Emmy, Paul, Cecily

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It's later in the evening. Most of the family frien

dly crowd has given way to adults out with their
friends looking for some fun, or on date nights
finding ways to finish off the evening. In some o
f the darker recesses of Pier 54 there might be s
hadier dealings going on. Cecily is hanging apar
t from the crowd, semi-huddled with a guy enga
ged in quiet conversation. Appearing to be want
ing something from him and not getting anywh
ere. Irritation touches her features as she says s
omething to him before pushing past him and w
298760 Cecily Ramos alking off towards the water front. Those with g Sep-06-2023
ood hearing who might've been in distance wou - 11:31
ld have heard her say "You told me you'd have
more by now. I'm not doing another fucking thi
ng for you until you put the vials in my hands."
Now, she's found a spot against a railing where
she can look at the water, raking a hand throug
h her hair. She's clad in a pair of black skinny je
ans with an oversized deep purple hoodie, free
hand shoved in the hoodie pocket while the oth
er hand falls to tap restlessly against the railin

Well well well. There Emmy was. Standard Emm

y outfit tonight. Oversized sweater with a sphin
x car on it and multiple moon phase symbols. It
was as usual long enough to go down almost o
her knees and she had on her totally awesome
and practical pink sparkly combat boots. She w
298761 Emmy Persson alked along and spotted Cecily and tilted her he Sep-06-2023
ad before her hands disappeared into her sweat - 11:33
er and pulled out the notebook and flipped thro
ugh it as if looking for something, tapped a page
and put the notebook away again before she we
nt over and leaned against the railing "Sup." Sh
e said "I've met you but I don't remember your

Even bright lights have dark deals indeed. He h

ad taken to picking up odd jobs from the locals t
o keep cash in his pocket. Now he's returning fr
om one such delivery. Simple package, simple d
ropoff. He was clad in his usual attire of jeans Sep-06-2023
298762 Paul Smith and boots with a black light jacket. The t-shirt t - 11:35
oday was Alice Cooper, well faded from some se
cond hand store somewhere. Emmy stands ou
t. The boots stand out. Cicely was recognized s
econd, a hand lifting in recognition of both wom

298763 Cecily Ramos Cecily glances over at the vaguely familiar voice, Sep-06-2023
straightening up as she recognizes Emmy. "Cecil - 11:38
ID Posted by y." She offers up and it's like there's a half secon
Content Timestamp
d delay before she gives a smile. "Good to see y
ou again. You gotta tell me where you get your
hoodies." Her head tilts as she spots Paul too, lif
ting her hand to wave back and in the same mo
tion, invite him over if he was so inclined to sto
p. To Emmy she asks, "How are you liking Seattl
e? You're newer to town or something like that

His brows perked up with a bit of a smile as he

was gestured over to join them. He headed ove Sep-06-2023
298764 Paul Smith r, hands in the pockets of his jeans. "Hey ther - 11:41
e... Cecily, right?" He lifted his chin to Emmy, sm
iling "How'd the pirate adventure go?"

"Weirdly mixed results, I think my booty is the o

ne getting fucked, but that's beside the point." S
he waved a hand with a smile to Paul and then t
298765 Emmy Persson o Cecily "Internet mostly." She nodded "I'm havi Sep-06-2023
ng a lot of fun here, so far at least, I always expe - 11:45
ct things to go tits up and when you're tits are s
mall like mine you tend to be at a disadvantage
when things require tits to do stuff."

"That's me. Nice to see you again Paul. That Dre

sden book is pretty good. I'm almost done with i
t." Cecily offers up, raising a brow at the mentio
n of pirates. "Pirate adventure? Sounds like fu
n." Though she laughs at Emmy's answer to the Sep-06-2023
298766 Cecily Ramos question. "How many things require tits to do st - 11:48
uff?" A genuine asked question. "I mean, not lik
e I'm hiding Double Ds under this thing," She pl
ucks at her hoodie, the size of which makes it di
fficult to tell what she might look like undernea
th at all. "But I'm curious."

"Well sometimes you hunt the booty, sometime

s you are the booty I suppose" He mused to Em
my before offering Cecily a wide smile "Hey tha Sep-06-2023
298767 Paul Smith t's great..." Then the conversation turned to tits - 11:53
and the token male here gets quiet "...There's a
few things that require them but I'm not sure si
ze matters there" He mused, a lot to himself

"Honestly, Cecily...you would be surprised." She

nodded with a small smirk "I will totally judge th Sep-06-2023
298768 Emmy Persson e caliber of your tits anytime, I may have to tou - 11:53
ch them though." She winked at Cecily and then
nodded "What's a Dresden?"

