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Name: Pamintuan, Jose Paulo A. Date: Nov.

04, 2023
Section: BSA-2A


Watch the short film “Akira Kurosawa’s Dreams: Village of the Watermills” and
make a SHORT REFLECTION (5-7 sentences) with the following guide
1. What is “the good life?” Is our personal concept of “the good life” the
same as what was depicted in the film?
2. Which part of the film struck you most? Why?
3. Based on the film, discuss how technology reveals nature and the human
person’s role in it.

The good life that is depicted in the short film titled “The Village of the
Watermills” is the way of life that I believe our ancestors used to have, where in
the development of technology was not really apparent, and people vastly
demanded on the natural resources that Earth has to offer and understood how vital
such were on their well-being thus were cognizant of valuing them. I would say the
portrayal of “the good life” in the video is in tune with my personal concept of “the
good life” in terms of how it entails the nature of human happiness and
satisfaction. The people in the village, despite the evolution of technology, choose
to live their lives in a simple, pure, and natural way, and it is astonishing to witness
their exuberance in that way of life. However, as human happiness and satisfaction
are subjective, well, other people accredit technology for making their lives more
convenient to live, and I opt to live mine as a balance of both by recognizing the
gift and value of nature and utilizing the strengths of technology in the way that it
cultivates not just my life, but the nature as well.
The old man’s line “That is what night is supposed to be. Why should night
be as bright as day?” struck and had me pondering about the gloomy circumstances
that I and others have to face in this lifetime. Oftentimes, we tend to just shrug our
melancholic feelings off and forcefully convert them into positive, failing to
recognize the importance of just letting ourselves be in that dark night and realize
that it is in that dark that stars bring light into and do even more shine.
In our first lesson, technology is described as the human attempt to change
the world that is referred to as the nature, which is meant to be studied by science,
and it is us who are the benefactors of the products of such, therefore, the ones who
should build the middle ground to ensure that nature, science, and technology
come hand in hand in which neither of them deteriorates.

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