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iq Pe)". Workbook tothe world en ee lan education Philip Wood ‘fo be ¢ affirmative and negative; fo be questions and short answers; have gof; Possessive adjectives 1 Complete the dialogue with the correct form of tobe inthe box. anv'm (3). amnoti'mnot 2) Ae. | are/'re (2) Is - is/’s (x4) - is not/isn’'t Liam: Hello, 1 (1). Liam. What's your Carmen: Hil (2) Carmen Liam: Where (3) _you from? Carmen: Padua, Lam: () that in Spain? ‘Carmen: No, Padua (5). _ in Spain. It © in the north of Italy. Lam: sony..1() very good at geography. Carmen: its OK. Butt love Spain, the musi, the food ... Lam: Spanish food (©) great. And my brother and () big fans of Barcelona Football Club. What about you? (10) you a football fn? Carmen: No, 1() into sport. | ) interested in ls. My favourite actress ('3) Penelope Cruz. She (is) Spanish, too! 2 Circle the correct alternative. Lisa has aov/have got a new email address Have got you/Have you got a map of the city? Yes, lve/Lhave, Have I/'ve got a big flat outside the city centre. They've got/There's got many English-speaking friends. Have/tias he got time to see us? No, he hasn’t/hasn't got. 3. Circle the correct alternative. 1. "What's you/vour hobby? ‘t's/its swimming’ 2. Welove Spanish food us/our favourite dish is paella 3 London is a big city —its/her population is 9.4 millon. 4. Dan is into rock music - he and her/his fiends are in a band called ‘Clash 2. $ Barbara and hevshe sister are British, but theii/her cousins are not, They re/Their Australian. 6 Tomand Scott are 13. Both theithey birthdays are in November. waun- so asa 4. Complete with the correct form of the verb to be or have got. 10. {a big international family. My mother @...French, from the west coast, and my father (2). Australian. We (3) houses in Paris and Melbourne. (5)... ‘aunts and uncles in Italy, Germany and Belgium. It Oooo great! They (7). allvery interested in me because (0)... their only nephew. (9) a baby sister, she © ‘three months old, She wy. big blue eyes. What about you? 3). you big family? 5 Circle the best answer to complete the text. (nde from Vancouver, in the West of Canada. Many. ‘people in Canada (2) is/are from different parts of the world. (2) My/Your mother, for example, (#) idisn't Canadian. She (5) haséis from Hong Kong. So in (6) our/ your family, we speak English and Chinese. Canada © has got/have got a population of over 35 million. The official languages (0) isfare English and French, but ‘over 20% of the Canadian population speak a different language. |(°) have got/haven't got any brothers or sisters, but we have a lovely dog ~ she (10) ‘s/s gor ten. years old. The average number of children in Canadian. families (1) is/are 11, What about (12) our/vour country? (9) Has it got/Has ita big population? Photocopiable © Mocmiton Education Lite 2021 tof! 4 Extra grammar practic Present simple affirmative and negative; Prepositions of time; Adverbs of frequency; Present simple questions 1 Choose the best answer (A or B), 1 We schoo! at 3 pm, A finish B finishes. 2 the piano, A don't play B doesn't play 3. They television after dinner A watches B watch 4 He maths or chemistry A doesn'tlike Bon’ like 5 You very early in the morning, A getup B gets up 6 She DET on Monday afternoon, A studys. B studies 2 Complete the sentences with in, at or on. 1 My dad usually gets up. seven. 2 They goto school Saturday mornings. 3 like to walkin the park the afternoon, 4 Tom goes to football practice half past six 5. The next concert is 5" November. 6 She does her homework the weekend. 3. Write the sentences again with the adverb of frequency given in the correct place. 1 Igo home after school. (usually) 2 Iplay the drums at night. (always) 3. He goes to schoo! by bus. (sometimes) 4 They chat online. (never) 5 Tina goes to the cinema at the weekend. (often) 6 We eat in a fast-food restaurant. (hardly ever) 4 Complete the questions with the correct present simple form of the verbs given. Then complete the short answers. 1A you computer games? (ike) B: No,! 