298769 Cecily Ramos Cecily snorted out a laugh, "Maybe one day." Sh Sep-06-2023
e says of tit judgement before easily sliding bac - 11:57
k to the topic of books. "It's a Book. Well a book
series. I'm reading the first one. Paul here says i
t was pretty good. How're you liking the one yo
u got, Paul?" She asks, fingers of her free hand
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now idly fiddling with her wrist sleeve since sh
e's turned away from the railing to face Emmy a
nd Paul more fully. "Did you end up getting a bo
ok the other day after I left?" She added this qu
estion towards Emmy.

"Nah, got distracted by a ghost." She nodded "O

298770 Emmy Persson r if I did I don't recall which one I got." She shru Sep-06-2023
gged "What's the Dresden books about?" She as - 12:01
ked curiously

"Oh I'm a big fan, read it back when it came out

but never got the rest of the series" He replied l
298771 Paul Smith ooking from Cecily to Emmy "Modern day wizar Sep-06-2023
d detective. World's full of vampires and werew - 12:03
olves, ghosts and stuff like that too. They're a li
ttle formula but it's a fun formula"

Cecily snappoints at Paul's elaboration of Dresd

en. "The series is called The Dresden Files." She
298772 Cecily Ramos added. "It seems pretty neat, plus I always enjo Sep-06-2023
y reading different interpretations of the super - 12:05
natural. How different authors envision it and w

"Interesting." She said with a nod "I listened to

a book recently that was about a woman reforgi Sep-06-2023
298773 Emmy Persson ng Odin's sword and killing a dragon. She was g - 12:08
ay, pretty good. Called Black Blade Blues. Readi
ng is not my thing but audio books work."

( https://www.etsy.com/listing/1224555263/cele Sep-06-2023
298774 Emmy Persson stial-cat-sweater-jumper-pagan-tarot - 12:09
Her sweater...and where to buy it actually.)

298775 Paul Smith "....might need to look into that one" He admitt Sep-06-2023
ed, nodding and making a mental note. - 12:10

"That does sound pretty neat." Cecily agreed. "B

een trying to get more into reading lately. My b
oss is, uh, on an extended vacation and didn't le
ave any instructions on what to do with him go Sep-06-2023
298776 Cecily Ramos ne." She frowned fleetingly. "So I've been trying - 12:12
to keep business flowing while also carving out
some new hobbies in my newly found spare tim
e now that I'm not running errands for him all o
ver creation."

He snorted, shaking his head "Maybe your boss

298777 Paul Smith is who I was supposed to deliver to in the first pl Sep-06-2023
ace. They've taken an.... extended hiatus thems - 12:14
elves. Kinda left me drifting in the winds"
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"Seems to be a trend. I mean no one I know is d

298778 Emmy Persson oing that. But ya know." She shrugged "I recom Sep-06-2023
mend punching people." Emmy said "Well learni - 12:16
ng to punch people."

Cecily studies Paul for a beat when he says that

and gives a single nod when Emmy says it's a tr
end. "Yeah. A lot of people recently have up and
left without warning." She agrees. "All night owl
s from what I've gathered." It's an analogy. For
Vampires. Not entirely sure if it will land but if it
298779 Cecily Ramos does land, maybe that's an indication that these Sep-06-2023
two are in the know? And if it doesn't, then, wel - 12:19
l, it doesn't!
"Knowing how to punch people can be useful, y
eah. I prefer to talk my way out of situations bu
t sometimes talking just doesn't work how we h
ope it will."

