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RIZAL TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY ‘COLLEGE OF EDUCATION 2 SUMMATIVE TEST 1 ‘SEMINAR REVIEW GENERAL EDUCATION COURSE TEST BOOKLET # GENERAL DIRECTIONS: 4. This testis a 100-multiple choice question. 2. Kindly check the number of pages before answering, 3. Read each item carefully and choose one best answer among the choices, 4, You may write on this tast booklet, but you must mark your answer on the separate ANSWER SHEET provided Any form of cheatingolation or dishonesty is highly prohibited; anyone caught means ‘nulification of exam or equivalent score of 0. ‘TEST PROPER: 4, An organ that develops in uterus during pregnancy, this structure provides oxygen and rutrients to your growing baby and removes waste products from your baby’s blood. A Amnion ‘©. Umbilical Cord D. Cervix 2. The term that refers to the class of Early Filipinos who were free and independent. . Aliping namamahay B. Maharika D. Aliping saguigulia 3, The Republic Act that requires to teach Rizal and other Filipinos patriots to tertiary students A RAT838 Ge RANS B RA7610 De RADTGS ‘4. When one is tom between choosing ane of two goods or choosing between the lesser of two evils. ‘A. Moral judgement B. Moral decision D. Moral principle the rightness of actions is determined solely One of the theses of utilitarianism stating tha by theirconsequences. A. Maximalism ©. Hedonism D. Outcome oriented 6. Who stated the phrase "Any action to have moral worth we can only look at the motives or intention behind the act" . John Stuart Mil Thomas Aquinas D. Jeremy Bentham 7. He led the earliest documented European Expedition to the Philippines. ‘A. Amerigo Vespucci B. Cristoforo Colombo D. arolus Magnus Page 1 of 12 8. When do we celebrate Rizal Day? A. every June 19 C._ every June 24 B. every Dee 23 |B. every Dec. 30 9. Its the knowledge or source of knowledge acquired by means of the senses and ‘experiences, particularly by observation and experimentation. A. Innate knowledge C, Experiential knowledge \ SEnpkielipeyiatos D. Rote knowledge 10. The United Nations addresses: ‘A. Global health and climate change B. Nuclear disarmament and terrorism C._ Education and sustainable development 11. The pre ~ colonial Philippines have shown their own government through their Datu who lead their respective barangays. How is judicial process carried? by lawyers C. suspects were tried by high courts D. suspects were tried by ordeal 12. Which of these is the main provision of Republic Act No. 1425? ‘A. Mandatory study of Philippine history that puts emphasis on the legacy of Jose Rizal as the prime mover of independence B. Mandatory study of Jose Rizal's life and works in all school levels throughout the country C. Mandatory study of Jose Riza’ life and works in all state universities and colleges rought the oi 13.ln 2010, the United Nations General Assembly created the United Nat Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women. Its role Is to: ‘A. Provide material support that leads to employment and sustainable Iving oppertunities for women B. Enable women to have greater control over their lives ©. Provide education and training for women 14, Who are the 5 permanent members of the Security Council? ‘A. United States, Germany, Russia, China and the yom Saas Bene pears ‘and the United me D. United States, Russia, China, Canada and the United Kingdom ns Entity for Page 2 of 12 418, Whats the significance ofthe Laguna Copperplae Inscription? A. Edge of history has been pushed back 621 years B. Gives the Philippines evidence of lnk wth with Southeast Asian kingdoms C. [tis evidence of the possisliy that Hindus were in Manila before the Muslims 16. This unfortunate incident became an opportunity to implicate the three Filipino priests who had been campaigning for Flpino rights, namely, Fathers Mariano Gomez, Jose Burgos, and Jacinto Zamora, ‘A. Martyrdom of Gomburza . The influx of European Liberalism D. Manita Galleon Trade 17,Which of these is the United Nations’ executive arm handling the day to day business? Ithas an important role in setting the agenda for the General Assembly, Economie and Social Council, and Security Council, and the implementation of the decision of these bodies? A. Security Council ©. Economic and Social Council 8 Secretariat ©. Genera Assomy 418. Which ofthe following is NOT one of the 4 main purposes of the United Nations? ‘A. To keep peace i B. To develop relations D. Tobe a center for harmonizing 19. He gained the trust ofthe Filpines end considered to be as the GHEBEaNed among all that became eur Spanish Governor Generel JR. Governor General Gamo de Polevieja B. Governor General Ramon Bianco eS 20. Which is true about Sen, Claro M, Recto’s Rizal Bill before it was passed into law? ‘A. It was well received by the Congress and personally endorsed be Pres. Ramon Magsaysay B. twas halted by the government to protect the politcal