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European Journal of Orthodontics, 2023, XX, 1–11
Randomized Controlled Trial (RCT)

Early prevention of maxillary canine impaction: a

randomized clinical trial
Guy Willems1, Charlotte Butaye1, , Margot Raes1, Chen Zong1, Giacomo Begnoni1 and
Maria Cadenas de Llano-Pérula1,
Department of Oral Health Sciences-Orthodontics, KU Leuven and Dentistry, University Hospitals Leuven, Leuven, Belgium

Correspondence to: Guy Willems, Department of Oral Health Sciences—Orthodontics, KU Leuven University and Service of Dentistry, University Hospitals
Leuven, Kapucijnenvoer 7, blok A, bus 7001, 3000 Leuven, Belgium. E-mail:

Objectives: To investigate the effect of three interceptive measures (slow maxillary expansion (SME) with removable plates (1), extraction of
both upper deciduous canines (DC) (2) and no intervention (3)) on maxillary canine (MC) position in patients with early mixed dentition (EMD) and
lack of upper arch space. These three groups were additionally compared to a control group (4) with adequate upper arch space.
Null hypothesis: None of the studied strategies outperforms the others regarding improvement of MC position.
Trial design: Four-arm parallel group prospective randomized controlled trial.
Participants: Patients in EMD with at least one impacted MC, non-resorbed DC, and no crossbite.
Interventions: Patients with a lack of space were randomly distributed to protocols (1), (2), and (3).
Primary objective: To assess the change in MC position after 18 months follow up.
Secondary objectives: To assess canine eruption and need for orthodontic intervention within 18–60 month follow up.
Outcome assessment: Five variables defined canine position: sector, canine-to-midline angle, canine-to-first-premolar angle, canine-cusp-to-
midline distance, and canine-cusp-to-occlusal-plane distance on two panoramic radiographs at 0 (T1) and 18 months (T2). Mean differences
between groups were compared with linear mixed models, corrected for age and sex.
Randomization: The patient allocation sequence was generated by an electronic randomization list.
Blinding: The operator taking the measurements was blinded to the groups.
Results: Seventy-six patients were included (142 canines, mean age 9.2 years, 60.5 per cent male, mean follow up 1.9 years), 19, 17, 14,
and 26 patients in groups 1–4, respectively. In absence of dental crossbite in patients with lack of space and impacted MC, SME improved
the canine sector (P = 0.040), compared to no intervention (P = 0.028). Canine-to-midline angle and canine-to-occlusal-plane distance sig-
nificantly decreased in all groups at T2. Extraction improved the canine-to-first-premolar angle at T2 more than other strategies in EMD (P =
Conclusions: Early SME improves the canine sector and reduces the need for major orthodontic intervention in the long term. Taking a first
panoramic radiograph in EMD allows timely intervention in case of MC impaction.
Trial Registration Number: NCT05629312 (Clinical Trial status: follow up ongoing.

Introduction promoting the eruption of PDC as extracting the deciduous

Maxillary canine (MC) impaction, which occurs more often canines (DC) only (5), while Alessandri Bonetti et al. found
unilaterally and in female patients, affects 1.7–4.7 per cent the double extraction pattern to lead to better outcomes (6,7).
of the population (1). Orthodontic interception of MC im- Benson et al. (8) performed a Cochrane review in 2021 up-
paction in early mixed dentition (EMD) has been reported to dating that of Parkin et al. in 2017 (9), concluding that the ex-
reduce the risk of root resorption of neighbouring teeth and traction of deciduous upper canines in patients between 9 and
the need for surgical exposure of the impacted canines, as well 14 years old with PDC increases the proportion of erupted
as to decrease orthodontic treatment time and complexity (2). PDC’s without surgical intervention. However, this review
One of the most frequently used interceptive measures could only include four studies (4–7) and states clearly that
is the extraction of deciduous teeth. Two randomized con- the certainty of the evidence was low.
trolled trials (RCTs) report higher eruption rates of palatally Benson et al. (8) also acknowledge in their systematic re-
displaced maxillary canines (PDC) in patients where de- view the publication of a new protocol trying to incorporate
ciduous upper canines were extracted, compared to control interceptive interventions other than extraction of primary
groups without intervention (3,4). Hadler-Olsen et al. found teeth, such as widening or lengthening of the dental arch by
the extraction of deciduous upper canines together with the using ‘quad-helix, rapid maxillary expansion (RME), head-
extraction of deciduous upper first molars to be as efficient in gear, mini-implants, fixed orthodontic appliances or other