He fingergunned towards Cecily "If this" He gest

ured to his face "starts becoming endangered,
we have officially gone too far" He looked to C Sep-06-2023
298780 Paul Smith ecily then, arching a brow a little at the code wo - 12:22
rds and doublespeak. Of course the Invictus w
ould dig that "...That's what I'm seeing too thou

Emmy narrowed her eyes a bit "I can teach yo

u!" She grinned "I won't even show off my claw
298781 Emmy Persson s! It will be great." Emmy gave her a big ole wide Sep-06-2023
grin with those pretty fangs of hers of display. C - 12:22
alling her bluff or ya know...maybe just going to
have to murder her who knows

Cecily doesn't seem concerned when she sees t

he fangs and, in fact, maybe even relaxes for a
moment. Though she does swallow hard and th
ere's an uptick in her heartbeat like maybe sh
e's just realized something else with the revelati
on of Emmy, at least, likely being a Kindred.
298782 Cecily Ramos Whatever it was, she doesn't vocalize. Instead, Sep-06-2023
"No one knows what the fuck is going on. At lea - 12:27
st none of my contacts or my...sponsor's." She l
ooks to Emmy, "I'm not sure I could keep up wit
h your training regime, but Aurelia seems to lik
e you and I like her so, you know, if you're serio
us about the self defense, not a bad idea." Offer
ing up another smile.

298783 Paul Smith His eyes widen in First Estate. and then he face Sep-06-2023
palms and says a phrase he's likely going to rep - 12:29
eat "Damnit Emmy" He half whispered with a si
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gh. Cecily's response wasn't unexpected it see
med though. He shook his head in response "N
obody knows a damn thing, whole Court just up
and vanished"

Emmy's fangs popped back into place and she n

odded "Velma's sweet. Probably to sweet. She's
Emmy curious." She nodded "Yeah that's why
298784 Emmy Persson I'm here, my folks want new turf, they need mu Sep-06-2023
scle, I was called in." She nodded "You a rogue n - 12:30
ow?" She asked curiously "Oh wait there is my p
hone." She said and stepped away (Time for dog
s. I will be back shortly)

Cecily takes in this new information with a coup

le nods, processing it. "My sponsor was, is?, Ever
ett Strong. He's a Firebrand. I'm not sure if he's
who you were supposed to be making a delivery
too or not." She says as Emmy steps steps off to
take a call. "I-" She starts, pauses as if debating Sep-06-2023
298785 Cecily Ramos how much she should say, but then decides to f - 12:38
orge ahead. "I wasn't a-I'm not a ghoul. Or anyt
hing. I just, my skillset was useful to him. So I've
just been trying to keep things, uhm, business a
s usual Mundanely. Kind of flailing in the dark o
therwise though. But I guess that's probably par
for the course right now."

His nose instinctually wrinkled at the mention o

f Firebrand "I'm a Courier for... the other guys, Sep-06-2023
298786 Paul Smith we'll say so I doubt it, actually" He let out a sigh - 12:41
and a nod "Not Bonded but you Know. Honestl
y anyone else would give a damn..."

There's a somewhat darker look that touches C

ecily's eyes, glancing over to the water and then
back. "No. I - he did try. To Bond me. Without th
e ghouling." She lighting scratched at the back o
f her neck. "I don't think it worked as well as he
298788 Cecily Ramos wanted it to but there's still some side effects." Sep-06-2023
She straightened a little. "I'm happy to help out. - 12:46
However I can. I mean, I guess I'm sort of a free
agent now? But if I was going to talk I already w
ould have, and plus it's useful to have someone
who can do daylight things, right? So, you kno

"It does tend to help to have someone who can

go to brunch" He admitted as he looked her ov
298790 Paul Smith er, hands sliding into his pockets as he got comf Sep-06-2023
ortable where he was standing "Don't know I've - 12:51
heard of the bond not taking. Cute trick. I'll kee
p it in mind just in case"
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She just shrugged a shoulder, "Like I said, he fo

und me useful." A wry smile touched Cecily's lip
s. "So were you sent here like Emmy? To try and Sep-06-2023
298791 Cecily Ramos see what's going on? Or did you just happen to - 12:55
get wrapped in to the mystery when your recipi
ent failed to be around for you to make the deli

He winked to her and finger-gunned "Got it in t

wo. I'm here to drop off a package but now? N
298792 Paul Smith ow I've got a hot package that's just going to get Sep-06-2023
hotter. May as well get acquainted with stuff ar - 12:57
ound here, see if I can figure out what happene

"Makes sense. I think we need all hands on deck

as it is, so the more the merrier. As it were." Cec
ily agreed, finally sliding her other hand into the Sep-06-2023
298793 Cecily Ramos hoodie pocket now too. "If I happen upon any cl - 13:04
ues, maybe I'll pass them your way. Everett deal
t in information, and so do I. So I'm keeping an
ear to the ground and my eyes open."

