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Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla

Facultad de Ciencias de la Comunicación

Licenciatura en Mercadotecnia y Medios digitales
Inglés Técnico

A5. Language processing in Digital Platforms

● Corzas Fortiz Fernando
● Díaz Cabrera Marco Antonio
● Loaiza Mateos Luz del Carmen
● Luna Ventura Aidee Paola
● Nuñez Tellez Daniel
-Link to the webpage: There´s not a webpage official of the business, but
here is the link of the bot:

-Access data:
Password: equipo_launica1


Marco: I felt excited when carrying out this activity because I had never
done a similar task. It is interesting how these tools help solve the doubts of
the clients of each company or brand.

Daniel: It was interesting to participate in this activity. I imagined that I was

an engineer creating a chatbot for a company that would receive millions of
requests every day.

Luz: I didn't know how people could create a chatbot if they were not
specific a programmer, It was really interesting the activity and if I in the
future maybe need this to a business I consider to apply it.

Aidee: I think it is very interesting how technology has advanced to such

an extent that it allows us to do things that may be outside our area of
expertise, I thought that only programmers could perform this type of
activities, but the existence of programs like Chatimize certainly makes it
easier to optimize our business. I think it is important to be aware of all the
new technologies that artificial intelligence gives us, as this can be a great
competitive advantage in our projects.

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