Liquiline CM44x - Data Transmission Via EtherNet - IP

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Supplementary documentation

Liquiline CM44x
Data transmission via EtherNet/IP®

Valid for:
Software version 1.05.00

Document: Liquiline CM44x data transmission via EtherNet/IP Guideline, Revision 1

First edition Dec 9, 2013

Current edition Dec 9, 2013



Gesellschaft für Mess- und Regeltechnik mbH+Co. KG
Dieselstr. 24
70839 Gerlingen

®: EtherNet/IP is a registered trademark of the Open DeviceNet Vendor Association, Inc. (ODVA)
© Copyright Dec. 2013
SD01293C/07/DE/01.13 EtherNet/IP

Table of contents

1 Note ........................................................................................................................................................ 3
1.1 Using the supplementary documentation ........................................................................................ 3
1.2 Differences to previous versions ....................................................................................................... 3
2 Commissioning....................................................................................................................................... 4
2.1 Network settings ................................................................................................................................ 4
2.1.1 Setup/General Settings/Extended setup/Ethernet ................................................................... 4
2.1.2 Setup/General Settings/Extended setup/Ethernet/Settings ................................................... 4
2.2 Integration into a control system ...................................................................................................... 5
2.2.1 EDS file ......................................................................................................................................... 5
2.3 Integration into a Rockwell Automation control system................................................................. 5
2.3.1 RSLinxClassic ............................................................................................................................... 5
2.3.2 RSLogix5000 ................................................................................................................................ 6 Adding a device to the project ........................................................................................... 6
3 Operation ................................................................................................................................................ 8
3.1 Local operation ................................................................................................................................... 8 Displaying the communication status ............................................................................... 8 Menu/Diagnostics/System information/Ethernet .......................................................... 8
3.3 Web server ........................................................................................................................................ 13
3.3.1 Function description ................................................................................................................. 13
3.3.2 Security....................................................................................................................................... 13
3.3.3 Web server settings ................................................................................................................... 14
3.3.4 Web server login........................................................................................................................ 14
3.3.5 Exporting the logbooks ............................................................................................................. 15 Web server login ............................................................................................................... 15 URLs of the logbooks ........................................................................................................ 15
4 Diagnostics and troubleshooting ........................................................................................................ 16
4.1 General troubleshooting .................................................................................................................. 16
4.2 Diagnostic information via light emitting diodes .......................................................................... 17
4.3 Diagnostic information via Web server .......................................................................................... 17
4.4 Diagnostic information via EtherNet/IP ......................................................................................... 18
4.4.1 Input assembly (cyclic data) ..................................................................................................... 18
4.4.2 Output assembly (cyclic data)................................................................................................... 19
4.4.3 Explicit messages (acyclic data) ............................................................................................... 19
5 Appendix .............................................................................................................................................. 20
5.1 Technical data................................................................................................................................... 20
5.1.1 Connections ............................................................................................................................... 21
5.2 Units .................................................................................................................................................. 22
5.3 Data types ......................................................................................................................................... 24
5.3.1 DS01 – Analog process value.................................................................................................... 24
5.3.2 DS02 – Discrete process value .................................................................................................. 24
5.4 Status byte ........................................................................................................................................ 24
5.4.1 Measured value (device  scanner) ........................................................................................ 24
5.4.2 Actuating value (Scanner  Device) ....................................................................................... 24
5.5 Device-specific objects ..................................................................................................................... 25
5.5.1 Assembly object, class code = 04h ........................................................................................... 25 Input assembly, instance = 64h (100dec) ...................................................................... 25 Output assembly, instance = 65h (101dec) .................................................................... 26 Configuration assembly, instance = 66h (102dec) ........................................................ 26
5.5.2 Common object, class code = 0310h, instances = 1 ................................................................ 27
5.5.3 Sensor object, class code = 0312h, instances = 1 to 8 ............................................................ 34

2 © Copyright Dec. 2013

1 Note

1.1 Using the supplementary documentation

This supplementary document must only be used in conjunction with a Liquiline CM44x EtherNet/IP

This supplementary document is an integral part of the Operating Instructions for Liquiline CM44x and
provides information on how to use the transmitter with EtherNet/IP.

Additional information is contained in the following Operating Instructions:

Operating Instructions CM44x BA00444C

Operating Instructions CM44xR BA01225C

1.2 Differences to previous versions

From version New behavior Previous behavior

1.05.00 Factory setting: Factory setting:
DHCP = On, IP = DHCP = Off, IP =
1.05.00 HTTP authentication for the Web server No login required for the Web server
Factory setting: enabled

SD01293C/07/DE/01.13 EtherNet/IP

2 Commissioning

2.1 Network settings

The network settings can be made via local operation or via the Web server. In addition, the network
settings can also be made via the Ethernet link and the TCP/IP interface object.

2.1.1 Setup/General Settings/Extended setup/Ethernet

Parameter Options Info

Off The Ethernet interface is disabled

On (default) The Ethernet interface is enabled

2.1.2 Setup/General Settings/Extended setup/Ethernet/Settings

Parameter Options Info

Auto negotiation
10MBps Halb duplex
Link settings 10MBps Voll duplex "Automatic negotiation " is the factory setting.
100MBps Halb duplex
100MBps Voll duplex
"DHCP" is disabled in the factory setting for
DHCP devices with a software version earlier than
On (default)

IP address, x = 0 to 9

Subnet mask, x = 0 to 9 Please make sure you only enter valid addresses.

Gateway, x = 0 to 9

The MAC address cannot be changed. The MAC

address is printed on the nameplate of the
Ethernet module.
MAC address xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx, x= 0 to F If the device has been ordered with a pre-
installed Ethernet module, you can take the MAC
address from the information printed on the
inside of the display.

EtherNetIP Port 44818 Fixed value

Any changes to the network settings are adopted once the settings are saved (SAVE) to ensure that the
network configuration is consistent at all times.

4 © Copyright Dec. 2013

2.2 Integration into a control system

2.2.1 EDS file

The electronic data sheet (EDS) file can be obtained from the following sources:
Internet or

Upload from device (File This function is not supported by all control systems.

CM44x_0101.eds Liquiline CM442

Liquiline CM444
Liquiline CM448
Liquiline CM442R
Liquiline CM444R
Liqulilne CM448R

2.3 Integration into a Rockwell Automation control system

2.3.1 RSLinxClassic


You have installed an EtherNet/IP driver in RSLinx. The EtherNet/IP driver is installed via the menu

Once the device appears in the Livelist, you can run the "Upload EDS file from device" function from the
context menu.

