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2023, Even Semester
Nama (Name) : Faiz Shidqi Agasa
Nomor Induk Mahasiswa (Student Identification Number) : 2101676675
Program (Program) : Cyber Security
Jenjang Studi (Level of Education) : Sarjana (Strata 1) (Bachelor Degree)

Matakuliah Kredit Kelas Kehadiran Nilai Nilai Akhir Grade Bobot Total
Course SCU Class Attendance Score Final Score Grade Weight Total
CHAR6013 - Character Building: 3/- LEC - LD66 13 / 13 ASG (50%) : 86 84.5 B+ 3.33 9.99
Pancasila MID (20%) : 87
FIN (30%) : 80
AI6128 - Artificial Intelligence 2/- LEC - LA66 13 / 13 MID (50%) : 75 77 B 3.00 6.00
FIN (50%) : 79
OPSYS6001 - Operating System 4/- LEC - LA66 26 / 26 ASG (40%) : 88 78.5 B- 2.50 10.00
MID (30%) : 60
FIN (30%) : 83
INTR6002 - Introduction to 4/- LEC - LA66 26 / 26 ASG (40%) : 85 81.5 B+ 3.33 13.32
Python MID (30%) : 80
FIN (30%) : 78
CBLA6003 - Cyber Law 4/- LEC - LA66 26 / 26 ASG (40%) : 86 82.7 B+ 3.33 13.32
MID (30%) : 81
FIN (30%) : 80
RMET6004 - Research Metrology 4/- LEC - LA66 26 / 26 ASG (40%) : 80 77 B 3.00 12.00
Cyber Security MID (30%) : 70
FIN (30%) : 79

Total 21 64.63

Indeks Prestasi Semester (IPS) / SKS 3.07 / 21

Semester Grade Point Average (Semester GPA) / SCU
Indeks Prestasi Kumulatif (IPK) / SKS Kumulatif 3.13 / 21
Cumulative Grade Point Average (Cumulative GPA) / Cumulative SCU
Masa Akhir Studi - Maksimum : 2024, Even Semester (June 2025)
Length of Study - Maximum
Prestasi anda sudah baik. Pertahankan dan capailah yang terbaik !
Your achievement is good. Maintain and attain the best!

Sistem Penilaian (Assessment System)

Nilai Huruf / Keterangan Bobot (N) Nilai Akhir Komponen Nilai Deskripsi
Letter Grade / Description Competency Rating Semester Grade Score Component Description
A : Sangat Baik (High Distinction) 4.00 90 - 100 ASG Assignment
A- : Sangat Baik (High Distinction) 3.67 85 - 89 FIN Final Exam
B+ : Baik (Distinction) 3.33 80 - 84 MID Mid Exam
B : Baik (Distinction) 3.00 75 - 79 *) Untuk mata kuliah tertentu (Only for some certain courses)
B- : Cukup (Pass) 2.50 70 - 74
C : Cukup (Pass) 2.00 65 - 69
D : Kurang (Near Pass) 1.00 50 - 64
E : Gagal (Fail) 0.00 0 - 49
F : Tidak Lengkap (Incomplete) 0.00 0
L : Lulus (Faculty Pass*) -
G : Gagal (Fail*) -

Jakarta, 5 December 2023

Vice Rector of Academic Operation & Resources
Ttd. (signed)
Academic Operation Center Manager

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