24 he to the library by bike? (go) B: No,he 3 they to musicall the time? (listen) Yes, they ak she visiting museums? (enjoy) Yes, she 5A you breakfast before school? (eat) Yes, 5. Complete the text with these words. at - gives - spend - Do you like - usually - opens take «is - often - doesn't cost - has The Museo Reina Sofia in Madrid (1) ‘2 wonderful museum with a large collection of modern art. t@) at 10 am every day except Tuesday and it shuts (3) 9pm. However, the opening hours (4) change on Sundays. It (5) very much to go in. The museum (6) lots of paintings by different artists, including Guernica by Picasso and more than 100 works by Dali. You can walk ‘around on your own or (7) 2 guided tour. The tours (8) teach people about the artists and their work. The museum, also (9) summer workshops for children, where they (10) time with a young artist and develop a project with them. @ modern art? Ifthe answer is yes, then visit the museum when you get the chance. Wis poge has been downloaded tom wwewmacrrlonedicationeveryihere com ‘Potocopicbie © Macmifon Eduction Umted 2021 3 eM Tle lela ( ol Present simple and present continuous, State and action verbs; Articles 1. Complete the sentences with the present simple or the present continuous form of the verbs given. 1 ‘Someone (knock) at the door! ‘Oh, know who itis. I's Peter! 2 Laura and Tom at work at the moment. 3. Physical exercise concentration in schoo! 4 ‘What's the matter?! ‘The children (@rgue) about who is a better footballer! 51 (think) the expert's advice on retirement is very helpful He Dad child any more. (have) a very hard time (help) teenagers with (ee) his parents every week (not realise) that | am not alittle a Julian always the music when he studies? (switch off) 2 Choose the best answer (a, b or c) to complete the sentences. 1. Myaunt speaks too fast. a don't understand b doesn't understand © amnot understanding 2.'s important for teenagers to have a private space. a amthinking b think thinks her 3. Doyou usually. to music at a reasonable volume? a listening b listen arelistening 4, People... to treat senior citizens with respect. a areneeding b notneed © need 5 Doyou family ite? a make b making © makes 2 positive contribution to your 6 Myniece home alone. not plays b doesn't play € isnt playing with her friends right now ~ she's at Find and correct the mistakes. Two of the sentences are correct. 1. ‘Hello, where are you?" ‘Sorry can't talk now. I'm, {going into the office. Bye’ 2. ‘Are you liking your sister?’ "Yes, | do. We don't have ‘many arguments’ 3. His Spanish is not perfect, but he improves, ‘4 My parents believe family dinners are important but | don't enjoy them, 5 Mynephew is never accepting my advice. Circle the correct alternative. 1 About 30% of my classmates come from a/the country outside of Europe. 2 Mycousin and are almost the/0 same age. 3. always fee! very nervous before a class presentation ~ | don't like speaking in the/0 public 4 My brother's at university and my sister works as 0/4 nurse in a hospital 5 We have class discussions in English all the time, but | dont always have a/the confidence to speak Circle the correct alternative. Grandparents can be very important in the life of (2) althe teenager. They have more experience and more time than parents and can help teens make (©) althe right choices. Teens often (c) think/are thinking their parents don't understand them and that their grandparents understand them better. A study called ‘My second mum and dad' says that there are currently 14 million grandparents in the UK, that the number (d) increases/is increasing and. that they (e)live/are living longer now. The study also. says that many grandparents help teenagers with (9 20 schoo! work and go to school events when their Parents are busy. More than 25% of teenagers say they talkto their grandparents about problems they @ don't discuss/aren't discussing with their parents. Experts say that this generation of grandparents has (b) a/0 better relationship with today’s teenagers because many grandparents are () the/0 younger now. One grandmother says, ‘We are probably the only generation that ()likes/is liking some of the same music our grandchildren like’ Tis poge has been downloaded om wiewmacmnitoneducatoneverynere com, Photocopiable © Macmilon Education Limited 2021 loft EB jive ‘s; Possessive pronoun: irregular plural nouns; | words; this, that, these, those; Lisa's/Lisas eyes are dark, her/hers hair is blonde. 2 Tom's and Leo's/Tom and Leo's school has anew headteacher. He's/his very friendly. 3. The chocolate bar is not yours/vour's ~ it's ours/our. ‘4 Dad and I have each got a tablet ~ his/hers is very old, my/mine is new. 'S- My parent’s/parents' names are Julia and lan. How about your/vours? 6 In my children’s/childrens’ school, they can't use ‘smartphones in their/theirs classrooms. ‘Complete the sentences with the words in the box. How many» How much . What - When » Where Which» Who » Why “My favourite school subject is science - is yours?’ ‘English’ ano -is that laptop?" "€350° a is your personal coach?” ‘Mr Ross. ae is your birthday?’ ‘in May’ sa isa study planner?" ‘It's ike a schedule to organise your schoo! work ere subjects do you study at school?’ ‘Five ve ‘s my reading lamp? ‘On the shelf? es is itimportant to open the window? “Because fresh air is good.’ Circle the correct alternative. 1. What's in this/that yellow folder here? 2. That/Those artist is brilliant ~ what's his name? 3. Who are this/these students? 4 That/Those people at the gym are our friends. 5 Is that/this young man there your headteacher? 6 That/these child is Tom's little brother. ‘Complete the sentences with a, an, the or -. 1 Mydadis 2 It’simportant to have 3 IsitOK touse inventor. study planner. smartphones in your school? _ book | like at the moment is by 1K. Rowling. Her mum works in hospital in Madrid. What is ‘time management’? Tum off... TVwhen you study. | think that history is interesting subject. 5 Choose the best answer to complete this text. (D....can you help children who can't go to school? A teacher called indent Khurana wanted to help (2) children, so she started the Ruchika Social Services Organisation. (3)... idea was to start (4) school at 2 train station because many children work near train stations in India, (5)... project has started many ‘train platform schools’ in () of Bhubaneswar. The schools are very different to (7). They don't have desks, laptops or even marker pens, and the (6) Parents can't buy them books. The (9). plan is to help their students get good jobs, so the children learn reading, maths and other subjects. 1 AHow —— B What Which 2 Athose —B this, € these 3 A Inderjt’ —B Inderjits’ € Inderji’s 4 Athe Ba can SA That BThese — C This 6 A the Ban Ca 7 our Bours Cus 8 A children’s B childs’ childrens’ 9 A teacher's B teachers C teachers’ “Ts page has been downloaded ftom Photocoploble © Macrifon Education uted 2021 oft y Unit 2 CCM UCL m Tela There is/There are; Prepositions of 4. Complete the sentences with the correct form of t the verbs given. place; Present simple and presen' continuous 1. My brothers football at school 1. Choose the best answer (A, B or C). Cae 2 Timusually home from school 1) There three bedrooms in my house. (walk) Awe Bint Cis net eT We watching films on a Frida 2 There. alampon my desk : ane a Aare Bis © arent evening. (ike) 3 There... a microwave in the kitchen, : TD oe Aare B isnt C arent 5 She the ironing, She's taking 4. there any computer games we can play? cout the rubbish. (not do) Als BAe — C Isnt 6 They tomusic. They're watching 5 There five books here, a film on TV. (not listen) Aisnt Bis © arent PME cictainere? 5 Choose the best answer (A, B or C). Awe BArent Cis 1 The children .outside in the garden. ‘A areplaying B isplaying playing 2 Circle the correct alternative. 2. The laptop the moment. 1 There's a computer in/on the desk A arent working B isn’tworking C are working 2 There's an armchair next tofunder the bath See rca ny baa 3. Mum...the shopping. She always goes to the 4. Their garden is above/in front ofthe house shopping centre on Saturday afternoons. 5 The bedroom is on/above the kitchen. A isn't doing B aredoing Cis doing 6 The cats behind/n the door 4 Jason always his bed in the morning 7. There isn'ta washing machine an/in the house A make B makes Cis making 8 The park's near/on the school 5 Rachel and Lucy usually the dishes after dinner. A washes B arewashing C wash 3. Find and correct the mistakes in the present oes cr 6 Complete the text with these words. 1 Jane is writing about pollution problems 2. They re read aleaflet about recycling works) there arent ~ ant working 3. I playing football in the park with my friends. there are - near» are living - there is - in - near 4. He aren't doing the shopping with Mum. 5 We is cooking dinner for the family. The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, also known as 6 You isnt studying for the test. Wiliam and Kate, (1) at Anmer Hall in Norfolk, tis @) the Queen's house at Sandringham. (3) ten bedrooms and itis avery big country house. thas a large garden and a swimming pool, and @ ‘also tennis court. Wllam and Kate both live (5) the house with their three children, George, Charlotte and Louis, The village of Anmeris very small and © ‘any shops to visit, But some of their fiends live () them in Norfolk Wiliam (8) a5 pilot when he) forthe royal family. They (0) here to give theie children a Quiet life. However, they also have a flat in Kensington Palace in London Thispoge