Grade 5 Science Lesson Plan Compilation

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I. Learning objective: Describe the characteristics of useful materials

II. Subject Matter:
A. Concepts: Matter is found everywhere. All the things found in your
environment that have mass and occupy space are examples of matter.
Each material is made up of chemical substances. Examples are the materials
commonly found at home. These are household materials that can be useful.

B. Materials: real objects or pictures of useful materials

C. References: K-12 Curriculum Guide S5MT-Ia-b-1
The Science Connection for Grade 6
Pp 99-102

D. Process Skills:observing, classifying, describing, inferring

E. Value Integration: Awareness of useful materials

III. Learning Tasks

A. Engagement:
“Magic Box”
Inside the magic box are pictures of useful materials found at home. The teacher
will get the picture one at a time and let the pupils identify the material in the
picture and ask them the uses of these materials.

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Ask: What are these materials? Where do we use these for?

B. Exploration
In the following group activity, you will identify the uses of various materials in
your house.

Activity 1
Pupils are given meta cards.

Complete the table by giving the uses of the materials given on the first

1. Paracetamol For headache and
2. Vinegar flavoring
3. Dishwashing liquid Grease cutter
4. Rubbing Alcohol Antiseptic
5. Floor wax To make the floor
6. Computer For researching
7. Cooking oil Frying food
8. Insecticide Kills insects like
9. Paint Used in walls
10. Muriatic Acid To clean the tiles in
the bathroom or

Activity 2
TV commercial
Make a TV commercial about the useful materials. Choose 2 from the list.

Activity 3
Picture Puzzle
Arrange the puzzle to see what is in the picture. In the manila paper, list down the
useful materials that you can find in the picture and be able to discuss it in front
the uses of these materials.

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Activity 4
Compose a jingle with a tune of LeronLeronSinta about useful materials.

C. Explanation
1. How did you find the activity?
2. What did you do to come up with your answer?
3. What are the useful materials that are found at home?
4. Where do you use these materials?
5. How are they useful to us?
6. What are the characteristics of those useful materials?
(For teacher’s information)

Useful materials can be found at home to improve your health, destroy harmful
organisms, make life more comfortable, make work faster and easier and help
protect and conserve the environment.

D. Elaborate
Let the pupils watch a video showing how to cook spaghetti.

E. Evlauation
Match the materials listed in column A with its uses in column B. Write your
answer on the space provided in each number.


1. cooking oil a. used in frying

2. rubbing alcohol b. antiseptic

3. pencil c. for writing

4. insecticide d. kills insect

5. bleach e. whitens clothes

6. dishwashing liquid f. washes cooking utensils

7. cellphone g. makeand receive calls

8. computer h, programmable machine

9. detergent powder I for cleaning laundry

10. vinegar j. cooking ingredient

F. Assignment:

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Bring pictures materials that are useful but can also be harmful.

Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
District of Cainta I


WEEK 1 (Day 2)

Content: Properties of Matter (Useful and Harmful Materials)

I. Learning Objective: Describe the characteristics of harmful materials

II. Subject Matter:

A. Concepts: Harmful materials can be solid, liquid and gas. Some materials may cause
fire hazards, toxic or poisonous, may cause burns or react dangerously
when combined with other materials. Reading the product labelsis very
important to identify if it is harmful or not. They warn possible dangers.
B. Materials: pictures of different harmful materials; pictures of hazardous materials;
charts for activity; OHP
C. References: K-12 Curriculum Guide S5MT-Ia-b-1
Title: Chemical Handling Safety (The Basics)
Time: from 1:57-2:40 only
Title: Identifying Hazardous Materials by Symbol
D. Process Skills: Observing, Classifying, Describing, Inferring
E. Value Integration: Awareness of harmful materials

III. Learning Tasks

A. Engagement (5 minutes)
1. Present pictures of harmful materials found at home like the pictures below.

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Call some pupils to group the materials found in bathroom, kitchen and store room.
Paste them in the proper column.Fill out the table below. (Teacher should prepare this
template in advance and post on the board.)

Bathroom Kitchen Store Room

Ask: What are the materials that can be found in the bathroom? kitchen? store room?
Why these materials should be kept in proper places? (because they are harmful)

2. Brainstorm the word harmful. (destructive, damaging,injurious, dangerous)

Let the pupils think of a word synonym to the word harmful, then write it at
the end of each line.


B. Exploration (15 min.)

A. Advance preparation (to be done a day before the science class)

Prepare the materials needed for the activity.

B. During Science Class:

1. Group the pupils into four.
2. Provide the materials to each group.
3. Set norm to follow during group activity. Remind the pupils about
precautionary measures in handling the materials.
4. Have the pupils work on the activity. (Go around and observe each group on
how they go along with the activity.)
5. Remind each group to present their output in class after five minutes.

What to do:

Group I

These are the warning symbols used for harmful materials. Pair the symbol with
its name.(Place these materials inside an envelope and let the pupils paste their work in
a chart.)

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biological hazardous
compressed gases

Group II
Look for the meaning of the characteristics of harmful materials by
following the line.

Group III

How are these materials become harmful to human and environment? Write your
answer on the column provided.

Materials Harmful Effects




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Group IV

From the previous grade, you have learned how to read and interpret product labels.
How can we identify the material if harmful through product labels?
Look at the sample product label.

Answer the questions.

1. Read the label.

2. What makes you think that acetone is harmful?
3. What are the precautionary measures found in the label?
4. Is it important to follow what is written in the product label?
5. Why?

C. Explanation (15 min.)

1. Letthe pupils present their work in class.

2. Ask: What are harmful materials?
Do we have these harmful materials at home? in school?
Cite examples.
What are the characteristics of harmful materials?
Cite examples of poisonous, flammable, corrosive and reactive materials.
What safety precautions should you observe when handling harmful
Do we need to follow these safety precautions? Why?

D. Elaboration (10 min.)

Let the pupils watch a video about hazardous materials.(May choose any of the
following URL.
Title: Chemical Handling Safety (The Basics)
Time: from 1:57-2:40 only
Title: Identifying Hazardous Materials by Symbol

E. Evaluation (5 min.)
Using the table below, group the materials based on the harmful effect/s in humans and
other living things. Write the name of the pictures in proper column.

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Toxic/Poisonous Flammable Corrosive Reactive

IV. Assignment:
Write on your notebookfive (5) useful materials but harmful when not properly use.

Prepared by:

Teacher 1
Exodus Elementary School

Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
District of Cainta I


WEEK 1 (Day 3)

Content: Properties of Matter (Useful and Harmful Materials)

I. Learning Objective: Identify useful and harmful materials

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II. Subject Matter:

A. Concepts: Some substances are useful because they are used for food, for cooking
And cleaning purposes, for destroying harmful insects and for keeping as
healthy. Improper use of substances or materials may cause harm.
B. Materials: pictures of useful and harmful materials, charts, old magazines/newspaper,
paste or glue, scissor
C. References: K-12 Curriculum Guide S5MT-Ia-b-1
Into the Future: Science and Health 5 and 6,
Growing with Science and Health 3 by Marilyn U. Balagtas
Science for Better Health and Environment
D. Process Skills: Observing, Classifying, Describing, Inferring
E. Value Integration: Awareness of useful and harmful materials

III. Learning Tasks

A. Engagement
1. Checking of Assignments
2. Review

Say: Name substances or materials that are useful to us but can be harmful if we do not
use them properly. Write your answers on the board.

Ask: From your answers on the board, what do you mean by “useful materials”?
How about “harmful materials”?

3. Motivation

Show the pictures below. Which of these chemical substances are you familiar
with? Do you know that some of them are useful to living things?

B. Exploration

A. Advance preparation of charts needed for the activity.

B. During Science Class:

1. Group the pupils into four.
2. Provide the materials to each group.
3. Set norm to follow during group activity.
What to do:

Group I

Write at least 3 materials or substances found at home and school for each

Used as Food Used for Cleaning Used for Cooking

1. 1. 1.
2. 2. 2.
3. 3. 3.

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Group II

Identify the materials listed below if useful or harmful by citing their effects to
human, animals and environment.

Materials or Chemical Useful Effects Harmful Effects

1. soaps and detergents
2. pesticides
3. medicines

Group III

Study the pictures below. In 3-4 sentences, explain how fertilizers become useful
and harmful to people and other living things.

Group IV

Work with your group and create a five-to-ten minute skit about how different
materials with different properties become useful or harmful to the community.

C. Explanation

1. Ask the pupils to report/perform their output in class.

2. Ask:
1. How did you find the activity?
2. How did you come up with your answers?
3. Name some materials or chemicals that are useful to people.
4. How are soaps and detergents helpful to us?
5. What chemical substances help people and animals fight diseases?
6. Name some materials or chemical substances that are useful but have
Harmful effects on living things.
7. What should we do to avoid the harmful effects of these harmful

Additional Information:

Some substances are useful because they are used for food, for cooking, and
cleaning purposes, for destroying harmful insects and for keeping us healthy.
Certain substances or materials have harmful effects on people, animals and
plants when not used properly.
Chemicals are very useful to people. We use them daily. Soaps and detergents
are good cleaning agents and antiseptics. They kill germs and bacteria that can cause

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Chemical substances like medicines, vitamins, and minerals are very helpful.
Medicines help people fight diseases. Vitamins and minerals help people and animals
get strong and healthy. Fertilizers make soil rich for the plants so they will grow well.
Helpful chemical substances can have harmful effects on living things too.
Medicines not taken in proper dosage can have harmful effects. Some drugs like cough
syrup and sleeping pills can cause dependency or addiction.
Some other drugs that have harmful effects on people are nicotine in cigarettes,
wine or alcohol, and coffee. They cause addiction. Addiction leads to bad behavior,
mental disorder, and oftentimes death.
Fertilizers are helpful but could kill if too much of them is applied to plants.
Pesticides help us rid of harmful insects. However, they can poison plants and animals
that are also helpful.

D. Elaboration

Collage Making:
Make a collage about useful and harmful materials using pictures from old
magazines and newspaper. Write 2-3 sentences to describe your output.

E. Evaluation

Rubrics for the Collage Making: (Maybe revised by the teacher.)

Excellent Good Fair

Theme/Subject is clearly expressed.
Artwork is original
Work is done neatly and purposely


Answer in 2-3 sentences only. Write your answer on your notebook.

Insect spray labels have warnings on them that say “HARMFUL WHEN
SWALLOWED.” Why do you think manufacturers put this warning?

Prepared by :

Teacher I
Exodus Elementary School

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education


First Quarter, Week 1, Day 4

Contents: Useful and Harmful Materials

IV. Learning objective: Suggest ways/precautionary measures in

handling harmful materials.
V. Subject Matter:
F. Concepts: Harmful materials should be managed properly to avoid things
that we do not like to happen. Correct selection, proper use and take caution
when using harmful materials should be followed.
G. Materials: pictures of harmful materials
H. References: K-12 Curriculum Guide S5MT-Ia-b-1
Science for Better Health and Environment Gr 6 pp 115-

I. Process Skills:observing, classifying, describing, inferring

J. Value Integration: Awareness of ways in handling harmful materials.

VI. Learning Tasks:

G. Engagement:
Show a video clip proper way of handling harmful materials

Ask: What are the harmful materials that you saw in the video? Where should
they be stored to avoid harmful effects to humans and environment?

H. Exploration
In the following group activity, you will identify the physical properties and uses of
various materials in your house.
Activity 1

Activity 2
Using the venn diagram, compare the following materials on how can they be
useful and harmful.


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muriatic acid

Give 5 precautionary steps in using, handling, and storing these materials.


Activity 3
Pupils will interview their parents on ways how to handle harmful materials and
then present to the class.(pre assigned)

Activity 4
Choose one harmful material and make a news report about this.

I. Explanation
7. How did you find the activity?
8. What did you do to come up with your answer?
9. What are the harmful materials that are found at home?
10. Where do you use these materials?
11. Where should we store them to avoid untoward incidences?
12. How do you handle harmful materials?
(For teacher’s information)

Materials that we use for cleaning and painting contain ingredients that maybe be
hazardous to living things and environment. Use, store, and handle potentially
hazardous materials properly. There are safety precautions to follow in the
proper use, handling, and storage of possibly hazardous materials.

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Q1, WEEK 1, DAY 5

J. Elaborate
Let the pupils watch a video on how to handle harmful materials.

Discuss Room policies in Handling Harmful Materials

K. Evaluation:
What safety precautions are applicable in the following situations? Give your reason/s.

The first one has been done for you.

1. The garbage collector is in the neighborhood. Your mom tells you to bring the
garbage bags outside for disposal.
Answer: You should wash your hands thoroughly after handling the garbage bags.
Reason: You handled a contaminated material.

2. You were hungry, you wanted to eat the canned sausage stocked in the cabinet for a
long time.

3. You sprayed some insecticide in your bedroom.


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4. You just finished boiling water using the gas stove.

5. You noticed that the expiry date of the analgesic in the medicine cabinet was

VII. Assignment:

Make a journal about the useful and harmful materials and how to handle these

Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education

Lesson Plan in Science and Health V

Week 2 Lesson 1
Content: Properties of Matter

I. Learning Objectives: Describe the characteristic of useful materials

II. Subject Matter: Characteristic of useful materials.
A. Concepts: Materials have characteristics that make them suitable for specific
B. Materials: bath soap, laundry soap, tooth paste
C. References: CG S5MT-Ia-b-1
Into the Future: Science and Health 6 pp. 112-117
Into the Future: Science and Health 6 Teacher’s Manual pp.67-72
D. Process Skills: Observing, Identifying, Describing
E. Value Integration: Appreciation
III. Learning Tasks
A. Engage
1. Song
2. Health Inspection
3. Science News

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4. Review
Tell what state of matter the following pictures are.
*evaporated milk
*bath soap
*detergent soap
*cooking oil
Note: The teacher can used other materials aside from the given example.
5. Motivation
Using K W L
What do you know about the different materials?
What do you want to know about the materials?
B. Explore
Activity I Gallery Walk (Using Magical Box)
Each group will go to each station. They will list down all the materials and write if it is
and where they can used it.
Note : The teacher will used pictures or real object in every station.

Station I(Cleaning
Agent) Station II (C0ndiments)

Bath Soap Leaves of oregano

Detergent Soap Bay leaves
Tooth Paste Pepper
Tooth brush Paprika

Station III (Additives) StationIV(Preservatives

Monosodium )
glutamate(vetsin) Sodium benzoate
Citric acid Sodium nitrite
Food color
Sodium chloride (salt)

C. Explain
1. What are the materials in each station?
2. Where do we use these materials in each station?
3. Are these materials useful?
4. Why they are useful?