interest of the members of the Congress with Spanish ancestry D. Itwas vetoed by Pres. Ramon Magsaysay 24. lt means an understanding of one's own learnings, characters, motivations and capabilities. A. Self-image eae B. Seltidentity D. Selt-concept 22. Philosophiy of self that explains the nature of self by the existence ofthe “Five Skandhas’ A. Hinduism ©. Dacism |B. Buddhism D. Confucianism Page 3 0f 12 oe a 23. He is the Governor Samimuapadlina’ des erence frase Rizal B. Governor General Ramon Blanco ©. Governor General Carlos Ma. Dela Torre D. Governor General Rafae! Isquierdo 24. Not many students are aware that Jose Rizal, the Philippine’s National Hero is also a sculptor. Which among the following is a sculpture of Rizal? A. The oblation . Lapu Lapu Monument D. The Philippines map Relief 25, He stated that the self is a thinking person and that the mind makes the self to become aviate in perceiving the external world A ©. Hume B. Locke D. Socrates 26. He said that the concept of self can be explained in his "Bundle Theory of Personal Identity’ where the self consists of perceptions and experiences linked by the relations of ccausations and resemblance. A. Descartes Hamme) B. Locke D. Socrates | 27. Cebu was hailed because of the Santo Nino or the Child Jesus. What is the Spanish name of Cebu ees Npeoan oo Hee jundo C. Cludad Sagrado delos Hijos Jesus . Ciudad Sagrado delos Hijos Jesus y Madre Maria 28. Who was the Governor General during the time of GOMBURZA? yr Nareise Clavera ©. Riego de Dos |B. Rafael do Izquierdo y uti . Caml ce Polavela 29, what |s a common characteristic of babies bor to women who smoke pregnancy? A. Amissing arm or leg B. Facial deformities and below average intelligence . Restlessness and irtabiity 20. wich of oolong alert sho. Fal cone Sa oes accurate? B. Fetal alcohol syndrome commonly results in miscarriages. ©. Fetal aleohol syndrome causes ectopic pregnancy 1D. Babies suffering from Fetal alcohol syndrome are often born before term and with low birthweights. Page 4 0f 12 —— eee ——---—_—_ >" 31. The Spanish Governor ~ General who formulated a general economic plan for self ~ sufficiency and development of the Philippines. ©. Gov. Gen. Claveria B. Gov. Gen, Bustamante D. Gov. Gen Dela Torre 32, Rizal's greatest resentment during his student days that motivated him to Work harder ‘A. The unequal treatment of students by the Jesuits, B. The passivity of Filipino students, D. The use of Spanish as medium of instruction. 33. The development of primary sex characteristics among females are evidenced bye cee A Rapid change in heights and weights B_ Growth and development of the breasts 'D. Changes rrr el 34, Secondary sexual characteristics manifests themselves primarily through changes in _. A. Skeletal system ©. Blood stream B. Greulatory system (D. Excemal appearance, '35. The construction ofthis water way is one of the major reasons ofthe growth of nationalism inthe Philippines. Trades were made quick and bocks showered down the academic line of the early Filipino propagandists. What is this water way that connects the Mediterranean and the Red Sea? ‘A. Bosporus Strait C. Tripoli Canal B. Bakan Strait 136, Which of these can best explain Rizal's decision to leave the Philippines again? B. He received threats against him and his family since he returned from Europe CC. The Dominican priests wanted to take him down, D. The llustrados in Europe were to organize a movement that needed Rizal's presence 37. Aheightened sense of sef-consciousness, which can lead a young person to believe that of everyone's attention, ©. Personal fable B. Interpersonal vanity D. Adolescent egocentrism 38, Some adolescents become so absorbed in their own unique thoughts and experiences they believe no one else has ever had feelings and experiences quite like theirs. This refers to A. Imaginary audience C._Personal fable B. Interpersonal vanity 39. The military provinces that were unpacified during the Spanish period were called, A. Alcaldia ci B. Alcalde-mayor Induito de comercio Page 5 of 12 (a eee 40. Why did Don Francisco want Jose to use the surname Rizal instead Mercado? ‘A. He wanted to live up to his reputation being a farmer because Rizal was derived from the word “ricial’ that meant ‘green field” 41. Which ofthe following is most ikely to help the readers determine whether the character is a protagonist or an antagonist? ‘A. The description given directly by the author B._The language used by the character . The personalty of the character 142, The portrayal of sensory experiences through language fe imave, C. Figurative language thyme and meter D. Plot 43, Which of the following state the truth on significant events on our Philippine History? [A. The Spaniards made the Philippines center of cultural growth in South East Asia B._ The Phil the elte, middle and the poor class 1D. The Philippine Revolution was supported by Dr. Jose Rizal 44. What is the most fiting message of The Story of the Moth? ‘A. Like on good things, freedom come to those who wait 8. Alamp can burn down a house, let alone a moth . Getting attached to an illsion can bring death Dypdgieemvna soensimoter nen EE 45, A Japanese gil who has Shinto for her religion wants to learn about the life of Jesus Christ ‘Which of the following Drama would be most helpful in teaching her? A. Zarzucla . Joruri Play |B. Cenakaio, D. Mystery pay 46, Socrates died because of drinking the juice of a pa star ccaoncus pant named A Olander ‘Te. Hemlock B. Rosary pea D. Castor bean 47. Which of the following is very “Katipunero” in objectives? 