A231 Sgdy4022 CLO3MovieAnalysis

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Determine practical solutions based on a specific theory or assumptions for practice. (LOC4a: Personal Skills; C6)

INSTRUCTIONS: In a group of four (4) or five (5), review ADIWIRAKU the movie and answer the following questions:
1. INTRODUCTION (10 points):
a. Provide a brief synopsis of the movie from an educator’s perspective.
2. CRITIQUE: (50 points)
a. What have you learned from this movie?
b. Cite two (2) scenes or plots that capture your interest. Write down the counter time of the scene.
c. What are the issues in the scenes? Critically describe and analyze the situations/scenes and the application of theories and
support with a literature review.
a. Personally, how would you do it differently if you were teacher Cheryl?
b. How does this movie affect you personally as a future educator?
c. Justify your answer based on theories we discussed in class.
4. CONCLUSION: What are the implications of the learning and developmental theories on learning and teaching? (20 points)

Note: Though this is a group work No 3 should be done individually.

Criteria Outstanding Acceptable Poor Weight Score
(8-10) (5-7 pts) (1-4) (%)
1.Introduction/ summary Introduction /summary of synopsis is very Introduction/summary of synopsis is organized with a The introduction /summary of 10
organized with a well-constructed opinion well-constructed opinion. synopsis appears to be
and supporting details. disorganized.

2. Critique Identifies and understands all the issues in Identifies and understands some of the issues in the Identifies and understands few 20
a. content the movie movie of the issues in the movie

Identification of the issues and

what was learned
3. Critique Able to describe and provide analysis of the Able to describe and identify scene(s)/ Able to identify scene(s)/ Plot 30
b. analysis scene(s)/Plot from the movie and relate the plot from the movie, with some errors and able to from the movie, not able to
Ability to describe and analyze theory(ies) in an excellent manner and relate to theory(ies) and some literature review (2 or relate to relevant theory(ies)
the situation and the application supported by literature review (5 or more more) and no citations.
of theories and support with with at least 3 recent ones)
literature review

4.Personal skills Able to individually reflect issues from the Able to relatively discuss issues from the movie but Only able to identify issues but 20
Ability to individually reflect movie to show how it has affected in terms only able to show how it has affected personal did not attempt to relate to
events that occurred in the of enthusiasm for independent learning, development described in an unconvincing way. personal development or with
movie with justification for intellectual and self-development as well as any sound justification.
personal development capability to plan for career development
with convincing justification using related
theories introduced in the course.
5. Conclusion ■ has a strong conclusion that provides a ■ has a conclusion which offers a basic summary of • has a weak conclusion 20
thoughtful summary of presented ideas the primary ideas that does not relate to the
presented ideas.
■ has a conclusion that supports and ■ has a conclusion that
complements the introduction whilst general supports the • has a conclusion that is
providing implication to learning and introduction, but may be weak due to lose ends or flat disjointed and does not
teaching repetition (simple restatement of the ideas offered in summarize or reflect the
the project ideas put forth in the
■ provides concluding remarks that show an introduction
analysis and synthesis of ideas occurred. ■ little indication to synthesize the information or
make a conclusion based on the literature under

Total Marks

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