"It's a good business to be in... living around peo

ple like Us" He nodded, a little impressed "You
need a place to hide out or need something mo
ved" He said, slipping a simple slip of cardboard Sep-06-2023
298795 Paul Smith from his pocket. Like a business card but the n - 13:07
umber is handwritten "Text me there and I'll me
et you where you need to. You would be surpri
sed what I've been called to move for people in
this world"

Cecily withdraws her hand to accept the slip of

cardboard, eyeing it briefly before sliding it into
her hoodie pocket and offering a smile. "I'll kee
p that in mind. Appreciated Paul." She glances a
round a moment. "I should head out. I have...a c Sep-06-2023
298796 Cecily Ramos ouple other things I need to try and do before t - 13:11
he sun comes up. But it was good running in to
you. I'm sure I'll be seeing you around." She loo
ks towards where Emmy walked off, "Tell Emmy
I said bye." Then would lightly push off the railin
g so she could head off.

298797 Paul Smith "Anytime. Give you the friendly discount unless Sep-06-2023
it's a corpse." He nodded to her and shrugged - 13:13
"Was cool running into you too... glad the air's a
little clearer now though. Really makes me que
stion that bookstore as a magnet for weirdness
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"You take care, I'll let her know when I see her a

298798 Cecily Ramos (Thanks for the play!) Sep-06-2023

- 13:14

"I bet she tastes good." Emmy said with a nod w Sep-06-2023
298801 Emmy Persson hen she came back "Hey apostle! How's it hangi - 13:20

"No shit" He agreed as he looked to where Cecil Sep-06-2023

298802 Paul Smith y headed off, looking back to Emmy again "To th - 13:21
e Left, welcome back"

"Thanks. So what do you make of it? All these p Sep-06-2023

298803 Emmy Persson eople disappear and we got a rogueish ghoul ha - 13:23
ngin around now...seems weird."

"Not even a ghoul either. Didn't take, apparentl

y" He said, looking slightly incredulous at the id Sep-06-2023
298807 Paul Smith ea "I don't make much of it right now, not yet... - 13:25
Honestly if things go sideways, I'm just heading
out to sea"

"I'm gonna fight things." She nodded "It's fun." S

298809 Emmy Persson he smiled and then tilted her head "Immune to Sep-06-2023
the gift of the blood...that's fuckin weird and I t - 13:28
hink I want to experiment."

298810 Paul Smith "Like a little?" He agreed, looking to Emmy "But Sep-06-2023
I just figured that was me being First Estate" - 13:31

"No I mean, when we make ghouls we share a p

art of our divinity with them. The gift given to u Sep-06-2023
298812 Emmy Persson s by the Goddess we are descendant from. Oh u - 13:36
h in first estate terms it's like giving a loan." She
teased and stuck her tongue out at him.

He rolled his eyes at the tongue being stuck out

rather than the... everything about that "Well I j Sep-06-2023
298813 Paul Smith ust have the thought we've got someone walkin - 13:38
g around with knowledge of Kindred but withou
t any security"

"Guess we gotta claim her." She nodded with a s Sep-06-2023

298816 Emmy Persson mirk "Happens but I call dibs." She joked, or ma - 13:40
ybe she didn't who knows.

He snorted, nodding and gesturing towards wh Sep-06-2023

298817 Paul Smith ere Cecily went off to "I honor dibs in this case, I - 13:42
don't want a ghoul no matter how useful she is"
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"I just like the butt I don't know what else she d
298819 Emmy Persson oes." She snickered a bit "Plus I suppose there is Sep-06-2023
the whole security thing, I don't know maybe I'll - 13:46
talk to her."

"Seems to have her heart in the right place. Ca

n't say her choice of friends is to my tastes but I Sep-06-2023
298821 Paul Smith don't even like my own group all that much" He - 13:48
paused a beat or two and then "...got a point ab
out the butt though"

"Look I'm a simple woman, I like the three F's. Fi

298823 Emmy Persson ghting, Fucking, and Feeding." She nodded "I ass Sep-06-2023
ume that makes the older types look down on - 13:50
me but they can catch these claws ya know?"

