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A one-shot and location for the

world’s greatest roleplaying game!

The Troubled Vale x Location 8 x

Introduction................................................................................x Encounter 1....................................................................................... x

Overview.....................................................................................x Encounter 2...................................................................................... x
Running the Encounters...........................................................x Encounter 3...................................................................................... x
Encounter Challenge.................................................................x Location 9 x
Encounter Structure..................................................................x
Encounter 1....................................................................................... x
Location 1 x
Encounter 2...................................................................................... x
Encounter 1....................................................................................... x Encounter 3...................................................................................... x
Encounter 2...................................................................................... x Location 10 x
Encounter 3...................................................................................... x
Encounter 1....................................................................................... x
Location 2 x
Encounter 2...................................................................................... x
Encounter 1....................................................................................... x Encounter 3...................................................................................... x
Encounter 2...................................................................................... x Location 11 x
Encounter 3...................................................................................... x
Encounter 1....................................................................................... x
Location 3 x
Encounter 2...................................................................................... x
Encounter 1....................................................................................... x Encounter 3...................................................................................... x
Encounter 2...................................................................................... x Location 12 x
Encounter 3...................................................................................... x
Encounter 1....................................................................................... x
Location 4 x
Encounter 2...................................................................................... x
Encounter 1....................................................................................... x Encounter 3...................................................................................... x
Encounter 2...................................................................................... x
Encounter 3...................................................................................... x
Location 5 x

Encounter 1....................................................................................... x
Encounter 2...................................................................................... x
Encounter 3...................................................................................... x Credits
Location 6 x Lead Designer: Christian Zeuch
Encounter 1....................................................................................... x Main Authors: Christian Zeuch, Ricardo Andrade
Encounter 2...................................................................................... x Editor: Jack Weighill
Encounter 3...................................................................................... x
Art Direction: Anja Svare, Christian Zeuch
Location 7 x
Layout Artist: Anja Svare
Encounter 1....................................................................................... x Cover Art: Komarca
Encounter 2...................................................................................... x
Cartography: Christian Zeuch, Jeremy Kimberling
Encounter 3...................................................................................... x
Interior Art: trafa, 4K_Heaven, Dean Spencer, BuberArt

This work includes material taken from the System Reference Document 5.1 (“SRD 5.1”) by Wizards of the Coast LLC and available at
The SRD 5.1 is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License available at
Wyrm Lake
A looming menace hovers over a peaceful hamlet, The village mayor is concerned that the dragon’s
destabilizing an entire region and instilling fear in the presence will permanently halt work in the silver
heart of the population. A wyrm has appeared in the mines up on the mountain, potentially bankrupting
skies, flying around Mount Crimson. the entire village. However, the foreman of the mines
doesn’t believe it wise to negotiate with the dragon,
fearful that it may become enraged and attack the town.
Meanwhile, the town’s elder fears that a curse has been
placed upon the town by the dragon, as the village
healer, Eleonor, has been bedridden since its arrival.