D. Elaborate
Group Activity

Each group will be given real materials. Let each group used the materials.
Group I – Bath soap (ex. washing face)
Group II – Detergent Soap (washing clothes)
Group III –Dishwashing soup (cleaning the dishes)
Group IV – Tooth paste and Tooth brush (brushing teeth)

E. Evaluate:
Direction: Choose the letter of the correct answer.

1. Your mother is cooking sinigang. Why do you think she added some salt in her dishes?
a. To enhance the flavour of food.
b. To retard food spoilage

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c. To add flavour to food

2. Clean bodies, are important to healthful and comfortable living. What do we used to clean
our body?
a. bar soap
b. bath soap
c. laundry soap
3. Condiments are ingredients used in cooking. They contain substances that add flavour to
Condiments are preserved by________.
a. fermentation
b. drying
c. boiling
4. Another popular synthetic materials used to produce kitchen items and can easily be
a. wood
b. steel
c. plastic
5. It help preserve the quality of the food, and slow down spoilage to make food last longer.
a. preservatives
b. additives
c. condiments

Prepared by:



Background Information:

Materials that Clean

Cleaning is an activity we do everyday. We clean are bodies when we take a bath,
brushes are teeth, and wash are hands before and after eating. We also make sure that are
environment and the things that we use are clean.
Clean bodies, clean things and clean surroundings are important to healthful and
comfortable living. Thanks to our detergents, cleaning is not such as hard task to do. The word
“detergent” means “something which cleans.”It is any substance which helps removed dirt and
stains from any surface or materials.
There are basically two types of soaps: bathe soaps and laundry soaps. Bath soaps are
intended to clean the body skin, while laundry soaps are intended to clean clothes and other
things and surfaces.

Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education

Lesson Plan in Science 5

Week 2 Day 2

Content:Properties: Useful and Harmful Materials

I. Learning Objective: Describe the characteristics of harmful/ hazardous materials or products

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II. Subject Matter:

A. Concepts: A product is harmful/ hazardous if it has at least one of the following properties:
Toxic — Poison or causes long-term illness (such as cancer). Pesticides, paint thinners,
many auto products and some cleaners are toxic.
Flammable — Burns easily. Paint, thinners and other solvents, and auto products are the
most flammable home products.
Corrosive — Eats through materials (acid, for example). Oven cleaners, drain cleaners, toilet
bowl cleaners, and auto batteries are common corrosive products.
Reactive — Can spontaneously ignite or create poisonous vapors when mixed with other
products (therefore NEVER mix household products). Can also explode when expose to
heat, air, water, or shock. Ex. Firecrackers, bleach and ammonia

B. Materials:Pictures of different harmful materials, video

C. References:Into the future Science and Health Textbook 6 pp.115-117

Household Hazardous Materials and Education

D. Process Skills: Observing, Identifying, Describing

E. Value Integration: Awareness of the characteristics of harmful materials and how it affects
the environment.

III. Learning Tasks

A. Engagement:

1. Preliminary Activities

1.1 Health Inspection

1.2 Science News

1.3 Review – What are the characteristics of useful materials? Give example.

2. Developmental Activities

2.1 Motivation/Presentation

Let them watch a video about hazardous substances and allow them to collect data or


• What is the video all about?

•what is your understanding about hazardous materials?

• What are the examples of hazardous substances?

Introduce to the students the chemical properties that make a product hazardous. Using slide
presentation or picture go over each of the four properties of hazardous materials, their
definitions and examples.

B. Exploration:

Activity 1“Picture Analysis”

Identify the pictures by putting them in their corresponding column.

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Activity 2

Mix pictures of household products in a bag or container. Instruct pupils to take a picture out of
the container and look at it. Have the student describe the product they have picked, how it is
used, what kind of hazard it brings, and why it is hazardous. If they don’t recognize the product,
have the class discuss what it is and how it is used.

C. Explanation:

1. In what ways will you consider a substance or material harmful?

2. What makes each substance hazardous?

3. What are the characteristics of harmful/ hazardous materials?

D. Elaborate:

Show a video about hidden household dangers

How do harmful materials affect us and the environment?

What are the things we have to do in order to minimize the use of these harmful substances?

E. Evaluation:

Matching Type: Match column A with column B by writing the letter of the correct answer before
the number.

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1. Toxic substances a. chemicals that react readily with other chemicals

2. Reactive b. are usually strong acids or bases and exist in

almost every workplace and home that can cause
damage as soon as they come in contact with
something or if the chemical is digested or inhaled

3. Explosive / flammable c. a substance that causes injury, illness, or death

4. Corrosive d. material that ignites easily and burns rapidly with

a flame or combustible substances

5. Hazardous waste e. any waste or combination of wastes which may

cause irreversible illness or death.

IV. Assignment:

Research on some hazardous products found at home. Make a list of the information you find.

Prepared by:

Salvacion D. Cardillo
Grade 5 Teacher
Karangalan Elementary School
Cainta II

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education


Week 2 Day 3

Content: Properties of Useful and Harmful Materials

I. Learning Objective: Identify useful and harmful materials

II. Subject Matter :

A. Concept : Household hazardous wastes (HHW) are materials that, if not
managed correctly, can harm people, animals and the environment.
B. Materials : Pictures, real objects , manila paper
C. References : CG-S5 MT Ia-b-1 ,Science for Daily Use –IV
D. Process skills: Identifying, Observing and Classifying

E. Value Integration: Careful use of harmful substances.

III. Learning Tasks :

A. Engagement :
1. Pre-activities ;
1.1 Health Inspection
1.2 Science News / Science update
1.3 Review

2 .Developmental Activities

Motivation :

Present pictures of burning tires , granule of chlorine , petroleum gas , gasoline

, insecticide, pesticide , vinegar , cooking oil , fruit juice , salt
( Let the pupils identify the pictures which are useful and w/c are harmful )
Write it inside the circle below.

Useful Materials Harmful

B. Exploration :

Activity l. Paragraph Reading

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Read the paragraph and be able to identify the harmful materials that affect our health
and environment.

1. What are the harmful materials that make the soil, water and air unclean?
2. What are sources of these harmful materials?
3. Why are these considered as harmful materials?

Activity II. Picture analysis

Materials ; ¼ manila paper, crayon , pencil and assorted pictures

Direction: Pick up all useful materials and paste it on the manila paper.

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C. Explanation:

1. What is your idea while doing those activities?

2. What are the harmful and useful materials observed from the activities?

3. What are you going to do with the harmful materials that you can see at home? And

4. What will you do with the useful materials?

D. Elaborate:

Guessing game:

Directions: Fill in the blanks with the correct corresponding letters to form new word.

1. S_gar C_ne

2. _uriatic _cid

3. R_t K_ller

4. C_lor_ne

5. Co_king _il

E. Evaluate:

Direction: Choose the letter of the correct answer.

1. Farmers use chemical fertilizer to increase their harvest. What are the harmful
effects of this when improperly used?

A. It pollutes water, air and soil

B. It gives abundant harvest
C. It destroys the plants
D. It gives more income to the farmer

2. Chemical substances that are left over from making products such as soap,
detergent, hair spray and canned good. What are you going to do with these harmful

A. Buried into the soil

B. Throw into the buddies of water
C. Leave it anywhere at home
D. All of the above

3. Oil spill from ships, barge pollute the ocean too. What are the most harmful affected
by these materials?

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A. Aquatic plants and animals

B. Birds flying around the sea
C. People travelling and crossing the ocean
D. None of the above

4. Muriatic acid, zonrox, chlorine is substances used as stain remover. When are these
become harmful?

A. When live these anywhere at home

B. Keep this in the proper place
C. Do not use these without guide
D. None of the above

5. LPG, Kerosene, dishwashing liquid, stain remover are useful substances. How can
you prevent the harmful effect of it?

A. Keep it properly
B. Do not use it
C. Leave where can reach these
D. None of the above

IV. Assignment:

Make a clipping about useful and harmful materials.

Prepared by:

Grade 5 Science Teacher
Saint Anthony Elementary School
Cainta II - A

Paragraph Reading

How Chemical Substances Make the Soil, Water and Air Unclean

There are many things that can affect the soil, water, and air. What are these chemical
substances that pollute or make the soil, water, and air unclean?

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The soil, water, and air can be polluted by products of a community. Observe motor vehicles
such as automobiles, jeepneys, trucks, and tricycles. They give off fumes from their exhaust
pipes. The fumes contain soot and gases.

They give off a number of waste products that do not burn completely. These include soot or
ash and carbon monoxide.

They also emit particles of lead that comes from gasoline. Airplanes also release large
amounts of pollutants into the air. Have you seen the long trail or white smoke left behind by a
flying airplane?

Exhaust from trains and ships also pollute the air. Oil spill from ships barges pollute the ocean,

Some people burn their garbage. Burning gives off a harmful gas called methane and other
particles that can make the air dirty.

Factories are sources of soil, water, and air pollutants. Chemical substances that are leftovers
from making products such as soap, detergent, hair sprays, and canned food may be buried or
dumped in soil. They may leak and may be carried into the bodies of water. They pollute the

Farmers use chemical fertilizers to increase their harvest. When it rains, the fertilizers from
the soil are washed away. They eventually flow into streams and rivers wherethey nourish the
algae. The algae multiply. When algae die, bacteria break them down. Bacteria use oxygen to
do this process. Fishes and other aquatic organisms need oxygen to live. Without this gas they
will die.

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education

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Lesson Plan in Science 5

Week 2 Day 4

Content: Properties of Useful and Harmful Materials

I. Learning Objective: Classify the changes of materials according to its effects in the
environment (e.g. good and harmful effects)

 Solid Materials
 Liquid Materials

II. Subject Matter:

A. Concepts: Changes are useful to us in many ways. Changes have good and harmful
effects to people and environment.

B. Materials: Charcoal, Bath Soap, Detergent Soap, Wood, Rat bait, Chlorine, Moth

C. References: Science for Better Living 5,pp. 141-149, Into the Future: Science and
Health 6, pp. 126-130

D. Process Skills: Observing, describing, identifying

E. Value Integration: Awareness of the good and harmful effects of changes in materials

III. Learning Tasks

A. Engagement:

1. Preliminary Activities

1.1 Health Inspection

1.2 Science News

1.3 Review – How does Saint Anthony look like 8 years ago?

2. Developmental Activities

2.1 Motivation/Presentation - Realia

Present the following: Charcoal, Bath Soap, Detergent Soap, Wood, Rat
bait, Chlorine

Ask: What is this material? What state of matter it is? Does it have good
effect? Or has a harmful effect? What is the good effect of this material?

B. Exploration

Activity 1 – Picture Analysis

Identify which picture gives good and harmful effect.

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Activity 2 – School Field Trip

Look around outside your classroom. List down 5 solid materials or

products and classify its effect. State how it becomes useful and harmful.

Material/Products Useful Harmful

C. Explanation

1. How do you feel while doing the activity?

2. What are the changes you have observed?

3. Give their good and harmful effect.

4. Name a material, give its state of matter and give its good and harmful effect.

D. Elaborate

Strategy: Heads Together

(The teacher will show an object and ask the state of matter and good and
harmful effect of the material.)

Object to Show: fertilizer, monosodium glutamate (vetsin), moth balls

E. Evaluation

Read the situation and write G on the blank if it tells good effect and H if not.

1. ___ Mother is washing clothes and she asked Miguel to buy detergent soap because
when it is added to water it washed away dirt.

2. ___ After cleaning the house, Nicole collected a box of paper and she burn it into

3. ___ In cleaning the toilet bowl Khael used chlorine.

4. ___ Father asked Jose to feed the cat and he gave a rat bait.

5. ___ A logger burned the pieces of wood to make charcoal in a residential area.

IV. Assignment

Make a list of materials which have good and harmful effect to people and

Prepared by:

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Grade 5 Science Teacher
Saint Anthony Elementary School
Cainta II - A

Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education

Lesson Plan in Science 5

Week 2 Day 5

Content: Properties of Useful and Harmful Materials

I. Learning Objective: Classify the changes of materials according to its effects in the
environment (e.g. good and harmful effects)

 Solid Materials
 Liquid Materials

II. Subject Matter:

A. Concepts: Materials have good and harmful effects. Not all the material; have
beneficial effects on other materials.

B. Materials: Pictures, activity cards, ball

C.References: Into the Future: Science and Health 6, pp. 126-130,,

D. Process Skills: Observing, describing, identifying

E. Value Integration: Awareness of the harmful effects of changes in materials the


III. Learning Tasks

A. Engagement:

1. Preliminary Activities
1.1 Health Inspection
1.2 Science News
1.3 Review – Give some changes and give its good effect. (Pass the ball)
2. Developmental Activities

2.1 Motivation/Presentation

Have you heard an oil spill happened in the Philippines? What is

an oil spill? What is the effect of it in the environment?

( Video Clip )

B. Exploration

Activity 1 – Bring Me Back Home!

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Direction: Choose and paste the picture in their corresponding home.

TOXIC Flammable Corrosive Reactive

Activity 2 – Good or Harmful?

Study the pictures in the first column and write its good and harmful effect
on its corresponding column.

Liquid Materials Good Harmful

Paint remover

Hydrogen peroxide

Stain remover



Activity 3 – Act it out!

Direction: Act out on how you will show awareness and carefulness in
handling or using some harmful materials at home and in school.


C. Explanation

1. Group presentation

2. How do you feel after doing your activity?

3. What are the liquid materials based from your conducted activity?

D. Elaborate

Strategy: Giant Step (Name a liquid material and give its god and harmful effect.)

Follow up Questions:

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1. What are the changes in the materials that bring good and harmful effects?

2. As a grade 5 pupil, how can you help reduce the harmful effects in the
environment of changes in the materials?

E. Evaluation

Make an essay about the changes in the materials and give their good and
harmful effects. (Rubrics)

IV. Assignment

Make an album of solid and liquid materials and give their good and harmful

Prepared by:


Grade 5 Science Teacher
Saint Anthony Elementary School
Cainta II - A

CRITERIA Excellent Good Adequate Basic

4 3 2 1
Works Always willing Usually willing Sometimes Rarely willing
cooperativel and focused and focused willing and and focused
y with group during tasks during focused during during
and assigned tasks assigned tasks assigned tasks
presentation. and and and
presentation. presentation. presentation.

Presentation Convincing Competent Adequate Limited

and communicatio communicatio communicatio communicatio
perspective n of n of n of n of
character’s character’s character’s character’s
role, feelings, role, feelings, role, feelings, role, feelings,
and motives. and motives. and motives. and motives.

Use of An impressive Good variety An acceptable Limited variety

nonverbal variety of (3 or more) of variety of of non-verbal
cues (voice, nonverbal cues non- verbal nonverbal cues cues were
eye and were used in cues were were used in used in a
body an excellent used in a an adequate developing
movements, way. competent way. way.
props, way.

Information Information Information Information Information

accuracy appears to be appears to be appears to be appears to be
always usually sometimes rarely accurate
accurate. accurate. accurate.


