SCI10 Activity1.2

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Name: Feliza Mae B.

Boquecosa Year & Course: 2-BS Biology

Subject & Section: SCIENCE 10 – A Date: February 20, 2024

Activity 1.2: How Do We Study the Physical World?

1. From the reading, Chapter 1 - The Cosmic Calendar in Dragons of Eden by Carl Sagan:
a. What is a Cosmic Calendar?
The cosmic calendar is a method of visualizing the chronology of the universe,
compressing its vast 13.8 billion-year history into the span of a single calendar year.
This conceptual tool allows us to better understand the evolution of the universe in a
chronological manner. Scaled to a calendar year, each billion years of Earth's history
equates to roughly twenty-four days in this cosmic timeframe, while one second
symbolizes 475 actual revolutions of the Earth around the sun. The cosmic calendar
can be presented in different formats, such as a list of significant events before
December, a calendar representing the month of December, and a detailed
examination of the late evening of New Year's Eve. Based on the given cosmic calendar
in the book, the emergence of the first humans was at 10:30 PM on December 31st.
Significantly, the entire recorded human history spans only the final ten seconds of
December 31st, highlighting the brevity of our existence in the grand timeline of the

b. How were they able to date important cosmic events?

Important cosmic events are dated using a blend of modern techniques and
astrophysical theory. Geological stratification and radioactive dating are modern
methods employed for this purpose. Geological stratification involves examining
sedimentary rock layers to establish the sequence of events, based on the principle
that newer layers overlay older ones. Meanwhile, radioactive dating relies on the
decay of radioactive isotopes in rocks and minerals to determine their age accurately.
These methods yield valuable insights into archaeological, paleontological, and
geological events. In astrophysics, theories and observations are utilized to date cosmic
occurrences, including the ages of planetary surfaces, stars, and the Milky Way Galaxy.
By integrating these methodologies, scientists construct a comprehensive timeline of
cosmic history.

2. From the reading, Chapter 1.3 - The Structures of the World in Basic Physics edited
by Kenneth W. Ford:
a. What are the parts of the physical world as explained in this reading?
The reading illustrates that the physical world encompasses a wide variety of
scales and phenomena. From the macroscopic realm of observable objects like solids,
liquids, and living organisms, to the infinitesimal submicroscopic world of elementary
particles and atoms, and finally to the enormous cosmological expanse of stars,
galaxies, and the universe itself. Ford suggests that the physical world extends beyond
what is observable with the naked eye, encompassing entities that require the aid of
machines for study– such as microscopes and telescopes. Specialized branches of
science, including physics, chemistry, and geology, delve into these various parts of the
physical world, studying everything from the fundamental building blocks of matter to
the structure and history of our planet and beyond. Despite its vastness and
complexity, the physical world offers a cohesive framework for understanding the
interconnectedness of all phenomena across different scales.

b. Which parts of the physical world are studied by physics? by chemistry? by

Different fields of science are specialized in examining specific aspects of the
physical realm. Physics, for example, concentrates on investigating the basic
constituents of matter, including elementary particles, atomic nuclei, and atoms, in
addition to celestial objects such as stars, galaxies, and other recognized elements of
the universe. Chemistry, on the other hand, delves into the properties and interactions
of elements, compounds, and supramolecules, which are larger molecular assemblies.
Meanwhile, geology focuses on studying the Earth and its diverse spheres, delving into
its makeup, arrangement, and geological mechanisms.

3. From the reading, Chapter 1.5 - Theory and Experiment in Science in Basic Physics
edited by Kenneth W.Ford:
a. How does experiment complement theory?
Experimentation complements theory in science by serving as the ultimate
validation or challenge to theoretical concepts. Experiments play a vital role in either
confirming or refuting theories, providing empirical evidence to support the existence
of entities proposed by a theory. They also contribute to refining the structure or
mathematical formulations of theories, aiding in their development and accuracy.
Additionally, experiments have the potential to modify existing theories in response to
new discoveries, ensuring that scientific knowledge evolves with advancements in
understanding. The symbiotic relationship between theory and experiment is crucial
for scientific progress, as theories without experimental validation lack empirical
grounding, while experiments without theoretical frameworks risk generating isolated
facts devoid of meaningful context.

b. How does scientific knowledge develop?

Scientific knowledge develops through empirical observation and systematic
inquiry, guided by the scientific method. Rooted in observation and experience, it
begins with making observations about the natural world, leading to testable
questions and hypotheses. These hypotheses are rigorously tested through
experimentation, yielding results that contribute to scientific understanding.
Additionally, scientific knowledge evolves through historical patterns, starting from
ancient discoveries to modern advancements. This iterative process involves gathering
facts, identifying patterns, making hypotheses, testing them against known facts, and
formulating theories. Ultimately, this process deepens our understanding of the
natural world and drives scientific progress.

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