SD01293C/07/DE/01.13 EtherNet/IP

Follow the steps of the EDS wizard and the EDS file is automatically uploaded from the device file object
to the Rockwell system environment and is then available in the RSLogix5000 device catalog.

Note: If an AOP is installed at the same time, it has priority over the EDS file. If you have installed an
AOP, the EDS file does not appear in the device catalog since the AOP takes over the function of the EDS

You can install the EDS file in RSLogix5000 offline at any time. To do so, run the "EDS Hardware
Installation Tool Wizard" in the "Tools from RSLogix5000" menu.

2.3.2 RSLogix5000 Adding a device to the project

Open the device catalog via the menu /File/New Component/New Module/

Select "Liquiline CM44x" and click "Create" to add it to the project.

6 © Copyright Dec. 2013

In the screen that follows, enter a name for the device and the device's IP address. Check the connection
setting (default: User Data + Config (Exclusive Owner) and change it if necessary.

After downloading, the device appears in the project tree and you can go online with the device.

SD01293C/07/DE/01.13 EtherNet/IP

3 Operation

3.1 Local operation Displaying the communication status

The communication symbol in the status bar signals access via EtherNet/IP.

EtherNet/IP Web server

COM – LED On (yellow) On (yellow)

Communication symbol On (yellow) On (yellow) Menu/Diagnostics/System information/Ethernet

Parameter Options Info

Off The Ethernet interface is disabled.

On (default) The Ethernet interface is enabled.
Off The Web server is disabled.
On (default) The Web server is enabled.

IP-Address, x = 0 to 9

Netmask, x = 0 to 9

Gateway, x = 0 to 9

The MAC address cannot be changed. You can

find the MAC address printed on the nameplate
of the Ethernet module.
MAC-Address xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx, x= 0 to F If the device has been ordered with a pre-
installed Ethernet module, you can take the MAC
address from the information printed on the
inside of the display.

EtherNetIP port 44818 Fixed value

Webserver TCP Port 80 Fixed value

8 © Copyright Dec. 2013

3.2 Configuration of the EtherNet/IP output: device variables

The device platform is based on a modular multi-channel, plug & play sensor concept.
Therefore there is no general relationship between the sensor measured value and a device variable.
The device variable acts as a kind of place holder for measured values or actuating values that can be
transmitted via EtherNet/IP communication. The following device variables are available:

Abbreviation Name Info Example

AI Analog Input Device variable that is read from the device Read measured value
DI Digital Input Device variable that is read from the device Read relay status
AO Analog Device variable that is written to the device External controlled
Output variable
DO Digital Device variable that is written to the device Start cleaning

Selection of the data source (process value) for the AI and DI function block:

Step Menu Action

1 Menu: Setup/Outputs/EtherNetIP Select the AI or DI Block
2 …/AIx or DIx/Source of data Select a sensor, for example
3 …/Aix or Dix/Measured value Select a measured value

Selection of the data sink (actuating values) for the AO and DO function blocks:

The device variables are selected in the menu of the function that uses the actuating value. You can
select an AO or DO device variable as the data source for the individual function.

Note that the actuating value is transmitted along with a status via EtherNet/IP. Therefore set the
status value to 128 (good).

3.2.1 AI analog values (device  EtherNet/IP)

Path: Menu/Setup/Outputs/EtherNetIP/AI 1 (Analog Input) to AI 16 (Analog Input)

Function Options Info

Source of data Options The data sources presented for selection depend on your
• None device version. You can choose from all the sensors
• Any data source connected to the inputs, controllers as well as
Factory setting mathematic functions and current inputs.
• None
Measured Options The measured value that you can choose depends on the
value • None option selected under "Datenquelle".
• Depends on the
data source
Factory setting
• None

SD01293C/07/DE/01.13 EtherNet/IP

Table 1 AI analog values: available values

Source of data Options Unit code Unit
Current input Current 0x1C00 A
Parameter 0x1C00 A
Binary input PFM value Unspecified None
Controller Bipolar 0x1000 None
Unipolar+ 0x1000 None
Unipolar- 0x1000 None
pHGlass Raw value mV 0x2D00 V
Temperature 0x1200 °C
pH 0x0C15 pH
Impedance glass 0x2800 Ohm
Oxygen (amp.) Temperature 0x1200 °C
Raw value nA 0x1C00 A
Partial pressure 0x1309 Pa
Liquid concentration 0x2F07 kg/m3
Saturation 0x1007 %
Gas concentration 0x087C %Vol
Oxygen (opt. Temperature 0x1200 °C
Partial pressure 0x1309 Pa
Liquid concentration 0x2F07 kg/m3
Saturation 0x1007 %
Raw value µs 0x1100 s
Gas concentration 0x087C %Vol
pH ISFET Raw value mV 0x2D00 V
Temperature 0x1200 °C
pH 0x0C15 pH
Leak current 0x1C00 A
ORP ORP mV 0x2D00 V
ORP % 0x1007 %
Temperature 0x1200 °C
Conduct.cond. Temperature 0x1200 °C
Conductivity 0x08E4 S/m
Resistance 0x0C21 Ohm*m
TDS 0x2F07 kg/m3
Temperature 0x1200 °C

10 © Copyright Dec. 2013

Source of data Options Unit code Unit

Induct.cond. Temperature 0x1200 °C
Conductivity 0x08E4 S/m
Concentration 0x1007 %
TDS 0x2F07 kg/m3
TU/TS Turbidity FNU 0x0C0D if unit = FNU FNU
or NTU,
otherwise 0x2F07 kg/m3
TU Turbidity FNU 0x0C0D if unit = FNU FNU
or NTU,
otherwise 0x2F07 kg/m3
Nitrate NO3 0x2F07 kg/m3
NO3-N 0x2F07 kg/m3
SAC Temperature 0x1200 °C
SAC 0x08E1 1/m
Transm. 0x1007 %
Absorption 0x1000 None
COD 0x2F07 kg/m3
TOC 0x2F07 kg/m3
DOC 0x2F07 kg/m3
BOD 0x2F07 kg/m3
ISE Temperature 0x1200 °C
Raw value (1..4) 0x2D00 V
Concentration (2..4) 0x2F07 kg/m3
pH 0x0C15 pH
ORP mV 0x002D V
Ultrasonic interface Interface 0x2200 m
Chlorine Temperature 0x1200 °C
Sensor current 0x1C00 A
Concentration 0x2F07 kg/m3

SD01293C/07/DE/01.13 EtherNet/IP

3.2.2 DI digital values (device  EtherNet/IP)

Path: Menu/Setup/Outputs/EtherNetIP/DI 1 (Digital Input) to DI 8 (Digital Input)

Function Options Info

Source of Options The data sources presented for selection depend on your
data • None device version.
• Limit switch
• Alarmrelais
• Relais
• Binary input
Factory setting
• None

3.2.3 Actuating values

Path: The device variables are selected in the menu of the function that uses the actuating value.

