Document - 2024-03-14 - 193005 2024 Porche Cayenne Stock 24004

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Sonetsmpie 6969 1096 Annual Summary and Transmittal of Altai Form United States Information Returns 2024 Unted State Treasury Intmal Revere FILER'S name PEPE AUTO GROUP 1565-0100 ‘Steet dsiess (ncuing oom or ste mabe 50 Bank Street Suite 2 ‘iy or toa, stat province county, and ZIP or feign postcode White Plains, New York 10606 ular Tusiee Atorayn Fact Sle Met Anu Ra E ai adress | Filer identification number Sect secrty number | 3 Tis numberof oars] 4 Federalinoome x witha | Tole amour oporid win fis Fam 473710259 ‘Sincinding this page| § AA222141 A\ not taxed) 1°° $500,000.00. Enter an Xin only one box Below to indicate the ype of form being fled ee fery eee ee] ee eae) eee) ee ee x ereprmaey ares) mane) ee | ape ogee saee | aes [omen] mse] a | ae | as [oeszn aaron aac Ajo With honoure, by my soversign hand, | affirm that this affidavit formatte with accompanying documents is truth coosm MA Mie amtanel 21 Unite States Code § 150: Documentary evidence requlrment for Government entitlements (amount sha be ecorced ws «paid onbemert fr fan by the Und Sls goverment Sthenauppriad by docanariny evans ot ” ‘Ga tinaing agreement between an ageney and ancther person (clang on agency that [Ain wy fae, Sn Toa “te fee sf pp ign oh sprain cd df pie NSE eT en oyna rn ces or st gplsremicnstedatene [i er ry be pn van ime Fee comet aetieeananaessmeteeie| chaser wihod shag Pater acne boas sa one Se ako Gs Serta Seta ee Eyed ot PR na TE ee eae eta ear oc nnehsoe anu pn pat mers ye by fomiae (eRe arr ra {employment work or sences of persons oF expenses of travel in lignnet with Bol, DEES ese era teaaaectrera eae ry oe outs hate ‘Tile 12 Unted States Code 9, pat 82 Regulation for acon in exchange for gol and siver, property transfers, and entilement {@)Any entitlement, payment. conveyance, transfer, assignment propery delivery made too forthe Uned Sates or ae otherwise directed by {hs competent court. pursuant to this section or any rule, requaion, instruction. or direction Issued here by shal be ull acquitance and decharge (tendered payment and marked paid in fl, forall eniements issued hereby people shallbe hol able ney cout for in respec to anything ‘done or emted in rst connection with he minster governing forts rie action, ‘Tile 28 United Stales Code susec 1610. Exceptions tothe immunty from altachment or execution. (@)The propery in the United States used for commercial actvly shall not be immune from attachment in the aid of except om ‘execution, upon a judgement entered by a competent atl fi court forthe United States mune pro tune when the person o was. Used for he commercial activity upan whic the clam is based. ‘The United States Constitution Article 1 Section 1X. Money shall be paid frm the treasury in lgnment with netonel appropriations Made by law. Psaims 23:12 and we forgive the US. thoi dba, therefore we have forgiven our debions Romans X111: VI ifrevenue, then revenue. Job XXX11. XXt accept no { MAN'S PERSON] internal Revenue ee ial Rees US! Vay Roge ie : Terrace Southwest a oe ecu March 11, 2024 ]R Aina, oor Repubte arariozse (Case reference number 473710259 More information Internal Revenue Creditor: Sia Meri Anu Rah El as Bonding Fiduciary for the UNITED STATES FOR AMERICA. 3451 Valley Ridge Terrace Southwest Atlanta, Georgia Republic Debtor/Taxpayer JOSEPH PEPE doing business as CEO EIN 47-3710259 50 Bank Street Suite 2 White Plains, New York 10606 IMMEDIATE TAX LEVY (SEIZURE) To, PEPE AUTO GROUP Asof November 16,2021, wehavenotreceived your overdue taxafter sending several noticestoyou. Because you havenot paidyourbalancewhichispastdue, wehavelevied seized) property claimed by youandyour claimed rightsto property, Each year, more than 8 outof 10 taxpayers pay theirtaxes. Youare partofa minority/thathas not fulfilled that duty. ‘Amount Past Due: $500,000.00 gold United States Dollars / Suis Francs due the Estate of The Anu Living Earthful Blissing Moorish Trust pursuantto Discharge Hearing of Debt on dated March 11, 2024 at the Ani Yun Wiya Consular court at the land ov flowers for the creditor empire state ov Morocco and the debtor Pepe Auto Group, Porsche Larchmont and 2024 Porsche Cayenne, Stock # 24004, Exterior:Black Final Bankruptcy Judgement was issued on March 11, 2024. at 4:30pm Eastern Time You are required to do the following action: Dueto your inability to pay the stated debt, allproperty is hereby placedinthe possession and custody ofandforthe originalindigenous ancientsovereign people whoarethe Moorish National congressional affidavitis effective immediately uponalldebtors, agents, principals, heirs assigns and any and alll derivative debtors thereof. 