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The War of 1812: By the Dawn’s Early Light

Talk, Read, Talk, Write

The War that Inspired an Anthem

Talk: The word “anthem” is defined on pg. 30 as a song of loyalty or praise. Talk with your partner about some patriotic
songs you know and make a short list of ideas from these songs.

Read: Pgs. 4-5

Talk: Discuss what you remember about the conflict between the United States and Great Britain. How had George
Washington advised the country in terms of foreign policy?

Why War?

Read: Pgs. 6-11

Talk: Explain how President Jefferson tried to avoid trouble with Great Britain by establishing the Embargo Act.

Write: Describe in 3 sentences the trouble the United States was having with Great Britain. Use the following terms in
your paragraph:

neutral economy impressment War Hawks

The United States Goes to War

Talk: According to the Constitution, what responsibilities do the President and Congress have when it comes to going to

Read: Pgs. 12-19

Talk: What were some high points and low points for the Americans during the War of 1812?

Write: Summarize the battles for control of Washington D.C. and Fort McHenry in Baltimore Harbor.
Ending the War

Talk: How do wars usually end? What did the document ending the American Revolution say in terms of territory and

Read: Pgs. 20-23

Talk: Use the glossary on pg. 30 to define the word “stalemate.” How was the War of 1812 an example of a stalemate?

Write: Describe the Battle of New Orleans.

After the War

Talk: Before the War of 1812, from where had most of the manufactured goods that Americans purchased come?
During the war, do you think this trend continued? Why or why not?

Read: Pgs. 24-25

Write: Describe how the War of 1812 affected the economy of the United States.

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