3rd Quarter Performance Task

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3rd Quarter Performance Task- VOLCANOES

Performance Task Option 1: All about Volcanoes!

Goal: STEMTok Video
Number of Members: Maximum of 3 members
Role: As a tiktoker or video content creator
Performance Task Instruction/Situation:
For this Stemtok Video project, your objective is to create an engaging and informative
video presentation focusing on volcanoes. Your video should cover topics such as the different
types of volcanoes in terms of their shape and activity levels, as well as the various types of
volcanic eruptions. You have the freedom to decide how you want to portray the content,
allowing you to showcase your creativity and storytelling abilities. Ensure that your video is 2-3
minutes in duration and utilizes a mix of photos, illustrations, and videos sourced from the
internet to emphasize your discussion effectively. You can either act as the presenter and record
yourself or opt for a voice-over narration to guide the audience through your exploration of
volcanoes. Additionally, incorporate background music into your video to enhance its appeal and

Deadline of submission: MARCH 04, 2024

Criteria Excellent (8-10) Good (5-7) Fair (1-4)
Clarity and Depth Provides a clear and comprehensive explanation Offers a clear explanation of volcanoes, Content lacks clarity or depth,
of Content of volcanoes, types, and eruptions. Depth of types, and eruptions, but may lack depth in making it difficult to understand
content demonstrates a thorough understanding of some areas. or follow.
the topic.
Creativity and Demonstrates exceptional creativity and engages Shows creativity and maintains audience Lacks creativity and fails to
Engagement the audience effectively throughout the video. engagement with some innovative elements. engage the audience effectively.
Creative elements enhance the presentation and
captivate the viewer.
Visual and Audio Features high-quality visuals and audio that Includes visuals and audio that support the Visuals and audio are of poor
Presentation enhance the presentation. Both visuals and audio content, but may have occasional issues quality or detract from the
contribute to the overall impact of the video. with clarity or production quality. presentation.
Adherence to Fully adheres to all guidelines provided in the task Mostly adheres to the guidelines, but may Deviates significantly from
Guidelines and instruction. Submission is timely and meets all have minor deviations or oversights. guidelines or fails to meet several
Timeliness requirements. Submission is generally timely. requirements. Submission may be
late or hastily prepared.

Performance Task Option 2: All About Volcanoes!

Goal: Brochure
Number of Members: Maximum of 2 members
Role: As a brochure layout artist
Performance Task Instruction/Situation:
Your task is to craft an engaging and informative brochure exploring the diverse
facets of volcanoes. The brochure must cover the types of volcanoes, detailing their
shapes and activity levels, as well as the various types of volcanic eruptions. Creativity is
encouraged in both content and design; you may incorporate photos or illustrations
sourced from the internet, citing references at the end of the brochure. Utilize online
applications or hand-drawn elements to create your output, adding vibrant designs or
coloring materials to enhance creativity. Ensure your brochure effectively communicates
information while captivating the audience with its visual appeal.

Deadline of submission: MARCH 04, 2024


Criteria Excellent (8-10) Good (5-7) Fair (1-4)

Clarity and Depth The content is clear, comprehensive, and The content is mostly clear and provides a The content is unclear or lacks
of Content thorough, providing a deep understanding of the good understanding of the topic, but may depth, making it difficult to
types of volcanoes and volcanic eruptions. lack depth in some areas. understand or follow.

Creativity in The brochure design is highly creative and The brochure design is creative and visually The brochure design lacks
Design engaging, incorporating vibrant colors, innovative appealing, utilizing colors, layouts, and creativity or visual appeal, with
layouts, and captivating visuals. visuals effectively. minimal use of colors, layouts, or
Relevance and The information presented is highly relevant and The information presented is mostly The information presented is
Accuracy of accurate, effectively conveying the types of relevant and accurate, providing a good irrelevant or inaccurate, detracting
Information volcanoes and volcanic eruptions with precision. understanding of the topic, with few minor from the overall understanding of
inaccuracies. the topic.
Adherence to The brochure strictly adheres to all guidelines The brochure mostly adheres to the The brochure deviates
Guidelines and provided in the task instruction. It meets the guidelines provided, with minor deviations significantly from the provided
Timeliness specified criteria and is submitted on time. or oversights. It is submitted on time. guidelines or fails to meet several
requirements. It may be submitted
late or hastily prepared.

Performance Task Option 3:

Goal: Geothermal Power Plant Community Diorama/Miniature
Number of Members: Maximum of 4 members
Role: As an Engineering student planning a sustainable energy resource
Performance Task Instruction/Situation:
Your task is to create a d model diorama showcasing a community powered by a
geothermal power plant. Your miniature should feature a volcano representing the
geothermal energy source, a miniature geothermal power plant adjacent to the volcano,
and electricity lines connecting from the power plant to both commercial buildings and
residential houses within the community. You have the creative freedom to choose
materials for constructing your model, allowing you to utilize a variety of materials such
as clay, cardboard, wire, or any other suitable crafting supplies to bring your vision to
life. Ensure that your model effectively illustrates the concept of utilizing geothermal
energy to power the community's infrastructure.

Deadline of submission: MARCH 04, 2024


Criteria Excellent (4) Proficient (3) Basic (2) Below Basic (1)
Creativity and The model demonstrates The model demonstrates The model demonstrates The model lacks creativity
Innovation exceptional creativity and creativity and innovation in some creativity and and innovation in design and
innovation in design and design and construction, innovation in design and construction, failing to
construction, effectively effectively showcasing a construction, but lacks in effectively showcase a
showcasing a community community powered by effectively showcasing a community powered by
powered by geothermal energy. geothermal energy. community powered by geothermal energy.
geothermal energy.
Accuracy and The model is highly accurate The model is accurate and The model is somewhat The model is inaccurate and
Detail and detailed, clearly detailed, representing a accurate and detailed, but lacks detail, failing to clearly
representing a geothermal geothermal power plant lacks clarity in depicting the depict a geothermal power
power plant community with community with clear geothermal power plant plant community.
precise depiction of the depiction of the volcano, community.
volcano, power plant, and power plant, and
infrastructure. infrastructure.
Use of Materials The model effectively utilizes a The model utilizes a variety of The model uses some The model uses materials
variety of materials, materials, demonstrating materials effectively, but ineffectively, failing to create
demonstrating skillful use of proficient use of clay, lacks proficiency in creating a realistic representation of
clay, cardboard, wire, or other cardboard, wire, or other a realistic representation of the community.
crafting supplies to create a crafting supplies to create a the community.
realistic representation of the representation of the
community. community.
Adherence to The model strictly adheres to The model mostly adheres to The model partially adheres The model does not adhere
Guidelines all guidelines provided, guidelines provided, meeting to guidelines provided, but to guidelines provided, with
meeting or exceeding expectations for the required some elements or significant elements or
expectations for the required elements and specifications specifications may be specifications missing or
elements and specifications within the given timeframe. missing or incomplete within incomplete within the given
within the given timeframe. the given timeframe. timeframe.

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