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Fight automatically in encounters.
Chooses the most effective attacks. (Super effective -> Effective -> Random)
- If none of your moves is super effective or effective against your opponent, it
chooses a random move out of the 4; when choosing a random move, it will
never choose the same move twice in a row.
Detects disabled moves and doesn’t use the disabled move(s).
Switches automatically to the next pokemon when your pokemon dies.
Horde encounters are supported.

● Level 1st
Will instantly switch to the second pokemon in battles to level up the first one.

Run automatically in encounters. As simple as it is!

Catch Pokemon automatically in encounters.
Please note that it will use all of your pokeballs you have in your bag until you catch
the pokemon.

● Only keep IV 31
Will release pokemon that doesn’t have at least 1 IV 31.
The bot will only check pokemon that you’ve caught. It will not release any
shinies. The stats window must be in default position (center of your screen),
to reset the position (if you moved it) restart PokeMMO.

● Catch Options
Catch only specific Pokemon. You have to make a screenshot of the pokemon
name e.g: and put it into the \bin\img folder of the bot directory.

Catch every Pokemon you encounter.

Catch only Pokemon you don’t have.

● Catch Moves [PREMIUM ONLY]
Will automatically use a Catch Move (Substitute, False Swipe, Spore) before
catching a Pokemon.

● Switch
If checked the bot will instantly switch to the second pokemon in battles to
catch with. Can be used to sync pokemon and to not encounter pokemons with
your catcher.


Uses Pay Day against Pokemon to farm money!
It’s encouraged to have multiple pokemon in your party that know this move for
maximum efficiency. When you run out of PP for Pay Day, it will switch to the next
pokemon in your party. Pay Day has to be placed in Move Slot 1.
Every Auto Sweet Scent Route & Auto Walk Route is supported.

● 2+ Pay Day Pokemon [PREMIUM ONLY]

If you check the checkbox it will switch to the next Pay Day Pokemon when
the PP of Pay Day hits 0, until the last Pokemon in your party also have 0 PP it
will go back to Pokecenter and heal. (for Auto Walk/Fish) For Auto SS, its
active by default, since you walk back when PP of SS hits 0.

● Multi Target Move (2) [PREMIUM ONLY]

Will automatically use move 2 after using Pay Day (for example a multi target
move to clear up hordes easier). Make sure that the multi target move you’d
like to use is in Move Slot 2.

Pay Day + Catch [MIXED] [PREMIUM ONLY]

Uses Pay Day or Catch depending on your settings!
Can be used for example to Pay Day everything until encountering the specific
pokemon and then catch it. Uses the settings on the Pay Day Mode Tab + Catch
Mode Tab.
Uses Thief against Pokemon to steal their item for money!
It’s encouraged to have multiple pokemon in your party that know this move for
maximum efficiency. When you run out of PP for Thief, it will switch to the next
pokemon in your party. Thief has to be placed in Move Slot 1.
Every Auto Sweet Scent Route & Auto Walk Route is supported.
Your Pokemon should have the ability “Frisk” to detect the opponent's items. (ex:

● 2+ Thief Pokemon [PREMIUM ONLY]

If you check the checkbox it will switch to the second Thief Pokemon in order
to get the second item. This option is slower but it makes sure you don't miss
any items.


Will automatically use Imprison before using Thief.
Imprison has to be placed in Move Slot 2.

Pay Day + Thief [MIXED] [PREMIUM ONLY]

Uses Pay Day against Pokemon to farm money!
Can be used for example to Pay Day everything until encountering the specific
pokemon and then catch it. Uses the settings on the Pay Day Mode Tab + Catch
Thief Tab.
example: first pokemon needs to have thief with frisk ability.
next pokemon is your payday pokemon can be stacked up.


Catch automatically in Safari encounters.

● Only keep IV 31
Will release pokemon that doesn’t have at least 1 IV 31.
The bot will only check pokemon that you’ve caught. It will not release any
Will automatically Throw a Rock before trying to catch the Pokemon.


Will automatically Throw a Bait before trying to catch the Pokemon.

Safari Auto Walk [PREMIUM ONLY]

Will use the 'Automatic Walk Route' for Safari to walk to the spot and start to

Safari Auto Fish [PREMIUM ONLY]

Will use the 'Automatic Fish Route' for Safari to walk to the spot and start to

Safari Auto Walk & Safari Auto Fish

You should start on the Pokeball on the floor.

Does nothing in encounters so you can battle manually.
This feature is useful if you only want to use other features but battle manually.
Or if you want to combine the Bot with PokeMate. For example use the Routes of
PokeMMO+ but the Battle Mechanism of the PokeMate API.
Sell Box
This function will sell all Pokemon in the current opened box.
You can set a Sell Price. Make sure to stand in front of the pc and have the box
opened which you want to sell. The box window must be in default position (center
of your screen), to reset the position (if you moved it) restart PokeMMO.