hos been dowicaded fom Photocopiable © Macmillan Education Limited 2021 25 Mi Extra grammar practice: Past simple; Past continuous; used fo 1 Complete the text with the past simple form of the verbs given. Manuel Vazquez Montalban was the creator of ‘Spain's most famous detective, José ‘Pepe’ Carvalho. Montalban (a) (be) a novelist, poet and Journalist from Spain. He was born in Barcelona and © (love) the city very much. Detective Pepe Carvalho is avery funny man with a passion for Barcelona's food and football club. The character of Pepe (©) (eppear) for the first time in a novel in 1972, but he (d) (change) a lot over the years. Montalban never © (become) tited of his character and so(f) (not kill) him in his stories. Instead, Detective Pepe Carvalho sadly (9) Gie) with his creator in 2003, 2 Circle the correct alternat Eugene Brown used (a) to be/being a criminal. When he was 20, police (b) used to arrest/arrested him for robbery in Washington, D.C., and he (c) used to spend/ spent 18 years in prison, When he was in prison, he (@) use/used to play chess with a friend, While playing chess, he often (@) used to talk/was talking to his friend about his life. This made him realise something important: in his old life, he didn't (0) use/used to fee! responsible for the choices he made. After he left prison, he (g) used to start/started a chess club for kids who had difficult lives. Now he (h) used to teach’ teaches kids about chess and about how to improve their lives. 3 Complete the sentences with the past continuous form of the verbs given. anil (try) to find the novel by Agatha Christie on my bookcase. Buy (not work) by myself to collect the ‘evidence ~ | was part of a team. 3. Someone (shout) at the shoplifter, Tell the truth!” 4 The police (question) the suspects at 5pm yesterday. 5 What you (ook) for in my bedroom? 4 Circle the correct alternative. 1 When the inspector arimed/was ariving on the crime scene, the police were collecting the evidence. 2 They investigated/were investigating the case when the robbers turned up at the police station 3. The woman shoplfted clothes worth £1,000 while nobody looked/was looking. 4 | used to ead/read a new detective nove last week it was great! 5 I didn't use to behave/wasn't behaving well when was younger. 5 Circle the correct alternative. (One of Agatha Christie's most famous novels is Murder ‘on the Orient Express. Private detective Hercule Poirot, (a) used fo travel/was travelling from Istanbul to London on a luxurious train called the Orient Express when he (b) came across/was coming across 3 businessman called Mr Ratchett. Ratchett () believed/ ‘was believing that his life was in danger but Poirot. @ didn't help/wasn't helping him. On the second right of the journey, Poirot (e) slept/was sleeping in his bed when he (9) was hearina/heard a cry from Ratchett’s compartment. The next moming, the train. staff (@) were finding/found Mr Ratchet was dead, Poirot (h) analysed/was analysing the evidence and discovered that Ratchett()) used to live/was living in the US but that he had killed someone there and run away. All the people in the coach had a connection to that person's family. So, who () used to kill/ killed Ratchett? "is page os been downicaded orn www Protocopiable © Macmilan Education Lined 2021 loft 6 tsi _ affirmative and negative; Present simple - Yes/No _ questions and short answers; wh- questions; Adverbs of frequency Ih with the present st ™ fom ofthe vebe gor, aes Inmy free time, (0... (Play) in a band with a group of friends, Leo and Sarah, We (2) (orite) our own songs. (3) (ister) to ‘music alot ~rock, pop and, sometimes, the blues. haven't got the time for other things, lke sport or ‘computer games. And! (8)... (not watch) 2 lot of TV because my parents (°) (ay) it's bad for me. Sarah (6) (do) alot of art, and she (7) (draw) and (8) (paint) pictures of people. She's amazing! 19, (Hot know) where she ic) (Find) the time to do these things. Leo slike me. He @ (not 90) outa ot, and at the weekend, he just (12) ((elax) at home. 2. Write questions and complete the answers. se books in English (you/read)?"'No, we iy alot (your baby brother/er)?' "Yes, he 3 ‘every day Gessica/do her homework)?" "Yes, she 4 in class (your fends/use their smartphones)?" ‘No, they st flowers for your grandmother (yourbuy)?" Yes, | 3 Put the words in the correct order to make questions. 1. does/do/What/your mum/? 2. does/Why/a musician/need/the internet/? 2 Where/she/does/write/her book reviews/? 