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Academic Year: 23-24

Assessment Introduction:
Course: Aerospace Module Code: EI2040
Engineering/Aerospace Engineering Module Title: Aircraft Design,
with Pilot Studies Systems, and Manufacture
Title of the Brief: Design, Build and Type of assessment: Portfolio
Test Portfolio

This assessment is worth 25% of the overall module mark and should be around
2000 words

This Assessment Pack consists of a detailed assignment brief, guidance on what you
need to prepare, and information on how class sessions support your ability to
complete successfully. You’ll also find information on this page to guide you on how,
where, and when to submit. If you need additional support, please make a note of the
services detailed in this document.

How, when, and where to submit:

Your assignment should be submitted as a single PDF document on Turnitin.
Make sure to submit your work via the Turnitin link on Blackboard, the link will be
visible to you on: 11/03/24 and the deadline will be the on 15/03/24 at 13:00.
Feedback will be provided by: 05/04/24
You should aim to submit your assessment in advance of the deadline.

Note: If you have any valid mitigating circumstances that mean you cannot meet an
assessment submission deadline and you wish to request an extension, you will need
to apply online, via MyUCLan with your evidence prior to the deadline. Further
information on Mitigating Circumstances via this link.

We wish you all success in completing your assessment. Read this guidance carefully,
and any questions, please discuss with your Module Leader.

Additional Support available:

All links are available through the online Student Hub

Disclaimer: The information provided in this assessment brief is correct at time of publication. In the unlikely event that any changes
are deemed necessary, they will be communicated clearly via e-mail and a new version of this assessment brief will be circulated.

1. Academic support for this assessment will be provided by contacting Ben

Watkinson email:

2. Our Library resources link can be found in the library area of the Student Hub
or via your subject librarian at

3. Support with your academic skills development (academic writing, critical

thinking and referencing) is available through WISER on the Study Skills section
of the Student Hub.

4. For help with Turnitin, see Blackboard and Turnitin Support on the Student Hub

5. If you have a disability, specific learning difficulty, long-term health or mental

health condition, and not yet advised us, or would like to review your support,
Inclusive Support can assist with reasonable adjustments and support. To find
out more, you can visit the Inclusive Support page of the Student Hub.

6. For mental health and wellbeing support, please complete our online referral
form, or email You can also call 01772 893020, attend a
drop-in, or visit our UCLan Wellbeing Service Student Hub pages for more

7. For any other support query, please contact Student Support via

8. For consideration of Academic Integrity, please refer to detailed guidelines in

our policy document . All assessed work should be genuinely your own work,
and all resources fully cited.

9. For advice on the use of Artificial Intelligence, please refer to Categories of AI

tools guidance.
For this assignment you are permitted to use:

a. No AI tools are permitted

For this assignment, you are not permitted to use any category of AI tools.

Preparing for your assignment.

Refer to the Module Information Pack to understand the Learning Outcomes and

Marking Criteria.

Keep working through the lab exercises as the portfolio will be made up of write ups

of the designs and experiments that you complete in the labs

Assessment Pack Contents

1. Introduction

This assignment is a writeup of the exercises that you have completed during
the lab session
2. Submission details
3. Detailed assignment brief
4. Example Structure
5. Aircraft brief for lab exercises
6. Marking grid/marking rubric

This assignment needs to be completed individually and is a write up of the work you
have been completing during the EI2040 lab sessions. You will need to analyse each
of the designs and experiments that you have completed. For each design you will
need to justify your design decisions with calculations or simulations and discuss how
well the design performed compared to the brief and how the designs could be
improved. For each of the experiments you will need to discuss the results, any
factors that could cause inaccuracies, and any improvements that could be made.

Submission details
The assignment must be submitted as a single PDF document on Turnitin. The
submission link will be available from 11/03/24 and the deadline will be the on
15/03/24 at 15:00.

Detailed assignment brief

Build and Test portfolio
 Document and evaluate each design and experiment that you complete during
the practical sessions in the first semester.
 Analyse the results from the experiments you perform on each design and
identify any areas that could cause inaccuracies.
 Document the design process used for your own designs including any
calculations or simulations used to justify your design decisions.
 Based on the results from the experiments, critically evaluate each design that
was tested and document how they could be improved.