Mail Claim
Will automatically claim all mails from the PC when the Mail Window is opened.
The mail window must be in default position (center of your screen), to reset the
position (if you moved it) restart PokeMMO.

Walk automatically.
You can change the Walk Direction from Left-Right, Up-Down, Squares and Random.

Fish automatically.
Rod needs to be placed on Hotkey Slot 1 in the Action Bar.

Manual SS (Manual Sweet Scent)

Use Sweet Scent automatically until you run out of PP.
After it runs out, the bot won’t use sweet scent anymore until you manually fill it back
up or combine it with the function Auto Leppa. Can be used at any spot.

Auto Leppa (Automatic Leppa)

Use Leppa Berry automatically when you run out of Sweet Scent PP.
Auto Walk (Automatic Walk)
Walk automatically until you run out of any of your PP and automatically restore PP.
Will use the selected “Automatic Walk Route" to walk to the spot.
When you arrive at the spot it will start to Walk. After you run out of PP of any of your
moves, the bot will walk back to the PokeCentre to restore your pokemon’s PP. In
order to use this, your bike should be equipped in Hotkey Slot 2 and Dig or Escape
Rope on Hotkey Slot 3. Fast Walking (in your settings) has to be toggled on. You
should also have an Abra with Teleport placed on Hotkey Slot 8. Only usable with
“Automatic Walk Routes”.

Auto Sweet Scent (Automatic Sweet Scent)

Use Sweet Scent automatically until you run out of PP and automatically restore PP.
Will use the selected “Automatic Sweet Scent Route” to walk to the spot.
When it arrives at the spot it will start to use Sweet Scent. After it runs out, the bot
will walk back to the PokeCentre to restore your pokemon’s PP (in order to use Sweet
Scent again). In order to use this, your bike should be equipped in Hotkey Slot 2 and
Sweet Scent on Hotkey Slot 9. Fast Walking (in your settings) has to be toggled on.
You should also have an Abra with Teleport placed on Hotkey Slot 8. Only usable with
“Automatic Sweet Scent Routes”.
Auto Walk Routes & Auto Sweet Scent Routes
You should start against the counter, facing the nurse.

Routes Overview

Amount Region Type Free/Premium

13 Kanto Auto SS Premium

10 Hoenn Auto SS Premium

14 Sinnoh Auto SS Premium

31 Unova Auto SS Premium

2 Kanto Auto Walk/Fish Premium

2 Hoenn Auto Walk/Fish Premium

3 Unova Auto Walk/Fish Premium

3 Hoenn Safari Premium

2 Kanto Safari Premium

1 Kanto Auto SS Free

1 Unova Auto SS Free

82 total routes
Catch Shiny
Automatically catches all Shinies in encounters.
Will catch the Shiny with any available pokeballs.
The bot will not engage with the pokemon (aside from using pokeballs).
It will play a sound when a Shiny is detected.
After the Shiny is caught, it will continue normally.
If the shiny is in a horde, the bot will use “Anti AFK Shiny” as described below.

Anti AFK Shiny

Will stay afk without getting kicked so you can catch the Shiny yourself.
The bot will not engage with the pokemon.
It will play a sound when a Shiny is detected.
After the Shiny is caught, it will continue normally.
Anti AFK items must be in your Medicine Bag.
(Recommended items: Antidote, Awakening, Burn Heal).

Skip Dialogue, Skip Evolve, Skip learn new moves

Automatically skips any annoying dialogue for maximum efficiency.
Automatically cancels Pokemon evolution.
Automatically cancels Pokemon learning a new move.

Use Lure automatically.

Login automatically to avoid getting kicked out of the game.
Can also join existing sessions or login after the afk message.
Potion System [PREMIUM ONLY]
Automatically uses Potions in encounters.

Catch Moves Routine [PREMIUM ONLY]

Substitute -> False Swipe -> Spore or Substitute -> Spore -> False Swipe
You can switch between them.

Teleport Back [PREMIUM ONLY]

Will automatically use Teleport instead of walking back the selected Route while using
“Auto Sweet Scent”. Will also use Teleport when you get stuck to reset the Route. If it
is impossible to walk back the way you came from, the bot will attempt to use
teleport even if this isn’t selected. Please make sure to have teleport in the case that
you select a route where you cannot walk back.

Escape Rope [PREMIUM ONLY]

Will automatically use Escape Rope in holes when you get stuck while using “Auto
Sweet Scent.”


A slow mode for “Auto Sweet Scent”.
If you have a slow or laggy computer, use this while using “Auto Sweet Scent” for
maximum compatibility. You do not need this if you do not get stuck often.