Menu/Setup/Additional functions/Limit switches/…/Source of data EtherNet/IP AO x

Menu/Setup/Additional functions/Controllers/…/Controller Enable EtherNet/IP DO x
Menu/Setup/Additional functions/Controllers/…/
EtherNet/IP AO x
Controlled variable/Source of data
Menu/Setup/Additional functions/Cleaning/…/Start signal EtherNet/IP DO x
Menu/Setup/General settings/Hold settings/External hold EtherNet/IP DO x
Menu/Setup/General settings/Logbooks/Data logbooks/Source of
EtherNet/IP AO x / DO x
Menu/Setup/Inputs/Sensor/Extended setup/External hold/Source EtherNet/IP DO x
Menu/Display/User definable screens/…/Source of data EtherNet/IP AO x / DO x

12 © Copyright Dec. 2013

3.3 Web server

3.3.1 Function description

You can remotely access local device operation via the integrated Web server.

The Web server does not support the graphic display of trend curves and envelope curves.

All the languages of the local operation system are supported.

3.3.2 Security

Please note that communication via the HTTP protocol is not encrypted.

You can disable the Web server via the menu:

Setup/General settings/Extended setup/Webserver  Webserver (on/off)

Furthermore the Web server can also be disabled via Configuration Assembly 102. This allows you to
control access for the Web server via EtherNet/IP.

A factory default reset resets the access data to the default login.

SD01293C/07/DE/01.13 EtherNet/IP

3.3.3 Web server settings

Parameter Options Info

Web server On (default) When the Web server is disabled it is not possible to
Off access the Web server via any interface (Ethernet,
Web server TCP port 80 Fixed value
Web server login On (default)
User administration Wizard You can change the user name and/or the user
password. You require the access data that are
currently valid in order to change the

3.3.4 Web server login

The following access data are pre-programmed into the device when the device is delivered:

User name: admin

Password: admin

Please note that communication via the HTTP protocol is not encrypted. The user name and the
password are transmitted as non-encrypted information.

14 © Copyright Dec. 2013

3.3.5 Exporting the logbooks

The logbooks can be exported via the Web server and saved to a PC. Open a Web browser and enter one
of the following URLs to get to an overview page.

http://<IP address>/logbooks_csv.fhtml This file format can be read with any text editor or can be
imported into Microsoft Excel, for instance. Separator: ";"
http://<IP address>/logbooks_fdm.fhtml This data format can be imported into the Endress+Hauser
Field Data Manager Software. Web server login

Device software version 1.05.00 and higher supports login to the Web server using HTTP
authentication. The user must be logged in to view the logbook overview. The individual logbooks can
be downloaded directly without the need to log in beforehand. URLs of the logbooks

CSV *.dat

http://<IP address>/Calibration_logbook.csv http://<IP address>/Calibration_logbook.dat

http://<IP address>/Diagnostic_logbook.csv http://<IP address>/Diagnostic_logbook.dat

http://<IP address>/Configuration_logbook.csv http://<IP address>/Configuration_logbook.dat

http://<IP address>/HW_version_logbook.csv http://<IP address>/HW_version_logbook.dat

http://<IP address>/Version_logbook.csv http://<IP address>/Version_logbook.dat

http://<IP address>/Data0_logbook.csv http://<IP address>/Data0_logbook.dat

http://<IP address>/Data1_logbook.csv http://<IP address>/Data1_logbook.dat

http://<IP address>/Data2_logbook.csv http://<IP address>/Data2_logbook.dat

http://<IP address>/Data3_logbook.csv http://<IP address>/Data3_logbook.dat

http://<IP address>/Data4_logbook.csv http://<IP address>/Data4_logbook.dat

http://<IP address>/Data5_logbook.csv http://<IP address>/Data5_logbook.dat

http://<IP address>/Data6_logbook.csv http://<IP address>/Data6_logbook.dat

http://<IP address>/Data7_logbook.csv http://<IP address>/Data7_logbook.dat

SD01293C/07/DE/01.13 EtherNet/IP

4 Diagnostics and troubleshooting

4.1 General troubleshooting

Problem Possible cause Remedial action

The LEDs on the

The supply voltage does not match the specifications Apply the correct
Ethernet module are
on the nameplate. supply voltage

The PWR LED is lit green once the Ethernet card is

The green PWR LED on
fully initialized. If the PWR LED is constantly dark Replace the
the Ethernet module is
while all the other LEDs are lit, there might be an Ethernet module
internal defect in the assembly.

Check pin
No connection via
Device plug connected incorrectly (especially in the
case of an M12

No connection via Ping the device (in

The device cannot be reached via the network
EtherNet/IP the local network)

No connection via Web Enable the Web

Web server is disabled
server server

No or incomplete display
of the contents of the JavaScript is not enabled Enable JavaScript
Web server

Information not fully Reload the Web

The Web application could not read all the data via
displayed in the Web page
the network.
browser (refresh)

Measured values via

EtherNet/IP have the No measured values have been assigned to the device Assign measured
status 0x04 variables (AI, DI). values

16 © Copyright Dec. 2013

4.2 Diagnostic information via light emitting diodes

The following LEDs can be found on the module cover of the Ethernet module:

LED Name Color Meaning

RJ45 LNK/ACT Green Off = Connection is not active
On = Connection is active
Flashing = Data transmission
RJ45 10/100 Yellow Off = Transmission rate 10 MBps
On = Transmission rate 100 MBps
PWR Power Green Supply voltage is applied and the
module is initialized
BF Bus failure Red Bus failure
SF System failure Red System failure
This LED is lit if at least one diagnostic
message with the status "F" (Failure) is
COM Communication Yellow Sending or receiving EtherNet/IP or
web server message
T Termination Yellow Only RS485 interface:
Off = No termination
On = Termination is used

4.3 Diagnostic information via Web server

The device status is displayed in the header.

Figure 1 left: device status = ok, right: device status = failure (F)

A complete list of all the active diagnostic messages is provided in the Diagnostics menu.