"I'll see you on two of those three but not lookin Sep-06-2023
298825 Paul Smith g down on you at all. Need violent friends to ke - 13:51
ep me from getting my hide carved up"

"Exactly! I have a purpose, Being willing to put

298827 Emmy Persson my unlife in danger for others is a rare commod Sep-06-2023
ity in this day and age. Truly I am saint, Saint Em - 13:53

"Obviously not so rare around here. Whole cit

298829 Paul Smith y's worth of kindred just up and vanished like g Sep-06-2023
as in the wind but I'm happy that you provide a - 13:57
marketable service"

"I mean yeah, you got a skill." sh enodded "I'm j Sep-06-2023

298831 Emmy Persson ust ya know...a brute, adorable but a brute." Sh - 14:01
e grinned

298836 Paul Smith "I mean, I know my guard would be down" Sep-06-2023
- 14:02

"Right? Luckly I'm up front and honest and unle Sep-06-2023

298838 Emmy Persson ss specifically asked to keep it quiet. I tend to te - 14:02
ll people I'm gonna murder them."

298839 Paul Smith "How reasonable of you" Another amused roll o Sep-06-2023
f his eyes - 14:05

"I would rather give people a fighting chance ya Sep-06-2023

298840 Emmy Persson know? Honorable combat or something. Plus th - 14:07
at's usually more entertaining."

298841 Paul Smith "You get to see their 'huh?' face, I'll grant you th Sep-06-2023
at" - 14:07
ID Posted by Content Timestamp

"Right? and they typically try to like...go easy on Sep-06-2023

298843 Emmy Persson me and then I just curb stomp them, it's adorab - 14:08
le." She grinned

298844 Paul Smith "I... actually want to see that sometime, is that Sep-06-2023
messed up?" - 14:09

298846 Emmy Persson "I like to make it bloody." She nodded with a sm Sep-06-2023
irk. - 14:14

298847 Paul Smith "I mean, I kind of expected that" He mirrored he Sep-06-2023
r look back to her - 14:16

298848 Emmy Persson "right? It's fun. People forget to have fun when t Sep-06-2023
hey fight." - 14:16

298850 Paul Smith "Preoccupied with not getting hurt" Said the ma Sep-06-2023
n whose fighting style was 'not in the face' - 14:17

298851 Emmy Persson "booooo." She said and then giggled "You shoul Sep-06-2023
d learn to shoot people." - 14:18

"Listen, I know which end of the blade is pointie Sep-06-2023

298852 Paul Smith st and have a winning smile, it's gotten me thro - 14:19
ugh most situations so far"

298853 Emmy Persson "Yeah but guns have a simple point and click int Sep-06-2023
erface." She pointed out - 14:20

"Knives are easier" He shrugged to that "and ha Sep-06-2023

298855 Paul Smith ve the added benefit of not alerting everyone wi - 14:22
thin a half a mile"

"That's fair. But hey if the Godfather taught me Sep-06-2023

298856 Emmy Persson anything it's that sometimes a big loud noise cle - 14:24
ars a crowd out."

298858 Paul Smith "So it's be situational, we'll say" Sep-06-2023

- 14:26

298859 Paul Smith (*it's situational) Sep-06-2023

- 14:26

"Oh yeah, but I mean if you just want to make n Sep-06-2023

298860 Emmy Persson oise you don't really need to aim just shoot up." - 14:30
She nodded
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"This is true, if you want to clear a room" He ag Sep-06-2023

298861 Paul Smith reed, nodding a little "Not that I have a gun, or - 14:32
want a gun for that matter"

"I don't either." She nodded "Well, you are rathe Sep-06-2023
298862 Emmy Persson r fun to talk to as always." She nodded with a s - 14:33

"We aim to please" he chuckled a little "That's Sep-06-2023

298863 Paul Smith my thing... good conversation. It's not as flashy - 14:34
as you but"

"That's cause I'm a bratty millennial, and not th

e introverted kind, in fact introverts fear me." S Sep-06-2023
298870 Emmy Persson he grinned "Most are adorable and get all blush - 14:40
y when you suggest that their tits would look gr
eat in your hands though so I'm pro nerd."

298871 Paul Smith He snorted, shaking his head "I'm certainly lear Sep-06-2023
ning some stuff from you, that much is true" - 14:43

"I try. I can teach you my move. It's direct and fo

298873 Emmy Persson rward and wins everytime, and if it doesn't win Sep-06-2023
you get slapped so I guess it doesn't win everyti - 14:45

He nodded a little "Y'know, I think I'm gonna sti Sep-06-2023

298874 Paul Smith ck with my way? It's gotten me way less slaps t - 14:45
o the face"

"I tend to just grab their ass." She nodded "You Sep-06-2023
298875 Emmy Persson can usually tell who is down to pound by how th - 14:46
ey react." Emmy was a problem clearly.