4. online ames/How ofter/playdo you!? 55 shesher hobby/does/When/do/? | 6 How many/youldo/languages/speak/? 4 Circle the correct alternative. 1 Love reading novels, but | sometimes/never write myself ~ it's too difficult. 2. We always/sometimes watch TV at lunchtime and. dinnertime ~ it's like a member of the family. 3. She doesn't often/sometimes send text messages she prefers taking on the phone. 4 My parents don't carry cash with them ~ they usually/never pay by creditcard 5 Vis interesting and fun, but it always/sometimes has a negative influence on people. 6 TVadverts never/often show a perfect world. Circle the correct alternative. () Parents cead/Do parents ead stories to their children? New surveys show that the brains of children (©) morks/work beter when parents read to them. Watching stories on TV (2) always/never has the same effect. (*) What/Wha is the difference between books and films? When there are no pictures, the child (© imaginesédoesn't imagine the action, the places and the people. When (°) do parents read/parents read to them, children learn new words. Experts also say that when children (7) hears/hear new words from a TV programme, they (°) forget often/aften forget them, Butif they hear them from their parents, they (©) esuallyAdant often remember them better because if children (\0) don't understand/understand the new words, their parents can explain their meaning tothem. Extra grammar practice: can/can‘t; Adverbs of manner; have fo/don't have to, must/musin't 1 Complete the sentences with can (V) or can’t (4) and the verbs given. very fast. (7) (tun) 1 Mybrother 2 They very well.) ive) a Lup until 11 pmat the weekend. ory) 4 Anna 1,500 metres easly. (/) (wim) 5 We TV before we've done our homework. (*) (watch) 6 You very high. (4) (ump) 2. Circle the correct alternative. 1 Myparents wait patientiy/slowly for me to finish my training session. 2. You have to train hard/hardly to become 2 good tennis player. 3. I climb very good/arefully because | don't want to fall 4) He runs slow/slowly s0| always run in front of him, 5 The team are playing badly/bad today. 6 They dor't play golf good/wel, but they enjoy it. 3. Complete the sentences about the rules of volleyball with must or mustn't and the verbs given. the ball. (kick) the ball to ateam 1 Players 2 Players member or over the net. (hit) 3. Theball the court (stay) 4 The ball player hits it over the net. (touch) inside the lines on the court before a 4 Find and correct the mistakes. 1 Divers has to train hard to dive well. 2. Giiff-divers don't has to wear special swimsults. 3. Divers have be good swimmers. ‘4. Aprofessional diver have to prepare their dives carefully 5 Complete the text with the correct form of have to/don't have to or must/mustn’t and these verbs. [ao conn pass near alow use come Using the gym You (i) suitable clothes and you @ the correct equipment. You @. your teacher's instructions. You (#) doing exercise if you feel atest sick. Children under 16 (5) before they can swim in the pool on their own. You © ‘a lot of exercise, just do what is comfortable for you. You) tothe ‘ym every day, just come when you can. 6 Choose the best answer (A or B). ‘Taekwondo is a Korean martial art and an Olympic sport. Competitors (1). fit and flexible. People who practise taekwondo (2)... to wear a uniform and a belt The colour of the belt depends on the level of the competitor. When people compete they (3). shoes. ‘Competitors (4) ..kick or punch their opponent. They (6)__-make body contact with their opponent to win points. They have to move (6) ....and concentrate @....@. -youdo taekwondo? I can punch (9)... but (10)....very high. My teacher says (11). and that (12)._..more. 1 A havebe B mustbe 2 A have B cant 3A musttowear —B don'thave to wear 4A can B mustntto 5 A mustnt B must 6 A fast B faster 7 A hard B good 8 A Must B Can 9 A good B well 10 A cankick B canitkick 11 A mustbe patiently B_ must be patient 12 A mustprattise —B canttpractise ‘his page has been downioaded fam ww maemitoneducotoneverywhere com Protocepiotie © Moco Eaucaion Unted 7021 1oft 9 Extra grammar practice: some, any, much, many, a lot (of), a few, a little; Countable and uncountable nouns; Defining and non-defining relative clauses 1. Circle the correct alternative. 1 AlotofAlot gestures mean different things in different countries 2 Tim afraid thave a itie/litle ime to revise forthe exam. | might fll ‘Many/ few Canadians speak French, 4 Teens spend alat ofmuch money on their phones and tablets. 