She once made her lair on Mount Crimson, living
Lifeden in solace for nearly three-hundred years before the
Two centuries ago, a group of orcs came from the Foremothers and their followers arrived. She saw their
Cold North, over Mount Crimson and down towards a growing society and decided to aid them more directly,
lake. This small group of outcasts were shunned by the taking on the guise of Eleonor and living amongst them
warmongering northern folk and came in search of a as their healer.
kinder life. They put down roots on the lakeshore and The joy she found living among the people of Lifeden
formed Lifeden, a village of peace. had made her careless. Without her realizing, the
marauders of the Cold North have united under a single
The Foremothers—the eldest of the dissidents
banner, forming a vicious horde. Lusting for blood and
who founded Lifeden—began it as a simple fishing
conquest, the Famished Ones march south, ready to
community for their fellow orcs who rejected the brutal
claim the world for themselves.
ways of the Cold North. Their community quickly
Just before it was too late, Eleonor ran away from
grew into a bustling village of travelers from all over,
the community and flew to defend Mount Crimson.
creating a unique melting pot of differing cultures
Unfortunately, her lair had already been invaded.
and ideals. Halflings from the southern hills brought
Scouts from the horde occupied the cave, and when she
agricultural expertise, elves from the western woods
returned from fighting the horde, their strike left her
brought medicinal expertise and fine art, while humans
severely wounded.
from the eastern city states brought an eclectic blend of
She now lays bedridden at her home in Lifeden, all
commerce and cunning.
the while sustaining an illusory image of herself flying
The lake from which the village was founded still
about the mountain and warding off the encroaching
remains at its very center. Water flows down from
horde. While focusing on this illusion, she cannot heal,
Mount Crimson, bringing fish and clear water, making
leaving the village entirely defenseless.
it a veritable fount of life to the budding community.
The villagers of Lifeden treat the lake as an almost
sacred place, and have built no structures on its Looming Menace
immediate edge. Children play on its banks and workers The following section can help you tie all four
fish its waters, but there are few in Lifeden that don’t encounters together into a complete adventure, as
treat the lake with the utmost respect. opposed to standalone encounters. While you can run
the encounters independently, all these encounters are
Overarching Plot directly tied to the plot.
One year ago, the townsfolk of Lifeden were awoken by
the thunderous roar of a mysterious dragon flying up
Marauders of the Cold North
toward the mountain from the lake, sending out waves United under a single banner, under the dreadful grasp
of icy breath as it went. The dragon has since settled of a cruel warlord, the ten tribes of orcs and goblinoids
on Mount Crimson, causing a rising fear in the village from the Cold North have gathered under the united
that has culminated in many of its denizens fleeing banner of the Famished Ones.
southward, fearful of the dragon’s wrath. Many who Their leader, Akhbar, the White Dread, has
flee south whisper of “Wyrm Lake” and the terrifying convinced the tribes to venture over Mount
dragon that resides there. Crimson, claiming the bountiful lands and food of the
Eager to maintain the village’s hard-earned peace southern peoples.
and stability, Lifeden’s leadership is looking for brave The bulk of the army is composed of orcs, but goblins
adventurers to help them converse with the dragon and and hobgoblins are present among the tribes. They
find out what it wants. have heard of the “cowards and weaklings that have
Unbeknownst to the people, however, the dragon is settled in the south sun” and wish to “take what is
protecting them from a far greater threat: old enemies rightfully theirs.”
from the Cold North. The scouts of the Famished Ones ride worgs into
In truth, the dragon looming over Lifeden is a combat, while their rank-and-file soldiers are left to
powerful illusion cast and sustained by Eleonor, the trudge on-foot. The elite warriors of their armies,
elvish healer that has tended to the sick in the village known as the Fat Ones, are orcs that have partially
for two centuries now. She rejoices in the achievements flayed themselves and covered the exposed muscle
of the Foremothers and sees Lifeden as a near-perfect with spined, icy armor. The Fat Ones earn their right
community that must be protected. to greater rations through their sheer brutality in the
field of combat.
Adventure Hooks
Find below a few ways to involve the party with the
encounters, sending them Lifeden’s way. Famished One
Small or Medium Humanoid (Goblinoid or Orc), Typically Evil
• Lenna (LG human knight, she/her), the guard

Armor Class 15 (hide armor)
captain of a small settlement, requires the party’s
Hit Points 1 (minion)
help as she’s short on staff. She asks the party to Speed 30 ft
investigate reports of orcs and goblinoid raiding —
northern encampments. She has a budget for 100 gp 15 (+2) 14 (+2) 15 (+2) 10 (­+0) 11 (+0) 10 (+0)
for this assignment.

Saving Throws Str +4, Wis +2
• An academic learns of a mystical dragon that has
Skills Athletics + 4, Survival +2, Perception +2
appeared in the nearby mountains. Gorgio (NG Damage Resistances cold
goblin mage, he/they) offers the party a spell scroll of Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 12
magic missiles and a potion of healing in exchange for Languages Common, Goblin, Orc
Challenge 1/4 (50 XP) Proficiency Bonus +2
further information.

