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Customizing and Administration Guide

Livelink ECM – DocuLink for SAP

Solutions 9.5.1

This guide describes customization and administration of

Livelink ECM – DocuLink for SAP Solutions

Customizing and Administration Guide
Livelink ECM – DocuLink for SAP Solutions 9.5.1
Rev.: 07. May 2008
Open Text Corporation
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Table of Contents

Part 1 Introducing Livelink ECM – DocuLink for SAP Solutions 9

1 Overview .................................................................................. 11
1.1 Conventions ........................................................................................... 12
1.2 Contact ................................................................................................... 13

2 Concepts of DocuLink ............................................................ 15

2.1 Attributes ................................................................................................ 15
2.2 Nodes ..................................................................................................... 15
2.3 Folders ................................................................................................... 15
2.4 Views...................................................................................................... 16
2.5 Authorization concept............................................................................. 17
2.6 Sample projects overview ...................................................................... 18
2.6.1 Application-independent sample projects .............................................. 18
2.6.2 R/3-specific sample projects .................................................................. 18
2.7 Linked objects sample project................................................................ 18

3 User Interface .......................................................................... 21

3.1 SAP GUI for Windows............................................................................ 22
3.2 SAP GUI for HTML................................................................................. 22

4 What's new in DocuLink 9.5.1? .............................................. 25

Part 2 Customizing DocuLink 27

5 Overview of customizing ........................................................ 29

6 Possibilities and limitations of customizing.......................... 31
7 General principles for creating structures ............................ 33
7.1 Project versions...................................................................................... 33
7.2 Designing a view .................................................................................... 34
7.3 Defining the view's building blocks ........................................................ 35
7.4 Linking tables with attribute objects ....................................................... 36
7.5 Using data to filter views ........................................................................ 36
7.5.1 Displaying a selection screen ................................................................ 37

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7.5.2 Special selection fields........................................................................... 37

7.6 Node types ............................................................................................. 38
7.6.1 Root node............................................................................................... 39
7.6.2 Static node type ..................................................................................... 40
7.6.3 Dynamic node type ................................................................................ 40
7.6.4 Node types for attribute record display (value table node type) ............ 41
7.6.5 Node type for displaying a document (document node) ........................ 41
7.6.6 Content Management hierarchy as node type....................................... 41
7.6.7 PLM document node type ...................................................................... 41
7.6.8 Recursive node type .............................................................................. 42
7.7 Generating texts to display query results............................................... 42
7.8 Naming conventions .............................................................................. 43

8 The customizing user interface ..............................................45

8.1 Help ........................................................................................................ 45
8.2 The project and version lists .................................................................. 46
8.3 The customizing tab view....................................................................... 48
8.3.1 Standard functions in the tab view ......................................................... 49
8.3.2 Functions in the settings dialogs ............................................................ 50
8.4 The view editor....................................................................................... 51
8.4.1 Displaying in the view editor .................................................................. 51
8.4.2 Functionality in the view editor............................................................... 53 Moving node types ................................................................................. 55 Copying node types ............................................................................... 55 Deleting node types ............................................................................... 56

9 Defining projects, versions and views ...................................57

9.1 The project ............................................................................................. 57
9.1.1 Creating a new project ........................................................................... 57
9.1.2 Copying projects .................................................................................... 59
9.2 The versions........................................................................................... 60
9.3 The views ............................................................................................... 63
9.3.1 Creating a new view ............................................................................... 63
9.3.2 Displaying and editing view settings ...................................................... 64
9.3.3 The view settings dialog ......................................................................... 64 General tab ............................................................................................ 65 Data extraction tab ................................................................................. 67 Excluded Functions tab.......................................................................... 67
9.3.4 Copying views ........................................................................................ 68

10 Working in standard mode......................................................71

10.1 Creating the hierarchy............................................................................ 71
10.2 Subgroups.............................................................................................. 73
10.3 Select nodes .......................................................................................... 74

11 Working in expert mode ..........................................................81

11.1 General .................................................................................................. 81

iv Customizing and Administration Guide DC090501-CGD-EN

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11.1.1 The classic method ................................................................................ 82

11.1.2 The pragmatic method ........................................................................... 85
11.2 How to begin .......................................................................................... 89
11.3 The structure elements and their settings dialogs ................................. 89
11.3.1 Attribute objects ..................................................................................... 90 General .................................................................................................. 91 Administration ........................................................................................ 93 Archiving ................................................................................................ 95 Data archiving ........................................................................................ 96 Logging .................................................................................................. 98 User exits ............................................................................................... 99 Authorization ........................................................................................ 100 Suggest selection fields ....................................................................... 104 Copying attribute objects ..................................................................... 106
11.3.2 Selection fields ..................................................................................... 107
11.3.3 Assigning selection fields to attribute object fields............................... 109
11.3.4 The node types .................................................................................... 113 Creating node types ............................................................................. 114 The settings window............................................................................. 116 Selection .............................................................................................. 118 Functions.............................................................................................. 121 Insert/Delete/Change ........................................................................... 123 Text ...................................................................................................... 124 Function codes..................................................................................... 127 Suggest selection fields ....................................................................... 127
11.3.5 Assigning selection fields to node types .............................................. 129 Used for................................................................................................ 132 Database Selection Properties ............................................................ 133 Text substitution ................................................................................... 134 Output .................................................................................................. 136 Restrictions .......................................................................................... 138
11.4 Other functions..................................................................................... 139
11.4.1 User exits ............................................................................................. 139
11.4.2 The function codes............................................................................... 140
11.4.3 Delete generic reports.......................................................................... 142
11.4.4 Delete buffers for customizing ............................................................. 143
11.4.5 Adjust customizing to DDIC ................................................................. 143

Part 3 Specific customizing 145

12 Customizing for data archiving ............................................ 147

13 Customizing for document entry.......................................... 149
13.1 Storing for subsequent entry/assignment ............................................ 151
13.2 Entry via DesktopLink .......................................................................... 152
13.2.1 Assign then store scenario................................................................... 153
13.2.2 DocuLink scenario................................................................................ 154
13.2.3 Using ODMA attributes in DocuLink using DesktopLink...................... 154 Using ODMA attributes and storing them permanently ....................... 154

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Table of Contents Using ODMA attribute values in DocuLink temporarily........................ 155

14 Customizing for data exchange with PDMS Context Server159

14.1 Customizing for data export to a PDMS Context Server ..................... 159
14.1.1 Customizing in the SAP system........................................................... 161 Maintaining the mapping service and Livelink ECM – PDMS Context
Serverin the SAP system ..................................................................... 161 DocuLinkCustomizing .......................................................................... 163 Exporting data types for DocuLink views ............................................. 164
14.1.2 Customizing in the Livelink ECM – PDMS Document Modeler ........... 165 Creating a new mapping configuration ................................................ 166 Importing an external schema.............................................................. 167 Converting data types .......................................................................... 168 Defining the mapping of application record types to internal record types
Record Mapping................................................................................... 172 Creating Value Tables for Single-Value Mapping Value Maps............ 175
14.2 Performing a data export ..................................................................... 176
14.3 Customizing for display of PDMS Context Server records .................. 180
14.3.1 Customizing in the Livelink ECM – PDMS Document Modeler ........... 182 Creating a mapping configuration for the exchange structures and
importing an external schema.............................................................. 183 Editing the property mappingProperty Mapping for the exchange
structures ............................................................................................. 184
14.3.2 DocuLink customizing for displaying IXOS Records............................ 187
14.3.3 Customizing in the Livelink ECM – PDMS Document Modeler ........... 188 Creating a mapping configuration for the exchange structures and
Importing an external schema.............................................................. 189 Editing the property mappingProperty Mapping for the exchange
structures ............................................................................................. 190

15 Customizing for generic object services (GOS) in DocuLink193

15.1 Using generic object services in DocuLink .......................................... 193
15.2 Providing DocuLink as a generic object service .................................. 195

16 Customizing for integration in other systems .....................197

16.1 Customizing for integrating other (logical) SAP systems in DocuLink. 197
16.1.1 Configuring ALE ................................................................................... 197
16.1.2 Configuring DocuLink views................................................................. 198
16.2 Customizing for integrating PLM documents in DocuLink ................... 202

17 Customizing for chosen sample projects ............................205

17.1 Linked objects example ....................................................................... 205
17.1.1 Implementing the linking of tables........................................................ 206
17.1.2 Employed node types and selection types .......................................... 208
17.1.3 Description of the assignment of selection fields to node types .......... 208
17.1.4 Creating the sample view using the pragmatic method ....................... 209 Planning the view ................................................................................. 209 Defining the view header data ............................................................. 213 Creating the view iteratively ................................................................. 214 Extending the functionality ................................................................... 231

vi Customizing and Administration Guide DC090501-CGD-EN

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17.2 Folder demo (recurrent structure) example ......................................... 235

17.3 Retrieval DVS/PLM Documents example ............................................ 237

Part 4 DocuLink administration 241

18 COLD data maintenance ....................................................... 245

18.1 Maintaining duplicate COLD records ................................................... 245
18.2 Administrating COLD statistics ............................................................ 247

19 Table maintenance ................................................................ 249

19.1 Administrating deleted data records .................................................... 249
19.2 Administrating the lock table ................................................................ 251
19.3 Administrating the protocol tables........................................................ 252
19.3.1 Administrating protocol entries............................................................. 254

20 User administration............................................................... 257

20.1 Copying user settings........................................................................... 257
20.2 Copying user group settings ................................................................ 257
20.3 Deleting user groups and configurations ............................................. 258
20.4 Maintaining user groups....................................................................... 261
20.5 Maintaining the user/user group link .................................................... 261

21 Authorizations ....................................................................... 263

21.1 Supplied authorization profiles for DocuLink ....................................... 263
21.2 Supplied authorization objects and authorizations for DocuLink ......... 263
21.3 Other (SAP) authorization objects ....................................................... 264
21.4 Supported activities.............................................................................. 264
21.5 Implementing the authorization concept .............................................. 265

22 Administrating and upgrading customizing settings ......... 267

22.1 Administrating (deleting) generated programs..................................... 267
22.2 Adjusting customizing .......................................................................... 269
22.3 Adjusting data type for administration settings .................................... 269
22.4 Configuring the detail, edit, create, and selection screens and the hit
lists ....................................................................................................... 269
22.4.1 Configuring detail screens ................................................................... 270
22.4.2 Configuring edit screens ...................................................................... 272
22.4.3 Configuring create screens .................................................................. 276
22.4.4 Configuring selection screens.............................................................. 279 Selection screen for hit list in the hierarchy ......................................... 279 Selection screen for separate hit list .................................................... 282 Selection screen at nodes.................................................................... 284
22.4.5 Configuring hit lists............................................................................... 287

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Table of Contents

23 Further administration reports..............................................291

23.1 Configuring the online help .................................................................. 291

Part 5 Troubleshooting 293

24 Display problems...................................................................295
25 Functionality errors ...............................................................297
26 Others .....................................................................................299
27 Customizing table overview ..................................................301

IDX Index 305

viii Customizing and Administration Guide DC090501-CGD-EN

Part 1
Introducing Livelink ECM – DocuLink for SAP
Chapter 1
Livelink ECM – DocuLink for SAP Solutions (short: DocuLink) is a fully integrated,
cross-module application used for a document-oriented representation of processes
executed with SAP applications.
DocuLink makes it possible to store, administer and retrieve both SAP documents
and any other types of document, independently of transactions in the SAP
standard. This data may either be stored in a database or may already be stored on
an archive server (e.g. as a result of the reorganization of data). By default, access is
performed via the SAP GUI for Windows or the SAP GUI for HTML.
One of the most important objectives of DocuLink is the ability to provide a method
of displaying and retrieving documents to be administered which is flexible and can
be easily adapted to suit the requirements of individual users. A traditional search
dialog is used to locate documents and a browser to navigate through the
hierarchical structures (similar to folders). This makes use of the advantages of a
paper folder, but eliminates many of the disadvantages (i.e. only one sort sequence).
You can define different search forms and structures (so-called views) for the same
document pool.

Target readership
The administration guide is meant for the dedicated DocuLink administrator and
describes the customizing process as well as the administrative program and data
management. This requires in-depth knowledge of the administration tasks in SAP
systems, in particular the authorization concept and data models, as well as basic
knowledge of DocuLink.

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Chapter 1 Overview

1.1 Conventions
Read the following conventions before you use this documentation.
Typography In general, this documentation uses the following typographical conventions:
• New terms
This format is used to introduce new terms, emphasize particular terms,
concepts, long product names, and to refer to other documentation.
• User interface
This format is used for elements of the graphical user interface (GUI), such as
buttons, names of icons, menu items, names of dialog boxes, and fields.
• Filename, command, sample data
This format is used for file names, paths, URLs, and commands in the command
line. It is also used for example data, text to be entered in text boxes, and other
Note: If a guide provides command line examples, these examples may
contain special or hidden characters in the PDF version of the guide (for
technical reasons). To copy commands to your application or command
line, use the HTML version of the guide.
• Key names
Key names appear in ALL CAPS, for example:
Press CTRL+V.
• <Variable name>
The brackets < > are used to denote a variable or placeholder. Enter the correct
value for your situation, for example: Replace <server_name> with the name of
the relevant server, for example serv01.
Tip: Tips offer information that make your work more efficient or show
alternative ways of performing a task.
Note: Notes provide information that help you avoid problems.

If this important information is ignored, major problems may be

Cautions contain very important information that, if ignored, may cause
irreversible problems. Read this information carefully and follow all

12 Customizing and Administration Guide DC090501-CGD-EN

1.2 Contact

Dialogs that The dialogs shown in the documentation are based on Microsoft Internet Explorer. If
depend on the you are using another Web browser, the dialogs may look different.
Browser used

1.2 Contact
Open Text Online is a single point of access for the product information provided by
Open Text. Depending on your role, you have access to different scopes of
information (see below for details).
You can access Open Text Online via the Internet at or
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DC090501-CGD-EN Livelink ECM – DocuLink for SAP Solutions 9.5.1 13

Chapter 2
Concepts of DocuLink
In DocuLink there is a fundamental and strict separation between the business
structure, the associated data and the attributes of the documents. This enables you
to access existing data stocks and even data stocks which are not available for

2.1 Attributes
When they are archived, documents are associated with attributes that are
subsequently used to retrieve documents. Attributes may also exist independently
of documents. Documents can be associated with attribute records and attribute
records linked to other attribute records. (An attribute record contains concrete
values used to provide a detailed description of an object, e.g. an invoice receipt has
a document number, a company code, a year, and a date).
Beyond the attributes of existing SAP objects, it is also possible to construct user-
defined attribute structures (including multiple links). This means that not only 1:N
but M:N relationships are easy to map. The link can be established implicitly using
identical table fields or explicitly via separate link tables.

2.2 Nodes
Data can be accessed not only via table fields as in conventional search methods but
also by navigating through a browser-type structure. The individual hierarchical
levels are defined by so-called nodes.
At each node level, you may define search forms with the corresponding attribute
fields (the link between search form and hierarchy). The data source and underlying
physical data model remain invisible to the user. The concrete search terms can be
defined in a variety of ways (search form, customizing).

2.3 Folders
Due to the independent representation of the attributes, it is possible to map
logically associated document sets together in a so-called folder structure. In order to
access a group of associated R/3 documents (e.g. order documents, goods receipt
documents, invoice documents and accounting documents etc.) you no longer need
to know the relevant SAP standard transaction. It is possible to display documents
associated with the current attribute records.

DC090501-CGD-EN Customizing and Administration Guide 15

Chapter 2 Concepts of DocuLink

There is a basic distinction between structuring folders and folders which mask an
SAP document or other document.
Access to standard SAP tables is read-only in order to prevent inconsistencies
occurring. However, it is possible to use the customizing feature to add new
documents to SAP objects. You can also configure the ways in which documents can
be moved, linked and deleted.
You are, however, able to edit customer tables. In particular, write access is possible
if it should be required.

In most companies, several employees need to access the same documents, albeit
from different perspectives. One person requires a general overview, another is
searching for a particular document and already knows, for example, the customer
number and archive date. For this reason a number of different search paths can be
configured in DocuLink. These are called views or access paths.

16 Customizing and Administration Guide DC090501-CGD-EN

2.5 Authorization concept

In this way, a document can be accessed via various (search) paths. The figure below
illustrates how you can navigate through different views in DocuLink.

Figure 2-1: Navigation in DocuLink via different views

Different search paths leading to the same data source(s) are usually displayed in
different views belonging to a common project. If there is no interdependence
between the employed data sources then a separate project should be set up for each
data source.

2.5 Authorization concept

DocuLink is fully based on the SAP authorization concept. Special authorization
objects for DocuLink are supplied on installation (see “Authorizations” on
page 263).
Since version 3.1, all other SAP authorization objects are also supported for checks at
data selection time and can be maintained for the attribute objects in the
customizing feature.

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Chapter 2 Concepts of DocuLink

As usual in SAP, different authorization objects involving clearly defined

authorizations are grouped together to form authorization profiles which are then
assigned to the individual users or user groups. This means you can specify in detail
which users may work with which data (e.g. company code-dependent) and what
actions they are allowed to perform with this data (e.g. display, edit, enter, configure

2.6 Sample projects overview

Standard views of the existing business objects are provided as sample projects in
DocuLink. Thus it is possible to use the folder even if you simply want to archive
using standard procedures (e.g. scanned documents, outgoing R/3 documents, print
Note that the system administrator has to download and install the sample projects
and that the respective user must have the correct authorization.
Note: Some sample projects are described in more detail in the appendix (see
“Customizing for chosen sample projects” on page 205).

2.6.1 Application-independent sample projects

Starting with DocuLink 9.5.1, sample projects are no longer delivered on the Livelink
ECM – Suite for SAP Solutions CD, but may be downloaded at from the ESC.

2.6.2 R/3-specific sample projects

Retrieval DVS/PLM Documents sample
Example for integration of SAP PLM DVS documents in DocuLink views.
FI documents (incl. offline) sample
Example for overview of booked documents in R/3; search, for example, by
fiscal year and company code.
If the supplied fiscal years are not sufficient (you require a year before 1994 or
after 2005), you must maintain the additional years in the transaction SE16, table

Print lists sample

Example for collection of print lists in the SAP R/3 system with various access
options, e.g. by browsing or retrieval with user query.
The Print lists sample project also supports the SAP timezone conversion
when retrieving documents that were stored in a different timezone.

2.7 Linked objects sample project

In the following chapters, the functions are often described using the Linked
objects sample project. Here, two initially independent tables (products,
customers) are linked to represent the relationship between products and customers.

18 Customizing and Administration Guide DC090501-CGD-EN

2.7 Linked objects sample project

Our Linked objects sample project features a product table containing information
relating to various products, and a customer table which contains information (e.g.
addresses) and documents relating to the customers. The customers themselves are
divided into three classes: Computer industry, Trade and Automobile industry.
These tables are linked by the relationship between customers and (purchased)
The following views were set up in customizing:
• Products and Customers (e.g. which customer has bought what products)

• Linked products (e.g. which products are based on other products)

• Customer classification which explains the use of the @LANGU internal

selection field.
In the following examples, we shall refer mainly to the Products and Customers

Figure 2-2: Sample view: Products and Customers

The Products and Customers view has been designed to visualize different access
paths to the same (link) table. On the one hand, it can be accessed via the products
(who already purchased this product?) and on the other, via the customers (what
has this customer purchased?). In this way, a number of products can be assigned to
each customer, and likewise a number of customers to each product. This represents
an M:N relationship.

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Chapter 2 Concepts of DocuLink

Prerequisites for usage of the Linked objects sample project:

• When you want to archive documents (e.g. correspondence) to customers in the
sample project Linked objects, read the notes relating to the installation of the
sample projects (see Section 3.3.5 "Defining settings for sample projects" in
Livelink ECM - Suite for SAP Solutions - Installation and Upgrade Guide (ER-IGD)).
In particular, make sure that the archive was set correctly.
• When you want to test the authorization check on data selection using the
sample project, you need the supplied J_6NB_CUST, J_6NB_CLAS and
J_6NB_PROD authorization objects (collected in the J_6NB_PROF profile).
When you do not assign these, you are not able to search for data in the
production version of the $EX_LINK project. In that case, use the obsolete version
via the test mode view in customizing.

20 Customizing and Administration Guide DC090501-CGD-EN

Chapter 3
User Interface
Views, nodes and documents can be represented in different user interfaces,
depending on how you access DocuLink. Basically, all types of visualization
provided by SAP are supported.
Information can be displayed using the following visualizations:
• SAP GUI for Windows

Due to technical restrictions, not all DocuLink functions are available in the
different visualizations. The DocuLink functions supported are indicated in
the description of the individual functions in the following chapters.

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Chapter 3 User Interface

3.1 SAP GUI for Windows

This visualization uses the common SAP environment. From there you can easily
switch to other SAP transactions.

Figure 3-1: Visualization in SAP GUI for Windows

3.2 SAP GUI for HTML

This visualization uses a standard Web browser and the Internet Transaction Server
(ITS). The screen elements are the same as for SAP GUI for Windows.
The following limitations apply:
• You cannot create documents.
• Customizing via the J6NP transaction is not possible.

22 Customizing and Administration Guide DC090501-CGD-EN

3.2 SAP GUI for HTML

Figure 3-2: Visualization in SAP GUI for HTML

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Chapter 4
What's new in DocuLink 9.5.1?
• Several DocuLink sample projects are no longer included.
• The former Ixtractor functionality has been removed.

DC090501-CGD-EN Customizing and Administration Guide 25

Part 2
Customizing DocuLink
Part 2 Customizing DocuLink

To set up views with DocuLink, certain maintenance settings are necessary. In

addition to defining the structure of the views and the information displayed on
each level, you also determine which actions can be invoked at each level. You may
incorporate search fields, generate select lists and invoke user exits.
In addition, DocuLink makes it possible for users to create, move and delete
documents independently of SAP transactions, by making the appropriate settings.
These settings are described in this chapter.

Whenever the customizing of a project is changed, the generated reports are
automatically deleted. However, if manual changes are made to the data in
the underlying database, then the generated reports in the database must be
manually deleted so that the program can adopt the changes in the database.
Use the administration report, see “Administrating (deleting) generated
programs” on page 267 or the Extras Delete generated reports menu
option (see “Delete generic reports” on page 142).
In addition, the entries in the customizing tables must be checked after
changes in the database. Use the Extras Adjust customizing to DDIC
menu item.

28 Customizing and Administration Guide DC090501-CGD-EN

Chapter 5
Overview of customizing
The different structures are set up and maintained by means of a separate
configuration transaction. The administrator uses the DocuLink interface integrated
into the SAP application to access tables that are required for a particular project. No
ABAP programming is required!
There are two different configuration modes in DocuLink:
• a standard mode used to quickly set up a simple DocuLink structure, and
• an expert mode for more complex tasks and for processing existing structures
taken from earlier versions.
The standard mode is started automatically when a new project is created. This only
allows you to access one attribute source per node, i.e. just one table. You can either
browse this table hierarchically or use a selection dialog to search the fields of the
In the expert mode, the full extended functionality of DocuLink is available to you.
This is described in the following chapters.
In the following, the customizing process is partly illustrated on the basis of an
example. In standard mode, this consists of a simple customer folder with only one
view. It contains information about the sector, region, company, name, and address
of the customer.
The example used to illustrate expert mode is the Products and Customers view
supplied with DocuLink and is taken from the project Linked objects($EX_LINK).
This view shows an example of a link between two tables which represents an M:N
customer-product relationship.

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Chapter 6
Possibilities and limitations of customizing
Although DocuLink is designed for retrieval within discrete tables, it can also be
used with linked tables. Links are mapped directly. In other words, on one level
there is the initial object, and under it you will find the linked object. Every
relationship must be directly mapped in the tree. Evaluations cannot be carried out
invisibly in the background. Each access to the database is visible in the hierarchy in
the form of a node.
The supplied sample scenario Document flow SD is programmed. It cannot be
mapped by customizing alone, since the R/3 document flow information is
contained in several tables and is evaluated using an SAP module. The information
from this module is prepared and visualized by programmed extensions to
How can you find out whether a particular problem can be solved by customizing
alone? Proceed as follows:
1. Assemble the tables that contain the relevant information.
2. Specify the sequence in which the tables are to be evaluated.
3. Create a view (see below) that takes this sequence into account and visualizes it.
4. Check whether the data for an (SAP Business) object type comes from a single
table and whether the object types have the keys of the associated table as key
Note: This is why HR cannot be supported in the SAP standard, because
here the object types do not correspond to tables and the information is
located in various tables.
There are, however, certain programmed solutions in the form of projects
and these include HR solutions. Your consultant will be pleased to help
you if you have any questions.
If it is possible to click on information on one level of a single table, and then (partly)
output the obtained information and continue to click on information on the next
level, then it is very probable that the task can be solved using customizing alone.
Otherwise, user exits or other special processes (for example, views) must be used.
The complexity of the user exits implemented depends on how complicated the
problem is. If the interrelationships are simple, the user exits will also be simple. It is
important that, before starting a project, an inventory is carried out using the points
described above, in order to estimate feasibility and complexity.

DC090501-CGD-EN Customizing and Administration Guide 31

Chapter 7
General principles for creating structures
Note: The considerations and principles described in this chapter are required
for later description of the working steps used to create DocuLink structures.

7.1 Project versions

It is possible that more than one version may be created during the development of
new projects. Thus, on the basis of one and the same starting point, it is possible to
configure a project differently in order to subsequently determine the most suitable
end user version or further develop an existing project. The project version was
introduced to cater for such cases.
Here it is necessary to distinguish between:
• Productive versions which cannot be modified and are ready for the end user.
There can only ever be one productive version per project.
Note: This action automatically opens the transport module dialog. Even in
a (non-modifiable) productive version, it is still possible to activate or
deactivate the views!
• Development versions which are not yet complete and can still be modified.
Although user views are also available in such versions (transaction J6NY), they
should not be transported into customer productive systems.
• Obsolete versions, i.e. earlier productive or development versions which can no
longer be modified (or activated) and are retained for reference purposes only.
A project cannot be deleted until all the versions have become obsolete.
Productive and development versions may also have the following two statuses:
• Active, i.e. a user view of the version can be displayed (transaction J6NY) . There
can only ever be one active version of any given project
• Inactive, i.e. the version can only be displayed in the customizing view
(transaction J6NP)
In any project, there can only be one active version and it is this version that is
displayed in the user view (J6NY). Version management is therefore transparent for
users. They simply see one project in the appropriate view(s). The development and
obsolete versions are relevant only for the development process. Normally, only the

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Chapter 7 General principles for creating structures

non-modifiable productive version should be transported to the customer's

production system.
All projects may have the following statuses which are based on the version status
and the currently available versions:
• Productive, i.e. a productive version of the project is available.
• Development, i.e. the project contains at least one development version.
• Obsolete, i.e. the project contains only obsolete versions.
• Active, i.e. the project comprises an active productive version.
• Inactive, i.e. there is no active version of the project.

7.2 Designing a view

Before you design a view, you must know which data is to be represented in the
view and what information is known about this data. Commonly used attributes are
date, document type, and document or customer number. These attributes
correspond to the fields used to index the documents. They appear as table fields in
the corresponding tables. You must know how the users will be navigating. This
means that you must know the criteria on which the users base their search for
records/documents. It is also possible to design different views (search paths) of the
same documents or records for different user groups.
The following must be taken into consideration when creating a view:
1. The documents
a. What documents are to be displayed?
b. Which SAP tables contain their indexing information?
c. Which additional SAP tables do you need in order to display additional
information for these documents?
2. The user groups
a. What information do your users have about the documents? A view should
show this information first. For example, do users generally first search on
document number or customer number?
b. What additional information will users need along the way to complete any
outstanding processing steps? A view should display this information at the
lower levels.

34 Customizing and Administration Guide DC090501-CGD-EN

7.3 Defining the view's building blocks

3. Navigation: depth and notes

a. How many levels do you need?
A rule of thumb: minimize the number of levels users must navigate
through to get to their destination. If users typically work with a large
number of documents within one session, those documents should be
grouped within one or two levels.
b. How much information does the user require to reach the desired
document? For example, is the customer number sufficient to find the
document or must the user also search on the sector, location etc.?
c. Which information should be displayed at the top levels? Which
information on the lower levels? (Your answers should match the answers
to the questions asked of the “user groups”. )
Particularly in large tables, the time required to retrieve the requested
information is significant. The time is often dependent on the sequence of
the searched information.
d. What information do you want to assign at each level?
e. What is to occur at each level in the view: search dialog, filtering of
information, display of static text?

7.3 Defining the view's building blocks

At this stage, you must decide which structure elements you require.
• The source of the data displayed in DocuLink views is always from one or more
SAP tables. Although documents external to the SAP system can also be
integrated into DocuLink views, their indexing information and location must be
stored in an SAP table. DocuLink creates the views on the basis of these tables.
The smallest unit of information that can be queried or displayed is a table field.
You may combine table fields if required and display them as a unit in a view
(e.g. document number, document date, customer number and customer name).
• Create an attribute object for each table you require (see questions 1.b and 1.c.)
• Create a selection field for each field of the table whose information you want to
display in the view (see questions 2.a, 2.b and 3.b.). In some cases, it also makes
sense for fields from different tables with the same meaning to use the same
selection field to implement a link (see “Linked objects example” on page 205.)
• Create a node type for each level in the tree (see questions 3.d and 3.e).

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Chapter 7 General principles for creating structures

7.4 Linking tables with attribute objects

An attribute object references the SAP table (or SAP view) that holds the indexing
information for the documents that are to be managed in the view.
If a node type and its child node type are to be selected via different tables, these
two tables must be linked. This can be achieved via shared key fields or using a link
table. If a link table is used, an attribute object must also be created for the link table.
Then this attribute object is the link object. The link is only possible if both node type
and child node type are value-table nodes. (node type with selection type 5).
For link attribute objects, the direction is also specified. If you want to use both
directions of a link (e.g. customer with product assignment and product with
customer assignment), then you will need two link attribute objects. The direction is
determined by the Child flag during the assignment of the attribute object to the
selection field (see also “Assigning selection fields to attribute object fields” on
page 109). This option must be set for the fields in the “child” of the link.
When the link table consists only of the key fields of both tables, the assignment is
unique and you can use the same link attribute object for both directions.

7.5 Using data to filter views

The basic principle of DocuLink is the assembly of restrictions that can be passed
downwards through any hierarchy. The assembled restrictions lead to the required
selections in subsequent database queries.
This accumulation of selection information is performed using selection fields and is
independent of actual database queries. The restrictions can come from various
• during the customizing of the statically specified assignments of selection fields
and node types
• user inputs in selection dialogs
• results of actual database queries for dynamic nodes or value table nodes
Each node in a DocuLink view filters data according to the values passed to it. The
values are determined by selection fields. The selection fields are assigned to the
node type. The settings that you make at a node type define how a view is to filter
information for the user at that level.
A query may frequently return multiple records. Each of the returned records is
displayed in a single line in the view. When the user selects a line for further
navigation, the view is further restricted to lines that match the filter. As the user
navigates deeper, the selection becomes more and more restricted until a leaf is
reached. A leaf identifies a unique record in the table. From the leaf, the user may
display a document or an attribute record, depending on the specific customizing
settings. Your customizing work determines how a view will filter and display data
to guide the user to the desired leaf.

36 Customizing and Administration Guide DC090501-CGD-EN

7.5 Using data to filter views

The actual database selection is not performed until the folder is opened, i.e. when
dynamic document and value table nodes are created. All restrictions made when
navigating to this node apply.

7.5.1 Displaying a selection screen

A node can be designed to display a selection screen (dialog) when it is clicked. The
dialog allows users to restrict their searches to specified criteria or ranges of criteria.
The query fields of the dialog are generated directly from the selection fields of the
assigned node type. Selection screens can be defined for all node types except for
document node types.
When you confirm the dialog, all the matches found which correspond to your
query appear below this node.
When you double-click on Product in the Products and Customers view of the
Linked objects sample project, a selection screen opens.

Figure 7-1: Selection screen in the sample view Products and Customers

When no restrictions are specified here, all the existing products are listed under the
static node.

7.5.2 Special selection fields

Certain special selection fields have a special significance in DocuLink. When these
are defined and assigned to the corresponding attribute object, they are
automatically preset in the user view and used for performing selections. They can
also be included in node type texts.
The following selection fields are available:
The user name; it can be used, for example, to create a user-specific folder
structure (see also “Recursive node type” on page 42).
Logon language for the SAP application; allows you to output only text in the
logon language.

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Chapter 7 General principles for creating structures

This selection field must be assigned to a node type in order to restrict the
display at nodes of this type to documents having a certain document type. The
document type can be entered by the user in a selection screen or can be
predefined during customizing (node type assignment for selection screens or
database selections).
this selection field must be assigned to a node type, in order to restrict the
display at nodes of this type to documents with a particular archiving date. The
archiving date can be entered by the user in a selection screen or predefined
during customizing (node type assignment for selection screens or database
indicates the source of the data: database or archive server. Indicating the data
source is only relevant when archiving data.
designates the document type in the SAP application (and is used for example,
as a suggestion for the document node type text).
describes the document type (and is also used for the document node type text).
specifies the workstation application for which the original document was
shows the description of a PLM/DVS document
shows the storage category of a PLM/DVS document
As of this version, it is also possible to include ODMA attributes which were saved
during document entry via Livelink ECM – Imaging: DesktopLink (e.g. entry date,
person who entered the document etc.) in the node type text. For this to be possible,
it is necessary to define special selection fields whose names must be the same as
those of the ODMA attributes but with the prefix @, for example@Filename.

7.6 Node types

The basic properties, i.e. the node type, are described during customizing. The node
itself is then created at runtime as an instance of the node type.
Thus, for example, in the sample view Products and Customers, the node Customer
IXOS AG is simply an instance of the node type ALL_CUSTOMERS.

38 Customizing and Administration Guide DC090501-CGD-EN

7.6 Node types

The node type settings include:

• the selection type
• the displayed text
• the fields queried for filtering
• the selection fields that are displayed when a dialog appears
• any additional functions that may be triggered
You must create a node type for each level in a view as well as for all “siblings”
within a level which behave in a different way (e.g. different selection types).
Depending on the various selection types (type 0 through type 5, type C, D and R),
there are several different node types. The way they are used is described in more
detail in the following sections, using the Products and Customers sample view.

Figure 7-2: Examples for different node types

7.6.1 Root node

Each view has a root node (selection type 0) which defines the first and topmost
level of the view. A selection screen can also be defined on a root node type if
selection is to be made possible immediately after a view is opened.
The text of a root node must be a fixed text.
In the sample view, the root node is named View to Customers and Products. No
selection is defined; the node just serves as a way into the view.

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Chapter 7 General principles for creating structures

7.6.2 Static node type

Static node types are used to structure subsequent node types if the type of
classification is already known. A static node type is one that displays a single line
of text in a view. The text must be a fixed text.
In the sample view, the nodes Product and Customer are static node types. Both are
assigned the selection Type 2. This means that these nodes will always be displayed
regardless of whether or not there are any results to display in the hierarchy below
them. These nodes provide the view with a two-part structure: the product branch
and the customer branch.
A static node of Type 3 (only display if a value is available) can only have a value
table node type located below it (Type 5), however not a document node type. This
is due to the fact that a static node of Type 3 carries out a query and counts the
results. When there is at least one data record, the node type is displayed; when no
data record can be found, the node is not displayed. However, since document node
types cannot be counted, this process does not work in such cases.

7.6.3 Dynamic node type

Dynamic node types are also used to structure the subsequent node types. However,
they can provide a flexible classification that is dependent on the data actually
available. A dynamic node type supplies the various values of a particular field in a
table and thus is able to output more than one line of data in a view. The number of
lines generated for the view depends on the number of matches returned from a
query of the associated SAP table. The selection type is Type 4.
The COLLECT field is the selection field for the database selection at dynamic node
types. For each dynamic node type, only one COLLECT field may be defined to be
used for the selection.
Note: Selection fields using the data type packed (P) or floating (F) cannot be
defined as COLLECT fields.
When a dynamic node type is opened, a selection is triggered which takes into
account the collective restrictions made for the higher nodes. The results of the
query are displayed in different nodes so that it is possible to filter the information
further after the query.
In the example, these are the classifying nodes: 00 Others, 01 Computer industry,
02 Trade and 03 Automobile industry. These, in turn, structure subsequent nodes
which are not specified from the beginning but are dependent on the existing
attribute values in the customer table field Classification.

40 Customizing and Administration Guide DC090501-CGD-EN

7.6 Node types

7.6.4 Node types for attribute record display (value table

node type)
A node type may also be developed in order to display an attribute record of a table.
When double-clicked, this type of node will, by default, display a dialog showing
the values specified for the selected object. For this to be possible, a connection must
be established between the node type and the table whose attribute record is being
accessed. The fields to be displayed must also be specified. Value table nodes have
the selection Type 5.
In the Linked objects sample view, there is a value-table node for each customer
with the data from the customer table, e.g. Customer 1000000001 IXOS AG. When
you open the details for this customer, you see the corresponding attribute values.
Note: Now you can display and create documents directly from a value table
node, even without an explicit document node. This requires an appropriate
SAP object specified for the attribute object.

7.6.5 Node type for displaying a document (document node)

The document node type is required in order to display the document which
belongs to an attribute record, or to create new documents, and as such can only
sensibly be located below a value-table node. The document is uniquely identified
by the query executed when the node type is invoked. The document node type
represents the leaf at the end of a navigation path. The selection type is Type 1.
In the sample view, there is a document stored for the customer IXOS AG, which can
be found at the document node Document: 19.08.1999Customer document.
You can display and create documents directly from a value table node, even
without an explicit document node. This requires an appropriate SAP object
specified for the attribute object.

7.6.6 Content Management hierarchy as node type

This requires a specified Content Management document model for the attribute
object, as well as the appropriate authorization. As there is no Content Management
document model supported in R/3 4.6C, do not use this node type.

7.6.7 PLM document node type

In DocuLink documents from an SAP PLM DMS document model can be integrated
in the structure tree as well. The selection type for PLM/DVS documents is D -
DVS/PLM Document model.

This node type may only be used as a child node for a value table node
(representing the PLM info record). Both the value table node and the PLM node
type must be assigned to a DRAW table (see also “Customizing for integrating PLM
documents in DocuLink” on page 202).

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Chapter 7 General principles for creating structures

7.6.8 Recursive node type

Recursive nodes can be defined independently of the selection type. Recursive
nodes make it possible to create any user-defined structure of any required depth.
This means that all users can adapt and design the hierarchy to meet their own
needs without having to customize the view. In such cases, already defined node
types are "re-used" as child nodes of the same type.
Deleting elements in this type of recursive structure is problematic since the entire
structure consists only of links. Consequently it is only the links and not the records
themselves that are deleted.

7.7 Generating texts to display query results

The information displayed at a node type is determined by the associated selection
type. A static node type displays a single line of text. A dynamic node type will
display a line of text for each match returned from a query. The text generated by a
node type depends on the query performed. To assure a good view design, the text
should in some way reflect the results of the query.
In a navigation-friendly design for dynamic node types, the text clarifies the query
results. Please note the following information:
• Make sure that the text generated by a dynamic node type includes the selection
field which the node type queries. As a result, the resulting node type will
display a line for every match and display the matching value. This is the easiest
way to inform your users about where they are in a particular view.
• If the value returned by a query is vague, for example when the queried field is
called Comment or Others, you may add a label to the node type text before the
field which indicates exactly what type of information the field contains. This
label will then be displayed as clarifying text before the field in every line
generated for the node type, e.g. Customer 00001110.
As of this version, it is also possible to include special selection fields - in this case,
ODMA attributes - which were saved during document entry via Livelink ECM –
Imaging: DesktopLink (e.g. entry date, person who entered the document) in the node
type text.
You can find more details on defining node type texts under customizing node
types (“Text” on page 124).

