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Name_________________ Date:_____________

Class _________________ Science paper2[Take Home Test]

I)Multiple choice question

1. Velocity is defined as _____ per time.

a. distance
b. displacement
c. power
d. acceleration
2. Suppose a boy is moving with a uniform velocity of 10 m/s on a merry-go-round
ride. Which of the following is true of the given scenario?

a. The boy is at rest

b. The boy is moving with no acceleration
c. The boy is moving with accelerated motion
d. The boy is moving with uniform velocity
3. What does the slope of the distance-time graph give?

a. Speed b. velocity c. acceleration d. displacement

4. What does the slope of the velocity-time graph give?

a. Speed b. velocity c. acceleration d. displacement

5. What is mass? What does it depend on?

a. Mass is the weight of an object, and it depends on the gravitational force acting on the
b. Mass is the weight of an object, and it depends on the number and types of atoms in the
c. Mass is the quantity of matter contained in an object, and it depends on the
gravitational force acting on the object.
d. Mass is the quantity of matter contained in an object, and it depends on the number
and types of atoms in the object.

6. What is inertia?

a. Inertia is an object’s tendency to maintain its mass.

b. Inertia is an object’s tendency to remain at rest.
c. Inertia is an object’s tendency to remain in motion
d. Inertia is an object’s tendency to remain at rest or, if moving, to remain in motion.
7.Newton’s second law describes the relationship between which quantities?

a. Force, mass, and time

b. Force, mass, and displacement
c. Force, mass, and velocity
d. Force, mass, and acceleration

8. A reference point allows you to determine the of an object.

a. state b. speed c. position d. dimension

9. Which situation is NOT acceleration?

a. an object speeding up
b. an object slowing down
c. an object moving at constant speed in one direction
d. an object moving forward and then moving in reverse

10. What does a horizontal line on a distance-time graph indicate?

a. an object that has stopped moving

b. an object that has begun to increase speed
c. an object that has reached maximum speed
d. an object that has reached a constant speed

IV)Fill up with correct words

(muscular, contact, non-contact, gravity, friction, shape, attraction) [5]

An archer stretches her bow while taking aim at the target. She then releases the arrow,

which begins to move towards the target. Based on this information fill up the gaps in the

following statements using the following terms.

(a) To stretch the bow, the archer applies a force that causes a change in its _______.

(b) The force applied by the archer to stretch the bow is an example of ________ force.

(c) The type of force responsible for a change in the state of motion of the arrow is an
example of a _______ force.
(d) While the arrow moves towards its target, the forces acting on it are due
to ________ and that due to ________ of air.

II)1. Complete each explanation using these words.

area force pressure

i) (a)People who walk across snow may wear snowshoes.

The person does not sink into the snow because the ________________ acts

on a larger _________________ so that the _______________is less. [3]

(b) A sharp knife cuts through cheese more easily than a blunt knife.

The edge of the sharp knife has a smaller___________________ so the

____________acting on the knife produces a larger____________ [3]

2. Hassan does an experiment to find the maximum friction force between a

wooden block and different surfaces.

Here are his results.

(a) Name the apparatus Hassan uses to measure the friction force.

________________________________________________________ [1]

(b) Hassan repeated the measurements for each surface three times.

Explain why.

________________________________________________________ [1]

(c) Calculate the average (mean) friction force for the glass experiment.

average (mean) friction force = ________________ N [1]

(d) Circle the one anomalous reading in the table. [1]

III) Calculate

a) A 25-N net force is applied to a rolling cart and produces an acceleration of 5 m/s2 [3]
What is the cart's mass?

b) What is the cart’s mass? 4. A 0.5-kg ball accelerated at 50 m/s2.

What force was applied? [3]

c. If a 6-kg bowling ball is rolled down the bowling lane with a velocity of 3.5 m/s,

what is the momentum of the ball? [3]

d. If an object has a velocity of 8 m/s and a momentum of 40 kg·m/s,

what is the mass of the object? [3]

e. If the mass of a bus is 2000 kg, what will the force required to speed up a

bus at the 6ms–2? [3]

IV) Anil sits on a mat at the top of a helter-skelter and then slides down a chute

around the outside

(a) (i) Name two of the forces acting on Anil as he slides from point A to point B [2]



(ii) As Anil slides from point A to point B, the forces acting on him are balanced.

Describe Anil’s speed when the forces acting on him are balanced [1]


(b) Anil goes back for a second go. This time he sits on a smooth cushion instead of a mat.

He goes much faster on the cushion. Give the reason for this.

(c) On his third go Anil lies back on the cushion with his arms by his side.

What happens to his speed? Give the reason for your answer

(v) On the graph below, find point (20, 200). Label it A. Next find point (40, 400). Label it B.

Draw a dotted line from point A along the 200 km line to the 40 s line. Next, draw a dotted

line from point B along the 40 s line to the 200 km line. Use this graph to solve for average


a. Difference in distance between points A and B: __________________________________

b. Difference in time between points A and B:______________________________________

c. Average speed =____________________________ ÷ ______________________________

d. Average speed = ________________________________________________ km/s [4]

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