Downloaded by Rowielah Mercy Piosang (


CRITERIA Advanced Proficient Approaching Developing Beginning

(5pts) (4pts) Proficiency (2pts) (1pt)
Content Content Content Content is Content is Content is
surmount reaches near the beyond the very basic
expectation. expected expected expected and lacks
Treatment result. result. outcome. in-depth
of details is Treatment Treatment of Details are analysis.
advanced of details is details in the
and in proficient approaches developing
detail. and of good proficiency phase and
quality with some very
shallow shallow.
Organizatio The The The The Structure is
n and Style structure of structure of structure of structure of unorganize
the essay is the essay is the essay is the essay is d and not
highly organized somewhat not too coherent
organized and organized organized with the
and shows consistency and and topic. There
consistency. is obvious. coherent. coherent. is no variety
There is There is There is There is in structure
variety in multiplicity somehow a little variety and subject
style which in style multiplicity in structure matter.
makes the which in style and
essay very makes the which subject.
impressive. essay makes the
impressive. essay good.
Grammar There are There are There are There are Grammar
no minimal some many lacks order
grammatica grammatica grammatical errors and
l errors in l errors in errors found found in neatness.
the essay. the essay. in the essay. grammar. There are
Editing is numerous
suggested. errors.
Spelling There are There are 1- There are 4- There are There are
no errors in 3 errors in 6 errors in 7-10 errors more than
spelling. spelling. spelling. in spelling. 10 errors in

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Republic of the Philippines



First Quarter
Week 3, Day 1, 2, and 3

CONTENT: Properties:Useful and Harmful Materials

I.Learning Objectives: Observe safety precautions in handling, storing, and disposing


II. Subject Matter:

A. Concept: Safety precautions should be observed in handling, storing, and
disposing of materials.
B. Materials: Empty containers of household materials like alcohol bottle,
insect repellant sprayer, bleach bottle, clogged dissolver, ect.
C. References: Into the Future: Science and Health
Science Links 6 (Rex Bookstore)
D. Process Skills: Observing, Inferring, Communicating
E. Value Integration: Awareness of one’s safety.

Day 1

III. Learning Tasks:

A. Engagement:

Activity 1

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Give selected pupils some household products like alcohol and toothpaste. Let
them demonstrate how to use them. Ask the class if they are using the products properly or

B. Exploration:

Let the pupils perform Activity 1.” Using Household Materials Safely” (see
attached activity sheet)

1. What are the warnings shown in the product label?
2. How will you use flammable materials?
3. How do you use poisonous substances?

Activity 2

Group Discussion:
Assign the different topics to the group. They will discuss and demonstrate the
different ways of using products safely.

Group 1. Proper Use of Medicines

Group 2. Proper Use of Personal Care Products
Group 3. Proper Use of Household Cleaning Materials
Group 4. Proper Use of Pesticides

Why do we need to use materials properly?

C. Explanation:

1. Give ways on how to use medicines properly?

2. Why is there a need to read the prescription at the back of each bottle?
3. What are the ways of using personal care products properly?
4. How do you use household cleaning products?
5. Are children allowed to use chemicals?
D. Elaboration:

What are the common ways of using and handling household products?

E. Evaluation:

Write True if the statement is correct, if not, write False

_____ 1. All materials have harmful effects.
_____ 2. Before using any product, you must read the label.
_____ 3. Flammable materials should be used away from fire.
_____ 4. Precautions and warning signs could be ignored when using materials.
_____ 5. All household materials are useful when handled properly.

IV. Assignment

What materials have warning signs like: Give at least two (2) examples for each.
a. poison symbol _____________
b. for external use only _________________
c. avoid contact with skin and eyes ______________

Day 2

III. Learning Tasks

A. Engagement:

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Let the pupils classify the following materials.

coffee lacquer bath soap mothballs
sardines bleach paint lotion
shampoo pesticides face powder instant noodles

How do you classify the household materials?

Where do you usually store these materials?

B. Exploration

Group Activity:

Group 1: On the chart below, identify where each of the given materials
should be stored by writing down the names under the
correct column.

shampoo paints soy sauce bath soap

laundry soap hair dryer thinner vinegar face

Bedroom Bathroom Stockroom Kitchen Laundry area

Group 2: Place inside the correct box the different pictures of the household

Medicine Kitchen Bathroom


shampoo disinfectants neozep

Lactacid knife bath soap

Group 3: Using real objects group them according to where they should
be stored


1. Where do you usually store the different household products?

2. Why do we need to classify household products and store them in different
strategic places?

C. Explanation:

1. Why should food products be stored separately from other household

2. What should we consider in storing household products?
3. How do people in the store counter separate products you buy in the store?

D. Elaboration:

Why do we need to practice proper storing of different household materials?

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E. Evaluation
Directions: Identify the proper storage for the following materials by checking the
correct column

Kitchen Cabinet Stockroom Bathroom Bedroom

food canned goods motor oil toilet cleaners

rust remover margarine cleansers body lotion

IV. Assignment

What materials at home are poisonous. Paste on your notebook at least 5 examples.

Day 3

III. Learning Tasks

A. Engagement:

What kind of products are these?

Paint stripper, primer, rust remover, turpentine, varnish, batteries, mothballs,
wood preservatives, glues

B. Exploration:

Assign two pupils to act out: One pupil showing the proper way of disposing
empty containers of hazardous products the other one throwing them away in the
garbage can.

Which do you think is showing the right practice of disposing empty containers of
hazardous products?

Group Activity:

Let the pupils form 3 groups. The groups will be given empty containers of
household materials. They will list down steps in disposing the materials they
have in the group.

Group 1: kerosene, pesticides, paints, fire extinguisher, broken

Group 2: insecticides, alcohol, thinner, disinfectants, left over food
Group 3: used batteries, gasoline, old tires, old gadgets, muriatic

C. Explanation:

1. What do you do with the waste materials at home?

2. How will you dispose different hazardous materials?
3. Why do we follow the proper disposal of hazardous materials?
4. What will be the effect if a person doesn’t know how to dispose his waste

D. Elaboration:

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What ways should be employed to ensure proper disposal of waste materials?

E. Evaluation:

Identiy where to store the following products:

1. mothball or naphthaline balls

2. canned goods
3. alcohol
4. bleach
5. shampoo and soap

IV. Assignment
Design a poster how to dispose product safely. Choose one product only.

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What is the importance of using household materials safely?

What you need:

five different empty containers of household materials like alcohol, insect spray, bleach,
mosquito repellant, and clog dissolver

What to do:

1. Look for the product label in your sample products.

2. Read the directions, warnings and special signs in the product labels.

What have you found out:

1. What are the warnings shown in the product labels?


2. How will you use flammable materials?


3. How do you use poisonous substances?


4. Why do we need to use materials properly?


Republic of the Philippines


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First Quarter
Week 3, Day 4 and 5


I. Learning Objective: Suggest ways/precautionary measures in handling harmful materials

II. Subject Matter:

A. Concepts: There are ways or other precautionary measures in
handling harmful materials such as:
 Turning off stove and gas tank after cooking;
 Reading labels of chemicals like medicines, insecticide,
pesticide and others before using them;
 Return poisonous and flammable materials to their proper
place after use
 Wash and change clothes after handling toxic or harmful
substances; and
 Handle glassware with care.
B. Materials: Pictures, activity cards, laptop, DLP, chart, strips of cartolina,
concrete materials such as toilet cleaner, soaps, acids
(improvised), etc.
C. Reference: Film Viewing -
Into the Future: Science and Health 6
D. Process Skills: observing, identifying, analyzing
E. Value Integration: Awareness on theprecautionary measures in handling

III. Learning Tasks:

A. Engagement

1. Present pictures of different situations to the class. Give them sticks with smiling and
sad face. Tell them to raise the stick with smiling face if the picture shows proper
precautionary measure in handling, storing, and disposing harmful materials and sad
face if not.

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2. Review the pupils’ understanding about the safety precautions in handling, storing and
disposing of harmful materials by presenting the role playing activity (pre-assigned).

3. Based on your presentations, will you please give the safety precautions in handling,
storing and disposing of harmful materials?Write your answers on the strips of
cartolina and put it on the column provided in the chart.


4. For our next activity, we will have a film viewing about handling harmful materials.
(Film Viewing)

B. Exploration

GROUP 1–Based on the film, list down the materials at home which are considered
harmful or hazardous.

GROUP 2 – Through role playing, show to the class what will happen to us if we will be
exposed in a wrong way to harmful materials.

GROUP 3 – Given the concrete harmful materials (improvised) e.g. soap, toilet cleaner,
etc., the group will give and show ways on how to use them properly and safely.

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GROUP 4 – Make a slogan about how we will be careful in handling harmful materials.

GROUP 5 – Through a jingle, suggest other ways or precautionary measures in handling

harmful materials.

C. Explanation

1. Have the group representative present the result of the activity given.
2. Discuss the activity, check the pupils’ responses and clarify misconceptions when
3. Ask the following questions:
a. How do we handle the materials at home?
b. What can we do to prevent conflict with those harmful materials?
c. What are the other ways of handling harmful materials can you give to the class?

D. Elaboration

1. Find out more about safety precautions by accomplishing the checklist below.

Always Sometime Never

1. Turn off the stove and gas tank after
2. Carefully read labels of chemicals
like medicines, insecticide and
pesticide before using them.
3. Return poisonous and flammable
materials to their proper place after
4. Wash and change clothes after
handling toxic or harmful
5. Handle glassware with care.

2. Why do we need to be aware of the different precautionary measures in handling

harmful materials?

E. Evaluation

True or False:
_____1. Read carefully the instructions before using the materials.
_____2. Have one container for foods and painting materials.
_____3. Label the containers of every material at home.
_____4. Proper storage of materials should be observed always.
_____5. Pointed objects are safe to play with for children.

IV. Assignment

Interview two to three of your neighbors. Ask them what precautionary measures they do
in handling harmful materials at home.

Prepared by:

Darangan ES
Binangonan I District

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
WEEK 4 ( 2 Days )
( Day 1)
Content: Properties of Matter
I. Objective
Use the properties of materials whether they are useful or harmful

II. Subject Matter

A. Concept: Materials have uses according to their properties and characteristics. They
can be harmful both to our health and the environment if not properly used, handled and
disposed of.
B. Materials: plastic bag, drinking glass, metal spoon, rags, etc.
C. Reference: The New Science Links, Curriculum Guide
D. Process Skills: observing, identifying, and describing
E. Value Integration: Proper handling of materials

III. Learning Tasks

A. Engagement
Group yourselves into five and go around in the classroom. In the chart below,
list down five products that you can find in the classroom. Write down the product/material and
each product’s property in the proper column in the table below. (5 mins.)
Plastic cover Transparent, can float in water

Discuss with your group the properties of the observed materials and answer the
following questions:
1. What kind of materials are listed products on the table above made of?
2. How are they being used? Are they useful or harmful?
3. How can these materials become harmful? ( if they are not used, handled and
disposed properly)

B. Exploration
Group Activity
Materials needed:
Plastic bottle metal screw plastic cup
Drinking glass plastic bag mirror
Metal spoon rubber band nail
Rubber slippers wooden spoon rubber toy
pencil bottle made of glass wooden stick

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A. Advance preparation
1. Prepare the materials needed in the activity
2. See to it that the materials are distributed properly to each group
3. Set norms to follow during the group activity
4. Remind the pupils on how to handle the materials properly
5. Go around and oversee the work of the pupils
7. Remind each group to present their work after 10 minutes

B. What to do:
1. Gather all the products you have on your table.
2. Group the products based on the materials they are made of.
3. Analyze the properties of the materials used in each group of product and determine
the uses of these materials in daily life.
4. Show to class how to use the materials.(role playing/ dramatization)
5. Have the pupils fill out the table below
Kinds of Examples of Materials Properties of
Materials Materials
Metals Nail, metal spoon, metal screw Hard, solid, sink in water
Plastics Plastic cup, bag and plastic bottle Can be moulded, rust resistant,
water proof
Rubber Rubber band, slippers, toy Elastic, float in water
Glass Drinking glass, bottle and mirror Shiny, transparent, brittle
wood Wooden stick, spoon and pencil Flexible,, can be carved

C. Explanation
1. How did you find the activity? Did you enjoy the activity?
1. What materials did you use in the activity?
2. Did you group the materials? How did you did you do it?
( Yes, based on the materials they are made of)
3. How many groups were you able to come up with? Specify the groups.
( five groups- metals, plastics, rubber, glass and wood)
4. How do materials become useful?
(Materials can be useful if we use the materials in our daily life.
5. How do materials become harmful?
(Materials can be harmful both to our health and the environment if not properly
used, handled and disposed of.).

D. Elaboration

A. Group Presentation (Dramatization/ Role Playing on using the properties of

materials whether they are harmful or useful)
Group 1- Use of metals
Group 2- use of plastics
Group 3- use of rubber
Group4- use of glass
Group 5- use of wood

The rubric may be used to assess the group work

Criteria 5 points 3 points 1 point

Creativity and The performance The performance The performance
innovativeness demonstrates creative demonstrates lacks imaginative
thinking, has moderate creative thinking, has no
innovative and thinking, has some innovative and unique
unique innovative and unique qualities/ concepts
qualities/concepts qualities/ concepts

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Content and Concepts presented Concepts presented Both the concepts

organization are very substantive are moderately presented and the
and well-organized, substantive and message conveyed
conveyed very clear organized, conveyed are not well organized
message ambiguous message and ambiguous
Teamwork Cooperation among Cooperation among Cooperation among
the group members is the group members is the group members is
very evident: 75%- moderately evident, not evident; less than
100% of the members 50% to 74%of the 50% of the members
of the group work members of the group of the group work
collaboratively work collaboratively collaboratively

B. 1. Why would some people prefer to use plastic bag than a paper bag?
(Paper bags easily get wet than plastic
2. During rainy days, what kind of materials are you going to use to prevent you from
getting wet? Why? ( We need to use plastic raincoats to prevent us from getting wet. Plastic
does not absorb water; it does not allow water to pass through.
3. Why do some people use rubber floaters (salbabida) in swimming pools?
(to keep them afloat in water)
4. Plastics, rubber and glasses are non-biodegradable materials. What should you do
to lessen the harmful effects of these materials in the environment?
(Through waste management- use 5r’s, reuse, reduce, recycle, recover and

Day 2

Have the pupils bring different materials like old newspaper, popsicle stick,
barbeque stick, candy wrapper, drinking straw, seeds and other materials
Let them apply their understanding on the use of the properties of materials
whether they are useful of harmful
 Poster making /collage making

E. Evaluation

The rubric may be used to assess the individual work

Criteria 5 points 3 points 1 point

Creativity and Demonstrates Demonstrates Lacks imaginative
innovativeness creative thinking, has moderate creative thinking, has no
innovative and thinking, has some innovative and unique
unique innovative and unique qualities/ concepts
qualities/concepts qualities/ concepts
Content and Concepts presented Concepts presented Both the concepts
organization are very substantive are moderately presented and the
and well-organized, substantive and message conveyed
conveyed very clear organized, conveyed are not well organized
message ambiguous message and ambiguous
Total 10 6 2

IV. Assignment
Write a journal about the use of property of materials whether they use useful or
harmful. Use the sample journal provided.