© The Author(s) 2023. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the European Orthodontic Society. All rights reserved. For permissions, please
2 European Journal of Orthodontics, 2023

techniques’, but they were not able to include any RCTs patients with canine cusps positioned in sectors ≤1 on pano-
complying with their selection criteria. Although indeed not ramic radiographs (canine cusp not beyond the distal half of
strong, some evidence can be found in literature regarding the the lateral incisor’s root) were included in the study.
use of different orthodontic appliances in patients with im- Exclusion criteria were presence of uni or bilateral pos-
pacted MCs. For instance, a cervical headgear together with terior dental crossbite, upper permanent canines showing root
the extraction of upper DC has been reported to increase the malformation, ankylosis or fully erupted, evidence of root re-
eruption rate of impacted canines (10,11). RME in EMD has sorption of adjacent teeth, previous orthodontic treatment,
also been reported to lead to a 66 per cent increase in the craniofacial syndromes, systemic disease that would impede
eruption rate of impacted MCs (12), and this increase would orthodontic treatment/surgery and recent exposure to radio-
go up to 86 per cent when RME and cervical headgear are therapy. When large eruption follicles were seen on the per-
combined (13). Slow maxillary expansion (SME) is also ef- manent canines, extraction of the DC and marsupialization
fective in increasing the transversal maxillary dimension (14). of the eruption cyst constituted the standard approach, which
Caprioglio et al. retrospectively compared the effects of SME was also a reason for exclusion from this RCT. Before enrol-
with Quad-helix and Haas expander with a control group ment, written informed consent was obtained from all parti-
without intervention after 12 months of treatment in a cohort cipants and their parents/guardians.
of 6- to 11-year-old patients, finding an improvement of the
canine-to-midline angle only with the Haas appliance (15). Group allocation and interventions
SME can also be performed with removable expansion plates, The study diagram can be found in Figure 1. Patients were
but, to the best of our knowledge, the effect of these appli- included at T1 (baseline) and subdivided into two groups de-
ances on MC impaction has not yet been investigated (16). pending on the lack of space in the upper arch (crowding in
Despite the fact that systematic implementation of early the upper arch either ≤ or > 2 mm, determined clinically).
interceptive measures has been reported to lead to lower Patients with lack of space were randomly attributed to three
prevalence of impacted MCs (1), clinical trials comparing treatment protocols: 1. SME using a removable appliance pre-
the outcomes of different strategies on MC impaction in viously described (14), 2. extraction of both upper DC (to
EMD are scarce (16), which ultimately affects therapeutic prevent asymmetry and midline shifts) or 3. no intervention.
decision-making. Using interceptive measures to avoiding ex- The latter constitutes an internal control group, indicative for
tensive orthodontic treatment in older subjects is cost-effective maxillary permanent canine eruption in case of lack of space
and implies obvious advantages for the patient. in the dental arch. Patients with adequate space in the upper
This RCT aims to study the effect of SME, deciduous upper arch were considered as 4. an external control group, indi-
canine extraction and no intervention on the position of im- cative of ‘ideal’ dental occlusion, where no intervention was
pacted permanent upper canines in patients presenting EMD performed and canine eruption was simply followed up. An
and lack of space in the dental arch. In addition a control electronic randomization list, managed by one operator, was
group with adequate space in the dental arch was used for used to generate the patient allocation sequence.
comparison. The null hypothesis (none of the studied strat- All patients were enrolled in a standard follow up protocol
egies outperforms the others in terms of improvement of MC requiring a recall visit every 6 months. If the canine had not
position) will be tested. yet erupted at the 6 and 12 month visits, a long cone ap-
ical radiograph was taken for evaluation of canine position.
If necessary, an orthodontic intervention could be initiated
Subjects and methods
at any point, which led to exclusion of the patient from the
Subject recruitment and eligibility criteria trial. 18 months after the start of follow up (T2), a new pano-
The present study is a non-commercial, prospective RCT with ramic radiograph was taken and the need for further ortho-
a parallel design. The study protocol was approved by the dontic treatment was re-evaluated. Eventually, canines either
ethical committee of University Hospitals Leuven and KU erupted spontaneously or their eruption was facilitated with
Leuven University (registration number S59030) and has further orthodontic treatment. Extraction of DC and/or de-
been carried out in accordance with The Code of Ethics of ciduous first molars, or a simple protrusion, mesialization or
the World Medical Association (Declaration of Helsinki). distalization spring on a removable appliance were considered
All patients presenting at the intake consultation of the as minor orthodontic interventions. Major orthodontic inter-
Department of Orthodontics of University Hospitals Leuven, ventions consisted of extraction of bicuspids, orthodontic
Belgium between September 2016 and January 2022, with transversal or sagittal expansion or even surgical exposure
at least one maxillary permanent canine impaction were in- when necessary.
vited to participate. Canine impaction was diagnosed based
on a panoramic radiograph, taken for standard evaluation Methods
of dental development and associated pathology from the Panoramic radiographs were taken with a VistaPano S appli-
age of 8 years old. An MC was considered to be impacted ance (Dürr Dental, Bietigheim-Bissingen, Germany). Patients
when the canine-to-midline angle was ≥15° (17,18). Only im- were instructed to stand straight with their gaze focussed on
pacted MCs with incomplete root formation and with per- a point set on the wall in front of their eyes. A positioner was
sisting, non-resorbed DC were included. Since randomization placed on soft nasion in order to standardize head position
of treatment approaches would not be ethical in case of severe and avoid positioning errors.
canine impaction, which requires immediate intervention, the The primary outcome measure was canine position. In
sector where the canine cusp was positioned was taken as an order to determine it, the following variables were assessed
additional selection criterion besides canine-to-midline angle. on digital panoramic radiographs at T1 and T2 (Figure 1):
The sector was scored using the modification of the Ericson sector where the canine cusp was located, canine-to-midline
and Kurol (19) method proposed by Raes et al. (20). Only angle (3^ML), canine-to-first premolar angle (3^4), canine
G. Willems et al. 3