5 Doyou know some/any words beginning with the lewer x? 6 Some phrasal verbs have fe/a fw different ‘meanings ~ that’s why they/te so difficult to learn. 7. She can speak alitie/much Arabic because she lived in Morocco fora year. 8 There are alitle/a few people in my cass who can speak two languages fluently. 2. Read the text and look at the nouns in bold. Are they ¢ (countable) or U (uncountable)? ‘When you are learning (1) language, (2) practice is. very important. To improve (3) fluency, you should try to speak in the language every day. One way to improve @ accuracy is to do (5) grammar (6) exercises. @) Students often do these for (8) homework. You can also become more accurate by reading a lot in the fanguage you are learning. For example, you could read (@) magazines or (10) blogs. 1 2 3 4 5 6 i) 8 9 10 3 Complete the text with the words in the box. Use ‘each word only once. (0+ when + where - which - who - whose Do you have any friends (2) can speak nine languages? | do! Alexis a guy (b) met in Greece last summer. We met at the language school in Athens (€) we were studying, ‘We were both in a class with a teacher (d) classes were fantastic. Alex learnt English, German and French at school, and then he went traveling round the world and learnt Russian, Polish, Arabic and Japanese ©) fhe was a young man. He said it was curiosity (0) made him learn so. many languages. ‘4. Find and correct the mistakes in each sentence. 1 The woman whose helped me is Turkish. 2. In Brazil, which the main language is Portuguese, around 3 million people speak German. 3 The football team, that | suppor. is from Japan. ‘4. Smuggling is stlilegal, was common in the UK in the 1700s. 2020 was the year who it became impossible to see your fiends. 6 My mum, that parents are Japanese and ‘Aegentinian, speaks five languages. 5 Choose the best answer (A, B or C)to complete the text. there are now over 400 million Recent studies say that mother-tongue speakers of English, but there are ().__-more people (2)... use English as @ second language - around 500 million. However, estimates vary because there arent (3).official figures. English is stil the main language in countries like Nigeria and Ghana, (4).__-were once ex-British colonies. People need to use English in (5) offical situations, such as in the government and education. Why don’t these countries use a local language instead? Because its too difficult to choose between the belong to the local people! It's difficult to know the number of second-language English speakers in these countries because (8) the ex-British colonies are in poor parts of the world, (9)_...people often don't get an education. This ‘means that only a small percentage of the local population can speak English really well, but (10) ‘can say a few words in English other languages (7) 1 Aafow B many few 2 Awho Bo ¢ which 3A some B alittle any 4 Awho B which € where 5 A some B any € litte 6 A much B many Cafew 7 A that B who co 8 A alotof B much C any 9 A that B which C where 10 Aany B many € much bis This page hes ben downlcoded om wu macrniloneducationeveryuhere.comn Protocepiobie © Mocmslon Education Umited 2021 uae “g (a study which says that it's important to eat seven servings of fruit and vegetables every day. That's alot! (2). people who don't go ©....0ne or two servings. (4). people dontteat (5). vegetables at al When their parents puta bow! of vegetable soup (©... them, some children just ask, EEE ten wie snacks in your o: “any pizza in the fridge?! But how can ae ro 4) teestsoven senings? ts not ifil. Hees an there is't/there is, but there isthere are a smal eerie! ies Pelee Peete iste i brealfast, (©) strawberries fora snack, oo) plate of vegetables and some salad with lunch, (1) apple in the afternoon, ‘tomato soup and a baked potato with dinner. And if you haven't got (12) time to cook, mixall the 2 Circle the correct alternative. flat and my bedroom is () near/next my parents’ room. It's very small, but! love it! There's my. bed and (2) above/next to it, there's a radiator. I've got a big poster (3) on/above the bed. (*) Under/in front of the bed is my desk and (5) behind/under it a window. ''m not very tidy and I've got books everywhere in my room - (6) in/on the wardrobe and sometimes (7) on/ above the floor and (®) above/under the bed! different fruit you have (!3) the fridge in 2 food processor, add (4) milk or ice cream and make a milkshake. 3. Mark these words as ¢ (Countable) or U(Uncountable). banana | chip. strawberry biscuit honey suger rice jam yoghurt chicken orange water 4 Complete the dialogue with a, an, some or any. “want to make (1) banana cake today: “Ineed three bananas, (2) sugar, © e995 and (®) glass of milk! "Do you need (3) butter?’ "Oh yes, please. Have you got (6) food processor?’ ‘No, I haven't’ ‘It’s OK. Ican use () - spoon. It's very easy. ‘You mix the ingredients, then you put the mixture in a -cakettin, At the end, you put (8). jam on top! “‘Uhaventt got (9)... jam we can use (10). ‘OK. What do you need?" | } rice Tuite yell Me Past simple of fo be; There was/There were; Past simple of can; Past simple: affirmative, negative and questions 1. Choose the best answer (A or: 1 Jack ‘on holiday in Mexico last week A was B were 2 They at the cinema last night. They saw the new Bond film. A were B was 3. There 2 lot of people on the plane. A wasnt B weren't 4 There 2 souvenir shop next to our hotel. A were B was 5 Where youon Saturday? A were B was 6 When his exam? A were B was 2 Complete the sentences with could/couldn’t and the verbs 1 When Iwas six Italian, but | can now. (speak) 2 Mygrandmother emails when she was young because there wasnt the Internet! (send) 3. They lots of cheap souvenirs, including shortbread. (buy) 4 Freddie his tickets online, so we can do the same. (reserve) 5 We ‘our passports, so we missed our light. (find) 3. Put the words in order to make sentences. Put the verbs in the past simple affirmative. eat /we/ some / food / delicious 1 2 they/ catch /the beach /the train /to 3. in Australia / spent /1/ three weeks /last year ‘4 want/ she / temple /the ancient /to see fo! tS cet} 4. Circle the correct alternative. 1 We don't/didn't book a ticket yesterday because we were busy My parents weren'tididn't happy when they lost thei luggage. Elsie didn't wentdga sightseeing because she was tired | wasn't/didn't on the bus at 11 o'clock. Oliver didn't buy/bought a souvenir because they were to0 expensive We weren tid take a taxi because the underground was faster a Find and correct the mistakes. 1 Doyou visit France a month ago? 2. She was in Greece last year? Did Alex remembered to bring his passport? 4 Were there a tour guide at the castle? We did go there three years ago? Was they tired after the flight? 6 Complete the text with the correct form of these verbs. be fly visit » buy « go « travel « can « arrive take - ty - eat - go - not take - speak - be Ad) on holiday last year? Yes, we did. We (2) to Moscow for a ong weekend in September. We (3) ‘early on Friday morning and it (4) 2 wonderful trip, We (5) tothe city and then (6) by train and metro. We o taxis atall. The Moscow metro is very good and the stations are beautiful. We @) ‘a bus trip around the city. We ) Red Square and the Kremlin. There (10), ‘quite a lot of tourists! We ay Russian food, which was delicious, and we (12) some souvenirs. (3) any Russian? We (14) to speak a few words of Russian, but lots of Russians spoke English well, so we (15) ‘communicate easily. ‘nk page has been cownloaded om www acmniloneducationeverywhre com Photocopicble © Macmilan éoucaton Umited 2021, “M Present perfect with ever and never, forand since, just, yet, already; Present perfect and past simple 1 Complete the sentences with the present perfect form of the verbs given and ever or never. 1 The number of accidents in the home so high. (never/be) 2 {an unusual remedy? (you/ever/use) 3 She any serious accidents. have/never) 4 my special recipe for chicken soup? (you/ever/try) 51 the emergency number. (never/call) 6 a cold in the summer? (you/ever/eatch) 2 Complete the sentences with the present perfect form of the verbs given and circle the correct alternative. i you for/since a long time. (not see) 2 We at this bus stop fardsince half an hour (be) 10 this headache for/since | woke up this morning, (have) 4 Mymother people forsince 1995, when she became a nurse. (help) 5 you time? (lve) 6 They (not take) here forsince along any medicine for/snce last year. 3 Rewrite the sentences by adding just, already or yet in the correct place. 1. You haven't looked well since Monday ~ have you seen the doctor? 2. Sorry, 'm still bit tired ~ I've woken up. 3 [think | have flu, but | haven't checked my temperature. 4. We've called to ask for an ambulance twice. Where is it? 5 I'vetaken a painkiller and | feel much better. 6 They're bored becouse they've played this game many times, 4 Circle the correct alternative. | 1 A: Hello, Janet! | haven't seenddidn't see you for awhile, 8: | have been/was in France last week. | think! have told/told you. 2 A: tive never travelled/never travelled outside Europe. What about you? Bs Ohyes, many times. 