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Reviews of Books and Other Media.

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© 2007 Daedalus Enterprises Tapes, & Software

Respiratory Disease: A Case Study Ap- and chronic bronchitis in the 2nd edition “RCP” when referring to the respiratory ther-
proach to Patient Care, 3rd edition. Rob- were consolidated under the heading apist (consistent with the current interna-
ert L Wilkins PhD RRT FAARC, James R Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease tional identity and branding) and replace-
Dexter MD, and Philip M Gold MD. Phil- (COPD) in the 3rd edition. The appendix ment of out-of-date medications with the
adelphia: FA Davis. 2007. Soft cover, illus- from the 2nd edition was renamed “Appen- newest drugs.
trated, 521 pages, $54.95. dix A: Normal Laboratory Values,” and new Chapter 1, “Introduction to Patient As-
in the 3rd edition are “Appendix B: GOLD sessment,” lays a foundation for the rest of
Essentially, this is a fresh rewrite of an [Global Initiative for Chronic Obstructive the textbook in that it presents an overview
established textbook. The second edition Lung Disease] Standards for Diagnosing and of the cardiopulmonary assessment. All of
was published in 1998, so it was arguably Treating Patients with COPD” and “Appen- the basics are covered and illustrated in a
overdue for a repaint. As a respiratory ther- dix C: Web Sites Useful for Learning In- case study that illustrates the integration of
apist (RT) training program director, I have formation About the Diagnosis and Treat- the various findings. The reader must be
personally specified this text for my pulmo- ment of Lung Diseases.” aware that Wilkins prefers to define crack-
nary diseases course since the previous edi- The general format was vastly improved les as the descriptive term for (1) late in-
tion was released. I have tenaciously resisted in this edition. The 2nd edition began each spiratory adventitious sounds associated
going to another text while waiting for this chapter with a listing of key terms, which with airway opening and (2) “movement of
3rd edition. offered little value, in that the terms were excessive airway secretions with breathing.”
The authors outline the purpose and in- highlighted in the text and also found in the Though much confusion exists with regard
tended audience in the preface. Though it is glossary. The 3rd edition has replaced the to breath-sound nomenclature, there remains
key terms lists with a list of behavioral ob- a very large contingent that refers to non-
mentioned that nurses, physician assistants,
jectives. This should be a welcomed change musical secretion-related sounds as “rhon-
and medical students may find the text use-
for RT students, who are geared to embrace
ful, the text design is primarily targeted to- chi.” The literature provides support for both
learning objectives. Other new features in-
ward the RT student. The authors cite the camps, and it is certainly not a settled issue
clude call-out boxes to draw attention to the
evolution of the profession to where physi- among educators in the medical and respi-
take-home points in the text. At the close of
cians now depend on RTs to be their eyes ratory care professions.
each chapter there is a bulleted “Cliff Notes”
and ears when they are not at the bedside. Chapter 2, “Introduction to Respiratory
version of the key content, presented in the
The stated goal of the text is “to help RTs Failure,” has changed very little from the
order it was found in the chapter. This fea-
become knowledgeable about the diseases previous edition. I would have hoped for a
ture makes it easy to quickly review the
they see in the hospital and other health mention of the rapid shallow breathing in-
material and locate the associated detail in
care facilities and to better understand how dex and spontaneous breathing trials in ad-
the chapter.
these diseases affect lung function.” A side dition to the standard descriptions of inter-
A further formatting upgrade is in the
benefit mentioned in the preface is that the layout of the case studies, which provide an mittent mandatory ventilation, pressure
text will help students prepare for the Na- opportunity to apply the content learned in support, T-piece weaning, and traditional
tional Board for Respiratory Care Clinical each chapter. In the previous edition the weaning-readiness indicators.
