Weekly Challenge 3 - Coursera100

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Weekly challenge 3

Volver Español Vencimiento 4 de feb. 23:59 -05

Cuestionario Calificado • 50 min

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Weekly challenge 3
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1. Which of the following are stakeholders interested in having knowledge of? Select two answers. 1 / 1 punto

EnvíaSocial media reviews for their competitor’s organization

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de feb. 23:59 organization
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The decisions of their organization’s leadership

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The online reviews for their organization

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100 %in the blank: The _____ is an example of a security stakeholder who is most interested in protecting the data and assets of an organization.
2. Fill 1 / 1 punto

in-house graphic designer

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social media manager
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accounts receivable specialist

operations manager

Me gustaCorrecto No me gusta Informar de un problema

3. A security operations manager often works directly with a security analyst as the first line of defense to protect an organization from what challenges? Select two answers. 1 / 1 punto



The use of social media on work devices

A lack of an employee consortium



4. Which of the following statements best describes the information that is communicated to stakeholders? 1 / 1 punto

It is publicly available.

It is proprietary.

It is sensitive.

It is shareable to the entire organization.


5. Fill in the blank: Communications with stakeholders should always be precise, avoid unnecessary technical terms, and _____. 1 / 1 punto

have a clear purpose

tell an elaborate story to ensure your point is made

have various purposes to maximize time

include numerous security questions


6. Which of the following options is the best way to handle the detection of malicious code in logs? 1 / 1 punto

Communicate the incident to a security stakeholder

Handle the incident using your Linux knowledge

Wait until a more experienced team member notices it

Report the incident directly to the CISO


7. Graphs and charts can be used to create which form of stakeholder report? 1 / 1 punto

Phone calls

Text messages

Text-filled documents

Visual communications


8. Why is it important for analysts to use visuals to tell a security story? 1 / 1 punto

Visuals can help an analyst prioritize which incidents need to be escalated with more or less urgency.

Visuals can help an analyst communicate impactful metrics and data.

Visuals can help an analyst determine which tool to use to solve a security challenge.

Visuals can help an analyst identify which details are most important for different stakeholders.


9. Fill in the blank: For security purposes, it is important to communicate sensitive information with _____. 1 / 1 punto

a low level of urgency


graphs and charts



10. Stakeholders have many responsibilities, so they might miss an email or fail to respond promptly. If an analyst needs to reach a stakeholder right away, what might be a better option for stakeholder communication? 1 / 1 punto

A phone call

A follow-up investigation

A follow-up email to the stakeholder's supervisor

An email to the CISO


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