Book 3 Test 2

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Some people are very interested in the news and keep up to date with it all the time, whereas

other people pay little attention to it.

Many things in the news are about politics. People who are interested in politics can be

influenced by what they read or see in the news but usually the news does not change their

opinions. They have certain beliefs anyway and these beliefs affect how they respond to

political news - they are pleased or angry, depending on what the politicians are doing.

News of crime may have a big influence on people who rood about it in we news. This is

because it on increase their fear of crime and make them think that they could be a victim of

it. Particularity, stories about local crime can affect people a lot.

These days, the kind of news that has the most influence on people seems to be news about

famous people. The media are full of news about celebrities and this seems to be much more

important to a lot of people than news about politics, crime economics wars or any other


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The most important event in the last year was probably the opening of the new shopping

center. It took some years for it to be built, but it finally opened in July, Most local people

are very happy with to because we now have bigger shops than we used to have. However,

other people say that it is not a good thing because some of the smaller shops in the town will

have to close because of the new shopping center


Our football team did very well last season and got to the final of the National Cup

competition. Thousands of us travelled to the National Stadium for the match and it was a

fantastic day for the town. The team lost, but getting to the final for the first time was a great

achievement for them.


A new traffic system was introduced last year because the number of cars in the town center

had become too great and there was a lot of congestion. This has worked well and there are

now fewer traffic jams in the center

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