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Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 379

1st Vocational Education International Conference (VEIC 2019)

Job Performance Apprenticeship in Housekeeping Department: An

Implementation of Competency-Based Assessment Model

Yoyoh Jubaedah1, Nenden Rani Rinekasari1, and Neni Rohaeni1,

1Home Ecnomics Study Program, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesua, Bandung, West Java, Indonesia

Keywords: Model Implementation, Competency Based Assessment, Job Performance, Industry Practice, Housekeeping

Abstract: The purpose is to implement the model of competency-based assessment on job performance of industrial
practice in Housekeeping Department. The Specific targets of are implementation, competency
achievement, and the quality competency-based assessment on job performance of industrial practice in
Housekeeping Department. This research used descriptive method with the approach of Research and
Development. This research covers Preliminary Studies, Model Development Phase, and Model Validation
Test Phase. Research subject consists of student as participant, internal, and external examiner. Data is
collected through interview, observation, and competency test. Data analysis research is conduct according
to procedure and characteristic from the finding of data research. The findings show that the model of
competency-based assessment that was implemented excels cover the preparation phase, process and result
according to the Hotel Standard Operating Procedure. The evaluation phase refers by the internal and
external evaluator shows that the competency achievement of participants is according the standard hotel
performance which is all of them achieved competency. This model possesses a good quality analyzed from
the result of interrater reliability test which is proved by the average score of Cronbach alpha of 0.8962 that
is higher than the minimal reliability of 0,6.

1 INTRODUCTION ispreparing the students to become a teacher

candidate of Hotel Accommodation expertise which
Globalization is a huge challenge to the education is also as a professional room attendant. The courses
world, specifically to the increase of Home of housekeeping prepare the students in the aspect of
Economics graduate quality of Universitas affective, cognitive, and psychomotor, such as how
Pendidikan Indonesia. The graduate profile of this to prepare the guest room. One of the skill to
study program amongst them becomes a vocational prepare it is turn down service aspect. Turn down
high school teacher of Hotel Accommodation service has very strong relations with the wish of the
expertise or a worker in the hotel for Housekeeping hotel's guest, where a room attendant has to give
Department. To anticipate the global challenge, the their best service, because it could increase the
education scope has to be able giving the learning quality of the hotel itself. In accordance with the
experience to their students in the formative process research result of Thomas and Murat (2008)”... by
of high level skills. Also provide them the giving the best service to every customer, it will
competencies that would be linked and matched with leave a great impression for the hotel”. Through this
the industry world as stakeholders. Education is an practice the students will be prepared as a competent
important element in increasing the quality of human room attendant.
resource. However, the situation that happen now Student's experience is acquired from the
has not yet become linier between the educational housekeeping courses. The purpose of this courses is
background and the labour market. In other words, preparing the students to become a teacher candidate
there has not been synchronization between the of Hotel Accommodation expertise which is also as
facilitator of education and the facilitator of working a professional room attendant. The courses of
field (Rofaida, 2013). housekeeping prepare the students in the aspect of
Student's experience is acquired from the affective, cognitive, and psychomotor, such as how
housekeeping courses. The purpose of this courses to prepare the guest room. One of the skill to

Copyright © 2019 The Authors. Published by Atlantis Press SARL.

This is an open access article distributed under the CC BY-NC 4.0 license ( 246
Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 379

