035=0,280 V 0 0,030 - 0,030 t | i s | 0,005 | ‘$+ 02 DSO2 32/32x 0,005=0,005 Total theoretical O2 required = 2,655 ke/kg fuel Stoichiometric mass of air= — 2,655/0,23= 11,543 kg air/kg fuel V 4.3.1. Therefore stoichiometric A/F ratio= 11,54 :1 (7) 18.61%. VV [2] 4.3.2. If 16 kg air supplied, % excess air = (16-11,543]/14,543 x100%: 4.3.3 TOTAL PRODUCTS OF COMBUSTION [ per kg fuel Excess O2 = 0,28 x (16-11,54) = 1,026 kg/kg fuel_V Total Nz in products = 0,01 + 77/100 x 16 = 12,33 kg/kg fuel_V [3] [PRODUCTS ~~~ "| PRODUCT MASS The/ke fuel] C02 44/12x0,90=3,300 #20 ‘9x0,035=0,315 [80.1 2x 0,00=0,008 | Excess 02 1,026 [ Totarh2 12,33 “vO | TOTAL «1698 Keregtuel VY bo ——____} 5 THERMODYNAMICS II (TEMO 021 +TEMO 128): JULY 2018 SUPP EXAM Semester 1/2018: Supplementary Examinations SUBJECT AND LEVEL THERMODYNAMICS II SAPSE CODE ‘TEMO 021 + TEMO 128 DATE JULY 2018 (SUPPL.) - "| NUMBER OF PAGES ‘ENUE DRSEMEHALL | Gncinding the front page) | > TIME 09:00-12:00 DURATION 3 hours FULLMARKs | 100 TOTAL MARKS 100 “| EXAMINER) | MR R.GAYAPERSHAD BSC.ENG, MSAIMechE | MODERATOR(S) MR Z.M. ZONDI B.TECH. FACULTY ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT MECHANICAL ENGINEERING COURSE NATIONAL DIPLOMA: MECHANICAL ENGINEERING Attempt ALL. 4 Questions.(25 marks each) INSTRUCTIONS Question 4 to be answered on the special sheet provided CALCULATORS & SCRIPTS REQUIREMENTS STEAM TABLES & STEAM CHARTS DO NOT TURN OVER UNTIL PERMISSION IS GIVEN THERMODYNAMICS II (TEMO 021 +TEMO 128): JULY 2018 SUPP EXAM QUESTION 1 [25 marks} TI Determine the specific volume and density of 2 kg of a gas at a pressure of 10 bar and a temperature of 600°C given that the specific heat capacities of the gas are c,= 0,217 kI/kg.K. and = 0,172 kI/kg.K © 1.2 Derive, from first principles and with the aid of a fully labelled P-V diagram, an expression for the work done during the adiabatic expansion of a gas. 6) 1.3 A quantity of air at a pressure of 80 kPa and a temperature of 15°C occupies a volume of 25 dm. This air is compressed adiabatically to a pressure of 400 kPa, and is consequently allowed to coo! at constant pressure until the temperature is 27°C . Determine: 1.3.1 the mass of the air, 2) 1.3.2 the final volume; @ 1.3.3 the maximum temperature reached by the air; @ 1.3.4 the work done on the air during compression; and @) 1.3.5 the total change in specific internal energy of the air. @) [For the air, take cp= 1,005" and cy =0,718") QUESTION? [25 marks] 2.1 A closed vessel of 0,8 m’ capacity contains dry saturated steam at 360 kPa. Making use of STEAM TABLES, determine: 2.1.1 the mass of the steam in the vessel; @ 2.1.2 the temperature of the steam. @ ‘The steam is now cooled at constant volume until the pressure is reduced to 200 kPa. Determine subsequently: 2.1.3 the final dryness fraction of the steam; ) 2.1.4 the amount of heat rejected by the steam © [flint : Use q = (bo-hs) -v (rp) 2.2 Using either the STEAM CHART OR STEAM TABLES, determine the enthalpy and volume of; 2.2.1 1,0kg of wet steam at a pressure of 100 kPa and dryness fraction 0,92; 6) 2.2.2 80 kg of dry steam at a pressure of 400 kPa; @ 2.2.3 10 kg of superheated steam at a pressure of 600 kPa and temperature 320 °C. Oy 2.3 Ina test to determine the