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1. Anne and Angela ___ my sisters.
A. is B. am C. was D. are

2. Last Saturday, the teacher ___ the pupils to recite.

A. call B. called C. calls D. calling

3. The sun is ___ than the moon.

A. brightest B. bright C. brighter D. more bright

4. Ryan and Carlo are my ____.

A. friend B. friends C. friend’s D. friends’

5. ___ parents work in a hospital.

A. Them B. There C. Their D. They

6. Derrick helps his father by raking the dried ___ in the garden.
A. leaf B. leafs C. leave D. leaves

7. His father is very ___ to him.

A. thank B. thanking C. thanks D. thankful

8. Anna brought ___ new toy to school.

A. his B. its C. her D. their

9. Ryan is the ___ boy among the group.

A. tall B. tallest C. taller D. more taller

10. Mark has a brother who is ___ than him.

A. more young B. youngest C. younger D. young

11. Children should eat nutritious food like ___.

A. mangos B. mangoe’s C. mangoes D. potatoes’

12. Vegetable plants ___ well in a backyard in our backyard last summer.
A. grows B. grow C. grown D. grew
13. According to others, Mona is the ____ girl in my place.
A. pretty B. pettiest C. prettier D. least prettiest
14. The actress for the movie gave __best performance.
A. their B. theirs C. his D. her

15. It is said that some ___ with good study habits succeed in school work.
A. children B. child C. children’s D. children’s

16. Mother received three roses from ___ loving husband.

A. her B. his C. its D. their

17. Peter reads ___ than Jeffrey.

A. fast B. fastest C. more faster D. faster

18. A ___ in the Philippines grows richer because of economic progress.

A. province’s B. province C. provincies D. provinces

19. Last Christmas, Mrs. Alonzo ___ the Cervantes family for dinner.
A. invite B. invites C. invited D. inviting

20. Chico is the ___ fruit among the fruits in the tray.
A. sweet B. sweeter C. sweetest D. more sweet

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