prepare it is turn down service aspect. Turn down performance is judged by the internal and external
service has very strong relations with the wish of the examiners. Therefore, the competency of the
hotel's guest, where a room attendant has to give students is in accordance to the hotel standard. The
their best service, because it could increase the appliance of performance assessment in the
quality of the hotel itself. In accordance with the debriefing and performing the internship or
research result of Thomas and Murat (2008)”... by industrial practice would increase the student
giving the best service to every customer, it will abilities. The students would work more active,
leave a great impression for the hotel”. Through this collaborative, and cooperative, also able to
practice the students will be prepared as a competent participate in evaluating their development. In
room attendant. accordance to Palm (2008), he said that performance
Implementation from the link and match policy assessment has the edge of measuring the skill
of Home Economics Study Program is the internship comprehensively by considering the competence and
program for the students in the hotels and it is called knowledge that is needed today. Performance
the Industrial Practice. This internship program that assessment demands the students to realize the real
has been implemented today needs to be renewed, so duty that represents the whole performance that will
the industry and college could acquire the same be assessed, like preparing the tools, using or
benefit, because nowadays there is an impression crafting the tools, writing data, analyzing and
that those advantages only received by the interns concluding data, designing report and so forth (Uno,
and the colleges while the industry received the 2012).As a part of learning, assessment is a periodic
disadvantages form it (Eka, 2018). checks on learning will provide the feedback for the
In response to the need of optimizing the student of their strength and weaknesses occur
industrial practice of housekeeping department, within their learning progress. Cumulative
Home Economics Study Program should apply the assessments for learning will show progress – or
competency-based assessment model through job lack thereof – over time (Ross,, 2012).
performance in this program. Housekeeping Performance Assessment with the proper
department has duty and responsibility not only in indicator from standard operating procedure will
preparing the room, but also preparing for all the ease the examiner for acquiring more valid and
area of the hotel, whether it is on the inside or the objective data form the test taker. The evaluation
outside area of the hotel like, rooms, rented area, instruments is needed in every learning process to
parking area, garden, swimming pool, and other acquire the information of achieved purpose target
facilities in the hotel. Through this model the gap (Miller, 2012). Jubaedah (2009) in her research
between the student competencies and industrial stated that instrument of evaluation in practice using
demand would be imminent. An important reason test in the form of working covers preparing,
for the popularity of the concept of competence is working process, and result stage that has been
the expectation held by many stakeholders in the appropriated with the National Standard
VET field that the gap between the labour market Competency.
and education can (and will) be reduced through Model of Competency Based Assessment on Job
competence-based education (Biemans, et al., 2004). Performance of Industryial Practice in Housekeeping
Housekeeping department covers several Department is the measuring tools to fulfill the
sections, which are: public area, room section, demand of Hotel Standard Operating Procedure that
laundry, linen and uniform, florist, heatlh and can be referred by the internal – mentor/lecturer
recreational. Housekeeping department has the duty from the university, and the external – mentor from
and responsibility in keeping the cleanliness, the hotel. The aim is the student work competency
tidiness, beauty, and comfort of all those areas and achievement could be recognized from the hotel or
provide the others supporting facility (Wulanto and stakeholders. It will implied on the quality of
Hadi, 2014). Competency achievement of the graduates. The hotel standard operating procedure or
students’ needs to be measured through performance SOP is made in an attempt to create a limitation
assessment which is a very effective evaluation from the department works. Therefore, every
instruments to portray the process, activity, or work employee of the hotel can be the referral for work.
method through the observations while the students The SOP of Housekeeping needs to be the reference
performing the practice. for the job performance in housekeeping department
Competency achievement of students as an intern industrial practice.
in housekeeping department needs to be evaluated
through the performance assessment. Their

Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 379

2 RESEARCH METHOD accordance to Hotel SOP can assist the examiner to

give an objective assessment for the student. Every
Research approach that is used to answer the indicator in the evaluation instruments uses an
research problem that has been formulated in this appropriate language that is standardized in the
research is Research and Development (R&D). Steps hotel. Therefore, the students feel convinient to use
of Research and Development in this research cover the hotel terms customarily when they perform the
three phases, which are: (1) Preliminary Studies, (2) industrial practice. The evaluations on the
Model Development and (3) Model Validation preparation phase of turn down service practice have
(Sukmadinata: 2005). been explained in detail and complete according to
This research was conducted in the instituted the hotel SOP. The evaluation indicator in the
department where the industrial practice was being process phase in this practice is easy to be
held in a Hotel of Bandung City; with the subject understood by internal and external examiners.
consist of the students and the hotel and external Saputra (2015) said that the scope and criteria of
advisors. In the preliminary studies the following evaluation or indicator performance assessment is in
technique was chosen. They were an interview, an accordance to the work phase. The evaluation on the
observation and documentation study. These result of turn down service practice is mainly on the
technique as a basic to decide the hotel that is appropriate duration. With this duration, the students
chosen as the place to implement the Model can finish the turn down service practice accurately
Competency-based Assessment on Job Performance and quickly.
of Industrial Practice in Housekeeping Department.
On the phase of model development, the 3.2 Competency Achievement of Intern
instrument test was performed as evaluation of job 3.1.1 Competency Achievement in
performance for turn down service practice Preparation Phase
according to SOP of Housekeeping. The approach is
Competency-based Assessment in Housekeeping Competency achievement related to the preparation
Department in Kota Bandung Hotel as the institution phase of turn down serviceindicator is the ofself
couple of Home Economics. It cover a limited test appearance. It shows that the entire intern has done
and wider test so it produces model that is ready to the following procedure, such as:
be validated.
On the validation phase, competency-based Table 1: Achieved Competence in the Preparation Phase of Turn
assessment model on job performance of industrial Down Service in Self Appearance Indicator
practice in Housekeeping Department is
No Work Correct In- Information
implementedthroughinternal and external examiner. Procedure correct
To test this model the model is being developed 1 Wearing the √ All interns wore
through empirical analysis study test Interrater prepared the prepared
uniform uniform
reliability of evaluation turn down service 2 Hair is tidy √ All intern hairs
instrument. were tidy
3 Nails are √ All interns nails
short were short
4 Shoes is √ All interns shoes
3 RESULT AND DISCUSSION always were always
polished polished
5 Not Wearing √ All interns wore no
3.1 Implementation of Competency- Excessive excessive
based Assessment Model on Job Accessories accessories
6 Discipline in √ All interns were
Performance In Housekeeping time discipline in time
Department 7 Not wearing √ All interns wore no
excessive excessive perfume
The result shows that implymentation of 8 Wearing √ All interns wore a
competency-based assessment model on job clean and tidy clean and tidy
performance especialy practice of turn down service clothes clothes
helps the internal and external examiners when they
evaluate the student. Through the easy use of From Table 1, the data describes that all interns
instruments and the indicators is composed in meet the indicators which is suitable with standard

Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 379

operational procedure in Housekeeping Department. toilet bowl brush, dry cloth, and glass cloth in turn
This achievement means that the most important down service practice as an indicator that should be
factors that has to be fulfil by room attendant, are: fulfilled.
using the provided uniform, hair cut short and in Table 4: Competency Achievement in ThePreparingCleaning
equipmentof Turn Down Service Practice
order, for women, hair has to be neatly tied, nails has
to be cut, and shoes always has to be polished and No Work Correct In- Information
Procedure correct
according to the hotel color, not using excessive 1 Carry caddy √ Practitioner prepares
accessory and perfume, also wear clean and tidy Carry caddy
2 Toilet bowl √ Practitioner prepares
uniform (Bagyono, 2010). brush Toilet bowl brush
Competency achievement that related to the 3 Dry cloth √ Practitioner prepares
preparation of turn down service is the preparing Dry cloth
4 Glass cloth √ Practitioner prepares
linen indicator. It shows that all interns meet the Glass cloth
demand of indicator which is suitable with the hotel
SOP (Table 2). In table 5, the data show that competency
Tabel 2 :Competency Achievement in the Preparing Linen on achievement is related to preparing Guest Supplies.
Turn Down Service Practice
It describes that all interns perform their practice
No Work Correct In- Information suitable with the standard operational procedure.
Procedure correct However, there are two from eleven indicators that
1 Bath towel √ All interns prepared
bath towel they were not fulfiled it. They didn’t prepare the
2 Hand towel √ All interns prepared door knob menu and orchid flower.
Hand towel Table 5: Competency Achievement in ThePreparing Guest Suplies
3 Face towel √ All interns prepared ofTurn Down Service Practice
Face towel
4 Bathmat √ All interns prepared
No Work Correct In- Information
Procedure correct
1 Bath soap √ All interns prepared Bath
Table 2 show that on the preparing linen phase soap
2 Shampoo √ All interns prepared
all interns prepared the bath, hand, and face towel, Shampoo
also bathmat as the indicators that in accordance 3 Dental kit √ All interns prepared
Dental kit
with the Standard Operating Procedure. 4 Sanitary √ All interns prepared
Competency achievement that related to the bag Sanitary bag
preparation phase of turn down service in the 5 Shower √ All interns prepared
cap Shower cap
indicator of preparing chemical shows the result as 6 Slipper √ All interns prepared
follows: Slipper
Table 3: Competency Achievement in ThePreparing Chemical 7 Door knop √ All interns did not
on Turn Down Service Practice menu prepared door knop menu
8 Orchid √ All interns did not
flower prepared orchid flower
No Work Correct In- Information 9 Guest √ All interns prepared Guest
Procedure correct comment comment
1 Air freshener √ All interns prepared 10 Laundry √ All interns
the Air freshener bag preparedLaundry bag
2 Go getter √ All interns prepared 11 Laundry √ All interns
Go getter list preparedLaundry list
3 Metal Polish √ All interns
preparemetal Polish
4 Multi-Purpose √ All interns prepared The result shows all intern are able to perform
Cleaner Multi-Purpose
turn down service practice in the preparation phase
with the average achievement percentage of very
Table 3 is indicates that competency high. It is because all of the phases are performed in
achievement of preparing chemical indicator is accordance to the hotel SOP. Thus, this condition is
suitable with hotel SOP. This achievement means all in accordance to Bagyono (2010), he said that in
interns prepared Air fresher, go getter, Metal Polish, before performing room cleaning, a room attendant
and Multi-Purpose as one of preparing phase of turn has to prepare a cleaning equipment, a chemical, a
down service practice. supplies/amenities, and a form.
While in table 4, the achievement is related with
preparation of cleaning equipment. It shows that all
interns worked in accordance to the standard
operational procedure. They prepared a carry caddy,

Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 379

3.2.2 Competency Achievement in Process 3.2.3 Competency Achievement in Result

Phase Phase

Competency achievement is related to the Process Table 7 described the competency achievement in
Phase of turn down service practice shows that all relation to the Result Phase of Turn down Service
interns performed the procedural phase in Table 6. practice. It showthat all interns has done the
In this table, the majority of the intern performedthe procedural phase as follows
16 work procedure, however only one indicator that Table7: Competency Achievement of Result Phase in Turn
down service Practice
they failed to achieved. They did not place the door
knob menu and orchid flower because they did not No Work Correct In- Information
preparing two items in preparing phase practice. The Procedure correct
research result shows that in general, all inters are 1 Make Sure the √ All interns
bed has been convinced that the
able and understand the practical process of turn turn down tidy. bed has been turn
down service. In accordance to Darsono (1995) that down tidy
2 Make sure the √ All interns
turn down service is the service that is being given bed cover has convinced that the
to housekeeping for preparing the guest room. Turn been folded and bed cover has been
Down service is performed by room attendant in put in the folded and put in the
wardrobe wardrobe
afternoon shift. 3 Make sure that √ All interns
Table 6: Competency achievement in Process Phase of Turn the guest's convinced that the
Down Service Practice belonging are guest's belonging are
put in the put in the proper
proper place place
No Work Procedure Corre In- Information
ct correct
4 Duration is √ All interns worked in
1 Knock the door, √ All interns knocked the within 10-12 duration is within
introduce themselves door, introduced minutes in 10-12 minutes in
and greeting. themselves and performing turn performing turn
greeting. down service down service
2 Turn on the lamp and √ All interns turned on
clean the trash can the lamp and cleaned