2 lta, eve and mora! C. Economic, social and political 8. Political, economic and civic D. Social, political and civic 48. What isthe ttle ofthe fist essay of Jose Rizal? AC BiAmer Pari ©. Sa Aking Kabata B. Ala Juventud Filipina D. MiUtime Adios Page 6 of 12 ee so) £0. On wh bok Thomas Hobbes post hata a et of hr gate behav pope net fd peace in the absence af some conta ance pave eee to prevent the war of all against all. A. Onthe Citizen C. Leviatnan) B. Behemoth D. The Corparation 51. The Spanish expedition responsibie for naming the archipelago Fiipinas A. Magellan's expedition ion B. Loarca expedtion 52. In which essay did Rizal advocate the government posts should be filed through empetne exarinatons? B. The Love of Country C. To Young Women of Malolos . The Indolence of the Filipino Rationalization: A - The Philippines Within A Century 53, What global organization was founded in the Treaty of Versailles and sought to guarantee global peace through “collective security"? ‘A. SEATO C. United Nations 8 League of Nations B. Freedom House 4, What organization is made up of mostly former British colonies? C. Organization for African Unity B. League of Nations D. North ttantic Treaty Organization 55. When was the Philippines Independence prociaimed by E. Aguinaldo at Kawit, Cavite between four & five inthe afternoon ? A. dune 12,1698 oo duneajte98) B. June 42, 1888 D. June 21, 1898 56, Who was the fearless lawyer and writer in exposing Spanish abuses and corruption and EINAL 57. Which of the following describe correctly the Group of Seven Countries (6-7)? A. They are developing countries B. They are holding Atomic Bomb technology They are countries who can launch their own satellites Page 7 of 12 Pment 8, Tokyo Nk (ADB) is located a 50, En Seoul oe tthe folowing places? 10 Was the br: - Aguinala 20 Of the Philippine ‘evolution, a sublime paralytic ected apd Acted a8 adviser of Calderon 60. In Rizal's Not Me Tangere, wi sheets Not }0Se character isthe personifica on her 2278 to the culture ofthe country i : tion of a woman who doesn't her despite the ene ot misguides” "S"2%4 She consistently apply foreign currene = Sisa © ©. Paulta . Dona Consolacion ©. Realm of dreams D. Realm of hel Certain conditions, D. Be represented in the Spanish Cortes 64. Who, Bahigasze4 the saying, “There are no tyrants where there are no slaves"? ©. Juan Luna B. Andres Bonifacio D. Marcelo H. del Pilar 85. These are the knowledge results from ideas produced by experiences, A. Priori ©. Innate | Be Posteron, Experientia 66. He considered truth as a universal concet sensory experience, A John Locke: ©. David Hume |B. Rene Descartes’ D. St. Augustine 67. The foremost objective of the Propaganda Movement was the assimiation of the Philippines as a regular province of Spain because they believe that A. Filipinos eer oe C. Economic life will be improved D. Social and economic development be attained pt and reason is superior to and independent of Page 8 of 12 an PA se 68. Why did p, education? owledge comes fom experenes of ponent A. Theory of Human Mind : ed ae B. Cognition D. Classi ‘onditioning 70. Used describ the per fhe ence shoping han behave A Motacognes @ peycnaceal ‘8 Socal Bohavosm D. Pyehoarai 71, Those previess lat fre acted and were already recongizing Spanish Rule were called in ae Ae AeaaaS) B. Alcalde-Mayor D. Governador-General ©. Corregimientos 72. Who was Rizal's romance when he left to study abroad? A. Miss L ©. Leonor Valenzuela (Bey Leonor Rivera) D. Segunda Katigbak 73. A Theory stating that the view of the self is si ignificantly influenced by the impression and perception of others, A. Significant other Theory ©. Imaginary Audience D. Hawthome 74. A process where people early in their social interactions learned to slant their presentation of themselves in order to create preferred aj rpearances and satsty pacar people ‘A. Adaptation reson Manaseent B. Culture Shock D oe 75. Rizal organized the La Liga Filipina $0 as to effectvel reform. His main objective is. A. Politicize a greater number of Filipinos B. Influence political development during twilight of Spanish rules c. D. Prepare Filipinos for revolution ly Pursue new approaches to achieve Page 9 of 12 76. How di ar A By eahand Ferdinand Blumentrit kept their tiendship? B. By sta ©. By ser D. Thro ving close