Evening Dress Run Notes

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1.1 Maya – louder. Backstage chatter Opening worked Opening worked well.
Remember your can be heard. well.
light, good fix Opening worked
today. well.
1.2 Both – pace Good transition.
started off well
but flagged a bit,
keep it up.
Manny –
remember to
hand the bitten
sandwich straight
to Aravind.
1.3 Grace – get more Need wider coverage
worked up by here.
‘this is why, Joe’
Essence – try not
to swing the
suitcase too
Grace and
Essence – keep
the pace up.
Aravind – diction
and projection.
1.4 Grace – don’t
walk around too
Will – diction.
Don’t face
upstage even
when you’re
standing, cheat it.
Daniel – go bigger
a little bit.
1.5 Aravind – don’t
talk upstage. Your
fringe is still in
your face.
Aravind and
Grace – don’t go
too far CS. You
can come DS of
the bed.
Grace – take care
not to block
Aravind when
you’re both in the
1.6 Aravind – come Good transition.
further SR at the
beginning, you’re
on the edge of
the light rn.
1.7 Daniel – nice Lighting change
earring business. good. I’m sooo not
Mind accent on sure about the pink
“better”. Hold the pulse any more.
feather out in Grace’s face isn’t
front of you in the very well lit in this
light. scene?
Grace – mind you
don’t cover your
Both – come
downstage much
earlier in the
scene. Make the
dramatic shift
clearer after
“that’s not true”.
1.8 Grace – plate Much quicker Much slower fade
push good. “Are transition pls! pls!
you a homo?” Bedside table
bigger. suggestion: we put it
Will – sit up more, next to monolith five
don’t get stuck so it’s part of the
behind Daniel. room but there’s
Daniel – sit space between it and
further left on the the bed?
end of the bed.
Aravind – don’t
talk upstage esp
when you’re
All – mind pace.
1.9 Daniel – can you Nic is unlit.
take the blanket
with you when
you sit down
rather than
having to drag it
down during the
scene which looks
a bit weird?
Manny – make
sure your fringe is
off your forehead.
Don’t skate over
the homosexual
speech. Make Roy
bigger again.
2.1 Will – move to
Prior quicker
Daniel – can we
return to you
holding your side
instead of holding
the blood bag.
2.2 Whole scene
needs to be
Grace – don’t
block Aravind’s
face with your
Aravind – try to
look down as
little as possible.
2.3 Will – your Hospital noises are far
anxious hands too loud!
need to be more
2.4 Maya – can you Aravind needs to be Cut the sound thing in
put in a little less in shadow. this scene pls.
business about
showing them to
their chairs? Just
to make the
scene change a
little more
Manny and
Aravind – pick up
the pace
please, this scene
Manny – keep the
diction in the final
section, I know
Roy is drunk but
the audience still
need to be able
to hear him. Also
please leave that
chair on, we need
Nic – come
slightly further
onstage when
you first enter.
Grab Will’s wrist
less forcefully.
Will – laugh
2.5 Both – more pace Tabs down sooner.
more fun more
friendship. Can
we go back to
Belize undoing
the medical gown
for the goop.
Lovely hug.
2.6 Vicky – start the
speech later –
there’s one run of
the tune and then
the texture thins,
come in when the
texture thins.
Diction and
projection. Feel
free to stand up
and walk around
All – whole scene
needs to have
more volume,
energy, pace – it’s
the act two
2.7 Both – louder. Scene change can be
Antacid neater
moustache bit
was nice.
2.8 Will – don’t Good. FAR TOO LOUD!!!
visibly sprint off
at the end.
2.9 Grace and Faster change. Bed Cut this sound.
Aravind – feel too far right?
free to be more
downstage of the
Will – I rlly like
the image of
Louis kneeling by
the bed, can we
keep it?
Grace and
Essence – don’t
be blocked.
All – retain pace
until exit of
Grace, Essence,
and Will.
2.10 Maya – let’s Does Phoenix have a
forget about the lighter.
wig, just adjust
Phoenix’s hair.
Both – volume
and diction.
Phoenix – putting
out a cigarette on
your shoe takes a
bit of pressure
and a few
3.1 Nic and Vicky –
both enter from
behind monolith
4 and make sure
you get there like
during the scene
change or
something not
3.2 Will – this was Chat from DSM desk
quite interesting could be heard. Door
today esp in stuff was good.
terms of new
blocking etc.
Good pace, keep
it up.
Essence – project.
Also jump on your
lines, keep the
pace up.
Daniel don’t wear
the boxers that
have blood on.
3.4 Phoenix – on
Maya – keep ur
hair down like in
other Hannah
scenes. Get more
annoyed by the
woman in the run
up to her first
yelling bit.
3.5 Aravind – bring Transition clunky. Lighting change for
the chair on Next scene needs to
neatly pls. begin when they exit
Both – pace! this one.
Volume! This
scene is also
dragging a lot. We
need to be at a
pitch by the fight.
Manny – Roy
needs to be more
frantic when
talking to Ethel.
Also feel the pain
before you fall.
3.6 I can see Will
being left behind
the monolith.
Boys make sure
you’re ready at
the start of the
3.7 Will and Aravind – We are rerunning it We are rerunning it We are rerunning it
you have very <3 <3 <3
tight lighting so
stay in it.

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