My Journal

I learned that ___________________________________________________________

I realized that ___________________________________________________________

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I promise ______________________________________________________________

Prepared and submitted by:

Teacher III- MgES- Rodriguez 1-A

Republic of the Philippines


Lesson Plan in Science 5

Week 4
Day 3
Content: Changes that Materials Undergo
I. Learning Objective: Identify changes that happen on materials

II. Subject Matter:

A. Concept: Physical change means, change in size, shape, color, texture, state, magnetic or
electrical condition without changing the molecular composition. Chemical change is the
formation of one or more new substances due to the action or presence of heat and other
substances such as acid. The presence of bubbles, a change in color and release of heat
indicate a chemical change.
B. Materials: chart, pictures, realia, video clips
C. References: Science and Health for Daily Use 5, DepEd. BEAM-DLP-Science and Health 5.
Module 26. April, 2009,Boundless: “Physical and Chemical Changes to Matter”.
Boundless Chemistry. Boundless, 21 Jul 2015. Retrieved 26 April 2016
from http.//
textbook/ introduction to chemistry//physical and chemical properties of
D. Process Skills: Identifying, describing, observing, classifying

E. Value Integration: Be cautious. (Take reasonable care to avoid risks).

III. Learning Tasks:

A. Engagement:
1. Review pupils’ prior knowledge by asking the following:
Say: Last meeting, we learned about properties of materials whether
they are useful or harmful.

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Can you enumerate those materials?

What should we do in using these materials?
Very good!
So, is there any question regarding our previous lesson?

2. Motivation
Say: Class, can you identify the things inside the room?
Pupils answer should be written on the board.
Let them classify the materials as solid, liquid or gas.
Ask: In what way do they differ from one another?
Do you think we can do something to change the characteristics/ properties of this matter?

3. Present the lesson.

Say: In today’s lesson let’s observe and identify the changes that happen on materials in our

B. Exploration
Activity 1

Materials: small piece of candle, matches, ceramic saucer, big candle, spoon and thick cloth

Observe and describe the candle wax when it is heated and when it is cooled.

 Divide the class into small groups.

 Orient them with the materials that will be used in their activity.
 Give some precautionary measures, do not touch any hot material because you might
get burned, etc.
 Let the pupils do the activity.

Activating learners’ prior knowledge

Predict – Observe – Explain (PROBEX or POE Strategy)

Questions: What do you think will happen to the candle wax when heated or when heat is
What do you think will happen to the melted candle wax when it is cooled? Is it
reversible or not reversible?

Prediction Observation Explanation

Note: Before the activity, let the pupils answer the first column (prediction). After the activity they
will answer the second and third column (observation, explanation).

Activity 2: Film Viewing/ Video Clips(

Materials: ice cube/water, candle, egg, firewood

Watching video to be able to understand and identify the difference between chemical and
physical changes.

1. How can an ice cube turned into liquid?
2. Can a liquid turn into a gas? In what form?
3. What happened to the ice cube when it melts?
4. What happened to the shape of an ice cube?Is it reversible or not?
5. What happened to the candle after cuttinga portion of it?
6. When heat is applied to an egg, is it reversible or not reversible?

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C. Explanation:
1. How do you feel with the activity?
2. What are the two changes that occur in thematerials in our activity?
3. What is physical change?
4.What is chemical change?
5. Can you give me some example of chemical change?
6. How about physical change?
7. Is it true that the product of chemical change cannot be brought back to its original form?
8. Can you differentiate physical change from chemical change?

D. Elaborate:
Class, did you follow the precautionary measures in doing the activity? Why?
Now, that you know already.
What should you do with the materials you
used every day?

E. Evaluation
Direction: Identify what is physical or chemical change. Put your answers on the blank space
provided before the number.

_____1. fireworks exploding

_____2. rusting of iron

_____3. heating sugar to form a caramel

_____4. boiling water

_____5. breaking a glass

_____6. baking a cake

_____7. crumpling a paper bag

_____8. metabolism of food in the body

_____9. mixing salt and sand

_____10. chopping an apple

IV. Assignment

Bring the following materials tomorrow. (by group)

2 pcs. Banana cue stick

2 pcs. Used newspaper
1 box of match
1 drinking glass

Prepared by:


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Republic of the Philippines


Lesson Plan in Science 5

WEEK 4 ( 2 Days )

CONTENT: Changes that Materials undergo

I. Learning Objective :

Describe the changes happen in materials in the presence or absence of oxygen

II. Subject Matter

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A. Concept :. Certain conditions needed for a chemical change to happen. These

are the application of heat or with a change in temperature and the presence of
oxygen. Paper, wood, candle or any fuel can decompose to ash , carbon dioxide
or water as one combines with oxygen in burning. Oxygen may also combine
with iron to form rust; this is the start of metal decay.

B. Materials :2 pcs. used paper, 2 pcs. banana cue stick, matchstick, 2 pcs. of
drinking glass
C. References :BEAM 5 DLP 27 Chemical Change, Curriculum Guide S5MT-Ic-d-2,
The New Science Link 5 p. 49-52
D. Process Skills : describing, observing
E. Value Integration: Be cautious. (Take reasonable care to avoid risks).

III. Learning Tasks :

A. Engagement : (5 mins.)

Present the following pictures. (Ask questions about the pictures)



What happens when you chopa piece of wood?

What happens when you burn a piece of wood?

What do you think will happenif there is no presence of oxygen in the air

when we burn the wood? Let’s find out.

Exploration ( 30 mins.)

Group Activity

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Materials needed
2 pieces of banana cue stick, 2 pieces of used paper ,
5 pcs.matchstick, 1 pc. drinking glass

A. Advance preparation

1. Prepare the materials needed in the activity.

2. See to it that the materials are distributed properly to each group.

3. Set norms to follow during the group activity.

4. Remind the pupils on how to handle the materials properly.
5. Go around and oversee the work of the pupils.
6. Remind each group to present their work after 10 minutes.

B. What to do :
Set A
1. Describe the physical characteristics of the banana cue stick and paper.
2. Hold one end of the stick and burn the other end with the use of a
matchstick. Observe what will happen.
3. Next hold one end of the paper and burn the other end with the use of a
matchstick. Observe what will happen.
4. Write your observation on the table below:

Set B

1. Hold one end of the stick and burn the other end with the use of a
2. Cover the burning stick with a drinking glass. Observe what will
3. Next hold one end of the paper and burn the other end with the use of a
4. Cover the burning paper with a drinking glass. Observe what will
5. Write your observation on the table below:

Materials Changes in materials after it was Changes in materials when

burned covered by the drinking
Set A Set B
The stick turned into ashes. The fire turned out. Only half of
Banana cue stick the stick was burned.
paper The paper turned into ashes. The fire turned out. A small
portion of the paper was left.

Explanation : ( 10 mins.)

1. How did you find the activity?

2. What materials did you use in the activity?
3. In set A ,What conditions helped in burning the stick and paper faster?
( There is the presence of oxygen.)

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4. What happened to the stick and paper after it was burned? (The stick
and paper were turned into ashes.)
5. In set B , What happened to the fire in the burning stick and paper when
it was covered by a drinking glass? ( The fire stopped.)
6. Why did the fire stop? ( There is no presence of oxygen.)
7. What is the importance of oxygen in the activity? ( It helps in the burning
of the paper and stick.)
8. What kind of change does the activity show? (chemical change)

Elaboration ( 5 mins.)

When you place an iron nail ina basin of water and leave it for two days, what is
formed in the iron nail? ( rust)

After eating an apple and left it on top of a table. What will happen to the color of
the inner core of the apple? ( The color will turned brown.)

If you put the peeled banana inside a vacuum sealed zip plastic bag. What do
you think will happen to its color? (The color will remain the same due to the
absence of oxygen.)


Have the pupils bring different materials like old burned newspaper, picture of a rusted
car , picture of a log burning , toy car , log , old newspaper
Let them apply their understanding in describing the changes that happen tomaterials in
the presence or absence of oxygen

 Diorama

IV. Evaluation
The rubric may be used to assess the group work

Criteria 5 points 3 points 1 point

Creativity and Demonstrates Demonstrates Lacks imaginative
innovativeness creative thinking, has moderate creative thinking, has no
innovative and thinking, has some innovative and unique
unique innovative and unique qualities/ concepts
qualities/concepts qualities/ concepts
Content and Concepts presented Concepts presented Both the concepts
organization are very substantive are moderately presented and the
and well-organized, substantive and message conveyed
conveyed very clear organized, conveyed are not well organized
message ambiguous message and ambiguous
Teamwork Cooperation among Cooperation among Cooperation among
the group members is the group members is the group members is
very evident: 75%- moderately evident, not evident; less than
100% of the members 50% to 74%of the 50% of the members
of the group work members of the group of the group work
collaboratively work collaboratively collaboratively

V. Assignment

Bring the following :a piece of steel wool , 1/3 cup of vinegar , thermometer,
water , and basin.

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Prepared and submitted by :


MT-1 / ERES- District of Rodriguez I-A

Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education

Lesson Plan in Science 5

Week 5 Day 1 - 2

Content: Changes that Materials Undergo

I. Learning Objective: Describe the changes that happen when materials are exposed
to heat
II. Subject Matter :
A. Concept :Changing Phases
When heat is applied to materials they undergo changes. They may
change into different states- solid, liquid, or gas.
B. Materials : candle, match, test tube, tong, test tube holder, sugar, candle/alcohol
lamp, wood, matchstick, frying pan, hotcake, mixing bowl, spoon, water,
measuring cup, ice tray, water, alcohol lamp, tripod, glass, small beaker, match
C. Reference: Science and Health for Daily Use 5
D. Process Skills : Observing, describing, comparing

Value Integration : Appreciate the changes in phases of matter

III. Learning Tasks:

A. Engagement:
(Show an ice cream on a cone to the children.)
1. What change did you observe on the ice cream?
2. What might have caused the melting of the ice cream?
3. Where did the heat that melted the ice cream come from?
4. What is the effect?

B. Exploration
Day 1
Activity 1The Candle Wax

What You Need:

candle, match

What to Do:
1. Light a candle and closely observe what happens to the candle wax.

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Guide Questions:
a. Why did the wax melt?
b. Whendid the melted wax turn solid again?

Activity 2 Caramelizing Sugar

What You Need:

1 pc test tube
1 pc tong/gloves or any thick cloth to handle hot materials/ test tube
1 pc test tube holder
1 spoonful sugar
1 pc candle/alcohol lamp
small pc wood
1 pc matchstick

Caution: Be careful in handling the alcohol lamp.

What to Do:
1. Note down the physical state of the material used ( sugar).
2. Put 1 spoonful of sugar in the test tube.
3. Using the matchstick, light the candle/alcohol lamp and let it stand on a small
piece of wood.
4. Using a pair of tong, hold the test tube with sugar over the flame.
5. Heat the test tube for 2-3 minutes.
6. (Take note of the changes that is taking place when the material is being
heated). Describe the changes.

Guide Questions:
1. What happened to sugar in the test tube when exposed to heat?
2. Is there a change in the appearance of the material? What change took
3. How would you describe the changes that happened to the material when

Day 2
Activity 3 Preparing Hot Cake( Pre-assigned or let the pupils observe
the cook in the canteen)
What You Need:
1 pc frying pan
1 small box hotcake
1 pc mixing bowl
1 pc spoon
3/4 cup water
1 pc measuring cup

What to Do:
1. Mix the content of hotcake in a mixing bowl, add ¾ cup water, stir until
mixture become liquid.
2. Put ½ cup of liquid mixture in a pan.
3. Put it on top of fire.
4. Heat the frying pan for 2-3 minutes. Observe what happen.
Guide Questions:
1. What happened to the hotcake mix when placed over the fire?
2. Is there a change in the appearance of the material? What change took
3. How would you describe the changes that took place on the hotcake mix?
4. What kind of change in matter was observed?
5. What made the partially liquid mixture to turn into solid?
6. What can heat do in this situation?

Activity 4
Observing Changes of Water (Pre-assigned)

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What You Need:

ice tray, water, alcohol lamp, tripod, glass, small beaker, match
What to Do:
1. Half-fill an ice tray with water and place it in the freezer overnight.
2. Remove the ice tray from the freezer.
3. Observe what happens to the ice tray after a few minutes.
4. Get a piece of ice from the ice traythen place it in a beaker.
5. Allow it to stand for about 5 minutes. Observe what happens to the ice.
6. Then heat the water in the beaker over an alcohol lamp.
7. Observe what is coming out on the mouth beaker as water starts to boil.
8. Record all your observations.
Guide Questions:
1. Did water undergo change?
2. What changes did matter like water undergo?
3. Present the change observed using a simple diagram
4. What cycle is almost the same with this activity? Why?
5. Is heat needed in the process of water cycle? Why?

C. Explanation:
1. What were the materials used in the different activities?
2. What changes were observed in the materials when exposed to heat?
3. What can heat do to materials/matter?

D. Elaborate:
Show a video clip on Food Making of Plant.
Ask: 1. What is the important role of heat on the food making of plants?
2. Can we survive without heat? Why?
E. Evaluation:
Directions: Describe the changes that happen in the following materials when
heat is applied. Choose the letter of the correct answer from the

______1. plant leaves exposed to sunlight a. food-making process

______2. iron metal is heated to a high temperature b. turns to gas
______3. burning of wood c. material becomes soft
______4. boiling water d. chemical change
______5. heating sugar
e. solidifies
IV. Assignment:
f. caramelization
1. When does chemical change occur?
2. Give an examples of chemical change.

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education

Lesson Plan in Science 5

Week 5 Day 3-4

Content: Changes that Materials Undergo

I. Learning Objective: Describe the changes that happen when materials are exposed
to heat
II. Subject Matter :
A. Concept :The Product of Chemical Changes
In chemical change, new products are formed. The characteristics of the
new products are entirely differently from the original materials. When a chemical
change takes place, the product cannot be brought back to its original form. A
chemical change is irreversible.
B. Materials :Stove/burner, ripe fruit, unripe fruit, decomposed wood, wood, rice,
water, kettle
C. Reference: Science and Health for Daily Use 5
D. Process Skills : Observing, identifying, experimenting

E. Value Integration : Appreciation of the environment

III. Learning Tasks:

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A. Engagement:
Perform Activity 1 “Taste Me” (Pre-assigned)
1. Wash the rice.
2. Place the rice with water inside the kettle.
3. Set it on the stove until the rice is cooked.
4. Observe what happened to the rice. Taste it.
Ask: What changes happened to the rice? Can we bring it back to its original form?
(The children should be able to tell that the rice was cooked. It can no longer be
brought back to its original form because the substance underwent chemical change
through the application of heat.)

B. Exploration
Group the class in three
Introduce the activity as “Working in Stations”

a. The 1st group will proceed to station 1 and do the activity posted and record
their observation on the sheet provided in the stations.
b. The 2nd group will proceed to station 2 and do the activity posted and record
their observations.
c. The 3rd group will proceed to station 3 and do the activity posted and record
their observations.
d. After answering the questions provided for each station, the groups proceed to
the next station moving clockwise.
e. The leader of each group will report on the activity undertaken in the last
station they went through.