42 Customizing and Administration Guide DC090501-CGD-EN

7.8 Naming conventions

Figure 7-3: Text output at the different node types of a view

Another aspect of navigation-friendly design is illustrated by the figure above. This

view contains static and dynamic node types. A static node type displays a single
line of text. This should serve as a heading that clarifies the text displayed in its
child node types. During navigation, the user relies on such headings to navigate
with assurance to the document required. To implement this successfully, you must
know what child node types a static node type will have and what fields the child
node type will be querying.
However, serious problems can be caused when a node type displays text that bears
no relation to the query performed. Navigation will be impaired because crucial
information is missing or because the information displayed cannot be evaluated by
the user.

7.8 Naming conventions

You will need to assign names to projects, views, attribute objects, selection fields,
node types and user-defined functions. Well-chosen names can greatly facilitate
your design work. Arbitrary names can complicate your work and cause endless
confusion. A few tips are listed here to help you choose appropriate names for the
design components.
There are several guidelines to follow when choosing project names:
• Project names beginning with “$” are supplied with DocuLink as a
component of the product. These contain sample scenarios and prefabricated
applications, for example the document flow.
• Only digits, letters and the underscore character (_) are allowed.
Attribute object
Assign this the same name as the table it is assigned to.
Only digits, letters and the underscore character (_) are allowed.

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Chapter 7 General principles for creating structures

Tip: Clarity is improved if the names of the attribute objects are chosen to
correspond to the data structure names (SAP table, view).
Selection field
Assign it the same name as the table field it is assigned to and whose information
it will query. Only digits, letters and the underscore character (_) are allowed
(exception: the special selection fields, see “Special selection fields” on page 37).
The first character of a name should not be a digit, as this indicates an offset
within the text line (see “Formatting the node type text” on page 126).
Fields in different SAP tables may have the same name. In this case, you must
assign unique names to the selection fields in DocuLink.
Node types
Assign these a name which reflects their use. Only digits, letters and the
underscore character (_) are allowed.
Tip: To ensure clarity, we recommend the following or a similar naming
convention (as is generated automatically in standard mode or when the
wizard is used):
• Static node or root node type (as subgroup): Prefix G_
• Static node type or root node type (at start of sub-tree with data
selection): prefix S_
• Value table node type: prefix T_
• Document node type: prefix D_
• Dynamic node type: prefix Y_
Function codes
For your user-defined functions, use codes with up to 10 characters beginning
with a Y or a Z.
Only digits, letters and the underscore character (_) are allowed.

44 Customizing and Administration Guide DC090501-CGD-EN

Chapter 8
The customizing user interface
All the customizing for DocuLink is performed in transaction J6NP. The most
important windows for your work in this transaction are the project and version
lists, the customizing start page and the view editor.

8.1 Help
The DocuLink-Help menu contains additional information on DocuLink. There you
can find not only the user documentation, but also information on the installed
version as well as the imported transports.
There are different ways to get help in DocuLink:
• To open the user documentation, select the menu option DocuLink-
Help DocuLink Documentation.
By default, the link to the DocuLink documentation refers to the ESC. However,
you can change this link to refer to any local storage area in your system (see
“Configuring the online help” on page 291).
• You can also open the DocuLink help by clicking on the icon.
• When you need any help while entering information in dialogs, press the F4 key.
• To obtain general online help, place the cursor on the object you need help about
and press F1.
• To find out which DocuLink version installed, select the menu command
DocuLink-Help About DocuLink.
• To display a detailed list of the transports imported to your system, click on the
button in the About dialog (not in DocuLink in Web); the installed Add-On
packages also appear as transports in this list.

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Chapter 8 The customizing user interface

8.2 The project and version lists

When you execute the J6NP transaction you initially see a list of the projects that
have already been defined together with the available versions.

Figure 8-1: Project overview

When you expand a project, you see the available versions. Click on the icon to
display the general (header) data for the version in the overview.

Figure 8-2: Version header data in the project overview

Here you will be able to see the projects that have already been created and also
which of these projects are actually visible to the user.

46 Customizing and Administration Guide DC090501-CGD-EN

8.2 The project and version lists

Project and version statuses

The project statuses are displayed as follows in the project list.
• : there is a productive version;
• : there is (at least) one development version
• : only obsolete versions are present
The existence of an active productive version of a project is identified by the
presence of a dark-green background. All other projects have a blue background.

Figure 8-3: Status display in the project and version list

The status of the individual versions is also displayed. The status indicator, which is
also used as the basis for the project status indicator, is identified as follows:
• : productive
• : Development version
• : obsolete
A light-green background color indicates that the version is active.

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Chapter 8 The customizing user interface

Organization of the project and version list

You can organize the project and version list in such a way that only the objects that
are relevant to you are displayed. Select the Extras Organize view menu item.
Organizing the project and version overview is defined as a report so that you can
save variants for it.
The following options are available for projects and versions separately:
• created/changed by: only those created or last changed by the defined user; to
see only your own, click on Current user. A multi-selection for the
creator/editor is also possible.
• Only active/Only with active version: only the active versions or projects with
active versions
• Only the versions of a certain type, or projects with versions of a certain type
• Last changes since: only those that have been modified since the specified date
• Last changes during the last x days: only those that have been modified within
the last x days.
To run the report, click on Execute.

8.3 The customizing tab view

When you choose a version for editing, the customizing start screen (the tab view)
opens. Here you see all different tabs for the individual structure elements or
building blocks of the view, as well as for the view itself. The tab view offers you an
overview of all existing elements; furthermore, you can display and edit the
properties of the individual structure elements. In standard mode only one tab is
displayed for the view. In expert mode, you see the following tabs:
• Views
• Attribute objects
• Selection fields
• Sel.F. / Attr.Obj.
• Node types
• Sel.F. / Node T.
• User exits
• Function codes

48 Customizing and Administration Guide DC090501-CGD-EN

8.3 The customizing tab view

Figure 8-4: Customizing start screen (tab view)

8.3.1 Standard functions in the tab view

A number of standard functions are available in all tabs of the customizing tab view:
Display< Edit
Switches between display and edit mode. Certain functions are only available in
edit mode.
Displays the attributes for the selected entry.
Undoes any changes resulting from the last action to be performed. It is not
possible to undo changes using this function once you have saved or updated
the display.
Deletes the highlighted entries.
Sort in descending order, Sort in ascending order
Sorts entries in the list.
Select all
Selects all entries.
Deselect all
Deselects everything.
Header data
Displays the header data for the view.

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Chapter 8 The customizing user interface

Transports a version to another SAP system. Here you can decide whether you
also want to transport the administration settings (if available). Administration
settings are hit list, selection or other screen configurations, for instance.
In the advanced dialog you can select the target version and depending on the
version, include or exclude further objects for the transport. Only those object
types are available for which the functionality is available both in the current
system and in the target system. To display the advanced dialog, click on the
Advanced button. The following objects can be selected for the transport:
• Settings for generic object services (see “Customizing for generic object
services (GOS) in DocuLink” on page 193)
• Status management settings (see )
• DesktopLink rendition settings (see )

Important: Automatic recording of changes

The prerequisite for transporting versions is that the option to
automatically record changes must be switched on in the SAP
application. To do this, open the T000 table in the SM30 transaction and
activate this option for the relevant client. If you do not do this, the
transport dialog will not appear when you click on the transport icon.

icon in the About box.

8.3.2 Functions in the settings dialogs

For the settings dialogs for views and structure elements, the following standard
functions are available (possibly only after switching to edit mode):
Display< Edit
Switches between display and edit mode. Certain functions are only available in
edit mode.
Back and Save
Transfers the changes to the database and closes the dialog.
Transfers the changes to the database.
Creates a new object. (not available for node types from within the dialog).
Copies the current object. Opens a new dialog for the target specification and
copy information. (not available for node types from within the dialog).

50 Customizing and Administration Guide DC090501-CGD-EN

8.4 The view editor

Previous, Next
Scrolls forwards and backwards in a list of all the existing objects of this type in
this view.

Important: Correct object after browsing

After scrolling, double-check that you have selected the correct object
before accepting the changes. Otherwise you will modify the object in the
hierarchy tree!

Updates the display of the dialog if, for example, an entry in one box changes the
behavior of another.

8.4 The view editor

The view editor is a type of WYSIWYG editor which displays an overview of the
hierarchy tree and defines the view hierarchy. The editor shows you the node types
in the order in which they will appear in the view. The view also provides
comprehensive information about the attribute objects and selection fields at node
type level.
Depending on the customizing mode in which you are currently working, a
different level of details will be displayed for the objects.
From within this editor, you can define and assign all the objects required in the
data model (with the exception of optional or special objects such as function codes).

8.4.1 Displaying in the view editor

The following figure shows the hierarchy design for the sample view Products and
Customers in the view editor and the view resulting from it.

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Chapter 8 The customizing user interface

Figure 8-5: Displaying in the view editor

Expanding the The lines are indented to indicate nesting. The left-most entry in a line is the node
tree type name. When an attribute object is assigned to the node type, it is displayed next
to it. The tree always starts with the root node type and can be expanded right
through to the leaves. To do this, click on a folder icon that has the + character in
front of the node type.
Node type Alongside the node type you can also see the number of the assigned selection type
information (e.g. 0 for root node type).
Displaying To display the assigned selection fields subdivided by type of use, expand the node
selection fields types and attribute objects. To do this, click on the + character in front of the object.
by usage
For selection fields that are assigned to an attribute object, the corresponding table
field name is displayed in parenthesis.
Displaying You double-click on one of the displayed elements to open the associated settings
settings dialogs dialog. You can get information on the assignment of selection fields to node types
or on the attribute object by clicking on the icon in front of the selection field.
Details on function codes assigned to the node types are no longer displayed
explicitly in the tree in order to clarify the display. However, you can view the
details by calling up the settings dialog for the node type.

52 Customizing and Administration Guide DC090501-CGD-EN

8.4 The view editor

Additional information
Some additional information is indicated by icons:
Assignment of When selection fields are assigned to node types, the following additional
selection fields information is indicated by means of icons:
to node types

• : indicates an activated Cut selection for child (see “Database Selection

Properties” on page 133)
• indicates an activated Info for dynamic nodetype-control field (see
“Database Selection Properties” on page 133)
• indicates a defined restriction at the node type (see “Restrictions” on
page 138)
Node types At the node type itself, the following additional information is indicated by icons:
• indicates a node for which a Hit list in hierarchy is configured (see
“Functions” on page 121)
• indicates a node for which a Separate hitlist is configured (see “Functions”
on page 121)
• indicates a R - IXOS Record type node (only required for project-specific so-
Attribute For the assignment of attribute objects/ selection fields, the following additional
object/selection information is indicated by icons:
field assignment

• indicates that automatic entry is defined (see “Assigning selection fields to

attribute object fields” on page 109)

8.4.2 Functionality in the view editor

This editor window also contains the following command buttons in the toolbar
(some of these are not available until you change to edit mode):
Test view
Tests the current view in the user view (J6NY).
Expand subtree
Expands the selected node type and all the child node types of that node.
Compress subtree
Collapses the selected node type and all the child node types of that node.
Creates a root node type if the view is empty. Opens the Create Node type
dialog (see “” on page 114).

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Chapter 8 The customizing user interface

Depending on the context, this may also serve to create a new node type,
attribute object, selection field or assignment (selection field node type or
attribute object selection field).
Create, as child
Creates a node type as the child of the node type where the cursor is currently
positioned. Opens the Create Node type dialog (see “” on page 114).
Create, before
Creates a node type as a sibling of the node where the cursor is currently
positioned. The node type is added before the current node type, but on the
same level of the hierarchy. Opens the Create Node type dialog (see “” on
page 114).
Positions a node type and its subordinate structure in the hierarchy as a child of
another node type, or in front of another node type on the same level, or in
another view of the same project.
Copies a node type and its subordinate structure and inserts the copy either as a
child of another node type, or in front of another node type on the same level, or
in another view.
Deletes the selected node type and its sub-structure.
Test view
Performs a consistency check of all views of the version one after the other and,
if possible, displays them in the user view.
Header data
Displays the header data for the view.
Expert mode
Changes from standard customizing to expert mode. (Only available in standard
Change view
Selects another view of the same project, e.g. for a copy or move operation
between views.
Starts the administration transaction (J6NA)
DocuLink Documentation
Opens the DocuLink documentation
Furthermore, some functions are available via buttons directly in the editor area:
Suggest selection fields
Displays a list of possible selection fields that can be assigned to the node type,
see “Suggest selection fields” on page 127.

54 Customizing and Administration Guide DC090501-CGD-EN

8.4 The view editor

Opens the configuration dialog for selection screens at the node, see “Selection
screen at nodes” on page 284.
Corresponds with the Create icon in the toolbar.
View/Create link
Opens the configuration dialog for the corresponding assignment (node
type/selection field or attribute object/selection field). Moving node types

To move node types:

1. Click on the topmost node type of the subtree that you want to move.
2. Click on the icon.
3. Click on the node type before or after which you want to insert the subtree.
If the subtree is to be moved to another view:
a. Click on Change view first. You see a dialog in which you can select the
target view.
b. Click on the required target view and then on Accept.
c. Click on the node type in the target view before or after which you want to
insert the subtree.
4. Choose:
• Move, as child to insert the subtree as the child of the node type at which
the cursor is positioned.
• Move, before to insert the subtree on the same level and in front of the
node type at which the cursor is positioned. Copying node types

To copy node types:

1. First position the cursor on the topmost node type of the subtree that you want
to copy.
2. Click on the icon.
3. Click on the node type before or after which you want to insert the subtree.
If the subtree is to be moved to another view:
a. Click on Change view first. You see a dialog in which you can select the
target view.

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Chapter 8 The customizing user interface

b. Click on the required target view and then on Copy.

c. Click on the node type in the target view before or after which you want to
insert the subtree.
4. Choose:
• Copy, as child to insert the subtree as the child of the node type at which
the cursor is positioned.
• Copy, before to insert the subtree on the same level and in front of the
node type at which the cursor is positioned.
5. If necessary, rename the new node types. By default they are given the name of
the copied node type followed by a _ with a sequential number. Very long
names may be truncated. Deleting node types

To delete node types:

1. Click on the node type or the topmost node type in the subtree.
2. Click on Delete ( ).
3. Next confirm that you wish to delete the selected node type and all the child
nodes that belong to it.

56 Customizing and Administration Guide DC090501-CGD-EN

Chapter 9
Defining projects, versions and views
The project summarizes views which logically belong together, i.e. various ways of
accessing the same documents. The views themselves make up the hierarchical tree
via which documents can then be accessed. Versions represent intermediate statuses
of projects which are currently undergoing development.

9.1 The project

The first step is to define the project. A project must always contain at least one
version. Consequently, the creation of a project is equivalent to clicking on Create
for a new version. When you specify a new project name, a new project with an
initial (development) version is created. The initial version has version number 1.

9.1.1 Creating a new project

To create a new version or a new project, click on Create in the project list. In
both cases the following dialog appears:

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Chapter 9 Defining projects, versions and views

Figure 9-1: Settings dialog: Project/Version

A project is identified internally by a Project Description and by the name of the

Project in the project list in the user view.
Some program codes start with a special character; these are projects supplied with
DocuLink. You can obtain an explanation of the characters used by placing the
cursor on a project field and pressing F1.
Original language specifies the language in which the version is maintained. This
language is used, for example, for the help texts if the necessary resource files are
not available in the specified language. This setting can be edited if it is necessary to
use a language other than the one specified during customizing.
The following specifications are preset and displayed for information only. They
cannot be modified.
Type of version
Specifies the type of version.
• Productive version
• Development version
• Obsolete Version
Specifies whether or not the version is visible (active) in the user view.

58 Customizing and Administration Guide DC090501-CGD-EN

9.1 The project

Maintenance type
• Standard mode (in the case of newly created or simply structured versions)
• Expert mode (in the case of DocuLink with more complex structures)
Created by
The user who created the version.
Created on
The date when the version was created.
Last changed by
The user who last edited the version.
Changed on
Date of the last change to the version.
When you have specified all the data, click on Save ( ) to perform an intermediate
save, Back and Save ( ) to save and close the dialog, or Cancel to cancel your
changes to the version.

9.1.2 Copying projects

You can also simply copy an existing project.

To copy a project:
1. Select the project.
2. Click on Copy.
3. Specify a name for the new project.
4. Choose which data you would like to copy:
• the productive version
• development versions
• administration data
Administration settings are hit list, selection or other screen configurations,
for instance.
When you copy a project, the obsolete versions are not copied.
5. Click on Copy again.

The new project appears in the project list.

Numbering The versions of a project are numbered sequentially starting with 1. When you copy
project versions a project, the numbers are re-assigned sequentially starting from 1 (excluding the
versions which are not copied, e.g. the obsolete versions). The existing sequence is

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Chapter 9 Defining projects, versions and views

Example 9-1: Assigning version numbers when copying projects

If, for example, you only copy the development versions 2 and 3 as well as the
productive version 5 of project P, then in the new project X these have the version
numbers 1, 2, 3, where 1 and 2 are the development versions and 3 is the
productive version.

9.2 The versions

During the subsequent customizing process, you simply work with versions of the
project, not with the project itself. This makes it possible to document and track the
history of the development of a project and ensures that users are always working
with a known, traceable and uniform project status, i.e. the productive version,
while you are still able to modify the other versions using the customizing function.
For a description of how to create a version, refer to “The project” on page 57. The
most important specifications for each version, which are defined at the time of
version creation, are displayed in the project and version lists if you click the
button next to the version. If you want to display or modify the entire header data
for a version, select the version in question and click on Header data.
In this window you can also use the following commands after clicking on the
Create a new version for the current project. This version is automatically a
development version and is sequentially numbered.
When you specify a new project name here, a new project is created with an
initial version.
Click on this to edit a version. The version view window is opened in edit mode.
When you open a version in edit mode, the entire project is locked for other
users in the customizing view. The reason for this is that making a version
productive can directly force a change of status in another version (since there
can only ever be one productive version) and it must therefore be possible to
modify all the versions of a project.
Displays a version's view window in non-editable mode.
Check version
Performs a local consistency check of the version before it is made productive.
Set productive
Changes a development version into a productive version. It cannot be edited
anymore afterwards. Prerequisite: a successful version test
This action automatically opens the transport module dialog.

60 Customizing and Administration Guide DC090501-CGD-EN

9.2 The versions

Note: This action automatically opens the transport module dialog. Even in
a (non-modifiable) productive version, it is still possible to activate or
deactivate the views!
If a version has been clicked on: changes a productive or development version
into an obsolete version.
If a project has been clicked on: deletes the project (only possible if all the
versions are obsolete).
This action automatically opens the transport module dialog.
Note: When you delete a project, the administration are also automatically
deleted and backed up in a transport job (if present).
Copies the selected version. Enter the source and target version numbers and
specify whether the administration settings are also to be copied (if present).
Administration settings are hit list, selection or other screen configurations, for
Transports a version or a project to another SAP system. Here you can decide
whether you also want to transport the administration settings (if present).
Administration settings are hit list, selection or other screen configurations, for
In the advanced dialog you can select the target version and depending on the
version, include or exclude further objects for the transport. Only those object
types are available for which the functionality is available both in the current
system and in the target system. To display the advanced dialog, click on the
Advanced button. The following objects can be selected for the transport:
• Settings for generic object services (see “Customizing for generic object
services (GOS) in DocuLink” on page 193)
• Status management settings (see )
• DesktopLink rendition settings (see )

Important: Automatic recording of changes

The prerequisite for transporting versions is that the option to
automatically record changes must be switched on in the SAP
application. To do this, open the T000 table in the SM30 transaction and
activate this option for the relevant client. If you do not do this, the
transport dialog will not appear when you click on the transport icon.

icon in the About box.

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Chapter 9 Defining projects, versions and views

Testing and activating versions

Development versions are not generally visible in the user view. However, to test
the display in the user view you can use the function Test view( ) in the
customizing window.
There is also a consistency check for version customizing which can be activated by
means of the function Check version( ). When you do this, all the selected views
are checked individually one after the other. When errors occur, a corresponding
message is issued. Otherwise the view is displayed in the user view.
When all the views have been tested successfully and development of the version is
complete, you can activate Set productive for the version, i.e. it is then ready for
customer operation and can no longer be modified.
Finally, activate the productive version in the project list to ensure that the project is
actually visible in the user view project list.
To do this, click on the version (in the example, the version Customer file with
industry sector, region and address) and click on Activate . The version is
now displayed against a green background to indicate that the version is active. The
project is also displayed in a different color if an active productive version is present.
When you next start the transaction J6NY, the sample project Customer file with
industry sector, region and address will also be displayed in the project list.

Figure 9-2: Active project in the user view

For test purposes, you can also activate development versions so that these are
visible in the user view. However, whenever you open such a version you see a
message informing you that the version is simply a development version. Active
development versions should not be transported into productive customer systems!

62 Customizing and Administration Guide DC090501-CGD-EN

9.3 The views

9.3 The views

The next thing you need to do is to create views. Views are the access paths that
users need in order to locate the documents they require. The first step is to define
the names and sequence of the possible views and to make a number of view-
specific settings. To do so, select the version for which you would like to define
views, and click on Edit. Alternatively, you can double-click on the version row
or select the Views tab in the customizing tab view. A window appears containing a
list of the existing views for the version you have selected.

Figure 9-3: List of views for a project version

9.3.1 Creating a new view

To create a view:

1. Change to edit mode by clicking on the (Display< Edit) button.

2. Click on the (Create) button.
The view settings dialog opens.
3. Enter the required data (see “The view settings dialog” on page 64).
4. Click on the (Back and Save) button to close the dialog.

When creating and editing the hierarchy for the view, you can decide whether you
want to work in the simpler standard mode or the more complex expert mode.
Continue with the appropriate section. In both cases, you can work with the view

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Chapter 9 Defining projects, versions and views

9.3.2 Displaying and editing view settings

You can edit the settings for a view in the view editor.

To edit view settings:

1. Double-click on the view number in the list to open the view editor.
2. Click on the (Header data) icon.
The view settings dialog opens.
3. Change to edit mode by clicking on the (Display< Edit) button.
4. Enter the required data (see “The view settings dialog” on page 64).
5. Click on the (Back and Save) button to close the dialog.

9.3.3 The view settings dialog

The view settings dialog always appears when you create a new view or want to
display or edit the header data for a view.

64 Customizing and Administration Guide DC090501-CGD-EN

9.3 The views

Figure 9-4: Settings dialog: Views: Header data

In the settings dialog, you first see the following specifications:

View number
Determines the sequence in which the views are displayed.
View description
This is displayed in the view list in the DocuLink user view (J6NY). General tab

View is active
Only activated views are visible in the DocuLink user view (J6NY).

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Chapter 9 Defining projects, versions and views

Maximum number of hits

Specifies the maximum number of value-table nodes (does not affect dynamic,
static or documents nodes) that can be displayed as subnodes when a node type
is expanded (by default 100).
When the number of hits is not set or the value is too high, this may slow down
subsequent selection times. You should therefore always restrict the maximum
number of hits. In addition, the structure should be designed such that no large
numbers of hits occur (e.g. by using additional structuring node types and/or
appropriate data base selection criteria).
For example, if there are 1000 subnodes each representing a city in Germany, the
user will not want to see all of the 1000 city nodes listed at the same time. When
a maximum number of hits of 50 is set, nodes are displayed 50 at a time. This
specification is valid for all the nodes in this view. The end user, however, may
choose to restrict it further (see Section 14.2.2 "Defining settings for current
project" in Livelink DocuLink for SAP Solutions - User Guide (DC-UGD))
Displaying docs in new session
Moves the document display to the background where it runs as a separate
process so that you can continue to work in DocuLink.
Start viewer
Opens the associated original automatically (if one exists) when you start the
detail or edit function or displays a list of available documents for you to select
Display docs (int.doc.ref)
Defines behavior in the case of DOCDIRECT records (DocID and ArchivID are
stored in the attribute table):
• Display document and details
• Display details only
• Display document only
Display screens as Popup
When you activate this option, the selection, detail, edit and create screens are
displayed as pop-ups and not as full screens
Inplace Viewing
The original is displayed in the DocuLink window (not in a separate window).
Note: If a CRM Content Management hierarchy is integrated in the view
(node type C), this option must be activated.
Start picture
If you want to change the start screen in the right-hand section of the application
window you can load an image (JPG, GIF) by means of the transaction SMW0.
Enter the object name of the image as the image name.

66 Customizing and Administration Guide DC090501-CGD-EN

9.3 The views Data extraction tab

Figure 9-5: Settings dialog: Views: Data extraction

Mapping service
This field is only required for project-specific solutions. Excluded Functions tab

Here, you can specify for each view which functions are excluded for the user or, in
other words, which icons are not visible to the user.

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Chapter 9 Defining projects, versions and views

Figure 9-6: Settings dialog: Views: Excluded Functions

A list of the available functions and the icons associated with them is displayed.
Select the functions you wish to exclude, i.e. those that the user is not permitted to
see, by checking the box in front of those functions.

9.3.4 Copying views

To copy a view:
1. In the tab view, select the Views tab.
2. Switch to Edit mode.
3. Select the view that you want to copy.

68 Customizing and Administration Guide DC090501-CGD-EN

9.3 The views

4. Click on Copy.
5. Enter the view numbers for the source and target views.
6. When you only want to copy the view's header data, deactivate the following
options for copying the corresponding objects. Otherwise, activate the required
• Excluded function codes: additionally copies the specifications in the
Excluded Functions tab of the view settings dialog.
• Defined node types: additionally copies the defined node type from the
view hierarchy.
7. Choose whether or not you also want to copy the administration settings (if
available) and activate the corresponding option. Administration settings are hit
list, selection or other screen configurations.
8. Click on Copy.

The new view appears in the list of views

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Chapter 10
Working in standard mode
Note: This chapter assumes that the user is familiar with both the
considerations regarding the DocuLink structures and the general principles as
described in “General principles for creating structures” on page 33.
If you are not yet familiar with working with DocuLink, you should initially begin
by using standard mode, and only later move on to use the functions offered by the
expert mode. Structures created in standard mode can also be viewed and edited in
expert mode. However, as soon as a structure is saved in expert mode it can no
longer be displayed in standard mode. This is due to the additional information that
is added to the structure by expert mode. For this reason, projects from previous
versions of DocuLink which already contain this information cannot be edited in
standard mode.
In standard mode, you can create simple structures with a single data source per
node type. This task has been kept as simple as possible and only a few steps are
needed. You first define the name of the project and the appropriate views. For each
of the views, you create a hierarchical structure in which subgroups or select node
types are set up. Subgroups serve mainly to classify data, whereas select node types
restrict the range of documents according to attributes. For select node types, you
must then define the actual data source, the fields of the selection screen and certain
additional pieces of information.
The following sections use an example to illustrate, in detail, the individual
processes required. The example consists of a simple customer folder with only one
view. It contains information about the sector, region, company, name, and address
of the customer.
Note: You can easily replicate this example for practice by following the
instructions described. However, it is not supplied as a sample project!

10.1 Creating the hierarchy

Once you have set up a view as described in “Defining projects, versions and views”
on page 57, you are able to define the hierarchy within the view. To do this there
are, on the one hand, subgroups which are used to classify documents (to separate
documents into various categories), and on the other hand, so-called select nodes.
This allows the dynamic selection of documents on the basis of attributes specified
by the user.

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Chapter 10 Working in standard mode

To create subgroups and select nodes:

1. In the Views tab in the customizing tab view, select the view whose hierarchy
you want to edit.
2. Click on Mark ( ).
Alternatively, double-click on the view itself.
The existing tree structure is now displayed in the view editor (see Section 8.4) .
When you have created an entirely new view, the message No node type until
now. appears.

3. When the tree is still empty, define a root node first. This can be either a
subgroup or a select node.
a. Click on Create ( ).
A select box appears in which you can decide whether you wish to create a
subgroup (static node) or a select node.
b. Select the required node type and click on Create ( ) again.
As soon as this “root node” has been created, it is displayed in the view's
hierarchy tree.
In our example (see the diagram below) we have chosen the view name
Customers by industry sector for the (static) root node.

4. Now create further node types to construct the tree hierarchy. To do this you
can use the following functions:
• Create, before to stay at the same level in the hierarchy (see step 3)
• Create, as child to move down one level in the hierarchy (see step 3)
• Move to move existing subtrees in order to change the hierarchical structure
of the tree
• Copy to copy existing subtrees in order to extend the hierarchical structure
of the tree
• Delete to remove nodes and subtrees from the hierarchy
5. To extend the structure of the tree you can use these functions iteratively. The
lowest level in standard mode is defined by the select nodes. You cannot create
subsequent subgroups or additional select nodes on these nodes.

The specifications required to define subgroups and select nodes are now described
in more detail.

Example 10-1: Moving a subtree

If you want to change the order of the industry sectors in the following example of a
customer folder, e.g. switch Trade and Automobile industry then proceed as
follows: select the Automobile industry node type. Click on the Move button. The
node Automobile industry is now highlighted.

72 Customizing and Administration Guide DC090501-CGD-EN

10.2 Subgroups

Now click on the node type Trade and then on Move, before. The node type
Automobile industry (and any child nodes it has) is now moved within the
hierarchy to before the Trade node type, but remains on the same level.

10.2 Subgroups
When you choose the create function Subgroup in the select dialog, you must
simply enter the (internal) name and the description text (for the DocuLink
navigation window) and close the select dialog. The tree is extended by the specified

Example 10-2: Subgroup

In our example, we have divided the customers into sectors and created the
subgroups Computer industry, Trade and Automobile industry.

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Chapter 10 Working in standard mode

10.3 Select nodes

To create a Selection of documents you must work through three dialogs. These
dialogs are also used by the create wizard in expert mode. The procedure in expert
mode is identical with the exception of a few additional options. Consequently,
some of the options described below are not available in standard mode.

To select nodes:
1. First of all, you see a dialog in which you enter some general specifications
concerning the selection.

Figure 10-1: Settings dialog: Selection of documents

The internal name of the node.
Only digits, letters and the underscore character (_) are permitted for the
name of the selection field.
Static node (only available in expert mode)
In expert mode this creates a static node type with the prefix “S_” and the
specified name.
The node name which is displayed in the DocuLink application.
In expert mode also the node type text.
Data structure
This specification is mandatory and is needed for the transfer of values to
DocuLink. In standard mode this is the SAP table that is to be selected.
In expert mode an attribute object with this data structure is created or used
when a document node type or value table node type is created.
A document node type is created when the With documents option is

74 Customizing and Administration Guide DC090501-CGD-EN

10.3 Select nodes

A value table node type is created when at least one field is inserted in the
Multiple attributing (table node) area in the last dialog.
Note: If manual changes are made to the data structure (i.e. not via the
customizing transaction), the reports generated in the database must be
manually deleted so that the program can implement the changes in the
database. Use the administration report, see “Administrating (deleting)
generated programs” on page 267 or the Extras Delete generated
reports menu option (see “Delete generic reports” on page 142).
Write structure to file ( )
Automatically generates a template for COLD projects from the specified
table. This is particularly important for the automatic entry of a large
number of documents as well as when transferring legacy data. (For details
on importing COLD data refer to the manual Livelink ECM - Archive Server -
Document Pipelines and Import Interfaces (AR-CDP)
With documents
Creates a document node type as a subnode of the node that is to be created.
SAP-object type
Contains, among other things, the key fields that are required to process the
documents. This may have been created in the SAP application together with
the user-defined table.
The selection is output as a hit list.
Separate hitlist
When the selection is output as a hit list, it is not displayed in the hierarchy
but in a separate hit list.
After you have entered these specifications, click on Next.
For demonstration purposes we can delete the subgroup Computer industry
that we have just created in the customer file folder and replace it with a select
node called Computer industry. It would obviously have made more sense to
have created the Computer industry node type as a select node in the first
place, and not as a subgroup.
2. In the subsequent dialog, you must select which of the possible table fields you
wish to make available to the user as selection criteria.

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Chapter 10 Working in standard mode

Figure 10-2: Settings dialog: Selection of documents Restrictions

You will see two lists: on the left-hand side, you see all the available table fields
that have not been chosen for the selection screen. On the right, you see a list
containing only those fields that have been explicitly chosen for use in selection
screens. Only these fields can be used for selection.

To select table fields for the selection screen:

1. Select the fields in the list of available selection fields by clicking in the field
to the left of the name.
2. Click on the right arrow ( ).
The table field now appears in the right-hand list for the selection screen.

Note: You can subsequently further restrict the range of selection criteria
in the DocuLink application (see “Configuring the detail, edit, create, and
selection screens and the hit lists” on page 269).

To remove table fields from the selection screen:

1. Select the fields in the list of selection fields displayed in the selection screen
by clicking in the field to the left of the name.
2. Click on the left arrow ( ).
The table field now appears in the right-hand list for the selection screen.

When you have selected all the table fields you require, click on Next.
In the example, the user is to be able to select the customer's city and ZIP code.

76 Customizing and Administration Guide DC090501-CGD-EN

10.3 Select nodes

3. Now you must create the subnodes for the select nodes, i.e. the further
hierarchy for the selected documents.

Figure 10-3: Settings dialog: Selection of documents: Node types

The documents in the view are subdivided in accordance with the specified
attributes (table fields). You can choose between single or multiple attributing.
When single attributing is used, the information is sorted on the basis of a single
criterion (dynamic node type).

Important: Key fields must be included

When multiple attributing is used, several attributes can be taken into
account (value table node type). All key fields must be included in either
single attributing or multiple attributing, as otherwise a unique listing of
the documents in the hierarchy cannot be guaranteed.

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Chapter 10 Working in standard mode

When a hit list is to appear immediately below a static (subgroup) node type, do
not enter any values for single attributing. Instead, select attributes for multiple
attributing that are to be displayed in the hit list.
The number in the Subnode field identifies the level of the node underneath the
select node. The order is specified automatically, where single attributing fields
are listed before multiple attributing fields. Within these areas, the fields are
sorted on the basis of the order in which they were added to the lists.
The process is the same as when determining the selection fields: Select the
fields in the left-hand list and click on the right-facing arrow ( ) to enter the
item in the appropriate list on the right. To remove a field from either of the
lists, select the item and click on the left-facing arrow ( ).
You can also use the Select all and Deselect all commands for the two lists.
In the example shown above, documents selected according to city or ZIP code
are initially sorted by city, then by a combination of customer number, name,
ZIP code and street.
4. Finally, you create the selection screen. To close the dialog, click on Generate
( ), or click on Cancel to reject the changes.
Note: Whenever the customizing of a project is changed, the generated
reports are automatically recreated. However, if manual changes are made
to the data in the underlying database, the generated reports in the
database must be manually deleted so that the program can adopt the
changes in the database. Use the administration report, see
“Administrating (deleting) generated programs” on page 267 or the Extras
Delete generated reports menu option (see “Delete generic reports” on
page 142).
You will see the created select nodes in the view window. To distinguish them
from the static subgroup nodes, the select nodes are highlighted in a different
In standard mode, the select nodes form the lowest level of the hierarchy tree. It
is not possible to subsequently create subgroups or select nodes on these nodes.
To do this, you must switch to expert mode.

Example 10-3: Generated selection screen

Here is the result for the Customers by industry sector sample view configured
as described above, shown in the DocuLink navigation window, and the generated
selection screen:

78 Customizing and Administration Guide DC090501-CGD-EN

10.3 Select nodes

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Chapter 11
Working in expert mode
This chapter assumes that the user is familiar with both the considerations
regarding the DocuLink structures and the general principles as described in
“General principles for creating structures” on page 33.

11.1 General
The expert mode uses an additional abstract level between the actual data source
and the hierarchy tree to provide a way of creating more complex structures (e.g.
linking various tables) in a clearly arranged fashion.
This abstract data model is created by linking concrete SAP tables, which are used as
data sources, to abstract attribute objects and linking table fields to selection fields.
The structure of the view is then built via the node types, creating the hierarchy tree.
The node type definitions determine how a level in the hierarchy behaves. You then
assign selection fields to the node types.
The view itself does not directly access a concrete SAP table, as in the standard
mode. Instead, access takes place indirectly via the abstract elements.
There are two different methods to create views of your data:
The classic method
In this case the abstract data model is first created as a collection of attribute
objects and selection fields. Then the structure of the view is built up of node
types, where the pre-defined elements of the data model are assigned to the node
types step by step.
The pragmatic method
With this method, the view editor is used in order to perform iterative steps of
creating a node type, assigning an attribute object and creating it immediately,
defining and assigning selection fields for this attribute object, and finally
assigning and, if necessary, creating selection fields for the node type. In the next
step, another node type is created and so on.
Note: Both methods require extensive planning in advance, considering the
points discussed in “Designing a view” on page 34.
The individual procedures and the required steps for each are described in the next
chapters in detail and using an example. This example takes the form of the view
Products and Customers which is supplied with DocuLink and is taken from the

DC090501-CGD-EN Customizing and Administration Guide 81

Chapter 11 Working in expert mode

project Linked objects($EX_LINK). This view shows an example of a link between

two tables which represents an M:N customer-product relationship.
The described and configured project can be displayed in the DocuLink navigation
window in the following way:
1. Install DocuLink (see Section 3.8 "DocuLink" in Livelink ECM - Suite for SAP
Solutions - Installation and Upgrade Guide (ER-IGD)).
2. Execute the J6NY transaction in the main window of the SAP application. The
DocuLink main window appears and displays the existing projects. Each
example is listed as a separate project.
3. Double-click on the sample project: Linked objects.
When you wish to practice customizing using this sample project, copy the project
$EX_LINK in the customizing window and rename it. You can then use this copy to
practice the steps described below, or try out the various settings!
When you wish to archive documents to customers in the sample project Linked
objects ($EX_LINK) then the archive must be set correctly in the transaction OAC3
for the link J_6NG_CUST/J_6NG_CUST. Each customer has their own logical archive.
We do not know what these archives are called and so we supply the record with
our own archive name DU.

11.1.1 The classic method

The following scheme shows the customizing procedure using the classic method.

82 Customizing and Administration Guide DC090501-CGD-EN

11.1 General

Figure 11-1: Customizing a DocuLink view using the classic method

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Chapter 11 Working in expert mode

The following steps must be performed:

1. Planning the view

Plan the view and decide which tables are required, how the target user group
works with the data and how they should navigate through it. The descriptions
and supportive questions in “Designing a view” on page 34 will help you with
your considerations.
2. Defining the data model
Using the classic method, you first define the data model, i.e. the abstraction
from the SAP tables and the relevant table fields to the attribute objects and
selection fields. To do so, create a collection of the required objects in advance:
• View header data, see Section 9.3 on page 62
• Attribute objects, see Section 11.3.1 on page 90
• Selection fields, see Section 11.3.2 on page 107
• Assignments of selection fields to attribute objects, see Section 11.3.3 on
page 109
To do so, select the corresponding tab in the tab view of the customizing
transaction (J6NP), and click on Create. You can find a description of the
properties and options for the individual objects in “The structure elements and
their settings dialogs” on page 89.
3. Creating the hierarchy
Once you have defined all the structure elements for your views, you can define
the view hierarchy. This is the last phase of work where you put the
components together to achieve the navigation strategy you outlined in the
design phase of the work.
a. Creating node types
To do so, create the node types one after the other, as described in “Creating
node types” on page 114, until the required hierarchy is defined as a tree.
b. Assigning selection fields
To define a selection in the database, assign selection fields to the node type
for the appropriate usage, see “Assigning selection fields to node types” on
page 129.
Alternatively, you can use the Suggest selection fields function to create an
assignment during the definition of the node type, see “Suggest selection
fields” on page 127.
c. Defining the node type output
When you want to output text from assigned selection fields for the nodes,
define the output text in the node type settings after the assignment (see
“Text” on page 124).