Famished Ones Melee Weapon. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
one target. Hit: 6 (1d8 + 2) bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing
A united horde of orcs, goblins, and hobgoblins, the damage. If the target is a creature, the attack has the following
Famished Ones seek revenge against the “weak” lands to additional effects:
the south, and to crush the Foremother “cowards” that Goblin. The famished one can immediately move up to half its
fled the Cold North years ago. Certain members of the speed into another space within 5 feet of the target without
Famished Ones seek to learn more about the sacred lake provoking opportunity attacks.
where the Foremothers settled. Hobgoblin. The target takes an extra 3 (1d6) damage from
the attack.
To determine the lineage of a Famished One, choose
one from the options below or roll on the Famished Orc. The target must succeed on a DC 12 Wisdom saving throw
or become frightened of the famished one until the end of its
One Lineage table. The lineage selected determines next turn.
some of the famished one’s actions.
Ranged Weapon. Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach
80/320 ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d8 + 2) piercing damage.
Famished One Lineage
d6 Lineage Bonus Actions
1-2 Goblin Aggressive (Orc Only). The famished one moves up to its
speed toward a hostile creature that it can see.
3-4 Hobgoblin
Boost Morale (Hobgoblin Only). The famished one shouts
5-6 Orc words of tactical guidance to an allied creature within 60 feet of
it that can hear it. Whenever the target makes an attack roll or
saving throw before the end of its next turn, it rolls a d4 and adds
the number rolled to that attack roll or saving throw.
Nimble Escape (Goblin Only). The famished one takes the
Disengage or Hide action.

Minions are weak creatures designed to give a more cinematic
heroism to combat, allowing even lower-level characters to
cut down foes in a single strike, without needing for more
complex tracking from the DM.
Minions have 1 hit point and are instantly killed if reduced to
0 hit points, unless a creature chooses to attack nonlethally,
or to knock them out. Additionally, if the minion is subjected
to an effect that allows it to make a saving throw to take only
half damage, it instead takes no damage if it succeeds on the
saving throw.

The Arrival The man is called Derk (NG orc scout, he/him),
a hunter from Lifeden, and his captors are 1d4 + 4
Encounter Level: 1st-2nd famished ones.
Encounter Type: Combat, Social If freed, Derk thanks the party and asks them to
Encounter Overview: The party spots a group of accompany him to his village, Lifeden, where he’ll
roving marauders taking a hostage tell the authorities of the party’s deeds, making sure a
Encounter Location: Any mountain near a lake reward is put forth for them.
The party comes across a group of Famished Ones
scouting around near Lifeden. They’re gathering intel
on the village in order to better plan their attack. In
order to obtain accurate information, they’ve abducted a
local hunter for interrogation. Famished One Infighting
The Famished Ones, while united by a shared goal, are
The Encounter starving, angry, and largely hate one another. Representing
this can be as simple as Famished One warriors shoving or
The party approaches the valley where Lifeden is shouting at one another. The characters may wish to take
advantage of this in order to sow conflict among the enemies.
located. Read or paraphrase:
In order to do so, a character must use this action to
As you travel north, a distant mountain dominates more provoke a Famished One that they can see within 60 feet
and more of your view. Flying about the mountain in a of them. If the Famished One can see and hear them, the
series of spirally patterns is an terrifyingly-enormous character must make a Charisma (Deception, Intimidation,
serpentine dragon. or Persuasion) check. The target must then make a Wisdom
saving throw, the DC of which is equal to the result of the
Ahead of you, shouting voices can be heard. Instinct character’s Charisma check. On a failure, the Famished One is
draws your eyes to the sound, where you see an orcish momentarily distracted, either in confusion or contemplation
man, gagged and bound at the wrists, rushing out onto at the character’s words and becomes incapacitated until the
the road. When he sees you, he lets out a muffled end of its next turn. If the saving throw fails by 5 or more, it
cry for help, the request crystal clear in his eyes. Hot uses its action on its next turn to attack one of its allies. At
on his heels, armed orcish and goblinoid warriors this point, the Famished Ones may all become hostile to one
another (DM’s discretion).
chase after him.
Note that hobgoblins can be rather dangerous, mainly against
1st-level characters, so feel free to limit their appearance to
one or two per fight.

