Grade 9 Science Lesson Plan Week 3

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Week 3 September 11 to 16, 2023

1st Meeting September 11, 2023

9J 7:50-8:50
9C 8:50-9:50
9G 2:10-3:10
9O 3:10-4:10

A. Identify and describe the different components of the blood;
B. State the functions of the different components of the blood;
C. Identify the different blood groups that characterize human population;
D. Describe the relationships of these blood group; and
E. Explain the blood clotting process.


A. Topic: Blood Circulation
BE-MELC: Explain how the respiratory and circulatory systems work together to
transport nuttrients, gases, and other molecules to and from the different parts of the
BE-MELC:Infer how ones lifestyle can affect the functioning of Respiratory and
Circulatory Systems
B. Reference: S. Baguio, C. Felicerta, S. Manosa, C. Santisteban-Cook, and A. Bonifacio
(BREAKING THROUGH SCIENCE Updated Second Edition) C and E
Publishing, Inc. 2023
C. Materials: Ipad and LED TV; chalkboard and chalk,
D. Value Focus/LSVMS Graduate Attribute: Proud Filipinos

A. Presentation of the Objectives
B. Identifying Prior Knowledge/Motivation
1. Tell the class to quickly write three things they know about blood within 5 mins.
They will pass their work.
C. Processing/ Lesson Proper
Focused Instruction
To start off discussion,
1. Let the students identify the strongest muscle in their body. From their responses,
lead them to identify the correct answer.
2. Let the students state the reasons why they think the heart is the body’s strongest
Guided Instruction
1. The teacher will facilitate the discussion by showing to the class the diagram of
the types of blood.
2. Let the students read the lesson first and explain it with a partner.
3. Guide Questions:
3.1 How does the blood circulate in the body?
3.2 How are the different organs of transport important in maintaining a smooth
flow of traffic in our body highway?
Collaborative Learning
4. Group Activity
With their respective group, have the students write a story with “blood” as the
main character, describing how it circulates throughout the body to carry oxygen
and nutrients to various tissues and organs
Independent Learning/ Evaluation
5. Journal Entry
Ask the students of what they have learned from the class.
D. Meaningful Closure
Three W’s
 What did you learn today?
 What strives you to listen to our lesson?
 What attitude did you learn during our activity together with your partner or

E. Meaningful Closure
 Have you ever felt that you are connected to someone or something even if there is
physical separation?
 What makes you connected?
 What have you learn from todays lesson?

For September 12

Do or answer the Exercise 1.3 at the page 14 of your book on a 1 whole sheet of paper. And
bring the following material on pages 3-4


2nd Meeting September 12, 2023

9G 7:50-8:50
9O 8:50-9:50
9C 10:10-11:10
9J 3:10-4:10

A. Differentiate between pulmonary and systematic flow of blood; and
B. Explain the circulatory system transports nutrients, gases, and other molecules to the
different parts of the body.


A. Topic: Blood Circulation
BE-MELC: Explain how the respiratory and circulatory systems work together to
transport nuttrients, gases, and other molecules to and from the different parts of the
page 2

BE-MELC:Infer how ones lifestyle can affect the functioning of Respiratory and
Circulatory Systems
B. Reference: S. Baguio, C. Felicerta, S. Manosa, C. Santisteban-Cook, and A. Bonifacio
(BREAKING THROUGH SCIENCE Updated Second Edition) C and E
Publishing, Inc. 2023
C. Materials: Ipad and LED TV; chalkboard and chalk,
D. Value Focus/LSVMS Graduate Attribute: Proud Filipinos

A. Presentation of the Objectives
B. Identifying Prior Knowledge/Motivation
1. Tell the class to quickly write three things they know about blood within 5 mins.
They will pass their work.
C. Processing/ Lesson Proper
Focused Instruction
To start off discussion,
2. Let the students identify the strongest muscle in their body. From their responses,
lead them to identify the correct answer.
3. Let the students state the reasons why they think the heart is the body’s strongest
Guided Instruction
4. The teacher will facilitate the discussion by showing to the class the diagram of
the types of blood.
5. Let the students read the lesson first and explain it with a partner.
6. Guide Questions:
3.2 How does the blood circulate in the body?
3.2 How are the different organs of transport important in maintaining a smooth
flow of traffic in our body highway?
Collaborative Learning
7. Group Activity
With their respective group, have the students write a story with “blood” as the
main character, describing how it circulates throughout the body to carry oxygen
and nutrients to various tissues and organs
Independent Learning/ Evaluation
8. Journal Entry
Ask the students of what they have learned from the class.
D. Meaningful Closure
Three W’s
 What did you learn today?
 What strives you to listen to our lesson?
 What attitude did you learn during our activity together with your partner or
E. Meaningful Closure
 Have you ever felt that you are connected to someone or something even if there is
physical separation?
 What makes you connected?
 What have you learned from today’s lesson?
page 3
For September 13

Do or answer the Exercise 1.3 at the page 14 of your book on a 1 whole sheet of paper. And
bring the following material on pages 3-4


3rd Meeting September 13, 2023

9C 8:50-9:50
9J 11:10-12:10
9O 1:10-2:10
9G 2:10-3:10

A. Identify the different blood components of the blood and state their functions;
B. Identify groups that characterize the human population and describe the relationships
of these blood groups;
C. Explain the blood clotting process.