84 Customizing and Administration Guide DC090501-CGD-EN

11.1 General

4. Extending the functionality

After you have created the basic structure of the view, you can define further
settings to provide special functionality at the nodes, e.g.:
• User exits, see Section 11.4.1 on page 139
• Function codes, see Section 11.4.2 on page 140
• Authorization, see Section on page 100
• Administration of selection screens and hit lists, see Section 22.4 on page 269
5. Activating the view
Finally, activate the view in the header data, as only activated views are visible
in the DocuLink user view (J6NY).

11.1.2 The pragmatic method

The following schema shows the customizing procedure using the pragmatic

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Chapter 11 Working in expert mode

Figure 11-2: Customizing a DocuLink view using the pragmatic method

86 Customizing and Administration Guide DC090501-CGD-EN

11.1 General

Note: The pragmatic method corresponds with the procedure in the

customizing wizard in standard mode, see “Working in standard mode” on
page 71.
The following steps must be performed:

1. Planning the view

Plan the view and decide which tables are required, how the target user group
works with the data and how they should navigate through it. The descriptions
and supportive questions in “Designing a view” on page 34 will help you with
your considerations.
2. Defining the view header data
In the tab view you define the header data for the view, i.e. the description and
the sequence within the possible views, as well as some view-specific settings,
see “The views” on page 62.
3. Creating the view iteratively
After you have defined the view “container”, you must fill it with contents, i.e.
the structure or the hierarchy tree. With this method, this is done step-by-step,
where you assign and, if necessary, create the required elements in the abstract
data model - such as attribute objects and selection fields - directly for each new
node type. Only then the next node type is created. Both the creating and
assigning of node types and the elements is done in the view editor.
a. Creating node types
Create a new node in the view editor, as described in “Creating node types”
on page 114.
First you create a root node. Since no attribute object can be assigned to a
root node, continue with step 3.d.
Below the root node various node types are available, see “The node types”
on page 113.
b. Assigning and creating an attribute object
For node types for which a database selection is required (i.e. value table
nodes or document nodes), you must assign an attribute object. An attribute
object represents the link to the SAP table (or SAP view) that holds the
indexing information for the documents that are to be managed in the view.
When you create such a node type, an attribute object must be assigned.
When you enter an attribute object that does not yet exist, you are
automatically asked whether you would like to create a new attribute object.
When you confirm this with Yes, the settings dialog for a new attribute
object opens. In this case, maintain the required settings as described in
“Attribute objects” on page 90.

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Chapter 11 Working in expert mode

c. Assigning and creating selection fields for the attribute object

In order to display data from a database table in a view, you must create a
selection field for each required table field and assign it to an attribute object
(see “Selection fields” on page 107). Creating and assigning selection fields
can be done directly while creating the attribute object. Use the Suggest
selection fields function in the settings dialog for the attribute object, see
“Suggest selection fields” on page 104.
Note: Do not use the Suggest selection fields which is located in the
view editor next to the usage types for node types; this function is
required to assign selection fields to the node type (see below).
You can also assign selection fields to an attribute object later.
To create an assignment, click on the + sign in front of the attribute object in
the view editor, and then on the icon in the empty line.
When the selection field was not yet defined, click on icon in the empty
line to create the selection field and an assignment one after the other.
First the settings dialog for the selection field, then the dialog for the
assignment is opened.
d. Assigning and creating selection fields for the node type
To define a selection in the database, assign selection fields to the node type
for the appropriate usage, see “Assigning selection fields to node types” on
page 129.
To create an assignment, expand the required usage type for the node type
and click on the icon there.
When the selection field was not yet defined, click on icon in the empty
line to create the selection field and an assignment one after the other.
To assign several selection fields to one node type (see “Assigning selection
fields to node types” on page 129), you can also use the Suggest selection
fields function in the view editor (edit mode!) next to the usage type for the
node type (see “Suggest selection fields” on page 127).
Alternatively, you can use the Suggest selection fields function to create an
assignment during the definition of the node type.
Note: Remember that selection fields must not only be assigned to the
node type, but also to an attribute object, as otherwise there is no
reference to a table field. However, this assignment can be done at
another place in the tree at a node type with an assigned attribute
object. Assignment to an attribute object is described in step 3.c.
e. Defining the node type output
When you want to output text from assigned selection fields for the nodes,
define the output text in the node type settings after the assignment (see
“Text” on page 124).

88 Customizing and Administration Guide DC090501-CGD-EN

11.2 How to begin

f. Creating the next node type

Repeat these steps for the next node type until the complete hierarchy is
4. Extending the functionality
After you have created the basic structure of the view, you can define further
settings to provide special functionality at the nodes, e.g.:
• User exits, see Section 11.4.1 on page 139
• Function codes, see Section 11.4.2 on page 140
• Authorization, see Section on page 100
• Administration of selection screens and hit lists, see Section 22.4 on page 269
5. Activating the view
Finally, activate the view in the header data, as only activated views are visible
in the DocuLinkuser view (J6NY).

Tip: In “Creating the sample view using the pragmatic method” on page 209
this method is described for the sample view Products and Customers step by

11.2 How to begin

You start customizing in expert mode by using the J6NP transaction in the same way
as in standard mode. Here you can create the projects, versions and views (see
Chapter 9 on page 57.
You automatically switch to expert mode when you open a structure that has been
saved in expert mode (including structures from earlier DocuLink projects).
Alternatively you can choose the Extras Expert mode menu command or click on
the Expert mode button in the customizing start screen.
You can access the settings dialogs for the individual structure elements via the
corresponding tabs in the start screen (tab view). You can also access the view editor
via the Views tab (see “The customizing user interface” on page 45).

11.3 The structure elements and their settings

In the following chapters the properties and options for the individual structure
elements are described. You can access the described settings dialogs either via the
Detail, Edit or Create functions in the tab view or the view editor.

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Chapter 11 Working in expert mode

11.3.1 Attribute objects

An attribute object references the SAP table (or SAP view) that holds the indexing
information for the documents that are to be managed in the view.
Choose the Attribute objects tab in the customizing start screen. In this window,
you create an attribute object for each table or view whose fields you want to
reference in your view.
To create an attribute object, double-click on an empty line in the list or click on
Create. To modify an existing attribute object, double-click on an entry or select an
entry and click on Edit.
The settings dialog for attribute objects is displayed. You must make the following
basic entries for each attribute object:
Attribute object
Attribute object name. (Please take the naming conventions in “Naming
conventions” on page 43 into consideration).
A short description used to distinguish between and recognize the individual
attribute objects.
Furthermore, you will find the following tabs:
• General
What data structure and function group are to be assigned to the attribute
object? What object and document types are to be used?
• Administration
How should the selection, edit, input and display screens for this attribute object
• Archiving
What archiving scenarios are to be provided?
• Data archiving
What archive object is to be use for this attribute object.
• Logging
What actions are to be logged?
• User Exits
What user exits are to be used in this attribute object? (only to be used for
project-specific solutions).
• Authorization
Which authorization object should be used for the authorization check?

90 Customizing and Administration Guide DC090501-CGD-EN

11.3 The structure elements and their settings dialogs

In these tabs you must detail the specifications for the configuration of the attribute
object. General

Figure 11-3: Settings dialog: Attribute objects

Data structure
This field usually refers to the SAP table to be referenced by the attribute object.
By virtue of this reference, the view will have access to the table's fields via the
selection fields defined in DocuLink. A user-defined exchange structure in the
form of a database view can also be used as the data structure (e.g. with fields
taken from various tables).
When you click in the Data structure field, a selection icon appears on the right.
Click on this icon ( ) to display a list of the tables which are available to you.
Double-click on the table to which you want to assign the selected attribute
object. This takes you back to the dialog. The name of the selected table now
appears in the input field.

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Chapter 11 Working in expert mode

In the example, the table specified as the data structure is the one containing
customer information. You can view this table by double-clicking in the field
containing the table name.
Note: When a database view is used as the transfer structure, note that the
key must not be longer than 132 characters.
Write structure to file ( )
When you click on this button, a template for COLD projects is automatically
generated from the specified structure. This is particularly important for the
automatic creation of a large number of documents. (For details on importing
COLD data refer to the manual Livelink ECM - Archive Server - Document Pipelines
and Import Interfaces (AR-CDP))
SAP-Object type
Whenever you want to display or archive a document for a value-table record
you must specify the SAP object type. This refers to the SAP business object. If
Internal document reference is not checked then the SAP object type must be
consistent with the table (Data structure) defined above, i.e. each key field in the
SAP object must exist as a unique data element in the data structure.
In the example, a document is to be saved for each of the customers, so the object
type J_6NG_CUST must be specified as this contains the required key fields.
Generic object services
Click on this button to configure the generic object services for value table nodes
assigned to this attribute object (see also “Customizing for generic object services
(GOS) in DocuLink” on page 193).
Document type
Optional: The document type refers to the type of document that is to be
archived and retrieved.
Specifying a document type limits the search and archiving possibilities. If, in the
example, you enter a document type then you can only create and search for
documents of this type. If you do not specify a document type, you can archive
and retrieve all document types that are linked to the SAP object type.
Archive without doc.node
Allows archiving directly at value table nodes without an assigned document
Logical system
Only in the leading SAP system, enter the logical SAP system whose data you
want to access from this attribute object (see also “Customizing for integrating
other (logical) SAP systems in DocuLink” on page 197).
Mapping service
This field is only required for project-specific solutions.

92 Customizing and Administration Guide DC090501-CGD-EN

11.3 The structure elements and their settings dialogs

Internal document reference

This box must be checked if a document's attributes and its unique retrieval key
(archive ID and document ID) are contained in a single table (DOCDIRECT). This
is the case for print lists (TOADL) and earlier versions of the DocuLink I tables.

Important: Do not use any longer!

This option should not to be used for new projects, since this can lead to
problems with future SAP application versions!

Generic object ID
For some SAP objects (e.g. EKKO purchasing document), the ArchiveLink
ObjectID is not created from the key fields alone. If you nevertheless wish to
display documents for this type of object, this option can be activated and the
ObjectID is created with a generic structure. The ObjectID consists of the key
fields followed by the wildcard “*”.
Function group
Set of functional building blocks used to enter data into the data structure; by
default, (data structure is a single table) this field is empty and the DocuLink
standard function group /IXOS/DC_Z is used. If you have more complicated data
structures you may need to define function groups within the framework of a
project. Administration
Here you will also find the administration functions which you can use to configure
the detail, edit and create screens as well as the selection screens and hit list for the
attribute object. For a description of these functions refer to the administration
section in “Configuring the detail, edit, create, and selection screens and the hit
lists” on page 269

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Chapter 11 Working in expert mode

Figure 11-4: Settings dialog: Attribute objects: Administration

94 Customizing and Administration Guide DC090501-CGD-EN

11.3 The structure elements and their settings dialogs Archiving

Figure 11-5: Settings dialog: Attribute objects: Archiving

Archiving mode
Documents may be archived in different scenarios. Not all scenarios are suited
for all types of document. Here you activate the options for the archiving modes
which are to be available for the specified document type and the associated
documents. Possible entries are:
• 0: No Archiving

• 1: Assign and store with Barcode

• 2: Archiving from file system (IXOS-ODMA)

• 3: Archiving from file system (Standard ArchiveLink)

• 4: Scanning

• Z: Always ask

• X: Archiving mode with user exit

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Chapter 11 Working in expert mode

Note: You can also restrict the range of archiving modes available at a later
stage, see Section 8.2.3 "Creating and archiving documents" in Livelink
DocuLink for SAP Solutions - User Guide (DC-UGD)
In the sample view, documents that are to be assigned to a customer can either
be read from the file system (mode 3) or can come directly from the scanner
(mode 4).
Default archive mode
Documents can be archived using various methods. This option allows you to
specify which method is to be set as the default.
Since the settings dialog for the possible archiving modes appears on the first
archiving operation as well as whenever the archiving mode is reset, only the
Always ask setting is relevant here. In this case, the last mode to be selected is
not stored. Instead, the required mode is queried for every archiving operation.
Behaviour of dupl.
In COLD projects, it is possible that a data record which is to be transferred
already exists in the attribute table. When this is the case, this data record is
entered in a special table for duplicates. Here you can specify what is to happen
to the document which belongs to the duplicated data record: (For details on
importing COLD data refer to the manual Livelink ECM - Archive Server -
Document Pipelines and Import Interfaces (AR-CDP))
• Default behaviour of version 1 with user exit COLD_DUP: The user exit
COLD_DUP is checked. When COLD_DUP does not exist or returns a “blank”,
the document is entered in the link table. However, when the user exit
returns an X, the document is ignored.
• Do not write duplicate. Ignore it.: The document will not be entered
into the link table and will be ignored completely.
• Do not write duplicate. Insert it in table for duplicates.: The
document is not entered in the link table. It is, however, entered in the
duplicates table /IXOS/DC_TBCR. (Administration via J6NA)
• Delete old entries; insert new record: Removes old entries and adds a
new one. Data archiving

Data archiving (Livelink for SAP Solutions – Data Archiving) in DocuLink allows you
to work with records that are currently present on your system as well as with
records which have already been archived. Here you can make a number of settings
for the integration of the archived data at the attribute object (see also.“Customizing
for data archiving” on page 147)

96 Customizing and Administration Guide DC090501-CGD-EN

11.3 The structure elements and their settings dialogs

Figure 11-6: Settings dialog: Attribute objects: Data archiving

Object name
The archive object
An archive object represents a set of connected records which are deleted and
archived by the current system at regular intervals and on the basis of certain
Info structure
Archive information structure
The archive information structure is the central element in the SAP Archive
Information System (SAP AS). In conjunction with the selection fields it makes it
possible to search for and display archived data.
Access always via info structure
Forces access to an info structure for each subnode, rather than accessing the
offline data via the archive.
The information for the used archive object, the info structure, the archive key
and the offset are stored in internal selection fields at the nodes in DocuLink.

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Chapter 11 Working in expert mode

When offline data is retrieved at a node, the archive object and info structure are
first compared to those of the parent node. When they are identical, the data is
retrieved from the archive by default, instead of accessing the info structure; in
this case, the archive key of the parent node and the offset of the current node
are used. This slows down read operations (due to accessing the archive system),
but at the same time it also reduces the number of required information
However, if access should always take place via the info structure instead of the
archive, activate this option. In this case you must create a separate info structure
for each required table with offline data. Logging

Figure 11-7: Settings dialog: Attribute objects: Logging

Here you can specify the actions that are to be logged at runtime.
(Administration via J6NA, see “Administrating the protocol tables” on page 252)

98 Customizing and Administration Guide DC090501-CGD-EN

11.3 The structure elements and their settings dialogs User exits

Figure 11-8: Settings dialog: Attribute objects: User exits

Note: User exits are basically designed to handle project-specific tasks.

You must create a user exit to assign an actual function to an event as well as to use
other events that are dependent on the attribute object.
Make the following specifications:
To display a list of the possible events, click in the input field and then on the
icon next to it. For example, to determine the object key for the attribute object,
select CREATE_KEY.
Only those functions activated here are active.
Function module
Name of the function module within the function library. These functions are
executed when the associated event occurs.

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Chapter 11 Working in expert mode

For each event, there is a template building block which should be copied. This
has the advantage that the copy already possesses the necessary interfaces
(import/export parameters). The name of this building block is

For example, if you want to define a function to determine the object key, copy
the template building block /IXOS/DC_U_CREATE_KEY and then edit it as
Tip: When you double-click in the Function module field then the specified
function module is automatically displayed (transaction SE37).
Old user exit
This box is automatically checked and cannot be changed. It is required only for
the conversion of projects from earlier DocuLink versions. Authorization
Alongside the authorization objects specially defined for DocuLink you can also use
all other SAP authorization objects and thus refine the authorization concept in
DocuLink (see “Authorizations” on page 263). In this way, you can not only define
the activities (e.g. displaying, editing, configuring etc.) that are permitted for
individual users but you can also filter the content of the data (e.g. on company

100 Customizing and Administration Guide DC090501-CGD-EN

11.3 The structure elements and their settings dialogs

Figure 11-9: Settings dialog: Attribute objects: Authorization

The settings dialog contains the General tab which opens a type of authorization
template that contains the default settings and a further tab for each action for which
an authorization check is required. Currently, this affects only the basic action
You now define a general template for the attribute object. In the next step you can
refine or extend these settings for a specific action. Finally you must activate the
authorization check for the action in question.

To configure the authorization check for an attribute object:

1. Authorization Object:
Specify which SAP authorization object is to be used to check this attribute
This object's authorization fields are automatically entered in the settings dialog
table when you press Enter.

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Chapter 11 Working in expert mode

2. Now define the default settings in the General tab. To do this, you must make
the following specifications:
Authorization field
Name of the authorization field that is to be checked.
Type of assignment
Type of assignment. This determines the behavior on checking (the default
value is N - NO assignment):
• Table field: The data in this table field is compared with the value or
values of the authorization field in the user's profile. Consequently, only
the data for which the user possesses an authorization is visible.
• Explicit assignment: The values that are specified explicitly here are
checked against the user's authorization profile. When the check is
successful, the selection is performed.
This option is only of any use in connection with the Activity
authorization field since it only checks whether or not the user is
authorized to perform a selection. A restricted view of the data is not
possible with Explicit assignment!
• NO assignment: this authorization field is ignored.

All authorization fields must have an assignment. Use the NO assignment

option for the fields that are to be ignored during the check.
Field name
Name of the table or data structure field whose content is to be compared
with the authorization field (only for Table field assignment type).
The explicit values that are to be compared with the authorization field (only
for Explicit assignment type).
This field simply displays the values. To edit them, click on the
Show/Maintain explicit values button.
3. If you have chosen Explicit assignment, you must also define the
corresponding values.
a. Switch to Edit mode.
b. Select a table line with an explicit assignment.
c. Click on Show/Maintain explicit values.
d. For the authorization field Activities:
In the list of possible activities, select those whose values you want to
compare with the authorization field.
When you want to grant authorization for all activities, click on Full
authorization to select all the activities. To undo this operation and only
select the last values that were saved, click on Cancel full authorization.

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11.3 The structure elements and their settings dialogs

For other authorization fields:

When you want to assign explicit values for another authorization field, you
see a list in which you can enter the values manually. In this case, you can
also specify the action that the setting is to apply to.
Note: The entry of explicit values is data-type sensitive, i.e. customer
number 0001 is not the same as 1. In this case the leading zeros are
e. Save these explicit values.
4. Now switch to the tab for the action for which the authorization check is to be
performed. Currently only Select is available. Finally you must activate the
authorization check for the action in question.
5. Activate the authorization check for the action (in this case: Select), by checking
the Use for action box.
When you save this setting, the settings from the General authorization
template are automatically transferred and displayed.
6. Select Use general if you want to use the default settings from the authorization
template. In this case, changes in the default setting are automatically
transferred for the field in question when you save.

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Figure 11-10: Settings dialog: Attribute objects: Authorization: Selecting

7. If necessary, edit the settings that are to differ from the default settings for this
Whenever a setting differs from the default setting, any changes in the default
settings for the field in question are no longer transferred automatically.
8. Choose whether all entered conditions have to be fulfilled during the
authorization check (AND) or whether at least one of them has to be satisfied (OR).
To do this, click on and/or and select the required option.
9. Save your settings and exit the dialog. Suggest selection fields

When you want to link one or more selection fields to this attribute object (see below
“Selection fields” on page 107), use the Suggest selection fields function. This
button is only available with the attribute object dialog in edit mode.
If an SAP table has already been assigned to the attribute object then a list of the
table fields for which selection fields can be created is displayed (Field name). The
table field name is proposed as the name of the selection field.

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11.3 The structure elements and their settings dialogs

When Assign is active, a link is created between this selection field and the attribute
When New selection field is active, a new selection field is created for the table field
if the Assign option is also active.
To (de-)activate both options for all selection fields, you can use the Select all( )
orDeselect all( ) icons.

Figure 11-11: Selection list for selection fields for the attribute object

Tip: You can sort the selection field tables, either

• in ascending order according to the column Field of structure
• in ascending order according to the column Selection field
• in accordance with the DDIC structure
To do this, click on the corresponding column and click on Sort in ascending
order orSort according to DDIC structure.

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Chapter 11 Working in expert mode

Sorting is performed separately for the already assigned selection fields and
the suggested selection fields. Copying attribute objects

To copy an attribute object:

1. In the tab view, select the Attribute objects tab.
2. Click on the attribute object that you want to copy.
3. Click on Copy.
4. Enter the names of the source and target objects.
5. When you only want to copy the default data for the attribute object, deactivate
the following options for copying the corresponding objects.
• User exits: also copies the specifications in the User Exits tab of the attribute
object's settings dialog.
• Assignments of selection fields: includes the defined assignments of
attribute objects to selection fields when copying
6. Specify which objects should be replaced at node types assigned to the attribute
object when copying the attribute object, by activating the required options:
• Normal attribute objects: The copied attribute object is assigned to node
types to which a normal attribute object was assigned after the copy
• Link attribute objects: The copied attribute object is assigned to node types
to which an attribute object is assigned in order to establish a link to another
table, after the copy operation.
• Attribute objects for value restrictions: The copied attribute object is
assigned to node types to which an attribute object is assigned which
restricts the possible values during selection, after the copy operation.
If you do not activate any of these operations, the properties of all node types
remain unchanged.
7. Choose whether or not you also want to copy the administration settings and
activate the Include administration data option.
Administration settings are hit list, selection or other screen configurations, for
8. When templates were defined for the attribute object as well, select one of the
following options:
• Do not copy - the templates will not be copied
• Copy templates - the templates will be copied as documents

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11.3 The structure elements and their settings dialogs

• Copy links only - only links to the existing template documents will be
created for the new attribute object, no new documents
9. Click on Copy.

The new attribute object appears in the list.

11.3.2 Selection fields

Selection fields are mapped to those fields in a table that you subsequently want to
display in a view. In this step, you create one selection field for each table field you
In some cases, it also makes sense to define the same selection field for fields from
different tables with the same meaning in order to implement a link (see “Linked
objects example” on page 205.)
If a selection field is linked to the same field in different tables (e.g. Customer
number in KNA1 and VBAK), where different data elements are assigned to the table
fields, you must explicitly define which data element is to be used, by specifying the
table and field (see below).
Note: Note that selection fields are always valid globally for all views of a
version, that means that a selection field may be linked to the same field in
different tables in different views. In this case, you must also explicitly
maintain the Table name to be used and Field name to be used for the
selection field.
The selection fields are not implemented at the time of creation. They are unattached
objects, but raw building blocks which must first be assigned to attribute objects and
later to node types before they can be used to specify queries and to generate data
which is to be displayed at a node type.
Selection fields are edited in the Selection fields tab. It contains a list of the selection
fields already defined for the project.
To create a selection field, click on the Create button on the toolbar. When you wish
to modify an existing selection field, double-click on the required entry. The
following window now appears:

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Figure 11-12: Settings dialog: Selection fields

The dialog contains the following fields:

Selection field
Enter the name of the selection field that you wish to create, or that you have
selected for modification.
Note: Only digits, letters and the underscore character (_) are permitted for
the name of the selection field. Please also refer to the naming conventions
before you specify a name for a selection field (see “Naming conventions”
on page 43).
Enter a description of the selection field.
This description will be used as output in the selection screen. If you want to use
the data element text instead, the description text of the selection field must
begin with a “#”.
Tip: You define which data element text (short, medium or longtext) is
displayed in the administration settings for the selection screen (see
“Selection screen at nodes” on page 284).
Table name to be used, Field name to be used
In order to display data correctly in the entry fields, the data type and its length
must be declared.
When a selection field is assigned to a single table field, its fields are determined
by the properties of the table field. If it is necessary to use more than one
attribute object, and the same selection field is assigned to more than one table
field, the data type of the selection field must be defined here by specifying a
table and field name (see note above).

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11.3 The structure elements and their settings dialogs

An example for the multiple use of a selection field would be a selection screen
with a field named "Date" which simultaneously references a table of flight
reservations and a table of hotel reservations. Different data elements might then
be used in each case.
The currently valid definition, i.e. the table and the field which are currently
being used for selection, are displayed below the respective entry fields as
additional information.
Tip: When you double-click in the Table name to be used field, the
specified table is automatically displayed. When you double-click in the
Field name to be used field, the specified table is again displayed and the
specified field name is present in the topmost line.

Copying selection fields

To copy a selection field:

1. In the tab view, select the Selection fields tab.
2. Click on the selection field that you want to copy.
3. Click on (Copy).
4. Enter the names of the source and target objects.
5. When you only want to copy the default data for the selection field, deactivate
the following options for copying the corresponding objects. Otherwise, activate
the required option.
• Assignments to attribute object: also copies the selection field/attribute
object links
• Assignments to node type: also copies the selection field's links to node
6. Click on Copy.

11.3.3 Assigning selection fields to attribute object fields

A selection field must be assigned an attribute object before it can be used in a view.
In the same step, you assign the selection field to a field in the table referenced by
the attribute object. Once the entire set of selection fields has been assigned to the
attribute object and the corresponding table fields, the selection fields become
available for use in the view (assuming the attribute objects were assigned to the leaf
node types in this view, i.e. the corresponding attribute objects were assigned to the
value table nodes and document nodes).
In the tab view, select the Sel.F. / Attr.Obj. tab.
To create an assignment between an attribute object and a selection field, click on
the Create icon on the toolbar. To edit an assignment, double-click on the required
entry in the table. The following dialog appears:

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Figure 11-13: Settings dialog: Attribute object/selection field assignment

The dialog contains the following fields:

Attribute object
Here you enter the name of the attribute object to which the selection field is to
be assigned. When you choose an attribute object from the selection list, the
name of the corresponding table automatically appears in the line Field of
When you edit the name of the attribute object here, click on Refresh. This
identifies the changes for the system and may result in further changes, for
example in the input help function for field names.
Selection field
Enter the name of the selection field that is to be assigned to the attribute object.
Only the selection fields entered here will be available for the selection screen in
hit lists.
Field of structure
This line contains two fields. The first field displays the name of the table
accessed by the specified attribute object. The name of the table appears
automatically if you select the attribute object from the available select list. The
second field contains the name of the table field assigned to the selection field.
Click on the arrow to the right of the field (visible when you click in the field) to
display a list of valid choices.

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11.3 The structure elements and their settings dialogs

Tip: When you double-click in the Field of structure field then the specified
table is automatically displayed.
Child flag
A parent/child relationship between the key fields can be defined for each link.
This defines the direction of a link involving a link table attribute object. This
option must be set if the current selection field is to be defined as the child in this
relationship. (see “Linked objects example” on page 205)

Example 11-1: Child flag

For example, in the sample view Products and Customers there is a link table
for the relationship between customers and products. The associated product is
to be displayed for each customer. In this case, the customer is the parent and the
product, which is dependent on the customer, is the child. This option must
therefore be set when you assign the selection field for the product with the
corresponding link table attribute object.

If the relationship is to be possible in both directions via the link table then you
must define two separate attribute objects and specify different selection fields as
the child in each case.
Note: In this case, all the fields in the link table must be key fields as
otherwise an unambiguous assignment in both directions is not possible!
In the example, this is the case for the product-customer relationship: on the one
hand, it must be possible to determine the product associated with each
customer and, on the other, it must be possible to determine the customers
associated with each product.
Now define the parameters for automatic entry, if you want to use it. With
automatic entry, the key fields for a new record are automatically filled when
certain events (creating, editing) occur. By default, this function is deactivated
(Type: No automatic entry).
Under certain conditions, it may be desirable for the data of certain fields to be
automatically generated when new records are added to a table in DocuLink.
The following options are available:
• No automatic filling
• Date
• Language
• Number range
• Time
• User

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• Call user exit

• DesktopLink attribute
• DesktopLink attribute (presetting only)
• If DesktopLink attributes are to be entered automatically then the
selection field must have the same name as the attribute.
• If a DesktopLink attribute is simply to be used as a presetting then it can
be edited during user entry.
• Automatically entering DesktopLink attributes is only possible if a
DesktopLink version = 5.0 is installed.
• In the view editor, the icon indicates that automatic entry is defined
Specify the events on which the field is filled automatically:
• only Create

• only Edit

• always (Create and Edit)

• only Create (compatibility to version 1, obsolete)

this corresponds to the earlier specification “X” and is now supported for
reasons of compatibility only.
• For the automatic entry of DesktopLink attributes, use the event only

• When changing data records, automatic filling of key fields is not

Time at which the generated text is to be displayed:
• In screen

• At database operation (insert/update)

The field can be filled when the create or edit screen is displayed - visible for
the user - or in the background, after the user input and before the database
Note: For the automatic entry of DesktopLink attributes, use the time In

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11.3 The structure elements and their settings dialogs

Number range object, Number range number

When you have specified that automatic recording is to be performed on the
basis of a range of numbers, enter the name of the number range object and the
Unique key
This setting is relevant only for key fields that are filled automatically.
Since in this case certain items of key data are not available at the time the record
is created, it is not possible to check whether the record already exists and it
cannot be locked for other users. It is therefore necessary to select this option in
order to prevent this superfluous check and guarantee the uniqueness of the
record for the system.
This is particularly important when user exits are used since the system cannot
know beforehand whether unique data is generated and what data this might be.
When this option is not set then errors may occur when the incomplete key data
is checked.

Copying attribute object/selection field assignments

To copy the assignment of an attribute object to a selection field:

1. In the tab view, select the Sel.F. / Attr.Obj. tab.
2. Click on the assignment that you want to copy.
3. Click on Copy.
4. Enter the specifications for the target object:
5. Click on Copy.

11.3.4 The node types

Various node types are used depending on the function of the node within the
hierarchy, for example whether it is used to implement static classification or to
invoke a selection screen. This step defines the required node types.
We distinguish between:
Root node
The first node in a view
Recursive node type
Recursive node types (i.e. re-use of node types which have already been defined)
make it possible to create any user-defined structure of any required depth. In
particular, this means that the user can modify the structure of the hierarchy even
after customizing has been performed and independently of it (see also
“Recursive node type” on page 42).
“Normal” node types
All others

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Chapter 11 Working in expert mode

To work with node types you must call the view editor (see “The view editor” on
page 51). Creating node types

When you have to construct the view from the very beginning, the tree will initially
be empty. First you create a root node type and then successively all other node

To create a root node type:

1. Double-click on the view name or view number to open the view editor.
2. Click on Create .
3. Choose the type of node you want to create.
• a root node (only possible for the first node type)
• a recursive node (not possible for the first node type)
• a normal node type
• a normal node type, using a wizard.
4. In the dialog, click on Create .
5. Continue as follows depending on the selected node type:

Root node type

The root node is created with the default properties and is immediately
displayed in the hierarchy tree. To edit the properties of the root node, double-
click on its name in the view editor.

Normal node type

In the case of “normal” node types, the node type settings window described
below is displayed. Enter the required specifications and click on Back and

Normal node type with wizard

In this case, you create a normal (select) node type with the help of the wizard
from the standard mode. For more information, see Section 10.3 on page 74.

Recursive node type

When you have selected a recursive node type, then the following dialog is

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11.3 The structure elements and their settings dialogs

Figure 11-14: Settings dialog: Recursive node type

Since in this case you are “re-using” node types which have already been
defined, you simply need to enter the corresponding Node type. You can also
specify a Depth of recursion. This specification is evaluated for expanding the
view tree to prevent the system from entering an infinite loop when it searches
the structure. Instead, the system will abort the search after a defined number of
loops. However, it remains possible to expand and collapse nodes manually
irrespective of the recursion depth.
A recursive node type is identified by the following icon in the view editor.
6. Now you can create new node types, step by step, until you have created an
entire tree. To do this click on an existing node type followed by
• Create, as child to create a child node type (then start again at point 3)
• Create, before to create a node type on the same level (then start again at
point 3)
• Move to insert a node type or an entire subtree at a different location in the
• Copy to insert a duplicate of the node type or of an entire subtree at a
different location in the tree
• Delete to remove a node type or an entire subtree from the tree
7. When you have finished building the view, you must activate it.
a. To do this, click on the corresponding view in the Views tab in the tab view.
b. Click on Activate ( ).
c. You then test the view in the transaction J6NY or in the customizing
function by means of the Test view command.

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Chapter 11 Working in expert mode The settings window

To display the settings for an existing node type, double-click on its name in the tree
or choose the Node types tab in the customizing tab view and then double-click the
corresponding entry in the table. When you create a new node type, this settings
dialog is also displayed.
You can use the Change view button to select and display the node types for
another view from a list of existing views.
Note: When you use the Change view function, the view is switched for all
tabs in the customizing window, i.e. in all tabs, the objects for the selected view
are displayed.
The standard functions Create, Delete and Copy described above are not available
in the dialog for node type settings. You can only perform these actions in the view
editor (see “Moving node types” on page 55).
The following tabs are available:
• Selection
Specifications relating to the selection type, restrictions etc.
• Functions
Node-specific functions: hot spots, hit lists, checkboxes etc.
• Insert/Delete/Change
Functions permitted at the node type
• Text
Outputs the node type texts
• Function codes
Special functions assigned to the node type

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11.3 The structure elements and their settings dialogs

Figure 11-15: Settings dialog: Node type: Selection

First of all you will see certain general data:

Node type
Enter a node type name. Make sure you respect the naming conventions
described in “Naming conventions” on page 43!
Enter a description of the node type.
Parent node type
This node type is set by default and cannot be edited.
This number determines the order of the node types within a level of the
hierarchy. This value is also set by default and cannot be edited.
The parent node type and the Position can no longer be maintained via the node
type settings. They must be maintained graphically by moving the node type in the
view editor.
You must also define a number of specific details for the node type in the
appropriate tabs.

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Chapter 11 Working in expert mode Selection
Selection type
The number specified here determines the type of selection that will be
performed. Possible entries are:
0 - Root
Must be specified for the first and topmost node type in a view, i.e. the node
type that appears when the view is clicked. A single root node type must be
defined for each view.
1 - Document
The selection displays a document. This option must be specified for a node
type that is to display a document when clicked.
2 - Static, display always
Structuring node type which is to classify subsequent node types according
to certain criteria. A single line is always displayed. The text defined for this
node type must be a fixed text.
3 - Static, display only if values exist
Structuring node type which is to classify subsequent node types according
to certain criteria. Single line is only displayed when the query returns a
value. The text defined for this node type must be a fixed text.
Note: A static node of Type 3 (only display if a value is available) can
only have a value table node type located below it (Type 5), and not a
document node type (Type 1). This is due to the fact that a static node of
Type 3 carries out a query and counts the results. When there is at least
one data record, the node type is displayed; when no data record can be
found, the node is not displayed. However, since document node types
cannot be counted, this process does not work in such cases.
4 - Dynamic (show distinct values of COLLECT field)
Structuring node type: One line is displayed for each value returned by the
To do this, a SELECT DISTINCT command is issued with the existing
restrictions. This can lead to problems in performance if the selected table has
a very large number of entries. You can use the following procedure to work
around the problem:

1. Create a table which contains the field to be selected, if such a table does
not already exist.
2. Fill the table with the available values (it may be possible to do this
automatically using a job-controlled report), if not already available.
3. Create an additional attribute object and enter the described table.
4. Assign the affected selection field to the described table field.

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11.3 The structure elements and their settings dialogs

5. Enter the attribute object at the node type under Value restrictions (see

In this case, selection does not take place in the table itself. Instead, it is
performed in the table of the additional attribute object. In the example FI
documents, the company codes are read from the table T001, and the fiscal
years from the table /IXOS/DC_EX_GJAH. This means that these two pieces of
data are not searched for in the table BKPF but in the two tables with less table
5 - Valuetab
Selection displays an attribute record from the linked table. This must be
specified for a node type that is to display an attribute record.
D - DVS/PLM Document model
Selection displays a document from a DVS/PLM document model.
This selection type may only be used for a child node to a value table node
type. Both the value table node and the PLM node type must be assigned to a
DRAW table.

For an explanation of the various node types according to their selection type,
see “Node types” on page 38.
R - IXOS Record type
This node type is only required for project-specific solutions.
Attribute object
This entry is mandatory for document and value table node types. None of the
other node types must have an entry here, since they are not used to find data.
If you do not enter an attribute object when you create a document or value table
node, you will see a Create ( ) icon instead of the attribute object in the view
editor. Click on this icon if you subsequently want to assign an attribute object.
When you branch from the view editor to the attribute object settings dialog and
enter or create a new attribute object there, this is automatically assigned to the
current node type when you exit the dialog.
Tip: When you double-click in this field, the system automatically displays
a settings dialog for the specified attribute object or a dialog with blank
fields in which you can edit or create the attribute object.
Link attribute object
If a node type and its child node type are to be selected via different tables, these
two tables must be linked. This can be achieved via shared key fields or using a
link table. If a link table is used, an attribute object must also be created for the
link table. This attribute object is then the linking object and must be specified in
this field for the child node type. The link is only possible if both node type and
child node type are value-table nodes. (Node type with selection Type 5).

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Tip: When you double-click in this field, the system automatically displays
a settings dialog for the specified attribute object or a dialog with blank
fields in which you can edit or create the linking attribute object.

Example 11-2: Link attribute object

For each of the customers in the sub-tree Customer, only those products are to be
listed that are assigned to this customer. However, the products are available in
a different table from the customer data. The assignment of products to
individual customers is carried out in the link tables. When no link is specified,
then selection from a product table under a customer will merely output all
products contained in the product table. If, however, it is possible to use a link
table to find an assignment of an individual customer to particular products,
then the selection in the product table can be limited to these products. To this
end, a link object is specified at the (customer-dependent) product node type,
namely the attribute object that is assigned to the Product-Customers link table.
(see “Linked objects example” on page 205)

Value restrictions
At dynamic node types, the values of a table field are summarized so that all the
values which occur are included once and only once in the result set. By
explicitly restricting the values with this option, you can avoid the following
If, for example, the field GJAHR in the table BKPF is to be represented in a
summarized format, then by default, the complete table must be searched
each time in order to locate a relatively small number of existing financial
years. The better option is to specify an attribute object in this field for a table
that contains the existing financial years (in the sample project $EX_FI this is
GJAHR). DocuLink then no longer searches the BKPF table. Instead, it searches
the much smaller table GJAHR.
Additional restrictions
Assume that there is a table which contains various documents sorted on the
basis of the document type and author. The document type is to be output in
a summarized form. In addition, certain authors are only permitted to see
and edit certain document types. One solution would be to use the user exit
AUTH_CHECK to carry out an authorization check at field level. However, you
could also create an attribute object with a table containing the document
types for each user. The attribute object must be entered here.
Show empty folders
If a value restriction is used, the table used for the restriction may contain values
for which no values exist in the actual data source (table). Such values are
usually not displayed in the DocuLink application. However, if the Show empty
folders options is activated, these values are displayed as well. Since the actual
data source does not contain values for them, there are no subnodes, i.e. these
nodes represent “empty folders”.

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11.3 The structure elements and their settings dialogs Functions

Figure 11-16: Settings dialog: Node type: Functions

This option enables displaying the selection as a hit list rather than in the tree
view. This option must be activated for the parent node type. In this case, the
subnodes are displayed as a hit list when the parent node is opened.
When this option is activated, the icon is displayed for the node in the view
Separate hitlist
This complements the Hitlist option. When this option is activated, the hit list is
output not in the hierarchy but in a separate hit list in list format. In the view
editor, the icon is displayed for the node.
Displaying a separate hit list is only useful for value table and document node
types. This option is used, for example, when carrying out simple retrieval
operations in tables where hierarchical representation is not required but simply
the immediate output of available matches.
Sort values
Activates sorting for value table nodes.