've been/went to Africa, Australia and the US. Last summer lve vsited/ visited Chicago forthe first time. 3. A: Have you hurt/Did you hurt your foot? B: Yes, ve fallen off /fell off my bike. thas happened/happened two days ago. 4 A: Did you know Mary has injured/injured her ankle at the ie rink yesterday? 8: No, | haven't known/didn't know. Have they tused/Did they use the RICE method on her injury yet? 5 Choose the best answer (A, B or C) to complete the text. Have you (1). heard of Médecins Sans Frontiéres? You probably have, but maybe you don't know the history of this medical humanitarian organisation. 11971, a group of French doctors and journalists @) start an international organisation to provide ‘medical help to people around the world. (3) 1971, MSF has worked in over 70 countries and (4) over 100 million patients. In 2019, they (5) over 10 million patients! Volunteers are very important for MSF - like Carmen, who works in the UK office. She has been at the MSF Uk office (6) nearly a year, but she has (7) seen some life-saving work and been to some interesting events. She has definitely (8) __felt bored working with MSF: ‘I have the best job out there!’ she says. Since they started, MSF (9) medical humanitarian activites. In 1999, MSF (10) the Nobel Peace Prize, many awards for its 1 Aever B just yet 2 Ahasdecided B wasdeciding _C decided 3 Aln B Since C For 4 A treat Bhastreated treated 5S Ahavetreated —B treated have treat 6 A since B from € for 7 Ayet B already C just 8 Ayer Beever C never 9 A received B receives C has received 10 A won, B wins Chas won. Mis poge hos been downloaded om werwmacrulaneducatoneverywnere com Photocopioble © Macmilon Education Uited 2021 12 ‘can/can’t; Adverbs of manner; The | imperative; like, love, hate + gerund 1. Complete the sentences with can or can’t. 1 tkeep ablog where all my friends _ r ‘write their comments 2 Doyou think that everybody. millionaire? 3. Ifyou don't want to write the document, you “ cutand paste it from this file. a ___students change the screensaver on the school computers? "No, they i become a 5 Ohno! remember my password. on _| download that app on my smartphone?’ ‘Yes, you i 7 How ‘we connect this webcam to our tablets? a. they use a computer for their presentation?’ ‘Yes, they 2 Complete the sentences with the adverbs in the box. stomaticaly - carefully easily - fast « hard - well 1. Mysister can play the piano 2 Ican't send text messages wy ‘connection is very slow. 3. You don't need to do anything, the lights will come 4 Ifyou don't like this T-shirt, you can change it 5 He's a millionaire, but he works very 6 Write your name and address Use capital letters Please 3. Circle the best alternative. 1) Cut and paste/Don't cut and paste from the Net! ies wrong! 2. Practise/Don't practise your presentation at home, ‘Wete/Don‘t write too many words in 8 presentation “4 Make/Don't make eye contact when you speak in public. ‘Chat/Don't chat to your fiends during class. 6 Speak/Don't speak to your tutor if you have a problem. Circle the correct alternative. 1‘ lkeddon' ike using social med es great ‘Some people like talk/talking on the phone. 3 Dad hates/loves chatting on social media — he says its boring, 4 Barbara i very shy and doesn't ikeZikes speaking in public 5 They can't stand sitting/sit in front: of a computer for hours 6 Doyou like/Like you reading the news on your smartphone? 5 Circle the correct alternative. |When he was a teenager, American Shubham Banerjee Javented a cheap gadget that ()can/cans help people to read. People who (2) can/can‘t see use Braille, @ system of small dots that they touch to read the letters. Toprint a document, they use special machines that are Usually very expensive. But with this new gadget, they can do it (3) cheap/cheaply. Banerjee's invention is made from a Lego kit and is very cheap and (#) easy teas to use. Its called Braigo ~ a combination of the ‘words Braille and Lego. It ranslates an electronic text into Braille and then prints using a computer. The Braigo helps blind people, (5) paticular/particularly those who con't ©) buy/buying an expensive machine, to printout letters, shopping lists and short documents. if you want to see how itworks, (7) tolook/look up the instrucions on Banerjee’ webste— they ae (© complete complete free ‘As you can see, a simple game can become something really useful. So, if you also love (°) plavlaving with Lego bricks, (10) think/don't think about what you can

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