Figure 1 Study diagram.

cusp-to-midline distance (3c-ML) and canine cusp-to-occlusal The occlusal plane was defined as an horizontal tangent to the
plane distance (3c-OP) (17,18,20). For the angular measure- incisal edge of the maxillary first permanent incisor and the
ments, the tooth axis was used. The maxillary dental midline mesio-buccal cusp tip of the first permanent molar. Both dis-
was determined by the anterior nasal spine and the middle tances were then interpreted in proportion to the width of the
point between the two central incisors. In order to avoid per- central incisor (e.g. if the central incisor is 9 mm (considered
forming linear measurements on OPG, these were calibrated 10) and 3c-ML is 18 mm, then 3c-ML is 20, or 2 times the
by using a multiplication of the maxillary central incisor width of the central incisor). Canine position was determined
width of the contralateral side, which was arbitrarily set at 10 on Impax software, version 6.5 (Agfa, Mortsel, Belgium). All
(20,21). The distance of the canine cusp was measured per- measurements were taken once by the same observer (CB),
pendicular to the midline or the occlusal plane respectively. blinded to the interceptive technique used. Measurements
4 European Journal of Orthodontics, 2023

were taken after calibration on a preliminary training dataset,

3 vs. 4

previously published (20). Intra-operator reliability was not
formally evaluated.
Secondary measures were 1. the timing of canine eruption
2 vs. 4

and 2. the need for an additional intervention after the study
Patient-reported outcomes (e.g. patient’s perception of his/
2 vs. 3

her own malocclusion) were not taken into consideration in
this RCT.
Pairwise comparisons (P values)

Statistical analysis
1 vs. 4

Baseline characteristics were compared between groups using
the chi-squared test for categorical variables or the Kruskal–
Wallis test for continuous variables.
1 vs. 3


Linear mixed models were used for the analysis of canine

position, modelling a random intercept to account for re-
peated measurements (two teeth per patient and/or two time
1 vs. 2


points). Results are presented as estimated mean differences

with 95 per cent confidence intervals.
The change scores between T2 and T1 were obtained by

subtracting the outcome at T1 from that of T2. Therefore,

positive values mean ‘increase’ and negative values mean ‘de-

crease’ over time. Since sector is an ordinal variable where a

72/142 (50.7)
70/142 (43.3)

higher score represents a worse outcome, the change score

30/76 (39.5)
46/76 (60.5)

represents the number of levels of improvement (if negative)

8.7; 15.4
7.0; 13.2

1.0; 3.4

or worsening (if positive). For clinical improvement, 3^ML,



3^4, and 3c-OP should decrease (negative change values)


while 3c-ML should increase (positive change values).

Binary long-term follow up (18–60 months) outcomes at
25/48 (52.1)
21/26 (80.8)
23/48 (47.9)
Control (4)

5/26 (19.2)

patient level were analysed using the Fisher exact test, pro-
8.9; 15.4
7.7; 13.2

1.0; 3.4

viding frequent occurrence of small (<5) cell counts. Analyses


at tooth level were performed using logistic regression with


F: Female; M: Male; NI: No intervention; R: Range; vs.: versus. *P-values <0.05 are considered significant.

estimation based on generalized estimating equations to

account for clustering of teeth within patients. Results are
No intervention (3)

presented as odds ratios with 95 per cent confidence intervals.

Since there is no consensus in literature as to which vari-
13/26 (50.0)
13/26 (50.0)

able is the most representative to define canine position and

6/14 (42.9)
8/14 (57.1)

9.5; 13.9
7.7; 11.9

deciding a range of clinically significant changes in canine

1.1; 3.1

position for any of the included five variables was nearly im-


possible, post hoc power of the sample was performed by a

chi-square test, considering spontaneous canine eruption at
Extraction (2)
Table 1. Sample distribution and pairwise comparisons between groups.

18 months.
15/33 (45.5)
18/33 (54.5)
8/17 (47.1)
9/17 (52.9)

Statistical analysis was performed using SAS software (ver-

8.7; 13.8
7.7; 12.0

1.0; 2.3

sion 9.4 of the SAS System for Windows).



Expansion (1)

11/19 (57.9)
19/35 (57.6)
16/35 (42.4)

Table 1 shows the distribution of the sample. The post hoc

8/19 (42.1)

9.2; 13.6
7.0; 11.2

power of the sample, considering spontaneous canine erup-

1.0; 2.9

tion at 18 months, yielded a power of 0.95 for a total sample



of 68 canines (17 per group).

