Draft 2 Information

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Draft 2

Literature review finished, methodology and data collection

For this second draft, take the recommendations and comments from your supervisor in
consideration and deliver the abovementioned parts in this draft.

It is highly recommendable to also include the introduction in your draft and to submit the whole,
not only the parts due this time as all needs to be interrelated.

Your literature review now should be complete, make sure you also have some critical analysis

For this draft, your supervisor will give you feedback on your literature review and your

To clarify the methodology and what is expected for each part, see below
The first part (3. Methodology)

Should be a general paragraph explaining you will use secondary data and what kind of information
you wanted or have gathered. This needs not to be extensive, remember the total part is only 600
to 900 words

3.1 Data Used

On the other hand, here you need to be specific and describe including name the articles, statistics,
or information you will be using.

For example: In order to understand the priorities Generation Z students, have the quantitative
research found in the article:
Goh, E., & Lee, C. (2018). A workforce to be reckoned with: The emerging pivotal Generation Z
hospitality workforce. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 73, 20-28. will be used.

So in this part of the methodology, you clarify what you will use as data and where you got it from.

In the second part of Methodology

3.2 Methods and techniques

You will describe here what you will do with the retrieved secondary data.

The seminar might have given you some ideas or also the books recommended in the methodology
section in Moodle might put you on the right track

Are you going to do a descriptive analysis of quantitative data, will you rank them, etc

You might want to use some ideas from research books on how you present data and cite them
Make sure you address issues of reliability, validity, and limitations. For example: if the data you got
from certain articles is only limited to the US, you should put this in your limitation.

3.2.1 specific method

The specific method is very rarely used and might be if you used a specific software to classify
qualitative information, or want to comment on a particular technique you will use

If you are unsure, do not use it or check with your supervisor if they suggest putting a certain part in
this area.

Recommended books can be seen in the course of the applied project or ask our librarian.

Remember to upload your draft before the deadline via Turnitin to your supervisor!

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