"I mean that's assault but I feel like that's kind o Sep-06-2023
298876 Paul Smith f a brand for you" He said, leaning back on his b - 14:47
ack foot to regard her

"it works more often than you think actually." E Sep-06-2023

298877 Emmy Persson mmy nodded "Plus what are they gonna do, call - 14:48
the cops, I'll push'em down and run."

298878 Paul Smith "That's... also assault but I have a feeling you alr Sep-06-2023
eady know that?" He squinted slightly - 14:49

298879 Emmy Persson "Assault is just a spicy way to say hello." She no Sep-06-2023
dded "Or goodbye." - 14:50

298881 Paul Smith "I'm happy to know you choose a less spicy way Sep-06-2023
of greeting me, honestly" - 14:51
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"You're not my type. I like big beefy men that ca Sep-06-2023

298884 Emmy Persson n throw me over their shoulder. Women I just...l - 14:54
ike all of them, women pretty great."

298886 Paul Smith "Stronger than I look but you're good, I don't ne Sep-06-2023
ed the spice" He chuckled - 14:55

"I mean that's fair." She nodded "So far I don't h Sep-06-2023
298887 Emmy Persson ave my eye on anyone in particular. Just liek fol - 14:57
ks that I wouldn't say no to."

"I mean... I haven't thought of it like that. Whol Sep-06-2023

298888 Paul Smith e disappearances thing put a damper on my libi - 14:58

"I try to live every night like I'm dying." Emmy sa Sep-06-2023
298893 Emmy Persson id "You never know when some asshole might d - 15:04
ecide your time is up."

298895 Paul Smith "That's why I stay out at sea" He pointed out Sep-06-2023
- 15:12

298896 Emmy Persson "Watch out for whales, or strange beings from b Sep-06-2023
eyond the stars." Emmy nodded - 15:13

298897 Paul Smith "Whales I can deal with and Eldritch horrors are Sep-06-2023
n't as bad as you'd think" - 15:16

"Some people think we become them if we reac Sep-06-2023

298898 Emmy Persson h a specific point in our unlife. Personally I think - 15:16
that's weird."

298900 Paul Smith "You haven't met some of the elders I have" He Sep-06-2023
smirked - 15:20

"Generally I ignore those guys if I can." She nod Sep-06-2023

298904 Emmy Persson ded "They're all stuffy and I hope someone offs - 15:22
me before I become one."

"Yea well they pay top dollar for what I provide" Sep-06-2023
298905 Paul Smith He chuckled "They may be stuffy old corpses bu - 15:23
t they're stuffy old corpses with bank"

"I mean they pay me when I do stuff too, but stil

298907 Emmy Persson l." She shrugged "No love lost!" She grinned "Kin Sep-06-2023
da why I like here, it's all kinds of new youngblo - 15:24
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"Yes and the lingering question where everyone Sep-06-2023

298908 Paul Smith else went isn't anywhere on your raddar then I t - 15:25
ake it"

"It is, but not in a I want to find them way, more Sep-06-2023
298915 Emmy Persson of a I need to know what happened to them so I - 15:36
know how to fight it."

"You know it could be something you can't figh Sep-06-2023

298918 Paul Smith t" He offered, fully expecting the inevitable resp - 15:37

298919 Emmy Persson "ugh that would be gross. Most things I can figh Sep-06-2023
t." She nodded - 15:38

298920 Paul Smith "Just offering it as a possibility's all, not trying to Sep-06-2023
freak you out" - 15:39

"Nah I'm not freaked out. I'll try and fight it and Sep-06-2023
298921 Emmy Persson if I get got I get got." She shrugged "I know the f - 15:42
ate of what happens when I die."

298922 Paul Smith "Good thing to be sure of" He nodded Sep-06-2023

- 15:44

"Right? It's nice feeling." She said with a nod "Yo Sep-06-2023
298923 Emmy Persson u sure I can't talk you into converting? I'm just s - 15:47
aying, we have cooler parties."

