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Preparing for Teaching and Learning


Demonstrating an Understanding of Research-Based
Activity 9.1
Knowledge Principles of Teaching and Learning

Resource Teacher: _______________ Teacher’s Signature: ________________

School: _________________________ Grade/Year Level: __________________
Subject Area: ________________ Date: _________


Observe a class with the use of the principles of learning given in Revisit the Learning
Essentials. I will identify evidence of applications/violations of the principles of learning. I
can cite more than one evidence per principle of learning.

Principles of Learning What did the Resources Teachers do

to apply the principle of learning
1. Effective learning begins with the setting To apply this principle of learning, the
of clear and high expectations of learning teacher asks about their expectation
outcomes. about the topic and introduce the
learning objective of the lesson.
2. Learning is an active process To apply this principle of learning, the
teacher allowed his learners to
participate and interacts with the
learning process.
3. Learning is the discovery of personal To apply this principle of learning, the
meaning and relevance of ideas. teacher promotes the generalization
and encouraging learners’ reflection
about the lesson.
4. Learning is cooperative and collaborative To apply this principle of learning, the
process. Learning is enhanced in an teacher gave the learner a chance to
atmosphere of cooperation and read the lesson loudly.
1. What principles of learning were most applied? Least applied?

Most Applied
The most applied principle of learning is the “Effective learning begins with the
setting of clear and high expectations of learning outcomes”. Because the teacher begun
with the clear expectation of his learner and introduces the learning outcomes of the

Least Applied

The least applied principle of learning is the, “Learning is the discovery of personal
meaning and relevance of ideas, because in these principles of learning the teacher serve
as the fountain of knowledge. He barely asks for his learners’ ideas, and only ask to read
the lesson on the power point presentation loudly.

 Give instances where this/these principle/s could have been applied?

There are lot of instances where this/these principle/s could have been applied. One
of this is the teacher can set a hand on individual or group works where they are motivated
to participate with clear and high expectations on them. Also, learners can explore their
ideas about the topic which either resonates which either resonates with their interests, or
fostering a sense of personal meaning.


From among the principles of learning, which one do you think is the most important?
Based on my perception, the most important principle is learning is an active
process as it engages learner with the learning material of the teacher. It involves activities
like discussions, application, and problem-solving which makes the learning experience
more meaningful and effective.

Activity 9.2 Identify Learning Outcomes that are Aligned with Learning Comptencies

Resource Teacher: _______________ Teacher’s Signature: ________________

School: _________________________ Grade/Year Level: __________________
Subject Area: ________________ Date: _________
Observe a class, this time focusing on how the learning outcomes were stated. Determine
if the learning outcome/s was/were achieved or not. Give evidence.

Learning Outcomes (SMART Objectives) Achieved

Yes No Yes No
1. Identify the different forms and style / /
of citing sources.
2. Practice using the different style / /
guides in academic writing.
3. Use APA Style Guide for citing / /
4. Participate actively in the class / /

 Cite pieces of evidence that these learning outcomes were achieved.

1. The teacher discussed the different forms and style of citing sources. Then, he asks
for his learner’s ideas and thoughts about the lesson.

2. During the discussion, the learners were asked to give an example to the different
styles guides in academic writing.
3. After discussion, the teacher only gave an individual work for his learners with the
instruction of check each sample and identify what citation is used.
4. The teacher used a power point presentation (ppt) while discussing the topic. He asks
his learners to read the content on ppt, and ideas which the learners actively


Do SMART objectives make the lesson more focused?

Based on my perception, SMART objectives make the lesson more focused. It
stands for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound which ensure
outcomes are clear, realistic, and aligned with broader objectives. Overall, it fosters a more
focused and effective learning environment.

Reflect on the Lesson learned in determining SMART learning outcomes.
I have learned from the lesson in determining SMART learning outcomes are
the following; first, it will help me clearly define what my learners should achieve after
our class discussion; Second, I will be able to set up an achievable goal which is align in
the learning outcomes; Third, I will be able to choose the appropriate strategies or
activities for different level of learner's comprehension. Then, it will help me focus on my
learners. Overall, determining SMART learning outcomes create an effective lesson plan
and enhancing teacher's qualities.

Distinguishing Between Inductive and Deductive

Activity 9.3
Methods of Teaching
Resource Teacher: ________________________ Teacher’s Signature:
School: ______________________________ Grade/Year Level: __________________
Subject Area: ________________ Date: ___________


I will observe one Resource Teacher with the use of this observation sheet. Using the
guide questions, I shall reflect on my observations and analysis.

Teacher-centered Student-centered
Did teacher lecture all the time? Were students involved in the teaching-
learning process? How? Or were they mere
• The teacher did not lecture all the time. passive recipients of instruction?
He gave time to his students to
understand and share their ideas about the • Yes, the students were involved in the
lesson. teaching-learning process.
Was the emphasis on the mastery of the Was the emphasis on the students’ application
lesson or on the test? Prove. of the lesson in real life? Give Proofs.
• Yes, the teacher let them make their own
• On the lesson, it is because the teacher samples.
elaborated what must the students know
through an activity.