0250 March 11, 2024 bet Enplye denicaton Number 47-3710258) |Case reference number 473710259 Internal Revenue Your Biting Summary Format Number Amount You owe Tae Period ending Total ox2004 1040 $500,000 00 $500,000.00 for the Anu Living Eartul forthe Anu Living Earthtul Blissing Moorish Trust Bising Moorish Trust, Amount Due Immediately $500,000.00 for the Anu Living Earthfull Blissing Moorish Trust Notification: Allocations are ancientland locations. All addresses are living corporate situs trust addresses. 31 Unie States Code § 1801: Documentary evidence requrement fe Goverment entlements anata bercteasapaeene tary Uned Ses gover wer supotedby sence (abledng agement between anagenyandanorerpeson rung anager) ta ‘Ainwning yan andr apurpoue aahoteed yin ere {Blescoulee efotheenofiepenee valaiy ortthansonothappropition rind usd fr specie ood tobe delivered, rear property tobe ight or leased: or work oe sours lo be provided (@albaregreemestshowing wart nates sapment (Scour conandrequredty law bplaced wih enaaeey (@acut arerianlssuedin sgrmentuth lauren puchaseswiostavetsng ‘Gahen necessary because of anatione programed forthe pure {Ghernatralcedsepershablesubnitenceaupples or {Crogarding depecte monetary its (9 agent subsiayornatona pega. (0) Ferm xpatemad orpaymen of, cren'zatons to, amountspisinspece amounts fxedtylaw orby formas {Coy pan approved conn whan auorzed by 6 flatly fatrmay resto pend goo {enplommen wor orsenees of prnotoroperseso! van dakgmentvihbeloy, {@serces orwerts proved ty pub tbs. {Ste genre wafre enter forthe Goverment rom const appreiton eu (@istiren|centeen's proved Congres racornitectCongesty snore sehen hosts htreeniteents consistent ‘saeocbon a) os econ “ie 12Untod Sates Code 9a, pat 2 Repke actors ineichange orga and sliver pop ante, nent @iAayentvement payment conveyance tans. asigener.s proper deliv madara he Und Stes, ‘rasotherwisedrectedty biscompeten court pursuareithcastonorany tule easton insucton oF irection sues here byshal be fal scqulfance andalschargeorenderedpaymentandmarkedpaidin i ‘The Congress for he Unit Stats Arle | Section ‘Money hal be paid fom tne Tresa.zy in sgt wih nations appropriations made by law. Regards ia Meri Anu Rah El, Fiduciary, Trustee, Attomey in Fact Internal Revenue [CTO are aS ay oS ae eu a eee, Sires Snes ttn Tae PE ceeecancntt ‘AM : ‘ancellation 3451 Valley Ridge Terrace Southwest eee eae Alanta, Gorge 80861 Shwe Ficicedpa? ~~ Fociaia pe 0.00 2024 REDTRS TNFR TEER TORS TO GENT TON SEE] TDRSS ipariroo0 308 626244 “ara7s0239 SSeeve eats Sucre iecoaee gma Revenue TESTOR Sane Scoreietamynntanemutsncertecte Bese PEPE AUTO GROUP. (eoemiroweritmemmetnacrenmcaset > [ie Record wih Ain Eccyeencme veces Pease SS EES T ar TARTS or Privacy Law and 50 Bank Street Suite 2 barman Bren mace [59 a sae penn Sot, ngoaalcode__—] surent Geert White Plains, New York 10606 tomaton Retr foes saat ————frreerar 1 Rapa “473710258 ABCOERG $500,000 00 per trust 8585 10990 Debt Cancelation Version 0001 Category 262600" ‘enya Revo ‘31 United States Code § 1501: Documentary evidence requirement for Governmententitlements, (@) Aamount shell be recorded asa paid entitlement for, of and by the United States government when supported by documentary evidence of (ja binding agreement between an agency and another person (including an agency) that is ‘in writing, by affidavit, and for a purpose authorized by law: and (8) executed before the end ofthe period of availability for entitlement ofthe appropriation or fund used for specific {goods to be delivered, real property 1o be bought or leased, or work or service to be provided, (2)aloanagreement showing theamountandterms for repayment, (Gj court command required by law tobe placed with an agency. (@ acourtcommandissuedinalignmentwith alaw authorizing purchases without advertising (Ajwhen necessary, because ofa national programme for the public; (8)fornaturalfoods orperishable subsistence supplies,or (C)regardiess of specific monetary limits © a grant, subsidy or national programme (itrom appropriations made fr payment of, or contributions to, amounts paid inspecificamounts fxedby law orby formulas prescribed by law. (8) by an agreement authorized by