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A. Planting (Pagkakaingin)
1. Use of new technology in farming
According to Felipe Ayno, modern technology has a great impact on the lives of mangyan people
not only in education but in their lifestyle/livelihood. There was also a changed in the tools that they
used for farming. If before, they used only simple tools in cultivating/farming but now modern
technology has been introduced to them by the Lowlanders people. They were the ones who taught
mangyan people on how to use modern technology in the cultivation of land and harvesting of crops
He added also that it has not been easy to have modern planting equipment especially in the high
mountains area. Where, it has disadvantages in using it because they spend a lot of money on labor but
on the other hand, it has advantages to them because it helps a lot in easy way of planting and harvesting
of their crops.
2. According to Huas Bernabe, he use variety of fertilizers and insecticides in planting as what he
has been accustomed in doing to keep his crops healthy and also to counter the insects that may destroy
his plants/crops. The use of various fertilizers and insecticides in farming has been never new to them
before and until now, because it helps a lot to grow their plants healthy and also to make their harvest go
well without damages from any insects that will not lead to losses of their products that they will to
sell/barter to other town.
He added too, that they only use fertilizer on plants that are only targets by insects. But, they do
not use any fertilizers for plants that are not destroyed by insects. However, using of fertilizers is crops
and killing insects was only costly because of the high price.

(A. Trading)
1. According to Yason and Biebe Litaw (a merchant couple in our area), if it has been too much
for them to export of their products from the mountains to the town, but it would not have been through
the helps of the modern vehicles (tricycle) that their products had been sold and exported. With this
help, they have no difficulty in descending from the high mountain to plains. However, it also causes
disadvantages when running out of fuel or had a flat tire in remote areas.
The couples added too, that they can’t go down from the mountains to export their products
because of the weather, if they get down in the summer, they sell a lot. But when its rainy season, it is
bad luck for them because it leads to damage or destroy of their products when they pile up for a long
time. This is also one of the disadvantages of native traders.
2. According to Eliseo Quinton, when he had a product to sell to the town, it is not easy for them
to sell it because of the “westernization” or “pambabarat” of other people who buy their products. In this
situation, they have nothing to do or they have no choice to accept it because this is the only way for
them to earn an small income or at least a little profit that can be added to their small business and for
their basic needs.

a. Declination of mangyan language use
1. Teaching method in the classroom
According to Mrs. Vicky Capray, an IP teacher of Waygan Elementary School, it is not easy for
her to be a teacher especially since many IPs students have difficulty when they have to speak Tagalog
language inside the classroom. That's the first thing that she wants to focus especially in the subjects of
English, Science, Mathematics, Filipino, and other subjects in her class. She approached some IPs
students who have difficulty understanding some words contained in each subject. She explained them
using their own native language so that, they can better understand what they need to do in the activities
that contained in each subject. And in this situation, she just needs a long understanding especially with
her IPs students who are also striving to learn and have a basic quality of education. And as an IP
teacher who stands as a second parent in the school, guidance and long-term understanding is what
native students really need.
2. Less integration of mangyan culture to academics
According to Ms. Naneth Damaynan, an IP teacher of Dong Nam Full Gospel SHS Inc, in her
observation of his class, many IP students could not keep up with his class because of their slow
comprehension of each subject that they had. According to her, there are some IPs students who can
follow and know about the lesson in the class. If it is based on their origin, a long understanding of them
is needed to teach them and guide them in what they will do to keep up and to achieve a high grades like
Damuong or Tagalog students. But some IP students are very active in schoolwork, but in their
academics it can still be said that they need to focus to keep up with the majority because if we compare
what we have done to the Tagalog students who have knowledge when it comes to the field of education
especially the academics that included in it. Because there are some native students who only study in
the mountains or have their own education. So when they come to city, they will learn something
different, the people that they meet and the environment.

B. change of lifestyle in communicating in other especially in lowlanders

1. According to Saida Balungbong, she didn’t grow up in her hometown or her own family. She
grew up and thought about the care of other people. And because of the familiarity and the family where
she grew up in, that’s why she learned there how to speak tagalog language than mangyan language. She
added too, that there is a time when she ashamed to speak mangyan language to her tribesmen because
she does not want to be heard or embarrassed by her lowlander friends or acquaintances just because she
is a mangyan student. She knew it was wrong to ashamed her own language but it was the only thing
that gave her confident in herself to be able to socialize with other people as a mangyan student.

According to Melody Aynungan, during her ten years of living in other people’s house, many
things changed in her life liked spiritually, physically, mentally and emotionally because of the family
problem. Everything was not easy for her but because of the help of other people who cared and
educated her. That’s the reason why she became has a positive mind in life again. Became fluent and she
gained confidence in herself to be able to speak and express what she feels using the tagalog language.
And she added also that it is not easy to change her personality, behavior, and actions even she grew up
in the other people’s house. She turned life’s challenges into an investment so she had a positive mind in
III. Religious Beliefs
A. Introduction of Western Music
1. Enjoys western music than religious songs
According to Via C. Litaw, an IP student of Clarendon College, due to modern times, many
things have changed not only in people's living and lifestyle but also in how people keep up with the
flow of time. According to her, she was one of those who played a role in their church, active and
responsible for all activities inside and outside the church. She is also a leader in singing or song leader
of their church. But with the gust of modern times, she became obsessed with modern songs that are
secular or do not belong to the songs of the church. According to her also, when she's sad, she doesn't
play church songs, but the popular songs in our time.
2. Social Media is more useful than the bible
According to Sarah Angel C. Capray, a native student of Clarendon College, the use of modern
technology had a great impact especially on young people like her. And one of the reasons why she
prefers to use a cellphone rather than reading a book it is because of her studies. And to her, if she was
still in her own place, what she always carried and used to read was the Bible. But because of the desire
to continue her studies, she served as a working student in kata-galugan or in other people's house. And
here everything started to change in his life. Here, she learned how to dress properly, groom herself and
use mobile phones especially in her studies. And according to her, she misses reading the bible because
she has been busy with his studies and work as a working student nowadays.

B. Change of ritual process from Daniw to blessing of the Priest

1. Singing worship songs when there are dead
According to Pastor Enrile Luna, there are two types of doing this work within the church,
especially among the Protestants. These two are the formal and informal practices. It is formal when a
deceased family belongs to the church where they attend and it is customary to do so. Informally, when
a deceased does not go to church or the people of the world but still want to pass a dead person to the
church so that his soul can have peace and tranquility. In the informal practice, the deceased also needs
to ask permission from the Pastor if it is possible for a dead person to be taken to the church even if it is
not the affiliated church. In informal of this doings, it depends also in every religion of church.

2. Prayer is more effective than Daniw

According to Pausto Balumbong, one of the oldest pastors of our church, prayer is a person's
personal conversation with his Lord. This is the most effective way for a person to express what he feels
and experiences on a daily basis and protection from any harm that the person will not suffer in his/her
future. According to him also, prayer is the most effective shield than Daniw. Daniw is a worldly
practice or beliefs of those people who do not believe in God. Non-traditional IPs cannot do this
especially if they don't go to church. Because their thoughts are full of beliefs about evil elements or
superstitions that they themselves will heal people who have serious illnesses.

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