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Good morning teachers and classmates.

Are you ready for group 6?

Today we are going to learn about HOW PLANTS
Do you know how plants grow?
It all starts with a tiny seed.
Myesha: A seed from a fruit is planted in soil.
When a seed gets water and warmth something
magical happens.
It becomes a seedling. It begins to grow roots.
The roots of the plants grow down down down
into the soil. It holds the growing seedlings in
Soon after the stem reaches up up up towards
the sky.
The young seedlings grow leaves that catch the
sunlight it needs. Almost like magic, the plant
starts to make it own food. It is now an adult

As the days pass the plant gets bigger and

Rayver: bigger and guess what? Pretty flowers will start
to grow.

The pretty flowers will turn into yummy fruits.

Gizelle: Inside the fruits are seeds from which new
plants will grow. Isn’t that amazing?

But take note, some plants can grow from

branches or from their other parts.

All: Thank you for listening!

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