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The design of transformer includes determination of its main dimensions namely the
overall width and height based on the geometry of windows, distance between limbs
and diameter of circumscribing circle for various types of core. Design also includes
design of yoke, core and winding. Estimation of no load current, iron and copper losses
facilitate the temperature rise calculations based on which cooling systems are
designed. Calculation of resistances and leakage reactances are used for the
determination of the efficiency and regulation.


At the end of this study scholars would understand among other things how to
1. Determine output equation relating output with machine dimensions
2. Determine overall dimensions
3. Estimate quantities such as no load current, iron losses, resistance and leakage
reactance and so on

The design of the transformer starts from the output equation based on the
specifications and other parameters of the transformer. The different variables and
parameters are interrelated and they have a nonlinear relationship with the
performance of the machine. Taking all these into consideration, the design has to be
done to give best performance. For a particular application, several sets of design need
to be carried out to find the optimum one.

Output Equation of Single-phase Transformer

The kVA rating of a single-phase transformer is given as follows:



The voltage induced in a transformer winding is given as follows:

f – frequency (Hz), ɸm – Flux (Wb), T – number of turns, x – can be p or s, denoting
primary or secondary

Output Equation of Single-phase Transformer (Core-type)

The cross-section of a 1ɸ core-type transformer is shown in Fig. 1. The arrangement
of the winding is shown in Fig. 2.

Fig. 1 Cross-section of 1ɸ core-type transformer

Fig. 2 Winding arrangement of 1ɸ core-type transformer

The output of the transformer in kVA is related to its main dimensions. Hence, the
output can be determined in terms of area of core/iron (Ai), area of window (Aw) and
window space factor (Kw). Hence, the following steps are followed.

In case of single-phase transformers, there is one primary and secondary winding. Half
of primary and half of secondary are placed on one limb and the other half of each of
the winding is placed on the other limb. Each limb has half of the primary and
secondary windings as shown in Fig. 2. Hence, the total copper area in window is given
as follows:

Assuming same current density, δ in both primary and secondary windings, we also


Substituting Eqs. (5) and (6) in Eq. (4), we get

Assuming, TpIp = TsIs = AT (8)
where AT is the magnetic mmf.
Substituting Eq. (8) in Eq. (7), we get

But the ratio of copper area (Ac) in window to the total window area (Aw) is window
space factor, which is given by


Equating, Eqs. (9) and (10), we get

From Eq. (2a),


Substituting TpIp= AT from Eq. (8) in Eq. (13), we get

Substituting Eq. (3.12) in the above equation, we get

Substituting Ep/Tp from Eq. (3.3) in the above equation, we get

Substituting ɸm = Bm (maximum flux density) × Ai (area of core or area of iron) in the
above equation, we get

Equation 16 is the output equation of a single-phase core-type transformer and it
relates the output kVA rating to its dimensions and parameters.

Output equation of single-phase Transformer (shell-type)

The cross-section of the core of 1ɸ shell-type transformer is shown in Fig. 3. The
arrangement of winding is shown in Fig. 4.

Fig. 3 Cross--section of 1ɸ shell--type transformer

Fig. 4 Winding arrangement of 1ɸ shell-type transformer

Here, both the windings are wound over the central limb and so each window has all
the primary and secondary windings.
Hence, the total copper area in the window is given by

The aforementioned equation is same as Eqs. (9) and (11) and so the output equation
for a 1ɸ shell-type transformer is same as the output equation of 1ɸ core-type
transformer and is given by

The above equation is the output equation of a single-phase shell-type transformer.

Output Equation of Three-phase Transformer

The kVA rating of a three-phase transformer is given by



where p – primary, V, E – voltage, s – secondary, I – current.

Output Equation of Three-phase Transformer (Core-type)

The cross-section of a 3ɸ core-type transformer is shown in Fig. 5. The arrangement
of winding is shown in Fig. 6.

Fig 5 Cross-section of 3ɸ core-type transformer

Fig. 6 Winding arrangement of 3ɸ core-type transformer

Each limb carries both the primary and secondary windings of one phase. So, in each
window, there are two primary and two secondary windings. There are two windows,
and in each window, the total copper area in the window is given by

Following the same steps as used in the derivation of output equation of single-phase
transformer, substituting Eq. (3.6) in Eq.(3.19), we get

Substituting Eq. (8) in Eq. (20), we get

Similarly, equating Eqs. (21) and (11), we get

From Eq. (18a),

Substituting Eq. (3.14) in the above equation, we get

Substituting Eq. (8) in Eq. (23), we get

Substituting Eq. (22) in the above equation, we get

Substituting Ep/Tp from Eq. (3.3) in the above equation, we get

Substituting ɸ m = Bm (maximum flux density) × Ai (area of core) in Eq. (3.24), we get

Equation (25) is the output equation of a three-phase core-type transformer.

