Chapter 9

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Chapter Nine

PowerView Interface Messages

The PowerView reports various messages on the
display, including alarm status and changes in
system configuration. This chapter lists all
PowerView display messages, it describes what
each of them means, and it provides an appro-
priate corrective action (if necessary).

Note: More than one of these messages may

occur at one time. If this happens, be sure to
review all of the messages for a better under-
standing of the system condition.


Chapter 9 - PowerView Display Messages

P ower View
Mean in g Cor r ec tive Ac tion
Star t-Up #Pwr modules ch anged At least one power module h as No corrective action necessary.
since last ON. been added, or removed from Proceed with th e startup.
th e SymmetraTM since th e last
time th e Pwr ON command
was issued.
#Batteries ch anged since At least one battery module No corrective action necessary.
la s t O N . h as been added, or removed Proceed with th e startup.
from th e SymmetraTM since
th e last time th e Pwr ON
command was issued.
No Redundant Th ere is no RIM installed. Proceed with th e startup, or abort
Intelligence Module. Note: This message sometimes th e startup, and install a RIM.
occurs at powerup because the Note: Without a functioning RIM,
MIM detects the RIM before there is no redundancy in the event
the RIM is "awake." of a MIM failure.
Batt capacity less th an Th e battery capacity of th e Option #1: Abort th e startup, and
Return Batt C ap SymmetraTM is less th an th e allow batteries to rech arge.
user specified minimum Option #2: C ontinue startup,
battery capacity required to with less th an minimum battery
turn on th e load. capacity.
Input Freq outside Th e input frequency to th e Option #1: Improve th e
configured range SymmetraTM is outside th e frequency of th e incoming voltage.
configured range. Th e output Option #2: Widen th e range of
frequency will not th e acceptable incoming
synch ronize with th e input frequency with th e PowerView.
frequency. Normal bypass is (Startup-Setup-OutputFreq-Select.)
not available. Option #3: Proceed with startup.
Normal bypass is not available.
AC adequate for UPS Th e SymmetraTM will function Option #1: Improve th e incoming
but not for bypass online with th e input voltage, voltage.
but in th e event th at bypass is Option #2: Proceed with startup.
required, th e input voltage is Normal bypass is not available.
not adequate to power th e
load equipment.
Low/No AC input, Input voltage is not adequate Option #1: Abort startup until
startup on battery to start th e SymmetraTM. If acceptable input voltage is present.
startup proceeds, SymmetraTM Option #2: Proceed with startup.
will function from battery. Battery will be disch arged.

Chapter 9 - PowerView Display Messages

P ower View
Mean in g Cor r ec tive Ac tion
Gen er al At least one battery module h as
# of batteries increased. No corrective action necessary.
Statu s been added to th e system.

At least one battery module h as

# of batteries decreased. No corrective action necessary.
been removed from th e system.

# of Pwr Modules At least one power module h as

No corrective action necessary.
increased. been added to th e system.

# of Pwr Modules At least one power module h as

No corrective action necessary.
decreased. been removed from th e system.
Intelligence Module A MIM h as been installed into
No corrective action necessary.
inserted. th e SymmetraTM .
Intelligence Module A MIM h as been removed from
No corrective action necessary.
removed th e SymmetraTM .
Redundant Intelligence A RIM h as been installed into th e
No corrective action necessary.
Module inserted. SymmetraTM .
Redundant Intelligemce A RIM h as been removed from
No corrective action necessary.
Module removed. th e SymmetraTM .
At least one ex ternal battery
# of Ex ternal Battery
cabinet h as been connected to No corrective action necessary.
C abinets increased.
th e frame.
At least one ex ternal battery
# of Ex ternal Battery
cabinets h as been disconnected No corrective action necessary.
C abinets decreased.
from th e SymmetraTM.
A loss of power module
redundancy occurred, and h as
Redundancy Restored been restored. Eith er additional No corrective action necessary.
modules h ave been installed, or
th e load h as been reduced.
Th e load h ad ex ceeded th e load
alarm th resh old. Th e situation
Load is No Longer above
h as been corrected eith er because No corrective action necessary.
Alarm Th resh old
th e load decreased, or th e
th resh old was increased.
Th e system runtime h ad dropped
below th e configured minimum,
and h as been restored. Eith er
additional battery modules were
Min Runtime restored. No corrective action necessary.
installed, th e ex isting battery
modules rech arged, th e load was
reduced, or th e th resh old was

Chapter 9 - PowerView Display Messages

P ower View
Mean in g Cor r ec tive Ac tion
Mod u le Bad Battery Module
A battery module h as failed, Refer to C h apter 8 for module
F ailu r e and requires replacement. replacement procedure.

A power module h as failed, Refer to C h apter 8 for module

Bad Power Module
and requires replacement. replacement procedure.

Th e main intelligence module

Intelligence Module is Refer to C h apter 8 for module
h as failed, and requires
installed and failed replacement procedure.
Redundant Intelligence Th e redundant intelligence
Refer to C h apter 8 for module
Module is installed and module h as failed, and
replacement procedure.
failed requires replacement.

Th r esh old Load is above kVA alarm Th e load h as ex ceeded th e Option #1: Reduce th e load.
Alar m user specified load alarm Option #2: Use th e PowerView to
th resh old
th resh old. raise th e alarm th resh old.
Option #1: If possible, install
additional power modules.
Symmetra no longer detects
Option #2: Decrease th e load.
redundant power modules.
Redundancy h as been Option #3: Disable th e
Eith er power module(s) h ave
lost. redundancy alarm by setting
failed, or th e load h as
redundancy to zero. (Startup-
select zero.)