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Chapter 11 Working in expert mode

In this way, the default values for sorting that are specified within hit list
administration are taken over into the hierarchy. The sort criteria for value table
node types can be set during the administration of the attribute object/hit list
(see “Configuring hit lists” on page 287). You must enter specifications for Sort
and Sort order for the required fields.
Maximum number of hits
The maximum number of hits specifies the maximum number of value-table
nodes (does not affect dynamic, static or documents nodes) that can be displayed
as subnodes when a node is expanded (by default 0, not restricted).
This value affects only this node and may not be larger than the general value for
the entire view (see “The view settings dialog” on page 64).
Open subnodes automatically
When you activate this option, all nodes of this node type are automatically
expanded when you expand the superior node. When a selection screen has been
defined for this node type, it is not displayed in this case.
This option is available for all node types except for the root node and document
This setting is only useful for node types that display little information for the
user, but structure the view, e.g. static or dynamic node types.
Note: Runtime increases:
Note that the required runtime to display the view in DocuLink increases if
many nodes exist in the view that are automatically opened.
Hotspot flag
When this option is activated, the text of a node (and the folder icon) are output
as a hotspot and can be selected using a single click instead of a double-click.
This is, for example, used in the list of projects and views in the user window
where the views are defined as hotspots to make navigation easier.
Hide checkbox (for SAP GUI for HTML visualization only)
To select lines with attribute records or documents in the DocuLink navigation
window, you must use a check box. Since there are node types which do not
have to be selected (for example, structuring nodes), this option allows you to
deactivate the check box.
Function code PICK
At each node type, the function code for the double-click (PICK) can be
overwritten by another function code from DocuLink which then executes the
corresponding functions. When you leave the function code PICK empty then, by
default, when you double-click the standard function for this node type is
automatically executed, e.g. expanding for static node types or document display
for document node types.
In the list of projects and views in the user view, this is used to replace PICK by
BOBJ (calls the default method for the object type).

122 Customizing and Administration Guide DC090501-CGD-EN

11.3 The structure elements and their settings dialogs Insert/Delete/Change

Figure 11-17: Settings dialog: Node type: Insert/Delete/Change

Select the actions that are allowed for nodes of this node type.
If you activate this option, users can insert a new data record or document at this
node type.
Insert by move/copy
If you activate this option, users can insert data records or documents directly at
this node type by moving them from another location.
If you activate this option, users can delete data records or documents directly at
this node type.
If you activate this option, users can delete data records or documents directly at
this node type by moving them to another location.

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Chapter 11 Working in expert mode

If you activate this option, users can copy or move records or documents located
at this node type directly.
Change document type
If you activate this option, users can modify the document type after performing
a move or copy operation even in cases where the automatic transfer of the
document type is possible. Text

Figure 11-18: Settings dialog: Node type: Text

Specify the text to be displayed together with nodes assigned to this node type. See
the notes on navigation-friendly design under “Generating texts to display query
results” on page 42.

124 Customizing and Administration Guide DC090501-CGD-EN

11.3 The structure elements and their settings dialogs

You can combine the following possibilities to define node type texts:
• Fixed text
• Selection field whose name is enclosed in ampersands (&Selection field

• Special selection fields (see “Special selection fields” on page 37), for which
values are generated automatically
• ODMA attributes that are transferred during document entry via DesktopLink
(name of the attribute with @ as a prefix, e.g. @Filename).
Furthermore, some formatting operations are available for text output (see
“Formatting the node type text” on page 126 below)

Selection fields

To insert multiple selection fields in the text field:

1. Select the required place in the text field.
2. Click on the Selection fields button (not to be confused with the Suggest
selection fields function).
A list of selection fields defined for the current project is displayed, as well as
the available special selection fields.
For document node types an input field is displayed for selection fields, as well
as some special selection fields. A list of defined selection fields is available as
usual using the F4 help.
Tip: The value restriction ( icon) in this dialog and in the F4 help offers
you only those selection fields that restrict the database selection up to the
current level in the hierarchy tree, if required (Restricted selection fields
The following special selection fields may be available, depending on the
selection type defined for the node type:
• Archiving date
• Document type
• Document class
PLM/DMS document
• Workstation application for which the original document was created
• Document description of the original document
• Storage category of the original

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Chapter 11 Working in expert mode

Value tables
Online/offline record
No special selection fields
3. Select the selection fields that you want to enter in the node type text and click
on Accept.

Formatting the node type text

You can choose between the following ways of formatting the node type text:
• Fixed length output: Specify the required length in brackets after the selection
field name; e.g. the text &Customer_number(10)& always returns a 10-digit
customer number.
• Truncate the first x characters of a value (offset): Specify the offset with a + after
the selection field name, e.g. when the node type text &Customer_number+5& is
displayed, the first five digits of the customer number are omitted.
• A mixture of the two above possibilities: Specify the required length and an
offset, e.g. the text &Customer_number+5(10)& always returns a 10-digit
customer number but without the first five digits.
• Fixed Font: to enable a justified alignment of the node type texts within a folder,
you can force the use of a fixed font (non-proportional) with this option.
• Conversion routines: By using a so-called conversion routine (which, technically,
can be assigned to a domain for example) you can convert confusing or hard to
read data formats (e.g. time stamps) to more easily legible ones. To do so, specify
the conversion routine for a selection field as follows:
&Selection Field=<Conversion routine>&, e.g. &Customer number=ALPHA&.

Important: No consistency check for conversion routines

The program will not check whether the conversion routine is suitable for
the corresponding selection field.

You can also copy, cut and paste individual lines and move between the node types.

126 Customizing and Administration Guide DC090501-CGD-EN

11.3 The structure elements and their settings dialogs Function codes

Figure 11-19: Settings dialog: Node type: Function codes

Enter the function codes that are to be available for extended functions at this node
type in the list. Before you do this, these function codes must already have been
defined in this project. The associated function icon is then displayed in front of the
record in the user view. Suggest selection fields

When you want to link one or more selection fields to this node type (see below
“Assigning selection fields to node types” on page 129), use the Suggest selection
fields function. This button is only available in the node type dialog or the view
editor in edit mode.
When an attribute object has already been specified for the node type, a list of the
assigned selection fields is displayed.
When no attribute object is specified for the node type, but for its child document or
value table node there is, the selection fields for the assigned attribute objects are

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Chapter 11 Working in expert mode

Figure 11-20: Selection list for selection fields for the node type

When you activate the Database option, a link is created in the database between
this selection field and the node type for a selection when you save.
When you activate the Selection screen option, a link is created between this
selection field and the node type for the selection screen.

Important: Floating point number (FLTP) data type not for selection
Selection fields using Floating point number (FLTP) data type cannot be
displayed in selection screens and are thus not available for Selection screen
usage in customizing.

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11.3 The structure elements and their settings dialogs

You can also add further selection fields to this list of suggestions.

11.3.5 Assigning selection fields to node types

To filter data at a particular node type in a view, one or more selection fields are
assigned to the node type. The selection field specifies the data queried from the
table and results in a filtering of the view according to the values returned.
The conditions that must be fulfilled for this action to be possible are described in
the preceding sections. Without the correct assignment of attribute object to table
and selection field to attribute object, this action by itself will have no effect.

Important: Floating point number (FLTP) data type not for selection
Selection fields using Floating point number (FLTP) data type cannot be
displayed in selection screens and are thus not available for Selection screen
usage in customizing.

In the overview (tab view), some additional information on the assignment is

indicated by icons (as in the view editor).
• : indicates an activated Cut selection for child flag (see “Database Selection
Properties” on page 133)
• indicates an activated Info for dynamic nodetype-control field (see
“Database Selection Properties” on page 133)
• indicates a defined restriction at the node type (see “Restrictions” on
page 138)

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Chapter 11 Working in expert mode

Figure 11-21: Customizing overview: Assigning selection fields to node types

To display the settings for a specific assignment, open the Sel.F. / Node T. tab in the
customizing tab view and double-click on the required line.
You can use the Change view button to select and display another view from a list
of existing views. In this case the view is switched for all tabs in the customizing
window, i.e. in all tabs, the objects for the selected view are displayed.

To assign a node type to a selection field:

1. Switch to the view editor.
2. Click on the + character next to the node type to which you want to assign a
selection field.
You will now see three further fields which represent the assigned selection
fields and indicate their use.
3. Now click on the + character associated with the usage type that you want to
This opens a list of the assigned selection fields that are used in this way
together with an empty line.
4. Click on the icon in the empty line.

You will now see a settings window with the following tabs:
• Used for
Purpose for which the selection fields are used.

130 Customizing and Administration Guide DC090501-CGD-EN

11.3 The structure elements and their settings dialogs

• Database Selection Properties

Source data and properties of the selection.
• Output
Definition of an output screen.
• Text substitution
Text substitution for user-friendly display of technical table contents from text
tables or domain fixed values
• Restrictions
Encoded restrictions which apply to the database selection.
Here you specify how selection is performed when the user double-clicks on the
associated node type.
You must first make a number of general specifications:
Node type
The node type to which you want to assign a selection field.
Selection field
The selection field that you want to assign to a node type.
Tip: The F4 help now suggests only those selection fields for assignment to
node types which are available, depending on the subordinate node types
and their attribute objects, if required. Select the Assigned to attr.obj, under
node type tab in the F4 help.
Now the selection fields that are assigned to the attribute objects of the node
type itself or to the subordinate node types are displayed in a selection list.
Finally, you must make a number of specifications in the individual tabs.

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Chapter 11 Working in expert mode Used for

Figure 11-22: Settings dialog: Assigning selection fields to node types: Used

Specify what the selection field is used for:

• Selection at database (e.g. at a value table node type)
• Selection screen (e.g. at a root node)
A selection screen is generated automatically as soon as a selection field with this
usage type is assigned to a node type.

Important: Floating point number (FLTP) data type not for selection
Selection fields using Floating point number (FLTP) data type cannot
be displayed in selection screens and are thus not available for Selection
screen usage in customizing.

132 Customizing and Administration Guide DC090501-CGD-EN

11.3 The structure elements and their settings dialogs Database Selection Properties

Figure 11-23: Settings dialog: Assigning selection fields to node types:

Database Selection Properties

Info for dynamic nodetype

This check box is only valid for dynamic node types (Type 4). During selection at
a dynamic node type, a separate line is displayed for each value returned by a
query. To remove duplicates of the same line, it is necessary to define a single
(key) field which is used as the criterion for recognizing duplicate lines. All other
fields serve only to provide information. Consequently, for dynamic node types,
you must assign this node type precisely one selection field for which this option
is not set (namely the COLLECT field). This option must be active for all other
selection fields that you want to output “for info” at this Type 4 node.
The icon in the view editor indicates that this option is active.
Cut selection for child
Check this box if the value currently in the selection field is not to be passed to
child node types.
The icon in the view editor indicates that this option is active.

Example 11-3: Cut selection for child

For example, if you click on the customer SAP AG under Computer industry in
Customer and open the folder to see which products are assigned to this

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Chapter 11 Working in expert mode

customer, a selection is carried out via the customer. When you open an
individual product folder, you still see all the customers assigned to this product,
even though you performed the selection via a specific customer in the parent
node type. You must therefore explicitly prevent the “inheritance” of the
selection criterion Customer here by activating Cut selection for child for the
selection field.

Ignore selection from parent

Prevents a field that has been passed by a parent node type from being used for
selection at this node type, i.e. it is not used to perform a restriction.
This is necessary if the Cut option cannot be used, e.g. if there are two child node
types, one of which requires information while the other has to be prevented
from receiving it. In this case, the option is simply set at the child node type
which is not intended to receive the information.
Valid for Type 4, Type 5 and Type 1 + Internal document reference at the
attribute object (DOCDIRECT)
Sort descending
At a dynamic node type, all the values in the database for a given field in a table
are selected. The entries are usually sorted in ascending order. By activating this
field you can reverse the sort order. Try this out on your copy of the test view!
Exclude initial value
When this field is activated, the initial values for the assigned COLLECT-field
(see also “Dynamic node type” on page 40) are not included in the selection for
dynamic node types.
This option must only be activated for COLLECT-fields! Text substitution

Text substitution is only relevant for dynamic, value table and document node
types. It is especially useful for dynamic node types where the actual selection may
be carried out on the basis of a field which contains information which has little
meaning for the user. For example, the view may make a selection based on
classification codes, but display the corresponding description to the user.
Therefore you can specify either a table, a description and a language field, or a
domain for the text substitution. Thus you can display a different text for the node
type other than the value of the assigned selection fields.
The following conditions must be observed to ensure that this convention works:
• A foreign key relationship must exist between two tables: one, the table
referenced by the selection field and two, the table containing the field which is
to replace it.
• The field name entered here must match the name of the field in the attribute

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11.3 The structure elements and their settings dialogs

The attribute table may be language-dependent. In this case, it is also necessary to

specify the language field.

Example 11-4: Text substitution for select nodes

This situation can be more clearly illustrated using an example: in transaction SE12
view the customer table /IXOS/DC_EX_CUST. This contains the field CLASS with the
codes for classification. The value table /IXOS/DC_EX_CLT contains the
corresponding, language-dependent description, which is output in place of the

Figure 11-24: Settings dialog: Assigning selection fields to node types: Text

Value/text table
Enter the name of a table that contains the text to be displayed.
The attribute table may be language-dependent. In this case, it is also necessary
to specify the language field.
Tip: When you double-click in the Value/text table field, the specified table
is automatically displayed.
Note: When both a table and a domain are specified for text substitution at
a node type, the domain is used.

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Chapter 11 Working in expert mode

Description field
Enter the name of a descriptive field that will be displayed in the view instead of
the field assigned to the selection field.
Language field
Enter the name of a field that defines the language if you specified a language-
dependent table in the Value/text table field.
Domain for text
At a domain, fixed values can be defined which are allowed as database values
for the table field. Each fixed value can also contain a descriptive text in the
logon language. Instead of the contents of the selection field, you can also
display the descriptive text of the corresponding domain fixed value. This is
useful, for example, for boolean values, so you can display a meaningful text
(e.g. smoker/non-smoker) instead of a yes/no statement.
Note: When both a table and a domain are specified for text substitution at
a node type, the domain is used. Output

Figure 11-25: Settings dialog: Assigning selection fields to node types: Output

136 Customizing and Administration Guide DC090501-CGD-EN

11.3 The structure elements and their settings dialogs

Output mask
Selection field values can be edited by converting or deleting characters and by
inserting fixed text. For example, a date field YYYYMMDD might be converted to

Note: For NUMC fields, output masks cannot be defined.

The instructions for the preparation of a field consist of a list of numbers
separated by commas. You may specify the following:
• single numbers which indicate the position of the character in the original
string (1, 2, 3, ..). )
• a range of numbers which indicate a character range in the original string (3-

• Fixed text
The position of the first character in a string is 1. The same rule holds for
character ranges. Fixed text is taken over exactly as it is specified. If fixed text
begins with a number or a comma, you must prefix it with a back slash (\).
Otherwise, a back slash is interpreted literally as a back slash. The elements of
the list are output in the order in which they are specified here.

Example 11-5: Output mask

To generate the format MM/YYYY you would specify 5,6,/,1-4 where the
positions 5 and 6 represent the month and 1-4 the year.

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Chapter 11 Working in expert mode Restrictions

Figure 11-26: Settings dialog: Assigning selection fields to node types:


In this area, you can specify coded restrictions which affect the database selection.
Value display and entry is type-specific, i.e. date values for instance are presented in
correct format.

Important: No restrictions for Floating point number (FLTP) data type

Restrictions for selection fields with the Floating point number (FLTP)
data type cannot be defined.

The icon in the view editor indicates that a restriction is defined here.

To define a restriction:
1. Click the Maintain button.
2. Enter the values for the restriction of the selection field in the dialog. In the tab,
the values are displayed as Lower end and Upper end in the table.
3. To specify several values (or value ranges), click on theMultiple selection ( )

138 Customizing and Administration Guide DC090501-CGD-EN

11.4 Other functions

You can use the familiar Selection options to specify, for example, that certain
values or ranges of values are to be included in or excluded from selection.
4. After you have entered all restrictions, click on Accept.

To remove all existing restrictions, click on Delete all.

11.4 Other functions

11.4.1 User exits
Note: The user exits are principally meant for handling project-specific tasks.
You must create a user exit to assign an actual function to a function code and also
to use other attribute-independent events.
You assign user exits for an attribute object when making the attribute object
settings (see “Attribute objects” on page 90). When you want to see an overview of
all the implemented user exits, choose the User exits tab in the customizing tab
view. The following window appears:

Figure 11-27: Customizing: User exits

Click on Create to switch to the edit dialog and enter the following information:
To display a list of the possible events, click in the input field and then on the
icon next to it.
Only those functions activated here are active.

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Chapter 11 Working in expert mode

Function module
Name of the function module within the function library. These functions are
executed when the associated event occurs.
For each event, there is a template building block which should be copied. This
has the advantage that the copy already possesses the necessary interfaces
(import/export parameters). The name of this building block is

Tip: When you double-click in the Function module field, the specified
function module is automatically displayed (transaction SE37).
Old user exit
This box is automatically checked and cannot be changed. It is required only for
the conversion of projects from earlier DocuLink versions.

11.4.2 The function codes

Default functions for reading standard SAP tables are available for every project and
do not have to be explicitly assigned to the node types. However, if you wish to
trigger other actions when a node in a view is selected, you can define the associated
functions. An example of a function of this type would be invoking a calculation on
the basis of the data record from which the function was called. The function codes
are evaluated in user exits.
Note: The use of function codes and user exits is only recommended within the
framework of special projects.

Creating and editing function codes

To create or modify a function and assign it to an icon, click on the Function codes
tab in the customizing tab view. The following window appears.

140 Customizing and Administration Guide DC090501-CGD-EN

11.4 Other functions

Figure 11-28: Customizing: Function codes

To create a function, click on the Create icon on the toolbar. You can edit an existing
function by double-clicking on it.
Here you define the following settings:
Function code
The code of the function to be invoked at this point. Please respect the naming
conventions described in “Naming conventions” on page 43.
Double-click in the field to obtain a list of available standard icons. The icon
serves both as a control for the function call and to clearly identify the purpose of
the function for the user.
Short description of the function. This is displayed when the user moves the
mouse to the icon.

Copying function codes

To copy a function code:

1. In the tab view, select the Function codes tab.
2. Click on the function code that you want to copy.
3. Click on Copy.
4. Enter the codes of the source and target objects.

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Chapter 11 Working in expert mode

5. When you only want to copy the default data for the function code, deactivate
the following options for copying the corresponding objects. Otherwise, activate
the required option.
Node type specific function code: also copies the assignment of a function code
to a given node type
6. Define the behavior at assigned node types when copying the function code by
activating the required options:
• Function code for PICK (F2) at node type: At node types to which this
function code is assigned, the link for the event PICK (F2) is replaced by the
copied function code.
7. Click on Copy.

Assigning function codes to node types

To define which function icons are to be displayed for the records of a given node
type, you must assign a function to a node type (see “Function codes” on page 127).
When you choose such a function icon in the view, the function is triggered for the
associated record. This is how you integrate user exits into your view (this is,
however, always a project-specific task).

11.4.3 Delete generic reports

When you work with an DocuLink project, a number of different reports are
generated - for example selection screens and hit lists. Whenever you change
something in customizing, existing reports are automatically deleted and new ones
created. However, if manual changes are made to the data in the underlying
database, the generated reports in the database must be manually deleted or
adjusted so that the program can adopt the changes in the database.
To manually delete the reports, use the Extras Delete generated reports menu
option. Be aware, however, that when you use this option, the variants for the
selection screens are also deleted!
To save the variants, use the administration report Delete generic reports (see
“Administrating (deleting) generated programs” on page 267).
When deleting generated reports, you can choose between two options:
• Without selection screens; for example, if you created variants for selection
screens and do not want to delete them because you haven't modified the
selection screens or the corresponding data types
• Including selection screens, to mark all reports for deletion, including the

142 Customizing and Administration Guide DC090501-CGD-EN

11.4 Other functions

11.4.4 Delete buffers for customizing

While creating or editing projects, the customizing often creates local auxiliary
tables to handle the required data. By using the Extras Delete Buffers for
Customizing function, you can delete this stored data. This may be useful, for
example, after completing a project, as the data is no longer required then.

11.4.5 Adjust customizing to DDIC

While creating or editing a project, some entries are automatically stored in the
customizing tables. After changes to the database objects, these entries may have to
be adjusted. It is not possible to determine automatically whether or not any
changes have been made to the database. Thus you must start the check manually
after changes to the database, using the Extras Adjust customizing to DDIC

Alternatively, there is an Adjust Customizing report that executes the two jobs
Delete Buffers for Customizing and Adjust Customizing from the Extras menu in
the customizing transaction (J6NP).

Be aware, however, that as a result of the Adjust Customizing function, all
screen administration settings (e.g. sort order, hidden fields etc.) are set back
to the default values, as specified in the SE16 transaction. Therefore, you
should only define such settings in a productive system in which no more
changes to the data structure are necessary.

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Part 3
Specific customizing
Chapter 12
Customizing for data archiving
The purpose of data archiving in SAP applications is to reduce the database load by
storing records in an archiving file before transferring them to an archive system.
Nevertheless, it is possible that you may wish to access records that have already
been archived from within the DocuLink structures in the same way as you access
records that are currently present in the database.

Figure 12-1: Displaying offline data

You simply need to create the information structures and maintain the specifications
concerning the archive object and information structure at the associated attribute
objects. To minimize the number of information structures that you need to create,

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Chapter 12 Customizing for data archiving

the used archive objects and information structures are stored in the hierarchy. This
means that this information can be used at a lower level in the subtree.
Finally, you can also integrate the supplied selection field @online in the node type
texts in order to make it possible to identify whether the data comes from the
database (online) or the archive system (offline) when records are output in the user
view. Offline data is also displayed in a different color.
As far as users are concerned, there is, with the exception of the following points,
practically no difference in the way online and offline data is handled.
• Archived records cannot be edited.
• The invoked SAP transaction may differ.
• It may take longer to load records from the archive system.
Tip: Avoid long waiting periods by allowing hit lists which contain archived
records to run in the background (see Section 7.3 "Displaying hit lists" in
Livelink DocuLink for SAP Solutions - User Guide (DC-UGD)).
The sample project FI documents allows you to follow the customizing process for
data archiving.

To customize for data archiving:

1. Design a view for the online tables as usual.
2. Set up the archive information structures for the involved tables (transaction
SARI). Remember that it may be possible to re-use information structures.

You should also note that all the selection fields that have been defined for the
online table must also be present in the information structure!
3. Maintain the specifications for the attribute object and information structure in
the attribute object settings in the Data archiving tab. Specify whether the
archive key is to be re-used at the child node type (see also “Data archiving” on
page 96).
4. If necessary, integrate the supplied selection field @online in the node type text
(see Customizing the node type texts) in order to indicate whether the data is
online or offline.

In the same way as SAP tables, customer tables may also grow to a considerable size
(for example: COLD). It will then be necessary to thin down the records. In such
cases, you are recommended to archive the data in the same way as for SAP tables.
To do this you will need, among other things, to create an archiving object for the
customer tables. With Livelink ECM – Suite for SAP Solutions it is then possible to
display the archived records in DocuLink.

148 Customizing and Administration Guide DC090501-CGD-EN

Chapter 13
Customizing for document entry
A number of basic settings relating to the standard ArchiveLink interface are
required in order to permit document entry. This includes, in particular,
maintenance of the object type for the respective attribute object and the employed
document types, as well as the (activated!) link between an SAP object type and a
document type in transaction OAC3. This also determines the archive ID (logical
archive or, as of SAP R/3 Version 4.6, content repository) in which the documents are
stored. This is the only way the original document linked to an SAP document can
be found with the help of the DocumentID in the specified link table.
For each user, the specification of which scenario is used at any given node type is
also saved. This setting is then used by default during the next archiving operation.
To change scenario, click on the Reset archiving scenario icon in the create screen or
choose the menu command Settings Reset archiving scenario.
Furthermore, some steps for setting up the individual archiving scenarios are
necessary. These will be described in the following.
The following archiving scenarios are supported by DocuLink:
Late storing with barcode
To enter documents using the scenario Late storing with barcode you must
also maintain the document type as a barcode document type in the transaction

Optionally, during the customizing of the attribute object in DocuLink, you can
also predefine a default document type (see also “Archiving” on page 95). No
selection is then necessary when you enter a new document.
If a new record is then created, an associated document can automatically be
archived and this is assigned the document type that is linked to the SAP object.
Since the document type is maintained as a barcode document, a dialog in which
you enter the document's barcode is displayed when you create a document (see
also Section 11.2 "Entry via Livelink DesktopLink" in Livelink DocuLink for SAP
Solutions - User Guide (DC-UGD)).
Store and enter scenario
In this scenario, the archiving of a document directly initiates a workflow in
DocuLink which is dependent on the assigned document type. This may involve
the entry of a record and simultaneous creation of a document or may result in
the (subsequent) assignment of a document.

DC090501-CGD-EN Customizing and Administration Guide 149

Chapter 13 Customizing for document entry

Reading data from the file system (Livelink ECM – Imaging: DesktopLink)
In this scenario, a file selection window is displayed when a record is created in
DocuLink. Depending on the SAP object type, a list of possible document types
which can be assigned to this document is displayed. Finally, the record is
created and the document is archived.
No particular customizing work is required for this scenario, but it requires
additional software installation (Livelink ECM – Imaging: DesktopLink) at the
client. While customizing the attribute object, you can use the Document type
field to specify the document types that are to be stored (see also “Archiving” on
page 95).
This scenario is available both for ArchiveLink and for KPro documents. In
contrast to when reading data via standard ArchiveLink or KPro, archiving in
this case is performed via the client and is more efficient.
Reading data from the file system via standard ArchiveLink or KPro
In this scenario, a file selection window is displayed when a record is created in
DocuLink. Depending on the SAP object type, a list of possible document types
which can be assigned to this document is displayed. Finally, the record is
created and the document is archived.
No particular customizing work is required for this scenario, and it requires no
additional software at the client. However, while customizing the attribute
object, you can use the Document type field to specify the document type that is
to be stored (see also “Archiving” on page 95).
This scenario is available both for ArchiveLink and for KPro documents.
Archiving from the scanner
In this scenario, the Scan Client is started automatically when a record is created
in DocuLink. The selected document in the Scan Client is archived, the record is
created and the document assigned to it.
No particular customizing work is required for this scenario. However, while
customizing the attribute object, you can use the Document type field to specify
the document type that is to be stored (see also “Archiving” on page 95).
Entry via DesktopLink
In this entry scenario, archiving is initiated from within ODMA-compatible
Windows applications (e.g. Word). When a document is to be archived, the
Windows application opens DocuLink and a record is created once the attributes
have been entered.
Alternatively, it is also possible to enter a document after the creation of an
attribute record. In this case, it is sufficient to specify the document type to
perform the assignment.

150 Customizing and Administration Guide DC090501-CGD-EN

13.1 Storing for subsequent entry/assignment

13.1 Storing for subsequent entry/assignment

In this scenario, the archiving of a document directly initiates a workflow in
DocuLink which is dependent on the assigned document type. This may involve the
entry of a record and simultaneous creation of a document or may result in the
(subsequent) assignment of a document.
During customizing, a distinction is made as to whether
• the project and the attribute object that are to be used for the DocuLink workflow
have already been defined or
• users themselves have to navigate to the appropriate object in DocuLink.
At the same time there are different procedures depending on whether
• the used workflow SAP object type is identical to the object type of the attribute
object (this is possible if the SAP object underlying the attribute object possesses
its own PROCESS method which is inherited from the interface type /IXOS/DC_I),
• an auxiliary object is used which provides the PROCESS method.
These cases are taken into consideration in the following general description of the
configuration process:

1. Create a document type with the OAC2 transaction.

2. Maintain this as a workflow document type in the SOA0 transaction. In this case,
the object type is either the object type of the attribute object or /IXOS/DC_R, if
an auxiliary object is required. As the method, you must specify PROCESS. You
will also need a suitable workflow task, e.g. TS7869 (transport to next user).
This initiates a workflow whenever a document with this document type is
entered. Once the project and the attribute object have been defined (either by
means of the used SAP object method or through the subsequent (step 4)
configuration of the workflow parameters) then the system navigates directly to
this location when the work item is edited in DocuLink.
3. In OAC3, enter the link for the attribute object's SAP object or for the auxiliary
object /IXOS/DC_R and specify the archive ID and link table. Activate the link.
4. If the project and attribute object have to be defined explicitly, maintain the
following workflow parameters for the defined document type in OACA:
• DOCULINK_PROJECT: project that is to be used in the workflow.

• DOCULINK_DATASOURCE: attribute object that is to be used in the workflow.

• optional: DOCULINK_VERSION: version in which a record is to be entered. If

this is not specified, then the following versions are used in the sequence
specified below:

DC090501-CGD-EN Livelink ECM – DocuLink for SAP Solutions 9.5.1 151

Chapter 13 Customizing for document entry

• Productive version (active or inactive)

• Last modified development version
• Any other version
When no version exists, an error message is output.
5. Enter a default setting for Storing for subsequent entry in the OAWS
transaction (refer to the ArchiveLink documentation for more details):
a. In the structure on the left-hand side, click on the folder Entries and then on
New entries.
b. Define a name and, if necessary, a description for the default setting
c. Save this entry.
d. Select the new entry in the table and click on the Entries folder in the
structure on the left-hand side in order to complete the other settings.
e. Specify the document type, organizational unit and the user to whom the
work item is to be forwarded as well as the possible scenarios that are to be
available when the work item is processed. In this case, these are Storing
for subsequent entry orStoring for subsequent assignment, if a
document is to be assigned immediately after the record is entered.
6. Maintain the project, the attribute object and associated object type as well as the
data structure.
7. When you have used an auxiliary object, use the OAC2 transaction to create an
additional document type for the object type of the attribute object.
8. Enter the link for the object type of the attribute object in the OAC3 transaction.
To do this, specify the archive ID and the link table.

13.2 Entry via DesktopLink

In this entry scenario, archiving is initiated from within ODMA-compatible
Windows applications (e.g. Word). When a document is to be archived, the
Windows application opens DocuLink and a record is created once the attributes
have been entered.
Alternatively, it is also possible to enter a document after the creation of an attribute
record. In this case, it is sufficient to specify the document type to perform the
The following two DesktopLink scenarios are used:
Assign then store
To launch the create screen for an attribute object within a project or to specify
the key fields of an existing attribute record

152 Customizing and Administration Guide DC090501-CGD-EN

13.2 Entry via DesktopLink

To enable free navigation or to restrict the view automatically using user-defined

13.2.1 Assign then store scenario

Prerequisites To use this scenario, the following prerequisites must be fulfilled:
• The object type contains the event assigned (inherited from the interface type

• The method confirm exists;

Redefine the confirm method if necessary and remove the error message from
the program. (transaction SWO1).
• The ExistenceCheck method, which is contained in IFARCH21, must be
redefined and implemented (otherwise no check for duplicates is carried out on
the records).

To customize the Assign then store scenario:

1. Create a document type using the OAC2 transaction.
2. Workflow parameters
Only for record entry:
Maintain the workflow parameter for this document type (OACA transaction):
• DOCULINK_PROJECT: project in which the record is to be entered.

• DOCULINK_DATASOURCE: attribute object for which a record is to be entered.

• optional: DOCULINK_VERSION: version in which a record is to be entered. If

this is not specified, then the following versions are used in the sequence
specified below:
• productive version (active or inactive)
• the last modified development version
• any other version
When no version exists, an error message is output.
3. Workflow settings
Maintain the following workflow settings in the SOA0 transaction:
• Object type: /IXOS/DC_R or user-specific object type with the interface

• Method: PROCESS
• Task: TS7869

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Chapter 13 Customizing for document entry

4. Using the OAC3 transaction, enter the link for the object type of the attribute
object; enter the ArchiveID and the link table.
5. Only for record entry:
a. Maintain project, attribute object, object type and data structure. The entry
of documents for this attribute object must be permitted (see “Archiving” on
page 95).
When you subsequently assign documents, it is not necessary to reference
the project and attribute object, since assignment can be performed on the
basis of the selected document type and the entered key fields.
b. Insert the following entries in the SM30 transaction in the J_8AMUSERX table:

13.2.2 DocuLink scenario

To customize the DocuLink scenario:
1. Create a document type using the OAC2 transaction.
2. Using the OAC3 transaction, enter the link for the object type of the attribute
object; enter the ArchiveID and the link table.
3. Maintain project, attribute object, object type and data structure. The entry of
documents for this attribute object must be permitted (see “Archiving” on
page 95).

In this scenario, DocuLink is started with the most recently opened project, if no
other project was specified using a user-defined property (see “Using ODMA
attributes in DocuLink using DesktopLink” on page 154).

13.2.3 Using ODMA attributes in DocuLink using DesktopLink

You can use ODMA attributes for example to provide predefined values in the
create screen in DocuLink, or to automatically restrict the DocuLink view. The
values for these properties can either be stored permanently (e.g. information on key
fields), or temporarily for the duration of entering a document (e.g. opening a
particular DocuLink view). This requires additional customizing steps. Using ODMA attributes and storing them permanently

If the ODMA attribute values must be stored permanently, e.g. in order to display
them as node type text in DocuLink later, the properties must be maintained in a
special table.

154 Customizing and Administration Guide DC090501-CGD-EN

13.2 Entry via DesktopLink

To use ODMA attributes permanently:

1. Enter the properties that are to be saved in DesktopLink in the J_8A3T0012
2. In the ODMA-compatible application, define Text type user-defined properties
for the documents you want to enter. The property names must be identical to
the assigned selection fields in DocuLink. In addition, these special selection
fields have the prefix @ in DocuLink.
3. You can use the values from the document properties as predefined values in
the DocuLink create screen when entering documents via DesktopLink. To do
so, activate automatic filling of fields in DocuLink (see “Assigning selection
fields to attribute object fields” on page 109). Using ODMA attribute values in DocuLink temporarily

In applications supporting ODMA, you can define user-defined properties (Text
type, menu option File Properties, Customize tab). Then when you enter a
document from these applications using DesktopLink, and store it in DocuLink,
these properties are evaluated. Thus you can use properties that are already known
in the application, e.g. the customer or product name, to restrict the displayed
DocuLink view. That way, navigation to the required node is easier and faster for
the user. For this purpose, the ODMA attribute values only need to be available
temporarily (namely for the time of entry).

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Chapter 13 Customizing for document entry

The possible properties and their effects are described in the following table.

Property name Value Result

%SZ_TYP DC30 Opens DocuLink in a separate window
$PROJECT <Project Opens the specified DocuLink project1
e.g. $EX_LINK
$TREENUM <View num- Opens the specified DocuLink view
e.g. 01
$OPEN_NODETYPE <Node type>, The specified node in the DocuLink view is
e.g. automatically expanded, all parent nodes up to
ALL_CUSTOMERS the root node are opened.
<Selection field Possible value Uses the property value as a selection criterion
name>, e.g. for the selection and restricts the DocuLinkview accordingly, i.e.
SF_CUST_NAME field, only the corresponding node is expanded (in the
e.g. IXOS AG example: only the customer IXOS AG)
1. The most current version is used, i.e. in this order:

a. productive version (active or inactive)

b. the last modified development version
c. any other version

If no version exists then an error message is output.

Note the following naming convention when defining ODMA attributes:

Prefix Used for

% Livelink-specific property
$ DocuLink-specific property
SF_ Recommended for defining selection fields in DocuLink

Example 13-1: Using ODMA attribute values to restrict the DocuLink view
In the following screenshot you can see how user-defined properties were defined
for a Word document, which are evaluated when the DocuLink view is displayed.
The view with expanded nodes for the specified customer name and product
number is displayed.

156 Customizing and Administration Guide DC090501-CGD-EN

13.2 Entry via DesktopLink

Figure 13-1: Using ODMA attribute values to restrict the DocuLink view

Entering several documents at the same time

If several documents are selected simultaneously for entry and ODMA attributes
have been defined for several documents, the behavior depends on the particular
constellation. The following cases are possible:

Case Result
The values are identical for all documents. The settings are valid for all documents.
Some of the documents have identical val- The settings are valid for all documents, in-
ues for the property, for the rest no values cluding those for which no values were
are specified for it. specified.
The documents have different values for the The most recently opened DocuLink view is
$PROJECT and/or $TREENUM property. opened; if that is not possible, the user must
select the project.
Values for selection fields are defined, how- The most recently opened DocuLink view is
ever not for the $PROJECT and $TREENUM opened; if that is not possible, the user must
properties. select the project. The selection field settings
are ignored.

DC090501-CGD-EN Livelink ECM – DocuLink for SAP Solutions 9.5.1 157

Chapter 13 Customizing for document entry

Case Result
Different values are specified for the same The different values are evaluated as a
selection field in different documents, e.g. multi-selection for the selection criterion
SF_CUST_NAME = "IXOS" and SF_CUST_NAME (OR operator); the view is opened and all
= "SAP". specified values are displayed; in the exam-
ple the customers IXOS and SAP.
Values for different selection fields are The values are evaluated as different selec-
specified in different documents, e.g. tion criteria (AND operator); the view is
SF_CUST_NAME = "IXOS" in one document opened and the node which fits all criteria
and SF_PROD_NAME = "DocuLink" in an- is expanded; in the example the customer
other. IXOS with the product DocuLink.

158 Customizing and Administration Guide DC090501-CGD-EN

Chapter 14
Customizing for data exchange with PDMS Context
With Livelink ECM – DocuLink for SAP Solutions, data can be exported from SAP
systems to a Livelink ECM – PDMS Context Server and data from an Livelink ECM –
PDMS Context Server can be displayed in Livelink ECM – DocuLink for SAP Solutions.
The data export can be initiated from Livelink ECM – DocuLink for SAP Solutions.
Data exchange requires the Business Application Integration (BAI).
To display the data, a special node type exists in Livelink ECM – DocuLink for SAP
Solutions, the Context Server Record type.
The customizing steps for data exchange described in the following sections require
the following fully installed and configured systems:
• Livelink ECM – Suite for SAP Solutions, in particular Livelink ECM – DocuLink for
SAP Solutions (see Section 3.8 "DocuLink" in Livelink ECM - Suite for SAP
Solutions - Installation and Upgrade Guide (ER-IGD))
• Livelink ECM – PDMS Context Server, including Livelink ECM – PDMS Document
Modeler for the required platform (see
• Livelink Business Application Integration for the Livelink ECM – PDMS
Document Modeler

14.1 Customizing for data export to a PDMS Context

In order to export data from an external application to a Livelink ECM – PDMS
Context Server, the application record types must be converted into Context Server
Record types. The required data types are transmitted in a generated XML file. The
export is carried out via an SAP job using special reports. Some customizing steps
are required for data exports, both in the SAP system and on the Livelink ECM –
PDMS Context Server (via the Livelink ECM – PDMS Document Modeler). These will be
described in the following.

DC090501-CGD-EN Customizing and Administration Guide 159

Chapter 14 Customizing for data exchange with PDMS Context Server

Figure 14-1: Components involved in customizing data export from Livelink

ECM – DocuLink for SAP Solutions to an Livelink ECM – PDMS Context Server

Customizing for data export in a PDMS Context Server includes the following tasks:

In the SAP system (transaction J6NP):

1. Maintaining the mapping service and Livelink ECM – PDMS Context Server in the
SAP system
2. Creating a DocuLink view with selection screen at the root node.
3. In DocuLink customizing, selecting a mapping service for each view to be
4. Maintaining variants for the data export selection screen

In the SAP system:

5. Exporting the data types for the specified DocuLink view using a report (e.g.
with SE38 transaction)

In the Livelink ECM – PDMS Document Modeler:

6. Creating a new mapping configuration for a specific DocuLink view
7. Importing data types for a specific DocuLink view
8. Converting imported application record types individually into Context Server
record types
9. Defining the mapping of property types for the Context Server record types

160 Customizing and Administration Guide DC090501-CGD-EN

14.1 Customizing for data export to a PDMS Context Server

10. If required: Creating value tables for mapping single values

14.1.1 Customizing in the SAP system

First, you must prepare the SAP system for the data export. This must be carried out
individually for each DocuLink view whose data you want to export. The mapping
services must also be maintained.