Previous diagnostic events can be displayed via the diagnostic logbook.

SD01293C/07/DE/01.13 EtherNet/IP

4.4 Diagnostic information via EtherNet/IP

4.4.1 Input assembly (cyclic data)

The following diagnostic information is transmitted in the input assembly:

Input assembly 100 Values Meaning

Diagnostic code 0 to 999 Diagnostic code

Status signal 0 = Ok No error

1 = Failure Failure
2 = Function Check Function check
4 = Maintenance Maintenance required
8 = Out of Specification Process condition is out of specification

Channel 0 = Device Channel number

1 = Sensor channel 1
2 = Sensor channel 2
3 = Sensor channel 3
4 = Sensor channel 4
5 = Sensor channel 5
6 = Sensor channel 6
7 = Sensor channel 7
8 = Sensor channel 8

A status byte is also transmitted with every process value. This status byte provides information about
the reliability and the usability (quality) of this particular process value.

Status Quality Sub-status Meaning

hex dec
0x80 128 Good Ok The measured value is valid and can be used.
0x40 64 Uncertai NonSpecific The reliability of the measured value is limited. Check
n the diagnostic messages of the device.
0x0C 12 Bad DeviceFailure The measured value cannot be used.
Check the diagnostic messages of the device.
0x04 4 Bad ConfigurationError No data source has been selected. Check the device
configuration (Section 3.2)

18 © Copyright Dec. 2013

4.4.2 Output assembly (cyclic data)

The following rules apply when data are being transmitted to the device (AO and DO device variables):

hex dec Quality Meaning

>= 0x80 >= 128 Good The actuating value is used
< 0x80 < 128 Uncertain The actuating value is not used.
>= 0x40 >= 64
< 0x40 < 64 Bad The actuating value is not used.

4.4.3 Explicit messages (acyclic data)

Using the GetSingleAttribute Service you can read out the following information for the device and for
each of the connected sensors via attributes from the application objects.

More information about the parameters is provided in the appendix to this document.

SD01293C/07/DE/01.13 EtherNet/IP

5 Appendix

5.1 Technical data

Protocols EtherNet/IP
ODVA certification Yes
Communication type Ethernet
Connection 1 RJ45, optional M12 (D-coded)
Device profile Generic device (product type: 0x2B)
Manufacturer ID 0x049E
Device type ID 0x109C
Baud rates 10/100 MBps
Polarity Auto-MDI-X
Connections (max.) CIP 12
I/O 6
Explicit 6
Multicast 3 consumers
Minimum RPI 100 ms (default)
Maximum RPI 10000 ms
System integration EtherNet/IP EDS
Rockwell Add-on-Profile Level 3
Faceplate for FactoryTalk SE
Web server Full operation (1 session)
Web server can be switched off
IO data Input (TO) Device status and diagnostic message with
highest priority
Measured values:
• 16 AI (analog input) + Status + Unit
• 8 DI (discrete input) + Status
Output (OT) Actuating values:
• 4 AO (analog output) + Status + Unit
• 8 DO (discrete output) + Status

20 © Copyright Dec. 2013

5.1.1 Connections

User Data + Config (Exclusive Owner) Assembly instance Size [byte]

OT 101 64
TO 100 168
Configuration 102 8
User Data + Config (Input Only) Assembly instance Size [byte]
OT 199 0
TO 100 168
Configuration 102 8
User Data (Exclusive Owner) Assembly instance Size [byte]
OT 101 64
TO 100 168
Configuration 103 0
User Data (Input Only) Assembly instance Size [byte]
OT 199 0
TO 100 168
Configuration 103 0

SD01293C/07/DE/01.13 EtherNet/IP

5.2 Units

Unit code Unit Unit code Unit

hex dec hex dec
0x0824 2084 m^3/d 0x0C0E 3086 NTU
0x0825 2085 m^3/h 0x0C0F 3087 KByte
0x0826 2086 m^3/min 0x0C10 3088 dm
0x0827 2087 gal/d 0x0C11 3089 mg/l
0x0848 2120 l/d 0x0C12 3090 kg/l
0x084A 2122 Mgal/d 0x0C13 3091 ppb-dens
0x084B 2123 Mgal/h 0x0C14 3092 ppm-dens
0x084C 2124 Mgal/min 0x0C15 3093 pH
0x084D 2125 Mgal/s 0x0C16 3094 mm/s
0x0878 2168 %SAT 0x0C17 3095 mm/min
0x087C 2172 %Vol 0x0C18 3096 mm/h
0x08CC 2252 ft^3/d 0x0C19 3097 mm/d
0x08CD 2253 ft^3/h 0x0C1A 3098 hPa
0x08CE 2254 ft^3/s 0x0C1B 3099 Pa/A
0x08D6 2262 kS/m 0x0C1C 3100 PSU
0x08D7 2263 MS/m 0x0C1D 3101 rh
0x08D9 2265 uS/cm 0x0C1E 3102 nOhm*m
0x08DA 2266 uS/m 0x0C1F 3103 uOhm*m
0x08DB 2267 uS/mm 0x0C20 3104 mOhm*m
0x08DD 2269 mS/cm 0x0C21 3105 Ohm*m
0x08DE 2270 mS/m 0x0C22 3106 kOhm*m
0x08DF 2271 nS/cm 0x0C23 3107 MOhm*m
0x08E0 2272 1/cm 0x0C24 3108 GOhm*m
0x08E1 2273 1/m 0x0C25 3109 kOhm*cm
0x08E2 2274 1/mm 0x0C26 3110 MOhm*cm
0x08E3 2275 S/cm 0x0C27 3111 ddegC
0x08E4 2276 S/m 0x0C28 3112 dK
0x0C00 3072 1/K 0x0C29 3113 weeks
0x0C01 3073 ppb 0x0C2A 3114 month
0x0C02 3074 g/kg 0x0C2B 3115 mV/%
0x0C03 3075 ppmVol 0x0C2C 3116 V/%
0x0C04 3076 %/K 0x0C2D 3117 mV/pH
0x0C05 3077 %/uV 0x0C2E 3118 V/pH
0x0C06 3078 %/mV 0x0C2F 3119 in/min
0x0C07 3079 %/V 0x0C30 3120 in/h
0x0C08 3080 nA/(mg/l) 0x0C31 3121 in/d
0x0C09 3081 A/(kg/m^3) 0x0C32 3122 ddegF
0x0C0A 3082 A/Pa 0x0C33 3123 mol/l
0x0C0B 3083 pA/hPa 0x0C34 3124 %TS
0x0C0C 3084 A/hPa 0x0C35 3125 MByte
0x0C0D 3085 FNU 0x0C36 3126 GByte