298927 Paul Smith "they'd have to be pretty good parties, just sayi Sep-06-2023
ng" - 15:52

298928 Emmy Persson "Drugs, Sex, Rock and Roll, human sacrifice. Wh Sep-06-2023
at more could you want?" - 15:52

"All that is fair but I do get stability and paid wel Sep-06-2023
298931 Paul Smith l for my services and best of all? I mostly get lef - 15:56
t alone. Until recently"

298932 Emmy Persson "Yeah now you gotta deal with me." She joked w Sep-06-2023
ith a smirk - 15:57

He tapped a finger to the side of his nose "Ain't Sep-06-2023

298933 Paul Smith all that bad, maybe I'll come by an open house s - 15:58

She nodded "I'll let you know. The Goddess welc Sep-06-2023
298941 Emmy Persson omes all and would happily have you." Emmy gr - 16:07
ID Posted by Content Timestamp

298942 Paul Smith "Sounds better than the last undead religious s Sep-06-2023
ervice I went to" - 16:10

298944 Emmy Persson "That's cause we're bad ass and do like cool bod Sep-06-2023
y paint." - 16:11

Vera drifts into the edge of the senses of fellow

Beasts, seemingly out for an idle night stroll. Sh Sep-06-2023
298945 Vera Venus e's dressed up again, all tight black dress and pe - 16:12
rfume, hair styled with bangs that would do Bet
tie Page proud.

He was clad in his usual attire of jeans and boot

s with a black light jacket. The t-shirt today wa
s Alice Cooper, well faded from some second ha
298947 Paul Smith nd store somewhere. "Ok, body paint may be a Sep-06-2023
reason to go" He canted his head to the side as - 16:15
he caught the whiff of another predator on the
air, glancing over to where the feeling was comi
ng from to try to find the culprit.

"Totally awesome. I recommend it 100%" She gr

inned and glanced in Vera's direction, she reme
mber her from the shop. She was dressed in bri Sep-06-2023
298948 Emmy Persson ght neon pink sparkly combat boots and an ove - 16:17
rsized sweater that went to right above her kne
es. It had a sphinx cat on it with the moon phas
es under the cat.

It's not hard to spot Vera, really, not when she

298952 Vera Venus wants to be seen - and it seems she is indeed in Sep-06-2023
the mood to be seen. She nods to the other pre - 16:19
dators before changing direction toward them.

"Which, the body paint or the party? Both" He s Sep-06-2023

298955 Paul Smith aid after a few moments of thought as Vera app - 16:23

"Both." She nodded "last party I went to we jum

ped through a bon fire, there were snacks later
298957 Emmy Persson too, and ya know...I got laid but that's more a m Sep-06-2023
e thing and not a requirement of the party aspe - 16:24
ct, not everyone gets bent over a tree stump jus
t my slutty self." She laughed

"Every party needs at least one, honey," Vera of Sep-06-2023

298958 Vera Venus fers as she reaches the pair, grinning as she sa - 16:25
ys it.

298959 Paul Smith "I mean I'll skip getting bent over, personally" H Sep-06-2023
e looked to Vera as she approached, offering a li - 16:26
ID Posted by Content Timestamp
fted chin

"If a party only has one it's a terrible party." she

298961 Emmy Persson grinned and then nodded to Paul "That's fair, I d Sep-06-2023
on't blame you tree stumps are not comfortabl - 16:30

298962 Vera Venus "Depends on how good the one is, but more do Sep-06-2023
es tend to be better. Fifth of May?" - 16:31

298967 Paul Smith "I mean they're fine if you're just sitting on the Sep-06-2023
m but we have different experiences, clearly" - 16:34

