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Name: Pamintuan, Jose Paulo A. Date: 09/10/2023

Year & Section: BSA -2A

Instructions: After watching the video, kindly list down 1 topic or statement that struck you
most or insights especially regarding science. Briefly discuss the topic or statement with a
minimum of five (5) sentences.

“Just because you don’t understand it (science) does not mean it’s not good for you. Go
figure out how it works.”
- Neil De Grasse Tyson

Brief discussion:
Oftentimes, many people are not really that enthusiastic when it comes to studying
science-related subjects because, as Stephen Colbert said, such subjects are more complex than
what people can understand, and that is the reason why science, in general, is distrusted. In my
opinion though, these complexities are what keep our world innovating, our technology
evolving, and our way of life on Earth improving. Furthermore, a lot of times, scientists are
stereotypically put in a bad light because some people believe that they discover things that
should not even be discovered, just like the atomic bomb, which, as said in the video, was
discovered by J. Robert Oppenheimer, where in fact, many discoveries lead to the progression of
humanity. Our economy would not have progressed, our way of life would not have been easier,
or, simply put, our connections would not have been deeper without these various products of
knowledge. In conclusion, knowledge is undoubtedly power because it hones us to be more than
just the type of person who is afraid of complexities.

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