22 © Copyright Dec. 2013

Unit code Unit Unit code Unit

hex dec hex dec
0x0C37 3127 pA/(mg/l) 0x1C04 7172 nA
0x0C38 3128 kg/mol 0x1C05 7173 pA
0x0C39 3129 g/mol 0x1F00 7936 Hz
0x1000 4096 - 0x1F07 7943 1/min
0x1002 4098 ppm 0x1F08 7944 1/h
0x1006 4102 Byte 0x1F09 7945 1/d
0x1007 4103 % 0x2200 8704 m
0x1100 4352 s 0x2201 8705 km
0x1101 4353 ms 0x2202 8706 cm
0x1102 4354 us 0x2203 8707 mm
0x1103 4355 min 0x2205 8709 nm
0x1104 4356 h 0x2207 8711 in
0x1105 4357 days 0x2208 8712 ft
0x1200 4608 degC 0x2209 8713 yd
0x1201 4609 degF 0x220A 8714 mi
0x1202 4610 K 0x2800 10240 Ohm
0x1307 4871 bar 0x2801 10241 mOhm
0x1308 4872 mbar 0x2806 10246 kOhm
0x1309 4873 Pa 0x2807 10247 MOhm
0x1402 5122 ft^3/min 0x2808 10248 GOhm
0x1405 5125 m^3/s 0x2809 10249 Ohm*cm
0x1406 5126 l/s 0x2B00 11008 m/s
0x1408 5128 gal/s 0x2B06 11014 ft/s
0x1409 5129 gal/min 0x2B07 11015 in/s
0x140A 5130 gal/h 0x2D00 11520 V
0x1413 5139 l/min 0x2D01 11521 mV
0x1414 5140 l/h 0x2D02 11522 uV
0x1601 5633 mol/m^3 0x2E01 11777 m^3
0x1703 5891 deg 0x2E02 11778 l
0x1A00 6656 As 0x2E03 11779 ml
0x1A02 6658 uAs 0x2E06 11782 ft^3
0x1A03 6659 nAs 0x2E08 11784 gal
0x1B00 6912 S 0x2F07 12039 kg/m^3
0x1B01 6913 mS 0x2F0E 12046 g/ml
0x1B02 6914 uS 0x2F0F 12047 g/l
0x1C00 7168 A 0x2F11 12049 ug/l
0x1C02 7170 mA
0x1C03 7171 uA

SD01293C/07/DE/01.13 EtherNet/IP

5.3 Data types

5.3.1 DS01 – Analog process value

Byte Size Data type Name Info

0 4 REAL Value AIxx.Value
5 2 INT Status AIxx.Status
7 2 ENGUNIT Unit AIxx.Unit

5.3.2 DS02 – Discrete process value

Byte Size Data type Name Info

0 2 INT Value DIxx.Value
2 2 INT Status DIxx.Status

5.4 Status byte

5.4.1 Measured value (device  scanner)

Status Quality Sub-status Meaning

hex dec
0x80 128 Good Ok The measured value is valid and can be used.
0x40 64 Uncer- NonSpecific The reliability of the measured value is limited. Check
tain the diagnostic messages of the device.
0x0C 12 Bad DeviceFailure The measured value cannot be used.
Check the diagnostic messages of the device.
0x04 4 Bad ConfigurationError No data source has been selected. Check the device
configuration (Section 3.2).

5.4.2 Actuating value (Scanner  Device)

hex dec English German Meaning

>= 0x80 >= 128 Good Gut The actuating value is used.
< 0x80 < 128 Uncertain Unsicher The actuating value is not used.
>= 0x40 >= 64
< 0x40 < 64 Bad Schlecht The actuating value is not used.

24 © Copyright Dec. 2013

5.5 Device-specific objects

5.5.1 Assembly object, class code = 04h Input assembly, instance = 64h (100dec)

Byte Size Type Name Info

0 4 DWORD Status 0 = Connection o.k.
4 2 INT DiagnoseCode 0 to 999: diagnostics code
6 1 SINT StatusSignal Status signal according to Namur
See Section 4.4.1
7 1 SINT Channel Channel assignment of diagnostics
0 = device, 1 to 8 = sensor 1 to 8
8 8 DS01 AI01 See Section 3.2.1
16 8 DS01 AI02
24 8 DS01 AI03
32 8 DS01 AI04
40 8 DS01 AI05
48 8 DS01 AI06
56 8 DS01 AI07
64 8 DS01 AI08
72 8 DS01 AI09
80 8 DS01 AI10
88 8 DS01 AI11
96 8 DS01 AI12
104 8 DS01 AI13
112 8 DS01 AI14
120 8 DS01 AI15
128 8 DS01 AI16
136 4 DS02 DI01 See Section 3.2.2
140 4 DS02 DI02
144 4 DS02 DI03
148 4 DS02 DI04

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Byte Size Type Name Info

152 4 DS02 DI05
156 4 DS02 DI06
160 4 DS02 DI07
164 4 DS02 DI08 Output assembly, instance = 65h (101dec)

Byte Size Type Name Info

0 8 DS01 AO01 See Section 3.2.3
8 8 DS01 AO02
16 8 DS01 AO03
24 8 DS01 AO04
32 4 DS02 DO01 See Section 3.2.3
36 4 DS02 DO02
40 4 DS02 DO03
44 4 DS02 DO04
48 4 DS02 DO05
52 4 DS02 DO06
56 4 DS02 DO07
60 4 DS02 DO08 Configuration assembly, instance = 66h (102dec)

Byte Size Type Name Info

0 4 DWORD ConfigHeaderValue Constant value = 0x00000000
4 1 SINT Reserved
5 1 SINT WebserverEnable 0: Off
1: On (factory setting)
6 1 SINT Reserved
7 1 SINT Reserved

26 © Copyright Dec. 2013

5.5.2 Common object, class code = 0310h, instances = 1

Attribute Parameter R/W Data type Info

1 DeviceTag W STRING TAG name
2 TemperatureUnit W SINT Temperature unit

0: °C
1: °F
2: K
3 WebserverEnable W SINT Web server activation

0: Off
1: On
4 FactoryReset W SINT
5 Regulator0Setpoint W REAL Specify the setpoint for the
controlled variable for PID
controller 0.
6 Regulator0PPart W REAL Proportional band Xp for PID
controller 0.
7 Regulator0IPart W REAL Integral action time Tn for
PID controller 0.
8 Regulator0DPart W REAL Derivative action time Tv for
PID controller 0.
9 Regulator1Setpoint W REAL Specify the setpoint for the
controlled variable for PID
controller 1.
10 Regulator1PPart W REAL Proportional band Xp for PID
controller 1.
11 Regulator1IPart W REAL Integral action time Tn for
PID controller 1.
12 Regulator1DPart W REAL Derivative action time Tv for
PID controller 1.
13 DeviceCurrentDiagModul R SINT Device-specific diagnostic
with highest priority: name of
the module concerned.