Figure 2 presents the CONSORT 2010 Patient Flow
Diagram per intervention. Including the control group,

a total of 84 patients met all criteria to be included in this



RCT, of which 8 dropouts were noted: 6 patients failed to

attend follow up appointments and 2 were not compliant
Follow up period (years)

during treatment. Seventy-six patients with 142 impacted

canines were finally included, with a mean follow up of 1.9
canines n/N (%)
patient n/N (%)

years. Pairwise comparisons between groups for sex, age, and

Age T2 (years)
Age T1 (years)

duration of the follow up period showed no baseline demo-

graphic differences between groups, except for the control
group, which included significantly more boys than the ex-

pansion group (P = 0.07). No changes in trial outcomes were

G. Willems et al. 5

from above the lateral incisor, except in the no intervention

group. This distance improves significantly more in the ex-
pansion group compared to no intervention (P = 0.038) and
in controls compared to extraction (P = 0.011) and no inter-
vention (P = 0.000) at T2. Also, more displacement of the
canine towards the occlusal plane is observed in controls
compared with the extraction (P = 0.039) and expansion
groups (P = .032) at T2. Here, the change towards T1 is also
significantly larger in controls than in the extraction group
(P = 0.027). Finally, no differences were detected between
groups regarding 3^ML.
Table 4 shows the outcomes of the long-term follow up.
First, the table details whether the canines erupted spontan-
eously during the study period (<18 months of follow up) or
after (18–60 months). At patient level, no significant differ-
ences were detected between groups regarding spontaneous
eruption of the canines <18 months, but spontaneous erup-
tion happened significantly more often after 18 months in the
control group compared to the others (62.5% of the canines
in the control group erupted spontaneously between 18 and
60 months of follow up, compared to 46.15 per cent, 20.00
per cent, and 18.2 per cent in the no intervention, expansion,
and extraction groups respectively; P = 0.043).
Secondly, Table 4 also reports the cases where further
minor or major orthodontic intervention was necessary
Figure 2 CONSORT 2010 flow diagram
during follow up (18–60 months), as well as the probabil-
ities of each group of needing major orthodontic interven-
tion. These probabilities were calculated both at patient and
made after the start of the trial. No side effects or harms were tooth level and compared between groups. Significantly more
observed in any of the included subjects, neither clinically, nor surgical exposure of the canines was necessary in the no
reported by patients or parents/guardians. intervention group after the study period. The probabilities
The canine position per group at T1 and T2, as well as the of major intervention were significantly higher in the extrac-
mean change T2–T1 are summarized in Table 2. It should be tion and no intervention groups compared to expansion (P =
noted that a decrease in values corresponds to clinical im- 0.014, P = 0.001, respectively) and controls (P = 0.026, P =
provement for all parameters except for 3c-ML, which should 0.001, respectively).
increase for clinical improvement. During the 18-month The null hypothesis (none of the studied strategies outper-
study period, the sector only improved significantly in the forms the others regarding improvement of MC position) is
expansion group (P = 0.040), while the angle towards the therefore rejected.
midline and the distance to the occlusal plane improved sig-
nificantly in all groups. The highest improvement in 3^ML
was registered in the expansion group followed by controls. Discussion
The distance between the canine cusp and the midline only Early orthodontic treatment aims to avoid the onset of mal-
improved significantly in the control group, while no differ- occlusion, facilitate dental eruption, and guide growth. It
ences were observed in other groups regarding 3^4. A slight often involves relatively inexpensive interventions and could
worsening was seen in both these last parameters in the no be considered as preventive dentistry. The present study inves-
intervention group. tigates the effect of SME with removable plates, extraction of
The Pairwise differences in canine position between upper DC, or no intervention on MC position during EMD
groups at T1, at T2, and with respect to the change T2–T1 in a sample of patients with at least one impacted MC, no
are reported in Table 3. No significant differences in canine crossbite, and lack of space in the upper arch.
position were detected between groups at T1, with the ex- The measurements used to determine canine position play
ception of the canines in the expansion group being located a crucial role in the evaluation of impaction, which in turn in-
in significantly worse sectors than those in the no interven- fluences treatment outcome (16). Because of this, the present
tion group (P = 0.013). Regarding the change between T2 study takes into consideration five significant predictors of
and T1, it can be observed that the sector improved signifi- canine impaction on panoramic radiographs (20,22).
cantly more in the expansion group than in the no interven- The first parameter taken into consideration is the sector
tion group (P = 0.028), where a (non-significant) worsening where the canine is positioned, which has been suggested
in sector is also observed at T2. Also at T2, 3^4 improves by different authors as the most important predictor of ca-
significantly more in the extraction group compared to the nine impaction (13,18,23). The present study only includes
expansion (P = 0.015), no intervention (P = 0.000), and patients with canines in sectors ≤ 1, as defined by Raes et
control groups (P = 0.032). This angle also improves more al. (20). This corresponds with sectors 1 and 2 as defined by
in controls compared to no intervention (P = 0.037). The Ericson and Kurol, where the canine does not cross the axis
distance between the canine cusp and the midline (non- of the lateral incisor (19). Our results suggest that SME is the
significantly) increases in all groups, as the canine moves only intervention that significantly improves the sector at 18

Table 2. Canine position per group at T1 (start), at T2 (18 months follow up), change T2–T1 and its significance.