Lifeden is half an hour from where the party found • Oghmeya (NG orc, she/they) asks the party to
Derk. Once they get into the vale, read or paraphrase: parley with the dragon, offering the characters 500
A beautiful lake stretches out before you, surrounded gp as a reward if they can return with information
by bountiful vegetation, green grass, and lush berry on the dragon and what it wants.
bushes. Around the lake is a small village, idyllically • Ronsborn(LG halfling priest, he/him), one of the
placed in this rich, natural landscape. main village elders, believes that the dragon has
The serpentine dragon still circles overhead, casting an
placed a curse on the town, pointing to Eleonor, the
unnerving shadow over the otherwise-pristine vista.
village healer’s sickness as evidence to it. He asks
the party to check on Eleonor and collect whatever
Derk takes the party to the mayor’s home, and calls information they can find on the curse so that he can
for Oghmeya (NG orc, she/they), who leads the try to convince people to flee Lifeden. As a reward,
hamlet. Derk explains what happened and Oghmeya is he offers the party a potion of heroism and a family
extremely grateful, offering the party 50 gp for having heirloom worth 250 gp.
helped the hunter. She invites the party to stay for the • Qwentoth (LN dwarf commoner, he/him) head of
night as honored guest of Lifeden, providing them with the miner’s union, is concerned that approaching
free food and accommodations. the dragon is a risk that cannot be taken and tries to
Oghmeya’s home also serves at the village hall. bribe the party with 300 gp to corroborate the elder’s
Located at the central square, this building—inlaid belief that it’s safer to abandon the village.
with hundreds of beautiful, hand-carved patterns—
represents the multitude of cultures present in Lifeden Regardless, the party is directed to Eleonor’s home,
in its architecture. The stonemasonry is dwarvish, the so she can treat any of the characters’ injuries, or help
glasswork is elvish, the engravings are orcish motifs, prepare them for the mission ahead.
and it’s surrounded by traditional halfling gardenwork. Outcomes
There are no doors at the city hall, only archways,
representing the village’s openness through literal Some of the possible outcomes of this encounter are
interpretation.. The community prides itself on its listed below:
manner of government, in which every citizen has • The party ignores Derk’s plea for help.
a say and can directly influence the decision making • The group helps Derk but don’t go to Lifeden.
of its governing body, without the need of external • The characters help Derk and meet the mayor, but
representation.. they don’t get further involved with the village’s
The town’s square is a vibrant and colorful place. business.
Dominating the square is a market that, even in these • The characters help Derk and meet the mayor,
difficult times, is ever-full of merchants from all over, before getting involved with the village’s troubles.
putting even some cities to shame. Other buildings in
the square include the village hall, the miner’s union, Rewards
the Lakeview inn, and a small public library. At the
center of the square is a tall statue, depicting four orcish If the party saves Derk, award them XP equal to a
women, the first of the Foremothers. Hard encounter.
After a few hours in Lifeden, the party is approached
by one or more of the town’s main figures to ask for
their help (see below). You can also use the hooks below
if the party comes in contact with these NPCs.

Otherwise, the party is received by Eleonor. Any
The Ambush character with passive Insight of 13 or more notices
Encounter Level: 1st-2nd that she seems unwell. If asked, she says that it’s just
Encounter Type: Combat, Social a passing cold and she’ll likely be fine soon. This is a
Encounter Overview: The party heads towards lie. Characters can determine as such with a successful
Eleonor’s home and has the opportunity to save her DC 15 Wisdom (Insight) check. In her weakened
from an attack state, Eleonor uses the statistics of an acolyte and
Encounter Location: Eleonor’s home can cast healing magic where needed. If pressed, she
politely but firmly states that her personal health is
Background a private matter and that she’s like them to drop the
In order to give them an edge in their assault on subject. Unless they’re outwardly rude to her, Eleonor
Lifeden, the Famished Ones sent one of their captains offers to share a meal with the characters: a hearty
to kill the village healer. Ughorloth has been lurking chicken soup, seasoned with fine spices, paired with a
near her home, waiting for the best moment to strike. vintage red wine.
Eleonor can share most of Lifeden’s background with
The Encounter the party, telling its tale with a passion that betrays
her love of the village. She will not reveal her draconic
Once the party approaches the house, read or
nature to the characters now, as she isn’t sure that she
can trust them.
Eleonor’s house rests at the end of a stone pier, If the party talk about the situations with Lifeden’s
surrounded by wave-shaped stones. It’s a cozy, two- leaders, she has the following to say:
story home with a roof of blue-slate tiles. Gulls circle
the house, occasionally perching atop the roof. White • If the party mention Oghmeya’s desire for them
smoke wafts up from a chimney, accompanied by a to venture into the mountains to speak with the
delicious cooking smell. dragon, Eleonor tries to dissuade them, making
Hiding within the rocks near the house is Ughorloth, mention of the dangerous wildlife that lives up on
who watches Eleonor’s movements for several hours. the mountains, including a nest of rocs that can “get
Roll a Dexterity (Stealth) check for him. Once the party very territorial at this time of year.”.
is within 30 feet of the house, a character may be able • If the party mentions Ronsborn or Qwentoth’s
to spot the orc if their passive Perception allows it. If desire to abandon Lifeden, she grows extremely
spotted by the party, Ughorloth engages (see “Fighting concerned at the prospect and implores them not to
Ughorloth” below). listen.