Simulation Examination. questions were listed separately from the In Chapter 3, “Asthma,” the discussion
One of the most apparent changes in this answers, which made the textbook unwieldy of pharmacology has been updated nicely,
3rd edition is the reduction in chapters, from for the student user. Now the case study with the addition of anti-immunoglobin E
27 to 20. This was accomplished by delet- questions are in the left column and the an- therapy and heliox. A call-out box “plants a
ing the chapter on ethics and the 5 chapters swers immediately to the right. This edition seed” for the RT student to consider seek-
on diseases of children and neonates. The includes a card for covering the answers as ing the asthma educator certification (AE-
ethics chapter was arguably not mainstream you critically ponder the questions. C). Also new is a short prognosis section.
to the overall intent of the textbook. The Other formatting changes include the use Chapter 4, “Chronic Obstructive Pulmo-
authors’ rationale was that the pediatric dis- of a sans serif font and shaded boxes that nary Disease,” replaces the former 2 chap-
eases are well covered in other texts, so set off the case study content. These are ters on chronic bronchitis and emphysema,
they focused their attention on adult disor- much more pleasant to the eye than the pre- and is longer than those 2 chapters com-
ders. Nevertheless, the authors kept croup/ vious rendering. Also in the new edition the bined. The same 2 case studies from the
epiglottitis in their list of obstructive dis- arterial blood gas values in the case studies 2nd edition are wrapped in an all-new over-
eases on page 3 and retained an infant chest are listed in tables rather than in paragraph view of COPD. There is even mention of
radiograph on page 25. The exclusion of the form. Best of all is the expanded use of lung-volume-reduction surgery and pulmo-
pediatric diseases may come as a disappoint- subheadings that better organize the text and nary rehabilitation.
ment to those who were counting on this lend to rapid referencing. Chapter 5, “Cystic Fibrosis,” was updated
part of the text to be included in the 3rd Other minor but needed updates are seen throughout, with data and therapies that are
edition. Also, the chapters on emphysema in the use of the term “RT” in place of consistent with current knowledge. The case



study has come forward essentially un- Pneumocystis carinii to Pneumocystis ji- known and esteemed lecturer from the Uni-
changed. roveci, and this edition reflects that change, versity of West England.
Chapter 6. “Hemodynamic Monitoring except that Pneumocystis carinii slipped The book has 8 chapters, each of which
and Shock,” has gone from 15 pages to 25 through unchanged in the glossary. ends with a handy multi-point chapter sum-
pages. It offers a balanced presentation of Chapter 18, “Sleep Disordered Breath- mary. The stated intended readership is be-
hypovolemic, septic, and cardiogenic shock. ing,” (previously titled “Sleep Apnea”) has ginning and current practitioners who care
Of special note is an all new case study that an expanded and updated introduction and for pulmonary patients. The book’s goal is
features an 18-year-old cystic fibrosis pa- more depth and breadth, commensurate with to provide evidence-based guidelines for
tient who develops septic shock. The sec- the growth in the related literature. There is care of patients with various pulmonary dis-
ond case study enables a comparison of sep- also a new case study that discusses titra- eases.
tic shock to hypovolemic shock. tion of continuous positive airway pressure. The first chapter is a 20-page overview
Chapters 7, “Pulmonary Thromboem- Chapter 19, “Tuberculosis,” is largely un- of the gross anatomy and physiology prin-
bolic Disease,” and 8, “Heart Failure,” have changed, though there are some new data in ciples of the respiratory system. The author
received minor updates and remain largely the chapter’s introduction. states that a detailed review is outside the
as they were in the previous edition. Chapter 20, “Lung Cancer,” received new scope of this book. This chapter covers the
Chapter 9, “Smoke Inhalation Injury and sections on metastatic disease and paraneo- mechanics of ventilation, pulmonary circu-
Burns,” underwent an extensive rewrite with plastic syndromes that were not found in lation, transport of gases, and acid-base bal-
current statistics and up-to-date ventilation the 2nd edition. Also new are sections on ance. The author blends basic and more ad-
management strategies such as tracheal gas newer imaging and diagnostic techniques. vanced concepts, such as the diagram of
insufflation and volumetric diffusive venti- The first case study has new images added, gross anatomical features opposite the table
lation. There is also a new case study. and replacement of the radiograph, which on Fick’s law of diffusion. Though the pre-
Chapter 10, “Near Drowning,” now has was, apparently, reversed on page 387 of sentation of anatomy and physiology is con-
expanded introduction and definitions sec- the 2nd edition. The new second case study cise, it is not initially apparent how the prac-
tions, and a new section entitled “Preven- features a tracheobronchial stenting proce- titioner can use the information in practice.