Was class atmosphere competitive? Was class atmosphere collaborative? Why?

• Yes, the teacher give the learners an
• The class atmosphere we're not assignment so that they collaborate with their
competitive as the teacher encourages peers, and in class.
them to support each other.
Did teacher focus only on one Did teacher connect lesson to other discipline
discipline/subject? subjects?

• Yes, the teacher only focused in one • No, the teacher only focuses on the main
subject during the class hour to avoid subject.
confusion about the lesson.

What teaching-learning practice shows that teaching approach was:

a) Constructivist – connected to past experiences of learners; learners constructed new
lesson meanings.
- Before the class discussion, the teacher questions learners about their ideas related
to the lesson. Then, connects it to the new lesson in order to expand the learner’s
knowledge easily.

b) Inquiry-based
- The teacher posed questions to the students about the topic to encourage his/ her
learners to think independently.

c) Developmentally appropriate – learning activities fit the developmental stage of

- The teacher assigned an individual work to help the learners improve their personal
d) Reflective
- To make the teaching, and learning more effective, the teacher should consider
learner's level of comprehension. He/she should take different activities which is
appropriate to them, and give time to reflect.
e) Inclusive – No learner was excluded; teacher taught everybody.
- The teacher doesn't show favoritism. He/she treated learners equally despite of their

f) Collaborative – Students work together.

- The teacher assigns a group work like reporting, etc. to develop their social skills.

g) Integrative – Lesson was multidisciplinary – e.g. In Science, Math concepts were

- The teacher connects other concepts, topics in order for students to be
1. What are possible consequences of teaching purely subject matter for mastery and
for the test?
The possible consequences of teaching purely subject matter for mastery and
for the test are the following: The learnings of the students will be limited. Also,
most of the time, students just memorze the lesson to prepare for the test, and forgot
the meaning of effective learning. After some time, they will totally forgot the
2. If you were to reteach the classes you observed, would you be teacher-centered or
student-centered? Why?
If I were to reteach the classes I observed, I would be student-centered because
the main goal is to let them learn effectively. As I believe in what Dewey said,
"learning is by doing." Technically, students should participate, and collaborate in
group work such as reporting, drama, etc. I will only serve as guide.

Reflect on:
Principles of teaching worth applying
As I reflect on the principles of teaching worth applying, it provides direction to
teachers and future teachers like me. Because learners have different behaviors which need
to determine, and have a thorough action for effective learning. The principles serve as the
base for practical strategies, and methodologies. For an instance, teacher can inquire for
learners understanding, or have fun activities. In general, it helps teacher create an
effective learning experience to the learners.

📔EVALUATE Performance Task

Evaluate Your Work Field Study 1. Episode 9. Preparing for Teaching and Learning
Learning Outcome: Identify the teaching- learning practices that apply or violate the
principles of teaching learning; Determine teje guiding principles on lesson objectives/
learning outcomes applied in instruction; Judge if the lesson objectives/ intended
learning outcomes are SMART; Determine whether or not the intended learning
outcomes are achieved at the end of the lesson; And observe the teaching
methods used by the Resource Teacher and differentiate the different method of teaching.

Name of FS Student: ________________________ Date Submitted:

Year and Section: _______________________ Course: ______________

Learning Episode Excellent Very Satisfactory Need

4 Satisfactory Improvement
3 2 1
Accomplished All observation One (1) to two Three (3) Four (4) or more
observation Sheet questions tasks (2) observation observation observation
completely questions/ tasks questions/ tasks questions/ tasks
answered/ not answered/ not answered/ not answered/
accomplish accomplished. accomplished accomplished.
Analysis All questions All questions Questions were Four (4) or more
were answered were answered not answered observation
completely, completely, completely, questions were
answers are answers are answers are not not answered.
depth and are clearly clearly Answers nit
thoroughly connected to connected to connected to
grounded on theories, theories one (1) theories; more
theories; grammar and to (3) than four (4)
grammar and spelling are free grammatical/ grammatical/
spelling are free from errors. spelling wrong spelling errors.
from error.
Reflection Profound and Clear but lacks Not so clear and Unclear and
clear supported depth supported shallow, shallow, rarely
by what were by what were somewhat supported by
observed and observed and supported by what were
analyzed. analyzed. what were observed and
observed and analyzed.
Learning Portfolio is Portfolio is Portfolio is not Portfolio is not
Artifacts reflected on in reflected on in reflected on in reflected on in
the context of the context of the context of the context of
the learning the learning the learning the learning
outcomes. outcomes. outcomes. outcomes; not
Complete, well Complete well Complete not complete, not
organized organized very organized very organized, not
highly relevant relevant to the to relevant to the to relevant.
to the learning the learning the learning
outcome. outcome outcome
Submission Submitted Submitted Submitted a day Submitted two
before the before the after the (2) days or mote
deadline deadline deadline after the deadline


Score 20 19-18 17 16 15 14 13-12 11 10 9-8 7-
Grade 1.0 1.25 1.5 1.75 2.00 2.25 2.50 2.75 3.00 3.5 5.00
99 96 93 90 87 84 81 78 75 72 71-

Signature of FS Teacher above Printed Name Date

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