If asked about the dragon, she says that she doesn’t
know its purpose. She believes that the dragon
is watching over Lifeden, since it likely would’ve
attacked otherwise. Fat One
Medium Humanoid (Orc), Typically Evil
Once Ughorloth realizes that the party isn’t going
away anytime soon, he gets impatient and barges in, —
Armor Class 15 (bone armor, shield)
rushing to complete his mission. Hit Points 39 (6d8 + 12)
Speed 30 ft
Fighting Ughorloth —
If the fight starts outside, Ughorloth (LE fat one (see 17 (+3) 12 (+1) 15 (+2) 12 (­+1) 13 (+1) 12 (+1)
below), he/him) is cocky enough to fight even though —
Saving Throws Str +5, Wis +3
he’s outnumbered. However, if he starts his turn Skills Athletics +5, Survival +3, Perception +3
missing half or more of his hit points, he moves into the Damage Resistances cold
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 13
house and attempts to take Eleonor hostage. If the fight Languages Common, Orc
starts inside, Ughorloth immediately attempts to take Challenge 1 (200 XP) Proficiency Bonus +2
Eleonor hostage. —
Hulking Body. The fat one has advantage on Strength checks
In response to the hostage attempt, Eleonor casts and Strength saving throws.
sanctuary on herself, taking a knee in silent prayer. If
Spiked Armor. At the start of each of its turns, the fat one deals
any character is reduced to 0 hit points, she casts cure 3 (1d6) piercing damage to any creature it is grappling.
wounds on them if she can. Eleonor has disadvantage
on death saving throws and if it’s reduced to 0 hit Actions
Multiattack. The fat one makes two Bone Blade attacks. It
points, she instantly fails a death saving throw. If can replace one of these attacks with an attempt to grapple
Eleonor dies, the dragon illusion ends. a creature.

Developments Bone Blade. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
target. Hit: 7 (1d8 + 3) slashing damage. If the target is a
If captured and interrogated, Ughorloth doesn’t disclose creature, it must succeed on a DC 13 Wisdom saving throw or
become frightened of the fat one until the end of its next turn.
any useful information unless a character succeeds on a
Light Crossbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 80/320
DC 15 Charisma (Deception or Intimidation) check, in ft., one target. Hit: 5 (1d8 + 1) piercing damage.
which he gloats about how the Famished Ones will raze
Lifeden to the ground. Bonus Actions
Once Ughorloth has either been killed or securely Aggressive. The fat one moves up to its speed toward a hostile
creature that it can see.
captured, Eleonor takes them aside and reveals the
truth. She reveals that she needs an artifact from her
lair, the bloodgem to restore her health so that she can
face down the incoming Famished One army and begs
for their aid. They don’t have much time before one of
the town leaders convinces the populace to abandon Outcomes
Lifeden. She also shares her true name with the party: Some of the possible outcomes of this encounter are
Laeklyffara. listed below:
Eleonor gives the party two potions of healing and a
spell scroll of cure wounds to aid them in their journey. • The party doesn’t go to Eleonor’s house and she is
She explain gives the party the secret word to deactivate captured.
the bloodgem’s defenses: Araffykeal. • The group stops Ughorloth and fights him, killing or
If the party didn’t go Eleonor’s house, Ughorloth takes capturing him.
Eleonor from her home and up towards the mountain. • The characters interact with Eleonor before
A village-goer, Mazlor (CG orc commoner, she/her) Ughorloth attacks them.
spots this kidnapping and rushes to inform Oghmeya, • The party learns about the truth and decides to help
who begs the characters to help Eleonor. the dragon.
• The party learns about the truth and decides to leave