0: Slot 1
1: Slot 1
2: Slot 2
3: Slot 3
4: Slot 4
5: Slot 5

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Attribute Parameter R/W Data type Info

6: Slot 6
7: Slot 7
8: Sampler
9: Software
10: Analyzer
14 DeviceCurrentDiagPort R SINT Device-specific diagnostic
with highest priority: number
of the port.
15 DeviceCurrentDiagNE107Status R SINT Device-specific diagnostic
with highest priority: status
signal according to NAMUR
16 DeviceCurrentDiagCode R INT Device-specific diagnostic
with highest priority:
diagnostics number.
17 DeviceCurrentDiagTimestampDate R DATE Device-specific diagnostic
with highest priority: time
stamp indicating when this
diagnostic message occurred.
18 DeviceCurrentDiagTimestampTime R TIME_OF_DAY Device-specific diagnostic
with highest priority: time
stamp indicating when this
diagnostic message occurred.
19 DeviceNumberAdditionalDiag R SINT Number of additional active
device-specific diagnostic
messages. These messages
can be displayed via the
diagnostics list (Diagnostics
menu) on the device or via
the Web server.
20 DeviceLastDiagModul R SINT Last device-specific
diagnostic to occur: name of
the module concerned.


0: Slot 1
1: Slot 1
2: Slot 2
3: Slot 3
4: Slot 4
5: Slot 5
6: Slot 6
7: Slot 7
8: Sampler
9: Software
10: Analyzer
21 DeviceLastDiagPort R SINT Last device-specific
diagnostic to occur: number
of the port.

28 © Copyright Dec. 2013

Attribute Parameter R/W Data type Info

22 DeviceLastDiagNE107Status R SINT Last device-specific
diagnostic to occur: status
signal according to NAMUR
23 DeviceLastDiagCode R INT Last device-specific
diagnostic to occur:
diagnostics number
24 DeviceLastDiagTimestampDate R DATE Last device-specific
diagnostic to occur: time
stamp indicating when this
diagnostic message occurred
25 DeviceLastDiagTimestampTime R TIME_OF_DAY Last device-specific
diagnostic to occur: time
stamp indicating when this
diagnostic message occurred
26 DeviceLastDiagSource R SINT Last device-specific
diagnostic to occur:


0: General
1: Temperature input
2: Binary input
3: Binary output
4: Current input
5: Current output
6: Relay
7: Memosens sensor
8: Controller
9: Cleaning
10: Limit contactor
11: Mathematics function
12: Binary input (module)
13: Binary output (module)
27 DeviceID R SINT Identification


0: Liquiline CM442
1: Liquiline CM448
2: Liquiport CSP44
3: Liquistation CSF48
4: Liquistation CSF22
5: Liquistation CSF33
6: Liquiline System CA80
7: Liquistation CSF34
8: Liquistation CSF39
28 Ordercode R STRING Order code of the device.

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Attribute Parameter R/W Data type Info

29 OrdercodeExt R STRING Full order code of the device
30 OrderCodeExtCurrent R STRING Current full order code of the
31 SwVersion R STRING Software version of the device
32 BootloaderVersion R STRING Software version of the
33 Serialnumber R STRING Serial number of the device
34 DisplaySerialNumber R STRING Serial number of the display
35 BackplaneSerialNumber R STRING Serial number of the
assembly rack
36 PowersupplySerialNumber R STRING Serial number of the power
supply module integrated
into the base module
37 BasemodulSerialNumber R STRING Serial number of the base
38 ExtModul1SerialNumber R STRING Serial number of the 1st
extension plug-in module
39 ExtModul2SerialNumber R STRING Serial number of the 2nd
extension plug-in module
40 ExtModul3SerialNumber R STRING Serial number of the 3rd
extension plug-in module
41 ExtModul4SerialNumber R STRING Serial number of the 4th
extension plug-in module
42 ExtModul5SerialNumber R STRING Serial number of the 5th
extension plug-in module
43 ExtModul6SerialNumber R STRING Serial number of the 6th
extension plug-in module
44 ExtModul7SerialNumber R STRING Serial number of the 7th
extension plug-in module
45 ExtModul8SerialNumber R STRING Serial number of the 8th
extension plug-in module
46 AI1Value R REAL Analog process value which is
transmitted from the device
to the controller
47 AI1Status R INT Status, see Section 5.4.1
48 AI1Unit R ENGUNIT Unit, see Section 5.2
49 AI2Value R REAL Analog process value which is
transmitted from the device
to the controller
50 AI2Status R INT Status, see Section 5.4.1
51 AI2Unit R ENGUNIT Unit, see Section 5.2

30 © Copyright Dec. 2013

Attribute Parameter R/W Data type Info

52 AI3Value R REAL Analog process value which is
transmitted from the device
to the controller
53 AI3Status R INT Status, see Section
54 AI3Unit R ENGUNIT Unit, see Section 5.2
55 AI4Value R REAL Analog process value which is
transmitted from the device
to the controller
56 AI4Status R INT Status, see Section 5.4.1
57 AI4Unit R ENGUNIT Unit, see Section 5.2
58 AI5Value R REAL Analog process value which is
transmitted from the device
to the controller
59 AI5Status R INT Status, see Section 5.4.1
60 AI5Unit R ENGUNIT Unit, see Section 5.2
61 AI6Value R REAL Analog process value which is
transmitted from the device
to the controller
62 AI6Status R INT Status, see Section 5.4.1
63 AI6Unit R ENGUNIT Unit, see Section 5.2
64 AI7Value R REAL Analog process value which is
transmitted from the device
to the controller
65 AI7Status R INT Status, see Section 5.4.1
66 AI7Unit R ENGUNIT Unit, see Section 5.2
67 AI8Value R REAL Analog process value which is
transmitted from the device
to the controller
68 AI8Status R INT Status, see Section 5.4.1
69 AI8Unit R ENGUNIT Unit, see Section 5.2
70 AI9Value R REAL Analog process value which is
transmitted from the device
to the controller
71 AI9Status R INT Status, see Section 5.4.1
72 AI9Unit R ENGUNIT Unit, see Section 5.2
73 AI10Value R REAL Analog process value which is
transmitted from the device
to the controller
74 AI10Status R INT Status, see Section 5.4.1
75 AI10Unit R ENGUNIT Unit, see Section 5.2
76 AI11Value R REAL Analog process value which is
transmitted from the device