dryness fraction of a sample of steam, a combined separating and throttling calorimeter was used. The following observations were made: Pressure before throttling 1200 kPa Pressure after throttling = 130 kPa ‘Temperature after throttling 120°C ‘Mass of moisture in separator =05kg ‘Mass of steam condensed after throttling 9,0 kg Calculate the dryness fraction of the steam entering the apparatus. © THERMODYNAMICS II (TEMO 021 +TEMO 128): JULY 2018 SUPP EXAM QUESTION 3 [25 marks] ‘The following data was obtained during a 1 hour 30-minute test on a steam boiler during a recent plant tour: Steam pressure at evaporator = B8bar Steam generated 7560 kg Calorific value of fuel oil 45 500* Steam temperature 325°C Feedwater temperature entering economizer 49,5°C Feedwater temperature leaving economizer 99,6°C Dryness fraction of steam. = 0,98 Turbine output = 600kW ‘Turbine exhaust pressure = L8bar = 80% Plant thermal efficiency 3.1 Draw fully labelled diagram showing the steam plant layout. Oy 3.2 Estimate the mass of fuel oil used in kilograms per hour and the fraction of the specific enthalpy drop in the turbine. (8) Determine the: 3.3 heat powers absorbed by the economizer, evaporator and superheater units. (8) 3.4 Equivalent Evaporation from and at 100 °C. @) 3.5. total kW of heat lost in flue gases. @) QUESTION 4 - [25 marks] Use the special answer sheet to answer this question, See attached at back of paper. 4.1 Ethyl alcohol (C; H.O) is burned in a petrol engine in the AUTOLAB at MUT. Determine the stoichiometric Air/Fuel ratio, © 4.2 The analysis, by mass, of the coal fired to a boiler is: carbon 82 percent; hydrogen 8 percent; ‘oxygen 3 percent, ash 7 percent. The boiler uses coal at 684 kg.(hour)' and air is supplied to the furnace by a fan; the air supply is 30 percent in excess of that required for theoretically correct combustion. Determine: 4.2.1 the volumetric flowrate of the air (in m'/s) taken in by the fan when the pressure and temperature of the air at the fan intake are 1 bar and 18 °C, respectively (R for air=0,287 Ki/kg.K); (a2 4.2.2. the percentage composition of the wet flue gases by mass. ® Assume that air contains 23 % oxygen by mass and 77 % Nitrogen by mass. RELATIVE ATOMIC MASSES (RAM's) ARE: ‘THERMODYNAMICS II (TEMO 021 #TEMO 128): JULY 2018 SUPP EXAM SURNAME & INITIALS REG.# _— QUESTION 4 [25 marks} 4.1 Balanced equation: CHO +30; =2C0:+3H,0 © Proportion bymass : — [ 12x2 + 1x6 +16x1] + 3x32 = 2x 444 3x18 @ 46+ 96 = 88454 Divide through by 46: | +96/46= 88/46 + 54/46 @ > LkgC:H:O requires 96/46 kgO. @ | = A/Fratio = 2.087/0.23= 9,074 /1, @) 421 Constituent | Mass of constituent Combustion Equi O; required (kg/kg fuel) (kg/kg fuel) c 0,82 +0; 3CO, 32/12 x0,82=2,187 @) | H 0,08 2H: + 0; 92H:0 32/4x 0,08=0,64 @) 0 0,03 0,03 ® x - - ‘Theoretical min O; required = 2,797 kg/kg fuel_G@) Hence, min mass of air = 2,797/0,23@)= 12,16 kg air/kg fuel @) But 30 % excess air is supplied, therefore actual air supplied = 12,16x 1,3= 15,81 kg air/kg fuel @ Air supplied /sec = 0,19 kg/s x 15,81 kg air/kg fuel@) = 3,01 kg air @ RT, @=> Volume = mRT/p = 3,01 x 0,287x (18+273)/ 100 @)= 2,51 m/s @ Now PV ‘Therefore volume of air taken in by fan/sec = 2,81 m'/s (2) 42.2 Excess O; = 0,23 x (15,81 -12, 16) = 0,84 kg O:/kg fuel _@ Total Nz in products = 0 + 77/100 x 15,81 = 12,17 kg Na/kg fuel_@ (8) Wet Products Mass ‘% Mass Ukg/kg fuel] CO; © (44/12. x0.82=3,01 @ | 17,98% 1:0 ‘9x0,08=0,72 @® |430% ‘Excess O; 0,840 @ |5,02% | Total Nz 12,17 @© | 72,70% [TOTAL 16,74 @® | 100,00% © THERMODYNAMICS II (TEMO 021 +TEMO 128): JULY 2018 SUPP EXAM ‘SURNAME & INITIALS + REG.No: QUESTION 4 [25 marks] 41 421 i tne mC hmmm te Cl es er ea eiesire Theoretical min O. required = ve Mi ‘THERMODYNAMICS |I (TEMO 021 +TEMO 128): JULY 2018 SUPP EXAM Q3 [25] 3 superheater Evaporator 2 —— Generator ‘conomiser Turbine condenser. 5 ™~ condensate extraction pumy 1 Feed water pump 6 Hot well, &%=OO@OO ral Layout of a Steam Plant 3.2 m,= 7560 kg/1,5h = 5040 kg/h (or 1,40 kg/s) feedwater specific enthalpy, hy= hq at 49,5°C =207kI/kg = © superheated steam enthalpy, hy=h,=3090 kJ/kg ...from Steam Chart at 1800 kPa & 325°C @) Now, = m,(hy-hi)/mrx CV =0,80 @= _5040 (3090-207) © m,x 45 500 and m= _399,2kg/h_ [ANS] @ The specific enthalpy of the exhaust steam = het xhg= 491+ 0,982211) @ . from wet steam tables at 180 kPa = 2657,8 kJ/kg © Hence, specific enthalpy drop in turbine= 3090-2657,8 432,2kI/kg__@ Hononesineiinit iid eid iii a a III AO ‘THERMODYNAMICS II (TEMO 021 +TEMO 128): JULY 2018 SUPP EXAM 3.3 HEAT POWERS UTILIZED Economizer: Specific enthalpy of feedwater leaving economizer, hy = ha at 99,6°C = 418 kI/kg OS =m (heh) = 1,4 (418.207) = 295,4Kw © Evaporator: hs=hs+xshg © = 885 + 0,98 x1910 = 2756,8 kJ/kg... OM =m (Beh) O= 1,4 (2756,8- 418) Superheat ‘Then, 0 (Re hy) © = 1,4 (3090-2756,8)=__466,5kw © HHEEEEEEH STEEP EEE HEE EEE EEE ERE EEE EEE EEE 3.4 EE = m,(by-hy)/mrx hy gore By interpolation from wet steam tables at 100°C, hg = 2256,9 kI/kg @ Therefore E.E = [5040(3090-207)]/1399,2.x 22569] © = 16,13 [kgsteam/kg foel] @ FHEEEEEHEEE HERE EEE EHEEEHEEEEEEEHEEEEHEEEEEEHEEEEEE HH EEE 35 Que = Qn (Qeom + Qnap + Qa) OD = mxXCV-(Qeon + Qep + Qua) = 399,2/3600 x 45500 kW - (295,4 + 3274,3 +466,5) kW ® = 1009,2 kW lost in flue gases @ at 1800 kPa from Wet Steam 3274,3kW_@ Y pee (kA, 5) »), CK, sctrereted py CRA, ret of dry gevtre an Sfeefic liquid euthe Sfeoghe enths| Ffeeific eu : hy he hy ad | oon ws ospz te , Ee e ¢90! oor ¢ tae or £ ‘6 bor Ose tee Oo £ $6 z oe os 1 ato! Ose E ae 0099 59 060 oor € tee oO 200" Ose ae ons | be reo Cone | se ooo8 | St ceo 050 set | | oe ea i ie oor 0 20 ae oH ¢ ogo oe Ooo Peo eee oe $s stg or § £ Jere or ¢ 5 wer oe § 2 foce oe § pore ors Seez 00 § Sout ee got Coe ee oon ist t a SL z a a6 oe wuz Ooty I goa oor > ou fone oor ‘ 08 & 00 a os z mee 3 | oz mee a ose ee a 2087 (os ¢ : sou 0s sone So maz oe £ wi zo8z oc ¢ fr font Core ‘ sone 000 we, sae O56 ore; soae 06 £ ore sone Osa E ee sone oa E a goa Ose $e wae on = HE: cone 069 om ime Ose ose toa g Oss ¢ 382, | tone ose s0E, aye ve ‘ is % | SUPERHEATED STEAM SUPERHEATED STEAM TEMPERATURE (t,.) 