Multi Target Move (1) [PREMIUM ONLY]

Will automatically use Move 1 (for example a multi target move to clear up horde
easier) when using “Auto Walk”, “Auto Sweet Scent” or “Manual SS”.
Make sure that the multi target move you’d like to use is in Move Slot 1.
Discord Bot [PREMIUM ONLY]
Enter your Discord Username to receive notifications whenever
you get a captcha, detect or catch a shiny, steal an item with
thief, throw a pokeball & much more.

Following commands are also available:

!status <premium login username> (receive status)
!start <premium login username> (start bot)
!stop <premium login username> (stop bot)

To send the commands just direct message the discord bot POKE+ on the server.

Automatic Captcha Solver
If you receive a Captcha the Bot will automatically solve the Captcha, enter the
Solution and press Submit. You also get Images in Discord DM’s of the Solving

Alert after Captcha

The bot will alert you after you receive a Captcha in order to avoid being banned.
Premium members also get a discord message with a picture of the Captcha.
Can’t be turned off always on.

Stop after x Walk Cycles

The bot will stop walking around after x Walk Cycles in order to avoid being banned.
It is recommended to set this at around 7.

Stop after PM
The bot will stop after you receive a PM in a PM window or whisper in order to avoid
being banned.

Alert after x Walk Cycles

The bot will alert you with a sound after x Walk Cycles without encountering a
Pokemon to avoid being banned.
Alert after PM
The bot will alert you after you receive a PM in a PM window or whisper in order to
avoid being banned.

Alert after 0 Sweet Scent

The bot will alert you with a sound after SS (Manual Sweet Scent) hits 0 to avoid being

Walk Cycles
Settings to define when the bot should stop, when no pokemons are encountered
anymore by walking to avoid being banned when getting teleported.

Settings to adjust how long the Walk buttons are pressed. Fully randomized.

Auto Channel Switch

Automatically changes the channel after a specific time. Fully randomized.

Close game and bot

Automatically closes the game and bot after a specific time.

Take a break
Automatically takes a break every x minutes for a certain time. Fully randomized.

Humanize Actions
Will do random human behaviors.

Choose the resolution you are using.
1920x1080 or 1280x720 are supported.
This resolution and the Game resolution and your computer (Windows) resolution
has to be the same.
Load/Save Settings
Load or save the settings of your bot.
The settings are saved in the same folder in the “settings.ini” file. Your saved settings
will be launched on startup of the bot.

Replace Properties & GFX File

Automatically replaces the properties & gfx file.
To make the bot work properly in battles you need to replace the properties & gfx file
in pokemmo with the one in the bot folder. To do that, select the default path of your
pokemmo by clicking the left button. Replace the file by clicking the right button.

Left Mouse Clicks or Right Mouse Clicks

Support for left handed users.
Instead of using left mouse clicks you can switch over to use right mouse clicks.


Press F9 to start the Bot or press F10 to stop the Bot.

FISHING ROD 1 For Fish Option
BIKE 2 For Routes
DIG/ESCAPE ROPE 3 For Routes Anti Stuck in hole
ANTI AFK ITEM 4 For catching Shinies without getting kicked
REPEL 5 For Routes with Repel
LURE 6 For Lure System
DEFOG/LEPPA 7 For Routes with Fog or For Auto Leppa
TELEPORT 8 For Routes to teleport back or Anti Stuck
SWEET CENT 9 For SS and Auto SS

*(ex. Antidote, Awakening or Burn Heal)

Disable all Mods & Themes
Use English Language and English ROMs
Start the loader as Admin
Start the bot as Admin
Replace Properties & GFX Files on the Settings Page of the bot
Start the game as Admin
Press Unlock then Free Access and wait or login into you premium account
Game Settings
If Bot is not working or doesn’t click Fight or Run ->
You must have the game focused. (Foreground)
Change Display Mode in PokeMMO Video Settings to Windowed Mode
Set UI Scaling to 1.0x in PokeMMO Interface Settings
Only use one of the Supported Resolutions 1920x1080 or 1280x720
Windows Resolution has also to be same as the PokeMMO & Bot Resolution
Multiple monitors can cause bugs, try to disable them.
Windows Taskbar has to be locked to the bottom and set to always be enabled.

If Routes are unstable ->

Change FPS Limit in PokeMMO Video Settings to 60 FPS.
Fix your internet connection and ensure your FPS is stable.
If it’s still unstable you can get the premium version where an anti stuck and slow
mode feature is included.

If Free Access Unlock is not working ->

Make sure Chrome is installed and updated and that Chrome's site zoom is set to

If it's not clicking the latest video on the channel automatically try to press it yourself.
If it’s not liking the latest video and subscribing try to press it yourself.
If it still doesn’t work, change your Youtube language to english.
If it still doesn’t work, download and replace newest chromedriver.exe

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