SD01293C/07/DE/01.13 EtherNet/IP

Attribute Parameter R/W Data type Info

to the controller
77 AI11Status R INT Status, see Section 5.4.1
78 AI11Unit R ENGUNIT Unit, see Section 5.2
79 AI12Value R REAL Analog process value which is
transmitted from the device
to the controller
80 AI12Status R INT Status, see Section 5.4.1
81 AI12Unit R ENGUNIT Unit, see Section 5.2
82 AI13Value R REAL Analog process value which is
transmitted from the device
to the controller
83 AI13Status R INT Status, see Section 5.4.1
84 AI13Unit R ENGUNIT Unit, see Section 5.2
85 AI14Value R REAL Analog process value which is
transmitted from the device
to the controller
86 AI14Status R INT Status, see Section 5.4.1
87 AI14Unit R ENGUNIT Unit, see Section 5.2
88 AI15Value R REAL Analog process value which is
transmitted from the device
to the controller
89 AI15Status R INT Status, see Section 5.4.1
90 AI15Unit R ENGUNIT Unit, see Section 5.2
91 AI16Value R REAL Analog process value which is
transmitted from the device
to the controller
92 AI16Status R INT Status, see Section 5.4.1
93 AI16Unit R ENGUNIT Unit, see Section 5.2
94 DI1Value R INT Discrete process value which
is transmitted from the
device to the controller
95 DI1Status R INT Status, see Section 5.4.1
96 DI2Value R INT Discrete process value which
is transmitted from the
device to the controller
97 DI2Status R INT Status, see Section 5.4.1
98 DI3Value R INT Discrete process value which
is transmitted from the
device to the controller
99 DI3Status R INT Status, see Section 5.4.1
100 DI4Value R INT Discrete process value which
is transmitted from the

32 © Copyright Dec. 2013

Attribute Parameter R/W Data type Info

device to the controller
101 DI4Status R INT Status, see Section 5.4.1
102 DI5Value R INT Discrete process value which
is transmitted from the
device to the controller
103 DI5Status R INT Status, see Section 5.4.1
104 DI6Value R INT Discrete process value which
is transmitted from the
device to the controller
105 DI6Status R INT Status, see Section 5.4.1
106 DI7Value R INT Discrete process value which
is transmitted from the
device to the controller
107 DI7Status R INT Status, see Section 5.4.1
108 DI8Value R INT Discrete process value which
is transmitted from the
device to the controller
109 DI8Status R INT Status, see Section 5.4.1
110 CurrentOut1PvValue R REAL Current output: process value
111 CurrentOut1PvStatus R INT Current output: status of the
process value,
see Section 5.4.1
112 CurrentOut1PvUnit R ENGUNIT Unit, see Section 5.2
113 CurrentOut2PvValue R REAL Current output: process value
114 CurrentOut2PvStatus R INT Current output: status of the
process value,
see Section 5.4.1
115 CurrentOut2PvUnit R ENGUNIT Unit, see Section 5.2
116 CurrentOut3PvValue R REAL Current output: process value
117 CurrentOut3PvStatus R INT Current output: status of the
process value,
see Section 5.4.1
118 CurrentOut3PvUnit R ENGUNIT Unit, see Section 5.2
119 CurrentOut4PvValue R REAL Current output: process value
120 CurrentOut4PvStatus R INT Current output: status of the
process value,
see Section 5.4.1
121 CurrentOut4PvUnit R ENGUNIT Unit, see Section 5.2
122 CurrentOut5PvValue R REAL Current output: process value
123 CurrentOut5PvStatus R INT Current output: status of the
process value,
see Section 5.4.1

SD01293C/07/DE/01.13 EtherNet/IP

Attribute Parameter R/W Data type Info

124 CurrentOut5PvUnit R ENGUNIT Unit, see Section 5.2
125 CurrentOut6PvValue R REAL Current output: process value
126 CurrentOut6PvStatus R INT Current output: status of the
process value,
see Section 5.4.1
127 CurrentOut6PvUnit R ENGUNIT Unit, see Section 5.2
128 CurrentOut7PvValue R REAL Current output: process value
129 CurrentOut7PvStatus R INT Current output: status of the
process value,
see Section 5.4.1
130 CurrentOut7PvUnit R ENGUNIT Unit, see Section 5.2
131 CurrentOut8PvValue R REAL Current output: process value
132 CurrentOut8PvStatus R INT Current output: status of the
process value,
see Section 5.4.1
133 CurrentOut8PvUnit R ENGUNIT Unit, see Section 5.2
134 CurrentOut1mAValue R REAL Current output: current in A
135 CurrentOut2mAValue R REAL Current output: current in A
136 CurrentOut3mAValue R REAL Current output: current in A
137 CurrentOut4mAValue R REAL Current output: current in A
138 CurrentOut5mAValue R REAL Current output: current in A
139 CurrentOut6mAValue R REAL Current output: current in A
140 CurrentOut7mAValue R REAL Current output: current in A
141 CurrentOut8mAValue R REAL Current output: current in A
142 DiagnoseCode R INT Diagnostic code
143 Channel R SINT Diagnostic with the highest
priority: channel number 0 =
device, 1 = sensor 1 ... 8 =
sensor 8
144 StatusSignal R SINT Status signal according to

5.5.3 Sensor object, class code = 0312h, instances = 1 to 8

Attribute Parameter R/W Data type Info

1 SensorEnable R SINT Enables the sensor channel

0: On
1: Off

34 © Copyright Dec. 2013

Attribute Parameter R/W Data type Info

2 ActiveSensorType R SINT Selected sensor type. The selected
sensor type and the connected
sensor type must be identical.


