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Introduction to Computer Science

Question.1 What is Website?

A website is a collection of web pages that is identified by a single domain name. These web
pages can include text, images, videos, and other multimedia elements.
➢ Websites are typically dedicated to a particular topic or purpose, such as news,
education, and entertainment.
Key components of a website include: (Extra)
Web Pages: A webpage is a single document within a website that contains specific content
and is identified by a unique URL (Uniform Resource Locator). It is created by HTML
(Hypertext Markup Language) and designed by CSS ( Cascading Style Sheets).
➢ A webpage is a basic unit of information displayed on WWW (world wide web) and is
designed to be viewed in a web browser.
Domain Name: A domain name is the human-readable address that people use to access a
website. For example, "" is a domain name.
Web Server: This is a computer that hosts and serves the website's files to users over the
➢ When a user types a website's domain name into their browser, the browser sends a
request to the web server, which then sends the necessary files to the user's browser for
Content: This includes the text, images, videos, and other information that is presented on
the web pages.
Navigation: Websites often have a navigation structure, including menus, links, and buttons,
that allows users to move between different pages and sections of the site.
Types of Websites:

Static Website:
A static website is a type of website that displays fixed content to all users.
➢ The information on these websites remains the same for every visitor and does not
change dynamically based on user interactions.
➢ These websites are hard coded, and a single change requires direct modification of the
source code.
Brochure websites providing information about a company.
Personal portfolios (an online representation of work you have created. It could be a
website, blog, or even a video channel) showcasing static content.
Dynamic Website:
A dynamic website is a type of website that generates content on-the-fly (while running),
allowing information to be customized and changed based on user interactions, data inputs, or
other factors.
Social media platforms, such as
Facebook, YouTube, twitter, Instagram etc.

Question 2. What is Network Topology?

Teacher: Physical structure of computer networks and their arrangement is called network
Network: a group or system of interconnected things which communicate (share data) with
each other by following some protocol.
A physical layout (structure, shape) of a computer network, which defines how different nodes
(such as computers, servers, routers, switches, etc.) are connected and how data flows between
Types of Network Topology
Star Topology:
A type of Topology where are network devices are connected to a central device, typically a
hub, switch or a router.
➢ The central device acts as a central point of connection and communication for the
devices in the network.
Bus topology:
A type of topology in which all the network devices are connected to a single wire
(communication line), called a bus.
➢ The bus serves as a shared medium through which data is transmitted from one device
to another.
Ring Topology:
A type of topology in which the devices are connected in a closed loop or ring formation.
(where previous device depends on front device)
➢ Each device is connected to its adjacent (neighboring) devices, creating a continuous
pathway for data transmission.
Mesh Topology:
A type of topology where each device is connected to every other device in the network.
Question 3. What is URL?

A URL is a reference (referral to a source) or address that is used to access resources on the
➢ It serves as a way to specify the location of a particular resource, such as a web page,
document, image, or other files, and it indicates the protocol (the accepted or
established code of procedure or behaviour in any organization, or situation) to be used
for retrieval.
A typical URL consists of several components: (extra)
The protocol or scheme specifies how the resource should be accessed. Common protocols
include "http://" for Hypertext Transfer Protocol, "https://" for secure HTTP, "ftp://" for File
Transfer Protocol, and "mailto:" for email.
Domain Name:
The domain name indicates the specific location of the resource on the internet. For example,
in the URL "," "" is the domain name.
The path provides the specific location of the resource within the domain. It often corresponds
to the structure of the website's directories and files. For instance, in the URL
"," "/products/index.html" is the path.
Query Parameters:
Additional parameters can be included in the URL to provide information or options for the
resource being accessed. Query parameters are separated from the path by a question mark (?),
and multiple parameters are separated by ampersands (&).
Fragment Identifier:
A fragment identifier, often indicated by a hash symbol (#), specifies a specific section within
the resource. This is commonly used in web pages to direct the browser to a particular anchor
or section.
Protocol: https://
Domain Name:
Path: /path/to/resource
Query Parameters: ?parameter1=value1&parameter2=value2
Fragment Identifier: #section
Types of URL

Relative URL
A type of URL that is incomplete, but it specifies the location of a resource in relation to the
current page or directory.
• Does not include the protocol or domain, assuming it's the same as the current page.
• Typically used for links within the same website.
../path/to/resource (relative to the current domain)
../parent-directory/resource (relative to the parent directory)
Absolute URL:
A type of URL that provides the complete web address or path to access a resource on the
➢ It includes the protocol (e.g., http or https), the domain name, and the full path to the
specific resource.
• Contains the complete information that is needed to locate the resource.
• Can be used to link to resources on external websites.
Question. 4 What is Social Media?

Social media is digital technology that allows the sharing of ideas and information, including
text and visuals, through virtual networks and communities.
Some common social media platforms include:
Facebook, You Tube, TikTok, Twitter (now X), Snapchat, and Instagram etc.
Pros and cons of social media:
➢ It provides a vast repository (store) of educational content, tutorials, and learning resources.
➢ It offers a platform for entertainment, creativity, and the sharing of artistic expressions.
➢ It helps us to raise awareness and mobilize support for various issues.
➢ It allows users to join and create communities of shared interests, fostering (promoting,
encouraging) connections with like-minded individuals.
➢ It allows the rapid spread of fake news, rumors, and misinformation, which massively
distract our societies.
➢ It can contribute to addiction, anxiety, depression, and other mental health issues due to
excessive use and social comparison.
➢ Users may spend excessive amounts of time on social media, impacting productivity and
real-life interactions.
➢ It contributes to self-esteem issues as users may compare their lives to curated (selected,
organized, and presented using professional or expert knowledge) and idealized
representations on social media.

Question 5. What is Cyber Warfare?

It is defined as an attempt by hackers to damage or destroy a computer network or system.

An attack on various electronic devices to disrupt their functionality or damage them by using
computer and internet technology.
➢ It is also called 5th generation war, where weapon is your technology and its defensive
➢ In this warfare, the attacker invades the concerned devices for various purposes, such as
malicious intent, fun, financial benefits, revenge and government interests.

Effects of Cyber warfare

Dos (Denial of Services):
It is a cyber attack which disrupts normal functionality.
IP Spoofing:
It a cyber criminal activity which alters the IP of attacker and use it as a legal or known IP
Content sharing and mind destruction:
Nowadays, most of the applications and websites are promoting harmful and unethical
contents, which is an alarming situation for various religious nation. The contents include
pornography, drugs, and prostitution.
It is also observed that most of the websites and applications are just developed to promote
homosexual community.

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