If the party saves Eleonor, award them XP equal to a
Hard encounter.
The Retrieval Background
Encounter Level: 1st-2nd Laeklyffara sensed danger over Mount Crimson and
Encounter Type: Combat, Exploration was right to do so. In her fight against the Famished
Encounter Overview: The party ventures to Mount Ones, she was able to kill many of their warriors, but
Crimson to retrieve the Bloodgem for Laeklyffara, was wounded by arrow-fire in the process. Then when
so that she can drive the Famished Ones back to she retreated to her lair, she found that it had already
the Cold North. been taken by a forward raiding party. The battle that
Encounter Location: Mount Crimson broke out in Laekyffara’s lair left her severely wounded,
forcing her to abandon the mountain.
Now, the Famished Ones have taken the lair and
made it their base of operation, filling it with tents,
palisades, supplies, and ballistas. When Laeklyffara
summoned the illusion over the mountain, the raiders
assumed it was another dragon as it was much larger
than the one they fought. They have been holed up in
the mountain lair ever since, waiting for an opportunity
to face down the dragon, before marching down into
Lifeden in the valley below.

The Encounter
Mount Crimson is less than an hour away from Lifeden
at a normal pace. The land in between is composed of
The Bloodgem
Wondrous Item, Legendary (Requires Attunement)
grass, bushes, woods, and rocks, with a few streams.
This mystical gemstone was enchanted by the silver dragon,
Wildlife can easily be spotted drinking water from the Laeklyffara as a means to heal the deathly sick. The gem
stream or eating berries from bushes. carries the properties below:
If the party spent a night at Lifeden and decided to go to Warm Light. The bloodgem shed bright light in a 20-foot
Mount Crimson at dawn/early morning, roll a die. On radius and dim light for an additional 20 feet. Any creature
an odd result, the party is attacked by 1d3 worgs which within bright light produced by the gemstone has resistance
were released to scout the area and gather food. to cold damage.
If the party got the truth from Laeklyffara, they Make Me Whole Again. If you spend 1 minute touching the
don’t need any checks to find the lair’s entrance, as she gemstone, you gain the following benefits:
will explain how to find it. Otherwise, the party must • You gain the benefits of a long rest.
succeed on a DC 15 Wisdom (Survival) check to find it. • Any effect that is causing you to be blinded, charmed,
deafened, frightened, paralyzed, petrified, or
On a failure, the characters spend hours searching for poisoned ends.
it and are attacked by 1d4 + 1 famished ones during • Any effect that reduces one or more of your ability scores
their search. and/or your hit point maximum ends.
The entrance to the lair is guarded by two • Any curse or disease afflicting you ends.
famished ones. • Any severed body members (fingers, legs, tails, and so
on), if any, are restored.
A character with a passive Perception score of 15 or
Once used, this property cannot be used again for 7 days.
higher notices that there are a number of loose rocks
and stones above the cavern entrance. The rocks can be Protective Measures. When you speak the gem’s command
word as an action while within 30 feet of it, it becomes
dislodged with a well-placed ranged attack (AC 18), or warded until you speak the command word in this manner
by a creature sneaking around the side of the entrance again. While this magic persists, the gemstone cannot be
and climbing up the rock face with a successful DC moved and the first time a creature touches the gem on a
13 Strength (Athletics) check. If a creature fails either turn, it takes 35 (10d6) fire damage.
of these rolls, the guards are alerted. If the rocks are
dislodged without the guards’ notice, the guards must
each succeed on a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw or be
killed by the falling debris.
If the characters are spotted, one of them rushes into Retrieving the Gem
the lair to warn the rest while the other one slides a The bloodgem (see below) is located at the center of the
movable palide to block the entrance, using ranged camp, and is being studied by a few shamans. The gem’s
attacks from behind three-quarters cover. If the runner protective magic has already killed several Famished
reaches the central cavern, the camp will enter high Ones and now they’re trying to better understand the
alert, posting 2d12 famished ones at the gate. stone. The bloodgem can clearly be seen all throughout
the cave. Once the gem is retrieved, skip to “The
The Lair Escape”. Note that if the camp is on alert, most of the
The entrance leads to a natural tunnel that stretches on approaches below won’t work.
for 500 feet before ending in an enormous cavern. Read Additionally, the bloodgem is protected by powerful
of paraphrase: warding magic which devastates any creature who
The tunnel opens up in a massive chamber packed touches it. This magic can only be quelled by speaking