Figure 14-2: Customizing steps in the SAP system for data export from
Livelink ECM – DocuLink for SAP Solutions to a Livelink ECM – PDMS Context
Server Maintaining the mapping service and Livelink ECM – PDMS

Context Serverin the SAP system
Maintain the mapping services and the Livelink ECM – PDMS Context Server in the
SAP system for the data exchange. The Mapping Service defines the corresponding
server and the mapping configuration used for data transfer. The customizing table
for the Livelink ECM – PDMS Context Server and for the mapping services can be
accessed via the DocuLink customizing page or from DocuLink administration.

To maintain the mapping service:

1. DocuLink administration (J6NA): Select the Maintain ECR Server and mapping
administration report.
DocuLink customizing (J6NP):
a. Open the header data for the view and select the Data extraction tab.
b. Click the (Maintain mapping services) button.

DC090501-CGD-EN Livelink ECM – DocuLink for SAP Solutions 9.5.1 161

Chapter 14 Customizing for data exchange with PDMS Context Server

2. In the window on the left, double-click on the Administration for IXOS ECR
Context Server folder to go to the maintenance table for theLivelink ECM –
PDMS Context Server.
3. Enter the following information for each Livelink ECM – PDMS Context Server
with which you want to exchange data:
Note: For the logon to the server, an ISO-8859-1 coded URL is used now.
Older server versions require a patch to support this coding. See the release
notes or the Livelink ECM - Suite for SAP Solutions - Installation and Upgrade
Guide (ER-IGD) for more information.
ECR Context Server
User-definable name for a Livelink ECM – PDMS Context Server.
This name is required as the ID for assigning the server to the mapping
URL for BAI Servlet
The URL for the BAI servlet required to export and retrieve the data.
The first part of the URL (e.g. http://<Servername>:8080) is used to access
the BAI servlet and the PDMS Context Server. When the ECR Host and ECR
Port fields are empty, the host and the port given in this section are used (i.e.
thePDMS Context Server runs on the same host as the BAI servlet).
Organization for logon in ECR
Parameter for logging on to the Livelink ECM – PDMS Context Server (e.g.

Domain for logon in ECR

Parameter for logging on to the Livelink ECM – PDMS Context Server (e.g.

User for logon in ECR

Parameter for logging on to the Livelink ECM – PDMS Context Server; this
user has to be specified in the Open Text User Management.
Hostname of the ECR Context Server
Enter the host here if the Livelink ECM – PDMS Context Server is running on a
different host than the BAI servlet.
When no host is defined here, the host from the URL for BAI Servlet is used.
Port of the ECR Context Server
Enter the port here if the Livelink ECM – PDMS Context Server is running on a
different port than the BAI servlet.
When no port is defined here, the port from the URL for BAI Servlet is used.
4. If necessary, test the connection to the defined Livelink ECM – PDMS Context
Server by selecting the server ID and clicking the Check connection button.
Note: A special service that verifies the URLs from the SAP system is
required for the connection to the Livelink ECM – PDMS Context Server.
This requires a so-called SSO checker to be configured in Open Text User

162 Customizing and Administration Guide DC090501-CGD-EN

14.1 Customizing for data export to a PDMS Context Server

Management. For more information on this, look in the Section 3.3.6

"Configuring the SSO checkers" in Livelink ECM - User Management Server -
Administration and Configuration Guide (SY-AUM).
5. In the window on the left, double-click on the Administration for Mapping
Service folder.
6. Enter the following values for each mapping service:
Mapping service
Name of the mapping service. The name of the mapping service uniquely
identifies a mapping configuration for a particular Livelink ECM – PDMS
Context Server within the SAP system. This appears in the selection list in the
header data for the view and in the attribute object.
Description for mapping service
Optional: an explanatory description of this mapping service with this ECR
Mapping Configuration
The mapping configuration to be used. The name must correspond with the
ID of the mapping configuration in the Livelink ECM – PDMS Document
ECR Context Server
Name of a PDMS Context Server. Maintain the parameters for this in the
Administration for IXOS ECR Context Server. DocuLinkCustomizing

To configure a DocuLink view for the data export:

1. Execute the J6NP (DocuLink Customizing) transaction.
2. Create a DocuLink view for the data you wish to export later. (For more details,
see “Defining projects, versions and views” on page 57).
Note: Although link attribute objects (see “Selection” on page 118) are
exported, the links cannot be resolved in the external application.
3. At the view's root node, define a selection screen with the selection fields that
are to be proposed as selection criteria for data export (for details on using the
Selection screen, see “Used for” on page 132).
4. Enter a Mapping service in the header data for the view on the Data extraction
tab. This must be defined in advance (see “Maintaining the mapping service and
Livelink ECM – PDMS Context Serverin the SAP system” on page 161).
5. Maintaining variants for the data export selection screen
Maintain variants for the selection screens in the DocuLink views for the data

DC090501-CGD-EN Livelink ECM – DocuLink for SAP Solutions 9.5.1 163

Chapter 14 Customizing for data exchange with PDMS Context Server

a. Execute the J6NY transaction and open the view configured for the data
export or
Stay in the J6NP transaction, select the view configured for the data export
and click (Test view).
b. Make your entries in the selection screen and click the (Save as variant...)
c. In the dialog which opens, enter a name and any description for the variant.
d. Click Save as personal variant ( ) or, When you possess the necessary
authorization, Save as global variant ( ). Exporting data types for DocuLink views

The data types must be exported for each view, so that they can subsequently be
converted into Context Server Record types for the Livelink ECM – PDMS Context
Server. A data type is created for each attribute object. The application record types
created are named according to the following syntax:
<DocuLink project>_<DocuLink view number>_<Attribute object>
, e.g. MB_SUTTEN3_001_AO_SCARR.
In addition to the view-specific data types, the TOA01 SAP link table is also exported
if the view contains an ArchiveLink document node.

To export data types:

1. Run the report Exporting record types to an ECR Context Server
(/IXOS/AX_EXPORT_TYPES_FROM_DC) in the J6NA transaction.
2. Enter the following parameters:
Project associated with the view from which data types are to be exported
View from which the data types are to be exported
Path for the XML-File
User-definable path for storing the file containing the exported data types.
This is created when the report is run and stored in the specified path.
Name for Export
User-definable name for the export of the data types. When you leave this
field empty and press Enter, the project name and the view number are
combined to form a name.
This export name (with *.xml extension) is used for the export file created
when the report is run and stored in the specified path. The name is also
required as the ID for the schema in the Livelink ECM – PDMS Document
3. To run the report, click on Execute.

164 Customizing and Administration Guide DC090501-CGD-EN

14.1 Customizing for data export to a PDMS Context Server

The XML file is created and stored in the specified path under the defined name.
This file contains the schema information. You then need to import it in order to
map the record types in the Livelink ECM – PDMS Document Modeler (see
“Customizing in the Livelink ECM – PDMS Document Modeler” on page 165).

14.1.2 Customizing in the Livelink ECM – PDMS Document

Once the data types have been exported from the SAP system, you must import
them to the Livelink ECM – PDMS Document Modeler, where they are converted into
Context Server Record types. The appropriate Context Server Record types are then
available on the Livelink ECM – PDMS Context Server for data imported
subsequently from the SAP system.
Requirement: Installation of the Livelink ECM – PDMS Document Modeler:
In order to implement the configuration described below, the Livelink ECM –
PDMS Document Modeler must be fully installed, including the Business
Application Integration Service. Installation of the Livelink ECM – PDMS
Document Modeler is described in Livelink ECM - PDMS Document Modeler -
Installation Guide (CC-IGD). Installation of the BAI Service is described in the
installation manual of the relevant application. For details on using the Livelink
ECM – PDMS Document Modeler, see Livelink ECM - PDMS Document Modeler -
Customization Guide (CC-CGD).

Figure 14-3: Customizing steps in the Livelink ECM – PDMS Document

Modeler for data export from Livelink ECM – DocuLink for SAP Solutions to a
Livelink ECM – PDMS Context Server

DC090501-CGD-EN Livelink ECM – DocuLink for SAP Solutions 9.5.1 165

Chapter 14 Customizing for data exchange with PDMS Context Server

For each XML file exported with a set of data types from an external application, the
following steps must be carried out in the Livelink ECM – PDMS Document Modeler.
Note: To get the additional parts "Mapping Configurations" and "Value Maps"
in the Livelink ECM – PDMS Document Modeler, a plug-in has to be activated. In
the Livelink ECM – PDMS Document Modeler, use the menu Tools - Options and
go to tab Plug-ins. Select each PDMS Mapping Tool Plug-in and confirm your
settings. After restart of the Livelink ECM – PDMS Document Modeler, you may
be prompted to import the BAI project transport. This transport can be found
in the Livelink ECM – PDMS Document Modeler installation directory under

1. Creating a new mapping configuration for a specific DocuLink view

2. Importing an external schema
3. Converting imported application record types individually into Context Server
Record types
4. Defining the mapping of the data types and property types from the application
to the ECR property types.(record mapping/property mapping)
5. If required: Creating value tables for mapping single values( value maps) Creating a new mapping configuration

Note: You do not need to create a separate mapping configuration for each
XML file with exported data types (schema). You can also import several
schemas into one configuration. However, the application record types within
a configuration must be unique.

To create a new mapping configuration:

1. In the navigation area, select the Mapping Configurations entry and then select
the New Configuration... option from either the Edit menu or the context menu.
2. Enter a name (Identifier) for the configuration. We recommend that you use the
following syntax for the name:

A new entry is created for the configuration.

166 Customizing and Administration Guide DC090501-CGD-EN

14.1 Customizing for data export to a PDMS Context Server

Figure 14-4: Mapping configuration in the Livelink ECM – PDMS Document


3. Click Save to save the new configuration to the server. Importing an external schema

To import an external schema:

1. Open the newly created mapping configuration in the navigation area.
The Record Mappings and Schemas sub-entries appear.

Figure 14-5: Mapping configuration: Folder structure

2. Right-click on Schemas and select the Import External Schema option from the
context menu.
The Import wizard starts.

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Chapter 14 Customizing for data exchange with PDMS Context Server

3. Enter the name of the XML file containing the schema, i.e. the data type
information from the external application.
Alternatively, you can search the local file system for the file by clicking Browse.
4. Click Next.
The schema is imported. A new sub-entry for the imported schema appears
under Schemas. This contains the imported application record types(Application
record types)that need to be converted before further processing. Until they are
converted, the data types retain their old names.

Figure 14-6: Mapping configuration: Record types

5. Click Save to store the application record types on the server. Converting data types

The imported application record types (external record types) must now be
converted individually into internal record types.The permissions and the Default
Record Permissions for newly created internal record types are taken from the
internal ixos.bai:Document type. For further details on the authorization concept
for the Systems based on Livelink Enterprise Archive and on changing the standard
ACL, see Livelink ECM - PDMS Document Modeler - Customization Guide (CC-CGD).

168 Customizing and Administration Guide DC090501-CGD-EN

14.1 Customizing for data export to a PDMS Context Server

To convert external record types to internal record types:

1. In the navigation area, click on the entry for the imported XML schema.
A list of application record types appears on the right.
2. Right-click on one of the data types and select the Convert External Record
Type to Internal Record Type option from the context menu.
The Conversion Wizard starts.

Figure 14-7: Mapping configuration: Conversion wizard

3. You can make the following entries and select options here:
Internal Record Type
Enter a name for the internal record type. This name space is simultaneously
entered as the default Property Type Namespace.
When you enter, e.g. sap:sampledata as the name, then sap is entered as
the default name space.
Property Type Namespace
For each property(property) of the external record type, a separate Property
Type is automatically defined for the internal record type. The names of the
property types are derived from the name space specified here, using the
following syntax:
<Property Type Namespace>:<Property name >
The name space for the name entered under Internal Record Type is
automatically also entered as the default Property Type Namespace; you can
change this default entry if required.

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Chapter 14 Customizing for data exchange with PDMS Context Server

Add BAI specific items (property types, relations, indices)

Check this option when new data is added to the Livelink ECM – PDMS
Context Server using the BAI mechanism. There are two options available, the
single-stage and the two-stage model. When this option is not checked, the
standard mapping mechanism for record types is used. No Link IDs will be
generated and no XPath expression will be used.
Single-stage: use the newly created record type for archived content
This option must be used if the external record type should be mapped to an
internal document type with content. The document ID and the archive ID
have to be included in the external record type (e.g. internal document
reference in SAP table TOADL). The imported schema has no link table TOA01
included. The document ID has to be mapped directly to the ixos.dms:Id.
This is done by selecting the corresponding property in the external record
type within the Conversion wizard.
Two-stage: use BAI record type 'ixos.bai:Document' for archived content
Standard SAP ArchiveLink documents are linked to business objects using
the SAP link tables TOAx. The imported schema includes the external record
type with metadata information and a TOA01 record type. It is only necessary
to activate the Conversion wizard on the external record type. Record
mapping, property mapping and relations from the TOA01 record to the
internal record type ixos.bai:Document will be done automatically.
4. Click Next.
5. A proposal list for creating properties is displayed.

Figure 14-8: Mapping configuration: Converting the property types

170 Customizing and Administration Guide DC090501-CGD-EN

14.1 Customizing for data export to a PDMS Context Server

a. In the Create column, select all the properties of the external record type to
be converted and added to the internal record type. New property types
(Property Types) are created for these entries. Any entries that are not
selected will be ignored and will not be copied to the standard mapping
table if the Create a Default Record Mapping for the new property option
has been selected.
b. To map the property from the external property type (Application property)
to another internal property or to rename the internal property, click in the
Context Server Property Type field. A list of all defined internal properties
appears. Select the required property from the list or enter a new name.
c. Enable the Is Mandatory option for all properties to be defined as
mandatory fields for this internal record type. When you use this record
type to create new data, these mandatory fields must always be completed.
d. To change the default data type for the property, click in the Data Type
(new) field and select another internal basic type.
e. Click Next.
6. For single-stage model only: Specify property type for archive doc ID.
For single-stage mapping, the external property type has to be selected which
contains the document ID of the archived document. This property will be
mapped directly to the internal property type ixos.dms:ID.
7. Click Next.
8. The data type will then be converted and the status of the process displayed.
Click Finish to close the wizard when the conversion is complete.
The converted record types now appear in the Data Dictionary under Record
Types. The properties (Properties) of the record types are also displayed.

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Chapter 14 Customizing for data exchange with PDMS Context Server

Figure 14-9: Mapping configuration: Internal record types

You can find the new property types in the Data Dictionary under
PropertyTypes. These property types are named according to the following
<Name space>:<Property name>
9. Click Save to store the converted record and property types on the server. Defining the mapping of application record types to internal

record types ( Record Mapping)
If the Record Mapping was not created ( Record Mapping) when the record types
were converted, you must define this mapping in the next step. You can then define
the property mapping( Property Mapping) .

To create Record Mapping subsequently:

1. In the navigation area, right-click on the Record Mappings entry for the newly
created mapping configuration and select the New Record Mapping... option
from the context menu.
A new sub-entry is created for the Record Mapping.
2. Define the following information for the Record Mapping:

172 Customizing and Administration Guide DC090501-CGD-EN

14.1 Customizing for data export to a PDMS Context Server

Select the To Context Server direction to import to the Livelink ECM – PDMS
Context Server.
Note: The From Context Server direction is required when importing
to an external application, e.g. SAP.
Internal Record Type
Name of the Context Server Record type entered during the conversion (see
“Internal Record Type” on page 169).
External Record Type
Name of the data type imported from the external application.
As soon as you change the focus, i.e. click somewhere else, the entry for the
record mapping is renamed using the following syntax:
<Application record type> -> <Internal record type>
3. Click Save to save the new mapping to the server.

If the property types were not mapped (Property Types) when the record types were
converted, you must define this mapping in the next step. You can then revise the
mapping if required.

To map property types (Property Mapping) subsequently:

1. In the navigation area, right-click on the newly created Record Mapping and
select the Create default property mapping option from the context menu.
The mapping wizard starts.
2. Click Next.
The property types created for the internal record type (Property Types ) are
3. In the Map column, select all the properties to be included in the mapping.
Entries not selected will not be copied to the mapping table.
4. By default, a direct mapping is proposed, i.e. a property in the internal record
type is assigned for each property of the Application record type. Mapping is
based on the property names.
To change the mapping type, click the relevant property in the Mapping Type
column and select the required type from the selection list. The following types
are available:

Map Type Description

Direct Map- For each property of the Application record type, a property
ping in the internal record type is assigned.

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Chapter 14 Customizing for data exchange with PDMS Context Server

Map Type Description

Expression Mapping is based on a standard XPath expression (in the
Source/Expression field), e.g. to concatenate separate fields
in the application into one combined ECR field (e.g.
street+house number=address) or vice versa.
For further details on the XML Path Language (XPath), see
Value map- Mapping using individual values. The converted value of
ping each possible value is defined in a mapping table (Value
Map). The value table must have been defined in advance
for it to be available for selection here.

5. The contents of the Source/Expression column vary according to the Mapping

Map Type Source/Expression Example
Direct Map- Application property MB_SUTTEN3_001_AO_SCARR:CARRI
ping (the source object of the D
mapping), e.g. for the SAP table field CARRID
Expression XPath expression concat(/request/mapping/sende

to combine the sender (e.g. SAP

system) and the SAP object into an
Value map- Application property MB_SUTTEN3_001_AO_SCARR:CARRI
ping (the source object of the D
mapping), e.g. for the SAP table field CARRID

6. Click Next.
The property mapping (Property Mapping) is created and the status of the
process displayed.
7. Click Finish to close the wizard when the mapping has been defined.
The mapping now appears in the Mapping Configuration under Property
8. Click Save to save the new mapping to the server.

You can also modify property mapping subsequently.

To edit the Property Mapping(Property Mapping) subsequently:

1. In the navigation area, open the mapping configuration and select the required
Record Mapping. The properties of the record type are displayed in the
window at the top right of the screen.

174 Customizing and Administration Guide DC090501-CGD-EN

14.1 Customizing for data export to a PDMS Context Server

2. Select the required property from the window on the right.

3. You can modify the following properties of a Property Mapping (for further
details, see “To map property types “Property Mapping” subsequently:” on
page 173):
Property Description
Target Property The ECR property (the target object of the mapping)
Map Type The type of mapping: Direct Mapping, Expression, or
Value mapping
Source Property The application property (the source object of the mapping),
Map Expression only for the Expression map type: the XPath expression

To make further changes, or to add or delete property types, ( Property Types) ,

see Section 3.2.1 "Property types" in Livelink ECM - PDMS Document Modeler -
Customization Guide (CC-CGD).
4. Click Save to store the modified Property Mapping on the server. Creating Value Tables for Single-Value Mapping (Value Maps)

You can define the property mapping (Property Mapping ) in a value table (Value
Map) using single values. This value map is then used to map property values for
application properties to Context Server properties. To do this, you must first create
the value map and then select it as the Map Type.

To create a value table:

1. In the navigation area, select the Value Maps entry and then select the New
Value Map... option from the context menu.
2. Enter a name for the new value table.
As soon as you change the focus, i.e. click somewhere else, the entry is created
under Value Maps.
3. Select the new entry. A blank table for the value mapping appears on the right.
Click in the table and select New Entry from the context menu. Enter the
following values in the table:
• To Context Server: to import to the Livelink ECM – PDMS Context Server.
• From Context Server: to import to an external application, e.g.SAP.
Internal Value
Value of the property in the internal record type
External Value
Value of the property in the application record type

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Chapter 14 Customizing for data exchange with PDMS Context Server

Example 14-1: Value Maps

The following example using a value table to define mapping is based on a field
for a language code. This field has 2 characters in the internal record type, and 1
character in the external application. An extract from the table could look like

This value table is then selected as the Map Type in the Property Mapping.

14.2 Performing a data export

A data export is initiated from Livelink ECM – DocuLink for SAP Solutions. If
required, an export can be scheduled to run periodically. During the export, the data
is compared with the data exported previously in order to filter out new and
modified data. Only this data is placed in the SAP output. Another report is then
used to transfer the data to the Livelink ECM – PDMS Context Server. Here the
exported data types are compared with the mapping configuration assigned in the
Livelink ECM – PDMS Document Modeler. Each data record is then converted
according to the mapping into an internal record type with the associated properties
(Properties); the property values (field values) of the application record type are also
converted to Context Server property values according to the configured mapping.
Finally, the resulting internal records are stored in the database of the Context
• Only SAP ArchiveLink documents can be exported, not CM documents. As
a rule, only value tables (type 5) and document nodes (type 1) are exported
from DocuLink views.

176 Customizing and Administration Guide DC090501-CGD-EN

14.2 Performing a data export

• Re-imported ArchiveLink documents, i.e. those sent to the Livelink ECM –

PDMS Context Server using the data export function and which then
reappear in the tree by means of an Context Server Record type node,
cannot be displayed. You need to use a standard document node (type 1) to
display these documents.
• A special service that verifies the URLs from the SAP system is required for
the connection to the Livelink ECM – PDMS Context Server. This requires a
so-called SSO checker to be configured in Open Text User Management. For
more information on this, look in the Section 3.3.6 "Configuring the SSO
checkers" in Livelink ECM - User Management Server - Administration and
Configuration Guide (SY-AUM).

DC090501-CGD-EN Livelink ECM – DocuLink for SAP Solutions 9.5.1 177

Chapter 14 Customizing for data exchange with PDMS Context Server

Figure 14-10: Procedure for data export from Livelink ECM – DocuLink for SAP
Solutions to an PDMS Context Server

To perform a data export:

1. Execute the J6NY transaction and launch the view configured for the data
The selection screen for the data export at the root node is displayed.
2. Click on the icon.

178 Customizing and Administration Guide DC090501-CGD-EN

14.2 Performing a data export

Values that are entered manually in the selection fields are ignored.
Only predefined variants can be used for the selection screen.

3. Select the required variant from the selection list displayed. All the available
personal and global variants are presented for selection.
The entries defined are used as selection criteria for the data export.
Click on Accept.
4. You can now schedule when the export should take place. In the Start time SAP
standard dialog, enter the date or the event at which the export should take
place. If required, you can schedule the export to run periodically. For further
details, see the SAP Help.
After the job has run, the data is placed in the outbox and is ready to be
transferred to the Livelink ECM – PDMS Context Server. This results in the
creation of a log containing the following information:
• The number of entries in the outbox before the data export
• The number of new data records and documents inserted in the outbox
• The number of entries currently in the outbox

Figure 14-11: Result protocol for data export

5. You must then schedule the /IXOS/AX_TRANSFER report to transfer the data to
the Livelink ECM – PDMS Context Server (SM36 transaction). If required, you can
also schedule this job to run periodically, or always in connection with the job
which places the data in the outbox (step 4).
For further details, see the SAP Help.
Alternatively, you can select a Mapping Service to restrict the data transfer to a
single PDMS Context Server. Otherwise, all the data in the outbox is transferred.

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Chapter 14 Customizing for data exchange with PDMS Context Server

Note: The parameter (the Only "immediately" entries flag) is only used
for project-specific solutions and is generally blank.
As soon as the job has been successfully completed, the data is available on the
Livelink ECM – PDMS Context Server. Again this results in the creation of a log
containing the following information:
• Number of data records and documents transferred
• Number of entries deleted in the outbox (all entries are deleted after the

Figure 14-12: Result protocol for data transfer

14.3 Customizing for display of PDMS Context Server

So-called exchange structures are required to display data from an Livelink ECM –
PDMS Context Server in an external application. This data structure must be created
and then, like the data types in a data export, imported from an SAP system to the
Livelink ECM – PDMS Context Server (via the Livelink ECM – PDMS Document
Modeler). This is also where the mapping of property values between application
and ECR data types for the transfer is defined.
To display data from the Livelink ECM – PDMS Context Server, run the configured
view as usual in the DocuLink application (J6NY transaction).
• When data is retrieved, only the current document version, the configured
standard rendition and the main component of the Context Server records
are considered.
• Re-imported ArchiveLink documents, i.e. those sent to the Livelink ECM –
PDMS Context Server using the data export function and which then
reappear in the tree by means of a Context Server record type node, cannot
be displayed. You need to use a standard document node (type 1) to display
these documents.

180 Customizing and Administration Guide DC090501-CGD-EN

14.3 Customizing for display of PDMS Context Server records

• The appropriate (read) access authorization to a document is required to

display a document from an Livelink ECM – PDMS Context Server. This is
not always automatically the case, in particular for documents that have not
been transferred to the Livelink ECM – PDMS Context Server from the SAP
system (but e.g. have come via the Livelink ECM – Production Document
To allow an SAP system to display documents from an Livelink ECM –
PDMS Context Server, a URL for the PDMS Context Server is generated,
signed by the SAP system and opened in a browser. The PDMS Context
Server checks whether the user who signs the URL in the SAP system (i.e.
the technical user with the SAP certificate for the signature check) has the
appropriate access authorization for the documents.
You must therefore ensure (in the Livelink ECM – PDMS Document Modeler)
that the technical SAP user being used to access the PDMS Context Server
has been assigned to a user group that has write access to the required
documents. Otherwise, you will have to add the user to the appropriate
group in Open Text User Management.

Figure 14-13: Components involved in customizing the display of data from an

Livelink ECM – PDMS Context Server in Livelink ECM – DocuLink for SAP

Customizing for displaying Context Server records from an PDMS Context Server
includes the following tasks:
1. Maintaining the mapping service and Livelink ECM – PDMS Context Server in the
SAP system
2. Create exchange structures for the data transfer.

DC090501-CGD-EN Livelink ECM – DocuLink for SAP Solutions 9.5.1 181

Chapter 14 Customizing for data exchange with PDMS Context Server

3. Export data types for the exchange structures used.

In the Livelink ECM – PDMS Document Modeler:

4. Create ECR mapping configurations for all .
5. Import data types for exchange structures.
6. Mapping property values for the Context Server Record types of the exchange
7. If required: Creating value tables for mapping single values (value maps)

14.3.1 Customizing in the Livelink ECM – PDMS Document

Once the data types have been exported from the SAP system, you must import
them to the Livelink ECM – PDMS Document Modeler to ensure that the data types are
known on the Livelink ECM – PDMS Context Server, so that a mapping can be
defined in a subsequent step between the Context Server Record types and the
application record types. In this case the data types do not need to be converted,
since the corresponding Context Server Record types already exist.
Requirement: Installation of the Livelink ECM – PDMS Document Modeler:
In order to implement the configuration described below, the Livelink ECM –
PDMS Document Modeler must be fully installed, including the Business
Application Integration Service. Installation of the Livelink ECM – PDMS
Document Modeler is described in the Livelink ECM – PDMS Context Server
installation manual for the platform (see
235). Installation of the BAI Servlet is described in the installation manual for
the application . For details on using the Livelink ECM – PDMS Document
Modeler, see Livelink ECM - PDMS Document Modeler - Customization Guide (CC-

182 Customizing and Administration Guide DC090501-CGD-EN

14.3 Customizing for display of PDMS Context Server records

Figure 14-14: Customizing steps in the Livelink ECM – PDMS Document

Modeler for the display of data from a PDMS Context Server in Livelink ECM –
DocuLink for SAP Solutions

For each XML file exported with a set of data types from an external application, the
following steps must be carried out in the Livelink ECM – PDMS Document Modeler.
1. Create a new mapping configuration
2. Importing an external schema
3. Define the property types mapping
4. If required: Creating value tables for mapping single values( value maps) Creating a mapping configuration for the exchange structures

and importing an external schema
Note: You do not need to create a separate mapping configuration for each
XML file with exported data types. You can also import several schemas into
one configuration. However, the application record types within a
configuration must be unique.

To create a mapping configuration:

1. In the navigation area, select the Mapping Configurations entry from the Data
Dictionary and then select the New Configuration... option from either the Edit
menu or the context menu.
A new entry for the configuration is created and the properties (Properties) of the
new entry appear on the right.
2. Enter a name (Identifier) for the configuration. We recommend that you use the
following syntax for the name:

DC090501-CGD-EN Livelink ECM – DocuLink for SAP Solutions 9.5.1 183

Chapter 14 Customizing for data exchange with PDMS Context Server

Tip: The modified name does not appear in the display until you change
the focus, i.e. click somewhere else.
3. Open the newly created mapping configuration in the navigation area.
The Record Mappings and Schemas sub-entries appear.

Figure 14-15: Mapping configuration: Folder structure

4. Right-click on Schemas and select the Import External Schema option from the
context menu.
The Import wizard starts.
5. Enter the name of the XML file containing the schema, i.e. the data type
information from the external application.
Alternatively, you can search the local file system for the file by clicking Browse.
6. Click Next.
The schema is imported. A new sub-entry for the imported schema appears
under Schemas. This contains the new( Record types) for the imported data
Note: No(Properties) are displayed for these new record types.
7. Click Save to save the new configuration and the new record types to the server. Editing the property mapping(Property Mapping) for the

exchange structures
Now you must define a mapping between the property values of the Context Server
Record types and the application record types (Property Mapping).

To edit the property mapping:

1. In the navigation area, right-click on the Record Mappings entry for the newly
created mapping configuration and select the New Record Mapping... option
from the context menu.
A new sub-entry is created for the Record Mapping.
2. Define the following information for the Record Mapping:
Select the From Context Server direction to import data to an external
Note: The To Context Server direction is required when exporting data
from an external application to the Livelink ECM – PDMS Context Server.

184 Customizing and Administration Guide DC090501-CGD-EN

14.3 Customizing for display of PDMS Context Server records

Internal Record Type

Name of the Context Server Record type containing the data to be displayed
in the external application.
External Record Type
Name of the data type imported from the external application.
As soon as you change the focus, i.e. click somewhere else, the entry for the
Record Mapping is renamed according to the following syntax:
<Context Server Record type> -> <Application record type>
3. In the navigation area, right-click on the newly created Record Mapping and
select the Create default property mapping option from the context menu.
The mapping wizard starts.
4. By default a direct mapping (Direct Mapping) is proposed, i.e. for each property
of the Context Server Record type, a property in the application record type is
assigned. The mapping is based on the property names, taking the
recommended naming syntax for properties into consideration (<name
space>:<property name>).

Figure 14-16: Mapping configuration: Exchange structures

DC090501-CGD-EN Livelink ECM – DocuLink for SAP Solutions 9.5.1 185

Chapter 14 Customizing for data exchange with PDMS Context Server

5. To change the map type, click in the Map Type column of the relevant property
and select the required type from the selection list. The following types are
Map Type Description
Direct Map- For each property of the Context Server Record type, a
ping property in the application record type is assigned.
Expression The mapping is made using a standard XPath expression (in
the Source/Expression field), e.g. to concatenate separate
ECR fields into one combined application field (e.g.
street+house number=address) or vice versa.
For further details on the XML Path Language (XPath), see
Value map- Mapping using single values. The converted value of each
ping possible value is defined in a value table (Value Map). The
value table must have been defined in advance for it to be
available for selection here (see “Creating Value Tables for
Single-Value Mapping “Value Maps”” on page 175).

6. The contents of the Source/Expression column vary according to the Map Type:
Map Type Source/Expression Example
Direct Map- The ECR property (the
ping source object of the
Expression The XPath expression concat(/request/mapping/sende

to combine the sender (e.g. SAP

system) and the SAP object into an
Value map- The ECR property (the
ping source object of the

7. Click Next.
The property mapping is created and the status of the process is displayed.
8. Click Finish to close the wizard when the mapping has been defined.
The mapping now appears in the Mapping Configuration under Property
9. Click Save to save the new property mapping to the server.

186 Customizing and Administration Guide DC090501-CGD-EN

14.3 Customizing for display of PDMS Context Server records

14.3.2 DocuLink customizing for displaying IXOS Records

In order to display data from an Livelink ECM – PDMS Context Server in a DocuLink
view, you must create Context Server Record type nodes in the view and select an
exchange structure and a mapping service for each attribute object used at these
node types.

To customize DocuLink for displaying IXOS Records:

1. In the SAP System, run the J6NP (DocuLink Customizing) transaction.
2. Create a DocuLink view for the data to be displayed at a later stage (for further
details, see “Defining projects, versions and views” on page 57). In the place
where data from an Livelink ECM – PDMS Context Server will be displayed,
insert a type R - IXOS Record type node.
R - IXOS Record type node types are indicated by an icon in the view editor.

• If you create an Context Server Record type below a dynamic node
(type 4), this will not be displayed - the PDMS Context Server does not
support COLLECTcommands.
• No editing functions are allowed for Context Server Record type
nodes (Insert/Delete/Change tab in the node type settings dialog, see
“Insert/Delete/Change” on page 123)
• You can define how these special node types are displayed in user-
specific settings (see Section 14.2.1 "Defining color settings" in Livelink
DocuLink for SAP Solutions - User Guide (DC-UGD)).
3. Maintain an exchange structure and a mapping service for each attribute object
assigned to an R - IXOS Record type node.
a. On the Attribute objects tab, under General in the Data structure field,
enter the name of the exchange structure (for further details, see ).
b. Internal document reference
If the record type relates to IXOS documents (i.e. the exchange structure
contains the /IXOS/AX_S_ECR_DOCUMENT_PROP include structure), you must
set the Internal document reference flag (see “General” on page 91).
c. Mapping service
Select a mapping service for the data from the Livelink ECM – PDMS Context
Server. The Mapping Service defines the corresponding server and the
mapping configuration between the and the SAP system. Maintenance of
mapping services and the Livelink ECM – PDMS Context Server is described
in “Maintaining the mapping service and Livelink ECM – PDMS Context
Serverin the SAP system” on page 161.

DC090501-CGD-EN Livelink ECM – DocuLink for SAP Solutions 9.5.1 187

Chapter 14 Customizing for data exchange with PDMS Context Server

14.3.3 Customizing in the Livelink ECM – PDMS Document

Once the data types have been exported from the SAP system, you must import
them to the Livelink ECM – PDMS Document Modeler to ensure that the data types are
known on the Livelink ECM – PDMS Context Server, so that a mapping can be
defined in a subsequent step between the Context Server Record types and the
application record types. In this case the data types do not need to be converted,
since the corresponding Context Server Record types already exist.
Requirement: Installation of the Livelink ECM – PDMS Document Modeler:
In order to implement the configuration described below, the Livelink ECM –
PDMS Document Modeler must be fully installed, including the Business
Application Integration (BAI) Service. Installation of the Livelink ECM – PDMS
Document Modeler is described in the Livelink ECM – PDMS Context Server
installation manual for the platform (see
235). Installation of the BAI Service is described in the installation manual for
the application . For details on using the Livelink ECM – PDMS Document
Modeler, see Livelink ECM - PDMS Document Modeler - Customization Guide (CC-

Figure 14-17: Customizing steps in the Livelink ECM – PDMS Document

Modeler for the display of data from an IXOS ECR Context Server in Livelink
ECM – DocuLink for SAP Solutions

For each XML file exported with a set of data types from an external application, the
following steps must be carried out in the Livelink ECM – PDMS Document Modeler.
1. Create a new mapping configuration
2. Importing an external schema
3. Define the property types mapping

188 Customizing and Administration Guide DC090501-CGD-EN

14.3 Customizing for display of PDMS Context Server records

4. If required: Creating value tables for mapping single values( value maps) Creating a mapping configuration for the exchange structures

and Importing an external schema
Note: You do not need to create a separate mapping configuration for each
XML file with exported data types. You can also import several schemas into
one configuration. However, the application record types within a
configuration must be unique.

To create a mapping configuration:

1. In the navigation area, select the Mapping Configurations entry from the Data
Dictionary and then select the New Configuration... option from either the Edit
menu or the context menu.
A new entry for the configuration is created and the properties (Properties) of the
new entry appear on the right.
2. Enter a name (Identifier) for the configuration. We recommend that you use the
following syntax for the name:

Tip: The modified name does not appear in the display until you change
the focus, i.e. click somewhere else.
3. Open the newly created mapping configuration in the navigation area.
The Record Mappings and Schemas sub-entries appear.

Figure 14-18: Mapping configuration: Folder structure

4. Right-click on Schemas and select the Import External Schema option from the
context menu.
The Import wizard starts.
5. Enter the name of the XML file containing the schema, i.e. the data type
information from the external application.
Alternatively, you can search the local file system for the file by clicking Browse.
6. Click Next.
The schema is imported. A new sub-entry for the imported schema appears
under Schemas. This contains the new( Record types) for the imported data
Note: No(Properties) are displayed for these new record types.

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Chapter 14 Customizing for data exchange with PDMS Context Server

7. Click Save to save the new configuration and the new record types to the server. Editing the property mapping(Property Mapping) for the

exchange structures
Now you must define a mapping between the property values of the Context Server
Record types and the application record types(Property Mapping) .

To edit the property mapping:

1. In the navigation area, right-click on the Record Mappings entry for the newly
created mapping configuration and select the New Record Mapping... option
from the context menu.
A new sub-entry is created for the Record Mapping.
2. Define the following information for the Record Mapping:
Select the From ECR direction to import data to an external application.
Note: The To ECR direction is required when exporting data from an
external application to the Livelink ECM – PDMS Context Server.
ECR Record Type
Name of the Context Server Record type containing the data to be displayed
in the external application.
External Record Type
Name of the data type imported from the external application.
As soon as you change the focus, i.e. click somewhere else, the entry for the
Record Mapping is renamed according to the following syntax:
<Context Server Record type> -> <Application record type>
3. In the navigation area, right-click on the newly created Record Mapping and
select the Create default property mapping option from the context menu.
The mapping wizard starts.
4. By default a direct mapping(Direct Mapping) is proposed, i.e. for each property
of the Context Server Record type, a property in the application record type is
assigned. The mapping is based on the property names, taking the
recommended naming syntax for properties into consideration (<name
space>:<property name>).

190 Customizing and Administration Guide DC090501-CGD-EN

14.3 Customizing for display of PDMS Context Server records

Figure 14-19: Mapping configuration: Exchange structures

5. To change the map type, click in the Map Type column of the relevant property
and select the required type from the selection list. The following types are
Map Type Description
Direct Map- For each property of the Context Server Record type, a
ping property in the application record type is assigned.
Expression The mapping is made using a standard XPath expression (in
the Source/Expression field), e.g. to concatenate separate
ECR fields into one combined application field (e.g.
street+house number=address) or vice versa.
For further details on the XML Path Language (XPath), see
Value map- Mapping using single values. The converted value of each
ping possible value is defined in a value table (Value Map). The
value table must have been defined in advance for it to be
available for selection here (see “Creating Value Tables for
Single-Value Mapping “Value Maps”” on page 175).

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Chapter 14 Customizing for data exchange with PDMS Context Server

6. The contents of the Source/Expression column vary according to the Map Type:
Map Type Source/Expression Example
Direct Map- The ECR property (the
ping source object of the
Expression The XPATH expression concat(T000.MTEXT,':',T000.OR
to combine the postcode and town
into an address entry.
Value map- The ECR property (the
ping source object of the

7. Click Next.
The property mapping is created and the status of the process is displayed.
8. Click Finish to close the wizard when the mapping has been defined.
The mapping now appears in the Mapping Configuration under Property
9. Click Save to save the new property mapping to the server.

192 Customizing and Administration Guide DC090501-CGD-EN

Chapter 15
Customizing for generic object services (GOS) in
The generic object services provide functions that are available in various SAP
applications. Using these functions, business objects can be processed, e.g. starting a
workflow with an object. You can also store URLs with an object using GOS, for
instance to navigate from a supplier to their product catalog. Thus you can also
access Livelink documents that have been assigned to an object. To provide these
services in DocuLink, some customizing steps are necessary.
DocuLink itself can also be called as a generic object service. That way you can
display DocuLink data for a particular business object directly from within other
SAP applications. The business object data can automatically be used as selection
criteria for the DocuLink view.

15.1 Using generic object services in DocuLink

In DocuLink you can also provide SAP generic object services (GOS) for value table
nodes. Thus you can extend the standard DocuLink functionality, e.g. for workflow
Using generic object services requires maintaining an SAP object at the attribute
object (see “General” on page 91).
You customize the services for DocuLink at the attribute object. The services
available for DocuLink are maintained in the table /IXOS/DC46_TCGDS which can be
edited directly from the attribute object customizing screen.