Example structure for one design and experiment

 Briefly discuss the aircraft spec you are aiming for

 Document your design process showing any concept designs
 Justify your design decisions with, hand calculations, simulations if you have
them, and results from previous experiments
 Discuss the manufacturing and assembly of your design, was there anything
you could have done to make it easier to manufacture and assemble
 Document and analyse the results from the experiment

 Discuss any systematic errors that could have occurred during the experiment
and how they could have introduced inaccuracies into your results
 Think about different options for improving the experiment in the future to
improve the accuracy of your results
 Discuss what the experiment showed you about the design you were testing,
did it match the brief, was it too strong, not strong enough and think about what
would need to change to improve the design

Aircraft Brief
All the designs built and tested for this assignment should be designed for an aircraft
with the following specification:
Weight: 2kg
Wingspan: 1.2m
Class: RC acrobatic aircraft
Factor of safety: 1.5
Aircraft must me capable of performing a 2G turn

If you build a section for the wind tunnel the maximum span is 300mm and the
maximum chord length is 150mm
Criterion\Level Level 0 Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
Unacceptable Novice Reflector Competent Proficient Expert Reflector
0-35% 42-48% Reflector Reflector 74-100%
52-58% 62-68%
Introduction, Introduction and Introduction and Clearly defined Clear concise Excellent
background background theory background theory introduction and description of description of
theory and not well defined. adequately defined. background theory. introduction and introduction and Marking
general Not enough Adequate Clear formatting of background theory. background theory. Rubric
formatting. information to formatting of report, however Coherent and Original and
understand the report but lacking lacking insight and comprehensive flowing with
(10 Marks) report. clarity. connection. report with good excellent
formatting. formatting.
Analysis and level The reflection does The reflection The reflection The reflection The reflection
of reflection, not move beyond attempts to analyse provides an provides an provides an
Application of a simple description the designs and analysis of designs analysis of how the analysis of how the
theory/model of the designs and experiments using and the designs and the experience
(30 Marks) experiments(s). concepts and experiments experiments contributed to
theory listed in the performed using performed using learning of self, and
assessment brief concepts and concepts and others using
but lacks depth. theory listed in the theory listed in the concepts and
assessment brief. assessment brief, theory beyond the
and suggests how assessment brief.
they could be
Data processing Major errors in Minor errors in Data processing Results described Clear presentation
and results data processing data processing, completed and presented in a and comprehensive
(25 Marks) leading to incorrect poorly presented proficiently. Results clear and description of
results, poor results with unclear clearly described appropriate results showing
presentation. description of and presented with manner. Results originality.
general trends. some minor clearly relevant to
cosmetic faults. the context of
Discussions and No clearly Conclusions Well defined Well defined Excellently defined
conclusions supported defined with conclusions with conclusions with conclusions with
(25 Marks) conclusions. No limited links to supporting good supporting clearly defined
critical assessment supporting evidence. evidence. Good appropriate
of results material. Discussion is discussion linking supporting
undertaken. Discussion lacking pedestrian and background theory evidence.
Disclaimer: The information provided in this assessment brief and insight.
is correct lacks insight,
at time of publication. withevent and
In the unlikely results.
that any Excellent
changes are deemed necessary, they will be communicated clearly
via e-mail and a new version of this assessment brief will Limited
be circulated.
reference no relation to discussion linking
to results and no background theory. all sections of the
relation to report in a concise
Feedback Guidance:

Reflecting on Feedback: how to improve.

From the feedback you receive, you should understand:

 The grade you achieved.

 The best features of your work.

 Areas you may not have fully understood.

 Areas you are doing well but could develop your understanding.

 What you can do to improve in the future - feedforward.

Use the WISER: Academic Skills Development service. WISER can review
feedback and help you understand your feedback. You can also use the
WISER Feedback Glossary

Next Steps:

 List the steps you have taken to respond to previous feedback.

 Summarise your achievements

 Evaluate where you need to improve here (keep handy for future


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