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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region XI
Digos City
Performance-Based Assessment
Science 9
Quarter 1, Weeks 1-2

Goal: Anti-Cigarette Smoking Campaign (Group Performance Task)

Students in their group will conduct an Information Dissemination Campaign in the school,
demonstrating their creative abilities aimed at reducing cigarette smoking practices among their target
audiences. This performance task aligns with the performance standards of the Science 9 Curriculum, which
involve conducting an information dissemination activity on effective ways of caring for the respiratory and
circulatory systems based on data gathered from the school or local health workers. Specifically, this group
performance task will address the following objectives:

1. Discuss the harmful components of cigarettes and their bad effects to human health.
2. Explain how cigarette smoking is dangerous to human respiratory and circulatory system.
3. Present effective ways of taking care of the respiratory and circulatory system.

Role: Active Student Leaders

Students will act as school active student leaders who aim to raise awareness of the health risks
associated with smoking, encourage student smokers to quit, and engage the school community in supporting
a smoke-free environment.


The primary audiences include:

1. Cigarette smokers (including e-cigarettes) in the school, encompassing junior high school students
(Grade 7-10) and senior high school students (Grade 11-12).
2. Students who are non-smokers but have family members and friends who smoke.
3. Teachers, parents, and visitors in the school.


Smoking is a significant public health concern in the community, with high smoking rates leading to various
health issues. Undoubtedly, a growing number of students at Digos City National High School are practicing
cigarette smoking, including e-cigarettes. This issue needs to be addressed to influence students to stop this
unhealthy lifestyle. With this timely concern, a group of students will lead the change in advocating a smoke-
free school environment. Using a portable speaker during lunchtime or at the end of the daily class, groups
of students will select strategic areas within the school where a significant number of students can act as the
audience for their performance task. Students are encouraged to create campaign materials (posters,
postcards, flyers, placards, and outfits) based on their creativity and originality to make their campaign
interesting, attractive, and attention-grabbing for their audiences.

Strategic areas/points:

1. School Entrance Area

2. Covered Court Area
3. Mango Benches Area
4. Skating Area/Sidewalk Vendors near the school gate

1. Campaign Materials
2. Raw and uncut video of their campaign from start to finish.
3. Aesthetic/Live Pictures


Performance in the Anti-Cigarette Smoking Campaign will be assessed based on the criteria outlined in this
rubric, with each criterion contributing to the overall evaluation of the campaign's effectiveness and quality.

Total Points: 50 points


10 points 8 points 6 points 4 points
Content and Campaign Campaign Campaign Campaign
Appropriateness materials and materials and materials and materials and
messages are messages are messages are messages lack
highly relevant, mostly relevant somewhat relevant relevance,
accurate, and and accurate. They but lack depth and accuracy, or
evidence-based. convey the health accuracy. They clarity, making it
They effectively risks of smoking may contain challenging for the
convey the health and the benefits of noticeable audience to
risks of smoking quitting with some inaccuracies. understand the me
and the benefits minor inaccuracies.
of quitting.
Innovation and The campaign The campaign The campaign uses The campaign lacks
Audience exhibits innovative employs creative somewhat creative innovation and
Engagement approaches that strategies that approaches, but struggles to
captivate the effectively engage engagement levels engage the target
target audience. the target are limited. audience
Engagement levels audience. Audience effectively.
are exceptionally Engagement levels participation is
high, with active are good, with minimal.
participation and some audience
involvement of the participation.
Creativity and The campaign The campaign The campaign The campaign lacks
Originality demonstrates displays creativity exhibits some creativity and
outstanding and originality in its creativity and originality, using
creativity and messaging, design, originality but relies conventional
originality in its and outreach, on common methods and
messaging, setting it apart approaches. materials.
design, and from standard
outreach. It stands campaigns.
out as highly
unique and
Mastery and The team The team shows The team displays The team's
Delivery demonstrates proficiency in adequate campaign planning
exceptional campaign planning competence in and execution
mastery of and execution, with campaign planning reveal significant
campaign planning minor areas for and execution but gaps in
and execution, improvement. may have notable competence.
delivering a Communication is weaknesses. Communication is
flawless campaign. generally clear and Communication unclear and
Communication is engaging. lacks consistency ineffective.
and engagement.
clear, compelling,
and engaging.

Campaign Impact The campaign has The campaign has The campaign has The campaign has
a profound and a notable impact on a limited impact on little to no impact
measurable impact reducing smoking reducing smoking on reducing
on reducing rates and rates and smoking rates or
smoking rates and increasing increasing increasing
increasing awareness of the awareness. awareness.
awareness of the risks. It contributes Behavior change Behavior change
risks. It generates to behavior change and community and community
substantial and some involvement are involvement are
behavior change community minimal. absent.
and community involvement.

Prepared by:

Science 9 Teacher

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