law; or (C) by plans approved consistent with and authorized by law. © a liabity that may result from pending Itigation; (, employment, work or services of persons orexpenses of travel (@)senices or werks provided by publi lies: (S)other general welfare entitlement for the Goverment from a constitutional appropriation or fund. ( Astatement of entitlements provided by Congress or a committee of Congress by an agency shallinclude only those amounts that are entilements consistent with subsection (a) of this section Tile 12 United States Code 96a, part B2 Regulation for actions in exchange for gold and silver, property transfers, and entitlements (2) Any entitement, payment, conveyance. transfer, assignment, or property delivery, made to of forthe United Siates, (Fas otherwise directed by tis competent court, pursuant to this saction or any rule regulation, instruction, or direction issued hereby shall be a full aquitance and discharge or tendered payment and marked paid in ful, forall entiiements issued hereby. ignment with the law; ‘The Constitution for the United States Article | Section IX Money shell be paid from the Treasury in alignment with national appropriations made by law. ‘CREDITORS name Set ens. Gy ow Hala OAR Coa T Das aoa awe, March 11, 2024 1099C. Sia Me Anu Rah El, Atomoyn Fact for aR TESA. : UNITED STATES FOR AMERICA $500,000.00 per bust Debt Cancellation 3451 Valey Ridge Terrace Southwest Fic eee en Tndwedin br? Farell po 0.00 2024 FERS NTR TORSTEN TT i Sammammam | Copy B 398 62 9244 473710259 Ses ra Fanspr te omer [oer ceSeieneremarerss | for Debtor PEPE AUTO GROUP Scrmetecact Sean pupcy mecacen scence Creators eomedtnepote ‘The intemal Revenue Sweat address jing apt 10) Twas pers rr thas been informed of 50 Bank Street Suite 2 meet » Be eorsotere ine Bais New Vr 10GDE™ Bepotincane font [Dares ROR TESTE TTT “473710298 $500,000 po rt 10980 Debt Cancelaton Version 0001 Category 26280W “aay aa Revenue 31 United States Code § 1501: Documentary evidence requirement for Governmententitlements {@ Aamount shall be recorded as a paid entitlement for, ofand by the United States government when supported by documentary evidence of (ja binding agreement between an agency and another person (including an agency) that is, (a)in writin, by affidavit, and for a purpose authorized by law; and (@) executed before the end ofthe period of availabilty for entilement of the appropriation orfundused for specific ‘goods to be delivered, real property to be bought or leased, or work or service to be provided (2 aloanagreement showing theamount andterms forrepayment: ‘@)acourt command required by law tobe placed with an agency. (@ acourtcommandissuedinalignment withalaw authorizing purchases without advertising (A)when necessary, because of a national programme for the public (B)fornaturalfoods orperishable subsistence supplies; or (Cregaraless of specific monetary limit. (9 2 grant, subsidy or national programme \(nfrom appropriations made for payment of, or contributions to, amounts paid inspecificamounts fxedby laworby formulas. presoribed by law. (8) by an agreement authorized by law: oF (C) by plans approved consistent with and authorized by law. (10) liabtty that may result from pending tigation, (it}employment, work orservices of persons or expenses oftravelin alignment withthe law; (8 services or works provided by publ uliies, of {©) other general welfare entilement for the Government from a constitutional appropriation or fund, (@) statement of entitlements provided by Congress or acommittee of Congress by an agency shall include only those amounts that are eiitlements consistent with subsection (a) ofthis section, Tile 12 United States Code 95a, part B2 Regulation for actions in exchange for gold and siver, property transfers, and entitlements (2) Any entitlement, payment, conveyance, transfer, assignment, or property delivery, made to or forthe United States, 6F a8 otherwise directed by this competent court, pursuant to this section or any rule, regulation, instructon, or direction sued hereby shall be @ full cquitance and discharge or tendered payment and marked paid in fl, {or al entitements issued hereby. ‘The Constitution for the United States Article| Section IX ‘Money shall be paid from the Treasury in alignment with national appropriations made by law. ANE Sup, ree, THE KOURT OV RECEIVED JUDGE'S MAILROOM 14 March 2024 WA TERRITORY anijun nya

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