A. Topic: Blood Groups and the Blood Clotting Process
BE-MELC: Explain how the respiratory and circulatory systems work together to
transport nuttrients, gases, and other molecules to and from the different parts of the
BE-MELC:Infer how ones lifestyle can affect the functioning of Respiratory and
Circulatory Systems
B. Reference: : S. Baguio, C. Felicerta, S. Manosa, C. Santisteban-Cook, and A. Bonifacio
(BREAKING THROUGH SCIENCE Updated Second Edition) C and E Publishing,
Inc. 2023
C. Materials: Ipad and LED TV; chalkboard and chalk,
D. Value Focus/LSVMS Graduate Attribute: Proud Filipinos

Recorded discussion and instruction and synchronous class
A. Presentation of the Objectives
B. Identifying Prior Knowledge/Motivation
1. Tell the class to quickly write three things they know about blood as start-up
C. Processing/ Lesson Proper
Focused Instruction
To start off discussion,
2. Discuss different blood groups.
3. Explain the blood clotting process.
page 4

Guided Instruction
4. Have the class perform the Do This Skills Lab. Ask them to describe how the
laboratory activity increased their understanding of the lesson.

Collaborative Learning
9. Group Activity
Students will perform the Do This Skills Lab observing different blood cells under
a microscope.
Independent Learning/ Evaluation
10. Journal Entry
Have the students write a story with blood as the main character describing how it
is circulated throughout the body to carry oxygen and nutrients to the body’s
various tissues and organs.
D. Meaningful Closure
Three W’s
 What did you learn today?
 What strives you to listen to our lesson?
 What attitude did you learn during our activity together with your partner or

For September 14
Do the Loop activity at the page 3 of your book on a 1 whole sheet of paper. And bring the
following material on pages 3-4


4th Meeting September 14, 2023

9O 10:10-11:10
9G 1:10-2:10
9C 2:10-3:10
9J 3:10-4:10

A. Investigate the structure of a mammalian heart;
B. Identify the parts composing the heart;
C. Trace the flow of blood in the heart.


A. Topic: Activity 1: The Structure of a Mammalian Heart (A)
LC: Explains the mechanism on the circulatory system transports nutrients, gases, and
other molecules to and from the different parts of the body
B. Reference: : S. Baguio, C. Felicerta, S. Manosa, C. Santisteban-Cook, and A.
Bonifacio (BREAKING THROUGH SCIENCE Updated Second Edition) C and E
page 5

Publishing, Inc. 2023

C. Materials: Ipad and LED TV; chalkboard and chalk,
D. Value Focus/ LSVMS Graduate Attribute: Christian Gentlemen/ Ladies

A. Presentation of the Objectives
B. Identifying Prior Knowledge/ Motivation
Ask the students to present their homework to the class. (1 representative for each
C. Lesson Proper/ Processing
Focused Instruction
1. The teacher will discuss first the procedure on doing the activity.
2. Students will do the following guidelines and procedure given to them.
Guided Instruction
3. The students will observe the entire pig’s heart using the drawing of a
mammalian heart provided to them.
Collaborative Learning
4. Group Time: On their respective groups, each group will follow the procedures
on doing the activity at the page 3-4 of their book.
Independent Learning/ Evaluation
5. Answer briefly: (1/2 CW)
5.1 The walls of the left ventricles are much thicker than those of the right ventricle.
What do think is the advantage of this?
5.2 Why are the larger lymphatic vessels comparable to veins and not to arteries?

D. Meaningful Closure
Exit Cards:
 In this unit I have learned that…
 I am still confused with…
 I like the topic on… because…

For September 15
Study in advance pages 14-17



5th Meeting September 15, 20223

9O 8:50-9:50
9G 10:10-11:10
9C 11:10-12:10
9J 1:10-2:10

A. Investigate the structure of a mammalian heart;
page 6

B. Identify the parts composing the heart;

C. Trace the flow of blood in the heart.
A. Topic: Activity 1: The Structure of a Mammalian Heart (B)
LC: Explains the mechanism on the circulatory system transports nutrients, gases,
and other molecules to and from the different parts of the body
B. Reference: S. Baguio, C. Felicerta, S. Manosa, C. Santisteban-Cook, and A. Bonifacio
(BREAKING THROUGH SCIENCE Updated Second Edition) C and E
Publishing, Inc. 2023
C. Materials: Ipad and LED TV; chalkboard and chalk,
D. Value Focus/ LSVMS Graduate Attribute: Christian Gentlemen/ Ladies

A. Presentation of the Objectives
B. Identifying Prior Knowledge/ Motivation
Ask the students to present their homework to the class. (1 representative for each
C. Lesson Proper/ Processing
Focused Instruction
1. The teacher will discuss first the procedure on doing the activity.
2. Students will do the following guidelines and procedure given to them.
Guided Instruction
3. The students will observe the entire pig’s heart using the drawing of a mammalian
heart provided to them.
Collaborative Learning
4. Group Time: On their respective groups, each group will follow the procedures on
doing the activity at the page 3-4 of their book.
Independent Learning/ Evaluation
5. Answer briefly: (1/2 CW)
5.1 The walls of the left ventricles are much thicker than those of the right
ventricle. What do think is the advantage of this?
5.2 Why are the larger lymphatic vessels comparable to veins and not to arteries?

D. Meaningful Closure
Exit Cards:
 In this unit I have learned that…
 I am still confused with…
 I like the topic on… because…

For September 18
Study in advance pages 14-17


page 7

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