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Biomechanics Worksheet 2024

1. How would you represent the following forces:

a. +400N and -500N
b. -200N and -300N
c. +100N and +200N
2. When offensive lineman Aaron Gibson reported to the buffalo Bills in 2006, he was
the largest NFL player ever with a mass of 186kg. What was Aaron’s weight?
3. Fitness Instructor Kim weighs 491N. What is her mass?
4. Mark is a 50kg road cyclist. His bicycle weighs 90N. What is the combined weight of
Mark and his bicycle?
5. Tyler and Jim race each other up a mountain on their bicycle. Tyler takes the route of
the twisting and turning mountain road with his mountain bike. Jim rides his
mountain bike and follows a direct, steeper straight line path up the mountain. They
start at the same time and place and end at the same time and place at the top of
the mountain. From start to finish,
a. Whose distance traveled was longer?
b. Whose displacement was longer?
c. Which rider had the faster average speed?
d. Which rider had the faster average velocity?
e. Who won the race?

6. Alex receives the kicked football on the 3yd line and runs straight ahead toward the
goal line before cutting to the right at the 15yd line. He then runs 9yd along the 15yd
line directly toward the right sideline before being tackled.
a. What was Alex’s distance traveled?
b. What was Alex’s resultant displacement?
c. How many yards did Alex gain in this play? (How far was the ball advanced
toward the goal line?)
7. Danielle, a 100kg shotputter, is putting the 4kg shot in a track meet. Just before she
releases the shot, lance is in the air(her feet are off the ground). At this instant, the
only force she exerts against the shot is an 800N horizontal force directed forward.
a. What is Danielle’s horizontal acceleration at this instant?
b. What is Danielle’s vertical acceleration at this instant?
c. What is the shot’s horizontal acceleration at this instant?
d. What is the shot’s vertical acceleration at this instant?

8. How much kinetic energy does a 2kg discus have if its velocity is 20m/s?
9. You are slowly forcing your opponents wrist to the table in an arm-wrestling match.
a. Are you doing any mechanical work against your opponent? If so, is the work
positive or negative?
b. What type of contractions do your arm and shoulder muscles produce?
c. Is your opponent doing any work against you? If so, is the work positive or
d. What type of contractions does your opponent’s arm and shoulder muscles
10. Blaine snatched 100kg. In a snatch, the barbell is moved from a stationary position
on the floor to a stationary position over his head. Only 0.50s elapsed from the first
movement of the barbell until it was overhead, and the barbell moved through a
vertical displacement of 2.0m. What was Blaine’s average power output during the

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