Chapter 1 Assignmnet 12

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Endocrine System(NABIHA ZONAB)

Identify the appropriate endocrine gland numbered 1-8. Using the Internet and various
other sources determine the name of the gland, the hormones each releases and their
primary function. The number in the bracket indicates the number of hormones you should
identify. The (a) and the (b) on two of the glands indicates two different “sections” of the
Endocrine Gland Hormone Secreted Effects on target cell/tissue
1.Pineal Gland
Melatonin Regulates sleep-
wake cycles and
circadian rhythms.
2a.Pituitary Gland a.Multiple hormones Various, including growth
stimulation, milk production,
thyroid function, adrenal
cortisol release, and
regulation of reproductive

2b.Hypothalamus b.Produces releasing hormones Regulation of pituitary

that stimulate or inhibit
pituitary hormone release. gland activity.
3a-Thyroid c.Thyroxine (T4) and • Regulates metabolic
Triiodothyronine (T3) rate, growth, and

3b-Parathyroid Glands d. Parathyroid Hormone (PTH)

• Regulates calcium
and phosphate
levels in the blood.

4-Thymus e. Thymosin Aids in the development

of T lymphocytes,
important for the immune
5-Adernal Glands Epinephrine "Fight or flight"
(Adrenaline), response, increasing
Norepinephrine heart rate and blood
flow to muscles.
6-Pancreas g. Insulin, Glucagon Insulin lowers blood sugar
by promoting glucose
uptake; Glucagon raises
blood sugar by promoting
glucose release.
7-Ovaries(Females) a. Estrogen, Progesterone Regulate the menstrual
cycle, support
pregnancy, and maintain
secondary sexual
8-Testicles(Male) b.Testosterone • Regulates sperm
production, promotes
the development of
male reproductive
tissues, and
secondary sexual

(continue building the table)

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