1. Remind them the precautionary measures before conducting the activity.

2. Explain the use of each material.
3. Let them perform activity
(Remind them the value of cooperation and working harmoniously with others.)

“Working in Stations”
Station # 1
What You Need:
1. wood (good lumber) Label it with A
2. decomposed wood, Label it with B.

What To Do
1. Examine the two pieces of wood and note the differences.
2. Note down your observations.

Guide Questions:
a. What was the difference between the two pieces?
b. Which sample of wood is decaying?
c. What is generated during the decaying process of wood?
d. What can heat do to the decaying process of wood?
(Given as assignment before the lesson, to search for the answers in the

(Decomposition and Decay/ Trees for Life

Decomposition and decay are vital processes, playing an essential
role in the ... compost heap, where the heat that is generated speeds
up the process of decay. ... the first agents of decay, and there are
many species that grow in dead wood.)

e. What kind of change of matter can be observed in this situation? Why?

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Station # 2
What You Need
New metal spoon, rusty metal spoon

What to Do
1. Observe the new spoon. Examine its characteristics.
2. Get a rusty spoon. Examine.
Guide Questions:
a. Describe the difference between the two spoons.
b. If we try to clean the metal spoon, can we bring it back to its original form?
Why not?
c. What kind of change in matter is observed in this situation?

Station # 3
What You Need
unripe banana, ripe papaya

What to Do
1. Look at the unripe banana fruit in Saucer A. describe the banana as to its
color, texture, smell and taste.
2. Look at the ripe papaya in Saucer B. describe the papaya as to its color,
texture, smell, taste, and its composition.
Guide Questions:
a. Did the ripe banana change in taste? Color? Smell? Texture?
b. What conditions are observed for chemical change?
c. What happened to the papaya as it passed through chemical change?

Day 4
C. Explanation:
Ask: In all the activities performed, what change took place?
When a substance or a material went through chemical change, what will happen
to its product? Why?
Tell: In chemical change, new products are formed. The characteristics of the
new products are entirely different from the original form. A chemical change is

D. Elaborate:
Can we change a ripe banana to unripe banana? Why?
Can we change cooked rice to uncooked rice? Why?

Directions; Read a paragraph about one of your favorite fruit then tell what
what kind of
temperature is best for storing them.

Store bananas at room temperature away from direct sunlight and heat. Bananas
become yellow, soft, and sweet as they ripen. If you want to speed the ripening
process, put bananas in a paper bag with an apple overnight. The natural ethylene
gas released by the apple will help ripen your bananas. Bananas are very delicate
and can be easily damaged by extreme temperatures, hot or cold. Refrigerating
bananas will turn their skins black. Black skinned bananas were most likely
exposed to extreme cold temperatures. The flesh inside will continue to ripen,
even refrigerated, and can still be eaten, or if too ripe, used for baking.


E. Evaluation:
Choose the letter of the correct answer.

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1. In which place will rusting of iron occur easily?

a. humid place c. dry place
b. dusty place d. shady place

2. When metal rusts, the material that is rusting becomes ___________.

a. Hard c. strong
b. Soft d. sturdy

3. Which is true about chemical change?

a. A new material is formed.
b. The product cannot be changed to its original form.
c. The product is improved and becomes durable.
d. Both a and b are correct.

4. Which of the following materials can resist the harmful effects of water and
a. galvanized iron c. stainless steel
b. ordinary iron d. both a and c

5. Which of the following is NOT an example of change brought about by heat

exposure on a material?
a. electricity produced by a solar panel
b. charged of batteries used to run a toy
c. charged cellphones
d. rusting of a steel wool

IV. Assignment:

List down at least 10 chemical changes that you noticed around you.

Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education

Lesson Plan in Science 5

Week 5 Day 5

Content: Changes that Materials Undergo

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I. Learning Objective: Investigate changes that happen in materials under the

following conditions:
* presence of oxygen
* lack of oxygen
II. Subject Matter :
A. Concepts : Changes in the Environment: Presence of Oxygen and Lack of
Oxygen is an important part of the atmosphere, and it is necessary to
sustain most terrestrial life as it is used in respiration. Since it is abundant and it
is always present, it also affects the changes in some materials.
B. Materials : chart
C. References: Science and Health for Daily Use 5
D. Process Skills : Inferring, observing

E. Value Integration : Appreciate the importance of oxygen in the environment

III. Learning Tasks:

A. Engagement:
(Teacher slices a piece of apple in front of the class.)
1. I’m going to slice this apple. Describe the flesh of the apple after slicing.
Record your observations.
2. After a few minutes, take note of any changes that occur on the flesh. Describe

B. Exploration

Let the pupils investigate changes that happen in materials under the following
* presence of oxygen
* lack of oxygen

Group I – Rusting of Metals Viewing a video clip from the internet( Pre- assinged

Directions : After viewing the video from the internet, be able to answer the following
1. Why do iron/metal rusts?
2. What does rust look like?
3. How can rust be prevented?
4. What are the bad effects of rusting?

(Oxygen affects chemical change in some materials. Just like the apple, rust on metals
form when exposed to oxygen. This is because metals react when exposed to it. Bridges
and vehicles are made of metal and they are always exposed to oxygen. Since rust
makes materials break easily, these structures are coated with paint to keep oxygen from
reacting directly with it.)

Group II –Fire it Up(Combustion)

1. Strike a matchstick on the matchbox.

2. Place the burning matchstick inside a glass jar and cover it tight.

3. Observe and record your observations

Questions :

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1. Why did the matchstick burn?

2. What is needed to start fire/ combustion?

3. What is the role of oxyen in the process of combustion?

4. What part in your activity proved that oxygen is needed in combustion?

(Oxygen also plays an important role in the burning process called combustion.
It supports combustion, so without oxygen, burning will not take place.)

Group III – Food Spoilage( Pre-assigned )


Directions: Watch a video about food spoilage in the internet.


1. What common organism causes food spoilage?

2. How can we prevent food spoilage?

3. What hastens the spoilage of foods? What should be done to foods that are
spoiled? Why?

(Spoiling of food is also affected by the amount of oxygen that reacts with it. More
exposure to oxygen can cause the food to spoil quickly. In order to lessen its exposure to
oxygen, food must be covered tightly or preserved to prevent it from spoiling easily. It
also contributes to the decaying process of dead organisms.)

C. Explanation:

Can you give other examples on how oxygen can affect the changes in

Oxygen plays an important role in our lives. It is necessary to sustain life. It also plays a
role in chemical change, because materials that are exposed to oxygen reacts to it. Exposure
or lack of oxygen can make metals rust, make food spoiled, and contribute to the decaying
process of organisms. It is also important in combustion because without it, burning will not
take place. However, you can limit the exposure of certain materials to oxygen so that it will
not react with it.

D. Elaborate:

Why does a stainless steel not rust even when exposed to water?
(Present a video clip about stainless steel.)

E. Evaluation:

1. What will happen to slice pieces of potato when exposed to the air?

a. It will taste salty. c. It will taste sweet.

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b. It will become ripe. d. It will turn into brown.

2. What will be formed on nails or metals when exposed to oxygen?

a. bubbles b. ice c. molds d. rust

3. A house is burning and the wind blows hard. Fire increases rapidly. This is due to

a. lack of oxygen c. presence of fire extinguisher

b. presence of oxygen d. the use of water to stop the fire

4. Which of the following situations show the effect of lack of oxygen on material?

a. spoiling of food c. decaying of dead organisms

b. rusting of iron d. burning wick placed inside a

closed jar

5. This is also known as the burning process, and it is supported by oxygen.

a. combustion b. chemical change c. decomposition d. physical


6. By keeping the food cooled the growth of microorganisms are ___________.

a. increased b. minimized

c. not changed d. stopped and they are killed

7. Which of the following is true about bacteria?

a. Bacteria grows faster in warm environments.

b. Bacteria needs air to survive.

c. Every type of bacteria can cause food poisoning.

e. By freezing food you can kill the bacteria.

IV. Assignment:

What are the changes that happen in materials due to application and/or exposure to

BIT for Teachers


Kitchen Notes

Fruit Ripening by Michael Chu

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One question that I keep getting asked (and that I keep asking myself when standing in the
produce section of the market) is whether or not a particular type of fruit will ripen at home. It
turns out there are only a handful of fruits which get sweeter after being picked: apples,
bananas, kiwifruit, mangoes, and pears. There are a dozen additional fruits that continue to
ripen (through aroma or textural changes) and all the rest do not. I put together the following
chart listing the fruits which do ripen after being picked as well as those which do not from a
variety of sources including but not limited to On Food and Cooking, Cookwise, Modernist
Cuisine, and The Science of Good Food.

Like most things we try to classify one way or the other, there tend to be some exceptions or
outliers. Apples, for example, ripen after being picked and increase in not just sweetness but
also get softer over time. Most people prefer apples under ripe (since the varieties generally
eaten uncooked tend to be fairly sweet right off the tree) and do not prefer them at full ripeness
due to how soft (and mealy) the flesh becomes. (Because apples do ripen after harvesting and
we don't often allow them to reach full ripeness, if you've got an apple in your house, it's
probably in the process of ripening and therefore outgassing carbon dioxide and ethylene. The
latter gas - for reasons not yet fully understood - will trigger and speed up ripening processes in
other fruits which can be ripened after picking - see chart below). Another example is the
pineapple (a fruit that doesn't ripen after harvest) which does change color after being picked
but does not get sweeter or develop a stronger aroma. For this reason, they should be selected
not by how golden the skin is but by how fragrant it is.
Since fruits which ripen release ethylene gas, they should not be stored with or near vegetables.
The ethylene will cause most vegetables to spoil faster. (Many vegetables can be heat treated -
by blanching in boiling water for a minute or two - which deactivates the enzymes which cause
wilting and spoilage. It is possible that heat treating could prevent spoilage from ethylene
exposure, but I have not found any documentation of this and have not performed the
experiment yet.)
Conventional wisdom states that fruits which are ripened on the plant will be superior to those
picked early (and possibly ripened later if it is one of those lucky fruits that can continue to
ripen). There is much truth in this, but again there are some interesting exceptions. The first is
the avocado which does not ripen on the tree at all. This is one fruit which has to be picked (or
fall off the tree) to begin ripening. I was surprised to learn during my research that Modernist
Cuisine claims pears also do not ripen on the tree. This is not technically true as pears do ripen
on the tree but many varieties do not taste good when tree-ripened with particular complaints
regarding off-flavors. Pears are one of the few fruits which are best ripened off the tree.
Bananas are another interesting case as it is the ultimate example of ripening after harvest -
bananas improve in every aspect (sweetness, color, aroma, and texture) dramatically when
ripened at home and, by all accounts, is as good as when plant-ripened.
Fruits that ripen after being picked can have their ripening processes accelerated easily in two
ways: heat and ethylene. Keeping fruits in a warm environment will ripen the fruit by
accelerating the activity of the ripening enzymes. This process speeds up until the temperature
rises past that at which the enzymes remain intact (which is lower for fruits from colder weather
regions and higher in tropical fruits). This can also increase the rate of spoilage as surface
bacteria and microorganisms will generally thrive in warm temperatures up to the deactivation
temperature of the enzymes. Washing the fruit with a fruit wash is advisable before attempting
to heat ripen it.
Ethylene gas ripening is probably easier since all it takes is an ethylene producer (the fruit itself
will work, but an apple is even better). Simply place the fruits in a paper bag with the top folded
over. This creates an environment which allows some airflow but will increase the concentration
of ethylene gas around the fruit. When fruits which will ripen after harvest are exposed to a high
ethylene concentration, ripening is promoted.


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Republic of the Philippines

Division of Rizal
District of Taytay II

Lesson Plan in Science 5

Week 6 Day 1

Useful and Harmful Materials

I. Learning Objectives: Investigate changes that happen in materials under

the following conditions:
 2.2 Application of or exposure to heat
II. Subject Matter:
A. Concepts: Heating materials can cause materials to change

 A slab of butter left lying in the sun will melt.

 When ice is warmed it changes into water.
 When you heat water, tiny droplets of water leave the container and enter the
air. These tiny droplets are called water vapor. This process is called
evaporation and is part of the water cycle.

B. Materials:see Activity 2
C. References:S5MT-Ic- d-2 ,Chem4Kids,
D. Process Skills: Observing, , Identifying, Describing
E. Value Integration: Carefulness in handling hot objects

III. Learning Tasks:

A. Engagement:

Show picture of an ice cream stick.

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Ask: What state of matter is it? When expose to heat what do you
think will happen?

B. Exploration:

Activity 1: Video Presentation:

Changes that happen in a material when exposed to heat

Activity 2: Make me Hot

Describe what happens to materials when heated.

What you need:

Group 1:1 piece of clean discarded tin can, any small

stick,candle,alcohol lamp(gasera) 2 chocolate bar
What to do:
a. Put 2 pieces of chocolate bar in a tin can.
b. Light a candle, and hit the tin can for 2-3 minutes.
c. Observe what happen.

What you need:

Group 2: Box of matches,burner , tripod or metal stand,1 pc.oftong,

gloves, any thick cloth to handle hot materials, 2 pieces of crayon

What to do:
a. Put pieces of crayon in the tin can.
b. Place the tin can in a tripodover the flame
c. Observe what happen to the crayons when heated
d. Record your observations

What you need:

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Group 3: ice in a glass.

What to do:
a. Place the glass with ice under the sun.
b. Observe what happen to the ice after 10 minutes.
c. Record your observations

What you need:

Group 4: butter or margarine, gasera or alcohol lamp

What to Do:
a. Using a pair of tong (or gloves made of thick cloth),
hold the tin can with butter or margarine) over the flame.
b. Heat the tin can for 2-3 minutes
c. Observe and record what happen to the butter


1. What happen to each material when heated? Why?

2. Is there a change in the appearance of the material?
3. What change took place?
4. Describe the changes in the properties of the materials
that took place when heated.


1. How do you feel with the activity?

2. What happen to the chocolates when heated?
3. What happen to the butter when heated?
4. What happen to the crayon when heated?
5. What do you call the changes that took place in the materials

D. Elaborate:

Motherwants to make sweet banana cue for a snack, what do you think will she do with
the sugar for it to stick to bananas?Why?

