U2A9 - Summative

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Unit 2 Activity 9 – Unit Summative

MHF4U – DCE eLearning

• Complete the following questions in a separate document using the “Equation Editor”
in word or any other mathematical software or by hand on a separate sheet of paper.
• You must show all your work (full solutions); you will also be graded on:
o using correct mathematical symbols, labels, units and convention
o clarity in explanation and justification in reporting
• Once completed, save your document/scan/take photos and upload into the dropbox
for U2A9 – Assignment

Part A: True or False (5 marks, 1 mark each)

Indicate whether the statement is true or false.
1) The reciprocal of every linear function has a vertical asymptote.

2) An even function is symmetrical about the origin.

3) f ( x) = is always positive.
( x − 5)

4) All polynomial functions that are members of the same family will have the same
x − intercepts.

5) f ( x ) → +∞ as x → 2− for function f ( x ) = ?
3x − 6

Unit 2 Activity 9 – Unit Summative
MHF4U – DCE eLearning
Part B: Multiple Choice (5 marks, 1 mark each)
6) Which of the reciprocal functions has a vertical asymptote at x = ?
f ( x) =
a) 5
b) f ( x) =
2x + 5

c) f ( x) =

d) f ( x) =
2x − 5
7) Which of the following has a horizontal asymptote at y = 0 ?
a) f ( x) =
3− x

b) f ( x) =
17 x + 4

c) f ( x) = −
d) all of the above

8) What is the x − intercept of f ( x ) = ?
3x − 4
a) 1

b) 4
c) 1
d) there is no x − intercept

Unit 2 Activity 9 – Unit Summative
MHF4U – DCE eLearning
9) Over what interval(s) is the graph of the rational function on the right

a) −2 < x < 4
b) −2 < x, x ≠ 4
c) x > 1, x ≠ 4
d) x < −2, −2 < x < 1

10) Which graph does not belong to the same family?

a) c)

b) d)

Unit 2 Activity 9 – Unit Summative
MHF4U – DCE eLearning
Part C: Full Solutions (40 marks)
2x − 4
11) Based on the function f ( x) = , complete the following table of
characteristics. (10 marks)

x − intercept(s)
y − intercept(s)
Positive Interval
Negative Interval
Vertical Asymptote(s)
Horizontal Asymptote(s)
Intervals of Increase
Intervals of Decrease

12) Determine whether the following functions are odd, even or neither. (2 marks)
x2 x2
a) f ( x) = b) f ( x) =
( x − 2)3 x2 + 1

13) Describe how the graph of y = −2 f 3 ( x − 1)  − 4 can be obtained from the graph
of f ( x ) = x 4 . Be sure to use full sentences when describing the transformations.
(4 marks)

20 ( 4t + 3)
14) The population of a small town is modelled by the function P ( t ) = ,
2t + 5
where P ( t ) is the population in thousands, and t is the time in years, since the
start of 1990.
a) Is the population currently increasing or decreasing? Justify your
answer. (2 marks)
b) The town will need its own transit system if the population exceeds
50,000. Will the town’s population ever exceed 50,000? Explain your
answer. (4 marks)

Unit 2 Activity 9 – Unit Summative
MHF4U – DCE eLearning
15) Polluted water from a factory flows into a pond. The concentration of pollutant,
c , in the pond at time t minutes is modelled by the equation
 1 
c ( t )= 8 − 8000   , where c is measured in kg/m . When will the
 1000 + 2t 
concentration of pollutant in the pond reach 6 kg/m3? (4 marks)

2x −1 x +1
16) Solve > . (5 marks)
x −5 x +5

17) The following set of points belong to a specific function:

{( −3, 0 ) , ( −2, 4 ) , ( −1, 0 ) , ( 0, −6 ) , (1, −8) , ( 2, 0 ) , ( 3, 24 )} .
Based on the set of points, answer the following questions.
a) What type of function does the set of points produce? Justify your
answer. (2 marks)
b) Write an equation for this function based on the set of points that have
been given. (3 marks)

18a) Create a simplified function that represents the sum of an unknown positive
number x and its reciprocal. (2 marks)
18b) For what whole number is the sum of the number and its reciprocal the smallest?
In your solution, you may want to include a graph of the function. (2 marks)

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