Group Time point Sector 3^ML (°) 3^4 (°) 3c-ML (proportion) 3c-OP (proportion)

% of canines in sector 0 Mean Range Mean Range Mean Range Mean Range

Expansion T1 65.71 28.97 15.00; 57.10 8.73 −4.90; 38.20 18.05 13.70; 23.47 19.39 7.14; 30.00
T2 85.71 17.15 0.30; 45.20 6.60 -7.30; 21.40 18.81 14.39; 23.38 13.42 0.00; 28.33
Change T2–T1 Mean (95% CI) −0.22 −11.85 (−15.99; −7.71) −2.27 (−5.92;1.38) 0.83 (−0.58;2.24) −6.31 (−9.82; −2.80)
(−0.43; −0.01)
P value 0.040* <.0.000* 0.208 0.234 0.001*
Extraction T1 78.79 25.05 15.30; 43.40 4.20 −16.30; 26.40 17.62 11.70; 21.69 17.84 8.14; 28.17
T2 93.94 16.85 0.20; 34.40 −0.25 −12.30; 20.20 18.24 14.44; 24.22 12.99 0.00; 25.26
Change T2–T1 Mean (95% CI) −0.15 −8.16 (−13.19; −3.13) −3.13 (−6.78;0.53) 0.57 (−0.65;1.80) −4.79 (−6.87; −2.71)
P value 0.096 0.003* 0.089 0.336 0.000*
 No intervention T1 96.15 23.85 15.00; 51.00 10.62 −7.90; 80.60 17.37 12.00; 21.43 19.54 11.72; 31.71
T2 92.31 16.13 2.70; 39.90 10.49 −2.50; 51.80 16.94 9.55; 22.25 12.23 0.00; 26.29
Change T2–T1 Mean (95% CI) 0.11 −7.68 (−13.76;-1.60) 0.08 (−4.70;4.86) −0.51 (−2.21;1.19) −7.10 (−10.78; −3.43)
P value 0.487 0.017* 0.971 0.529 0.001*
Control T1 85.42 24.98 7.50; 44.20 7.58 −19.80; 63.00 18.41 10.60; 24.36 17.38 9.89; 28.25
T2 95.83 13.76 1.00; 39.50 5.00 −5.80; 18.90 20.18 12.13; 26.10 8.34 −2.88; 27.82
Change T2–T1 Mean (95% CI) −0.10 −11.29 (−15.06; −7.52) −2.57 (−6.88;1.73) 1.77 (0.14;3.41) −9.14 (−11.78;-6.51)
P value 0.102 <.0.000* 0.229 0.035* <.0.000*

CI: Confidence Interval; ML: Upper dental midline; NA: Not applicable; OP: Occlusal plane; ^: Angle. *P-values <0.05 are considered significant. Note that the mean values at T1 and T2 do not take into
consideration clustering of teeth in the same patient, while the Change T2–T1 is calculated with the mean estimations given by the statistic model, therefore considering teeth clustering. Negative mean change
values mean decrease from T1 to T2. For sector, negative values correspond to changes from sector 1 to sector 0 (e.g. T2 – T1 = 0 – 1 = −1), which is an improvement of the clinical situation.
European Journal of Orthodontics, 2023
Table 3. Pairwise differences in canine position between groups at T1, T2, and with respect to the change between T1 and T2.

Group Sector (%) 3^ML (°) 3^4 (°) 3c-ML (proportion) 3c-OP1 (proportion)

Mean difference (95% P-value Mean difference P-value Mean difference P-value Mean difference (95% P-value Mean difference P-value
G. Willems et al.

CI) (95% CI) (95% CI) CI) (95% CI)