To customize GOS services for DocuLink:

1. In the J6NP transaction, open the settings dialog for the attribute object you
want to define generic object services for.
2. Click on the Generic object services button in the General tab.
3. Add one entry in the table per service to display or hide the required services;
enter the following values:

DC090501-CGD-EN Customizing and Administration Guide 193

Chapter 15 Customizing for generic object services (GOS) in DocuLink

Figure 15-1: Settings dialog: GOS services for DocuLink

Choose whether the services defined in Name and Name are to be selected
or hidden.
Select the Select specified values option.
Choose the operator to define whether Name and Name are distinct values,
a value range, or a pattern.
For GOS services select Equal: Single value.
Select the required GOS service to be activated, e.g.:
• WF_START for a workflow,

• VIEW_ATTA to display attachments to an object, e.g. Livelink documents

or a product catalog
• URL_CREA to assign URL shortcuts to an object, for example Livelink
documents or a product catalog
As a GOS service is a single value, this field remains empty.

194 Customizing and Administration Guide DC090501-CGD-EN

15.2 Providing DocuLink as a generic object service

After configuration, the specified GOS services will be available in the context menu
of the value table nodes in the application view (J6NY).
Note: For technical reasons it is not possible to make the services available in
the toolbar.
Archiving Livelink documents to an object:
Using GOS services, you can also store shortcuts to external documents, e.g.
Livelink documents, to an object. To do so, select the Create Create external
document (URL) option from the context menu of a node which is configured
accordingly, and then enter the URL to the required document.

15.2 Providing DocuLink as a generic object service

You can define DocuLink as a generic object service (GOS) and provide it in the
GOS menu. When you run this service for a specific business object in another
transaction, the specified view with the corresponding DocuLink data is displayed
in a separate window.
Note: Note that users require the authorization for the DocuLink project
opened by the GOS. Otherwise they cannot access the view despite the
available GOS function.

To provide DocuLink as a GOS:

1. Adapt the entry for the DocuLink object service in the GOS menu.
2. Define the assignment between the object type, for which the service is to be
provided, and the DocuLink view to be displayed. This assignment is project-

Note: To display Livelink documents in DocuLink views, the VIEW_ATTA

(Attachment list) GOS service must be configured for the employed attribute
objects, see “Using generic object services in DocuLink” on page 193.

To adapt the entry for the DocuLink object service in the GOS menu:
1. Open the SGOSATTR table, e.g. in the SM30 transaction.
2. Make sure the DocuLink service (IXOS_DC) is included in the table.
3. In the SGOSATTR table, select the entry INFO_SERVICE, if available, otherwise
Barcode, and open it in edit mode.

In the Next service field, enter IXOS_DC. This causes the DocuLink entry to
follow the INFO_SERVICE or Barcode entries in the GOS menu.
4. In the SGOSATTR table, select the entry IXOS_DC, and open it in edit mode.

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Chapter 15 Customizing for generic object services (GOS) in DocuLink

In the Service type field, enter Single service. This is important as
otherwise the entry will not appear in the GOS menu.

5. Save your changes.

The DocuLink GOS services is now available in all SAP applications.
Note: The menu option is available in all SAP applications. However, if no
assignment is maintained for the object type used in the transaction to a
DocuLink view (in the /IXOS/DC46_TBGOS table, see “To define the
assignment between the object type and the DocuLink view:” on page 196),
or if the user does not have the required authorization for the view, the
function cannot be executed.

To define the assignment between the object type and the DocuLink view:
1. Execute the DocuLink customizing transaction (J6NP).
2. Select the DocuLink project and version you want to define the assignment for.
3. In the toolbar of the view editor, click the GOS button.
4. Add an entry in the table for each business object type for which you want to
provide the service, and enter the following values for it:
Note: If you create several entries for the same object type, a list of
available views is displayed when the GOS service is requested.
View number of the DocuLink view to be displayed
Node type
Node type to which the hierarchy tree is expanded when displayed. Usually
this is the document node that contains the documents assigned to the SAP
Attribute object
Attribute object assigned to the SAP-Object type.
Object type
The business object, e.g. BKPF; corresponds with the SAP-Object type in the
attribute object settings

196 Customizing and Administration Guide DC090501-CGD-EN

Chapter 16
Customizing for integration in other systems
DocuLink enables you to integrate data from various systems into the DocuLink
structures, as well as to integrate DocuLink views in other systems.

16.1 Customizing for integrating other (logical) SAP

systems in DocuLink
You can access data from other SAP systems from within a DocuLink view in a
“leading” SAP system.
Thus you can access all enterprise-wide data from one view. Possible data is table
entries (e.g. R/3 documents) and original documents (e.g. ArchiveLink documents).
Integration is implemented via ALE (Application Link Enabling).
Consider the following points for integration:
• The same project view must be installed on all SAP systems whose data you
want to display. One system is specified as the leading system, from which the
integration is controlled. The customizing for this view needn't be identical on all
systems; in particular, some settings are unique on the leading system.
Note: We recommend using the SAP system with the highest basis version
as the leading system, as otherwise compatibility problems may arise.
• The authorization check for access to all systems is performed on the leading
system. It is not necessary for all users to have explicit logon information for all
systems. The “collective user” however, who accesses the external systems,
requires certain authorizations (see ).
• For each node type, only data from one SAP system can be displayed
To set up the integration, both ALE and the DocuLink view must be configured.

16.1.1 Configuring ALE

Application Link Enabling (ALE) is set up in the SAP Customizing. Already existing
ALE structures can also be used to integrate logical systems in DocuLink. Otherwise
ALE must be newly created. Enter the customizing via the SAP Reference IMG
(SPRO transaction)

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Chapter 16 Customizing for integration in other systems

Perform the following steps:

1. For each target system, define a Logical system.
2. For each logical system, define a RFC destination.
3. Assign each logical system a RFC destination.

16.1.2 Configuring DocuLink views

Integrating different SAP systems in one DocuLink view requires the same view of
the same project version to be installed on all systems from which data is to be
displayed . However, the special settings for the integration are only defined in the
leading system. Thus you must first import the view with the general data in all
systems before you carry out the following special configuration for the leading

To configure on the DocuLink side:

1. Create a DocuLink view as usual which will display data from all required SAP
a. Assign each node type an attribute object for the required table or data
structure in the respective SAP system.
b. In case the required table or data structure does not exist in the system you
are designing the view in, create an auxiliary structure and specify it at the
attribute object.
Tip: To create the auxiliary structure, you can use the DocuLink report
/IXOS/DC_CREATE_STRUCTURE_RFC. Execute it in the SE38 transaction
and as parameters enter the table name, for which you want to create
an auxiliary structure, the logical system in which the table actually
exists, and the required prefix for the name range (that will be used as
a prefix to the table name). Be aware that the name range must begin
with Y or Z, or you must use a specific customer name range (e.g.

c. In the General tab, leave the Logical system empty.

2. Import this view in all SAP systems from which data is to be displayed.
3. Check all assigned tables and data structures in all systems, and, if necessary,
replace the auxiliary structures with the actual table names or data structures
which exist in the current system. Possibly you must create new auxiliary
structures for other attribute objects, if again the corresponding tables and data
structures do not exist on the current system.
4. Define one system as the leading system. In this system, the authorization check
is performed and thus the access to all other SAP systems is controlled.
5. Open the view in the leading system and edit the configuration for each
attribute object that is to display data from a different SAP system.

198 Customizing and Administration Guide DC090501-CGD-EN

16.1 Customizing for integrating other (logical) SAP systems in DocuLink

In the settings for the attribute object, in the General tab, select the system you
want to assign the attribute object to in the Logical system field.

Now you can find the data from other SAP systems at the configured node types of
the DocuLink view in the leading system.

Example 16-1: Example for integrating logical systems in a DocuLink view

System A as As an example, take an ERP system and a CRM system. Now you would like to
leading system display purchase data from both systems in one DocuLink view. To do so, you
create attribute objects in both systems, e.g. A_A0_VBAK for the purchase orders in
the ERP system, and B_AO_CRMDA_H for the purchase orders in the CRM system. The
prefixes indicate that the first table comes from the system A, the second from the
system B. We assume the view is being designed in system A and will then be
imported to system B.
Attribute objects In system A (the ERP system), the attribute object A_A0_VBAK can be assigned to the
system A VBAK table directly. However, no table for the CRM purchase orders exists there, as
it is an ERP system, so that an auxiliary structure must be created for the
B_AO_CRMDA_H object.

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Chapter 16 Customizing for integration in other systems

Creating an The auxiliary structure /IXOS/CRM_ORDERADM_H is created using the DocuLink


Attribute objects The view is imported to system B. In system B (the CRM system), however, no VBAK
system B table exists, thus the assignment to the attribute object A_A0_VBAK must be edited
and an auxiliary structure /IXOS/VBAK must be created. Therefore, the auxiliary
structure B_AO_CRMDA_H can be replaced by the existing table CRM_ORDERADM_H.
Configuring the In the leading system A, the logical system must be specified, namely for the
logical system attribute object B_AO_CRMDA_H, since this is where you want to access data from a
foreign system.

200 Customizing and Administration Guide DC090501-CGD-EN

16.1 Customizing for integrating other (logical) SAP systems in DocuLink

Now when you open the DocuLink view in system A, the purchase data from
system A is displayed below the ERP customers node, and the purchase data from
system B are displayed below the CRM business partners node.

DC090501-CGD-EN Livelink ECM – DocuLink for SAP Solutions 9.5.1 201

Chapter 16 Customizing for integration in other systems

16.2 Customizing for integrating PLM documents in

In DocuLink documents from an SAP PLM DMS document model can be integrated
in the structure tree as well.
The D - DVS/PLM Document model node type is used for this. This node type may
only be used as a child node for a value table node (representing the PLM info
record). Furthermore, the following configuration is required:
• Both the value table node and the PLM node type must be assigned to a DRAW
• In the specification of the Document types for the PLM document, the Use KPro
option must be activated.
(SPRO transaction, SAP Reference IMG, menu item:Cross-Application
Components Document Management Control Data Define Document

• In the specification of the storage system (content repository), Document

Management System must be defined as the Document area.
(SPRO transaction, SAP Reference IMG, menu item:Cross-Application
Components Document Management General Data Settings for
Storage Systems Maintain storage system)

202 Customizing and Administration Guide DC090501-CGD-EN

16.2 Customizing for integrating PLM documents in DocuLink

Note: That means that no ArchiveLink documents can be archived in this

storage system.
• To display the PLM documents, the users require the SAP_CA_DMS_DISPLAY role.

To jump to the PLM transaction (CV03N) directly from DocuLink, the users re-
quire the SAP_CA_DMS_MAINTAIN role.

DC090501-CGD-EN Livelink ECM – DocuLink for SAP Solutions 9.5.1 203

Chapter 17
Customizing for chosen sample projects
Some standard views of the existing business objects are provided as sample
projects in DocuLink. To help you understand the customizing and to illustrate
some special aspects of defining the views, the most important components of
customizing some of these sample projects will be described in the following.

17.1 Linked objects example

The $EX_LINK project is an example of linking two independent tables:
Representation of an M:N product-customer relationship. For this example, the
authorization profile J_6NB_PROF is required.
This sample project has already been described in parts within customizing in
expert mode. Now some special aspects will be described in more detail.
Note: Using the new step-by-step instructions following the described
pragmatic method, you can easily reproduce the sample project Linked
objects yourself. Here you can also find detailed explanations of the
employed settings and options.
The following figure shows the hierarchy design for the sample view Products and
Customers in the view editor and the view resulting from it.

DC090501-CGD-EN Customizing and Administration Guide 205

Chapter 17 Customizing for chosen sample projects

Figure 17-1: Sample project: Linked objects

17.1.1 Implementing the linking of tables

Link table For each of the customers in the sub-tree Customer, only those products are to be
Product- listed that are assigned to this customer. However, the products are available in a
different table from the customer data. The assignment of products to individual
customers is carried out in the link tables. When no link is specified, selection from a
product table under a customer merely outputs all products contained in the
product table. If, however, it is possible to use a link table to find an assignment of
an individual customer to particular products, then the selection in the product table
can be limited to these products. To this end, a link object is specified at the
(customer-dependent) product node type, namely the attribute object that is
assigned to the Product-Customers link table.
Assigning one In order to implement the link between the customer and product tables it is
selection field to necessary to assign two attribute objects to the selection field SF_CUSTOMER at the
two attribute
objects same time. These are, on the one hand, the customer table CUSTOMER, which is used
to uniquely identify the customer and, on the other, the link table LINK_PC, which is
used to identify the assigned product. Similarly, the selection field with the product
number (SF_PRODUCT) is assigned both to the attribute object of the product table
(PRODUCT) and to the attribute object of the link table (LINK_PC). This results in the
relationship illustrated below:

206 Customizing and Administration Guide DC090501-CGD-EN

17.1 Linked objects example

Figure 17-2: Relationship between the attribute objects and selection fields in
the sample project Linked objects

Since the link table contains the key fields from both tables, an M:N relationship is

Note on link attribute objects

For link attribute objects, the direction is also specified. If you want to use both
directions of a link (e.g. customer with product assignment and product with
customer assignment), you will need two link attribute objects. The direction is
determined by the Child flag during the assignment of the attribute object to the
selection field (see also “Assigning selection fields to attribute object fields” on
page 109). This option must be set for the fields in the “child” of the link.
For example, in the sample view Products and Customers there is a link table for
the relationship between customers and products. The associated product is to be
displayed for each customer. In this case, the customer is the parent and the
product, which is dependent on the customer, is the child. This Child flag must
therefore be set when you assign the selection field for the product with the
corresponding link table attribute object.

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Chapter 17 Customizing for chosen sample projects

17.1.2 Employed node types and selection types

Root node The root node is named View to Customers and Products. No selection is defined;
the node just serves as a way into the view.
Static nodes The static nodes Product and Customer both have the selection type 2. This means
that these nodes will always be displayed regardless of whether or not there are any
results to display in the hierarchy below them. These nodes provide the view with a
two-part structure: the product branch and the customer branch.
Dynamic nodes When a dynamic node type is opened, a selection is triggered which takes into
account the collective restrictions made for the higher nodes. The results of the
query are displayed in different nodes so that it is possible to filter the information
further after the query.
In the example, these are the classifying nodes: 00 Others, 01 Computer industry,
02 Trade and 03 Automobile industry. These, in turn, structure subsequent nodes
which are not specified from the beginning but are dependent on the existing
attribute values in the customer table field Classification.
Value table In the Linked objects sample view, there is a value-table node for each customer
nodes with the data from the customer table, e.g. Customer 1000000001 IXOS AG. When
you open the details for this customer, you see the corresponding attribute values.
Document nodes The document node type is required in order to display the document which
belongs to an attribute record, or to create new documents, and as such can only
sensibly be located below a value-table node. The document is uniquely identified
by the query executed when the node type is invoked. The document node type
represents the leaf at the end of a navigation path.
In the sample view, there is a document stored for the customer IXOS AG, which can
be found at the document node Document: 19.08.1999Customer document.

17.1.3 Description of the assignment of selection fields to

node types
Selection screen Since a selection screen is to be defined for Product, the selection fields SF_PRODUCT
and SF_PRODUCT_NAME must be assigned to the node type PRODUCT_STAT.
Dynamic node Each dynamic node type must be assigned precisely one COLLECT field. When a
types selection is performed, a line is output for each different value in this field. When a
classification is performed, this should be the selection field SF_CLASS.
Consequently, this selection field is assigned to the node type

Node type texts In order to display the corresponding data in the customer value table node type,
the node type ALL_CUSTOMERS is assigned the selection fields SF_CUSTOMER_NAME
Similarly, the node type ALL_PRODUCTS is assigned the selection fields

208 Customizing and Administration Guide DC090501-CGD-EN

17.1 Linked objects example

Cut selection Since ALL the customers for the product are to be displayed below the product, all
for child the selection fields which may act as a customer restriction (SF_CUSTOMER_NAME,
SF_CUSTOMER, SF_CLASS) must also be assigned to the product (ALL_PRODUCTS) and
the Cut selection for child flag has to be set.

17.1.4 Creating the sample view using the pragmatic method

In this section, the sample view Products and Customers is used to explain how to
build a view step-by-step. This is done following the pragmatic method described in
Section 11.1.2. Planning the view

Before the first step is performed in DocuLink, you must consider the following
aspects in advance:
1. The documents
a. What documents are to be displayed?
Answer: Customer documents
b. Which SAP tables contain their indexing information?
c. Which additional SAP tables do you need in order to display additional
information for these documents?
You can derive the required attribute objects directly from the answer:

Table 17-1: Derivation of the required attribute objects from the tables

Table Description Attribute object



/IXOS/DC_EX_CL Classification of customers CLASS

/IXOS/DC_EX_ADDR Customer address information ADDRESS

/IXOS/DC_EX_LCP Auxiliary table for the relation- LINK_PC, LINK_CP

ship product?customer

2. The user groups

a. What information do your users have about the documents?
Answer: Either product name or customer name
b. What additional information will users need along the way to complete any
outstanding processing steps?
Answer: Products assigned to a customer; customer address

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Chapter 17 Customizing for chosen sample projects

3. Navigation: depth and notes

a. How many levels do you need?
Answer: 4 or 6:
For the product branch:
1. Root
2. Product branch
3. Product
4. Customer assigned to the product
For the customer branch:
1. Root
2. Customer branch
3. Classification by industry sector
4. Customer
5. Customer address, product/customer document assigned to the
6. Customers assigned to the product
The required node types can be derived directly from the levels of the tree:

Table 17-2: Derivation of the required node types

Level Node type


Product branch PRODUCT_STAT


Customer assigned to the product CUSTOMER_OF_PRODUCT

Customer branch CUSTOMER_STAT

Classification by industry sector CLASS


Customer document assigned to the cus- CUSTOMER_DOCUMENT

Customer address CUSTOMER_ADDRESS

Product assigned to the customer PRODUCT_OF_CUSTOMER

Customers assigned to the product CUSTOMER_OF_PROD2

210 Customizing and Administration Guide DC090501-CGD-EN

17.1 Linked objects example

b. How much information does the user require to reach the desired
Answer: Product number / name or classification and customer name
c. Which information should be displayed at the top levels? Which
information on the lower levels?
Answer: Top level: Product name, customer classification by industry sector,
customer name
Sublevel: Assigned customers or products; customer address
d. What information do you want to provide at each level?
• Root: none
• Product: Name, number
• Customers assigned to the product: Customer name and number
• Classification: Class text, not the (internal) number
• Customer: Name, number
• Customer address: Name, city, country, telephone number
• Customer document: Archiving date, document type, document type
• assigned product: Name, number
From these answers you can derive the required selection fields and which
attribute objects they must be assigned to.

Table 17-3: Derivation of the required selection fields

Information Attribute Field Selection field






DC090501-CGD-EN Livelink ECM – DocuLink for SAP Solutions 9.5.1 211

Chapter 17 Customizing for chosen sample projects

Information Attribute Field Selection field


e. What is to occur at each level in the view: search dialog, filtering of

information, display of static text?
• Root: text output only
• Product branch: Selection screen with product number and name
• Product: Selection by product number and name
• Customers assigned to the product: Database selection by customer
number, name and class
• Customer: Selection by customer number, name and class
• Customer address: Selection by name, city, country, telephone number
• Customer document: Text output, document display
• assigned product: Selection by customer number, name and class, as
well as product number and name
The required assignment of selection fields to node types can be derived from
the answers to this question.

Table 17-4: Derivation of the assignment of selection fields to node type

Node type Selection field Used for

ALL_PRODUCTS SF_PRODUCT_NAME Selection at database
ALL_PRODUCTS SF_PRODUCT Selection at database
CUSTOMER_OF_PRODUCT SF_CLASS Selection at database
ALL_CUSTOMERS SF_CUSTOMER Selection at database
CUSTOMER_ADDRESS SF_CITY Selection at database

212 Customizing and Administration Guide DC090501-CGD-EN

17.1 Linked objects example

Node type Selection field Used for

CUSTOMER_ADDRESS SF_PHONE Selection at database
PRODUCT_OF_CUSTOMER SF_CLASS Selection at database
CUSTOMER_OF_PROD2 SF_CLASS Selection at database

Tip: To create the view following the classic method, use this collection of
required elements as a guideline and create the elements in the tab view one
after the other. For the node types you must switch to the view editor. Defining the view header data

After you have finished the planning, you can now start with the actual creation of
the view in the DocuLink customizing transaction (J6NP).
When you execute the transaction, the tab view is displayed immediately, with the
Views tab at the front.

To define the view header data:

1. Switch to Expert mode.
2. Click on Create to open the settings dialog. Only the General tab is relevant for
3. Enter number 001 so this view will be displayed first in the application view,
and enter Products and Customers as the name.
4. Save the settings. The view is created.

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Chapter 17 Customizing for chosen sample projects

Figure 17-3: Customizing step-by-step: Creating the view header data Creating the view iteratively

Now you must create the structure. To do so, switch to the view editor by double-
clicking on the newly created view in the tab view. The tree is still empty.

Figure 17-4: Customizing step-by-step: Starting in the view editor

To create a view iteratively:

1. Creating the root node
First the uppermost node type, the root node, is created.
a. Click on Create.
b. Select Root node from the selection screen and click on Create ( ) again.
Since a root node usually does not require any further settings, this node is
displayed in the tree immediately.

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17.1 Linked objects example

Figure 17-5: Customizing step-by-step: Creating the root node

c. By default, the description of the view is used as the output text for the root
node. To change this text, double-click on the node type to open the settings
dialog for node types, and enter the required text in the Text tab. Click on
Back and Save.
2. Creating the static node for the product branch
Now the first branch in the hierarchy tree is created.
a. Select the root node.
b. Click on Create, as child.
c. Select Normal node type from the selection screen.
d. Enter the name (PRODUCT_STAT) and a description (Products). As the
selection type, choose 2 - Static, display always.
e. In the Text tab, enter the text you want to display in the application view
f. Save the settings. The new node is displayed in the tree as soon as you
expand the folder in front of the root node.
3. Assigning selection fields
At this node you want to display a selection screen, thus you must assign the
required selection fields to the node type.
a. Click on the + sign in front of the node type PRODUCT_STAT, and again in
front of Selection screen.
b. Click on to create a selection field.
c. Create a selection field named SF_PRODUCT for the product number.

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Chapter 17 Customizing for chosen sample projects

Figure 17-6: Customizing step-by-step: Creating a selection field

d. Click on . The settings dialog for assigning selection fields to a node type
is displayed.

Figure 17-7: Customizing step-by-step: Assigning a selection field to a

node type

e. The usage type Selection screen is already selected. Click on Back and
Save. The selection field SF_PRODUCT is displayed as an assignment to the
node type PRODUCT_STAT for the usage Selection screen.

216 Customizing and Administration Guide DC090501-CGD-EN

17.1 Linked objects example

Figure 17-8: Customizing step-by-step: Assigned selection fields for a

selection screen

f. Similarly, create another selection field named SF_PRODUCTNAME and assign

it to the node type PRODUCT_STAT for the usage Selection screen.
4. Creating value table nodes for products
Below the static node type PRODUCT_STAT all existing values, i.e. products, are to
be displayed. Therefore, you must create a value table node.
a. Select the node type PRODUCT_STAT.
b. Click on Create, as child.
c. Select Normal node type from the selection screen.
d. Enter the name (ALL_PRODUCTS) and a description (e.g. All products under
static node type. As the selection type, choose 5 - Valuetab. Press the
Enter key.

e. Since value table nodes require an attribute object, further fields become
editable. Since a database selection in the table with the product data is
required at this node, enter PRODUCT as the attribute object here. You can
create it in the next step, after you have completed the settings for the node
f. To enable the user to add further products later, you must allow the insert,
copy and delete operations for this node type. To do so, activate the
corresponding options in the Insert/Delete tab in the node type settings.
g. Save the settings for the node type using Back and Save.
5. Creating an attribute object
Since you specified an attribute object which does not yet exist for the value
table node, you are asked whether you would like to create it now. Confirm
with Yes.
The settings dialog for attribute objects is opened.

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Chapter 17 Customizing for chosen sample projects

As the Data structure, enter the table containing the product data
(/IXOS/DC_EX_PROD). As the SAP-object type, enter J_6NG_PROD. Click on Back
and Save.
6. Assigning selection fields to the attribute object
After you have created the new attribute object, you must assign the selection
fields which are used for the selection screen at the PRODUCT_STAT node type, to
this attribute object. Thus you define the relationship between the abstract and
the actual table fields.
Note: Since you created the selection fields before the attribute object, you
cannot use the Suggest selection fields function in the settings dialog for
the attribute object in this case. You cannot enter already existing selection
field names in this function.
a. Click on the + sign in front of the attribute object and then on the sign in
the empty line. The settings dialog for the assignment of selection fields to
attribute objects is opened.
b. Enter the name of the attribute object (PRODUCT), as well as the selection
field (SF_PRODUCT) and specify the corresponding table field in the database
table (PRODUCT).
c. Optionally, you can define automatic entry for the product number. That
means that for each newly created product, a unique product number is
automatically assigned from a number range.
To do so, select the Type Number range and enter a valid number range
object an interval.
As the Event, select At database operation (insert/update), so that the
number assignment is performed in the background.
The event only Create ensures that the product number always stays the
Since the product key is always defined automatically, and only during the
database operation, a key validation cannot take place beforehand. Thus,
you must also explicitly inform the system that the key is indeed unique.
Activate the Unique key option.

218 Customizing and Administration Guide DC090501-CGD-EN

17.1 Linked objects example

Figure 17-9: Customizing step-by-step: Automatic entry for selection


d. Click on Back and Save. The selection field is assigned to the attribute object
in the view editor as well. The icon indicates the automatic entry.

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Chapter 17 Customizing for chosen sample projects

Figure 17-10: Customizing step-by-step: selection fields assigned to

the attribute object

e. Assign the selection field SF_PRODUCTNAME to the attribute object PRODUCT in

the same way. As the table field, enter NAME. Do not define automatic entry.
7. Assigning selection fields for database selection
At the node type ALL_PRODUCTS, the product names and numbers are to be
displayed. Thus you must assign the corresponding selection fields with the
option Used for Selection at database.
a. Click on the + sign in front of the node type and then on the Suggest
selection fields button next to the usage type All.
A selection list with all existing selection fields is displayed.

220 Customizing and Administration Guide DC090501-CGD-EN

17.1 Linked objects example

Figure 17-11: Customizing step-by-step: Suggesting selection fields

for assignment to the node type

b. Select the Data base option for both selection fields (SF_PRODUCT and
SF_PRODUCTNAME), and click on Back and Save.

The fields are displayed as assignments to the node type ALL_PRODUCTS for
the usage Data base.

Figure 17-12: Customizing step-by-step: selection fields assigned to

the node type

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Chapter 17 Customizing for chosen sample projects

8. Defining output text with selection fields

Define the output text for the node type ALL_PRODUCTS. At this node you want
to display the word Product, followed by the actual product name.
a. Click on the node type to open the settings dialog.
b. Select the Text substitution tab and enter the fixed text Product first.
c. Click the Selection fields button above the input area.
A list of all selection screens defined in the current project, in this case

Figure 17-13: Customizing step-by-step: Selecting assigned selection

fields for the node text

d. Choose the selection field SF_PRODUCTNAME, since you want to display the
name and not the number. Click on Accept.
The selection field is displayed in the input area, enclosed in ampersands.
(This is the syntax for using variables. In this case, the selection field is a
variable. Alternatively, you can enter the selection field like this manually.
9. Creating a value table node for the linked table
Beneath the product, the customers assigned to the product are to be displayed.
Therefore, another value table node with a linked attribute object is created
below the node type ALL_PRODUCTS.
a. Select the node type ALL_PRODUCTS.

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17.1 Linked objects example

b. Click on Create, as child.

c. Select Normal node type from the selection screen.
d. Enter the name (CUSTOMER_OF_PRODUCT) and a description (Kunde zu
Produkt). As the selection type, choose 5 - Valuetab. Press the Enter key.

e. The fields for the attribute object and the link attribute object become
editable. Since a database selection in the table with the customer data is
required at this node, enter CUSTOMER as the attribute object here. However,
the customer data depends on the product data, i.e. the table data is linked.
Thus, a separate link attribute object must be defined for the selection. Enter
LINK_PC here. Save your entries.

10. Creating an attribute object

Since you specified an attribute object which does not yet exist for the value
table node (CUSTOMER), you are asked whether you would like to create it now.
Confirm with Yes.
The settings dialog for attribute objects is opened.
As the Data structure, enter the table containing the product data
(/IXOS/DC_EX_CUST). As the SAP-Object type, enter J_6NG_CUST. This allows
the user to add documents to this value table node later. If necessary, select the
archiving methods in the Archiving tab which are to be supported for such
11. Creating and assigning selection fields for the attribute object
Since you haven't defined any selection fields for the attribute object CUSTOMER
yet, although they are required for the database selection at the node, you can
assign and create them directly from the attribute object settings dialog.
a. In the attribute object settings dialog, click on Suggest selection fields.
A selection list is displayed with all fields in the table for which the attribute
object is defined.
b. Change the names of the new selection fields to SF_CUSTOMER,
SF_CUSTOMER_NAME, so they correspond with the naming convention in this
description. It also helps you distinguish between the selection field names
and the table field names.
c. For all three fields, select both the <New selection field and the Assign
option, so that these selection fields are created and assigned to the attribute

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Chapter 17 Customizing for chosen sample projects

Figure 17-14: Customizing step-by-step: Creating selection fields for

the attribute object

d. Click on Back and Save to return to the settings dialog for the attribute
e. Click on Back and Save again to complete the settings dialog for the
attribute object.
12. Creating the link attribute object and assigning selection fields
Since you specified a link attribute object which does not yet exist for the value
table node (LINK_PC), you are asked whether you would like to create it next.
Confirm with Yes.
The settings dialog for attribute objects is opened again.
a. As the Data structure, enter the link table containing the product and
customer data (/IXOS/DC_EX_LCP). Further settings are not necessary.
b. Use the Suggest selection fields function again to assign the selection fields
SF_CUSTOMER, SF_PRODUCT to the link attribute object.
By assigning the same selection fields to two different attribute objects, the
two tables are linked (see “Implementing the linking of tables” on page 206).
c. Click on Back and Save to complete the settings dialog for the attribute
object and to return to the node type settings.
d. For link attribute objects you must define a direction, i.e. you must define
whether a product is assigned to to a customer, or a customer to a product

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17.1 Linked objects example

(see “Implementing the linking of tables” on page 206). In this case, the
product is the superior object, the customer is “the child”. You define this in
the assignment attribute object to selection field. In the tab view, select the
Sel.F. / Attr.Obj. tab. Select the assignment LINK_PC/SF_CUSTOMER.
Activate the Child flag option.
13. Assigning selection fields for database selection
For the node type CUSTOMER_OF_PRODUCT, the customer names and numbers are
to be displayed. Thus you must assign the corresponding selection fields with
the option Used for Selection at database. Use the Suggest selection fields
function next to the usage type All, as described in step 7.
14. Defining output text with selection fields
Define the output text for the node type CUSTOMER_OF_PRODUCT. At this node
you want to display the word Customer, followed by the actual customer name.
You do this in the Text tab. Enter the following output text, similarly to the node
type ALL_PRODUCTS (see step 8): Customer &SF_CUSTOMER_NAME&.
The product branch of the hierarchy tree is now practically finished.

Figure 17-15: Customizing step-by-step: The product branch in the

hierarchy tree

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Chapter 17 Customizing for chosen sample projects

15. Creating the static node for the customer branch

As for the top node in the product branch, create a node type named
CUSTOMER_STAT beneath the root node with the selection type 2 - Static,
display always for the customers.

Since no selection is required here and no selection screen is to be displayed,

you do not have to assign any selection fields.
16. Creating a dynamic node for classification
In order to display the customers sorted by their classification, you must create a
dynamic node type beneath the static node type. Thus a separate subnode will
be displayed for each existing class later.
a. For the CLASSES_OF_CUSTOMER node, choose the selection type 4 - Dynamic
(show distinct values of COLLECT field).

b. Assign the selection field SF_CLASS to this node with the usage type
Selection at database. This field takes the role of the COLLECT field, i.e.
depending on the values of this field, new nodes are created.
c. The field SF_CLASS contains numeric values for the classification. However,
the user would like to see the corresponding name of the class. Therefore, a
text substitution is defined for the selection field at the node. This is done in
the settings dialog for the assignment of the selection field to the node type,
in the Text substitution tab.
The relationship between the class name and the number is defined in the
table /IXOS/DC_EX_CLT, therefore you specify this table under Value/text
table. In this table, the DESCR field contains the text to be displayed; enter
this as the Description field. Which language to display the text in is
defined in the LANGU field; enter this as the Language field.
d. Now you can use the selection field for the output text; enter &SF_CLASS& in
the node type settings in the Text tab.

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17.1 Linked objects example

Figure 17-16: Customizing step-by-step: Text substitution for selection

fields at the node

17. Creating value table nodes for customers

Below the static node type for the class, all existing values, i.e. customers, are to
be displayed. Therefore, similarly to the product node, you create a value table
node named ALL_CUSTOMERS.
a. Beneath the dynamic node type CLASSES_OF_CUSTOMER, create a value table
node named ALL_CUSTOMERS. As the selection type, choose 5 - Valuetab.
b. To enable the user to add further customers later, you must allow the insert,
copy and delete operations for this node type. To do so, activate the
corresponding options in the Insert/Delete tab in the node type settings.
c. Assign the attribute object CUSTOMER to the node type so that you can
display customer data at this node.
d. Using the Suggest selection fields function, assign the selection fields
SF_CUSTOMER, SF_CUSTOMER_NAME to the node for the usage Selection at
database to obtain the customer data.
e. Use the customer name for the output text at the node. Enter Kunde
&SF_CUSTOMER_NAME& in the node type settings in the Text tab.

18. Creating a document node for customer documents

For each customer, customer documents can be stored. Therefore you must
define a document node.

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Chapter 17 Customizing for chosen sample projects

a. Beneath the customer node (ALL_CUSTOMERS), create a node type named

CUSTOMER_DOCUMENT. As the selection type, choose 1 - Document.

b. To enable the user to add further documents later, you must allow the
insert, copy and delete operations for this node type. It should also be
possible to change the document type for a document. To do so, activate the
corresponding options in the Insert/Delete tab in the node type settings.
c. Assign the attribute object CUSTOMER to the node type so that you can
display customer data at this node.
d. As the output text for this node, use the document information stored in the
internal selection fields. This includes, for instance, the archiving date and
the document type. Select this data from the selection list for selection fields
in the node type settings in the Text tab.
19. Creating a value table node for customer addresses
For each customer you cannot only store documents, but also address
information. Therefore, you define a value table node parallel to the document
node, beneath the customer node.
a. Beneath the customer node (ALL_CUSTOMERS), create a node type named
CUSTOMER_ADDRESS. As the selection type, choose 5 - Valuetab.

b. To enable the user to add further addresses later, you must allow the insert,
copy and delete operations for this node type. To do so, activate the
corresponding options in the Insert/Delete tab in the node type settings.
c. Assign the attribute object ADDRESS to the node type so that you can display
address data at this node.
d. Create the new attribute object. The corresponding data structure is named

e. Using the Suggest selection fields function, assign the selection fields
the attribute object.
f. Assign the selection fields SF_CITY; SF_COUNTRY; SF_PHONE;
SF_CUSTOMER_NAME to the node type, as well, for the usage Selection at
g. As the output text for this node, use the address information stored in the
internal selection fields. Select this data from the selection list for selection
fields in the node type settings in the Text tab.
20. Creating value table nodes for assigned products
Finally, you can also display the products linked to each customer. Again, the
link is realized using the link table.
a. Beneath the customer node (ALL_CUSTOMERS), create a node type named
PRODUCT_OF_CUSTOMER. As the selection type, choose 5 - Valuetab.

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17.1 Linked objects example

b. To enable the user to add further products later, you must allow the insert,
copy and delete operations for this node type. To do so, activate the
corresponding options in the Insert/Delete tab in the node type settings.
c. Use the product data as the output text for this node. Select the
corresponding selection fields from the selection list in the node type
settings in the Text tab.
d. Assign the attribute object PRODUCT to the node type so that you can display
product data at this node. Enter LINK_CP as the link attribute object.
Note: Since the relationship is the other direction this time (“products
for a customer” as opposed to “customers for a product”), you cannot
use the same link attribute object, despite using the same link table as for
21. Creating the link attribute object and assigning selection fields
Create the new attribute object LINK_CP.
a. As the Data structure, enter the table containing the linked data
b. Use the Suggest selection fields function again to assign the selection fields
SF_CUSTOMER, SF_PRODUCT to the link attribute object.

c. Defining the direction of the link attribute object

Define the direction for the link attribute object. In this case, the customer is
the superior object, the product is “the child”. In the tab view, select the
Sel.F. / Attr.Obj. tab. Select the assignment LINK_CP/SF_PRODUCT. Activate
the Child flag option.
d. Assigning selection fields to the node type
You want to display all products linked to a customer. Thus you must
assign the selection fields for the product data (SF_PRODUCT,
SF_PRODUCT_NAME) to the node type for the usage Selection at database.

e. Cutting the selection for the subnode

Furthermore, you must plan ahead: beneath this node type with the
products for this customer, you want to display all customers for the
product. That means that the selection criteria for the customer that was
passed down through the tree till now must not be passed down further.
You define this in the assignment of the selection field to the node type.
Therefore, first assign the selection fields for the customer data

In the settings for the assignment selection field/ node type, activate the Cut
selection for child option for these selection fields.
This option is indicated in the view editor.

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Chapter 17 Customizing for chosen sample projects

Figure 17-17: Customizing step-by-step: Cutting the selection for the


22. Copying the value tab node for customers for the product
Beneath the products for a customer you want to display all customers that are
linked to this product. This corresponds with the node CUSTOMER_OF_PRODUCT
in the product branch. Therefore, copy this node and insert it in the customer
a. Select the node CUSTOMER_OF_PRODUCT in the product branch.
b. Click on Copy in the toolbar.
c. Select the node PRODUCT_OF_CUSTOMER in the customer branch.
d. Click on Copy, as child.

Now the tree structure for the Products and Customers view is completed. You just
have to activate the view in the view settings, in order to make it available in the
application. Test it!

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17.1 Linked objects example

Figure 17-18: Customizing step-by-step: Completed tree structure Extending the functionality

After you have created the basic structure of the view, you can define further
settings to provide special functionality at the nodes, e.g.:
• Function codes, for example to display an icon which allows you to got to the
ordering transaction for a certain product.
• User exits, for example to implement the switch to the specific transaction.
• Selection screen configuration, to design the display of the selection screen in the
product branch user group-specifically. Thus you can hide function symbols (e.g.
Create or Edit) which are not required for certain users.

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Chapter 17 Customizing for chosen sample projects

• Authorization, to define access to documents user group-specifically. This is

described in the following example.

Configuring an authorization check for data selection

For the sample project Linked objects, a separate authorization profile is supplied
(J_6NB_PROF). You can use this to implement an authorization check for data
selection. In this case, the fields for customer number, customer name, classification,
and activity are checked for the necessary authorization, provided that this profile is
assigned to a user. That way you ensure that only authorized users can display or
edit certain data in the view.
Authorization is maintained in the attribute object settings in the Authorization tab.