E. Evaluation:

True or False

1. Size and shapes of pieces ofwood changes when heated. -False

2. Water cools when placed under the sun.-False

3. Evaporation occur when water is heated.-True

4. Marshmallow melts as you exposed it to sunlight.True

5. Change takes place when chocolate is heated.-True

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IV. Assignment:

Think of other materials which when heated changes. Do the activity at home and report
your observation in the class the tomorrow

Prepared by:

Muzon Elementary School
Taytay II District

Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education

Lesson Plan in Science 5

Week 6 Day 2

Properties: Useful and Harmful Materials

I. Learning Objectives: Enumerate ways on waste management

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II.Subject Matter:

Waste management is the collection, transportation and disposal of
and other waste products. It encompasses management of all
processes and resources for proper handling of waste materials.
B.Materials: Multimedia, pictures of a clean community

C. References:S5MT-Ie-g-3
D. Process Skills: Classifying, Describing,Observing,Viewing

E. Value Integration: Awareness on the importance of

waste management

III. Learning Tasks:

A. Engagement:
Teacher to choose one activity
a. Let the pupils visit every area of the school (Clinic,Canteen,Office,Garden)
Describe what they saw in those places.
b. Group game: Maze
Teacher to prepare 4 copies of the Maze to be given to each group. Each of the
member will help solve the Maze instantly.

B. Exploration:

Activity 1: Watching a videoclip on waste management

Activity 2

After watching the videoclip, pupils will talk with a classmate about what they learned on
the different ways of waste management .

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Leader to summarize and report the group’s answer.

Activity 3:How to Manage Your Home Waste

To teachers: Pls. see attached sheet

Visit this site:



1. What are the ways of reducing waste?

2. Where will you put pieces of paper collected inside the
3. Can it be a source of income? How?
4. What will you do with the wet garbage?
5. How does it help plants?
6. Why is recycling important?
7. What is incinerator?

D. Elaborate:

You are assigned to pick up garbage in the playground everyday,

You picked papers, plastic, wood, tincans and dry leaves, will you just place it in one garbage
can?how will you segregate those waste materials? Why?

F. Evaluation:

Draw if the picture shows proper waste management and if not.

1._____________ 2.____________ 3.____________

4._____________ 5._______________


Make your own poster on how you can help reducewaste .Be sure to share the ideaof
your poster.

Prepared by:

Muzon Elementary School
Taytay II District

Downloaded by Rowielah Mercy Piosang (


Reminder to the Teacher…you may use this page but be sure to modify the content depending
on the ability level of your pupils
You can do it in form of a Powerpoint Presentation

How to Manage Your Home Waste

Having trouble keeping up with your family's garbage output? Putting a bit more thought into the
way you manage your household waste can help you get more organized. With careful
planning, you'll be able to save money and have less of an impact on the environment. See
Step 1 to find out how to deal with garbage, food scraps, and recyclables.

Part 1

Reducing Your Garbage


Use cloth bags instead of plastic. This small measure will greatly reduce the amount
of waste you bring into your house. No matter where you're shopping, you can bring your
own reusable cloth bags instead of accepting plastic bags from the store. Plan ahead by
purchasing several reusable bags and storing them where you won't forget to bring them
along next time you go shopping, like in your kitchen or in the trunk of your car.

o If you forget to bring your cloth bags to the store, you can still reduce waste! Ask
the person bagging your groceries not to use double bags. Most stores now sell
cloth bags, so you could spring for those instead of accepting plastic or paper -
you can never have enough around the house.
o Using cloth bags isn't limited to grocery shopping. Take one along when you go
shopping for clothes, tools, or any other items you may need.


Buy food that has less packaging. If you tend to buy food that comes in boxes
wrapped in plastic with individually-wrapped serving sizes inside, you're probably
producing more waste than you want to. Look for ways to buy food with minimal
packaging, especially plastic packaging, and you'll see your daily mound of garbage turn
into a tiny hill. Here are a few tricks to try:

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o Use the bulk food section. You can buy rice, beans, cereals, teas, spices, and
other dry foods in the bulk food section of your grocery store. Store the foods in
airtight glass or plastic containers when you get home.

Do vermicomposting. You can make your own worm composting system.

o Make dinner instead of heating it up. Take-out food and microwaveable dinners
require a lot of packaging, and it all just goes in the trash. It definitely takes more
time, but consider replacing some of your instant meals with homemade
creations. Your waistline will thank you, too.
o Buy dairy items in containers you can return. An increasing amount of dairy
companies offer a return system in which you buy a glass jug of milk, cream or
buttermilk and return the jug for a deposit. This is a great way to cut down on
using plastic.
o Buy from farmer's markets. They offer mounds of fresh produce that have never
touched plastic. Bring along cloth bags to carry your purchases home.


Don't use bottled drinks unless you have to. Bottled water - and other bottled drinks -
are a major source of waste in many places. In some places bottled water is safer to
drink than tap water, but if that's not the case in your area, consider using tap water
instead. You can always filter the water if you don't like the way it tastes. This is more
economical and much better for the environment.

o If you really want to go the distance, you can nix other bottled and canned drinks,
too. For example, instead of buying a case of ginger ale, why not make your
own? Homemade lemonade and limeade are also great choices.
o If you do choose to buy drinks by the bottle, choose large containers, rather than
small ones. Get a 5 gallon (18.9 L) container of water with a dispenser instead of
buying an 18-pack of small bottles.


Reduce your paper usage. If you like using computers, there are very few reasons you
still need to have a lot of paper waste in your house. Taking measures to reduce the
amount of paper you buy, as well as the amount of paper that gets sent to you in the
mail, can save you the headache of having to sort through piles of papers.

o Go paperless when it comes to bills; choose to pay them online instead.

o Consider reading your news online instead of having a newspaper delivered to
your house.
o Take measures to stop junk mail from overflowing your mailbox.

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Consider making your own household cleaners and detergents. Many of the
containers used for cleaners and detergents aren't recyclable, so they end up going in
the garbage. If you have the time and inclination, making your own formulas and storing
them in glass containers will end up saving tons of money and significantly reduce your
garbage output.

Part 2

Reusing and Recycling


Donate items when possible. If you have old clothing, electronics, or other items you
don't want but are still in decent shape, donate them instead of throwing them out in the
trash. Better they end up in a classroom or someone's closet than the landfill.

o Old clothes and fabric scraps can be donated to a fabric recycling facility.
o Schools often accept donations of old computers and other electronics.
o Contact a local homeless shelter or donation center to see about donating
furniture, electronics, cars, and any other items you're finished using.


Reuse containers. Durable containers can be reused a number of times before they
need to go out with the garbage or recycling. Bottles, boxes and bags can all serve a
second purpose if you know how to use them.

o Use paper bags to hold recyclables, if you don't have a bin. You can also use
them to fashion book protectors - a flashback to grade school days.
o Reuse paper by printing on both sides, or letting your children draw on the back
of used paper.

Downloaded by Rowielah Mercy Piosang (


o Use food-grade glass containers (that didn't previously contain anything toxic) to
store dry goods and leftovers.
o Plastic containers are fine to use for storage, but be careful about reusing them
too many times to store food. Plastic, even if it's food-grade plastic, can
eventually break down and start leaching chemicals into the food.


Follow your city's recycling policies. In some places you need to sort plastic, glass,
and paper recyclables and and turn them in separately, while other cities allow you to
place all recyclables in the same bin and be done with it. Some cities provide recycling
pickup, while other places have a recycling center where you can drop everything off.
Check your city's website and follow its policy regarding proper recycling.

o In general, the following household waste can be recycled:

 Plastic containers numbered 1 - 7[1]
 Paper products like computer paper, egg cartons, newspaper, and
 Glass containers
 Aluminum cans, aluminum foil


Dispose of trash and hazardous waste properly. There are some household items
that just can't be recycled or reused. These items have to be thrown out with the trash or
disposed of at a hazardous waste facility. Try to reduce your consumption of the
following items, and when you do use them, dispose of them according to your city's

o Batteries
o Paint
o TVs, computers, and other electronics
o Light bulbs

Part 3

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Save your food scraps and yard cuttings from the trash. Food scraps and yard
cuttings don't need to be thrown out. Instead, you can compost them and turn them into
rich, nutritious soil that can be used to nourish your garden - or donated to someone else
who will be able to use it for theirs. There are many ways to compost; some compost
mixtures allow for items like meat and dairy to be included, while others are strictly for
fruit and vegetable scraps. To start a basic compost pile, save these items:

o Green items, which break down quickly, like raw vegetable peelings, coffee
grounds, tea bags, grass cuttings, leaves
o Brown items, which break down slowly, like sticks and branches, paper,
cardboard, eggshells, sawdust


Create a compost site. Select an area in a sunny or partially shaded spot in your yard
for your compost site. Ideally, you'll compost directly over dirt or grass, but if you don't
have a large yard area, you can compost on a concrete patio. Here are a few different
ways you can structure your compost site:

o Make a compost pile. This is the simplest way to compost. All you have to do is
make a pile in your yard. It should be located well away from your house, since
composting sometimes attracts mice and insects.
o Make a compost box. You can construct a box made to the exact dimensions that
suit your needs.
o Buy a compost bin. They're available at most home and garden stores, and come
in a variety of different shapes and sizes.


Choose to make either a cold or hot compost heap. Making a cold heap requires less
effort, but it takes longer for the compost to be ready. Making a hot heap requires a little
work, but you'll have compost in as little as 6 - 8 weeks. Here's the difference:

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o To make a cool compost heap, fill your bin with a few inches of both green and
brown materials. Keep piling more in whenever you need to get rid of food scraps
or toilet paper rolls. When the bin is full, leave it to compost. It may take up to a
year to full compost, but you can use the compost forming at the bottom of the
bin as needed.
o To make a hot compost heap, mix your green and brown materials well, and fill
your bin all the way up (or heap up a big pile). It will warm up and get hot to the
touch; when this happens, stir it up, and it will cool. When it heats up again a few
days or weeks later, stir it up again. Keep doing this until it stops heating up after
you stir, then let it rest to finish composting.


Maintain your compost site. If it seems to be rotting too fast and turning slimy, add
more brown items to slow it down. If it seems to be too dry to work its magic, add some
water or more green items. The more effort you put into tending to your compost site, the
faster you'll have usable compost.


Use your compost when it's ready. You'll know your compost is ready when it turns a
rich brown or black color and takes on an earthy smell. Your compost can be used to
fertilize your vegetable or flower garden, or you can simply spread it around your yard to
give your grass and other plants a nutrition boost.

Downloaded by Rowielah Mercy Piosang (


Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education

Lesson Plan in Science 5

Week 6 Day 3

Useful and Harmful Materials

I.Learning Objectives: Define recycle,reuse,reduce, recover and repair.

II. Subject Matter:


 When a material can no longer be used after it has served its purpose it
is considered as waste.
 There are five ways of waste management. This is called the
5R’s technique.
 Reuse means to find other uses for materials that are already
 Reduce means to lessen the amount of trash that will add to
the environment
 Recycle means creating a new product out of a material that
already served its purpose.

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 Recover is to return or regain.

 Repair is the action of fixing or mending something.

B.Materials: cartolina, pen, labelled boxes, garbage

C. References:S5MT-Ie-g-3


D. Process Skills: Observing, Describing, Classifying,Identifying

E. Value `Integration:The art of creativeness and productivity

III. Learning Tasks:

A. Engagement: Game

Ask: Teacher to prepare boxes labelled with Reuse,Reduce,Recycle

and a bag of different waste materials.

Pupils to pick atrash inside the bag and put it on the right box.

B. Exploration :

Activity 1- Viewing

Where do you want to live?


1. What is waste?
2. What are the 5R’s of waste management?
3. What do you mean by Reuse? Reduce, Recycle, Repair and Recover?
4. Give examples of each of the 5 R’s

D. Elaborate:

With the 5 R’s that we have studied.Do the following.

Group 1 : Make a Jingle on how to reuse waste materials.

Group 2 : Using whole cartolina make a poster on how

to reduce waste materials.
Group 3: Compose a song on how to recycle waste materials

Group 4: Role play a repair and recoversituation of discarded materials.

You can get a broken chair to repair .

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E. Evaluation:
Directions: Read the following statement carefully. Arrange the jumbled letters
that best described the sentence.

1. _______________ means to find other uses for material that are already
used. (URESE)
2.________________ means to lessen the amount of trash that will add to
the environment. (DCEREU)
3.________________ means creating a new product out of a material that
already served its purpose. (CYEERLC)
4.________________ is to return or regain. (VCOREER)
5.________________ is the action of fixing or mending something. (PERARI)


Bring scrap materials that can be recycled.

Prepared by:

Muzon Elementary School
Taytay II District

Lesson Plan in K-12 Curriculum in SCIENCE V

First Grading
Week 6 Day 4
Useful and Harmful Materials

I. Learning Objective : Identify materials that can be recycled

II. Subject Matter :

A. Concept: Some materials can be recycled into useful products.

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The materials that can be recycled are papers, plastics,

B. Materials: real objects, picture, activity cards
C. References: Curriculum Guide in K-12 Curriculum S5MT. 1e-g-3
D. Processes Skills: Observing, Classifying, Comparing, Identifying

E. Value Integration: Conservation of Environment

III. Learning Tasks:

A. Engagement (Passing A Ball)
The teacher is going to play music while the pupils are passing a ball.
When the music stops, the pupil who holds the ball will give example of
materials that they can see inside the classroom.
Based on the materials that you have given, which of the following
can be recycled?

B. Exploration

Group I

Study the following materials. Identify them whether they are recyclable
or non-recyclable. Put the following pictures to the correct bin.

Group II
Put a check (/) on the materials that can be recycled and materials that
can’t be recycled.

Materials Can be Recycled Can’t be Recycled

Plastic Bottles
Tissue paper

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Group III
What can I recycle?
Draw any materials that can be recycled in the column “Yes Please” and
materials that cannot be recycled in the column “No Thanks”


Group IV
Using Real Object

paper board paint can
candy wrapper plastic bottle
mirror glass styrofoam
newspaper light bulb

1. Get the materials.
2. Classify the following materials as to recyclable and non-recyclable.
3. Answer the following questions.
Which materials can be recycled?
Which materials cannot be recycled?
What do you think is the useful product of the materials that can be

C. Explanation
1. What are the materials that can be recycled?
2. What do you think is the possible useful products of plastic bottles?
3. Can you give other materials that can be recycled?
4. Why do you think some materials cannot be recycled?
5. Why do you think recycling of materials is significant factor in saving
our environment?

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D. Elaborate
Create simple materials out of scrap

E. Evaluation


CRITERIA 5 4 3 2 1
Usefulness of the product
Pupil’s creativeness
Availability of materials/resourcefulness
Time conservation

IV. Assignment

Write 5 other example of materials that can be recycled.

Prepared by:

Dolores Elementary School
Taytay II

Downloaded by Rowielah Mercy Piosang (


Lesson Plan in K-12 Curriculum in SCIENCE V

First Grading
Week 6 Day 5
Useful and Harmful Materials

I. Learning Objective: Recognize the importance of recycling waste materials.

II. Subject Matter :

A. Concept : The importance of recycling waste product are:
 helps in decreasing garbage to make environment
 preserves our natural environment
 reduces financial expenditure in the economy
 reduces pollution
 saves energy
B. Materials: bin, activity cards, drawing materials

C. References: Curriculum Guide in K-12 Curriculum S5MT. 1e-g-3

D. Processes Skills: Observing, Classifying, Inferring

E. Value Integration : Love of Nature

III. Learning Tasks:

A. Engagement (Guessing game)

Inside a two bin labeled recyclable and non-recyclable materials contain
different words (recycle, reduce, reuse, plastic, paper etc). Representative
of each group will get one word inside a bin and try to write it using his/her
body/hip. The members of the group will guess the word. The group who
guessed many correct words will win.