Expansion vs. At 0.15 0.212 3.49 0.232 4.58 0.211 0.34 0.670 1.62 0.253
Extraction T1+ (−0.09;0.38) (−2.28;9.26) (−2.66;11.83) (−1.23;1.90) (−1.18;4.41)
At 0.08 0.462 −0.17 0.955 6.34 (1.27;11.42) 0.015* 0.60 0.473 0.06 0.981
T2+ (−0.13;0.28) (−6.35;6.01) (−1.05;2.24) (−4.65;4.76)
T2– −0.07 0.618 −3.69 0.247 0.79 0.791 0.25 0.820 −1.57 0.452
T1° (−0.35;0.21) (−10.01;2.63) (−5.15;6.74) (−1.93;2.43) (−5.70;2.57)
Expansion vs. At 0.32 (0.07;0.57) 0.013* 4.86 0.117 −1.68 0.664 0.50 0.553 −0.24 0.874
No intervention T1+ (−1.25;10.97) (−9.36;6.01) (−1.16;2.16) (−3.20;2.72)
At −0.01 0.918 0.71 0.829 −4.16 0.121 1.85 (0.10;3.60) 0.038* 0.55 0.825
T2+ (−0.23;0.21) (−5.83;7.25) (−9.45;1.12) (−4.42;5.53)
T2– −0.33 0.028* −4.17 0.217 −2.41 0.441 1.33 0.256 0.80 0.716
T1° (−0.62; −0.04) (−10.86;2.52) (−8.62;3.80) (−0.98;3.64) (−3.57;5.17)
Expansion vs. At 0.20 0.068 3.37 0.203 0.94 0.777 −0.46 0.523 1.88 0.143
Control T1+ (−0.01;0.41) (−1.86;8.60) (−5.64;7.52) (−1.88;0.96) (−0.65;4.42)
At 0.10 0.307 2.84 0.315 1.14 0.617 −1.41 0.065 4.68 (0.42;8.94) 0.032*
T2+ (−0.09;0.28) (−2.76;8.44) (−3.39;5.67) (−2.90;0.09)
T2– −0.10 0.444 −0.56 0.845 0.31 0.907 −0.97 0.332 2.81 0.139
T1° (−0.35;0.15) (−6.29;5.16) (−5.00;5.62) (−2.95;1.01) (−0.93;6.56)
Extraction vs. At 0.17 0.181 1.37 0.662 −6.26 0.115 0.16 0.851 −1.85 0.226
No intervention T1+ (−0.08;0.43) (−4.87;7.61) (−14.09;1.57) (−1.53;1.85) (−4.88;1.17)
At −0.09 0.435 0.89 0.792 −10.50 0.000* 1.26 0.163 0.50 0.846
T2+ (−0.31;0.13) (−5.79;7.56) (−15.98; −5.03) (−0.52;3.04) (−4.59;5.59)
T2– −0.26 0.087 −0.48 0.890 −3.20 0.322 1.08 0.364 2.37 0.295
T1° (−0.56;0.04) (−7.31;6.36) (−9.61;3.21) (−1.28;3.43) (−2.11;6.84)
Extraction vs. At 0.05 0.646 −0.12 0.965 −3.64 0.285 −0.79 0.282 0.27 0.838
Control T1+ (−0.17;0.27) (−5.50;5.26) (−10.39;3.10) (−2.25;0.67) (−2.34;2.88)
At 0.02 0.835 3.02 0.300 −5.20 0.032* −2.00 0.011* 4.63 (0.23;9.02) 0.039*
T2+ (−0.17;0.21) (−2.74;8.78) (−9.94; −0.46) (−3.53; −0.47)
T2– −0.03 0.831 3.13 0.293 −0.48 0.863 −1.22 0.234 4.38 (0.52;8.24) 0.027*
T1° (−0.29;0.23) (−2.76;9.03) (−6.03;5.07) (−3.25;0.81)
 No inter- At −0.12 0.305 −1.49 0.606 2.62 0.472 −0.95 0.227 2.12 0.133
vention vs. T1+ (−0.36;0.11) (−7.23;4.25) (−4.60;9.84) (−2.51;0.61) (−0.66;4.90)
Control At 0.11 0.299 2.13 0.491 5.30 (0.33;10.27) 0.037* −3.26 0.000* 4.13 0.083
T2+ (−0.10;0.31) (−4.02;8.28) (−4.90; −1.62) (−0.55;8.81)
T2– 0.23 0.097 3.61 0.256 2.72 0.355 −2.30 0.038* 2.01 0.332
T1° (−0.04;0.51) (−2.68;9.89) (−3.11;8.55) (−4.47; −0.13) (−2.10;6.13)

CI: Confidence interval; NA: Not applicable. *P-values <0.05 are considered significant. +Negative mean differences mean lower values in the first group than in the second. The lower the values, (the closer to 0),
the more improvement, except for 3c-ML. °Negative values mean lower change score (and therefore more change) in the first group than in the second.

Table 4. Long term follow up (> 18 months): Spontaneous canine eruption during (<18 m) and after the study period (18–60 m) and comparisons between groups at tooth and patient level based on the type of
orthodontic intervention performed after the study period.

Total per group Spontaneous eruption Minor orthodontic intervention after Major orthodontic intervention after study period Probabilities of needing major orthodontic
study period (18–60 m) (18–60 m) intervention