To maintain authorization for customer data:

1. Open the settings for the attribute object CUSTOMER, Authorization tab.
2. In the Authorization Object field, enter the supplied object J_6NB_CUST. This
object is used to check the attribute object.
3. Press the Enter key.
This object's authorization fields are automatically entered in the settings dialog
4. First you define the default settings in the General tab. To do so, define the type
of assignment for each authorization field, i.e. how the check is to be performed.
By default, no assignment is defined (N).
a. For the activity, you define an explicit assignment, i.e. you specify values
that are compared with those in the user's authorization profile. When the
check is successful, the selection is performed. Select V-Explicit

b. Now you must specify the values for the activity. To do so, click in the row
for the activity and then on Show/Maintain explicite values.
c. Select the value 03 -Display. This means, the user must have general
authorization to display data.
d. Click on Accept.
e. Additionally, you want to restrict access to certain customer classes. For the
authorization field J6NB_CUCL, select the assignment Table field. As the
table field, enter CLASS. This will be compared to the field in the
authorization profile. As a result, only the data for which the user possesses
an authorization is visible. In the sample authorization profile, the display is
restricted to the classes 01, 02.
f. For the customer name and number no assignments are defined.

232 Customizing and Administration Guide DC090501-CGD-EN

17.1 Linked objects example

Figure 17-19: Customizing step-by-step: maintaining general authorization

5. After you have defined the general authorization settings, you must specify for
which actions a check is to be performed. Currently, this is only possible for the
selection. Therefore, switch to the Select tab.
6. Activate the Use for action option to activate the authorization check for the
action (in this case: Select).
7. Save the setting or press Enter.
The settings from the authorization template General are automatically copied
and displayed.
8. You can overwrite the general settings for the selection. Extend the
authorization check so that the data is only displayed if the user has the
permission to both display and edit the data.
a. For the authorization field ACTVT, deactivate the Use general option.
b. To do so, click in the row for the activity and then on Show/Maintain
explicite values.
c. In addition to the activity 3, select 02 - Edit. That means the user must be
allowed to display the data AND edit it.

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Chapter 17 Customizing for chosen sample projects

d. Click on Accept.
e. Since you assigned several values, you must choose whether all entered
conditions have to be fulfilled during the authorization check (AND) or
whether at least one of them has to be satisfied (OR). Click in the and/or field
and select AND.

Figure 17-20: Customizing step-by-step: Maintaining authorization for

the selection

9. Save the authorization settings and test the project in the application view. Only
the customer data is displayed that you are authorized to display and edit as
specified in the authorization profile.

234 Customizing and Administration Guide DC090501-CGD-EN

17.2 Folder demo (recurrent structure) example

Figure 17-21: Customizing step-by-step: Result of the authorization check for

the selection

17.2 Folder demo (recurrent structure) example

The $EX_FOLDER project contains an example for recursive folders.
Recursive nodes make it possible to create any user-defined structure of any
required depth. This means that all users can adapt and design the hierarchy to
meet their own needs without having to customize the view. In such cases, already
defined node types are “re-used” as child nodes of the same type.
One example for the use of recursive node types is the development of a user-
specific folder structure. This displays as follows in the user view:

Figure 17-22: Recursive node types in the application

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Chapter 17 Customizing for chosen sample projects

Starting from the root node, there is one folder with three child nodes: one file and
two subfolders which in turn possess further subfolders and files. The structure
therefore repeats as many times as required below the root.
This structure is reflected in the customizing.

Figure 17-23: Recursive node type in the view editor

Apart from the root node type, there are only two other node types: the file and the
folder. The folder in turn consists of files and subfolders. The Folder node type is
therefore created recursively.
The folders are linked by means of the link object AO_LINK_FOL (see also the
definition of the Folder node type). In this table, the superior (“parent”) folders are
each assigned a “child” folder. The number of the node is stored in the FOLDER
database selection field. The topmost folders in the hierarchy, which are located
directly below the root, have the value 0 and the recursive folders are numbered in
sequence. The FOLDER field is now queried at each node and the link table is used to
determine which subordinate folders are to be displayed.

236 Customizing and Administration Guide DC090501-CGD-EN

17.3 Retrieval DVS/PLM Documents example

Figure 17-24: Linking folders using a link table

For users this means whenever they create a new element - in this case a file or a
folder - they change the structure of the hierarchy. To do this, they do not have to
start the customizing function or possess any specific authorizations. They simply
use their creation authorizations to create any number of new (sub)folders.
Finally, when the special selection field @USER is also defined for the user name in
the customizing function (see also “Special selection fields” on page 37), all users are
able to create their own views which only they are able to see.
Deleting elements in this type of recursive structure is problematic since the entire
structure consists only of links. Consequently it is only the links and not the records
themselves that are deleted.

17.3 Retrieval DVS/PLM Documents example

The sample project Retrieval DVS/PLM Documents ($EX_DVS) shows the document
integration of an SAP PLM DMS document model in a DocuLink view.
Here PLM documents of various document types are displayed in a DocuLink tree
together with their SAP document info record. Double-click on the document to
display the original document in the appropriate viewer. Double-click on the

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Chapter 17 Customizing for chosen sample projects

document info record to display it in the corresponding PLM transaction. Other

functions are currently not supported for this node type.

Figure 17-25: Sample project: Retrieval DVS/PLM Documents

In customizing, the integration is implemented using a value table node type for the
document info record and a PLM node type (selection type D) as subnodes. Both
node types are assigned to the DRAW table using an attribute object.

238 Customizing and Administration Guide DC090501-CGD-EN

17.3 Retrieval DVS/PLM Documents example

Figure 17-26: Sample project: Retrieval DVS/PLM Documents: Customizing

Adding further document types

When you want to retrieve other PLM document types in this view, insert them in
the DRAW table. Take the following points into consideration:
• In the specification of the Document types for the PLM document, the Use KPro
option must be activated.
(SPRO transaction, SAP Reference IMG, menu item:Cross-Application
Components Document Management Control Data Define Document

• In the specification of the storage system (content repository), Document

Management System must be defined as the Document area.
(SPRO transaction, SAP Reference IMG, menu item:Cross-Application
Components Document Management General Data Settings for
Storage Systems Maintain storage system)

Note: That means that no ArchiveLink documents can be archived in this

storage system.

DC090501-CGD-EN Livelink ECM – DocuLink for SAP Solutions 9.5.1 239

Part 4
DocuLink administration
Part 4 DocuLink administration

DocuLink can be administered in various places specifically for the individual user.
DocuLink administration comprises the following tasks:
• Table maintenance
• COLD data maintenance
• User administration
• Authorizations
• Administering and upgrading customizing settings
• Configuring the online help
Note: The Maintain ECR Server and mapping report is only required for
project-specific solutions.
Depending on the task, administration may be performed directly in the SAP
Standard (authorizations), within DocuLink Customizing (J6NP: hit lists, input
screens) or via reports, accessed by the DocuLink transaction J6NA.
• The transaction for DocuLink administration (J6NA) is sorted in groups.
Execution is performed using the (Execute) icon, as is SAP standard.
Documentation is available for the reports and can be displayed using the
• The Activate list visualization report is no longer available.
• The backup and restore for DocuLink is performed when the SAP database
is backed up. Refer to the SAP documentation for more details.

242 Customizing and Administration Guide DC090501-CGD-EN

17.3 Retrieval DVS/PLM Documents example

Figure 98: Administration transaction for DocuLink

DC090501-CGD-EN Livelink ECM – DocuLink for SAP Solutions 9.5.1 243

Part 4 DocuLink administration

Functions for report hit lists

In the case of administration functions in which a report is used, the result takes the
form of a list of data records. You can use the following selection functions for these
hit lists:
Select block
Selects a block of data records. Click on a data record in the block and then on
this icon. All the records in this block are then selected.
Select all
All data records are selected.
Deselect all
Deselects all the data records.
You can also select or deselect data records individually by checking or unchecking
the box in front of the corresponding line in the list.
All the other hit list functions apply to the currently selected data records.
In the description of the reports that follows, only the DocuLink-specific functions
are presented. Other SAP standard functions may also be available for the various

Information on DocuLink version

You can view the Open Text Add-On packages and transports available in your
system by using the standard menu option DocuLink-Help About DocuLink.

244 Customizing and Administration Guide DC090501-CGD-EN

Chapter 18
COLD data maintenance
You can perform the maintenance of COLD data via the J6NA administration

18.1 Maintaining duplicate COLD records

When COLD data are transferred to the SAP application via the interface, data
records may exist with the same key fields, but with various different attributes. In
this case, the data records cannot be entered in the corresponding table, because it
already contains another record with the same key. These data records are entered
in a buffer table and can be processed using a report.
Run the Maintenance of duplicate COLD records report. The following window

Figure 18-1: Report: Maintenance of duplicate COLD records

Here you can choose selection criteria to restrict the data. Select Execute( ). A hit
list appears containing the name of the relevant tables and their contents.

DC090501-CGD-EN Customizing and Administration Guide 245

Chapter 18 COLD data maintenance

Figure 18-2: Result protocol for duplicate COLD records

When you want to view the attributes for a data record, double-click on the entry.
You can also click on Display ( ) to view the selected records with the associated
document details.

246 Customizing and Administration Guide DC090501-CGD-EN

18.2 Administrating COLD statistics

Figure 18-3: Viewing duplicate COLD records

The original record can be displayed in an additional window using Display

original ( ), allowing you to compare documents to see whether they are the same.
If they are the same, you can return to the first window and use Delete ( ) to
delete the record.
The list is not automatically updated immediately. Click on ( ) to re-read the table
entries with the specified selection conditions and then output them again.

18.2 Administrating COLD statistics

You can use the report Administration of COLD statistic to obtain an overview
of the data sent by the DocTool R/3 Insert. The table contains the following
• No. of blocks: number of transferred data record blocks
• Insert: number of data records that can be inserted
• Existing: number of existing data records with the same values

DC090501-CGD-EN Livelink ECM – DocuLink for SAP Solutions 9.5.1 247

Chapter 18 COLD data maintenance

• Duplicate keys: number of data records with existing keys but different values
(see also “Maintaining duplicate COLD records” on page 245)
• Inserted links: number of inserted link table entries
• Existing links
number of existing link table entries
Note: The entries for the COLD statistics are stored in the table
/IXOS/DC_TBCS. An administrator should delete the COLD statistics again at
certain intervals.

248 Customizing and Administration Guide DC090501-CGD-EN

Chapter 19
Table maintenance
You can access the reports for data record administration via the J6NA
administration transaction.

19.1 Administrating deleted data records

Data records deleted by DocuLink users are not permanently deleted from the
computer. A function, similar to the Microsoft Windows Recycle Bin function,
ensures that this data is not permanently deleted from the SAP system but is
initially deleted to a special table. The administrator can then, if necessary, restore
the data record or delete it permanently. The administrator must therefore maintain
this table regularly. The Maintenance of deleted records report is used to do this.
When this report is called up, a selection window appears containing the following
• Date of deletion
• Time of deletion
• Project
• Version
• Attribute object
• User
These can be used to restrict the range of data records to be processed. Click on
Execute. The deleted data records that match the criteria are displayed.
The following functions are available for use with deleted data records:
Displays the selected attribute records (detail view); you can also do this by
double-clicking on an attribute record. When multiple attribute records are
selected, the details are displayed one after another. Click on to scroll through
the list.
The selected records are added to the corresponding table.

DC090501-CGD-EN Customizing and Administration Guide 249

Chapter 19 Table maintenance

When it is not possible to add a record, it is displayed with an error message.

The data record is then highlighted in a different color in the table.

Important: Inserting documents

If you want to reinsert a document, you must first make sure that the
assigned attribute record is present. Otherwise you will not be able to
access the original.

Deletes the selected records from the table.
Note: However, since the deleted documents may be required for use
elsewhere, they are simply removed from the database, but not from the
The report is invoked again and the records are re-displayed.
Display original
Displays the original document for the selected data records.

250 Customizing and Administration Guide DC090501-CGD-EN

19.2 Administrating the lock table

19.2 Administrating the lock table

During each transaction carried out on a data record (change, create, etc.) the data
record is locked for other users of the for the duration of the transaction to avoid
inconsistencies. This is done by making an entry in a so-called lock table. Once the
transaction has been completed successfully, this entry is deleted automatically.
When an error occurs during a transaction or (for example, in the event of a system
failure) the transaction is interrupted, then the lock entry for this record remains in
the lock table. This lock entry must first be deleted manually by the administrator
before you can continue working with the data record.
The report Maintenance of lock table is available to handle this task.
When this report is executed, a selection window appears.

Figure 19-1: Report: Maintenance of lock table

These criteria can be used to restrict the range of data records displayed. Select
Execute( ). The locked data records are then displayed.

DC090501-CGD-EN Livelink ECM – DocuLink for SAP Solutions 9.5.1 251

Chapter 19 Table maintenance

Figure 19-2: Result protocol: locked data records

The icon can be used to delete the selected entries and thus release the data
The list is not automatically updated immediately. Click on Refresh ( ) to re-read
the table entries with the specified selection conditions and then output it again.

19.3 Administrating the protocol tables

If you wish to monitor user actions in DocuLink for certain projects and attribute
objects, you can specify a protocol in customizing. These actions are saved in the
protocol table /IXOS/DC_TBPROT. As well as the action itself, the following
information is also saved in the table:
• the date
• the time
• the project
• the attribute object

252 Customizing and Administration Guide DC090501-CGD-EN

19.3 Administrating the protocol tables

• the user
• the table
• the data record key (limited to 132 characters)
A counter handles simultaneous entries.

Figure 19-3: Protocol table

The following actions are recorded:

Type Action
A Archiving a document (scanner)
B Archiving a document (barcode)
C Archiving a document (COLD)
D Deleting
E Edit
F Archiving a document (file with AL upload)
M new link table entry due to moving, copying,
S Displaying
U Deleting a document
V Displaying a document
X Archiving a document (with user exit)

DC090501-CGD-EN Livelink ECM – DocuLink for SAP Solutions 9.5.1 253

Chapter 19 Table maintenance

These protocol entries can be administered using transaction J6NA.

19.3.1 Administrating protocol entries

You can select protocol entries using the report Administration of protocol
entries. You can use the selection screen to restrict the displayed entries on the
basis of certain criteria. The current entries can be marked for deletion.
Note: The Administration of protocol entries report's results are
displayed using a grid control. For individual entries, you can display all other
actions performed to records in the corresponding table, and show details for
them. Using the standard print function you can create print lists of the
protocol entries. Thus, the additional Reorganisation of protocol entries
report is no longer required and has been removed.

To display protocol entries:

1. Run the Administration of protocol entries report in the J6NA transaction.
2. Enter the required selection criteria.

Figure 19-4: Report: Administration of protocol entries

3. Click on Execute ( ).
A table with all protocol entries that match the criteria is displayed.

254 Customizing and Administration Guide DC090501-CGD-EN

19.3 Administrating the protocol tables

Displaying related entries in the same table

For a certain entry you can display all related entries, i.e. all actions that were
performed on data records in the same table. To do this, select an entry and click on
Related entries.

Figure 19-5: Logging: List of related entries

Displaying related protocol entries

You can display details to individual entries in the list of related protocol entries. To
do so, select the entry in the list and click on Display protocol entry.

Figure 19-6: Logging: Related entry

Note: When you click on Detail, the details of the original data record are
displayed, not the details of the protocol entry.

DC090501-CGD-EN Livelink ECM – DocuLink for SAP Solutions 9.5.1 255

Chapter 20
User administration
To simplify the user management process, DocuLink users are assigned to user
groups. The user groups can be assigned certain default configurations (for selection
screens, hit lists, etc.). Any user settings already configured can be copied from one
version of a project to another.
You can perform the user administration via the J6NA administration transaction.

20.1 Copying user settings

When the administration settings were already configured for a user group in one
project version, it is easy to copy the complete settings for use in another project

Before you execute this report, make sure the selected user group and all
assigned users, for whom settings are available, still exist. Otherwise the
report causes errors.

To copy user settings:

1. Select the Copy the user settings from a version to another version report.
2. Specify the user or user group whose settings you want to copy and the project
3. Select the source and target version.
4. Click on (Execute).

20.2 Copying user group settings

When the administration settings were already configured for a user group in one
project version, it is easy to copy the complete settings for another user group.

DC090501-CGD-EN Customizing and Administration Guide 257

Chapter 20 User administration

To copy user group settings:

1. Select the Copy the user settings from a version to another version report.
2. Enter the project and version whose settings you want to copy.
3. Select the source and target user group for copying.
4. Select which administration settings (screens) you want to copy.
5. Click on Execute ( ).

20.3 Deleting user groups and configurations

The Deleting of user groups and user configurations report is used to delete
entries in DocuLink configuration tables. These are the configuration tables for:
• user groups
• user/user group assignment
• hit list
• selection screens
• create screens
• detail view
• edit view
If, for example, a user is to be completely removed from DocuLink, you can delete
all entries from the various tables simultaneously from a central location.

To delete user entries:

1. Select the Deleting of user groups and user configurations report.
The following window appears:

258 Customizing and Administration Guide DC090501-CGD-EN

20.3 Deleting user groups and configurations

Figure 20-1: Report: Deleting user groups and settings

2. In the selection screen, specify the users or objects for which you want to delete
the user group or configuration.
3. In the lower section, check the objects or configuration types to be deleted.
In this way, you can, for example, delete all user group assignments and all
configurations for any given user in a single step.
4. Select Execute ( ).
This displays a list of the stored configurations together with the predefined
selection criteria.

DC090501-CGD-EN Livelink ECM – DocuLink for SAP Solutions 9.5.1 259

Chapter 20 User administration

Figure 20-2: Result protocol: User(group) configurations

The table entries shown in the list can be deleted using .

Important: Deleting a data record

When you do this, ALL the data records displayed in this list are always
deleted at once. You cannot just delete a subset of them!

Note: Reports (e.g. for the selection screens) which you delete in this way are
not immediately destroyed. Instead they are marked for subsequent deletion.
You can then use the report Delete generic reports to delete them
A number of SAP application-specific SAP standard list functions are also available.

260 Customizing and Administration Guide DC090501-CGD-EN

20.4 Maintaining user groups

20.4 Maintaining user groups

First, you must define the user groups. To do this, select the report Maintenance of
user groups.

Note: You are not obliged to create user groups or to assign users to user
groups. When a user is not assigned to any user group, he is automatically
assigned to the user group DEFAULT by DocuLink. If you do not want to specify
different administration settings for different user groups, you can simply
specify the same settings for all users in the DEFAULT user group.

To create a new user group:

1. In edit mode, click on the New entries button.
2. Enter the project name for which you wish to create a user group, or select it
using the input aid (F4 key).
3. Enter the name of the new user group and, if necessary, a description.
4. Save your changes.
The new user group should appear in the table.

20.5 Maintaining the user/user group link

You now assign the individual users to the defined user groups. This means that an
entry in the table is created for each project in DocuLink as well as for every user to
be assigned authorizations for the project. Each user is assigned to precisely one
user group which defines his or her authorizations and configuration.
Select the Maintenance of assignment of users to user groups report. Use the
SAP standard table functions to create new entries or edit or delete existing entries.
Note: You are not obliged to create user groups or to assign users to user
groups. When a user is not assigned to any user group, he is automatically as-
signed to the user group DEFAULT by DocuLink. If you do not want to specify
different administration settings for different user groups, you can simply
specify the same settings for all users in the DEFAULT user group.

DC090501-CGD-EN Livelink ECM – DocuLink for SAP Solutions 9.5.1 261

Chapter 21
DocuLink is fully based on the SAP authorization concept. To achieve this, not only
are special authorization objects supplied for DocuLink on installation but, as of this
version, all other SAP authorization objects are also supported.
As is usual in SAP applications, different authorization objects involving clearly
defined authorizations are grouped together to form authorization profiles which
are then assigned to the individual users or user groups.
This means that you can specify in detail which users may work with which data
(e.g. company code-dependent) and what actions they are allowed to perform with
this data (e.g. display, edit, enter, configure, etc.).

21.1 Supplied authorization profiles for DocuLink

The following DocuLink-specific authorization profiles are supplied on installation:
• J_6NG_ALL: All authorizations for DocuLink

• J_6NG_CREA: display and create authorization for all projects

• J_6NG_C_DISP: Customizing, display of projects A*-Z*

• J_6NG_C_EDIT: Customizing, modification of projects A*-Z*

• J_6NG_DELE: Display, creation and deletion in all projects

• J_6NG_DISP: Display in all projects

• J_6NG_MIN: Minimum profile for entry (without projects)

An additional profile is supplied with the sample data.

• J_6NB_PROF: Example authorization check on data selection

21.2 Supplied authorization objects and

authorizations for DocuLink
The check for the DocuLink start transactions is queried via the SAP standard
authorization object S_TCODE. In addition, the product is supplied with several
authorization objects. All objects are present in the authorization class J6NG.

DC090501-CGD-EN Customizing and Administration Guide 263

Chapter 21 Authorizations

The sample authorizations J_6NG_* are supplied with the program. These are
summarized in the profiles J_6NG_* which constitute the easiest way of accessing
the authorizations. Each user who wishes to work with DocuLink must maintain the
corresponding authorizations in their SAP user master record.
Specifies which views of which projects are to be available in the user view
Controls activities relating to attribute objects. Here the administrator can specify
how each attribute object can be edited (see “Supported activities” on page 264).
These three authorization objects are combined in the J_6NB_PROF profile and
represent an example of an authorization check on data selection. In this case, the
fields for customer number, customer name, classification, and activity are
checked for the necessary authorization for the sample project Linked objects,
provided that this profile is assigned to a user.

21.3 Other (SAP) authorization objects

As of this version, all other SAP authorization objects can now be used for checks
provided that the necessary settings have been made in the customizing facility (see
“Authorization” on page 100).
If more than one attribute object is to be checked, further authorization checks can
be performed via the user exit /IXOS/DC_AUTH_CHECK or /IXOS/DC_AUTH_COLL (e.g.
to check the document display in the sample view Purchase order history).
When one of these user exits is used, the settings under Authorization in the
attribute object are ignored.

21.4 Supported activities

The following activities are supported by DocuLink for authorization checks (see

01 Create
02 Edit
03 Display
06 Delete
07 Move source (“Deleting”)
08 Move/Copy destination (“Create”/Insert)
10 Display original
11 Call default method

264 Customizing and Administration Guide DC090501-CGD-EN

21.5 Implementing the authorization concept

12 Edit Admin. configuration of hitlist and selection screen

13 Admin. deleted records
14 Admin. multiple COLD records
15 Admin. enqueue table
16 Customizing of projects (edit)

17 Administration of log entries

18 Global variant maintenance
19 Customizing of projects (display)

20 Activation of projects and views

21 Display Admin. configuration of hitlist and selection

21.5 Implementing the authorization concept

To implement the described authorization concept for DocuLink:
1. Consider first what tasks the various users (user groups) perform when
working with DocuLink. Then decide which of the DocuLink-specific
authorization profiles includes these tasks for a user group. If necessary, copy
and edit these profiles so that they are suitable.
2. Assign these authorization profiles to the relevant users (user groups).
• Each user must be assigned the minimum profile J_6NG_MIN as
otherwise nothing will be visible when the user attempts to call
• To access archived documents, the standard authorization profile object
S_WFAR_OBJ is also required.

3. For each authorization object present in this profile, define a concrete

authorization, i.e. enter values that actually occur in the authorization fields.
This is necessary, for example, for the activities that the users are to perform.
You must enter the values in the authorization fields type-specific, i.e. in the
correct format. In particular, pay attention to leading zeros. For example, in the
case of DocuLink authorization objects, the restriction of the authorization to a
specific view must always be 3 characters long and a version restriction 2
characters long.
4. If you wish, you can also assign the users (user groups) further SAP
authorization profiles, for example in order to perform an authorization check
on data selection. In this case, you must make further settings in the
customizing facility (see “Authorization” on page 100).

DC090501-CGD-EN Livelink ECM – DocuLink for SAP Solutions 9.5.1 265

Chapter 21 Authorizations

5. After modifying authorizations, do not forget to log on to the SAP system again.

266 Customizing and Administration Guide DC090501-CGD-EN

Chapter 22
Administrating and upgrading customizing settings
You can administer and upgrade the customizing settings via the J6NA
administration transaction.

22.1 Administrating (deleting) generated programs

When you work with an DocuLink project, a number of different reports are
generated - for example selection screens and hit lists. Whenever you change
something in customizing, existing reports are automatically deleted and new ones
created. However, if manual changes are made to the data in the underlying
database, the generated reports in the database must be manually deleted or
adjusted so that the program can adopt the changes in the database.
Using the Delete generic reports report, you can specify the type of report that
you want to delete together with the associated project and version. You can also
click on reports that have already been marked for deletion during customizing.
Note: When deleting generic reports you can decide whether the variants for
the selection screens should be saved by the report and then restored after
deleting the generic reports.

DC090501-CGD-EN Customizing and Administration Guide 267

Chapter 22 Administrating and upgrading customizing settings

Figure 22-1: Report: Delete generic reports

To delete generated reports:

1. Specify the reports to be deleted. Only one option can be selected at a time:
• When you only want to delete selected reports, click on the corresponding
options (e.g. selection screen).
• When you want to delete all the reports, click on the option Select all types.
• When you want to remove all the reports marked for deletion from your
computer, select the option Planned to be deleted (see “Delete generic
reports” on page 142).
2. When you only want to delete reports that belong to a specific project or
version, specify also the project or version (you can specify multiple projects or
3. Select Execute( ).
4. When you chose Select all types, you are asked whether you want to save the
corresponding variants in the next step. When you select Yes, the variants are

268 Customizing and Administration Guide DC090501-CGD-EN

22.2 Adjusting customizing

saved before the generic reports are deleted, and then restored. When you select
No, the variants are deleted as well.
5. When you selected individual report types, a list of the available reports is
a. Click on the reports that you want to delete.
b. Click on Delete ( ).
In other cases all the selected reports (all types or all marked reports) are
6. The system then lists the reports that were deleted.

22.2 Adjusting customizing

The Adjust Customizing report executes the two jobs Delete Buffers for
Customizing and Adjust Customizing (to DDIC) from the Extras menu in the
customizing transaction (J6NP). This report must be executed after all BC sets have
been activated.

22.3 Adjusting data type for administration settings

This report is required after upgrading projects from a DocuLink version before 3.4
to 6.0. Some administration settings for create, edit or detail screens that were added
in version 3.4 may not be filled correctly. In this case, errors may occur when new
values for these settings (see “Configuring the detail, edit, create, and selection
screens and the hit lists” on page 269) are entered in version 6.0 because the data
type check fails. If necessary, execute the Adjust datatype for administration
settings report.

Enter the project and the version for which the administration settings need to be

22.4 Configuring the detail, edit, create, and selection

screens and the hit lists
You can define the default settings in individual screens for particular user groups.
These include the selection screens as well as the create, edit, and detail screens.
Configuration of the selection screens and all the other create screens, as well as the
hit lists, is not performed like other administration tasks by means of the transaction
J6NA, but instead via the customizing facility (transaction J6NP) by editing the
corresponding attribute object in the Administration tab.

DC090501-CGD-EN Livelink ECM – DocuLink for SAP Solutions 9.5.1 269

Chapter 22 Administrating and upgrading customizing settings

22.4.1 Configuring detail screens

To configure the standard display of a detail screen, choose transaction J6NP and
select the Attribute objects tab followed by the Administration tab. Now click on
the button for the Screen for details of a record function.
First, a selection window appears, in which you can specify the user group for
which the configuration is to be performed.
You can click on Create ( ) in this screen to create a new user group. Then
continue as described below.
When no group is specified then the standard (default) group is used.
Select the required group and click on Next ( ). The configuration window opens:

Important: Data type Floating point number (FLTP)

Selection fields with a floating point data type Floating point number
(FLTP) cannot be displayed in the input, change, detail, and selection
screens and are therefore not available in administration.

Figure 22-2: Configuration: Detail screen

The fields in the detail view are displayed in the same order as in the configuration

To modify the detail view sequence:

1. Select the field you want to move.
2. Click on the field before which the first field is to be inserted.

270 Customizing and Administration Guide DC090501-CGD-EN

22.4 Configuring the detail, edit, create, and selection screens and the hit lists

3. Click on Move ( ).
The field is inserted at the relevant position.

Tip: When you double-click on a field name, the associated table and field are
automatically displayed in the SAP application.
Here you can also define the following settings for the detail screen for each defined
attribute object.
Attribute selection. Only fields marked with a checkmark are displayed.
Inserts a blank line in the screen after this field
Size of text
defines the text type used for display
Choose whether to display the description text of the data element (short
description, short text, medium or long text) or the description text of the
selection field.
When several selection field texts are maintained, the first one is used.
Use text enhancement
Activates the additional specification of text information following the input of a
value into an associated field in the detail screen (e.g. Italy for the input “IT”).
Text table
Defines the table from which the text enhancement for the detail screen is to be
Mandatory if text enhancement is activated.
Dependant field
Specifies the table field in the text table on which the text enhancement is
dependent, e.g. a country abbreviation (“IT”), for the expanded form (Italy) to be
displayed as the text enhancement.
Mandatory if text enhancement is activated
Description field
Specifies the table field in the text table which contains the text enhancement for
the create screen, e.g. the expanded form of an abbreviation that was entered in
the dependent field (Italy).
Mandatory if text enhancement is activated.
The data type for the field must be CHAR.
Language field
If appropriate, specifies the language field from the value table that is to be
evaluated for the text enhancement (optional).

DC090501-CGD-EN Livelink ECM – DocuLink for SAP Solutions 9.5.1 271

Chapter 22 Administrating and upgrading customizing settings

Hiding tool icons in the screen

You can hide individual tool icons from the input screens for specific user groups.

To hide tool icons:

1. Click on the Exclude icons from screen icon.
2. Select the functions for which the icons should be hidden in the screen.

Figure 22-3: Configuration: Function icons in input screens

3. Click on Back and Save.

You return to the screen administration.

22.4.2 Configuring edit screens

To configure the standard display of an edit screen, choose transaction J6NP and
select the Attribute objects tab followed by the Administration tab. Now click on
the button for the Screen for editing a record function.
First, a selection window appears, in which you can specify the user group for
which the configuration is to be performed. You can click on Create( ) in this
screen to create a new user group. Then continue as described below.

272 Customizing and Administration Guide DC090501-CGD-EN

22.4 Configuring the detail, edit, create, and selection screens and the hit lists

When no group is specified, the standard (default) group is used.

Select the required group and click on Next ( ). The configuration window opens:

Important: Data type Floating point number (FLTP)

Selection fields with a floating point data type Floating point number
(FLTP) cannot be displayed in the input, change, detail, and selection
screens and are therefore not available in administration.

Figure 22-4: Configuration: Edit screen

The fields in the edit screen are displayed in the same order as in the configuration

To modify the edit screen sequence:

1. Select the field you want to move.
2. Click on the field before which the first field is to be inserted.
3. Click on Move ( ).
The field is inserted at the relevant position.

Tip: When you double-click on a field name, the associated table and field are
automatically displayed in the SAP application.
Here you can also define the following settings for the edit screen for each defined
attribute object:
Attribute selection. Only fields marked with a checkmark are displayed and
available for editing.

DC090501-CGD-EN Livelink ECM – DocuLink for SAP Solutions 9.5.1 273

Chapter 22 Administrating and upgrading customizing settings

Selection cannot be deactivated for mandatory fields; the Client field is always
deselected in the edit screen and is not displayed (as it cannot be edited).
Inserts a blank line in the screen after this field
split up window
displays two columns for the selected field in the selection screen: on the left one
for the edited data, on the right a read-only one for the former field contents.

Figure 22-5: Selection screen with two columns

Excludes empty entries in important (key) fields. When this option is active,
users can no longer hide this field in their user settings.
Enable F4 indicator
Enables extended search help (F4), i.e. calculation of values as a function of
existing values or use of user-defined input aids through the use of user-specific
search help.
In fields for which you activate this option, existing input in the dialog is used to
restrict F4 selection. Thus, the user is actually only presented with the currently
available values.
If you want to use a user-specific search help, enter the name of it in the Search
help name field.
The set-get parameter ID (PID). The last value entered is automatically proposed
for the fields.
Using this parameter, values can be proposed not only within DocuLink,
but throughout the SAP application. For example, if you enter a company

274 Customizing and Administration Guide DC090501-CGD-EN

22.4 Configuring the detail, edit, create, and selection screens and the hit lists

code in a selection screen in DocuLink and then jump to an SAP transaction

that also includes a field for the company code with the same parameter ID,
the value you entered in DocuLink will be proposed there, as well.
Size of text
defines the text type used for display
Choose whether to display the description text of the data element (short
description, short text, medium or long text) or the description text of the
selection field. When several selection field texts are maintained, the first one is
Search help name
Name of the search help to be used.

Hiding tool icons in the screen

You can hide individual tool icons from the input screens for specific user groups.

To hide tool icons:

1. Click on the Exclude icons from screen icon.
2. Select the functions for which the icons should be hidden in the screen.

3. Click on Back and Save.

DC090501-CGD-EN Livelink ECM – DocuLink for SAP Solutions 9.5.1 275

Chapter 22 Administrating and upgrading customizing settings

You return to the screen administration.

22.4.3 Configuring create screens

To configure the standard display of an create screen, choose transaction J6NP and
select the Attribute objects followed by the Administration tab. Now click on the
button for the Screen for creating a record function.
First, a selection window appears, in which you can specify the user group for
which the configuration is to be performed. You can click on Create( ) in this
screen to create a new user group. Then continue as described below.
When no group is specified, the standard (default) group is used.
Select the required group and click on Next ( ). The configuration window opens:

Important: Data type Floating point number (FLTP)

Selection fields with a floating point data type Floating point number
(FLTP) cannot be displayed in the input, change, detail, and selection
screens and are therefore not available in administration.

Figure 22-6: Configuration: Create screen

The fields in the create screen are displayed in the same order as in the
configuration table.

To modify the create screen sequence:

1. Select the field you want to move.
2. Then click on the field before which the first field is to be inserted.
3. Click on Move ( ).
The field is inserted at the relevant position.

276 Customizing and Administration Guide DC090501-CGD-EN

22.4 Configuring the detail, edit, create, and selection screens and the hit lists

Tip: When you double-click on a field name, the associated table and field are
automatically displayed in the SAP application.
Here you can also define the following settings for the create screen for each defined
attribute object.
Attribute selection. Only fields marked with a checkmark are available for input
(all other fields retain their initial values).
Selection cannot be deactivated for mandatory fields; the Client field is always
deselected in the Create screen and is not displayed (as it cannot be edited).
Inserts a blank line in the screen after this field
Size of text
defines the text type used for display
Choose whether to display the description text of the data element (short
description, short text, medium or long text) or the description text of the
selection field. When several selection field texts are maintained, the first one is
Excludes empty entries in important (key) fields. When this option is active,
users can no longer hide this field in their user settings.
Enable F4 indicator
Enables extended search help (F4), i.e. calculation of values as a function of
existing values or use of user-defined input aids through the use of user-specific
search help.
In fields for which you activate this option, existing input in the dialog is used to
restrict F4 selection. Thus, the user is actually only presented with the currently
available values.
If you want to use a user-specific search help, enter the name of it in the Search
help name field.
The set-get parameter ID (PID). The last value entered is automatically proposed
for the fields.
Search help name
Name of the search help to be used.
Use text enhancement
Activates the additional specification of text information following entry of a
value in an associated field in the create screen.
Text table
Specifies the table from which the text enhancement for the create screen is to be
taken if this option has been activated.

DC090501-CGD-EN Livelink ECM – DocuLink for SAP Solutions 9.5.1 277

Chapter 22 Administrating and upgrading customizing settings

Dependant field
Specifies the table field in the text table on which the text enhancement is
dependent, e.g. a country abbreviation for the expanded form that is to be
displayed as the text enhancement.
Description field
Specifies the table field in the text table which contains the text enhancement for
the create screen (e.g. the expanded form of an abbreviation that was entered in
the dependent field).
The data type for the field must be CHAR.
Language field
If appropriate, specifies the language field from the value table that is to be
evaluated for the text enhancement (optional).
A copy function is also available for the create screen. This means that you can
transfer the create screen settings to the edit screen. You will then see similar screens
for both operations.
Click on Copy ( ) in the create screen configuration. The values are transferred to
the edit screen.

Hiding tool icons in the screen

You can hide individual tool icons from the input screens for specific user groups.

To hide tool icons:

1. Click on the Exclude icons from screen icon.
2. Select the functions for which the icons should be hidden in the screen.

278 Customizing and Administration Guide DC090501-CGD-EN

22.4 Configuring the detail, edit, create, and selection screens and the hit lists

3. Click on Back and Save.

You return to the screen administration.

22.4.4 Configuring selection screens Selection screen for hit list in the hierarchy

When you select the Hit list in hierarchy function, a selection screen is displayed for
the current node. This screen can be configured for a user group in the same way as
the detail, edit, and create screens.
In transaction J6NP, choose the Attribute objects tab followed by the
Administration tab. Now click on the button for the Selection screen for hit list in
hierarchy function.
First, a selection window appears, in which you can specify the user group for
which the configuration is to be performed. You can also click on Create( ) in this
screen to create a new user group. Then continue as described below.
When no group is specified the standard (default) group is used.
Select the required group and click on Next ( ). The configuration window opens:

DC090501-CGD-EN Livelink ECM – DocuLink for SAP Solutions 9.5.1 279

Chapter 22 Administrating and upgrading customizing settings

Figure 22-7: Configuration: Selection screen for hit list in the hierarchy

Only those selection fields are available for the selection screen that have been
linked to the attribute object.
The fields in the selection screen are displayed in the same order as in the
configuration table.

To modify the selection screen sequence:

1. Select the field you want to move.
2. Click on the field before which the first field is to be inserted.
3. Click on Move ( ).
The field is inserted at the relevant position.

Tip: When you double-click on a field or table name, the associated table and
any associated field are automatically displayed in the SAP application.
Here you can also define the following settings for the selection screen for each
defined attribute object.
Attribute selection. Only fields marked with a checkmark are displayed.
Inserts a blank line in the screen after this field
Size of text
By default, the description of the selection field is used as the output text in the
selection screen. When you want to use the data element text (short, medium or
long text) instead, select the corresponding text length here; in this case, the
description text of the selection field must begin with a “#”.
Single value
Restriction to a single value.

280 Customizing and Administration Guide DC090501-CGD-EN

22.4 Configuring the detail, edit, create, and selection screens and the hit lists

No mult. selection
Prevents the entry of multiple individual values or ranges (intervals); ( icon).
Excludes empty entries in important (key) fields. When this option is active,
users can no longer hide this field in their user settings.
Min. length
Prevents incorrect entries. Ensures, for example, that there are at least x
characters in front of a wildcard (?; *) in a create screen.
Search help name
Name of the search help to be used.
The set-get parameter ID (PID). The last value entered is automatically proposed
for the fields.

Hiding tool icons in the screen

You can hide individual tool icons from the input screens for specific user groups.

To hide tool icons:

1. Click on the Exclude icons from screen icon.
2. Select the functions for which the icons should be hidden in the screen.

DC090501-CGD-EN Livelink ECM – DocuLink for SAP Solutions 9.5.1 281

Chapter 22 Administrating and upgrading customizing settings

3. Click on Back and Save.

You return to the screen administration. Selection screen for separate hit list

When a user requests a separate hit list in the DocuLink application, a selection
screen is first displayed. This screen can be configured for a user group in the same
way as the detail, edit, and create screens.
To configure the standard display of a selection screen for a separate hit list, choose
transaction J6NP and select the Attribute objects tab followed by the
Administration tab. Now click on the button for the Selection screen for separate
hit list function.
First, a selection window appears, in which you can specify the user group for
which the configuration is to be performed. You can also click on Create( ) in this
screen to create a new user group. Then continue as described below.
When no group is specified, the standard (default) group is used.
Select the required group and click on Next ( ). The configuration window opens:

Figure 22-8: Configuration: Selection screen for separate hit list

The fields in the selection screen are displayed in the same order as in the
configuration table.

To modify the selection screen sequence:

1. Select the field you want to move.
2. Then click on the field before which the first field is to be inserted.
3. Click on Move ( ).
The field is inserted at the relevant position.