Output Equation of Three-phase Transformer (Shell-type)

The cross-section of a 3ɸ shell-type transformer is shown in Fig. 7. The arrangement
of winding is shown in Fig. 8. This transformer has six windows and each window
carries LV and HV windings of one phase only. Copper area in each window is given


Fig. 7 Cross-section of 3ɸ shell-type transformer

Fig 8 Winding arrangements of 3ɸ shell-type transformer

Following the same steps as used in the derivation of output equation of single-phase
transformer, substituting Eq. (6) in Eq. (19), we get

Substituting Eq. (8) in Eq. (20), we get


From Eqn. (18a),

Substituting Eqn. (14) in the above equation, we get

Substituting Eqn. (8) in Eq. (30), we get

Substituting Eq. (22) in the above equation, we get

Substituting Ep/Tp from Eq. (3) in the above equation, we get

Substitution φm = Bm (maximum flux density) × Ai (area of core) in Eq. (31), we get

The above equation is the output equation of a three-phase shell-type transformer.

Volt Per Turn of Winding

The rating of a transformer per phase is given as

Here, the term, ɸ m is called the magnetic loading and AT is called electric loading.
The magnetic loading, ɸ m = BmAi gives a measure of cross-section of iron core. As the
magnetic loading increases, the flux density Bm and hence the core loss increases
which reduces the efficiency of operation.
Similarly, the electric loading AT gives a measure of the cross-section of the winding.
Increase in electric loading increases the number of turns, resistance and hence
results in increased copper losses reducing the efficiency.
So, higher values of ɸm and AT will only reduce the efficiency of the transformer. For
economical design of transformer, the ratio of ɸm and AT is maintained constant, which
depends on the type of the transformer

The ratio, (34)
Substituting Eq. (34) in Eq. (33), we get

Now, Volt per turn of winding is given by

Here, x and hence K are constants. Their value depends on type, construction and
service conditions. Table 1 gives the various values of K for different types of
Table 1 Values of K for various types of transformers

Choice of Flux Density
The output equation and the emf equation indicate that the choice of flux density Bm
affects the core area Ai. Higher flux density reduces the core area. This will reduce the
diameter of the circumscribing circle, thereby reducing the length of mean turn of
winding. Thus, there will be a huge saving in the cost of copper and iron. But, a higher
flux density, while saving copper and iron, will also result in increased magnetizing
current leading to saturation, increased iron losses requiring elaborate cooling
arrangements. The choice of Bm also depends on the type and service conditions of
the transformer. It has already been pointed out that a distribution transformer should
be designed for lower iron losses giving good all day efficiency. Hence, for distribution
transformers, a comparatively lower flux density is assumed. The permissible values
of Bm for various types of transformers are given in Table 2. The variation depends on
the rating of the transformer as well, higher values for higher rating.

Table 2 Values of flux density for various types of transformers

Choice of Current Density

The choice of specific electric loading, i.e., the current density (δ), will affect the
transformer dimensions and efficiency. A higher value of current density will result in
smaller dimensions of transformer. But with increased electric loading heating, losses
and hence efficiency decreases. Higher value of current density will result in excessive
temperature rise, resulting in damage in insulation due to local heating. Even with
improved methods of cooling and with well-ventilated winding, the choice of current
density is limited by the local heating.

The type of transformer also affects the choice of current density as the requirement
of copper and iron losses is different for power and distribution transformers. Table 3.6

gives the range of permissible values of current density for different types of

Table 3 Values of current density for various types of transformers

Flowchart for Overall Design of Transformer

As noted earlier, for a particular application, several sets of design need to be carried
out to find the optimum one. Hence, many iterations and parameter changes have to
be done. They can be easily done with the help of digital computers. Hence, computers
have become an integral part of the design process of electrical machines. Computer
programmes for the design of transformers are mostly based on the following flowchart
as shown in Fig. 7 below.

Fig 7. Flowchart for overall design procedure

Rajini, V and Nagarajan, V.S., 2018. Electrical machine design. Uttar Pradesh:
Rajput, R. K., 2012. Basic electrical and electronics engineering, 2nd ed. New Delhi:
University Science Press
Sawhney, A.K and Chakrabarti, A., 2006. A course in electrical machine design, 6th ed.
Nai Sarak: Dhanpat Rai


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