<18 m 18–60 m a b Total c d e f Total At patient level At tooth level

P OR (95% CI) P

Expansion (1) canines (%) 35 (100) 5 (14.3) 7 (20.0) 8 (22.9) 8 (22.9) 16 (45.7) 2 (5.7) 4 (11.4) 1 (2.9) 0 (0.0) 7 (20.0) 1 vs 2 0.036* −11.43 (−1.63; −79.97) 0.014*
patients (%) 19 (100) 3 (15.8) 4 (21.05) 4 (21.0) 4 (21.05) 8 (42.1) 1 (5.3) 2 (10.5) 1 (5.3) 0 (0.0) 4 (21.05)
Extraction (2) canines (%) 33 (100) 3 (9.1) 6 (18.2) 2 (6.1) 2 (6.1) 4 (12.1) 9 (27.3) 5 (15.1) 6 (18.2) 0 (0.0) 20 (60.6) 1 vs 3 0.013* – 0.001*
patients (%) 17 (100) 2 (11.8) 4 (23.5) 1 (5.9) 1 (5.9) 2 (11.8) 3 (17.6) 3 (17.6) 3 (17.6) 0 (0.0) 9 (52.9)
No Inter- canines (%) 26 (100) 2 (7.7) 12 (46.15) 0 (0.0) 0 (0.0) 0 (0.0) 2 (7.7) 5 (19.2) 3 (11.5) 2 (7.7) 12 (46.15) 1 vs 4 1.000 −0.91 (0.12; 7.08) 0.932
vention patients (%) 14 (100) 1 (7.1) 6 (42.9) 0 (0.0) 0 (0.0) 0 (0.0) 1 (7.1) 2 (14.3) 2 (14.3) 2 (14.3) 7 (50.0)
 Control (4) canines (%) 48 (100) 6 (12.5) 30 (62.5) 8 (15.4) 0 (0.0) 8 (16.7) 0 (0.0) 0 (0.0) 4 (7.7) 0 (0.0) 4 (8.3) 2 vs 3 0.497 – 0.276
patients (%) 26 (100) 4 (15.4) 15 (57.7) 5 (19.2) 0 (0.0) 5 (19.2) 0 (0.0) 0 (0.0) 2 (7.7) 0 (0.0) 2 (7.7)
 Pairwise comparisons at patient level 0.934 0.043* 0.214 0.031* 0.004* 0.096 0.111 0.623 0.032* 0.002* 2 vs 4 0.049* 12.50 (1.75; 60.36) 0.026*
(P value)
3 vs 4 0.021* – 0.001*

a: Extraction of deciduous canines or first molars; b: Spring or coil; c: Extraction of 14 and 24; CI: Confidence interval; d: Transversal expansion; e: Sagittal expansion; f: Surgical exposure of the canine; m:
months; OR: Odds ratio. *P-values smaller than 0.05 are considered significant. Pairwise comparisons were used at patient level. Logistic regression with estimation based on generalized estimation equations was
used for comparisons at tooth level, in order to take into account the clustering of teeth within patients. Positive odd ratios show higher probability for major orthodontic intervention in the first group. Due to zero
cases with minor orthodontic intervention in the no intervention group, no odd ratios could be estimated and comparisons were performed by a Fisher exact test.
European Journal of Orthodontics, 2023
G. Willems et al. 9