282 Customizing and Administration Guide DC090501-CGD-EN

22.4 Configuring the detail, edit, create, and selection screens and the hit lists

Tip: When you double-click on a field or table name, the associated table and
any associated field are automatically displayed in the SAP application.
Here you can also define the following settings for the selection screen for each
defined attribute object.
Attribute selection. Only fields marked with a checkmark are displayed.
Single value
Restriction to a single value.
No mult. selection
Prevents the entry of multiple individual values or ranges (intervals); ( icon).
Excludes empty entries in important (key) fields. When this option is active,
users can no longer hide this field in their user settings.
Min. length
Prevents incorrect entries. Ensures, for example, that there are at least x
characters in front of a wildcard (?; *) in a create screen.
Search help name
Name of the search help to be used.
The set-get parameter ID (PID). The last value entered is automatically proposed
for the fields.

Hiding tool icons in the screen

You can hide individual tool icons from the input screens for specific user groups.

To hide tool icons:

1. Click on the Exclude icons from screen icon.
2. Select the functions for which the icons should be hidden in the screen.

DC090501-CGD-EN Livelink ECM – DocuLink for SAP Solutions 9.5.1 283

Chapter 22 Administrating and upgrading customizing settings

3. Click on Back and Save.

You return to the screen administration. Selection screen at nodes

Whenever selection fields are specified for a node type in customizing for using
with the Selection screen, a selection screen is displayed when users navigate to this
node in the DocuLink application. This screen can be configured for a user group in
the same way as the detail, edit, and create screens.
In the expert customizing view editor (J6NP), the node's usage type Selection screen
is followed by an Administration field. Click on this field to define settings for the
selection screen at the node.
First, a selection window appears, in which you can specify the user group for
which the configuration is to be performed. You can also click on Create( ) in this
screen to create a new user group. Then continue as described below.
When no group is specified, the standard (default) group is used.
Select the required group and click on Next ( ). The configuration window opens:

284 Customizing and Administration Guide DC090501-CGD-EN

22.4 Configuring the detail, edit, create, and selection screens and the hit lists

Important: Data type Floating point number (FLTP)

Selection fields with a floating point data type Floating point number
(FLTP) cannot be displayed in the input, change, detail, and selection
screens and are therefore not available in administration.

Figure 22-9: Configuration: Selection screen at nodes

The fields in the selection screen are displayed in the same order as in the
configuration table.

To modify the selection screen sequence:

1. Select the field you want to move.
2. Then click on the field before which the first field is to be inserted.
3. Click on Move ( ).
The field is inserted at the relevant position.

Tip: When you double-click on a field or table name, the associated table and
any associated field are automatically displayed in the SAP application.
Here you can also define the following settings for the selection screen for each
defined attribute object.
Attribute selection. Only fields marked with a checkmark are displayed.
Inserts a blank line in the screen after this field
Size of text
By default, the description of the selection field is used as the output text in the
selection screen. When you want to use the data element text (short, medium or
long text) instead, select the corresponding text length here; in this case, the
description text of the selection field must begin with a “#”.

DC090501-CGD-EN Livelink ECM – DocuLink for SAP Solutions 9.5.1 285

Chapter 22 Administrating and upgrading customizing settings

Single value
Restriction to a single value.
No mult. selection
Prevents the entry of multiple individual values or ranges (intervals); ( icon).
Excludes empty entries in important (key) fields. When this option is active,
users can no longer hide this field in their user settings.
Min. length
Prevents incorrect entries. Ensures, for example, that there are at least x
characters in front of a wildcard (?; *) in a create screen.
Search help name
Name of the search help to be used.
The set-get parameter ID (PID). The last value entered is automatically proposed
for the fields.

Hiding tool icons in the screen

You can hide individual tool icons from the input screens for specific user groups.

To hide tool icons:

1. Click on the (Exclude icons from screen) icon.
2. Select the functions for which the icons should be hidden in the screen.

286 Customizing and Administration Guide DC090501-CGD-EN

22.4 Configuring the detail, edit, create, and selection screens and the hit lists

3. Click the (Back and Save) button.

You return to the screen administration.

22.4.5 Configuring hit lists

The hit list display can be configured separately for each attribute object.
To configure the standard display of a hit list, choose transaction J6NP and select the
Attribute objects tab followed by the Administration tab. Now click on the button
for the Hit list function.
For information on configuring the selection screen for the hit list, see “Configuring
selection screens” on page 279.
First, a selection window appears, in which you can specify the user group for
which the configuration is to be performed. You can also click on Create( ) in this
screen to create a new user group. Then continue as described below.
When no group is specified, the standard (default) group is used.
Select the required group and click on Next ( ). The configuration window opens:

DC090501-CGD-EN Livelink ECM – DocuLink for SAP Solutions 9.5.1 287

Chapter 22 Administrating and upgrading customizing settings

Figure 22-10: Configuration: Hit lists

The fields in the hit list are displayed in the same order as in the configuration table.

To modify the hit list sequence:

1. Select the field you want to move.
2. Then click on the field before which the first field is to be inserted.
3. Click on Move ( ).
The field is inserted at the relevant position.

Tip: When you double-click on a field or table name, the associated table and
any associated field are automatically displayed in the SAP application.
With hit lists you can also define the following settings for the output:
Attribute selection. Only fields marked with a checkmark are displayed.
Includes the field contents in sum formation (this is only possible for fields of
data type I, F or P).
Size of text
defines the text type used for display
Choose whether to display the description text of the data element (short
description, short text, medium or long text) or the description text of the
selection field. When several selection field texts are maintained, the first one is
Note: This entry is not used in the external hit list.
Output length
This is determined automatically but can be overwritten.

288 Customizing and Administration Guide DC090501-CGD-EN

22.4 Configuring the detail, edit, create, and selection screens and the hit lists

Note: This entry is not used in the external hit list.

Complete field
Indicates to the administrator whether the specified output length is sufficient to
display the entire field in cases where the short form of the field contains a
maximum length value.
Alignment of the output within the column (left-aligned, right-aligned or
Allows you to sort the data in ascending (U) or descending order (D). This
automatically forces an entry in Sort order.
Sort order
Determines the sequence of the sort fields. If more than one sort field is specified,
you must make an entry in the Sort field.
By using a so-called conversion routine (which, technically, can be assigned to a
domain for example) you can convert confusing or hard to read data formats
(e.g. time stamps) to more easily legible ones. If necessary, enter the conversion
routine for a selection field of the hit list in this field.

DC090501-CGD-EN Livelink ECM – DocuLink for SAP Solutions 9.5.1 289

Chapter 23
Further administration reports
You can access the online help configuration via the J6NA administration

23.1 Configuring the online help

By default, the link to the DocuLink documentation in the Expert Service Center is
set in the application. However, you can change this link to refer to any local storage
area in your system.

To configure the online help:

1. Select the Configure path to DocuLink Documentation report.
2. Change the existing entry, or create a new one. Define the following parameters:
Transaction code
Specify which transaction (e.g administration J6NA, customizing J6NP,
application J6NY etc.) you want to access the help from.
Define which users you want to make the settings for.
Enter the URL of the documentation you want to display. For the standard
DocuLink documentation you need to know where the following files are
• dc-cgd-de.pdf or _manual.htm in the appropriate directory for the
Customizing and Administration guide (on the Livelink ECM – Suite for
SAP Solutions CD: \Documentation\manual\german\dc-cgd\html)
• dc-ugd-de.pdf or _manual.htm in the appropriate directory for the User
guide (on the Livelink ECM – Suite for SAP Solutions CD:

DC090501-CGD-EN Customizing and Administration Guide 291

Part 5
Part 5 Troubleshooting

This section describes some commonly encountered problems, with solutions or tips
on how to avoid them. For further information on known problems for your
DocuLink version please see the corresponding Release Notes in the Expert Service

294 Customizing and Administration Guide DC090501-CGD-EN

Chapter 24
Display problems
The project is not visible in the customizing view (J6NP)
Check the settings in the project overview (Extras Organize view).
The project is not visible in the customizing view (J6NP)
Check whether the project was activated in customizing and whether the user
has the correct authorization (DocuLink authorization object J_6NG_PROJ).
No text is displayed at the node
Check the following:
• Is the selection field to be displayed assigned to the node for database
• Are the texts maintained in the login language?
Node type texts are not displayed correctly
Force the usage of a fixed font (non-proportional) for node type texts (see
“Formatting the node type text” on page 126)
Transport icon is missing in the customizing view
The prerequisite for transporting versions is that the option to automatically
record changes must be switched on in the SAP application. To do this, open the
T000 table in the SM30 transaction and activate this option for the relevant client.

Selection screen for the hit list does not correspond with the settings in the
selection screen administration at the node
Unlike selection screens for database selection, selection screens for internal and
external hit lists are not defined at the node, but rather for the entire attribute
object. Check the settings for the respective selection screen in the administration
for the attribute object.
After changes to DDIC objects, the data records are no longer displayed
This problem usually only occurs in the external hit list, namely after fields have
been inserted to a table in the database. In this case, the modified table length
must be adjusted manually (in the /IXOS/DC_TCDS-TABLEN field of the
customizing table for the attribute object), or you must re-assign the table to the
attribute object within customizing.
No text is displayed for the status
There are two possible causes for this problem :

DC090501-CGD-EN Customizing and Administration Guide 295

Chapter 24 Display problems

• At the attribute object a status was deleted, although documents with this
status still exist.
• A document was created in a project not using status management (and thus
has the initial status 0000) and was retrieved in a project using status
management. However, in the new project, the initial status is not
In both cases, maintain the required status including the status flow at the
attribute object.
Initial status is not displayed in the details for the data record
The initial status 0000 is not displayed in the details for the data record because
in the SAP system, numerical fields that contain the initial value remain empty
by default.

296 Customizing and Administration Guide DC090501-CGD-EN

Chapter 25
Functionality errors
After changing DDIC objects, the project no longer works
If manual changes are made to the data structure (i.e. not via the customizing
transaction), the reports generated in the database must be manually deleted so
that the program can implement the changes in the database. To do this use the
report provided in the administration function (see “Administrating (deleting)
generated programs” on page 267).
Entering administration settings for detail, create and edit screens fails
After upgrading projects from a DocuLink version before 3.4 to 6.0, some
administration settings for create, edit or details screens that were added in
version 3.4 may not be filled in correctly. In this case, errors may occur when
new values for these settings are entered in version 6.0 because the data type
check fails. If necessary, execute the Adjust datatype for administration
settings report.

Assign then store archiving scenario does not work

If you want to use this scenario, the object type must possess the event assigned
(inherited from interface type IFARCH21) and the confirm method must exist.
Redefine the confirm method if necessary and remove the error message from
the program (transaction SWO1).
Furthermore, the ExistenceCheck method, which is contained in IFARCH21,
must be redefined and implemented (otherwise no check for duplicates is carried
out on the records).
Sample projects do not work
Check the following:
• Has the supplied profile J_6NG_PROF been assigned to the user?
• Is the link J_6NGDKOR( Object type) / J_6NGDKORR (Document type) set to a
valid archive in the OAC3 transaction?
• Are the number ranges maintained? Use transaction SNRO to maintain
interval 01 for the J_6NG_DIV number range. Enter 1000 as the start number.
Automatic entry of field values fails
Check the settings dialog for the assignment of selection fields to attribute objects
and find out whether key fields were specified for automatic entry. As a rule, key
fields may not be edited after creating the record. Thus, you may not specify
only Edit or always (Create and Edit) as the event for automatic entry.

DC090501-CGD-EN Customizing and Administration Guide 297

Chapter 25 Functionality errors

Opening a DocuLink view using a GOS service fails

Check the customizing for the GOS service (see “Providing DocuLink as a ge-
neric object service” on page 195). If an entry for the view is available in the GOS
menu and the display fails, the user may not have the required right to display
the view.

298 Customizing and Administration Guide DC090501-CGD-EN

Chapter 26
Recursive folders can be opened further than the depth of recursion.
The recursion depth is only valid for the Expand subtree function.
DocuLink start image affects system performance.
The start image can be deactivated in the view settings in customizing.
Authorization check failed: no data is displayed in the application, although the
values entered were explicitly assigned in the authorization profile.
Check the values entry for the authorization field at the attribute object. Note
that the entry of explicit values is data-type sensitive, i.e. customer number 0001
is not the same as 1. In this case the leading zeros are required.

DC090501-CGD-EN Customizing and Administration Guide 299

Chapter 27
Customizing table overview
The customizing steps described in this manual result in specific entries in the
respective customizing tables. If you experience any problems you can look up the
detailed customizing entries in the following overview table.

View cluster Piece list Comment

/IXOS/DC_ADMIN /IXOS/DC_TACA Administrator maintenance for editing
/IXOS/DC_TADA Administrator maintenance for details
/IXOS/DC_TAHA Hitlist administrator maintenance
/IXOS/DC_TAIA Administrator maintenance for creat-
/IXOS/DC_TASA Selection screen administrator mainte-
/IXOS/DC_TAXFC Screens: Excluded function codes for
AO attr. object screens
/IXOS/DC_TAXFC Screens: Excluded function codes for
SS selection screen
/IXOS/DC_GENERIC_O /IXOS/DC46_TBG DocuLink customizing for GOS (Ge-
BJ_SERVICES OS neric Object Services)
/IXOS/DC46_TCG Activate GOS services at attribute ob-
DS ject
/IXOS/DC_TCFT Quick info for function codes
/IXOS/DC_TCLPJE User exits of projects
/IXOS/DC_TCPJ Projects with versions
/IXOS/DC_TCPJT Projects with version description
/IXOS/DC_TCSF Selection fields
/IXOS/DC_TCSFT Selection fields description
/IXOS/DC_TCTMP MS Word document templates for
L changeable documents

DC090501-CGD-EN Customizing and Administration Guide 301

Chapter 27 Customizing table overview

View cluster Piece list Comment

/IXOS/DC_PROJECT_A /IXOS/DC_TCDS Data sources (attribute objects)
/IXOS/DC_TCDSA Data source and action for authority
/IXOS/DC_TCDSA Data source, actions and fields of au-
F thority object
/IXOS/DC_TCDSA Data source, actions, fields of authority
FV obj. and values
/IXOS/DC_TCDST Data sources description (sttribute ob-
/IXOS/DC_TCLDS User exits at data source
/IXOS/DC_TCLDS Link data source/selection field
/IXOS/DC_PROJECT_VI /IXOS/DC_TCHIE Hierarchy of a view
/IXOS/DC_TCLNT Link nodetype/function code
/IXOS/DC_TCLNT Link nodetype/selection field
/IXOS/DC_TCNTR Recursion in a view
/IXOS/DC_TCNTS Output masks for selection fields at
FO node types
/IXOS/DC_TCNTS Restriction of selection fields at node
FR types
/IXOS/DC_TCNTT Node type description
/IXOS/DC_TCNTT Node type texts
/IXOS/DC_TCVEF Excluded function codes in views
/IXOS/DC_TCVIE Views description
/IXOS/DC_TCSTA CM: Status flow table

302 Customizing and Administration Guide DC090501-CGD-EN

View cluster Piece list Comment
/IXOS/DC_TCSTA CM: Status text table
/IXOS/DC_TAUG User groups description

DC090501-CGD-EN Livelink ECM – DocuLink for SAP Solutions 9.5.1 303

Hit list configuration 289
Application Link Enabling
See “ALE”
A Application property 174, 175
Activating Application record types 159, 164, 168,
Functions at the attribute object 99 168, 175, 176, 180, 182, 185, 190
User exits 139 (See also “Application record types”)
Version 62 Data export 173
View 65 Data retrieval 185, 190
Administration 241 Archiving
Attribute object settings 93 Allowing 92
Authorizations 263 Attribute object settings 92, 95
COLD documents 245 Scanner 150
Create screen 93, 276 Archiving mode
Deleted records 249 Attribute object settings 95
Detail screen 93, 270 Archiving scenarios 154
Edit screen 93, 272 Assign then store 153
Hit lists 93 Storing for subsequent assignment 152
Livelink ECM – PDMS Context Server Storing for subsequent entry 152
161 Assign then store
Lock table 251 Troubleshooting 297
Mapping services 161 Assigning
Protocol table 254 Livelink documents 194, 195
Selection screen 282, 284 Assigning selection fields to the node type
User 257, 261 Pragmatic method 88
User groups 257 Assignment of node type to selection field
User settings 257 Expert customizing 129
Administration data Attribute objects
Copying 68 Assigning 87
Copying with attribute object 106 Copying 106
Copying with project 59 Creating 87
Copying with version 61 Data retrieval 187
Administration settings General specifications 90
Report 269 Generic object services 193
Troubleshooting 297 Internal document reference 187
Upgrade 269 Linking tables 36
ALE Naming convention 43
Configuring DocuLink views 197 Node type settings 119

DC090501-CGD-EN Customizing and Administration Guide 305


Sample view Products and Customers View editor 53

209, 217 Auxiliary structures
Selection field assignment 109, 110 Data structures for logical systems 198
Settings 90 Reports 198
Attribute record
Displaying (customizing) 41 B
Attributes 15 BAI 159, 159, 165, 188
Authorization check BAI record type
Activating for an action 103 ixos.bai:Document 168
Sample view Products and Customers BAI servlet
232 Data export 162
Authorization concept 17 Behaviour of dupl.
Implementing in DocuLink 265 Attribute object settings 96
SAP authorization objects 264 Business Application Integration
Supplied objects 263, 263 See “BAI”
Supported activities 264
Authorization fields C
Attribute object settings 102 Child flag
Authorization objects Selection field to attribute object
Attribute object settings 101 assignment 111
DocuLink 263 Classic method
J_6NB_CLAS 264 Customizing 81
J_6NB_PROD 264 Customizing 41
J_6NG_DATA 264 Document model 41
J_6NG_PROJ 264 Hierarchy, customizing 41
Authorization profiles CM templates
Assigning users 265 Copying 61, 106
Authorization check 102 COLD
Authorization concept 18, 263, 265 Administering 245
J_6NB_PROF 205 Documents, administration 245
Supplied 263 Statistics, administrating 247
Troubleshooting 299 COLLECT field 40, 133
Authorization template Sample view Products and Customers
Default settings for attribute object checks 226
101 Complete field
Authorizations Hit list configuration 289
Administration 263 Concepts 15
Attribute object settings 100 Configuration
Checking at attribute object 101 Create screen (admin) 276
Sample project 20 Detail screen (admin) 270, 272
Troubleshooting 299 Hit list (admin) 287
Automatic entry Selection screen 279, 279
Event 112 Contact 13
Sample view Products and Customers Content Management
218 See “CM”
Time 112 Content Repository
Troubleshooting 297 PLM DMS document model 202
Type 111 Context Server Record type 119

306 Customizing and Administration Guide DC090501-CGD-EN


Context Server Record types 168, 168, Content Management hierarchy 41

180, 182 Defining building blocks 35
(See also “Record types”) Displaying a selection screen 37
Converting 165 Document node type 41
Data export 165, 169 Dynamic node type 40
Data retrieval 185, 190 Expert mode 81
Display 187 General principles 33
Exchange structures 187 Late storing with barcode 149
Functions 187 Limitations 31
Internal document reference 187 Logical systems 197, 198
Livelink ECM – PDMS Document Modeler Naming conventions 43
165 Node text 42
Mapping service 187 Node types 38
Node types 159, 187 Overview 29
Property Types 173 PLM document node type 41
View editor 187 Possibilities 31
Context Server records Recursive node type 42
Displaying 180 Root node 39
Conventions 15 Standard mode 71
Conventions in this documentation 12 Static node type 40
Converting Tab view 48
Data types 165 User interface 45
Copying Value table node type 41
Administration data 59, 61, 68 View 34, 36
Allowing at node type 124 View editor 51
CM templates 61, 106 Customizing buffer
Development version 59 Deleting 143
Function code assignment to node types Customizing tables 301
142 Cut selection for child
Function code for PICK (F2) at node type Assignment of node types to selection
142 fields 133, 209
Node type assignment to attribute objects Customizing 129
106 Sample view Products and Customers
Node types 55, 69 229
Productive version 59 View editor 53
Project 59
Selection field to attribute object D
assignment 109, 109 Data archiving
Selection field to node type assignment Attribute object settings 96
109 Customizing 147
User Exit 106 Data Dictionary
Create screen Mapping Configurations 183, 189
Administration 93, 276 Property Types 172
Created by Data exchange
Customizing 59 Customizing 159
Creating the hierarchy Value Maps 175
Standard customizing 71 Data export
Customizing 27 Converting data types 168
Adjusting 269 Customizing 159, 159, 163

DC090501-CGD-EN Livelink ECM – DocuLink for SAP Solutions 9.5.1 307


Customizing in the Livelink ECM – PDMS Importing 182, 188

Document Modeler 165 Naming convention 164
Customizing in the SAP system 161 DDIC
DocuLink customizing 163 Adjust customizing 143
DocuLink project 164 Adjust Customizing 269
DocuLink view 164 Objects 297
ECR Context Server 162 Sorting selection fields 105
Executing 176 Default archive mode
Importing an external schema 167 Attribute object settings 96
Livelink ECM – PDMS Context Server Deleted records
159, 161, 176 Administration 249
Livelink ECM – PDMS Document Modeler Deleting
159, 164 Allowing at node type 123
Mapping configuration 161, 166 Moving at node type 123
Mapping property types 172, 173 View editor 56
Mapping service 161, 163 Dependant field
Record Mappings 173 Text enhancement 271
Reports 164, 179 Depth of recursion 115
Scheduling 179 Descending sort order
Selection screen 163 Assignment of node types to selection
Variants 163 fields 134
XML file 164, 168 Description
Data extraction 67 Attribute object 90
Data retrieval Selection field settings 108
Attribute object settings 187 Description field
BAI 182, 188 Assignment of node types to selection
Customizing 159, 180 fields 136
Customizing in the Livelink ECM – PDMS DesktopLink
Document Modeler 182, 188 Document entry 152
DocuLink customizing 187 Detail screen
Exchange structures 180 Administration 93, 270
Importing an external schema 183, 189 Development versions 33, 47
Internal document reference 93, 187 Copying 59
Livelink ECM – PDMS Context Server Display
180 Context Server records 180
Livelink ECM – PDMS Document Modeler Problems 295
180 Display docs (int.doc.ref)
Mapping configuration 183, 187, 189 View settings 66
Mapping property types 184, 190 Display screens as Popup
Mapping service 187 View settings 66
Record mappings 184 Displaying
Record Mappings 190 Livelink documents 194, 195
XML file 184, 189 Displaying documents
Data structures View settings 66
Auxiliary structures 198 Displaying documents in a new session
Expert customizing 91 View settings 66
Storing in file 75 DMS/PLM document model
Data types Reports 237
Converting 168

308 Customizing and Administration Guide DC090501-CGD-EN


DOCDIRECT via Standard ArchiveLink 150

Attribute object settings 93 Event
View settings 66 Attribute object settings 99
DocTool User exit settings 139
R/3 Insert 247 Event for automatic entry
Document area Selection field to attribute object
PLM DMS document model 202 assignment 112
Document entry via DesktopLink Exchange structures
Customizing 150 creating a mapping configuration 183,
Customizing (for DocuLink) 152 189
Document hierarchy Data retrieval 180, 187, 190
CM 41 IXOS Documents 187
Document node type 118 Exclude initial value
Creating (with wizard) 75 Assignment of node types to selection
Customizing 41 fields 134
Sample view Products and Customers Expert customizing
227 Assignment of node types to selection
Document type fields 129
Attribute object settings 92 Attribute object 90
Modifying (node type settings) 124 Function codes 140
Domain for text Functions in settings dialogs 50
Assignment of node types to selection General 81
fields 136 Getting started 89
DVS document model Node types 113, 114
Customizing 41 Other functions 139
DVS documents Selection field 107
Sample project 18 Selection field to attribute object
Dynamic node type 118 assignment 109
Customizing 40 Settings dialogs 89
Sample view Products and Customers Steps 89
226 User exits 139
Expert mode
E See “Expert customizing”
Early storing Explicit assignment
Creating a record (customizing) 149 Authorization check 102
ECR Context Server Explicit values
Data export customizing 162 Maintaining for authorization check 102
Edit screen Exporting
Administration 93, 272 Data types 164
Empty line Livelink ECM – PDMS Context Server
Create screen configuration 277 176
Detail screen configuration 271 External property 171
Edit screen configuration 274 External record types 168
Selection screen configuration 280, 285
Enable F4 indicator F
Create screen configuration 277 F4 help
Edit screen configuration 274 Assignment of node type to selection field
Entering data from the file system 131
via KPro 150 Feedback 13

DC090501-CGD-EN Livelink ECM – DocuLink for SAP Solutions 9.5.1 309


FI documents (incl. offline) H

Sample project 18 Help 45
Field name to be used Contact 15
Selection field settings 108 Defining the path 291
Folder demo (recurrent structure) Hidden functions
Sample project 235 View settings 67
Folder structures 15 Hide checkbox
Full authorization Node type settings 122
Authorization check 102 Hit lists
Function code assignment to node types Administration 93, 287
Function code settings 142 Node type settings 121
Function codes Output selection as 75
Copying 140 View editor 53, 53
Creating 140, 141 Hotspot flag
Edit 140 Node type settings 122
Function code assignment to node types
142 I
Naming convention 44 Icons
Node type assignment 142 Function code settings 141
Node type settings 122, 127 Ignore selection from parent
PICK for node type 122 Assignment of node types to selection
Settings 140, 141 fields 134
Function group Importing
Attribute object settings 93 External schema 183, 189
Function modules Info check box 133
Attribute object settings 99 Assignment of node types to selection
User exit settings 140 fields 133
Functionality Customizing 129
Linked objects sample project 18 View editor 53
Info structure
G Attribute object settings 97
General Info structures
Attribute object settings 91 Attribute object settings 97
Generate Information
Selection screen 78 Add-On packages 45
Generated programs DocuLink version 45, 50, 61
Administration 267 Transports 45
Deleting 267 Initial status
Generated reports Status management 295
Deleting 142 Inplace Viewing
Generic object ID View settings 66
Attribute object settings 93 Insert
Generic object services Node type settings 123
Attribute object settings 92 Inserting by moving
Customizing 193, 195 Node type settings 123
Integration 193, 195 Integration
GOS Generic object services 193, 193, 195
See “Generic object services” Logical systems 197, 199
PLM documents 202

310 Customizing and Administration Guide DC090501-CGD-EN


Internal document reference Livelink ECM – PDMS Document Modeler

Attribute object settings 93 160, 164
Context Server Record types 187 Customizing for data import from the SAP
Internal record types 168 system 165
Introduction 9 Customizing for data retrieval 182, 188
IXOS Documents Data Dictionary 166, 189
Internal document reference 187 Data export 159
Data retrieval 180
L importing data types 182, 188
Language field Internal Record Type 169
Assignment of node types to selection Map Type 175, 175
fields 136 Mapping Configurations 166, 183, 189
Text enhancement 271 Properties 166
Late storing with barcode Property Mappings 184, 190
Customizing 149 Property Type 169
Leading system Property Type Mapping 172
Logical systems 198 Property Type Namespace 169
Link attribute object 207 Record Mappings 167, 172, 172, 184,
Node type settings 119 190
Sample view Products and Customers Record types 168, 184
223, 229 Schemas 167
Link tables Value Maps 175
Data export 164 Lock table
Linked objects Administration 251
Creating the link (expert customizing) 205 Logging
Functionality 18 Attribute object settings 98, 98
Sample view Products and Customers Logical systems
222 ALE 197
Livelink documents Attribute object settings 92
Assigning 194 Configuring DocuLink 198
Displaying 194, 195 Customizing 197
Storing to an object 195 Integration 197
Livelink ECM – PDMS Context Server Leading system 198
BAI 159, 188 Lower end
Check connection 162 Assignment of node types to selection
Data exchange 159 fields 138
Data export 159, 159
Data retrieval 159, 187 M
Domain 162 Maintenance type
Host 162 Customizing 59
Maintaining 161 Mandatory fields
New data 168 Context Server Record types 171
Organization 162 Map Type
Port 162 Direct 173
URL for BAI servlet 162 Direct Mapping 185, 190
User ID 162 Expression 173, 190
Source 173, 190
Value Mapping 173, 185

DC090501-CGD-EN Livelink ECM – DocuLink for SAP Solutions 9.5.1 311


Mapping Sample view Products and Customers

Configuration 183, 189 222
Property Mapping 185, 190 Selection fields 222
Property types 184 Special selection fields 37
Property Types 172, 173, 190 Troubleshooting 295, 295
Record types 168 Node types
Value Mapping 175 Content Management hierarchy as node
Mapping configuration type 41
Creating 166 Context Server Record type 187
Data export 161 Copying 69
Data retrieval 187 Creating 87, 114
Naming convention 183, 189 Customizing 38
Properties 183, 189 Document node type 41
Property Mappings 174, 186, 192 Document nodes 118
Record Mappings 167, 184 DVS document model 41
Schemas 167, 189 Dynamic 40, 118
Mapping service 67, 92 Naming convention 44
Data export 161, 163 PLM DMS document model 119, 202
Data retrieval 187, 187 Recursive 42
Maintaining 161 Root node 118
Maximum number of hits Root node type 39
View settings 66, 122 Sample view Products and Customers
Min. length 210
Configuring the selection screen for a Selection field assignment 106, 129
separate hit list 283 Settings 113, 117
Selection screen configuration 281, 286 Static 40, 118
Minimum profile Text 42, 43, 124
Authorizations 265 Value table node type 41
Moving Value tables 119
Subtree 72 View editor 54
View editor 55 Nodes 15
Multiple attributing See Node type
Creating a select node 77 Number range numbers
Value table node type 74 Selection field to attribute object
assignment 113
N Number range objects
Naming conventions Selection field to attribute object
Customizing 43 assignment 113
New features in DocuLink NUMC
Version 9.5 25 Output masks 137
No mult. selection
Configuring the selection screen for a O
separate hit list 283 Object name
Selection screen configuration 281, 286 Attribute object settings 97
Node type texts Obligatory
Formatting 126 Configuring the selection screen for a
Pragmatic method 88 separate hit list 283
Sample project 208 Create screen configuration 277
Edit screen configuration 274

312 Customizing and Administration Guide DC090501-CGD-EN


Selection screen configuration 281, 286 PICK

Obsolete versions 33, 47 Copying function codes 142
ODMA Piece list 301
Attributes 155 PLM
Attributes in node type text 125 Integration 202
DocuLink 155 PLM DMS document model
Storing attributes permanently 154 Node types 119
Using attributes 154 PLM document model
Old user exit Reports 237
Attribute object settings 100 PLM document node type
User exit settings 140 Customizing 41
Open Text Online 13 PLM documents
Original documents Customizing 202
Archiving from the scanner 150 Sample project 18
Displaying (customizing) 41 Position
Document entry via DesktopLink 150 Node type settings 117
Entry via KPro 150 Pragmatic method
Entry via Standard ArchiveLink 150 Customizing 81
Entry, Customizing 149 Example 209
Reading data from the file system (Livelink Process 85
ECM – Imaging: DesktopLink) 150 Print lists
Store and enter scenario 149 Sample project 18
Original language Problem
Customizing 58 Display 295
Output Functionality 297
Assignment of node types to selection Solution 293
fields 136 Product Lifecycle Management
Output length See “PLM”
Hit list configuration 288 Productive versions 33, 47
Output mask Activating 62
Assignment of node types to selection Copying 59
fields 137 Projects 16, 57
Overview 11 Copying 59
Pragmatic method 85 Creating new 57
Customizing 58
P Defining 57
Parameter-ID Description, customizing 58
Configuring the selection screen for a List 46, 48
separate hit list 283 Naming convention 43
Create screen configuration 277 Status 47
Edit screen configuration 274 Properties
Selection screen configuration 281, 286 Creating 170
Parent node type Mandatory fields 171
Node type settings 117 Mapping 171
PDMS Context Server Naming convention 169, 185, 190
See “Livelink ECM – PDMS Context Record Mappings 168
Server” Property Mapping
Performance 120 Direction 175
Editing 174

DC090501-CGD-EN Livelink ECM – DocuLink for SAP Solutions 9.5.1 313



Property types 198
Data retrieval 184 Adjust Customizing 269
Property Types Adjust datatype for administration settings
Creating 170 269
Data export 172, 173 Administration of COLD statistic 247
Data retrieval 190 Administration of protocol entries 254
Naming convention 169, 172 Auxiliary structures 198
Protocol table Configure path to DocuLink
Administration 252, 254 Documentation 291
Copy the user settings from a version to
Q another version 257, 257
Quickinfo Data export 164, 179
Function code settings 141 Delete generic reports 260, 267
Deleting 142
R Deleting of user groups and user
Reading data from the file system (Livelink configurations 258
ECM – Imaging: DesktopLink) Exporting record types to an ECR Context
Customizing 150 Server 164
Record mapping Functions 244
Data retrieval 184 hit lists 242
Direction 184 Maintain ECR Server and mapping 161,
Record Mapping 168 242
Creating 172 Maintenance of assignment of users to
Data export 173 user groups 261
Data retrieval 190 Maintenance of deleted records 249
Direction 173, 190 Maintenance of duplicate COLD records
Naming convention 173, 185, 190 245
Record types Maintenance of lock table 251
(See also “Context Server Record types”) Maintenance of user groups 261
Livelink ECM – PDMS Document Modeler Selection functions 244
168, 184, 189 Restrictions
Mandatory fields 171 Assignment of node types to selection
Mapping 172 fields 138
Properties 170, 184, 189 Node types 53
Property Types 170 Values at the node type 120
Recursive folders Retrieval DVS/PLM Documents
Troubleshooting 299 Customizing (description) 237
Recursive node type Sample project 18
Creating 114 Roles
Customizing 42 PLM DMS document model 203
Settings 113 Root node type 113, 118
Recursive structures Customizing 39
Sample project 235 Sample view Products and Customers
Reports 214
164 S
/IXOS/AX_TRANSFER 179 Sample projects 18
$EX_DVS 237

314 Customizing and Administration Guide DC090501-CGD-EN


$EX_FOLDER 235 Copying 109

$EX_LINK 29, 81, 82 Creating 88, 107
Customizing (description) 205, 235 Naming convention 44
FI documents (incl. offline) 18 Node type assignment 109, 129, 131
Folder demo (recurrent structure) 235 Node type texts 222
Linked objects 205 Sample view Products and Customers
Print lists 18 211
Retrieval DVS/PLM Documents 18, 237 Selection at database 132
Troubleshooting 297 Selection field assignment 106, 109, 113
SAP-Object type Selection field settings 108
Attribute object settings 92 Selection screen 132
Scheduling Settings 107
Data export 179 Sorting 105
Schema Special 37, 125
Importing 183, 189 Suggesting for assignment to attribute
Search help name objects 104
Configuring the selection screen for a Suggesting for assignment to node types
separate hit list 283 54, 127
Create screen configuration 275, 277 Suggesting for node type text 124
Select nodes Used for 52, 132, 132
Creating (standard customizing) 74 Selection options
Standard customizing 71 Assignment of node types to selection
Selection 36 fields 139
Configuring the selection screen for a Selection screens
separate hit list 283 Administration 279, 279, 282, 284
Create screen configuration 277 Defining selection fields 132
Detail screen configuration 271 Displaying (customizing) 37
Displayed as Hitlist 75 Generate 78
Displaying as separate hit list 75 Output text 108
Edit screen configuration 273 Sample view Products and Customers
Hit list configuration 288 216
Selection screen configuration 280, 285 Troubleshooting 295
Selection at database Selection type
Assignment of node types to selection Node type settings 118
fields 133 Separate hit lists
Defining selection fields 132 Node type settings 121
Selection dialog Output selection as 75
See “Selection screens” Set productive
Selection field to attribute object Version 60
assignment Settings dialogs
Pragmatic method 88 Expert customizing 89
Sample view Products and Customers Show empty folders
211, 218 Node type settings 120
Settings 109 Single attributing
Selection field to node type assignment Creating a select node 77
Sample view Products and Customers Single value
212, 215, 220 Configuring the selection screen for a
Selection fields separate hit list 283
Assigning 88 Selection screen configuration 280, 286

DC090501-CGD-EN Livelink ECM – DocuLink for SAP Solutions 9.5.1 315


Size of text Sum

Create screen configuration 277 Hit list configuration 288
Edit screen configuration 275
Hit list configuration 288 T
Selection screen configuration 280, 285 Tab view
Skip 274, 277 Customizing 48, 49
Sort Standard functions 49
Hit list configuration 289 Table name to be used
Sort order Selection field settings 108
Hit list configuration 289 Tables
Sort values /IXOS/DC46_TCGDS 193
Node type settings 121 /IXOS/DC_TBPROT 252
Sorting Administering 249
Conversion routine 289 DRAW 202
DDIC structure 105 Text enhancement
Descending 134 Create screen configuration 277
Hit list configuration 289 Detail screen configuration 271
Selection fields 105 Text substitution
Standard customizing 71 Assignment of node types to selection
Select nodes 71, 74 fields 134
Subgroups 71, 73 Sample view Products and Customers
Standard mode 226
See “Standard customizing” Text table
Start picture Text enhancement 271
View settings 66 Text types
Static node type 118 Detail screen configuration 271
Creating (with wizard) 74 Time of automatic entry
Customizing 40 Selection field to attribute object
Sample view Products and Customers assignment 112
215 Transactions
Status management J6NA 161
Initial status 295 Transport 50
Troubleshooting 295, 296 Transporting
Storing for subsequent assignment 151, DesktopLink rendition 50, 61
152 GOS settings 50, 61
Storing for subsequent entry 151, 152 Status management 50, 61
Structure Version 50, 61
Creating (general principles) 33 Troubleshooting 293
Selection field to attribute object Automatic entry 297
assignment 110 Display 295
Storing in file 75 Functionality 297
Storing in files 92 Others 299
Subgroups Type of automatic entry
Creating (standard customizing) 73 Selection field to attribute object
Standard customizing 71 assignment 111
Suggest selection fields Typography 12
Pragmatic method 88, 88
Sample view Products and Customers
222, 223

316 Customizing and Administration Guide DC090501-CGD-EN


U Version information
Unique key DocuLink 50, 61
Selection field to attribute object Versions 33
assignment 113 Activating 60, 62
Upgrade Active 33, 47
Administration settings 269 Customizing 60
Upper end Defining 57
Assignment of node types to selection Development 33, 47
fields 138 Inactive 33
Used for Information 45
Assignment of node types to selection List 46, 45
fields 132 Number 60
Selection field to node type assignment Obsolete 33, 47
216 Productive 33, 47, 47, 60
User administration Status 45
Administration 257 Statuses 33
User configuration Testing 60, 62
Deleting 258 Type 58
User exits View editor
Attribute object settings 99 Context Server Record type 187
Copying with attribute object 106 Customizing 51
Settings 139 Display 51
User groups Functionality 53
Administration 261 Views 16
Copying settings 257 Activating 115
Creating 272, 276, 282, 287 Changing the mode 54
Deleting 258 Copying 68
User interface Creating 34
Customizing 45 Customizing 63
User settings Data export 161
Copying 257 Defining 57
Defining building blocks 35
V Description 65
Value Maps Filtering using data 36
Creating 175 Header data 54
Example 176 Mapping services 161
Value restrictions New 63
Node types 120 Number 65
Value table node type 119 Pragmatic method 209
Customizing 41 Sample view Products and Customers
Sample view Products and Customers 214
217 Settings 64, 64
Value table nodes Switching 54
Linked tables 222 Testing 54, 62, 115
Value/text table Visualization
Assignment of node types to selection SAP GUI for HTML 22
fields 135 SAP GUI for Windows 22
Data export 163, 179

DC090501-CGD-EN Livelink ECM – DocuLink for SAP Solutions 9.5.1 317


Web Browser
Visualization 22
Importing 167, 189
Mapping 173, 185, 190
Record type conversion 169
Workflow 151
Settings for DocuLink 153

XML files
Data export 164, 168
Data retrieval 184, 189

318 Customizing and Administration Guide DC090501-CGD-EN

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