B. Exploration

Group I
Paragraph Reading
1. Read the paragraph
2. Answer the following questions.
 What is recycling?
 How are recycling waste materials important to us?
 What do you think will happen to our environment if we
did not start recycling today?

Group II
Make a journal on the self/group made project on recycling

Group III
Poster Making

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coloring materials

Make a poster showing the importance of recycling waste materials
in our environment.

C. Explanation
1. In what way does recycling of waste materials help in conserving
2. How are recycling waste materials important to us? to our country?
to the environment?
3. What are you going to do to disseminate information on the
importance of recycling waste materials to the community you
4. What do you think will happen to our environment if everybody
recognizes the significance of recycling waste materials?

D. Elaborate
Make a portfolio on the importance of recycling waste materials.

E. Evaluation
5- The pupils made a portfolio with creativity and resourcefulness with 5 or
more importance of recycling materials.

4- The pupils made a portfolio with 5 or more importance of recycling


3- The pupils made a portfolio with 3 or 4 importance on recycling waste


2- The pupils made a portfolio with 2 importance of recycling waste


1- The pupils made a portfolio

IV. Assignment

Make a simple jazz chant on the importance of recycling waste materials.

Prepared by:

Dolores Elementary School
Taytay II


Downloaded by Rowielah Mercy Piosang (


Recycling is the process of converting waste materials into reusable objects to

prevent waste of potentially useful materials. It is one of the best ways to have a
positive impact in our environment today. Recycling is important to us and to our natural
environment where we live.

With recycling, a substantial portion of our waste can be broken down into their
original elements and be used to produce new materials. In that way, we can reduce the
harmful waste we discard into the environment, pollution, and even conserve raw
materials. Recycling contributes to the economy because it conserves resources and
saves money, creates jobs and even generates revenue.

If we do not recycle now and conserve our resources, Time will come; nothing
will be left for our future generations. And they would also have to pay the price for the
damage we did to the environment.

Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Division of Rizal


5 E’s

Week: 7 Day : 1

CONTENT : Properties – Useful and Harmful Materials

I. Learning Objective : Identify materials that can be reduced

II. Subject Matter :

A. Concepts : We can eliminate or reduce the use of some harmful materials.
B. Materials :
plastic bag dry leaves
styrofoam vegetable peelings
coconut husk decaying fruits
plastic bottle cardboard
pesticides Activity Card

C. Reference: S5MT la-b-1
YouTube 3C- Material Song

D. Process Skills:

Observing, Analyzing, Classifying

E. Values Integration : Care for nature

III. Learning Task :

A. Engagement
present a song (You Tube 3C-Material Song)
( Ask : what materials did you see from the song)
(Teacher writes the answer on the board)

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B. Exploration
Activity 1 Picture PUZZLE

Work on the picture puzzle and analyze if each material is useful or not.

1. What are the materials formed from the puzzle?
2. Are these materials helpful to the environment? Why?
3. Are they useful or harmful?

Activity 2 Identifying pictures of materials that can be reduced.

Materials : Slides of pictures of different materials

1. Which of the materials on the pictures presented are useful? harmful?
2. Can we avoid using these harmful materials?
3. What will you do to the household materials that have chemicals?
4. If you will be asked to dispose fruits and vegetable peelings, what will you

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Make a slogan on how to reduce the use of harmful materials.
Standards 3 2 1
1. The slogan tells the importance of reducing
the use of harmful materials
2. Shows creativity
3. Finished the activity within the allotted time
4. The slogan indicates the love for nature
5. Shows maximum group participation

C. Explanation :
1. How did you find the activity?
2. Why should we reduce the use of harmful materials?
3. How will you use these materials in our daily living?

D. Elaborate:
(Jollibee video clips)

Do you agree on a “strawless” Friday policy of Jollibee?

Why do you think they implement such policy?

E. Evaluation:

Directions: Below is a list of materials. Determine whether each material can be

reduced or not. Write R if it can be reduced and N if cannot. Write your answer
on the space before each number.

_____1. Commercial fertilizers

_____2. Decaying fruits and vegetables

_____3. Insecticides

_____4. Dry leaves

_____5. Hair spray

IV. Assignment:

Write a journal on why we should reduce the use of some materials.

Prepared by :

T - lll
District of Morong
Tomas Claudio Mem. Elem. School

Downloaded by Rowielah Mercy Piosang (


Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Division of Rizal


Week : 7 Day: 2

CONTENT : Properties- Useful and Harmful Materials

I Learning Objective: Recognize the importance of reducing waste materials

II. Subject Matter :

A. Concepts : Hazardous, or toxic waste threatens human health and the environment
because it is dangerous chemically reactive, corrosive, or flammable.

Making small changes we make in our everyday lives can make a powerful
difference to the health of all living things and the province and planet we
call home.

Downloaded by Rowielah Mercy Piosang (


B. Materials:
Video clip Strips of cartolina
Art materials (cartolina, scissors, crayon, pencil)
Activity Card metacards

C. References : S5MT-Ia-b-1
www,you – One Minute Life in a Slum

D. Process Skills: observing , describing, identifying, analyzing

E. Value Integration: Awareness

III. Learning Tasks:

A. Engagement :
1. Review:

2. Motivation:

( Present a video clip (You Tube – One Minute Life in a SLUM….)

Ask : Where do the people live?

How do the people in the area live?
If they are scavengers, what kind of materials do they see every day?
What do they do with those materials in the dumpsite?
Have you been to that kind of place?

B. Exploration:

Activity 1 DEBATE (Pre-assigned topic: REDUCE vs RECYCLE)

Choose a partner from the group and make a simple debate about a
certain topic about reducing waste materials.
Standards: 5 4 3 2 1
1. Important information on harmful and useful materials were
cited during the debate.
2. Topics discussed were delivered very well.
3. Shows respect on others opinion.

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C. Explanation:

1. How did you find the debate?

2. What are the importance of reducing waste materials?
3. What are the benefits of reducing waste material to the people, environment
and community?

D. Elaborate

Why is it important to follow or reduce waste materials? If we reduce using

harmful materials, what value do we show?

E. Evaluation:

Using ½ sheet of cartolina and other art materials, make a slogan or streamer
about “reducing waste materials”.

(All outputs will be posted on pathways or near on YES-O Garden)

Rubrics in checking the slogan:

1. Shows clear ideas about the topic/theme.
2. Value awareness on environment was interpreted.
3. Cooperation among the group was visible.

IV. Assignment:

Using the slogan or streamer, go around the school campus and make an
Advocacy Campaign on Reducing the Use of Toxic Materials.

Prepared by:
T – III District of Morong
Tomas Claudio Memorial Elementary School

Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Division of Rizal


Week 7 Day 3

Content : Properties Useful and Harmful Materials

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I. Learning Objective : Identify materials that can be reused

II. Subject Matter :

A. Concepts : There are different materials inside and outside home that can be reused

BMaterials : baby powder container, old clothes, zesto box, broken pail, pictures

C.Reference :Video viewing (

D. Process Skills : Observing, Identifying, Describing

E. Value Integration :

III. Learning Tasks

A. Engagement

Video viewing(

What old/waste materials have you seen in the video?

What useful materials have made out of these wastes?

What other old/waste materials you see at home that you think can be reused or turn
Into new purpose?

B. Exploration

Activity 1 – Make Me Usable

Materials : empty baby powder container, old clothes (provide them cutting tools like

Questions :
1. What are the materials used in your activity?
2. Did you able to make a new product with these wastes?
3. How did you make them useful?

Activity 2

Materials : pictures of different waste materials at home(empty mineral bottle, softdrink

case, baby powder container, old clothes)

Which among these old/waste materials can be reused? Color them green if you think
they can be reused?

Questions :
1. What are the different waste materials used in your activity?
2. Were you able to identify which materials can be reused?

Activity 3

Materials :
(zesto box, broken pails, old clothes)

Through a pantomime, show to the class what you could do with these old materials.

Questions :
1. What did you do with the zesto boxes? Broken pails, old clothes?

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2. Were you able to show to class what you could do with the old materials?

C. Explanation

1. How do you feel with the activities ?

2. What are the different materials that can be reused ?
3. Why do you think we need to reuse these materials ?
4. What are the benefits we could get from thesepractices ?

D. Elaborate

(Off the wall)

Pick out the name of the materials that you think can be reused?

E. Evaluation

Identify these materials. Put a check (/) to the pictures that can be reused and a cross mark (x)

_____1. Old clothes

_____2. Slipper with no pair

_____3. Newspapers

_____4. Broken glass

_____5.Old wooden furniture

IV. Assignment

Make your own collage using old/waste materials found at home.

Prepared by :

Teacher II
San Guillermo Elementary School
Morong District

Downloaded by Rowielah Mercy Piosang (


Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Division of Rizal


Week 7 Day 4

Contents : Properties – Useful and Harmful Materials

I. Learning Objectives

Recognize the importance of reusing waste materials

II. Subject Matter

A.Concepts : Reusing prevents pollution and reduces the amount of waste that need to be
recycledor to be sent to landfill/incinerator

B.Materials : pictures, pentel pen, manila paper, cartolina,glue, different waste materials

C.Reference : Curriculum Guide, Week 7, Day 4

D. Process Skills : Observing, Identifying, Describing

E. Value Integration :Awareness of the importance of reusing waste materials

III. Learning Tasks

A. Engagement

Show picture of a family

(mother - planting using broken pails as pots, father - using old tire as swing, brother/
sister – assorting old clothes to be donated to fire victims.

1. What are each family member doing?

2. What are the things/materials they are using?
3. From what materials they come from?

B. Exploration

Activity 1 – Happy Community

Materials : pictures, pentel pen, manila paper

Looking at the pictures, fill out the table of the activities done in the community on how
they recognize the importance of reusing.

Questions :
1. How do people benefit from reusing waste/old materials?
2. Is it good to practice reusing some waste materials?

Activity 2 – AwitngKabataan

Materials : manila paper, pentel pen (to make melody, use empty mineral bottles with
different amount of water)

Create a short jingle about the importance of reusing waste.

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Questions :
1. What are the importance of reusing waste that you mention in your own-created jingle?
2. Who would benefit if we practice reusing our wastesinstead of throwing them in the

Activity 3 – Role Play

Materials :old clothing (could be made as rugs), plastic bottles (could be made as pots
forhanging plants), old magazines/newspapers (could be made as woven paper basket)

Make a short play showing how your family recognizes the importance of reusing waste

Questions :
1. What have you made out of old clothing, plastic bottles and old
2. Were you able to show how yourfamily practice reusing old and waste materials to
make them useful?

C. Explanation

1. How do you feel about our activity?

2. Is it important to reuse waste materials?
3. What do you think would happen if all humans continue dumping garbage?

D. Elaborate

I have here some old materials on my table, who would come afront and tell how they can
be reused.

E. Evaluation

Write R if the statement is correct, if it is wrong, underline the word that make the sentence

1. It is important to reuse waste materials.

2. We benefit from reusing our waste/old materials.

3. Old or all waste materials should be thrown to the garbage.

4. Too much waste causes pollution.

5. It is better to live in a clean, green place with no too much waste around.

IV. Assignment

Aside from reusing waste materials, what would you suggest ways to eliminate too much
dumping of our waste? Cite three.

Prepared by :

Teacher II
San Guillermo Elementary School
Morong District

Downloaded by Rowielah Mercy Piosang (


Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Division of Rizal


Week 7 Day 5

I. Learning Objective: Identify materials that can be recovered

II. Subject Matter:

A. Content: Properties of Matter; Useful and Harmful Materials

B. Materials:
video clips on MRF (Material Recovery
Facility), strips of cartolina, pictures, chart

C. References: S5MT la-b-5

How Does A Material Recovery Facility Work in EL NIDO
Resort ( and/or
Teresa Rizal Material Recovery Facility

D. Process Skills: Observing, Identifying, Classifying, Analyzing

E. Value Integration: Being Thrifty/Careful, Love of Nature

III. Learning Tasks:

A. Engagement:

Present picture slides/slideshare: Where do you want to live?

 (Ask the pupil if they want to live in this place) Why/Why not?
 How can we maintain a beautiful/clean environment?

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 If we want a clean & beautiful surroundings, what should we do with the

 What are the 5 r’s in waste management? (Use of strips of cartolina)

B. Exploration:


Materials: 4 garbage bag with 12 different solid wastes

Each group will segregate/group the waste according to its kind

1. What are the things that you found in the garbage bag?
2. How did you group the wastes?
3. Is it hard to group them?
4. What is the importance of segregating the wastes?


Materials: Video Clips on Material Recovery Facility at El Nido, Palawan

Philippines and/or MRF Video of your own locality.

 Observe the processes done in recovering the useful materials.

 Describe how they segregated materials from recyclable and non-recyclable?
 How do the people in El Nido Resort in Palawan do with their recycled

Activity 3 MRF Information from a RESOURCE PERSON or from the officer of

the YES – O club in each school.

 Through a resource person, students will be able to answer the following

1. Enumerate materials that can be recovered from trashes.
2. Identify ways on how to segregate useful materials.
3. Know the importance of recovering materials.

C. Explanation:

1. How do you feel with the activity?

2. What are the materials that can be recovered from wastes and can be turned into
useful products?

D. Elaborate:

Recovering useful waste materials and turning them into useful products is
one of the best ways in preserving the environment. As a pupil and as a
member of the community, what help can you give to recover and use waste

E. Evaluation:
(Choose 1)

A. Poster Making
(The Teacher will make rubrics on the importance of recovering materials)

B. List down at least 5 materials that can be recovered and the product
that can be made out of the listed materials.

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IV. Assignment:

Make a research about the different processes done in MRF (Material Recovery
Facility) in your locality. List down the products or output made from the collected materials and
the benefits that we can get from the project.

Prepared by:


MT – 1, TCMES, Morong, Rizal

Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education

Instructional Plan in Science 5

First Quarter
Week 8 Day 1

Content : Properties Useful and Harmful Materials

I. Learning Objectives : Recognize the importance of recovering waste materials

II. Subject Matter :
A. Concept : Recovering waste materials are important because we can use it
again and it can help to potect and conserve our environment.
B. Materials :pictures of different waste materials, or real objects ( broken chairs,
tables and appliances). Video clip and activity card
C. Reference : Curriculum Guide Week 8 Day 1/ https://youtube/iqhwDrOOd?
D. Process Skills : Observing , Identifying, Describing

E. Value Integration : Protecting and Conserving the


III. Learning Tasks :

A. Engagement
Present pictures or real objects of different waste materials (broken
chairs, tables, and appliances etc. )
What can you see in the picture?
What will you do to these materials so that we can help to save the
mother earth?
Let’s observe and know the importance of these materials.