Option #1: If possible, install

Actual power module
additional power modules.
redundancy h as fallen below
Option #2: Decrease th e load.
Redundancy is below th e user specified redundancy
Option #3: Use th e PowerView to
alarm th resh old. alarm th resh old. Eith er
decrease th e redundancy alarm
power module(s) h ave failed,
th resh old. (Startup-Setup-Alarms-
or th e load h as increased.

Option #1: Allow th e battery

modules to rech arge.
Th e predicted runtime is
Option #2: If possible, increase
lower th an th e user specified
th e number of battery modules.
Runtime is below alarm minimum runtime alarm
Option #3: Decrease th e load.
th resh old. th resh old. Eith er th e battery
Option #4: Use th e PowerView to
capacity h as decreased, or th e
decrease th e minimum runtime
load h as increased.
alarm th resh old. (Startup-Setup-

B ypass Th e frequency and/or voltage

Option #1: Decrease th e
is out of acceptable range for
sensitivity to input frequency.
bypass. Th is message occurs
Bypass is not in range (Startup-Setup-OutputFreq-select.)
wh en SymmetraTM is on line,
(eith er freq or voltage) Option #2: C orrrect input voltage
and indicates th at th e bypass
to provide acceptable voltage
mode may not be available if
and/or frequency.
SymmetraTM is stuck in th e C all your contract service
Bypass contactor stuck
bypass position, and cannot go provider, or APC Tech nical
in bypass position.
online. Support. (See inside front cover.)

Chapter 9 - PowerView Display Messages

P ower View
Mean in g Cor r ec tive Ac tion
B ypass Bypass contactor stuck SymmetraTM is stuck in th e C all your contract service
in on-line position. on-line position, and cannot provider, or APC Tech nical
go to bypass. Support. (See inside front cover.)
UPS in bypass due to SymmetraTM h as transferred to C all your contract service
internal fault. bypass mode because a fault provider, or APC Tech nical
h as occurred. Support. (See inside front cover.)
UPS in bypass due to Th e load h as ex ceeded th e Option #1: Decrease th e load.
overload system power capacity. Th e Option #2: If possible, add power
SymmetraTM h as switch ed to modules to th e system.
bypass mode.
System is in Th e SymmetraTM is in bypass No corrective action necessary.
Maintenance Bypass because th e maintenance
bypass switch is in th e "on"

Gen er al On Battery Th e SymmetraTM is in th e on No corrective action necessary.

F au lt battery mode of operation. Note: Runtime is limited in
Th e battery modules are being duration. Prepare to shutdown the
disch arged. SymmetraTM and the load
equipment, or restore incoming
Need Bat Replacement One or more battery modules Refer to C h apter 8 for module
are in need of replacement. replacement procedures.

UPS Fault A fault h as occurred in a C all your contract service

power module. Th is will provider, or APC Tech nical
always occur with a bad Support. (See inside front cover.)
power module failure
Sh utdown or unable to SymmetraTM h as sh utdown Option #1: Reduce th e load to
transfer to Batt due to because an overload h as eliminate overload.
overload occurred and bypass is not Option #2: If possible, add power
available. modules to eliminate overload.
Option #3: Replace failed power
modules to eliminate overload.
Note: If bypass is not available
because of a power failure, wait for
power to be restored. If there is a
utility problem, have it corrected.
Load Sh utdown from SymmetraTM h as sh ut th e load C orrect th e input voltage
Bypass. Input Freq/Volts down wh ile it was on bypass, problem.
outside limits. because th e input power went
out of acceptable range.
Fault, Battery C h arger Th e battery ch arger in one or Refer to C h apter 8 for module
Failure more power module(s) failed. replacement procedures.

Fault, Bypass Relay Th e bypass relay h as C all your contract service

Malfunction malfunctioned. provider, or APC Tech nical
Support. (See inside front cover.)

Chapter 9 - PowerView Display Messages

P ower View
Mean in g Cor r ec tive Ac tion
Gen er al Fault, Internal Temp Th e temperature of one or Replace th e overh eated modules.
F au lt ex ceeded normal limits more battery modules is too Refer to C h apter 8 for module
h ot. replacement procedures.
Input circuit breaker Th e input circuit breaker on Option #1: If th is occurs in
tripped open th e SymmetraTM h as tripped. conjunction with an overload
Input voltage is disconnected condition, decrease th e load and
to th e SymmetraTM. reset th e breaker.
Option #1: If no overload
condition ex ists, reset breaker. If
it trips again, call your contract
service provider, or APC Tech nical
Support. (See inside front cover.)
System level fan failed A cooling fan in th e C all your contract service
SymmetraTM frame h as failed. provider, or APC Tech nical
Support. (See inside front cover.)
Th e Redundant Th e main intelligence module Replace th e main intelligence
Intelligence Module is in h as failed, and th e RIM is module. Refer to C h apter 8 for
control functioning as th e primary module replacement procedures.
intelligence module.
IIC inter-module Th e communications between C all your contract service
communications failed. th e MIM and at least one provider, or APC Tech nical
oth er module h as failed. Support. (See inside front cover.)

Chapter 9 - PowerView Display Messages


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