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We can use very and quite before the adjectives.

It’s very expensive.

It’s quite expensive.


Let’s practise


Let’s practise


Let’s practise


Let’s practise

Conversation 1
Man: How are your classes?
Let’s ♥
Woman: Good. I really like my English class. It
is fun and interesting.
Man: That’s nice. My English class is fun too,
but it is difficult.
Woman: What about your math class?
Man: It is easy, but it is very boring. Plus, the
room is very small and hot.
Woman: Is the teacher strict?
Man: Yes, but she is very nice and friendly.
Woman: That is important. Math is no fun
without a good teacher.
Man: I think so, too.

Conversation 2
Woman: Hello, can I help you?

Let’s listen
Man: Yes, can I have a cafe mocha?
Woman: OK, hot or cold?
Man: Ice mocha, please. Is it sweet?
Woman: It is a little sweet. What size do you want?
Man: Medium, please.
Woman: We only have small and large sizes.
Man: In that case, large please.
Woman: OK, that will be 8.50.
Man: Wow! that’s expensive.
Woman: Yeah, it’s not cheap. Do you still want it?
Man: Yes, please.

Conversation 3
Man: What a beautiful day!
Let’s listen ♥
Woman: Yes, the weather is perfect. Not too hot, not too
Man: How is the wifi speed?
Woman: It is fast, but my computer is slow though. It is a
very old computer.
Man: My computer is old, too. I want a new one.
Woman: Me, too, but computers are so expensive.
Man: Some basic computers are cheap, but they are not
very good.
Woman: Yeah, and they have a short life and they are slow.
Man: Yes, no more slow computers for me!
Woman: Same here!


Let’s listen

Conversation 4
Man: How is your food?
Woman: It is OK, but the sauce is a little salty.
Man: My food is salty, too.
Woman: Do you like it?
Man: Yes, it is very delicious, but I am full.
Woman: Really, I am still so hungry.
Man: Oh, please have mine. I cannot finish.
Woman: Thanks! That is very nice of you.


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