to Blumentrt’s reside ‘entrit’s residence in Austria "nding each other their photos and sketches ugh the scientific circles in Germany 77. Monozygotic twins ar also known as, alana ———e, conoimd D. Siamese 78. condition that affects only females, results when one of the X chromosomes (sex chromosomes) is missing or paral missing inthe 2d ai. ©. Kiinefetter's Syndrome B. Edward's Synarome D. Down's Syndrome 79, Satiical writers during the Spanish Colonial Age made their name through pamphlets and letters. One famous writer exhibits his literary briliance on a literary piece named “Aba Ginoong Barya at Amain Nami ©. Jose Rizal B. Graciano Lopez Jaena D. Mariano Gomez 80. Which of these is NOT TRUE about the painting La Spoliar B. It was Juan Luna's symbolic and most important work in his cause to reveal the injustices of the Spaniards Iwas Jose Rizal's inspiration in delivering a speech of salute to the achieverients of J. Luna and F. Hidalgo D. tis now placed under the ward of the National Museum of the Philippines c. 81. Genetic condition in which a boy is born with an ext 1a X chromosome he 234 pair A. Tumers Syndrome . Kinefeters Syndrome B. Edward's Syndrome D. Down's Syndrome 82. Chromosomal condition th chromosome 21st pair. A. Turner's Syndrome ©. Kinefetter's Syndrome 8. Edward's Syndrome D (Down's Syndrome 83, Through the Galleon Trade, the Philippines engaged in trade with A. China (C. Mexico }ecurs when an error in cell division results in an extra B Spice Siond Doar £4. Dapitan, the place where Rizal was exiled for 4 year is locted in Dave del Nove ©. Davao del Sur B. Zamboanga del Sur |, Zamboanga de Nore Page 10 of 12 s forte ceca Ee” Simei b. Sib 26. the ai yo undead cute on the standards cr ai ae ‘on its own terms and not to make judgments using A. Acculturation c B. Amalgamation cute 1 cultural relat 87. The penname Agay ito Bagumbayan was used by hs Katpunan lade. A Emilio Jorn one an Fp B. Pio Valenzuela mn 88. Who was the Governor General who permitted Rizal to leave Dapitan to volunteered his services as a doctor in Cuba? J Diggo de os Ros ©. Narciso Claveria D. Eulogio Despujol 89. It is about matters such as the good thing that we should pursue and the bad thing that We should avoid; the right ways in which we could or should act and the wrong ways of acting, A Metaphysics ©. Norm B. Morals (De Ethies 90. May be used to refer to specific beliefs or atitudes that people have or to describe acts that people perform, A. Metaphysics ©. Norm Be Morals’ D. Ethics ‘91. Who was the great military general viho covered the retreat of Aguinalde to isabela? ‘A. Miguel Malvar B. Antonio Luna D. Martin Delgado 92. This is the Poem written by Dr. Jose Rizal which associated to his death and considered to be his poetic last will and testament. A. To the Flowers of Heidelberg ©. Hymn toTatsay B. Ala Juventud Flpina 1B [Mi Utime Adios 93. The moral philosophy that actions derive their moral quality from their usefulness as ‘means to some end, especially as means productive of happiness or unhappiness. A__Hedonism C. Materialism D. Pleasures 94. The process whereby national economies and business systems are becoming deeply ach other is called Peaster C. Internationalization B. Glocalization D. Global linking Page 11 of 12 | A 95. Who was the elected Fil lpino President o hapten ‘esident of the Japanese Puppet Government? B. Sergio Osmenia DJ jorge Vargas 96, How was Rizal able to fi finance his studies in Madrid? A. He worked part-time in a nearby clinic : B. His Noli and Fili generated a lot of income C._He was a scholar of the Circulo Hispano Filipino 87. Which of the following is an example of the globalization of production? pitals outsource some radiology work to India ©. Caterpillar and Komatsu both sell earthmoving equipment in the Middle East D. Boeing sells jet planes to firms in Japan 98. Which of the following statements is most consistent with market expansion through globalization? A. By serving domestic and international markets a fim may be able to utlize its production facilities less intensively B. Different locations around the world are more or less suitable for performing different business activities of 1D. When managers at a firm have built a valuable competency or skil, going global is often the best way to maximize the return on their investment 99. His goal on making the Philippines an economically and globally competitive country paved the ground on the establishing the so-called PHILIPPINES 2000 B. President Estrada ©. President Aquino D. President Marcos 100. ‘Among the powers of the government, in the tripartite system, who holds the power to declare the existence of war? J. The President, as the Commander — in ~ Chief of all the Armed Forces B. The Secretary of the Department of Defense The Chief Justice of the Supreme Cour, as recommended by its Magistrates End of Examination™ Page 12 of 12

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