"Truth." she nodded to Paul "Completely differe Sep-06-2023

298969 Emmy Persson nt." She then glanced to Vera "I am not sure wh - 16:37
at the Fifth of May is in reference too."

298971 Vera Venus Vera chuckles. "Old habits. New, I meant." Sep-06-2023
- 16:38

298976 Paul Smith "Paul" He broke the introductions first Sep-06-2023

- 16:44

298978 Vera Venus "Vera, darlings. Vera Venus" (Fame 1, among No Sep-06-2023
mads) - 16:44

"New yeah, it shows." She nodded "I'm Emmy b Sep-06-2023

298979 Emmy Persson y the by. short for Esmerelda Josephine Crystal - 16:45
Rainbow Luna Autumn Persson." She nodded

"Vera" He nodded, not seemingly recognizing th Sep-06-2023

298986 Paul Smith e name. He nodded along to Emmy's full name, - 16:52
blinking at the end "Uhuh. Emmy"

298988 Vera Venus "Hippie parents?" Sep-06-2023

- 16:53

"Wait is that the first time you've heard my full Sep-06-2023

298989 Emmy Persson name, Apostle?" She asked with a grin and then - 16:54
nodded to Vera 'Totally."

298992 Paul Smith He nodded a couple times with a laugh "Yea. Fir Sep-06-2023
st time for that" - 16:56

298994 Vera Venus "That was a decade, all right. What I remember Sep-06-2023
of it." - 16:57
ID Posted by Content Timestamp

"Fuck you're old." She laughed a bit "You will be Sep-06-2023

298995 Emmy Persson Granma." She nodded "Paul is Apostle, you're G - 16:59
ranny...yeah Granny works better."

299000 Vera Venus "Oh honey, you think the sixties is old?" Sep-06-2023
- 17:03

He snorted a he pulled his phone out to check s Sep-06-2023

299006 Paul Smith omething as they spoke briefly. "Got a point, Si - 17:09
xties weren't that long ago"

"Yes. Cause it is." She nodded "anything older is Sep-06-2023

299007 Emmy Persson ancient, probably creeks when they get up a nig - 17:09

299009 Vera Venus "Only if the bedsprings need oil, honey. And tha Sep-06-2023
t means I'm ancient then." - 17:10

299011 Paul Smith "You kind of get used to her after a while and sh Sep-06-2023
e makes a strange sort of sense" He mused - 17:14

"Memory Foam is better, just more proof you're

299012 Emmy Persson old." She nodded with a grin and then her "How Sep-06-2023
dare you suggest such a thing! I refuse to make - 17:14

"Damn right I'm old, honey. And remember wha Sep-06-2023

299015 Vera Venus t they say about old hands in dangerous occupa - 17:15

His hands went up on either side of his head an Sep-06-2023

299017 Paul Smith d he smiled to Emmy as though he'd done her s - 17:17
ome great offense that he wasn't at all sorry for

"There is nothing special about old hands in dan

gerous occupations. Simply put just cause you b
een around a hot minute more than me doesn't
299019 Emmy Persson mean I can't make you look a fool if you step to Sep-06-2023
me. Simple as that, confidence will get you kille - 17:19
d." Emmy nodded "No amount of bravado saves
you from a bitch with a foaming mouth and cla
ws the size of your femur."

299021 Vera Venus Vera just chuckles. "You are young, aren't you?" Sep-06-2023
- 17:21

His hands slid into his pockets as he watched th Sep-06-2023

299022 Paul Smith em go back and forth. He didn't seem to have - 17:23
much to add here, content to be there
ID Posted by Content Timestamp

"I might be young, but I know my place in this w

orld and where the goddess needs me and how
I can serve her. I do so with blood and fire, it's r Sep-06-2023
299025 Emmy Persson ather enjoyable." She grinned seemingly happy - 17:27
"Besides Granny, you got like old money written
all over you." She was being a shit, but well that
was just how things were with Emmy.

Vera grins. "Just be mindful that not every fight

is won by rushing it head-on, and certainly not t
hrough bravado. I'm not claiming my age as a m
299031 Vera Venus ark of superiority, honey, merely that it's not so Sep-06-2023
mething I'm shamed by. I earned it, and some ni - 17:30
ghts that was a close thing. Hopefully you surviv
e to do the same, bearcat like you keeps the nig
hts interesting."

"She's a pistol" He agreed, looking down to his p

hone "huh... Looks like I've got a job to do tonig
ht. And it's out at sea" He snorted, shaking his
299033 Paul Smith head before looking up to the pair "It's great to Sep-06-2023
meet you but I have a" He looked back to his ph - 17:34
one "Don't Worry About It" He looked back up "t
o transfer into the loving embrace of the Pacific

299034 Vera Venus "Good dealings, Paul." Sep-06-2023

- 17:35

"I actually have a date so I gotta roll out too." Sh

299035 Emmy Persson e nodded "Good to meet you Granny, See ya lat Sep-06-2023
er Apostle." And she let her hands disappear int - 17:36
o her sweater and off she went

299036 Emmy Persson ((Need a small break)) Sep-06-2023

- 17:36

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