with tents, palisades, crates, firecamps, flags, and the gem’s command word. If the characters learned
a cacophony of noise, as the chatter of well over a the truth from Laeklyffara in “The Ambush,” they will
hundred Famished Ones rings throughout. A large already know the command word: Araffykeal. If they
opening in the roof above allows for natural light didn’t, they will first have to rescue the dragon before
to illuminate part of the cavern, with iron braziers retrieving the gem (see Saving Eleonor).
illuminating the rest.
The Famished One base is garrisoned by 10d12 + 80
famished ones from ten different tribes. The leader
of each tribe uses the statistics of a bandit captain.
Clearly, a head on confrontation is not an option
for the party.
- 1 famished ones. If any of these alerted famished
ones remain conscious at the start of their turn in the
Unless one of the entrance guards manage to warn the
second round of combat, they immediately use their
camp of the party’s presence, none of the Famished
action to shout and holler, alerting the entire camp (see
Ones expect any guests and a stealthy approach can
“Alerting the Camp”).
be attempted. Reaching the bloodgem requires three
successful DC 12 group Dexterity (Stealth) checks. For
each failure, the DC for the next check increases by 1.
Alerting the Camp
The camp can be alerted in one of two ways, each with
Once the party acrue’s three failed saving throws and
their own outcome:
for each failed saving throw thereafter, each failure
Alerting the Gate Guards. If the gate guards
also causes the party alerts 1d4 - 1 famished ones. If
successfully alert the camp, see Security Increase.
any of these alerted famished ones remain conscious at
In the Belly of the Beast. If the camp is alerted of
the start of their turn in the second round of combat,
the party’s presence while they are inside the camp, skip
they immediately use their action to shout and holler,
to “The Escape.” If the party makes no efforts to flee,
alerting the entire camp (see “Alerting the Camp”).
they will almost certainly be surrounded and killed.
Upon reaching three successed, the party gets close to
Security Increase. The first time the camp is alerted,
the gem, which is guarded by two druids).
the leaders send a detachment of 2d6 + 6 famished
ones to the gate. If they can, they send at least one
Sow Discord
famished one who can recognise the characters on
The party can attempt to trigger internal conflict
sight. These guards remain at their post for 8 hours,
among the enemy ranks. Below are some examples on
before returning to the camp, being replaced by two
how to do this. Any character with passive Perception
new famished one guards. If the characters have rescued
12 or more notices the difference between the tribes,
Eleonor (see below) or have stolen the bloodgem, the
and once they know how to differentiate them, they
leadership skip this step and straight onto high alert.
can use this information in their favor. Triggering
If the camp is alerted a second time, the camp goes
the conflict requires a successful DC 15 Charisma
on high alert and stays that way for 4 days. During this
(Deception) check, followed by one of the examples
time, the gate is guarded by 2d6 + 2 famished ones, with
below, or some other sensible means.
scouting parties of 1d4 famished ones patrolling the
• Disguised as an orc, goblin, or hobgoblin, and mountainside, looking for intruders.
speaking the appropriate language (Goblin or
Orcish), a character warns one tribe of an imminent Saving Eleonor
betrayal from another clan. If Eleonor was kidnapped by Ughorloth during “The
• Take the corpse of a Famished One and mark the kill Ambush”, she has been brought to the camp and is
with the symbol of one of the other tribes. being held in one of the leaders’ tents. Any character
• Using the message spell or similar magic and with passive Perception 14 or more hears the occasional
speaking the appropriate languages (Goblin or screams of Eleonor, who is being tortured for
Orcish) to spread rumors about an uprising against information on the bloodgem.
the leadership. Locating Eleonor’s exact position requires a DC 13
Once discord has been successfully sowed, it takes Wisdom (Survival) check, followed by a successful
10 minutes for it to manifest, as the various tribes DC 12 group Dexterity (Stealth) check to reach her,
begin shouting, brawling, and in some cases outright or two if the Survival check failed. If any of these
attacking each other. In this case, the party gains Dexterity (Stealth) checks fail, the party alert 1d4 - 1
advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks made to move famished ones. If any of these alerted famished ones
throughout the camp. remain conscious at the start of their turn in the second
round of combat, they immediately use their action
Distraction to shout and holler, alerting the entire camp (see
The party can attempt to distract the camp through “Alerting the Camp”).
