Lesson 9

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The Enhanced Basic Education or K to 12 Curriculum and the 2002 Basic Education Curriculum are two

different approaches to education in the Philippines. Here is a comparison between the two:

1. Duration: The most significant difference between the two is the duration of schooling. The 2002 Basic
Education curriculum had a 10-year program (6 years in elementary and 4 years in high school), while the
K to 12 curriculums extended the program to 12 years (6 years in elementary, 4 years in junior high, and
2 years in senior high).

2. Additional Years: The K to 12 Curriculum introduced two additional years in high school, known as the
Senior High School (Grades 11 and 12), which offered various tracks and strands, such as STEM (Science,
Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics), ABM (Accountancy, Business, and Management), HUMSS
(Humanities and Social Sciences), and others to cater to different career interests. While the 2002
curriculum had only four years of high school, so students completed their basic education with only
four years of high school.

3. Curriculum Content: The K to 12 Curriculum aimed to provide a more comprehensive and globally
competitive education. It included additional subjects and introduced tracks and strands in senior high
school, allowing students to specialize in academic, technical-vocational, or sports and arts-related fields,
specialized tracks in the Senior High School, allowing students to choose a specific career path, while the
2002 Curriculum: The 2002 curriculum was more traditional, focused on providing students with a broad
and general education, covering subjects such as English, Math, Science, Filipino, and Social Studies.

3. Inclusion of additional subjects: The K to 12 curriculum added additional subjects such as Technology
and Livelihood Education (TLE), and Entrepreneurship, which were not part of the 2002 curriculum.

4. Skills Development: The K to 12 Curriculum places a stronger emphasis on skills development

compared to the 2002 Basic Education Curriculum. It aims to produce graduates who are not only
knowledgeable but also equipped with practical skills that are relevant to the workplace.

5. College Readiness: The K to 12 Curriculum aims to better prepare students for college by providing
them with a more comprehensive and specialized education. The additional two years in senior high
school allow students to have a more solid foundation before pursuing higher education.

In summary, the Enhanced Basic Education or K to 12 Curriculum was offers a more comprehensive and
specialized approach to education compared to the 2002 Basic Education Curriculum that extended the
duration of basic education, introduced Senior High School. It aims to produce well-rounded graduates
who are equipped with both knowledge and practical skills, ready for college or the workforce. These
changes were implemented to better align the Philippines' education system with international
standards and provide students with a more comprehensive and relevant education.

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