months of follow up. It is relevant to note that the canines a longer term however (18–60 months), SME reduced the
in the expansion group were located in worse sectors at T1 need and complexity of subsequent orthodontic treatment.
compared to those of other groups (Table 1) and that not In our sample, significantly less major orthodontic interven-
intervening worsened the sector: in the no intervention group, tions were needed in patients who received expansion. The
3.84 per cent of the canines with sector 0 at T1 displaced to chances of these patients to receive orthodontic treatment
a worse sector. equalled those of controls with sufficient space in the dental
The canine-to-midline angle (3^ML) has also been indi- arch. Surgical exposure of the canine was significantly more
cated as an important predictor of canine impaction (19,24– likely in the no intervention group. Also, extraction of defini-
26), although Warford et al. found the sector to be a better tive premolars happened more often in patients where DC
predictor of impaction and 3^ML to add little supplemen- were previously extracted. One third of the control patients
tary predictive value (18). A canine-to-midline angle of ≥15° (37.5%) still needed intervention after the study period and
has been indicated in literature as a predictor of high risk for maxillary expansion was still required in 15 per cent of the
canine impaction in 8–9 year olds (23), reason why it was patients of the extraction and no intervention groups, which
used in this study as an inclusion criterion to define impac- could have been prevented. In patients where expansion was
tion. In our sample, this angle decreased significantly in all performed, our protocol included evaluation of canine pos-
groups, indicating further canine uprighting. The largest im- ition on panoramic radiographs. Extraction of the DC was
provement was found in the expansion and control groups. then performed in case their roots were not visibly resorbed
Literature suggests that extraction of DC does not alter the or in case of eruption cysts, together with the first primary
relationship between the lateral incisor and the permanent ca- molars in case of 1. persistent lack of space, 2. first premolar
nine, while maxillary expansion would lead to a change in the positioned to erupt before the definitive canine, or 3. 3^ML
intra-osseous anatomical position of the canine, which could ≥ 45°.
explain these results (12). Caprioglio et al. (15) found RME Despite the randomization of the interceptive approaches
to improve 3^ML significantly more than SME with quad- and the prospective study design being important assets of
helix appliance in a retrospective sample with a mean age of the present study, some limitations are worth mentioning.
±8.5 years over a 12 month follow up period. However, these Firstly, while other authors excluded patients with maxillary
patients presented 3^ML<15° at baseline and no other canine crowding >2 mm (4), we did not. Secondly, no distinction was
position measurements were reported. made between labial and palatal impaction, which are con-
The position of the canine towards the premolar (3^4) sidered aetiologically different (29). This is due to the young
was also analysed in the present study. Although 3^4 ≥48.2° age of the included patients at the start of the trial (mean age
has been suggested as a cut-off value for impaction (22), the 9 years old). At this age, canines are still high in the maxil-
mean values of our sample were much lower, probably be- lary process (30) and cannot be diagnosed yet as palatally or
cause measurements were performed at an earlier stage of buccally impacted. At this moment, impactions are not yet
tooth development. In addition, unlike the dental midline, severe and early intervention is able to correct the eruption
the premolar displaces as well, which means the reference pathway of the MC. Lastly, although panoramic radiographs
point changes. This could also explain why no differences in are routinely taken for diagnostic purposes in orthodontics,
3^4 were detected between T1 and T2 in any of the groups. they are prone to magnification, overlap, distortion, and
Extraction of DC was the interceptive measure improving this errors during imaging taking (31). However, correct posi-
angle the most, while no intervention led to the worst 3^4, tioning of the patient’s head provides sufficient accuracy for
significantly larger than those of the control group. relative linear and angular measurements (32,33).
The distance between the canine cusp and the midline has Our study suggests that taking a first panoramic radio-
been considered to have the best discriminatory power to pre- graph around 8 years of age is effective in diagnosing MC
dict spontaneous eruption of palatally impacted canines, with impaction based on sector and canine-to-midline angle, which
a cut-off value of 11 mm (4). However, no absolute compari- is in line with the guidelines of the American Academy of
sons can be made with our dataset regarding this parameter, Pediatric Dentistry (34). With this first diagnostic image, early
since we determined it as a ratio to the crown width of the screening of canine impaction and interceptive orthodontic
contralateral central incisor, in order to avoid performing interventions can be performed by the general practitioner,
linear measurements in panoramic radiographs, which can which could reduce the burden on specialists, since expansion
lead to bias. In our study, 3-ML decreased in the no interven- plates are simple, cost-effective appliances. In future research,
tion group at T2, instead of increasing like in other groups. patient satisfaction, pain perception, and cost-efficiency
Again, this parameter improved the most in controls without should be taken into consideration, in order to strengthen the
a lack of space. arguments regarding the best approach for early intervention
Sajnani and King found a significant difference in 5-year- of MC impaction.
old children regarding 3c-OP between impacted and non-
impacted canines (24), which is in line with the findings of
other authors (25–28). During our 18-month follow up, sig- Conclusion
nificantly larger intra-osseous vertical eruption was observed In patients with impacted MCs, no dental crossbite, and
in the control group compared to the expansion and extrac- lack of space in the upper arch, SME results in significant
tion groups. improvement of the sector where the canine is positioned
In summary, within the 18-month study period, SME with and decreases the need for major orthodontic intervention
removable plates and extraction of the DC both seemed ac- in the long term, compared to extraction of DC or a wait-
ceptable treatments in patients with impacted canines, no and-see attitude. Panoramic radiographs in EMD can help
crossbite, and lack of space in the upper arch, with expan- identify potential permanent canine impaction and future
sion performing better regarding sector improvement. On follow up.
10 European Journal of Orthodontics, 2023

Acknowledgements 12. Baccetti, T., Mucedero, M., Leonardi, M. and Cozza, P. (2009) In-
terceptive treatment of palatal impaction of maxillary canines with
We would like to thank Mrs. Annouschka Laenen for per- rapid maxillary expansion: a randomized clinical trial. American
forming formal statistical analysis. Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics, 136, 657–
661. doi:10.1016/j.ajodo.2008.03.019.
13. Armi, P., Cozza, P. and Baccetti, T. (2011) Effect of RME and head-
Funding gear treatment on the eruption of palatally displaced canines: a
This research did not receive any specific grant from funding randomized clinical study. Angle Orthodontist, 81, 370–374.
agencies in the public, commercial, or not-for-profit sectors. doi:10.2319/062210-339.1.
14. Van de Velde, A.S., De Boodt, L., Cadenas de Llano-Perula, M.,
Laenen, A. and Willems, G. (2021) Short term effects of intercep-
Conflicts of interest tive expansion treatment: a prospective study. European Journal of
The authors have no conflict of interest. Orthodontics, 43, 324–331. doi:10.1093/ejo/cjab006.
15. Caprioglio, A., Castiglioni, F., Sambataro, S., Giuntini, V.,
Comaglio, I., Lorvetti, F. and Fastuca, R. (2020) Changes in canine
Data availability inclination after rapid and slow maxillary expansion compared to
untreated controls. Orthodontics and Craniofacial Research, 23,
All data are incorporated into the article. 351–356. doi:10.1111/ocr.12377.
16. Grisar, K., Luyten, J., Preda, F., Martin, C., Hoppenreijs, T., Politis,
C. and Jacobs, R. (2021) Interventions for impacted maxillary
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