multiple means, but the most likely options are either: Inside the tent, Eleonor is being tortured by a fat one
setting fires, or releasing the hungry worgs. Either and a druid. Once the two torturers are dispatched, the
of these things can be done with a successful DC 12 characters can easily untie Eleonor. If she hasn’t already,
group Dexterity (Stealth) check, which draws the Eleonor tells the characters that she needs the bloodgem,
attention of the entire camp, granting them advantage and asks them to either bring her to it, or bring it to
on subsequent Dexterity (Stealth) checks made to move her, whichever they prefer.
throughout the camp. On a failure, the party alerts 1d4
Once Eleonor uses the bloodgem to restore herself to three failures, the party gets surrounded and a random
full health, she tells the characters to be ready to flee the character takes 1d6 + 2 slashing damage.
encampment. Read or paraphrase: Once the party accrues three successes, they reach
Eleonor begins to transform, growing in size, silver the tunnels, which they need to follow to reach the
scales replacing her skin, wings sprouting from her mountain base once again. The famished ones stop
back, an enormous, draconic form replacing her chasing them at this point.
humanoid appearance. As her presence becomes
apparent, screams echo out all across the camp. Developments
Any character with passive Perception 13 or more If the party gives the bloodgem to Laeklyffara, she uses
hears orders being shouted in Orc and Goblin: “Quick, it to regain her strength and returns to her through the
to the ballistas!” There are 3 ballistas mounted on opening in the roof to end the Famished Ones for good.
elevated rocks (marked as BL on the map), each manned If the characters steal the bloodgem, their betrayal
by three famished ones. If not dealt with, Laeklyffara’s angers Laeklyffaragreatly and she becomes their enemy,
job becomes much harder. tracking the party to retrieve the magic item.
The dragon flies to the tunnel and positions herself If Eleonor had been taken and the party managed to
there, allowing only the characters to pass through. save her, she becomes their ally.
Laeklyffara is an adult silver dragon, and she uses her In regards to Lifeden, Laeklyffara asks the party not to
Cold Breath whenever it’s ready, as long as it won’t hit mention the truth of her draconic form to anyone, but
the characters, and attacks with her Bite, Claws, Tail, if they do, the leaders of the village can be convinced of
and Wings while her Breath Weapon is recharging. the dragon’s good intention, since she destroyed a great
Most famished ones try to escape. However, those menace they didn’t have any clue existed. The evidence
operating the ballista focus their attacks on Laeklyffara. from her lair is enough to prove that.
The ballista is a Large object with AC 14, 40 hit points, Outcomes
and immunity to poison and psychic damage. It needs to
be loaded and aimed before firing, each of which takes Some of the possible outcomes of this encounter are
an action. Enough famished ones man each ballista that listed below:
they can fire once per round. • The party uses one or more of the approaches like
Ballista Bolt. Ranged Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, range 300/900 ft., stealth, sowing discord, or distractions, to grab the
one target. Hit: 22 (4d10) piercing damage.
bloodgem and escape.
Moving within the camp during the dragon attack is • The party fails to be discrete and alerts the camp
chaotic, but enemies are trying to escape, so they aren’t • The characters save Eleonor and help her with the
worried about the party unless the characters attack ballistas
them, in which case they defend themselves. • The characters save Eleonor and escape the camp
If the party flees the scene, Laeklyffara suffers once
again great wounds and has to wait a week before Rewards
using the bloodgem again. If the party helps her with If the party saves Eleonor, award them XP equal to a
the ballistas, she rewards them with 500 gp, a cloak of Medium encounter. If they help her with the ballistas,
protection, and four potions of healing. award them XP equal to a Medium encounter. If the
party uses any means to support their stealth approach,
The Escape award them XP equal to a Medium encounter.
If the party takes the bloodgem after disabling its
protective measures, the characters will need to flee,
as their presence will become evident very quickly. To
escape and reach the tunnel, the party needs to succeed
in three group skill checks. The exact skill is left up to
each player to determine; it could be Athletics to shove
past the enemies, Acrobatics to dodge past them, or
Deception to trick enemies and divert their attention,
whatever makes sense for the moment. Once each
player decides which skill their character will use, have
them roll the check, starting at DC 13. For each failure,
the DC for the next check increases by 1. Upon accruing


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