tion and Prognosis.” There is also a new dure. The author makes 2 brief references (while
box that provides short definitions for the I was pleased to have the opportunity to explaining the composition of inspired air)
near-drowning lexicon. One of the 2 case review this new 3rd edition of one of my to altitude and air travel, pointing out how
studies comes with a revised scenario. favorite textbooks. In all respects it is up- grateful we are for pressurized cabins! This
Chapter 11, “Acute Respiratory Distress dated and improved. It will be useful to RTs, section was improved by the addition of a
Syndrome,” is updated from the previous medical students, physician assistants, and bit of humor to a potentially dry topic.
edition’s chapter “Adult RDS” that was con- critical care nurses, and it deserves a place Chapter 2 covers asthma. It begins with
sistent with the former accepted definition. on the reference shelf in any respiratory ther- a brief definition and nice physiological ex-
This chapter received a well warranted re- apy department. In the past my bachelor- planation of the disease. As primarily pa-
write pursuant to the past decade’s progres- level students have found the 2nd edition tient practitioners, we found interesting
sion of knowledge on the management of user-friendly and enjoyed using it through- much of the discussion of United Kingdom
ARDS. The same case study is used, but out my pulmonary diseases course. I am prevalence and mortality. The chapter pre-
some new questions were added. looking forward to this year’s presentation sents diagnosis, maintenance therapy, acute
Chapter 12, “Chest Trauma,” is also re- with a new group of students using the 3rd crisis, and, most importantly, management
freshed with new statistics in its introduc- edition. after the acute crisis. Another section high-
tion. The section on ventilation is expanded lights the importance of assessing and man-
and an all-new case study illustrates the man- John M Hughes RRT MEd AE-C aging the psychological aspects of asthma.
agement. Program in Respiratory Therapy Tables 2.4 and 2.5 present guidelines for
Chapter 13, “Postoperative Atelectasis,” Millersville University giving asthma information to the patient,
got a general touch up. Millersville, Pennsylvania which we think will be helpful for all prac-
Chapter 14, “Interstitial Lung Disease,” titioners, be they community, hospital, or
unfortunately still has the same hazy chest The author of this review reports no conflict of home based. The overview of the British
radiographs used in the 2nd edition, which interest. Thoracic Society’s 2003 asthma guidelines
makes it difficult to appreciate the differ- gives the book a global health perspective.
ence between a reticular-nodular pattern and Respiratory Care. Caia Francis MSc. Es- Chapter 3 discusses in depth the epide-
the honeycombing in late-stage disease. sential Clinical Skills for Nurses series. Mal- miology and economic impact of COPD in
Chapter 15, “Neuromuscular Diseases,” den, Massachusetts: Blackwell Publishing. the United Kingdom, the nuances of diag-
and Chapter 16, “Bacterial Pneumonia,” re- 2006. Soft cover, illustrated, 235 pages, nosing COPD, and both out-patient and in-
ceived general updating. $29.95. patient COPD treatments. The case studies
Chapter 17, “Pneumonia in the Immuno- blend all these aspects and emphasize the
compromised Patient,” is much enhanced This book is part of the Essential Clini- impact on patient and community. As with
by the addition of a section on neutropenia cal Skills for Nurses series. As the title sug- the chapter on asthma, the space devoted to
secondary to chemotherapy, and another on gests, the intended readership is beginning the psychological care of COPD patients
immunosuppressive drugs. The organization and new nurses practicing in the field of and their families is very well spent and a
in charge of microbe names recently changed respiratory illness. The author is a well- nice addition to the text.


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