500 400 | BRgSEERE 569950599 T'9ow's ess oss's aus met SE EE OK ss6L gle ONT. N29 sisiod cerio% ostivD wlio; 66000 esc00'0 0699 e's ee 000 0 oot owe ate sie aioe 95500 1800 oO eC e5EO'O ste? 9659 owl's oss 08's o's om sre 609 sis) ees cies ose vse aoe on6t r9t omy | 00061 sot We tore ig HOE BUILD IRs10;0 LSID LEI ecLIO” e000 os ws900 99500 12500 cao ze 589699 es ors este i609 818999 ASH Bier ssse woe our 0081 9 EE 91s oe estto0 seozoo eec10°0 16800'0 suo) S890 TrID BUS’ 61500 9989 €099 o's, Hodes uss wre eee sees aoe vas set vase ie tie woe wut 0041 m9 SE oFEE Ize HOE STOO L4IRO' 96LI0 445100 HFIO' eOEIC'D LITI00 e600 W800 coeoo e100 990% siss 6t99 tor eas one's owes at's Hor's Meee ease sae acre SOE eet eB tie oO S1ELO'O ersI0! eoLIDD EUSIO'O LAID ZI 9.0000 vse CEL mL 8s 0091 woe ose OEE ELE wero 1910 exo e4e0'0 S600 69 us sss tomes cae's tae’ wee te aL RIL deat West OEE SLE tue eet inet cat | OOOH oe uve este mee 458009 LePLT'D BLOLD BIO’ ILIV. 995100 L6CICD HID “a sero 98210 ¥e9V'0NISVO. 9ecro W669 9109 sey car's Gu? vaS sss me eee ewse ee wee tore frac ose wee Scie ewe toe sat Eset my | OOOH woe UE wee OE mE Nuoro' «exo st. 9e020'0 eesIO'D wLIO'G esi IZEI00 mo eco SEO ITO eta spar Ocoee) cew'soae'g Bes 995 ms sos ee ieee ose wast skeet ett h08z “4 | over BOE BE OE HE IE BIC 106200 awo;O teIzO'O L199 wasI00 4 o1ovo Oso eoeeO | swore seavO uo'e tos aes tore aes wes use Nee sis, EL 9S8E OE OE aE MELE TSE met eae u | ODT ie oe UE EE 509€0'9 «si€00 LN HED‘ spezO'D LoIZO' iKKID IZIOD. “a eswo Mer ICO OWED IED aire ose's war 919 Astor? 58'S joe eke aww SIC Sue east eae | ooo Wwe eee ge we oe see 008 Srst00 sorcoo PIStO'D OSE20'0 491z00 M6100 si0s0 erro weIKO war weseO wHEO LET sore 1069 Wes cits 60 ae's Sore Ue sae wee wa ONe ome ¥9¢ WIE Oe LOL HAT oot ware vee aol ae Ome Sse oe est Iraro0 sToD GENO ESO HeLOO eiS0 900 HELO L6E'O BSW FILED HEED ore e569 99 eee owed 21's 609 wre toe sso setae woe ee see ote aE £ moe eset oct tore ee out me tO ser v7 tso00 euew0' eu9CO0 ECD «LIEV 0 vect0'0 wust00 4970 61650 BesS'O MEISO EHeO WHEY ower O oe soe eS S EDs WEB 0% eee eek ee meat. leee oe wee Luce wee ae ae wee ORE EE Emm SOE tHE 00s E500 st@rOO ivo'D LIBEOO se¥EOO aeHEOD zz Hest oroso wid wav'9 aI NOLO we sHurO oo, «OSS SCYSCSCSCSCSC 4 009 0S SCOSCSC*«‘ a SC*«i é ‘Sine oneoop unapeng trove ano Sweat tenn pus cain ud oon el penuing Wn poms eee "pryJ0 4269, 001 w pur wioy wopendn weanba 9g Kourou wed ym og - = sorexodens oye won suki, lM orden ep Sua| wns ao SeURA gs = sumeadu 19m .0H, Sroodns om wns ap OU WEEE KET — ZS = wooo Sureo| srasaduoy me p93 4 2 jo weep = 20> ae se * 9PNPSD sonodena su amas om om poe) aH UBAuED ob pono yw KE Y's - uyéroduny pu suns we aT EEE, 91m Bunesoue mea 30 9909 gna Huo Wo © Woy pout sem eep Bm sd suuon¢730 a po BEY 9 aren apLOTE Jo nw SNM a NUD HE 28 JO WORDRY SEOUL 24“, 096 PAE FAWN € 38 poonpoid RDS op UE 3, 590 auneEun © ‘Sen pes au, oad ey poy 0a» hg puors Kia poonpoud 5 a pega jo 42 ‘ano 2 epee Pe URSeys osasens oegjoams annem panorama ty Tora Aowmow rues ne 2 ormeats tae ccHe Sue Teel noe ums oa anand crsen Faeang Ep "eM poems go sulqon ‘senquadns ap uy unas pneayadns Sujanpod vs pat nod no ‘somsodexo oy) ures a Subapond us patios mod yay | (Fm memes ap Sanecuens peyinysotnen, ye | | ‘moe sed an Sao | ee oT aa aa PAT rn gE oe ona ra Torna ai] weno waRaey aCeT | step 95 29 pm pase re 26, __ usu jem ‘Sin Has tos un Soman funy 3209 tun 9 ¥ woe oy pou em RP Boo) 2 aise enema spate po "5. 0sy sai simi wean pasane “ouraye nya sodas 0 shee wees ¢ a . 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