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UF 2 Gestió i manteniment de dades de clients

RA 1 Elaboració d’un pla de qualitat i de millora del servei d’atenció al
client, consumidor o usuari
Task 1
Document management systems & Customer loyalty


Below, you will find some questions related to negotiation in the resolution of
complaints and claims.

Let's investigate a little…

A) Look for information on the internet about 3 different techniques that can be
used when negotiating. List them, and provide a brief explanation about what
they consist of.

B) According to the class notes, which is the previous work you should carry
before a negotiation starts?

C) According to the class notes, is it always advisable to reach an agreement

with a client? (justify your answer)

D) Why is a claim made in writing? How many copies of a claim should be

released? Who should have a copy of that claim?

Creating our own claim and suggestion form:

A) Create your own claim and suggestion form with Google Docs or Microsoft
Word. It can be created as you want as long as it contains the necessary parts
to allow the placement of a claim or suggestion.

B) Fulfill your own claim and suggestion form with an invented situation, where
a company has treated you in an unexpected or unethical way. You should
explain in detail what has happened and claim for a solution.

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