0: None
1: Oxygen (amp.)
2: Oxygen (opt. wastewater)
3: pH glass
4: reserved
6: Cond. conductivity
7: Ind. conductivity
8: ORP
9: TU/TS
10: Nitrate
11: ISE
12: SAC
13: Ultrasonic interface
14: Chlorine
15: reserved
16: reserved
17: reserved
18: pH/ORP
19: Cond. conductivity
20: Oxygen (opt. process)
21: TU
3 ConnectedSensorType R SINT Connected sensor type. The
connected sensor type must match
the active sensor type.


0: None
1: Oxygen (amp.)
2: Oxygen (opt. wastewater)
3: pH glass
4: reserved
6: Cond. conductivity
7: Ind. conductivity
8: ORP
9: TU/TS
10: Nitrate
11: ISE
12: SAC
13: Ultrasonic interface
14: Chlorine
15: reserved
16: reserved
17: reserved
18: pH/ORP

SD01293C/07/DE/01.13 EtherNet/IP

Attribute Parameter R/W Data type Info

19: Cond. conductivity
20: Oxygen (opt. process)
21: TU
4 SensorTag R STRING Select any name for your sensor.
Use the TAG name for example.
5 SensorSerial R STRING The serial number allows you to
access device data and
documentation on the Internet:
6 SensorHwVersion R STRING Hardware version of the connected
7 SensorSwVersion R STRING Software version of the connected
8 SensorManufacturer R STRING Manufacturer of the connected
9 SensorOrdercode R STRING Order code of the connected sensor
10 SensorManufacturingDate R DATE Date of manufacture of the sensor
11 SensorInitialOperationDate R DATE Date of the initial operation of the
12 SensorExtremeSpecificMin R REAL Minimum measured value
13 SensorExtremeTempMin R REAL Minimum temperature measured
14 SensorExtremeSpecificMax R REAL Maximum measured value
15 SensorExtremeTempMax R REAL Maximum temperature measured
16 SensorCurrentDiagSourcetype R SINT Sensor-specific diagnostic with
highest priority:


0: General
1: Temperature Input
2: Binary Input
3: Binary Output
4: Current Input
5: Current Output
6: Relay
7: Memosens Sensor
8: PID Controller
9: Cleaning
10: Limit Switch
11: Mathematic Function
12: Binary Input Module
13: Binary Output Module
14: Sample preparation
17 SensorCurrentDiagModule R SINT Sensor-specific diagnostic with

36 © Copyright Dec. 2013

Attribute Parameter R/W Data type Info

highest priority: name of the
module concerned.


0: Slot 1
1: Slot 1
2: Slot 2
3: Slot 3
4: Slot 4
5: Slot 5
6: Slot 6
7: Slot 7
8: Sampler
9: Software
10: Analyzer
18 SensorCurrentDiagPort R SINT Sensor-specific diagnostic with
highest priority:
19 SensorCurrentDiagNE107Status R SINT Sensor-specific diagnostic with
highest priority:
status signal
20 SensorCurrentDiagCode R INT Sensor-specific diagnostic with
highest priority:
diagnostic code
21 SensorCurrentDiagTimestampDate R DATE Sensor-specific diagnostic with
highest priority:
22 SensorCurrentDiagTimestampTime R TIME_OF_DAY Sensor-specific diagnostic with
highest priority:
23 SensorNumberAdditionalDiag R SINT Number of additional active device-
specific diagnostic messages. These
messages can be displayed via the
diagnostics list (Diagnostics menu)
on the device or via the Web
24 SensorLastDiagSourcetype R SINT Last device-specific diagnostic to


0: General
1: Temperature Input
2: Binary Input
3: Binary Output
4: Current Input
5: Current Output
6: Relay
7: Memosens Sensor

SD01293C/07/DE/01.13 EtherNet/IP

Attribute Parameter R/W Data type Info

8: PID Controller
9: Cleaning
10: Limit Switch
11: Mathematic Function
12: Binary Input Module
13: Binary Output Module
14: Sample preparation
25 SensorLastDiagModule R SINT Last device-specific diagnostic to

0: Slot 1
1: Slot 1
2: Slot 2
3: Slot 3
4: Slot 4
5: Slot 5
6: Slot 6
7: Slot 7
8: Sampler
9: Software
10: Analyzer
26 SensorLastDiagPort R SINT Last device-specific diagnostic to
occur: port
27 SensorLastDiagNE107Status R SINT Last device-specific diagnostic to
occur: status signal
28 SensorLastDiagCode R INT Last device-specific diagnostic to
occur: diagnostic code
29 SensorLastDiagTimestampDate R DATE Last device-specific diagnostic to
occur: date
30 SensorLastDiagTimestampTime R TIME_OF_DAY Last device-specific diagnostic to
occur: time
31 OpTimeTotal R REAL Hours of operation of the
connected sensor. Unit: second [s]
32 OpTimeAboveSpecTemp R REAL Hours of operation above the
maximum operating temperature.
Unit: second [s]
33 OpTimeBelowSpecTemp R REAL Hours of operation below the
minimum operating temperature.
Unit: second [s]
34 OpTimeLampLife R REAL Operating time of the lamp (not all
sensors). Unit: second [s]
35 OpTimeSterilisations R DINT Number of sterilization cycles.
36 OpTimeCipCycles R DINT Number of CIP (clean in place)
37 OpTimeCapCalibrations R DINT Number of calibrations of the
sensor cap (not all sensors).

38 © Copyright Dec. 2013

Attribute Parameter R/W Data type Info

38 OpTimeCapCalibTimer R REAL Sensor cap calibration timer (not
all sensors).
39 OpTimeCapSterilisations R SINT Number of calibrations of the
sensor cap (not all sensors).
40 OpTimeCapFilterChanged R REAL Number of filter changes.
41 SACDataSetSwitch W SINT SAC data set switching


0: Factory calib.
1: Data set1
2: Data set2
3: Data set3
4: Data set4
5: Data set5
6: Data set6
7: Undefined
42 NitrateDataSetSwitch W SINT Nitrate data set switching


0: Factory calib.
1: Data set1
2: Data set2
3: Data set3
4: Data set4
5: Data set5
6: Data set6
7: Undefined
43 TurbidityDataSetSwitch W SINT Turbidity data set switching


0: Formazine
1: Kaolin
2: SiO2
3: TiO2
4: Excess primary sludge
5: Digested sludge
6: Activated sludge
7: Data set1
8: Data set2
9: Data set3
10: Data set4
11: Data set5
12: Undefined
13: Diluted sludge
14: PSL
15: Kieselgur
16: Data set6

SD01293C/07/DE/01.13 EtherNet/IP

40 © Copyright Dec. 2013

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