Lecture04 Atmthermo

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Exercise questions Primary source for entire notes of this document is the book by Curry & Webster

• What is the virtual temperature correction for moist air at 35 °C that has a
mixing ratio of 20 g/kg? Mixing ratio is defined as the ratio of mass of water
vapor to mass of dry air…

Exercise questions

• Find the lapse in an adiabatic atmosphere which is dry?

Exercise questions
• Hot air balloons used for sightseeing
attain volumes of 2800 m3. Typical gross
weight of such a balloon flight is 600 kg.

• If the ground temperature is 28 °C, the

lapse rate is zero, and the balloon is in
hydrostatic equilibrium at an altitude of
900 hPa,

• What is the temperature of the air inside

the balloon?

Exercise questions

• The 1000- to 500-hPa thickness is predicted to increase from 5280 to 5460 m

at a given station. Assuming that the lapse rate remains constant, what
change in surface temperature would you predict?

• R* = 8.3145 J/kg/mol
• Avogadro’s no. = 6.022 x 1023 molecules/mol
• molecular weight of dry air, Md = 28.97 g/mol
• Gas constant for dry air, Rd = 287 J/K/kg
• Gas constant for water vapor, Rv = 461 J/K/kg
• Cp = 1004 J/K/kg
• Cv = 717 J/K/kg
• Dry adiabatic lapse rate = 9.8 x 10-3 K/m
• Density of air at sea level = 1.25 kg/m3
• Density of water at 0oC = 1000 kg/m3

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