3 Stripping dirty and wet √

the trash can
All interns stripped
Competency in The Process Phase of Turn Down
towel dirty and wet towel Service practice are achieved. It shows that all
4 Move things on the bed √ All interns moved
things on the bed interns performing is in accordance to the standard
5 Fold the bed cover √ All interns folded the operating procedure. They convinced that the bed
tidily and move the bed cover tidily and
pillow moved the pillow has been turned down neatly, the bed cover is tucked
6 Fold top sheet or triple √ All interns folded top
sheet, blanket and sheet sheet or triple sheet,
and put in the wardrobe, all of the guest's belonging
on the side for 90 blanket and sheet on is in proper place so the room looked more tidy.
degrees. the side for 90 degrees.
7 Tidy the pillow back to √ All interns tidied the They performed it within the duration to 10-12
its place pillow back to its place minutes. There are several thing that has to be right
8 Putting door knob menu √ All interns did not out
and orchid flower on door knob menu and after the turn down service: making sure bed has
the bed orchid flower on the
bed been turned down neatly, making sure bed cover is
9 Tidy the things and √ All interns tidied the tucked and put in the wardrobe, making sure all of
move them to its proper things and moved them
place to its proper place the guest's belonging is in proper place so the room
10 put the slipper on top of √ All interns put the
bath mat slipper on top of bath
looked more tidy. Room attendant only has 5-6
mat minutes in performing the turn down service, in
11 Refill all the towel and √ All interns refilled all
bath room supplies that the towel and bath general the result shows that practitioner are capable
has been used room supplies that has and understand the process of turn down service
been used
12 Drying the bathtub with √ All interns dried the practice (Rumekso, 2004).
dry cloth bathtub with dry cloth
13 Cleaning toilet bowl √ All interns cleaned According to the competensy achievement of job
using toilet bowl brush toilet bowl using toilet performance in turn down service practice in
bowl brush
14 dusting the furniture so √ All interns dusted the housekeeping department, the percentage of the
it stays clean furniture so it stays
whole interns reached to 100 %competences. They
15 Re-check and close the √ All interns re-checked were called competent that based on test results by
net curtain and closed the net
curtain internal and external examiners. The results showed
16 Turns off the light √ All interns turned off that of the achievement of the competence were
the light
17 Lock the room and fill √ All interns locked the analyzed from each internc score. Their score
the room attendant room and filled the
report room attendant report reached more than 75 after it was converted to 100
by external and internal examiner. It concluded that

Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 379

the entire interns is declared a competent according Palm, T. (2008). Performant Assessment and Authentic
to hotel SOP. Assessment: A Conceptual Analysis of the Literature.
Partical Assessment, Research & Evaluation. A peer
reviewes electronic journal, 13(4), 1-14.
3.3 Interrater Reliability Test Rofaida, R. (2013). Model Peningkatan Kompetensi
Sumber Daya Manusia Pada Sektor Pariwisata di Kota
The inter raterreability test of the impelemtation of Bandung sebagai Upaya Meningkatkan Daya Saing
competency-based assesmentonjobperformance Sektor Pariwisata. Jurnal Manajemen Bisnis
ofturn down service practicesin Housekeeping Indonesia. 1(1), 1-25.
Department, acquired the averaged of alpha Ross, S., et al. (2012). Involving users in the refinement of
Cronbach score in overall of 0,8962. The Cronbach the competency-based achievement system: An
innovative approach to competency-based assessment.
Alpha scores received is above the minimal
Medical Teacher, 34 (2), 143-147.
reliability of ≥0, 6. Thus, it can be concluded that Saputra. (2015). Pengembangan Instrumen Assesmen
competency-based assessment on job performance Kinerja Praktikum Pada Materi Asam Basa. Jurnal
of turn down service in Housekeeping Department Pendidikan Dan Pembelajaran Kimia, 4(1), 70-82.
has good reliability. Sukmadinata, N.S. (2005). Metode Penelitian Pendidikan.
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Thomas, G., and Murat, H. (2007). Housekeeping
Manager and The Administration of Housekeeping
4 CONCLUSIONS Service. International Journal of Hospitality &
Tourism Administration, 9(4), 365-383.
Competency-based assessment model on job
performance of indutrial practice which is
implemented in housekeeping department includes
the preparatory stage, processes and results
according to s hotel standard operating procedures.
Assessment stage referring to a job performance of
turn down service practice in housekeeping
department that implemented by an internal and
external examiner show the ccompetency
achievement is in accordance with hotel
performance standards. All the internswas expressed
as a competent. This model possessing good
qualities that have been analyzed from the results of
the interrater reliability test with a value of
Cronbach alpha is0.8962.The result of this research
can be used as a reference in provision andactuation
of the industrial practice in housekeeping

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