B. Exploration
(Listening to a song “KAPALIGIRAN”)
Activity 1 – Make a poem based on the songs
Activity 2 – Make a slogan based on the songs
Activity 3 – Make a journal on the visit to Municipal Recovery Facilities

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C. Explanation
Group Presentation
1. How do you feel with the activity?
2. What are some waste materials that we can recovered?
3.Do you think recovering waste materials are important to us? Why?

D. Elaboration
How can we protect and conserve our environment?

E. Evaluation
Make a poster about the importance of recovering waste materials.
( The teachers may use the rubric to assess the pupils performance.)
Sample Rubric for Poster

Criteria 3 2 1
Content Preservation of Preservation of Preservation of
the environment is the environment is the environment is
very evident in the slightly evident in not evident in the
poster. the poster poster.
Originality Poster is Poster is attractive Poster is
exceptionally in terms of design acceptably
attractive in terms lay out and attractive though it
of design layout neatness may be a bit
and neatness messy

V. Assignment :
List down five (5) other waste materials that can be recovered.

Prepared by:

Grade V Science Teacher
Baras Elementary School

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Baras District

Instructional PIan in Science 5

First Quarter
Week 8 Day 2

Content: Properties Useful and Harmful Materials

I. Learning Objectives: Identify materials that can be repaired

II. Subject Matter:
A. Concept: Some materials that can be repaired are broken appliances, furnitures
B. Materials: pictures, real, objects, video clips
C. Reference: Curriculum Guide Week 8 Day 2 / http:/youtube/7Fu5WA8Vp8Q?
D. Process Skills: Observing, Identifying, Describing

E. Value: Knowing the importance of 5R’s

(Recycle, Reuse, Reduce, Recover, Repair)

III. Learning Tasks:

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A. Engagement:
Present pictures or real objects
(Pictures of broken appliances and furnitures like chairs, tables, etc.)
What object can you see in the pictures?
What will you do to these materials so that we can use it again?
Let us observe and identify the different waste materials that can be repaired:

B. Exploration:
Film Viewing
(The pupils will watch the video clip about repairing the different broken

C. Explanation :
1. Did you enjoy watching the video?
2. What are the different materials that can be repaired?
3. Is it important to know and identify the different materials that can be
repaired? Why?

D. Elaboration :
One day your classmate was sit on the chair, accidentally the chair was
broke. So what will you do to the broken chair? Why?

E. Evaluation :
Analyze the following materials carefully. Put a check (/) on the number that can
be repaired and cross (x) on the number that cannot.
_____1. Chair
_____2. Table
____3. Paper
____4. Minerals bottle
____5. Broken walls

V. Assignment :
Give the importance of repairing waste materials. (At least 5)

Prepared by:

Grade V Science Teacher
Baras Elementary School

Baras District

Republic of the Philippines

Division of Rizal
District of Baras


Day 3

I.Content: Properties Useful and Harmful Materials.

II. Learning Objective: Recognize the importance of repairing waste materials.

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A. Concepts: Materials undergo changes. The changes could be useful and

harmful to the people. It is important that we should know how to repair/
recycle these materials.
B. Materials: Pictures of broken Chairs, Tables, Desk, Cabinet, Bookshelves, TV,
C. Reference: Curriculum Guide
D. Process Skills: Observing, identifying, and manipulating
E. Value Integration.
F. Importance of recycling

III. Learning Tasks

A. Engagement
Show pictures of different waste materials.

(Ask the pupils about the picture)

1. What are these materials?
2. Do you think these materials have something to be done?
3. How can we use these materials again?
4. Do these materials need to be repair?


The class will be divided into two. Each group will have their leader to report.
Look around the waste materials. Are these materials useful or harmful?

Activity 1-Group 1
a. Look at the waste materials. Identify whether it needs repair or not. .
b. Record your observation.

Kinds of Materials Need to Repair No Need to Repair

1. Radio
2. Burned Electric Fan
3. Destroyed TV fuse
4. Broken Window
5. Tear shoes

Activity 2-Group 2(Pre-assigned)

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Interview some teachers in your school on the importance of repairing waste


Questions Respons
1. De we need to repair broken waste Yes No

3. Tear dress has to be repair?

4. When toys have little damage we can still
repair and use it again?
5. The shoe has no damage do we need to
repair it?
6. The radio is functioning well do we have
something to do?

B. Explanation(School Hazard Map)


Each group will have their report about the activities.

1. How do you feel the activity?
2. Why do we need to repair waste materials?
3. Do you think it is important? Why? Why not?

C. Elaboration

What are we going to do with the waste materials?

Why should we repair materials?

D. Evaluation

Direction: Write NR if the materials need to be repair and NN if not. Write your answer
before the number.

______________1. Broken table

______________2. Well functioning television
______________3.Breaking arm chair
______________4.Burned wall fan switch
________________ 5. Lighting bulb

IV. Assignment

1. Identify materials that were repaired in your home. List down at least five.
2. Bring materials that can be recycled.

Republic of the Philippines


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Division of Rizal
District of Baras


Week 8
(Day 4 and 5)

I. Content: Properties Useful and Harmful Materials

II. Learning Objective: Design a product out of local, recyclable solid materials in
making useful products.
A. Concepts: Waste materials are found everywhere. You may see it useful and
harmful. To utilize these properly, designing a useful product out of these waste
materials can be appropriate to minimize trashes.
B. Materials: Scrap materials
C. Reference: Curriculum Guide
D. Process Skills: Identfying, manipulating, Designing
E. Value Integration:
Patience in making a Design, Creativeness
III. Learning Tasks:
A. Engagement
1. Motivation: Present a video clip on how to design a new material.

B. Exploration( Poster Making)

1. Make a poster out from recyclable solid materials..
2. Describe your own posters.
3. Report it to the class.

C. Explanation

1. Pupils will report their output.

2. Discuss the conditions needed to produce a designed product.

D. Elaboration
Why we need to design a product most especially from our waste materials?


Rubrics for pupil’s performance.

Excellent(5) Very Good(3) Fair(2) Poor(1)

Criterias Good(4)
1. Student exhibit positive behaviour while
performing the activity.
2. Student met the necessary output.
3. Student demonstrates his output properly.
4. Student performs the task honestly and
5. The student able to finished in time given.

IV. Assignment
Make a slogan showing support for recycling materials?

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Republic of the Philippines

Division of Rizal
District of Baras


Week 8 Day 5
I.Content: Properties Useful and Harmful Materials.
Learning Objectives: Create a product out of local, recyclable materials in making useful
A. Concepts:
Burning a material is a form of rapid oxidation or the chemical reaction between
carbon and oxygen. It is highly harmful if we continue to burn our waste materials.
These materials should be reuse so that we can minimize our garbage and avoid
too much carbon in the atmosphere.

B. Materials: Real objects

C. Reference: Science and health for Daily Use 5
D. Process Skills: Manipulating, creating
E. Value Integration:
Cleanliness at Home

III. Learning Tasks:

A. Engagement
1. Motivation
What does a pupil do when he/she makes trash out of his/her food eats?
B. Exploration
1. Group the pupils and perform the activities. Each group will have a leader and

Activity 1-Group 1
a. Prepare the materials needed.
b. Create a design from the bottles.
c. Record your observation
d. Present your output.

Activity 2- Group 2
a. Prepare the materials needed.
b. Create a design from different used papers
c. Record your observation
d. Present your output.

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Activity 3-Group 3
a. Prepare the materials need.
b. Create a design from the straws.
c. Record your observations.
d. Present your output to the class.

Rubrics on their activities.

Criterias Excellent Very Good(3) Fair(2) Poor(1
(5) Good (4) )
1.Perform the task clearly.
2. Able to follow
3. Show cleanliness in the
4. creates a well-designed


Why do we need to create a design from waste materials?


True or False. Write True if the statement is correct and False if not.

_________1. Plastics can be recycle to use again.

_________2. Soft drinks bottle can hurt us if not disposed properly.
_________3. Used papers can still be useful if we are creative in making a design.
_________4. Magazines/newspapers can be used as lanterns or Christmas decors.
_________5. Straws are useful if we can create a good designs from it.

IV. Assignment

Create another output in your home out from recyclable solid materials.

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education

Learning Competency

Content:Properties of Matter: Useful and Harmful Materials

Duration: 3 days
Day 1

V. Learning Objective: Design a product out of local, recyclable liquid materials in

making useful products

VI. Subject Matter :

E. Concepts :
Liquid waste can be defined as such fluid as waste water, fats, oils or
grease (FOG), used oil and hazardous household liquids.
Liquid waste is divided into three main stream: sewage, trade waste and
hazardous liquid waste
Making new products out of recycled materials reduces the need to
consume precious resources. So recycling helps protect raw materials
and protect natural habitats for future generations.

F. Materials : local and recyclable liquid materials, video clip

G. References:
Curriculum Guide S5MT-Ih-i-4

H. Process Skills : experimenting, identifying, brainstorming

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I. Value Integration: Awareness on liquid waste materials and its effect.

VII. Learning Tasks:

F. Engagement:
Present a video clip to the class about recycling of water.
What liquid waste material is shown from the video?
What did the character do to the water after washing her clothes?
What else can we do with the water used in washing clothes?
What are the other liquid waste materials at home?
Let’s findout if we can design a product out of local, recyclable liquid waste

G. Exploration
Activity 1:”Let me know”
Read the passage given by the teacher and answer the questions below. Write
your answer on Manila paper

Materials: passage about liquid waste, manila paper, pen marker

1. What is liquid waste?
2. What are the three main streams of the liquid waste?
3. What is sewage? Trade waste? Hazardous waste?
4. What is Clean Water Act of 2004?
5. List some household liquid waste materials.

-Liquid Waste-

Liquid waste can contaminate land and pollute waters.It can be defined as such
fluids as wastewater, fats, oils or grease (FOG), used oil, and hazardous household liquids,
to name a few. The Territory's landfills and transfer station do not accept liquid waste of
any type.

Liquid waste can be divided into three main streams: sewerage, trade waste and
hazardous liquid waste. Sewage is a water-carried waste, in solution or suspension, that is
intended to be removed from a community. Also known as domestic or municipal
wastewater, it is characterized by volume or rate of flow, physical condition, chemical and
toxic constituents, and its bacteriologic status (which organisms it contains and in what
quantities). It consists mostly of greywater (from sinks, tubs, showers, dishwashers, and
clothes washers), blackwater (the water used to flush toilets, combined with the human
waste that it flushes away); soaps and detergents; and toilet paper (less so in regions
where bidets are widely used instead of paper). Whether it also contains surface runoff
depends on the design of sewer system.Trade waste means the liquid waste generated by
any industry, business, trade or manufacturing process. It also includes wastewater
contaminated with substances like grease, oils, solids and chemicals.Hazardous liquid waste
is a waste with properties that make it potentially dangerous or harmful to human health
or the environment. The universe of hazardous wastes is large and diverse.Hazardous
liquid waste is considered toxic, chemically reactive, flammable or corrosive. In terms of
hazardous waste, something is considered toxic if it is harmful to human health when a
person is exposed to the substance through inhalation, ingestion or touch.

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Here in the Philippines, agencies have different roles under the Clean Water Act of
2004 (Republic Act 9275) One of the objectives of the Clean Water Act is to formulate a
holistic national program of water quality management that recognizes that water quality
management issues cannot be separated from concerns about water sources and ecological
protection, water supply, public health and quality of life. (Sec. 2, c)

 DENR – provide specific environmental criteria & data for the prioritization of
sanitation, sewerage, septage management and combination of different systems
and projects

 MWSS and LWUA - provide the responsibilities of concessionaires and water

districts in sewerage, septage and sanitation management.

 DOH - formulate guidelines and standards for the collection, treatment and
disposal of sewage including guidelines for the establishment and operation of
centralized sewage treatment system.

 LGUs - appropriate the necessary land for the construction of the sewage and/or
septage treatment facilities in accordance with the Local Government Code. It shall
also submit to DPWH a priority listing of their projects

LGUs shall share the responsibility in the management and improvement of water
quality within their territorial jurisdictions. (Sec. 20) Local Government Units are the
key players in the Water Quality Management Areas designated by DENR in
accordance with Sec. 5 of the Clean Water Act.

References: liquid-waste.pdf

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Week 9 Day 2-3

Activity 2: Design a product out of local, recyclable liquid materials in making
useful products. Choose one liquid material listed and follow the format below.

a. Used Cooking oil

b. Used oil from motorcycle vehicle
c. Others (your own preference)

A. Phases of Conducting Investigatory Project
B. The proposal
C. The Investigation
D. The Final output
1. Written Report
2. The Exhibit
3. The Oral Defense

1. What useful material did you make out of the local, recyclable liquid
waste materials?
2. How does this product help you?
3. What will be the effect of your product to the environment?

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H. Explanation:

1. What did you feel with the activity?

2. What do you mean by liquid waste?
3. What are the different types of liquid waste materials?
4. What is the importance of recycling liquid waste materials?
5. What might happen if liquid waste materials will not be recycled?
6. What could be its bad effect if liquid waste are thrown in the bodies of water?
What should be done?

I. Elaborate:

Ana’s mother is selling banana cue, she noticed that the cooking oil used in
frying the bananas is disposed afterwards. If you were Ana, what will you do with
the used cooking oil?

J. Evaluation:

Each group will present their work through exhibit.

Rubrics for the Exhibit
4 points 3 points 2 points 1 points

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1. Display is well- Title-top of center Board is neat and Board has Board has
organized and panel. Data is shown in attractive, limited headings, using headings and
visually clear tables, charts, tables, charts or information limited
appealing. and/or pictures with pictures. stated. information.
titles and labels. The
display is neat, easy to
read and observers can
find the problem and
learn the answer from
the material on the
display. Visually

2. Display has The five steps of the Each step of the Has each step Has some steps
these steps of scientific method are scientific method on the board, on the board.
the Scientific represented and clearly is clearly but the board Over all the
Method clearly stated. The data charts represented, but does not clearly display board
displayed: have titles and information is represent what does not
Problem, information labeled. brief. Some of the investigation represent what
Hypothesis, data may not be is about. the investigation
Experiment, properly labeled. is about. Much
Data, Analysis, or all of the data
Conclusion. is
lacking titles
and /or labels.

3. Student Explains all steps: Explains at least 5 Explains most Tries to answer
demonstrates steps easily, steps with questions asked
knowledge of shows encouragement. by the judge.
these steps of understanding.
the Scientific
Data, Analysis,

4. Student shows Student is excited Student is Student gives Student

enthusiasm and about the project and pleasant and answers when answers some
interest in the eagerly explains it. shares asked. questions about
project: information. the project.

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5. Student speaks Student eagerly Student shows Student knows Student can
knowledgeably describes many details understanding of what the project answer
about the of the experiment. the project. is, giving questions when
project: minimal prompted.

VIII. Assignment:
Make a research on the other output/ product of product out of local, recyclable
liquid materials in making useful products.

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